Email Marketing Best Practices Report

Email Marketing Personalization Best Practices Report Key Findings Deck Publication Date: 5/2011 1



Transcript of Email Marketing Best Practices Report

Page 1: Email Marketing Best Practices Report


Email Marketing Personalization Best

Practices Report

Key Findings DeckPublication Date: 5/2011

Page 2: Email Marketing Best Practices Report


What’s In This Deck?

೦ Insights and Best Practices from Top Performers– Top 3 reasons Top Performers use email marketing

personalization– Top 3 tactics Top Performers use to outperform peers with

email marketing personalization initiatives– Most common challenge Top Performers face with email

marketing personalization– Top 5 Performance Metrics Top Performers use to measure

the success of email marketing personalization initiatives

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Reasons to Implement

೦ Its affordable/fits my budget

೦ Allows me to respond to market changes quickly/efficiently

೦ Our customers want/like email contact with us

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೦ Test and measure everything possible (creative, opens, clicks, conversions)

೦ Build targeting capabilities in and around the email

೦ Use email suppression and periodic list scrubbing

Value Drivers

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೦ Finding time/resources to develop more personalized copy and creative

೦ Data cleansing/keeping customer information up to date

೦ Conduction multivariate testing


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೦ Open Rate೦ Clickthrough rate೦ Conversions೦ Delivery rate೦ Forwards

Performance Metrics

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