Elysium Web Services 2010

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  • 8/8/2019 Elysium Web Services 2010


    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]

    Abstract Web Services2010 - 2011

    01A Promotion Mechanism for Scalable Stealth DHT

    Most Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) inherently assume interconnecting nodes with homogeneous capabilities. Realistically however,

    capabilities of nodes on a network widely vary, leading traditional DHTs to inevitably exhibit poor performance in real-world

    environments. Stealth DHT was previously proposed to address node heterogeneity by enabling a DHT to separate highly capable

    (super-peers or service) nodes from less capable (stealth) nodes. Stealth DHTs are considered robust and flexible due to the way they

    organize nodes on the network. However, it is difficult to overprovision the number of service nodes to support unexpected increase

    in user requests in the networks. Unlike traditional DHTs therefore, Stealth DHTs cannot guarantee network scalability. In this paper,

    we address this problem by proposing a simple promotion mechanism to extend Stealth DHT to use stealth nodes as back-up

    resources that it can use when the network is overloaded. We define promotion of stealth nodes as the act of enabling stealth nodes

    execute some or all of the operations of service nodes. Experiments results show that the proposed promotion mechanism can

    offload significant proportion of network load.

    02 A Model-driven Approach to SKOS Implementation

    Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) has been recently adopted by the W3C as a standard to support the representation,

    use and interoperability of different types of structured controlled vocabularies, such as thesauri, taxonomies or classification

    schemes. In this paper, we propose a model driven approach for the design and implementation of software tools allowing the

    creation, management and sharing of knowledge organization systems described using SKOS. This approach is based on the

    definition of meta models for SKOS and for traditional controlled vocabularies, as well as on transformations between different meta

    models. We present the SKOS engine we have prototyped as well as its use for developing thesauri and glossaries

    03 A Map-Reduce System with an Alternate API for Multi-Core Environments

    Map-reduce framework has received a significant attention and is being used for programming both large-scale clusters and multi-

    core systems. While the high productivity aspect of map-reduce has been well accepted, it is not clear if the API results in efficient

    implementations for different subclasses of data-intensive applications. In this paper, we present a system MATE (Map-reduce with an

    AlternaTE API), that provides a high-level, but distinct API. Particularly, our API includes a programmer-managed reduction object,

    which results in lower memory requirements at runtime for many data intensive applications. MATE implements this API on top of the

    Phoenix system, a multi-core map-reduce implementation from Stanford. We evaluate our system using three data mining

    applications and compare its performance to that of both Phoenix and Hadoop. Our results show that for all the three applications,

    MATE outperforms Phoenix and Hadoop. Despite achieving good scalability, MATE also maintains the easy-to-use API of map reduce.

    Overall, we argue that, our approach, which is based on the generalized reduction structure, provides an alternate high level API,

    leading to more efficient and scalable implementations.

  • 8/8/2019 Elysium Web Services 2010


    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]

    04 A Highly Decoupled Front-end Framework for High Trafficked Web Applications

    Web applications are becoming more feature rich and ever more ubiquitous, while trying to address the needs of millions of users.

    Server-side scalability and performance are a serious matter as farms are unceasingly expanding for high growth sites. User Interface

    designers are looking for novel approaches to stimulate user engagement which results in more advanced and feature-rich clients.

    Remaining competitive requires companies to constantly push and release new features along with overall UI redesigns. The

    evolution of the web paradigm requires architectural changes that use models that will increase the flexibility and address the scaling

    problems in terms of performance, development process and demanding product requirements. This paper presents a web

    architectural design that decouples several layers of a web application, while delegating all presentation related routines to the client.

    To address organizational concerns in the design, client-side layers have been highly decoupled resulting with a well defined, natural

    responsibility for each of them: structure - HTML, layout - CSS, behavior - JavaScript. The server exclusively produces data that is

    sent to the client and then mapped to the HTML templates taking advantage of interpreting data structure (presence of items,

    detecting sets of data, manual operations) for constructing result view to the user. The data produced by the server is client-

    independent enabling reuse of the server API by several clients. Overall, the strong responsibilities of identified layers allow

    parallelizing the development process and reduce operational friction between teams. The server-side part of the frontend framework

    is designed with the novel Printer-Controller-Abstraction (PCA) that was constructed as a variation of the Presentation-Abstraction-

    Controller (PAC) architectural pattern. The design keeps the high flexibility of the graph of controllers and introduces additional

    concepts like response caching and reuse and allows easy changes of the input and output formats

    05 A Global knowledge for Information Retrieval in P2P Networks

    In traditional P2P networks, such as Gnutella, peers propagate query messages towards the resource holders by flooding them

    through the network. However, it is a costly operation since it consumes node and link resources excessively, which are often

    unnecessarily. There is no reason, for example, for a peer to receive a query message if the peer has no matching resource or is not

    on the path to a peer holding a matching resource. However, how to quickly discover the right resource in a l arge-scale P2P network

    without generating too much network traffic and with minimum possible time remain highly challenging. In this paper, we propose a

    new peer-to-peer (P2P) search method aiming at exploiting data mining concepts (Decision Tree) to improve search performance for

    information retrieval in P2P network. We use a PDMS system, which aims to combine a Super-Peer (SP) based network with the

    capability of managing a data model attached to the peers in the form of relational, xml, or object schemes. Each SP is connected to a

    Global-Knowledge-Super-Peer (GKSP) that operates with an index (decision tree), to predict the relevant domains (super peers), toanswer a given query. Compared with a super peer based approach, our proposal architectures show the effect of the data mining

    with better performance with respect to response time, number of messages, precision and recall.

    06 A Collaborative Decision Support Platform for Product Release Definition

    In this paper, we propose a collaborative decision support platform that supports the product manager in defining the contents of a product

    release. The platform allows interactive and collaborative decision making by facilitating the exchange of information about product features

    among individual autonomous stakeholders, providing reputation-enhanced collaboration, ensuring a positive collaboration atmosphere by

    avoiding public stakeholder ratings and reconciling individual goals with group decisions

  • 8/8/2019 Elysium Web Services 2010


    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]

    07A Bi-Criteria Algorithm for Scheduling Parallel Task Graphs on Clusters

    Applications structured as parallel task graphs exhibit both data and task parallelism, and arise in many domains. Scheduling these

    applications on parallel platforms has been a long-standing challenge. In the case of a single homogeneous cluster, most of the

    existing algorithms focus on the reduction of the application completion time (makespan). But in presence of resource managers

    such as batch schedulers and due to accentuated pressure on energy concerns, the produced schedules also have to be efficient in

    terms of resource usage. In this paper we propose a novel bi-criteria algorithm, called biCPA, able to optimize these two performance

    metrics either simultaneously or separately. Using simulation over a wide range of experimental scenarios, we find that biCPA leads

    to better results than previously published algorithms.

    08 Adaptive Scheduling for Staged Applications:The Case of Multiple Processing Units

    Staged design has been introduced as a programming paradigm to implement high performance Internet services that avoids the

    pitfalls related to conventional concurrency models. However, this design presents challenges concerning resource allocation to the

    individual stages, which have different demands that change during execution. On the other hand, processing resources have been

    shown to form the bottleneck in a variety of Internet-based applications. For this reason, parallel processing hardware techniques

    have been employed in order to cope with the massive concurrency and the increasing demands for performance aspects in these

    applications. Recently, the rise of multi-core technology introduces a hierarchic parallelism in modern server machines that has to be

    considered when allocating processing units in order to improve the utilization of these resources. This paper, introduces an adaptive

    policy to allocate processing units in Internet services that are based on the staged architecture. The proposed approach takes the

    hierarchic parallelism in account and adapts the resources assigned to the individual stages dynamically based on the observed

    demand of each stage using a feedback loop. Simulation results demonstrate that our approach achieves a competitive system

    throughput, avoids overhead that is associated with parallel processing, and successfully adapts resource allocation to dynamic

    changes in workload characteristics.

