Emails Phrase Bank

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MacMillan insert in Italian magazine

Transcript of Emails Phrase Bank

  • Phrase bank indexBasics


    Writing styles


    Complaints and apologies



    Aw*w.macmillanenglish.c."'/it"ly MACMILLAN










    Common acquaintdce

    Askins fot in{orMtion

    Dear Mr/Msrtr{s DupuisDed Maiy

    Hi MaryMary, . . . (ot no roru at aU)

    Thank you for your enall of . . .wiih reference rc your emil senr [date], ..-I apologize for not getting in

    conracr with you befoie now

    Thants for yolr emil.Re youi ldr emaiL, -.-So.ry I haven'r written fo! ages,

    bur I'!e been realb bsy.

    Your name ws siven ro me by . . . I sor you name frcm . . .

    \Ye are writing ro inform you dlar ...

    I am wridng in connection with . . .In .ep1y to your email, herc are .. .

    JNr a short note to let you know

    Here's the ... you wmted.

    l'nr Mlrins ro let you know dnt . . .Ve ate able to conlirm that ...We would like to point out that ...You will be plemed to heat drat . . .ve regret to infom you thar ...


  • www.nacnilanendish.cony'itrlyAMACMILLAN

    Checking understanding

    Asking {or clarification

    Did you get ny Lsr emil sem on . . .1Sony, you forgot to attach tl'e fib. Cm you send it asain?1 sor your enail, bur I cart open rhe anachnent.Did you mean ro seDd rhisi I don't wanr to open the artachmeDt in case itt got

    I'n not sure what you mean by this. Colld you cl,trify?Which... do you meanlSorry,l don't undentmd this point- Can you explain in more detaillAre you sure about tharl

    Sorry, what I meant wm ..., nor ...I thoushr ..., but I may be'11 check and get back to you.The corect infomation is siven below. Please amod you records accordiryLy.Son], forget ny 1Nt efrai1. You're rishr.

    I hope tl's cldifi$ dre siruadon.Ger back io me if thert anythins else.

    Negotiating with external partnersAsking for in{omation

    Asking {or a suggestion

    Making a suSeestion

    Negotiating: being fim

    Negotiating: being fl exible

    Nesotiatingr agreiry


    Wlur ar your usual chatges (feeshates) io a jol Like ths?Can you sive me some more infomation about . . . iDo you thinl you couLd . . . IWould you be able to . . . ?

    My nain concem aL this stage is ...The main rhins lor ne is ...

    How do vou drink we should deal with lhislW1lat do you think is the best way foNardl

    Vhar alolr if we . . . l

    t undersrmd what you're saying about ..., (but ...)l car see {hat rou're sayins lbout ..., (but ...)I world be prepared to ... (if you ...)I an wiiling to . -. (ifyo(...)Okay, l'n happy widi that for lowThar's fine. Ler's go ahead on that bass.

    I look fona to workins wLth you.l'n sony that we couldn't use your sewices this tihe, but I hole there will be

    another opportuniry.

  • ArrangementsMeetings


    Suegesting tindplace

    AMACMIII-AN *--.-*uttanenglish.cony'italy


    Could we neer on ldayl ar [tine]? H@ abour ldayl at lrine]lAa rou {iee sometime ndt week?

    I'm writing to armnge a lime foi our meeting-

    'ivhat time would be convenient for youl

    Jst a quick note to anange a time

    VlEn would suit you?

    I would be able to attend dre neeting onThusdav momins.

    I'n out of the office until 2pm.Any tine after that world be fine.Unfortunately I cant mana8e next Monday.

    I'n fiee Thmday am.

    I vort be mnd mtil after lunchADy tic aftq rtrat is olay,Sorry, (fut make it ndt Mdday-

    Thatk fne. I will calVenail you comonowro mnfim the details.

    Thuiday is sood for ltre.That should be okay. I'11 ger back

    to you if t\eret a problen-

    Thir is to 1er you know that I will not be ableto aftmd dre nee ng ndt Thusday.

