Email Marketing Best Practices and Measurement



Some best practices in email marketing and how to measure a successful email program. Includes campaign tagging, building trended analysis, and email reputation troubleshooting. Email segmentation mentioned briefly as a best practice.

Transcript of Email Marketing Best Practices and Measurement

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Boot Camp: Week 3

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What We’ll Cover• Email best practices

• Timing• Content• Opts

• Key metrics and calculations

• PTTP• Set-up• Measurement• Reputation

• Homework

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Email: Best Practices

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Best practices in email

Did you know?

• 90% of all emails opened are opened within the first 72 hours.

• The tenure of a person on your email list has a direct correlation with open and click rates*:• Open rates:

• 0 to 30 days: 20.8% open rate• 60 to 90 days: 20.8% open rate• 270 to 360 days: 19.2% open rate

• Click rates:• 0 to 30 days: 8.2% click rate• 60 to 90 days: 4.7% click rate• 270 to 360 days: 4.8% click rate

• This indicates that most open activity will remain steady early in the tenure of the relationship, but click activity wanes after 60 days.

*on low-segmented email campaigns, from Marketing Sherpa 2007 Email Lab Study

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Introduction to your brand

Strong Welcome = ROI

• Your welcome email is your first impression on a new enrollee.• Open rates are almost 3 times higher

than other email communications• Click rates are over 4 times higher than

other email communications

• Additionally, real-time welcomes are significantly more profitable than “bulk” or “batch” welcome emails:• Real-time welcomes have over 2x the

revenue per email when an offer is included

• Real-time welcomes are almost 8x more revenue per email than bulk welcomes with an offer, and 4x more revenue without an offer

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Keeping email simple

Less clutter = higher clicks

• Click through rates decline dramatically based upon how many calls to action are within the email.*• One call to action: 56% click rate• Two calls to action: 38% click rate• Three calls to action: 5% click rate• Four calls to action: 2% click rate• 5+ calls to action: 1% click rate

• How many actions or links are in your average newsletter or offer communication?

*Source: NextStage Evolution, February 2008

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Know your KPI’s

Key metrics and calculations for emailAbuse Complaint Positive Interaction Rate (PIR)Number of Abuse complaints for the domain (SPAM complaints) Click throughs minus opt outs, divided by click throughs

Click-Through Rate (CTR) Received Rate(Total Received for Domain / Total Received for the Mailing) X 100

Received TotalBounced Total (Total Sent - Total Bounced)Number of bounced mailing to the domain

Sent TotalBounced Rate Number of mailings sent to recipients(Number Bounced for Domain/Total Sent for domain) X 100

Sent RateDelivery Rate (Number Sent to Domain / Total Sent for the Mailing) X 100

Soft Bounce

Hard Bounce

Total BouncesHTML Open Rate Hard and soft bounce totals combined.Number of Unique HTML Opens divided by Total Emails Delivered.

Total Messages DeliveredInteraction Rate Total messages sent minus both hard bounces and soft bounces.Click throughs divided by opened results

Unique Click ThroughsMail Block

Number of Mail Blocks for the domain

Mailing Restriction Unique HTML OpensNumber of Mail Restrictions for the domain Number of Unique individuals who opened the email message.

Open RateEmails Opened divided by Emails Sent

Positive Communication Rate (PCR)Opened emails minus opt outs, divided by opened results

Number of email recipients who selected a link in the email divided by total emails delivered.

Emails Delivered divided by Emails sent. Or (Emails Sent - Bouncebacks)/Emails Sent.

Undelivered mailings due to an invalid address as per the mail server. Occurs when the bounceback is caused by a permanent error such as an invalid email address, bad domain, etc.

Undelivered mailings due to reasons other than invalid address. Occurs when the bounceback is cause by a temporary issue such as when a mailbox is full, "out of office" notifications are being sent, the recipient's mail server is down, etc.

Number of Unique individuals who selected a link in the email. Clicks on individual links may differ from unique clicks as a Single user can click on multiple links, multiple times.

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EMAIL METRICSThree things to know

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Know how to measure• Incoming web traffic• Trends• Reputation issues

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Email Set-Up

• Any links in your email that you want to track on your website must be properly tagged.

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Google URL Builder• Required. Use utm_source to identify a search engine, newsletter name, or other source.

Example: utm_source=google Campaign Medium (utm_medium)

• Required. Use utm_medium to identify a medium such as email or cost-per- click. Example: utm_medium=cpc Campaign Term (utm_term)

• Used for paid search. Use utm_term to note the keywords for this ad. Example: utm_term=running+shoes Campaign Content (utm_content)

• Used for A/B testing and content-targeted ads. Use utm_content to differentiate ads or links that point to the same URL.

Examples: utm_content=logolink or utm_content=textlink Campaign Name (utm_campaign)

• Used for keyword analysis. Use utm_campaign to identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign. Example: utm_campaign=spring_sale


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Email reporting / analysis

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Email Reporting / Analysis• Process: Get the data and go look at it

• Tool: Varies by client… usually either:• Mail Chimp• Silverpop• Unica Campaign• ExactTarget• Neolane

• Technique: Examine standard email metrics and look at trends for similar email types.• This is especially important for email campaign reports – do not look at

them in a vacuum!

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Campaign View Only is IncompleteSubject Line: A Special Offer - 2nd TestDelivery Date/Time: 5/4/2011 11:25

Overall StatsTotal Recipients: 83Successful Deliveries: 82Bounces: 1 (1.2%)Times Forwarded: 0Forwarded Opens: 0Recipients Who Opened: 16 (19.5%)Total Opens: 30Last Open Date: 7/19/11 8:06AMRecipients Who Clicked: 5 (6.1%)Total Clicks: 5Last Click Date: 5/5/11 8:42AMTotal Unsubs: 0Total Abuse Complaints: 0Times Liked on Facebook: 0

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Trends Give Context and Insight















Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10

Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10

SENT 800 981 1669 1948 1444 1565 1311 1729 2126 2541 1770 1739

Open Rate 53.64% 55.73% 51.19% 42.76% 42.79% 42.78% 44.95% 44.26% 41.57% 41.30% 38.93% 43.51%

Click Rate 9.38% 5.99% 6.81% 1.68% 0.78% 2.56% 4.55% 5.86% 2.00% 0.32% 4.14% 3.43%

INTERACTIon RATE 17.5% 10.7% 13.3% 3.9% 1.8% 6.0% 10.1% 13.2% 4.8% 0.8% 10.6% 7.9%

Email Summary 2010

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And help identify opportunities

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Email troubleshooting

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Reputation Score

• If you did all of your QA on the email prior to the blast, and you’re getting bad results, it’s probably something to do with your brand’s email reputation.

• This is normal for:• New ESP’s• First time blasts• Cadence too high• List rental / acquisition

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Sender Score

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Mx blacklist supertool

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