    09 A Web Service Architecture for VoIP Services

    Integrating voice / video communication into business processes can accelerate resolution time, reduce mistakes, and establish a full

    audit-trail of the interactions. Some VoIP service providers offer website based or plugin based solutions, which are, however,

    difficult to integrate with other applications. A promising approach to overcome these disadvantages is the development of

    appropriate Web Services to allow applications interacting with a VoIP system. We propose a generic framework for VoIP applications

    consisting of an XML-based service specification language and a set of reusable Web Service components. Service providers using

    the proposed service-oriented architecture can offer to their customers a protocol-neutral Web Service interface, thus enabling the

    deployment of a general and integrated VoIP solution.

  • 8/8/2019 Elysium Web Services 2010


    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]

    10 A Thin-Server Runtime Platform for CompositeWeb Applications

    Mashups propose a lightweight integration of applications by combining distributed web resources. Their development is aided by a

    number of visual tools and platforms. However, they all imply a server-side mashup execution. Since data, application logic, and UI

    can all be provided as a service, we argue that the client can be the ideal integration platform for such applications. In this paper we

    highlight challenges and requirements of such a thin-server composition and execution system and propose a corresponding

    architectural concept to integrate back-end as well as front-end services of a composite application within the browser. We further

    present an implementation of our concept and validate its practicability by means of a sample application.

    11 A System for Evaluation of Arabic Root Extractor Methods

    In this article, we present a new application that evaluated the performance of a number of the Arabic root extraction methods. The

    implemented methods in this system are selected according to a previous classification, where these methods are classified into five

    categories. We have selected a method for each category. These methods are: Light Stemmer, Arabic Stemming without a root

    dictionary, MT-based Arabic Stemmer, N-gram based on similarity coefficient and N-gram based on dissimilarity coefficient. This

    evaluation was conducted on the same terms in a corpus of two thousand words and their roots. These words are taken from Arabic

    dictionary "Lesan Al-Arab". This application has allowed us to have a first original comparison between the evaluated methods. This

    system works in two ways: normal and automatic

    12 A Solution Model and Tool for Supporting the Negotiation of Security Decisions in E-Business Collaborations

    Sharing, comparing and negotiating security related actions and requirements across businesses has always been a complicated

    matter. Issues arise due to semantic gaps, disparity in security documentation and formats, and incomplete security-related

    information during negotiations, to say the least. As collaborations amongst e-businesses in particular increase, there is a growing,

    implicit need to address these issues and ease companies deliberations on security. Our research has investigated this topic in

    substantial detail, and in this paper we present a novel solution model and tool for supporting businesses through these tasks. Initial

    evaluation results and feedback from interviewed security professionals affirm the use and suitability of our proposals in supporting

    the security actions negotiation process

    13 A Secure and Legal Network-aware P2P VoD System

    File sharing applications using Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks such as Bittorrent or eDonkey rapidly attracted a lot of people and proved

    the efficiency and interest of this P2P technology. Distribution of video and of live contents also experienced the P2P mechanisms

    with success. PPLive, UUSee and others have many of customers, hundreds of channels and thousands of concurrent users.

    However, major content providers are reluctant to use this technology because no solution to ensure the distribution of only legal

    contents is provided. In the same way, network operators do not really push towards P2P content distribution because bad

    organization of the overlay can lead to overload the network and consume a lot of networks resources. In this paper, a secure and

    legal network-aware P2P video system is introduced, which aims at overcoming those two drawbacks. The design of the system and

    the evaluation of a prototype showed good results and let us be optimistic about a possible deployment of P2P systems for video

    delivery, having the support of content providers as well as network operators.

  • 8/8/2019 Elysium Web Services 2010


    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]

    14 A Representation of B2B Interacting Actions

    In the era of Internet-based services, companies increasingly use Web technologies to interact. To automate electronic exchanges

    between businesses, the classical approach it to define beforehand a common interacting protocol that must be strictly followed at

    runtime. This imposes a costly design time and a constrained runtime. Our goal is to propose an intermediary multi-agent platform

    that allows partners directly engaging in business-to-business (B2B) exchanges without needing to ensure their respective

    information systems (IS) interoperability. To reach this goal, autonomous agents must be able to understand the meaning of all

    exchanged business messages as well as to interpret on-thefly their potential impact on the overall business transaction. Thus in this

    paper we propose a commitment-based representation which defines the sending of business messages by actions with

    preconditions and effects according to the enterprises' IS. This representation allows monitoring B2B interactions in term of both

    choreographies requirements and business commitments

    15 Application Layer Traffic Optimization in the eMule System

    Application Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) tends to reduce cross-network traffic that P2P software generates via guiding peers to

    connect to near sources and download from them when there are many sources available in network. The previous researches about

    ALTO were mostly carried on BitTorrent. The famous and popular P2P software, eMule, was neglected in ALTO studies. EMule is quite

    different from BitTorrent in various aspects. In this paper, we study how to integrate ALTO mechanism into the eMule system. Three

    methods are proposed, and one of them is studied in detail with simulation experiments. Experiment results show that the ALTO

    mechanism can decrease average download time and cross-network traffic at the same time. The drawback of the mechanism is also

    discovered, i.e., it introduces unfairness in download time for peers far away from the seed.

    16 Analysis and Evaluation of Two Security Services in SOA

    Secure access to information for any business is a fundamental need. In the service-oriented environment due to loose coupling of

    services and applications, and their functions across enterprise boundaries, provisioning security becomes more critical. Therefore

    required authorization by an authenticated identity and applying confidentiality techniques which ordinarily are gained via encryption,

    are essential for structured implementations according to service oriented architecture principles. This paper tends to analyse and

    evaluate two security services, authorization and confidentiality for service-oriented architecture. Based on the scenarios it

    introduces service-oriented architecture Security Reference Model and analyses how to apply the authorization and confidentiality

    services. The paper describes use of a set of reusable business assets in form of three service-oriented architecture foundation


    17 An Ontology for Musical Performances Analysis

    Performance analysis is a common issue in the musical field, especially for instrument teachers and musicologists. That is why we

    present in this paper an ontology (technical aspect) and a descriptive model (pragmatic aspect) to allow music teachers and students

    to create semantic annotation on musical performances. As such, we start by studying recorded piano lessons and analyze the

    required concepts and roles. We then propose a general performance description model based on these lessons and detail how

    musicology rules can be used to automatically infer new information on a given piece. Lastly, we discuss the integration of our work

    to an e-learning web-based collaborative platform for musical education

  • 8/8/2019 Elysium Web Services 2010


    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]

    18 An MPI-Stream Hybrid Programming Model for Computational Clusters

    The MPI programming model hides network type and topology from developers, but also allows them to seamlessly distribute a

    computational job across multiple cores in both an intra and inter node fashion. This provides for high locality performance when the

    cores are either on the same node or on nodes closely connected by the same network type. The streaming model splits a

    computational job into a linear chain of decoupled units. This decoupling allows the placement of job units on optimal nodes

    according to network topology. Furthermore, the links between these units can be of varying protocols when the application is

    distributed across a heterogeneous network. In this paper we study how to integrate the MPI and Stream programming models in

    order to exploit network locality and topology. We present a hybrid MPI-Stream framework that aims to take advantage of each

    models strengths. We test our framework with a financial application. This application simulates an electronic market for a single

    financial instrument. A stream of buy and sell orders is fed into a price matching engine. The matching engine creates a stream of

    order confirmations, trade confirmations, and quotes based on its attempts to match buyers with sellers. Our results show that the

    hybrid MPI-Stream fram work can deliver a 32% performance improvement at certain order transmission rates.