    I wonder if we could move lt to . .. ?I apolosi?e fo! any inconvenlence caused.

    Re ou meting nexr week,$DT but I can't make Thwsday.

    How about... idreadlSorry for the inconvenience.


    I look {oNdd to rneeting yor in Bruseh.Let ne ltuw ifvou need to chenge Give me a call ifrnydri.e chanses.

    I wolld like ro invlte you lo atrend ...Your prerence at ... wlll be very ueirl.Please let me know if you are able to attend.

    I'm wriring to inviE you ro . . .It would be great to see you drere.Please let me know if you cd

    Before the neting it would be usefui if . .It would be helpful lf you could bring . . .

    Pleme ... before the meeting.PLease bring to the neering . . -

    Thank you foi you kind inviration.The date you slggest is 6ne.I would be delighted to attend lhe neetins.

    Thanks a lot for dE invitadon.The date's 6ne {or ne.l'd love to come to rhe neeting.

    Retusiry Thanl you for your kind invitadon.Unfortunaely, I have modtr appointment

    in my schedule on thar day.

    I hope we will have the opporruniry to meeton nnother occasion in the neai futue.

    I am sue rhe neettrs will be s giear succe$

    Thsnls a 1or for you kind bvirarirn.Unforrunately, I have omething

    else on that day. Fleoe accept

    I hope we cm meet up soon-

    Good luck wirh the meeting.

    Phrase bank

  • rxww.macnillanenslish.coditalyAMACMTLT"AN

    \l\l rt' 11 t[ii tili H $lrl"\,,'f ,rilllil


    r-Jd;malpairsi:11i lde mcaning)


    -ltiDs for a.mniion

    Offe.ils helr

    Makins a sugesrioo

    Thank you for your cmail of 1 2 Feb.

    I rvould be gratetul if you could ...We regrer ro advise you rhat . . .Please accepr our apolosies for ...I was wonderine if you could . . .\7e note fron our records that you have not . .We rould like to remild you rhat is nece$a.y for ne to . . .It is lossible that I will ...Would you lile me to ...lHowevet,...,4n addirion, ... ,rfterefore, ...If you require rnr funhei inFormarion.

    please do not he5itate to.ontact me.I look foruard to necting you next week.

    Thanls for the emaiL.Re ...

    I'm sorry to telL you that . . .

    I nishr ...Shall L..lBut, ... /Also, ... /So, ...Ifyou'd like hore details,

    asstancei due to/hqure/inf orm/nrfonnationoccu!arion/po$e$/provide/receivehe!arrequesrhequrenents/r erLli

    helprbecause oiask/tellfacts

    Polite and diplonati.

    Couid you lossibLy ... ?I sas Nondeiine if lou couLd ...1

    lsirokayill...lCould L.. a

    Vouid u be a problem for you ifI...lI wonder ifl couLd ...1

    Clan l ..1Shrlll .. .1

    VoulJ you like me to . lDo you necd ,ny help with ...1

    \Vhar about ... (+ -ins)lShrll wc . ..1 Perhaps we shouli ...1

    Ir will be very expensive.

    That sn'es us very lide rime.I rhhl ,tls betrei to asl Liyu.

    There seens to he m issue with thc. k\ norhins

    I'm sonn but it lools iile there will be a smll delay.It nishr be quire etpensile.Vont it be a bu expensivel

    I'n not sure we can do that.Actually, rhar doesnt give us nuch rime.Vouldn'r Lt be benc ro ask Liyu?I can see whai youle sayins, but ...Donl you rhink drar ...1To be honest, I rhink ir nisht be better io . . .


