Elizabethan Era

Elizabethan Era Hunting and Weapons


Elizabethan Era. Hunting and Weapons. Weapons. By the end of the Elizabethan era, the medieval feud system has ended. Nobles were not expected to provide trained soldiers that would fight for the queen and country. The musket has been introduced but traditional medieval weapons are mostly used. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Elizabethan Era

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Elizabethan EraHunting and WeaponsWeaponsBy the end of the Elizabethan era, the medieval feud system has ended. Nobles were not expected to provide trained soldiers that would fight for the queen and country. The musket has been introduced but traditional medieval weapons are mostly used.Rapier

Light weight and easier to use than the heaver cutting sword

Used for fencing

Used up to the introduction of the firearm

3Weapons from the medieval periodSwords

Variety of swords including the rapier, broad sword, and the cutting sword

Battle Axe

Single or double handedWere used through the medieval period


Started as a steel ball on a wooden handleChanged to a war club with spikes on it

LanceLong, strong, spear like weaponDesigned to be used on horsebackWeapons use by foot soldiers Basilard

Two edged, long bladed dagger


Capable of killing knights and their horsesPole arm with a wide cutting blade occasionally with spikes and hooks

CaltropSharp spike on 12-18 foot pole Used in formation to maim a horse

CrossbowThe crossbow range was 350-400 yardsCould only be shot at a rate of 2 bolts per minute

HalberdA broad, short axe blade on a 6 foot polespear point at the top with a back spike

LongbowCould pierce armor at ranges of more than 250 yardsLongbow man could release between 10-12 arrows per minute

PikeLong Spear measuring between 18 and 20 feet

PoleaxeGroup of pole-mounted weaponsWere all variations of poles measuring 6 feet long with different headsSpikes, hammers, axe

SpearUsed for thrusting

FirearmsIntroduced around 1520Commonly used by the end of the 1500s

HuntingThis was a very popular sport enjoyed by the upper classes and nobility. The sport had always been enjoyed by the nobility. It was also used as training for war because of the tracking skills, the use of weapons used, the horsemanship, and the courage that were all required for the sport. It was viewed more as a sport in the Elizabethan era. Both men and women took part in the event. Many of the animals found in England were hunted. There were different types of hunts that were more suited for men than women or the opposite.

At Force HuntingIt was the most strenuous form of hunting. The hunts were designed for fit, young, and very active men. The hunt was set up into teams. The hunters often used dogs in the hunts. Wild boar were a choice prey for this hunt. The teams would chase the game to the point of near exhaustion or would corner the animal and kill it.Bow and Stable HuntingThis type of hunt was less strenuous. The hunts were designed for men or less active, or infirm, men active men. This type of hunt was done on horseback using a bow as the main weapon. Dogs accompanied the hunters so they could drive the prey into a enclosed space where the hunters could kill the animal. Deer were usually the main animal hunted in this type of hunt.Prey of the HuntStagHunt with the aid of dogsSuitable prey for Bow and Stable huntUse bow and arrowsDeer, Hart, RoebuckUsually hunted with the aid of dogsSuitable prey for Bow and Stable huntUse bows and arrowsBoarUsually hunted with the aid of dogsUse very long spears in order to stay away from tusksSuitable prey for At Force" huntFoxUsually hunted by chasing them with dogs and letting the dogs tear the fox apart.Rarely hunted for foodSuitable prey for Bow and Stable hunt

Prey of the Hunt 2.RabbitsUsually hunted by sending trained dog or ferrets don the burrowOttersUsually hunted with dogsHunted for sport not foodGame BirdsUsually hunted with dogs to chase them into taking off then with bow shoot them downDogs fetch the corpses backSuitable for Bow and Stable hunt

Hunting LawsOnly monarch or his servants hunted in royal forests. The forests of England were normally owned be the reigning monarch. In Elizabethan times, there were an estimated sixty nine royal forests. Permission to hunt in forests could also be gained by the granting of a royal licence.Punishment for breaking Elizabethan Hunting LawsThe strict Forest Laws reserved rights of hunting to the ruling class were hated and resented by the lower classes. Peasants accused of poaching were liable to hanging, castration, blinding or being sewn into a deerskin and then hunted down by ferocious dogs. Works Citedhttp://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk/elizabethan-hunting.htm


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