    19 An Iterative Approach for the Reverse Engineering of Rich Internet Application User Interfaces

    Comprehending and modeling the behavior of user interfaces exposed by Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) are important activit ies in

    software maintenance, testing, and evolution. This paper presents an agile process for the reverse engineering of Rich Internet

    Application User Interfaces: the process is based on dynamic analysis of the application, is iterative and exploits heuristic clustering

    criteria for reducing the data gathered by dynamic analysis. Moreover, it is based on the continuous validation feedback of the

    process executor, and allows the incremental reconstruction of a Finite State Machine for modeling the behavior of RIA GUIs. This

    approach is supported by CReRIA, an integrated reverse engineering environment that provides automatic facilities for executing the

    process and incrementally recovering the FSM model. A preliminary experiment involving the analysis of three real Web applications

    showed the feasibility of the approach, and highlighted interesting advantages of using the agility in reverse engineering processes.

    20An Investigation of the use of Overlay Networks in Developing Scalable and Reliable Information Sharing


    Previous work on addressing the problems of scalability and limited autonomy of data sources arising from the semantic

    heterogeneity of peer schema has proposed a layered model/approach of ontology integration consisting of peer and coalition

    ontology and the mapping between them. In particular, the integration model for achieving semantic interoperability in Data and

    Knowledge Systems (DAKS) is accompanied by an agent-based operational model devised to support reliable and scalable

    operations for information sharing in the highly distributed and decentralised environment of P2P networks. Our current work

    augments the multi-agent system (MAS) design with Web Services technology and a service-oriented architecture (SOA) that

    provides loosely coupled and reusable components to encapsulate the semantically discrete functionality of the multilayer ontology

    integration model. A simple exemplar permitting P2P validation checks to be performed on JPEG- 2000 image metadata is described.

    21An Improved Structured and Progressive Electronic Dictionary for the Arabic Language: iSPEDAL

    In this article, we propose an improved structured and progressive electronic dictionary for the Arabic language (iSPEDAL) which can

    be presented in the form of a relational database or in the form of an XML document which can be easily exploitable using suitable

    query languages. Indeed, many Arabic dictionaries are found but are not structured and not directly exploitable since they are in flat

    textual files form. iSPEDAL doesnt contain any duplicated data (roots, prefixes, suffixes, the infixes, the patterns and the derived

    words). Moreover, for a given word, it provides links to its root, to their associated affixes, and to its patterns. iSPEDAL is supplied

    automatically from one or several traditional textual dictionaries and is enriched permanently with any Arabic textual corpus using

  • 8/8/2019 Elysium Web Services 2010


    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]

    system that we built. This system is composed of a Parser, a Selector, a Classifier, an Extractor, a Comparator, an Analyzer, and a

    Validator. The Parser allows the transformation of a textual source (dictionary or textual corpus) into a set of words. The Selector

    determines if a word is new or already exists in iSPEDAL. The Classifier allows to classify a given word and to add it to iSPEDAL as a

    root or as a derived word. The Extractor uses the Arabic extraction method to deduce the root of all words arriving to this component

    without their root or any indication about their root. The Comparator permits to avoid duplication of roots, affixes or patterns in

    iSPEDAL. The Analyzer allows the extraction of the affixes and the pattern from a derived word and of its root. The Validator can

    validate the information (word, root, patterns, and affixes) before adding to iSPEDAL database. This dictionary can be used to

    evaluate the information extraction methods from an Arabic document, given that; the vocabulary of the Arabic language is

    essentially built from the roots.

    22 An evaluation of the benefits of fine-grained value-based scheduling on general purpose clusters

    General purpose compute clusters fulfill a prominent role in a wide range of organizations to deliver the necessary computational

    power for their processes. In order to manage the shared use of such clusters, scheduling policies are installed to determine if and

    when the jobs submitted to the cluster are executed. Value-based scheduling policies differ from other policies in that they allow

    users to communicate the value of their computation to the scheduling mechanism. The design of market mechanisms whereby users

    are able to bid for resources in a fine-grained manner has proven to be an attractive means to implement such policies. In the clearing

    phase of the mechanism, supply and demand for resources are matched in pursuit of a value-maximizing job schedule and resource

    prices are dynamically adjusted to the level of excess demand in the system. Despite their success in simulations and research

    literature, such fine-grained value-based scheduling policies have been rarely used in practice as they are often considered too

    fragile, too onerous for end-users to work with, and difficult to implement. A coarse-grained form of value-based scheduling that

    mitigates aforementioned disadvantages involves the installation of a priority queuing system with fixed costs per queue. At present,

    it is however unclear to which extent a fine-grained form of value-based scheduling through auctions can outperform such a priority

    queueing system. Using workload traces of a general purpose cluster, we indicate under which conditions this is the case and

    quantify the resulting efficiency gains.

    23 An Effective Architecture for Automated Appliance Management System Applying Ontology-Based Cloud Discovery

    Cloud computing is a computing paradigm which allows access of computing elements and storages on-demand over the Internet.

    Virtual Appliances, pre-configured, ready to- run applications are emerging as a breakthrough technology to solve the complexities of

    service deployment on Cloud infrastructure. However, an automated approach to deploy required appliances on the most suitable

    Cloud infrastructure is neglected by previous works which is the focus of this work. In this paper, we propose an effective

    architecture using ontology-based discovery to provide QoS aware deployment of appliances on Cloud service providers. In addition,

    we test our approach on a case study and the result shows the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed work.

    24 An Effective and High-quality Query RelaxationSolution on the Deep Web

    because the amount of information contained on the Deep Web is much larger than the surface web, how to use it well has become a

    popular problem to research. When a query is sent to a deep web resource and the data sources return few results or even no result,

    a proper query relaxation solution should be adopted to get more satisfactory results to users. In this paper, such a query relaxation

    solution is presented. First, it solves the problem of relaxing attributes which contain multiple key words by value. That is, such

    attributes are not simply removed in the relaxation, but the query values of the attributes are modified. Second, when a data source

    returns many result pages, instead of getting all the pages, it evaluates the quality of the results in the current page to decide whether

    to send another query to fetch the next page. Thus, the number of query times is reduced. Finally, the experimental results

    demonstrate that both the result quality and the query efficiency are improved

  • 8/8/2019 Elysium Web Services 2010


    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]

    25 An Analysis of Traces from a Production Map Reduce Cluster

    Map Reduce is a programming paradigm for parallel processing that is increasingly being used for data-intensive applications in

    cloud computing environments. An understanding of the characteristics of workloads running in Map Reduce environments benefits

    both the service providers in the cloud and users: the service provider can use this knowledge to make better scheduling decisions,

    while the user can learn what aspects of their jobs impact performance. This paper analyzes 10-months of Map Reduce logs from the

    M45 supercomputing cluster which Yahoo! made freely available to select universities for academic research. We characterize

    resource utilization patterns, job patterns, and sources of failures. We use an instance-based learning technique that exploits

    temporal locality to predict job completion times from historical data and identify potential performance problems in our dataset