    Phrase bank 91

  • MMACMILLAN **,,.-*,/italy

    t\", nr ut'tr titt 'tt ul P''r: ii orit I

    Request for information (customer)How you got thc contacr

    Highlighting key points

    Answering qdestiors

    Ve net lasiThunda-r or y.ur stard ar tlie \4uich Tade FairI Hm eNailiigyou ri. yolr websire, *hich I tounJ d\roush Goosle

    We are a maufactuerAqpLietprovder oa ... We are iffercstcd in . .\Ve iie a I'olish comp.ny erlortng m rhe rest ol dre EU, and irc nceLl

    Yeuo,llb L 'r l, . '. , 1o'

    Please send us inft,rmatDn aboutyour lrR)duci nnge and fricc:

    ]n p.ricul.r, we Nould like ro know ...lleasc stnd detaiis of your priccs, {lscounrs, terns oa rr\ drent dJ J I n .i1 ti'!esClould you dls. sal {heiherthcre,s any mininlm orJe.l

    Giving in{ormation (supplier)Tha*s

    An e:tly replyrvorltl bc gre.tlr eppre.irrcJI loh iorw:rrd to an carlr retly, end an surc rhut thete is a narkcr tr.l.u producrs

    'I'hank you lor your cmail of 4lune inquidns rbout...

    \le can quore rou , of...We can shif by . . . U:aclThe goods wiLL be shippcrlwrthin thrce.1a-vs c,fr hm orderVe can ofkr a discount of i0/. on.rders oler5000Wpreq,rFi.)r ,,r'. nr , ; l"'e o. 1.Our normaL proccdurc i$ n, ...Ou nolmal tc,ms nr{i6t-rWe catr nrpFly the iten$ rou reqlire dtrccrlt srock.

    'n ,,, h !" o, -nr l,., gi ,r a"l 'I am attachinJr ou cunent cataloeue atul price lisi a a pdf fiLc

    You will see rhir ou ltrr ol... is c'r reciai offer rishr no\r'.This nondr se are offering a specill deal on ...

    \fe car neet aLlrorrneeds. Our exFrience !r ihisfield,l$ ..We ship ihe goods v,rhin 24 hours ofa finn orde\.n! for firi{trne cusromcrs

    ou minimum o cr ii $2,000.t am sory blt tlut modclis no Lonser availablc I-kNe\ er.

    CIose May 1$ggesrthat t caLl lou ar you convcnien.e to di:cu!! rh nattei lurdlerllfrou nccd anr further informarion, Flcasc J. not hesirare ro conta.r me. Mi direcr

    92 Phrase bank

  • wwwmacmillmenelish.con /italvAMACMILT"AN

    Iollowing up a call (supplier)Op""




    Thank you for yolr calL dris nonins, and for explainir4 your needs so clearly.I rndentand 1'ou are Imking for . . . and I am confident we can find a good solution

    Clari{ying issues (customer)

    As aereed, I'11 give you a call in a day or two after you've had a chance to readPerhaps it would be a good idea to nee. in peson ro discus . . l

    ln ihe meantine, if you wouLd like to discuss any odrer points, Plerse don't hesiratetocall me on mv direct line, eiven below

    Thank vou for sendins... . we aie inreresred in... . Howeler, therc aie oneor rwothings we would like to clalfi beforc going ahead.

    I have attached sonc infomldon lbout our comlany, includins . .I have anached a list of some of our ciien$, which include [names of comPanies]

    Do you give any discount for large orders?lf we pay 50% in advmce, can we pay the rest after 60 daysl\X/e need the$e ircms by . . . ar rhe Latest.

    If we can reach an asreenem on $ese nattes we are sure thlt we can do norebusiness wirh you in the lirture-

    We look fosard to hearine hom you soon.

    Thank you for your email of... inquirins about ! po$ible order for.-. .

    In relation ro ..., we wouLd be happr to 1et you have ...I have spoken to ny line oanager, and we are able to . . . on this occasion

    Agreeing terms (supplier)

    With resr: to . . . , unfonunarely we ue not able to . . . . However, I an sure we canfind dn acceptable compronise.

    \I/c aie happl' to give you ... if you ...

    Ve -ou1d be gratef"l il yo" could supply bank referenccs.

    Please comrlete and retum the attached form so that your order can be proceseds i$out any delay.

