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Transcript of EM211061-

  • 7/28/2019 EM211061-


    Manufacturers of Custom Fluid Systems

    Pascal Wall Mount Unit


  • 7/28/2019 EM211061-


    P A S C A L S Y S T E M S

    Operation and Maintenance Manual

  • 7/28/2019 EM211061-


    O & M M A N U A L


    Safety is of the utmost concern to all persons involved with thissystem. Careful review of this section is highly recommended.

    he safety of personnel and preservation of equipment is the prime concernduring installation, testing, operation and maintenance of this equipment. Thissafety section is as an addition to established safety procedures and practices inplace at this equipments final destination. These safety precautions are meant

    as suggestions only. Pascal Systems is not responsible or liable for personnel safety or




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    O & M M A N U A L

    Normal operations of hydraulic systems are at temperatures at

    and below levels to cause discomfort on unprotected skin.There are conditions at which the fluid and surfaces will be

    above 138F that will cause burns to unprotected skin. Extreme caution and safetyclothing should be used while in contact with these surfaces.

    The majority of hydraulic systems use an electric motor as theprime mover. This system may also include switches, solenoidsand/or motor starters running at high voltages. These high

    voltages are at lethal levels. All electrical power must be disconnected anytimemaintenance is performed on this unit. Only qualified electricians should maintain theelectrical system of this unit.

    This unit must not be exposed to an explosive atmosphere.

    Hydraulic fluid is flammable. Other debris in this area may beflammable as well. There should be no smoking or other formsof ignition in and around the location of this unit.

    H d li i h hi h i h

    C A U T I O N S

    High Temperature

    C A U T I O N S

    Electrical Shock

    C A U T I O N S

    Explosion Area

    C A U T I O N S

    No Smoking,

    Flammable Area

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    Since these units are used in diverse environments, this sectionprovides helpful tips for the operation of this unit. This is not acomprehensive operation procedure.

    ualified personnel are required for the proper installation and operation ofthis unit and associated systems. This section is not meant to be a step-by-step procedure to guide unqualified personnel through this process. If indoubt, qualified electrical and mechanical personnel should be utilized forthese requirements.




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    Working Fluid

    The correct fluid is critical to the proper operation of any fluid power system. This

    unit is only compatible with standard mineral based hydraulic fluid. The fluid mustalso be compatible with the fluid in the main hydraulic system or the fluid in thehydraulic actuator on the Tyco Knife Gate Valve. Poor performance may be causedby improper fluid type. Below are some suggested fluid manufacturers:

    Ambient Temperature Range ISO Grade Hydraulic Fluid Manufacturers Examples

    -20F* to 80F 32Chevron Rykon 32Shell Tellus Premium 32Mobil DTE 24

    10F to 100F 46Chevron Rykon 46Shell Tellus Premium 46Mobil DTE 25

    40F to 120F 68Chevron Rykon 68Shell Tellus Premium 68Mobil DTE 26

    All these fluids are compatible with each other. Phosphate Ester or water glycol fluidsare not acceptable for this power unit. Synthetic oils are acceptable as long as they arecompatible with the above mentioned brands of oil.

    Fluid Level

    l d l l l h f h l ll A h l

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    Fill the Pascal Portable Unit though the filler-breather cap. Simply remove the cap by

    twisting and add fluid as needed.

    Operating the Pascal Wall Unit with Valve Control

    This Pascal Wall Unit is rated to run on 380/3/50 VAC power. This unit does nothave a plug it is to be supplied by others.

    The unit must be wired to a suitable power supply. Specific requirements are shown inthe electrical schematics in the last section of this manual.

    Filler-Breather Cap

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    The schematics provide a road map to the performancecharacteristics of this unit.

    his section details in table and drawing form how this unit left the factory.

    This is an excellent section for referral back to original settings if settings ofthis unit get changed. This section includes hydraulic and electrical schematics(as applicable). The other useful document is a copy of the actual test report.

    This is the actual test data recorded on this unit prior to shipping.




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