    26 An Adaptive Data Prefetcher for High-Performance Processors

    While computing speed continues increasing rapidly, data-access technology is lagging behind. Data-access delay, not the processor

    speed, becomes the leading performance bottleneck of high-end/high-performance computing. Prefetching is an effective solution to

    masking the gap between computing speed and data-access speed. Existing works of prefetching, however, are very conservative in

    general, due to the computing power consumption concern of the past. They suffer in effectiveness especially when applications'

    access pattern changes. In this study, we propose an Algorithm-level Feedback-controlled Adaptive (AFA) data prefetcher to address

    these issues. The AFA prefetcher is based on the Data-Access History Cache, a hardware structure that is specifically designed for

    data prefetching. It provides an algorithm-level adaptation and is capable of dynamically adapting to appropriate prefetching

    algorithms at runtime. We have conducted extensive simulation testing with SimpleScalar simulator to validate the design and to

    illustrate the performance gain. The simulation results show that AFA prefetcher is effective and achieves considerable IPC

    (Instructions Per Cycle) improvement in average

    27 AIMO Translator: Bridging the Gap Between Semantic Web Service Discovery and Composition

    Semantic Web Service discovery and Semantic Web Service composition can be considered as complementary techniques.

    Overcoming both those obstacles is the key to automatic generation of executable Semantic Web Services process. In this paper, we

    propose a translator to realize the AIMO framework which is based on an AI-planning based approach called HTN-DL and Web Service

    Modeling Ontology (WSMO) that provides Semantic Web Service discovery and composition. The AIMO Translator is proposed to

    translate each WSMO elements into corresponding elements of HTNDL. Moreover, the proposed translator has been implemented and

    tested and the result shows that the AIMO Translator is performing well and usable

  • 8/8/2019 Elysium Web Services 2010


    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]

    28 AGORA Framework for Service Discovery and Resource Allocation

    Integration of Web Services and agent technology is still a problem which needs to be solved. Several different approaches have

    been proposed and demonstrated, however the proposed solutions mainly targeted to translation of different standards. We believe

    that the main problem is not translation of standards, but usage of different standards together. In this paper we explore an approach

    to achieve interoperation of agents and Web services. Instead of performing translation we propose a framework which focuses on

    using different kind services (including Web Services) and agents together. Our proposed framework supports well known standards

    and is able to support future changes. By virtue of this work we try to solve three different problems, firstly we provide a solution

    which unifies different standards, secondly we propose an agent framework which is capable to adopt to changes and evolve in open

    environment and lastly we adopt a peer-to-peer service discovery and invocation in our framework. Our agent framework is general

    enough to adopt to different problems and the existing implementation of our framework can be extended/overridden without need to

    change the core concepts. As a proof of concept we carry out a case study in the area of mobilr collaborative learning.

    29Distributed Aspect-Oriented Service Composition for Business Compliance Governance with Public Service


    Service-Oriented Architecture offers a technical foundation for Enterprise Application Integration and business collaboration through

    service-based business components. With increasing process outsourcing and cloud computing, enterprises need process-level

    integration and collaboration (process-oriented) to quickly launch new business processes for new customers and products.

    However, business processes that cross organisations compliance regulation boundaries are still unaddressed. We introduce a

    distributed aspect-oriented service composition approach, which enables multiple process clients hot plugging their business

    compliance models (business rules, fault handling policy, and execution monitor) to BPEL business processes.

    30 Detecting Unauthorized Modification of HTTP Communication with Steganography

    HTTP does not secure its requests and responses. Using Man-in-the-Middle attack, it is possible to alter the HTTP communication,

    while it still would look authentic. This can be a problem, if you download data such as PGP key, TOR client, access banking services

    on-line, or when there is an interest to filter what you can read on the Internet. It should be noted that under particular circumstances,

    it is possible to attack HTTPS secured communication successfully. This paper proposes a steganography scheme that can be used

    to detect unauthorized modifications of HTTP communication.

    31 Designing Accelerator-Based Distributed Systems for High Performance

    Multi-core processors with accelerators are becoming commodity components for high-performance computing at scale. While

    accelerator-based processors have been studied in some detail, the design and management of clusters based on these processors

    have not received the same focus. In this paper, we present an exploration of four design and resource management alternatives,

    which can be used on large scale asymmetric clusters with accelerators. Moreover, we adapt the popular MapReduce programming

    model to our proposed configurations. We enhance MapReduce with new dynamic data streaming and workload scheduling

    capabilities, which enable application writers to use asymmetric acceleratorbased clusters without being concerned with the

    capabilities of individual components. We present an evaluation of the presented designs in a physical setting and show that our

    designs can provide significant performance advantages. Compared to a standard static MapReduce design, we achieve 62.5%,

    73.1%, and 82.2% performance improvement using accelerators with limited general-purpose resources, well-provisioned shared

    general-purpose resources, and well-provisioned dedicated general-purpose resources, respectively

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    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]

    32 Design of a Framework for Automated Service Mashup Creation and Execution Based on Semantic Reasoning

    Instead of building self-contained silos, applications are being broken down in independent structures able to offer a scoped service

    using open communication standards and encoding. Nowadays there is no automatic environment for the construction of new

    mashups from these reusable services. At the same time the designer of the mashup needs to establish the actual locations for

    deployment of the different components. This paper introduces the development of a framework focusing on the dynamic creation

    and execution of service mashups. By enriching the available building blocks with semantic descriptions, new service mashups are

    automatically composed through the use of planning algorithms. The composed mashups are automatically deployed on the available

    resources making optimal use of bandwidth, storage and computing power of the network and server elements. The system is

    extended with dynamic recovery from resource and network failures. This enrichment of business components and services with

    semantics, reasoning, and distributed deployment is demonstrated by means of an e-shop use case.

    33 Context-Aware Service Discovery and Adaptation Based on Semantic Matchmaking

    Service discovery and adaptation are two relevant paradigms in systems developed by assembling reusable software services

    accessed through their public interfaces. On one hand, the discovery process aims at discovering the most suitable services for a

    request. On the other hand, the adaptation process solves, as automatically as possible, mismatch cases which may be given at the

    different interoperability levels among interfaces by generating a mediating adaptor based on an adaptation contract. In this paper,

    we present an approach which takes advantage of context-awareness features and semantic-based mechanisms to discover services

    and adapt themselves to their environments.

    34 Context-Aware Interaction Models in Cross-Organizational Processes

    Rigidly pre-planned business processes are applied in the field of production planning and product development to coordinate the

    collaboration of single enterprises. Each step in these workflows is precisely scheduled, accounting for external constraints such as

    availability of material, delivery dates, and efficiency of humans and machines. However, finally all these steps are performed, or at

    least controlled, by humans and it is likely that in human-operated environments failures happen, and misunderstandings require

    adaptations and adhoc interference to avoid delays in workflow executions. In this paper, we discuss the role of human interaction

    support in traditional process-oriented environments, and present new approaches to dynamic involvement and interactions with

    collaboration partners. We highlight a typical use case where human experts are flexibly involved in certain steps of workflows that

    assist single tasks owners to solve emerging problems. In our approach, experts are discovered based on dynamically changing

    contextual constraints, such as problem areas and required expertise, and we enable their fast involvement by using Web 2.0

    communication facilities

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    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]

    35Context-aware Campaigns in Social Networks

    Services have become increasingly important in todays Web-based applications. Users can access services in an anytime, anywhere

    manner using a wide variety of mobile devices. Mobile services are a key driver in todays telecommunication market, even though

    the potential of mobile services has not been fully exploited in existing telecommunication systems. A main driver in these markets

    are contextaware services to build intuitive services for mobile handsets. One success factor is to support a broad range of handsets

    available on the market and making the services contextaware by obtaining contextual information. Context may be derived from

    information obtained from the handset most prominently location information. In this work, we present a mobile marketing platform

    enabling the advertisement of services in mobile markets. Advertisements and offerings need to be customized based on user

    preferences. We propose a recommendation approach of services based on social-network properties and human provided services.