    Please note tha ve have rccenrly improved the tunctionaliry of oui website, and it snow possible ro place an order online.

    I qill give you anorher calL later in the week to checL drat everydrne is satisfactoryVe look foNard to receiving you order, and asure you ir will have ou prompt

    If 1nu need any irrrher informarion, do not hesrtare ro contacr me.

    Phrase bank 93

  • MMACM ILLAN **-.---ilt""

    Making an order (customer)Open


    Con{irming an orderOpen

    Thanl you for youL rcccnt enail, and sc lccept you qrcrarionOui comlLeied order n)m is atraclied, and se have instLuctcrl our b:rnk ro open a

    PLease acknorvledge receipt ofthis order

    (supplier)Your oller has becn rcccivcrl.We can confim rhat yout goods havc beer shipPedIhe ro exceprion,l denand rhesc itens are renFora.ilr out.lisio.k Wch.te to

    he able to ship your order wlthnr ... days. Wc r ill ktcF rou full-r innrrned andapoLosilefor lnr inconvenience this mal cauie

    We aLe confident that you rvili be rery slrisfied $trh rhe eods ShoulJ drere lt anrquestrns,lLeme do nothcsitare io coniict me, emaii or Lrhone

    Asking for payment (supplier)We are ivriring regardiq a payment ol12,600 for in.oice numbcrKJ6TE. Ths is

    nowovcrdue. Acopy olthc invoi.e is attacheJAccodins to our iecords. rhe sum of4,500 s snll oursranding on t.ur lccounr.

    l'lcasc srnd the money by banL naroler to rnle dre accornr, orsile enexplanarnrnof whv the balaDce is still outstandine

    lf you favc already deaLt with this mrtier, flease Jisresard ths emailWe Noukl arfreciare your cootcution in dealingNith dris marrer.5 sDn s

    On Idatell vrotc ro rou recardins lou. comrd-!! unpaid account, anounrine t.l4,500. Mavwc please remind you rhar thn anount I srlll ,nntanding.

    I sish ro dras your rtrcntn,n Lo my uer ous ernail of Idarel abur the overduefaymeni on rou...counr. We are ren concemed that the nanerha: notreceived your atrcnr1on.

    We need ablnl tiansfer in f LlsertLenenr \ifiour rufthe.Jel,tCLearln rhis situatn)n cdnot be alLo\cJ to conmue. oJ \e muw ukyou ro rake

    iDDediatc lctbn to serrLe you account.lf you h avc an! questions, do nor hcsitdre N conracr ne Thank rou nrr vour

    lollowingny emails ofLdaicsll nun Drbm lou th.t se have still not ieceivedp,yment for rbe ourst.ndins surn of4,t00.

    I ruote ro you on [dates] r cer.Jins rhe balance of12,600 on your account lrttrch copies of borh enails ThG sum is now two months overdue We a.e !er)."n. r -Jrr

    "r 'l'r ", F, h.. n . ,n.r'.J , ,, rq,Unless we receive paymcnr q ithin seven d.ys, we shall ha1'e no akemarive btr to

    tahe legal action ro rccover t1t moncyln the neaniime, rour cxilting ciedlt facilities have bccn suspended

    s4 Phse bank

  • www.nncmillanenglish.con/italy M]LLANAI\{AC

    ... in connecrion with nr ordcr FS690 which arrivcd this norning.

    ... to complanr about the quality ofa Foduct I bouchr from youi websire.

    . . . ro compLair .boui the pd.r sen,ice N receivcd frcn your comlanl.. t. draw lour.ttcntion to fie nesarile airitude of si)me mernbers of your team

    Our order dated 16 Septcmbcr clearly srared that we vinred 600 rtens. Hoivlcr you

    The goods were farlty/dam.sed/in poor condition.There seems lo be !n eror in fie invoicc.The equipmcnt I ordered hN sriLl not bcen deLivered, despiie my lhonc c.l1 to you

    Iast s'ec'l nr srr that it is needed urgcntly.The prorluct l received was {eLL beLov the standetd I expecred.Tr mrke nntte$ wose, when I callcd yot conpany your staff {'cre rude and

    Pleasc rephce the lauLty goods as soon as possihle.\I/e musr iNisr on an immediate replocenent/fuLl refund.Unless we receive ilie eoods by thc endofrhis ireek, ive willhavcno.hoce bur to

    I hope rou wilL dcll vith this ditter pronpdy as it is crusnrg c.nsideiable

    I am sriting in reLaridr to your rcccnt cdmpliint.