    Our contributions are the Woodapples platform offering a set of APIs for creating mobile campaigns and an approach for managing

    social and service network structures in a unified manner

    36ConnectX-2 InfiniBand Management Queues: First Investigation of the New Support for Network Offloaded

    Collective Operations

    This paper introduces the newly developed Infini-Band (IB) Management Queue capability, used by the Host Channel Adapter (HCA)

    to manage network task data flow dependancies, and progress the communications associated with such flows. These tasks include

    sends, receives, and the newly supported wait task, and are scheduled by the HCA based on a data dependency description provided

    by the user. This functionality is supported by the ConnectX-2 HCA, and provides the means for delegating collective communication

    management and progress to the HCA, also known as collective communication offload. This provides a means for overlapping

    collective communications managed by the HCA and computation on the Central Processing Unit (CPU), thus making it possible to

    reduce the impact of system noise on parallel applications using collective operations. This paper further describes how this new

    capability can be used to implement scalable Message Passing Interface (MPI) collective operations, describing the high level details

    of how this new capability is used to implement the MPI Barrier collective operation, focusing on the latency sensitive performance

    aspects of this new capability. This paper concludes with small scale benchmark experiments comparing implementations of the

    barrier collective operation, using the new network offload capabilities, with established point-to-point based implementations ofthese same algorithms, which manage the data flow using the central processing unit. These early results demonstrate the promise

    this new capability provides to improve the scalability of high performance applications using collective communications. The latency

    of the HCA based implementation of the barrier is similar to that of the best performing point-to-point based implementation managed

    by the central processing unit, starting to outperform these as the number of processes involved in the collective operation


    37 Casual Multi-user Web Collaboration by Lowering Communication Barriers

    Our goal is to support casual communication between users on the Web by lowering the various barriers --- community,

    psychological, and awareness --- that impede smooth communication on the Web. Our prototype system enables communication

    over the entire Web space (beyond Web community services), real-time semi-active communication, and mutual visualization ofusers. In an informal evaluation, the seven participants reacted mostly positively to the concept and expressed interest in using such

    a system.

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    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]

    38 Cache Mechanism in P2P Streaming Media System

    Providing streaming media service over the Internet is challenging. Since this requires high communication bandwidth for delivery.

    How to avoid the bottleneck of the streaming media service with the use of P2P system has become a hotspot. In this paper, we

    review the existing caching management and propose a novel cache allocation fit for P2P streaming media system. Our approach

    allows the system to retain many copies of popular videos to avoid creating hot spots and at the same time, prevent unpopular videos

    from being quickly evicted from the system.

    39 BPEL2DENEB: Translation of BPEL Processes to Executable High-level Petri Nets

    The use of the Service-Oriented Architecture paradigm (SOA) as an architectural model together with the use of Web services

    technologies have spread out widely in the world of business processes. The Business Execution Language, BPEL, represents one of

    the most common orchestration languages used to build SOA compositions. Using BPEL, a business process can be constructed

    integrating different Web services in the same process flow. However, BPEL is rather static and several approaches have been

    proposed in order to allow translating it to a set of different formalisms, being Petri nets one of the most extended. The main lack of

    these translations is that the result is also static and normally it is used merely to analyze, verify and study some behavioral and

    structural properties of the corresponding processes. In this work, we present the translation of BPEL processes to executable High-

    level Petri nets. The resulting nets are much more expressive and keep the original semantics and behavior than the original BPEL

    process. Moreover, these nets can not only be analyzed, but also executed directly by using the result as input in the DENEB platform

    for the development and execution of dynamic Web processes

    40 BlueLearn: Low-Cost Interactive Learning System

    In this paper, we describe BlueLearn, an interactive, location-aware learning environment, which can be utilized with minimum

    hardware investment from the learners side. The system is an extension and an application of the BlueInfo automatic helpdesk

    system we have demonstrated earlier. We outline a system that extends the basic idea of the BlueInfo to cover spatially and

    temporally wider applications, suitable for implementing interactive games and educational systems with reasonable cost

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    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]

    41 BlogMiner: Web Blog Mining Application for Classification of Movie Reviews

    With the increasing use of Web 2.0 platforms such as Web Blogs, discussion forums, Wikis, and various other types of social media,

    people began to share their experiences and opinions about products or services on the World Wide Web. Web Blogs have thus

    become an important source of information. In turn, great interest in blog mining has arisen, specifically due to its potential

    applications, such as in opinion or review search engine applications the ability to collect and analyze data. In this study, we

    introduce an architecture, implementation, and evaluation of a Web blog mining application, called the BlogMiner, which extracts and

    classifies peoples opinions and emotions (or sentiment) from the contents of weblogs about movie reviews.

    42 Bandwidth Allocation for Iterative Data-dependent e-Science Applications

    We develop a novel framework for supporting e-Science applications that require streaming of information between sites. Using a

    Synchronous Dataflow (SDF) model, our framework incorporates the communication times inherent in large scale distributed

    applications, and can be used to formulate the bandwidth allocation problem with throughput constraints as a multi-commodity linear

    programming problem. Our algorithms determine how much bandwidth is allocated to each edge while satisfying temporal

    constraints on collaborative tasks. Simulation results show that the bandwidth allocation by the formulated linear programming

    outperforms the bandwidth allocation by simple heuristics

    43 Highway Passenger Traffic Volume Research Based on Gray - Markov Prediction Model

    In this paper, we propose the application of gray Markov model for forecasting methods, and amend with the smooth ratio the

    historical data, establish the GM (1,1) model . By determining the coefficients to obtain the development series of the future road

    passenger traffic amount, and by combining the Markov chain process, to classify the random sequence status into three categories,

    by determining the status transfer matrix, we predict the road passenger traffic amount in 5 years. The theoretical analysis and

    practical application show that the prediction is more reliable using this method. We can manage the development of passenger

    traffic, which helps the administration to make decisions.

    44 High Performance Dimension Reduction and Visualization for Large High-dimensional Data Analysis

    Large high dimension datasets are of growing importance in many fields and it is important to be able to visualize them for

    understanding the results of data mining approaches or just for browsing them in a way that distance between points in visualization

    (2D or 3D) space tracks that in original high dimensional space. Dimension reduction is a well understood approach but can be very

    time and memory intensive for large problems. Here we report on parallel algorithms for Scaling by MAjorizing a COmplicated

    Function (SMACOF) to solve Multidimensional Scaling problem and Generative Topographic Mapping (GTM). The former is

    particularly time consuming with complexity that grows as square of data set size but has advantage that it does not require explicit

    vectors for dataset points but just measurement of inter-point dissimilarities. We compare SMACOF and GTM on a subset of the NIH

    PubChem database which has binary vectors of length 166 bits. We find good parallel performance for both GTM and SMACOF and

    strong correlation between the dimension-reduced PubChem data from these two methods

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    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]

    45 Granularity-AwareWork-Stealing for Computationally-Uniform Grids

    Good scheduling is important for ensuring effective use of Grid resources, while maximising parallel performance. In this paper, we

    show how a basic Random-Stealing load balancing algorithm for computational Grids can be improved by using information about

    the task granularity of parallel programs. We propose several strategies (SSL,SLL and LLL) for using granularity information to

    improve load balancing, presenting results both from simulations and from a real implementation (the Grid-GUM Runtime System for

    Parallel Haskell). We assume a common model of task creation which subsumes both master/worker and data-parallel programming

    paradigms under a task-stealing work distribution strategy. Overall, we achieve improvement in runtime of up to 19.4% for irregular

    problems in the real implementation, and up to 40% for the simulations (typical improvements of more that 15% for irregular

    programs, and from 5-10% for regular ones). Our results show that, for computationally-uniform Grids, advanced load balancing

    methods that exploit granularity information generally have the greatest impact on reducing the runtimes of irregular parallel

    programs. Moreover, the more irregular the program is, the better the improvements that can be achieved.

    46 Global SOA: RSS-based Web Services Repository and Ranking

    For Global Service-Oriented Architecture (GSOA), we need to make sure that the Web Services provided by the service providers are

    visible to all potential consumers across the globe. In this paper, we discuss about Universal Description Discovery and Integration

    (UDDI) and its limitations as public repository. For this, we propose using Really Simple Syndication (RSS) as a repository. RSS is

    indeed based on the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and hence it enables easy data transformation. It is also platform

    independent, lightweight and is widely used as open source technology. Due to the auto push nature of RSS, the global RSS

    repository will only send the recently added Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) links to the subscribed consumers. The client can

    maintain its local cache for supporting faster execution of most frequently used Web Services. The new URI links provided by the

    server will get appended to the clients local cached repository thereby reducing data traffic over the Internet. In GSOA, we discuss

    logic that will assign the ranks to the Web Services and will help compare Web Services providing similar functionalities; thereby it

    helps the Web Service consumer to dynamically select the best available Web Service depending on the user criteria. The local RSS-

    based repository implements the local ranking, wherein the users relative preferences are stored. The most important thing is that

    the local RSS takes priority over the global RSS ranks

    47 FIRE: A File Reunion Based Data Replication Strategy for Data Grids

    Data grids provide large-scale geographically distributed data resources for data intensive applications such as high energy physics

    and bioinformatics. Optimizing the use of data resources to maximize the performance is critical for data grids. In this paper, we

    propose a novel dynamic data replication strategy called FIRE (file reunion), which is motivated by the observations that a group of

    jobs in a site tend to demand a common set of files distributed in a data grid. The basic idea of FIRE is to reunite the file set through

    data replication so that it resides with the job group on the same site. Extensive experiments using a well-known data grid simulator

    OptorSim and synthetic benchmarks demonstrate that compared with two existing schemes, LRU (Least Recently Used) and LFU

    (Least Frequently Used), FIRE performs obviously better in most scenarios.

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    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]


    Exploring the Potential of Using Multiple e-Science Infrastructures with Emerging Open Standards-based e-Health

    Research Tools

    E-health makes use of information and communication methods and the latest e-research tools to support the understanding of body

    functions. E-scientists in this field take already advantage of one single infrastructure to perform computationally-intensive

    investigations of the human body that tend to consider each of the constituent parts separately without taking into account the

    multiple important interactions between them. But these important interactions imply an increasing complexity of applications that

    embrace multiple physical models (i.e. multi-physics) and consider a larger range of scales (i.e. multi-scale) thus creating a steadily

    growing demand for interoperable infrastructures that allow for new innovative application types of jointly using different

    infrastructures for one application. But interoperable infrastructures are still not seamlessly provided and we argue that this is due to

    the absence of a realistically implementable infrastructure interoperability reference model that is based on lessons learned from e-

    science usage. Therefore, the goal of this paper i s to explore the potential of using multiple infrastructures for one scientific goal with

    a particular focus on e-health. Since e-scientists gain more interest in using multiple infrastructures there is a clear demand for

    interoperability between them to enable a use with one eresearch tool. The paper highlights work in the context of an e- Health blood

    flow application while the reference model is applicable to other e-science applications as well.

    49 Experiments with Memory-to-Memory Coupling for End-to-End Fusion Simulation Workflows

    Scientific applications are striving to accurately simulate multiple interacting physical processes that comprise complex phenomena

    being modeled. Efficient and scalable parallel implementations of these coupled simulations present challenging interaction and

    coordination requirements, especially when the coupled physical processes are computationally heterogeneous and progress at

    different speeds. In this paper, we present the design, implementation and evaluation of a memory-to-memory coupling framework for

    coupled scientific simulations on high-performance parallel computing platforms. The framework is driven by the coupling

    requirements of the Center for Plasma Edge Simulation, and it provides simple coupling abstractions as well as efficient

    asynchronous (RDMA-based) memory-to-memory data transport mechanisms that complement existing parallel programming

    systems and data sharing frameworks. The framework enables flexible coupling behaviors that are asynchronous in time and space,

    and it supports dynamic coupling between heterogeneous simulation processes without enforcing any synchronization constraints.We evaluate the performance and scalability of the coupling framework using a specific coupling scenario, on the Jaguar Cray XT5

    system at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

    50 Evenly Distributing Combinatorial Tasks in a Peer-to-Peer System

    This paper presents an algorithm to evenly distribute a combinatorial task to participating nodes in a peer-to-peer system. Subtasks

    divided by our algorithm can be independently computed and the size of each subtask is almost identical so that we can achieve

    optimal resource utilization, maximize throughput, minimize response time, and avoid unfair overload to some nodes. An algorithm to

    find similarity among user-generated contents is used as an example of combinatorial tasks. Using a real world data obtained from

    YouTube contents, we measured the reduction in processing time achievable by cooperation with other peers in a peer-to-peer

    environment. The result shows that the processing time for combination tasks can be significantly reduced as the number of peers toaccomplish the tasks is increased.

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    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]

    51 ERGOT: A Semantic-based System for Service Discovery in Distributed Infrastructures

    The increasing number of available online services demands distributed architectures to promote scalability as well as semantics to

    enable their precise and efficient retrieval. Two common approaches toward this goal are Semantic Overlay Networks (SONs) and

    Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) with semantic extensions. This paper presents ERGOT, a system that combines DHTs and SONs to

    enable semantic-based service discovery in distributed infrastructures such as Grids and Clouds. ERGOT takes advantage of

    semantic annotations that enrich service specifications in two ways: (i) services are advertised in the DHT on the basis of their

    annotations, thus allowing to establish a SON among service providers; (ii) annotations enable semantic-based service matchmaking,

    using a novel similarity measure between service requests and descriptions. Experimental evaluations confirmed the efficiency of

    ERGOT in terms of accuracy of search and network traffic.

    52 Enhancing IEC 62351 to Improve Security for Energy Automation in Smart Grid Environments

    Information security has gained tremendous importance for energy distribution and energy automation systems over the last years.

    Standards like IEC61850 offer standardized communication services and standardized data models for communication in energy

    automation. IEC 61850 is flanked by the standard IEC 62351 that especially addresses security and specifies technical requirements

    which have to be met by vendors. Especially, vendors that cover the entire energy automation chain with their product portfolio face

    new demanding challenges imposed by new use cases that come with the rise of the Smart Grid. This paper describes the current

    state of the standardization of IEC 62351, gives an overview of current and new use cases, and discusses potential enhancements of

    the standard to address new use cases. The enhancements allow multiple parallel distinguishable sessions based on MMS and

    proper authentication as well as authorization.