    I iras vcry conccmed to lcrn rbout ... Please accept my sincere aFolosics.I roulllikc to rpologrc for the inconvenience caused.

    \Ye apre.iire thar.tis has caused you conside.ablc in.onvenien.e, lut we cannotlcceptanr iesponsibilirv in rhis ouner.

    To conpcnsute fo the inconvcnie ce, we Nould Like ro oilbr yor . . .

    We uill rnd refLecement item^end rhe missine goodteive yor a rclirnd lmmcJiatcll.I need lo looL inro rhis. Please leave ii ivirh me and I'Ll ect back ro rou iomonorvI hare tooked into the mrner and . . .t have spoken to die stai{ involved, and ...Wele haviLig a tempoFry probLeLn $'ith . . . \ eie d.ingeleryfting ro sorr

    Apologting (supplier)

    Close Thark vou for brinsins thls nuttcr to ni\r lttention.Once again,l hoFc yor will acccrt mr apbgies lor rhe inconvenience caused.I can asurc yor thrt this uill ndt hapen egain.I verl nrch hopc you u'illcontinue to use ourseNices in rhe furuc.If vou havc any funher questrrrs, pleme do not liesnate to contact ne on my rllrect

    ili, rr:l rn gl tl'i l ri m filtri] id lt'll {l,.tr ffi il,:} ffi il,{) ffi il lI* tii'

    Complaining (customer)or"n


    Phhse bank 95

  • AMACMIII-AN **"..*-ithnenslish.cony'italy

    illD,f* ll"ltl,,r'* tt'tt,CIt il

    Opening and closing: some examplesSory I haven't bee. in rouch. Really

    busy wirh all kinds of sruiL

    Thank you so much for rhe wonderfulpresent. ftt exactly.har l wantc,lHow did 1'ou lorowl

    I'vejlst lerd youi enail.l'm so soi4 rohear abour what happened.

    Rerlly sorry, but I cant make it at theweekend. Such a sharne became Iws Looking foi{aid ro it.

    Anyway, thart all for nor: Are you onSLypelLet\fix r dne ro char.

    Thanls asain for the sifr, dnd sive nyvery besr wishcs lo your famiLr.

    Yor know you can count on me if youneed any support.l'llcrll rou at thereekenJ to see how iiings are.

    Sory asain I cant come. Bui let\ neetup soon anyway. What about goingro see thrt new Ans l-ee molie?

    Ir seems thadAparentty

    U nf oriunately/LncliilyTo bc honest/lfyou ask meBasically/Ar rhe end ol rhe day

    I'd like your advice about a prohlen I have Theret somcthins on my mi.d.

    I wns wondeiins ifyou had any ides. What should I dolAnl idelsl

    I would ,ppieciate it if you could contacr mero discuss rhis natter fufthei

    llease ler ne knos $'hat you rhink.You can enail, orsive me a caLl.

    Giving advice


    Giving advice

    I {'as $ry to hear about your cunent l'm rcalnnr yodle havins suchahlrd tine at the moment

    I think it nighi be a soodHave you thought of ... \Vlur abour. . (+ rng)l(* -'"c)l

    I thinh rhis option would be preferubie to . . I think ii: bener fim ...

    Being friendly: linking words at the start o{ a sentenceYou heatd something, but are not sue

    obvious or already known

    What you reatly thinkMost important thing about a situationChansinq the subject, or r.turnin8 to it

    Asking {or advice



    I hnpe L harc b.en, f 'orne


    Phrase bank