    53 Enhancing Availability with Self-Organization Extensions in a SOA Platform

    The availability and reliability of Service-oriented architectures (SOA) depends on two factors: On the one hand, the availability and

    reliability of the services that provide a certain business functionality and on the other hand the services that make up the underlying

    SOA platform. For platforms that are supposed to form the core of mission-critical service-oriented applications, this implicates the

    need for mechanisms that can regulate the reliability- and availability levels of the core services in changing conditions. In this paper,

    we discuss open questions about what kind of monitoring functionalities and service replication mechanisms should be integrated in

    SOA infrastructures. Therefore, the integration of concepts from peer-to-peer (P2P) computing is proposed: We present a self-

    organization extension that can improve the availability of the core services of SOA infrastructures, and we provide an experiment-

    based evaluation, showing some of the benefits that this extension can have in a critical scenario. The concepts are prototypically

    implemented as extensions of Apache Tuscany, which is a realization of the Service Component Architecture (SCA) standard

    54 eLearning 2.0 and Social, Practice-oriented Communities to Improve Knowledge in Companies

    One efficient way to improve the situation of organisations and competencies of their staff is to implement efficient training based

    also on new ICT learning methods like eLearning and to develop knowledge-based approaches. In this paper we discuss firstly an

    approach for organizing eLearning 2.0 based training to support development/improvement of knowledge in companies, particularly

    in small and medium sized (SME) ones, which need help. We start in this approach with an assessment of companies readiness for

    eLearning supporting also knowledge development. This approach is the basis for building training strategies and will be tested and

    further developed within the ongoing European project ReadiSME. Secondly, we give an example of social, practice-oriented co-

    operations, like Communities of Practice (CoPs), as an approach to support learning, sharing, transfer and development of knowledge

    suitable for SMEs. We present some conclusions

  • 8/8/2019 Elysium Web Services 2010


    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]

    55 Elastic Site: Using Clouds to Elastically Extend Site Resources

    Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud computing offers new possibilities to scientific communities. One of the most significant is

    the ability to elastically provision and relinquish new resources in response to changes in demand. In our work, we develop a model

    of an elastic site that efficiently adapts services provided within a site, such as batch schedulers, storage archives, or Web services

    to take advantage of elastically provisioned resources. We describe the system architecture along with the issues involved with

    elastic provisioning, such as security, privacy, and various logistical considerations. To avoid over- or under-provisioning the

    resources we propose three different policies to efficiently schedule resource deployment based on demand. We have implemented a

    resource manager, built on the Nimbus toolkit to dynamically and securely extend existing physical clusters into the cloud. Our

    elastic site manager interfaces directly with local resource managers, such as Torque. We have developed and evaluated policies for

    resource provisioning on a Nimbus-based cloud at the University of Chicago, another at Indiana University, and Amazon EC2. We

    demonstrate a dynamic and responsive elastic cluster, capable of responding effectively to a variety of job submission patterns. We

    also demonstrate that we can process 10 times faster by expanding our cluster up to 150 EC2 nodes.

    56 EGSI: TGKA based Security Architecture for Group Communication in Grid

    Security is one of the most important issues in the grid. Several processes generated by a user need to communicate securely. The

    existing architectures do not provide support for secure group communication in grid. Grid applications differ in various parameters

    such as life time, arrival rate, departure rate, staying period, and tolerance times for join and leave. These parameters are critical for

    optimizing performance and meeting the security requirements of the application. Existing grid security architectures do not harness

    knowledge of these parameters. In this paper, we propose an extended grid security infrastructure (EGSI) to support secure group

    communication in grid. We also present an authentication and access control scheme at virtual organization level.

    57 Effort-Oriented Classification Matrix of Web Service Composition

    Within the service-oriented computing domain, Web service composition is an effective realization to satisfy the rapidly changing

    requirements of business. Therefore, the research into Web service composition has unfolded broadly. Since examining all of the

    related work in this area becomes a mission next to impossible, the classification of composition approaches can be used to facilitate

    multiple research tasks. However, the current attempts to classify Web service composition do not have clear objectives.

    Furthermore, the contexts and technologies of composition approaches are confused in the existing classifications. This paper

    proposes an effort-oriented classification matrix for Web service composition, which distinguishes between the context and

    technology dimension. The context dimension is aimed at analyzing the environment influence on the effort of Web service

    composition, while the technology dimension focuses on the technique influence on the effort. Consequently, besides the traditional

    classification benefits, this matrix can be used to build the basis of cost estimation for Web service composition in future research.

  • 8/8/2019 Elysium Web Services 2010


    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]

    58Efficient Runtime Environment for Coupled Multi-Physics Simulations: Dynamic Resource Allocation and Load-


    Coupled Multi-Physics simulations, such as hybrid CFD-MD simulations, represent an increasingly important class of scientific

    applications. Often the physical problems of interest demand the use of high-end computers, such as TeraGrid resources, which are

    often accessible only via batch-queues. Batch-queue systems are not developed to natively support the coordinated scheduling of

    jobs which in turn is required to support the concurrent execution required by coupled multi-physics simulations. In this paper we

    develop and demonstrate a novel approach to overcome the lack of native support for coordinated job submission requirement

    associated with coupled runs. We establish the performance advantages arising from our solution, which is a generalization of the

    Pilot-Job concept which in of itself is not new, but is being applied to coupled simulations for the first time. Our solution not only

    overcomes the initial co-scheduling problem, but also provides a dynamic resource allocation mechanism. Support for such dynamic

    resources is critical for a load balancing mechanism, which we develop and demonstrate to be effective at reducing the total time-to-

    solution of the problem. We establish that the performance advantage of using Big Jobs is invariant with the size of the machine as

    well as the size of the physical model under investigation. The Pilot-Job abstraction is developed using SAGA, which provides an

    infrastructure agnostic implementation, and which can seamlessly execute and utilize distributed resources

    59 eDemocs: Electronic Distributed Election Monitoring over Cellular Systems

    Formal election observation involves appointed observers recording and reporting remote observations over the duration of an

    election and analysts promptly issuing conclusions based on studying these observations. This paper discusses the design and

    performance of eDemocs (Electronic Distributed Election Monitoring over Cellular Systems), created to aid the election monitoring

    process by enabling rapid and trustworthy flow of observations from the reporting sites along with immediate access to the

    observations by the analysts. We discuss the architecture for our system and evaluate a prototype implementation and trial

    deployment in a US election. Our architecture is shown to be feasible and to demonstrate several desirable qualities, including

    integrity guarantees and full deployability in developing countries through reliance on SMS messaging without requiring Internet


    60 E-business online payment and credit card industry development in China

    The research pointed out the trend that e-business online payment is growing with the prospering development of credit card

    industry in China. The reasons why Chinese consumers prefer online payment and why the credit card industry development is

    important to online payment were analyzed. The pros and cons of credit card online payment was also discussed with some followed


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    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]

    61 Dynamic Load-Balanced Multicast for Data-Intensive Applications on Clouds

    Data-intensive parallel applications on clouds need to deploy large data sets from the clouds storage facility to all compute nodes as

    fast as possible. Many multicast algorithms have been proposed for clusters and grid environments. The most common approach is

    to construct one or more spanning trees based on the network topology and network monitoring data in order to maximize available

    bandwidth and avoid bottleneck links. However, delivering optimal performance becomes difficult once the available bandwidth

    changes dynamically. In this paper, we focus on Amazon EC2/S3 (the most commonly used cloud platform today) and propose two

    high performance multicast algorithms. These algorithms make it possible to efficiently transfer large amounts of data stored in

    Amazon S3 to multiple Amazon EC2 nodes. The three salient features of our algorithms are (1) to construct an overlay network on

    clouds without network topology information, (2) to optimize the total throughput dynamically, and (3) to increase the download

    throughput by letting nodes cooperate with each other. The two algorithms differ in the way nodes cooperate: the first non-steal

    algorithm lets each node download an equal share of all data, while the second steal algorithm uses work stealing to counter the

    effect of heterogeneous download bandwidth. As a result, all nodes can download files from S3 quickly, even when the network

    performance changes while the algorithm is running. We evaluate our algorithms on EC2/S3, and show that they are scalable and

    consistently achieve high throughput. Both algorithms perform much better than having each node downloading all data directly from


    62 Distributed Diskless Checkpoint for Large Scale Systems

    In high performance computing (HPC), the applications are periodically checkpointed to stable storage to increase the success rate of

    long executions. Nowadays, the overhead imposed by disk-based checkpoint is about 20% of execution time and in the next years it

    will be more than 50% if the checkpoint frequency increases as the fault frequency increases. Diskless checkpoint has been

    introduced as a solution to avoid the IO bottleneck of disk-based checkpoint. However, the encoding time, the dedicated resources

    (the spares) and the memory overhead imposed by diskless checkpoint are significant obstacles against its adoption. In this work, we

    address these three limitations: 1) we propose a fault tolerant model able to tolerate up to 50% of process failures with a low check

    pointing overhead 2) our fault tolerance model works without spare node, while still guarantying high reliability, 3) we use solid state

    drives to significantly increase the checkpoint performance and avoid the memory overhead of classic diskless checkpoint.

    63 On-demand Overlay Networks for Large Scientific Data Transfers

    Large scale scientific data transfers are central to scientific processes. Data from large experimental facilities have to be moved to

    local institutions for analysis or often data needs to be moved between local clusters and large supercomputing centers. In this

    paper, we propose and evaluate a network overlay architecture to enable high throughput, on-demand, coordinated data transfers

    over wide-area networks. Our work leverages Phoebus and On-demand Secure Circuits and Advance Reservation System (OSCARS)

    to provide high performance wide-area network connections. OSCARS enables dynamic provisioning of network paths with

    guaranteed bandwidth and Phoebus enables the coordination and effective utilization of the OSCARS network paths. Our evaluation

    shows that this approach leads to improved end-to-end data transfer throughput with minimal overheads. The achieved throughput

    using our overlay was limited only by the ability of the end hosts to sink the data.

  • 8/8/2019 Elysium Web Services 2010


    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]

    64 On-demand Dynamic Location-based Services Using Web Services

    Migration policy making and monitoring constitute critical issues for European countries, given the impact of modern phenomena

    such as illegal employment on economic growth and future prosperity. The dynamic and complex nature of migration problems

    demands common approaches and collaborative actions among all stakeholders both at National and European level. Policy and

    decision makers need to systematically collaborate towards sophisticated approaches that facilitate legal immigrants to be effectively

    integrated in labor markets and public administration processes. Existing research initiatives and migration-oriented automated tools

    and services fail to provide a complete, robust and widely available framework for the collaborative development of common pan-

    European migration policies and the harmonization of processes and documents formats. Identifying these weaknesses as well as

    the need for enabling and supporting legal immigrants to be informed and provide their valuable feedback, this paper focuses on the

    description of a web-based communication framework for open collaboration on migration issues. The proposed system, ODYSSEUS,

    aims at enhancing existing Migration Information Systems by providing an advanced, collaborative and trusted framework for the

    provision of migration services.

    65 Nontraditional Approach to XML Web Services Interactions

    In this paper, are presented some possibilities for application of an algebraic method which handles XML hierarchical data structures

    and makes faster the XML search mechanism. The article briefly presents the concepts of Web Services, Service-Oriented

    Architecture and other modern software paradigms for organization of the processes over internet. The accelerating techniques for

    XML navigation through linear algebra tools are also discussed. Web Services use the internet as the communication medium and

    focus on the internet-based standards, which include the Simple Object Access Protocol for transmitting data, Web Services

    Description Language for defining services, and other message interactions. The presented paper offers one different point of view

    concerning the building of an algebraic formalism for navigation over XML hierarchy. This nontraditional approach, based on the

    linear algebra theory, leads to easier interface for XML search techniques that could eliminate some existing language constructions.

    66 Multi-Tier-based Global Awareness: A Model for collaboration in distributed organizations and disaster scenarios

    Collaboration in temporal and spatially distributed environments has consistently had to deal with the challenge of intense

    awareness, extensively more than locally concentrated team play. Awareness means being informed, in conjunction with an

    understanding of activities, states and relationships of each individual within a given group as a whole. In multifarious offices, where

    social interaction is necessary in order to share and locate essential information, awareness becomes a concurrent process that

    amplifies the exigency of easy routes for personnel to be able to access this information, deferred or decentralized, in a formalized

    and context-sensitive way. In special cases that become increasingly contemporary, ambulance personnel and rescue forces need to

    get a vast overview of the current situation, resources available at present and courses of action. Although the subject of awareness

    has immensely grown in importance, there is extensive disagreement about how this transparency can be conceptually and

    technically implemented. This paper introduces a model in order to visualize and navigate such information in multi-tiers using

    semantic networks, GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and Web3D. Moreover the model is used for creating scenarios; for an

    evaluation from a business organization's perspective, as well as from a scientific perspective on disaster recovery

  • 8/8/2019 Elysium Web Services 2010


    Elysium Technologies Private LimitedISO 9001:2008A leading Research and Development DivisionMadurai | Chennai | Kollam | Ramnad | Tuticorin | Singapore

    #230, Church Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India(: +91 452-4390702, 4392702, 4390651Website: www.elysiumtechnologies.com,www.elysiumtechnologies.infoEmail: [email protected]

    67 Multimodal Interaction in Distributed and Ubiquitous Computing

    This paper presents a multimodal, service-oriented architecture based on a distributed implementation of W3Cs Multimodal

    Architecture and Interfaces applied to ubiquitous computing. The specific goal is to create a platform able to provide multimodal

    interactions between people with functional diversity and several semantic services developed by third-party companies and

    consumed through a display, in order to make content more accessible and interactive. The general purpose of this research is the

    development and deployment of urban, ubiquitous services for people living in or visiting a city. And the motivating scenario behind

    the design and development of the multimodal platform and semantic services is one in which people use media poles and

    confidently interoperate with the surrounding environment in a multimodal way.

    68 Multi-Modal CBIR Algorithm based on Latent Semantic Indexing

    The paper presents a new multiple feature fusion (MFF) based on latent semantic indexing (LSI) method to achieve an improved

    image retrieval performance. The proposed method extracts different physical features, which come from not the whole image but its

    main objects, and constructs a multi-modal semantic space, each dimension of which represents a different feature component of the

    image. Furthermore, semantic relevance feedback information from the users is also integrated to improve the feedback performance

    of the system. The experimental results demonstrate the good robustness of LSI-MFF and have shown that this method is especially

    suitable for mass image database such as web environment

    69 Modeling conference contribution management using Web Services

    As the consensus of using web services as an alternative to traditional deployment models has been growing during the last years,

    also new techniques to face the new arisen problems have been developed. In this work, we present the design of a conference

    management system by using a composition of web services as deployment model. We bring our attention about the management of

    contributions observing several time restrictions, which are checked via formal methods. This formal verification allows us to

    conclude when the design is correct, that