eLibrary: Using the General Search Form in the New eLibrary...006,007 - _ Filed Date ----General...

TIPS FERC GOV HELP LOGIN F;e:jE~~~R~lato~ comm,ss , on -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Search e li brary * Indi cates a r uir ed field. @ General Search Q Docket Search Q New Docket Only Search on a Refer ence Number (Docket, Accession, Ferc Cite, etc. Help Usi ng this Form llt (D sear ch Tips Docket (e.g., ER11, ER11-4046, ERl l -4040-0201 ) ~[ _En_t_ er_ Doc _k_ et_N_u_m_ be _r _____ ] [ Sub-Dockets (eg. 001, 002) (1) Prefix li st Select Date Range (require<1 1>- -------------------------------------------- ~------ -I I Past 60 Days I 1 11 Description Keyword search ~ . _____________________________ _, m Full Text Sel ect categorv------~ ~---------~ ,---------- What are Docu ment crass T ypes? m Issuance m Submital I Industry sector II Security Level 11 Select Document Class I Type I Search ByRecipi ent,Author ,Agent Roi-------------------------------~ I Role 11 Last Name ~---------~ I ~I _ Fi _ rs_ t N_a_ m_e ___ ~I E] I OrganizaMn I 1111 Reset ~----------------------------------------_J eLibrary: Using the General Search Form in the New eLibrary Note: Please be aware that this content will be available in video format in the top right of the eLibrary General Search form. The link will be titled “Help Using this Form”. Using the General Search Form – What’s New eLibrary includes three forms: General, Docket, and New Docket Search. (See Fig. 1) Figure 1: eLibrary Home Page

Transcript of eLibrary: Using the General Search Form in the New eLibrary...006,007 - _ Filed Date ----General...

Page 1: eLibrary: Using the General Search Form in the New eLibrary...006,007 - _ Filed Date ----General Search Results Items per page: 1 00 1 -4 of 4 < > Descripllon Class/Type Issuance

TIPS FERC GOV HELP LOGIN ~ F;e:jE~~~R~lato~ comm,ss,on

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------Search elibrary

* Indicates a r uired field.

@ General Search Q Docket Search Q New Docket Only

Search on a Reference Number (Docket, Accession, Ferc Cite, etc.

Help Using this Form llt

(D search Tips

Docket (e.g., ER11, ER11-4046, ERl l -4040-0201) ~[ _En_t_er_Doc_k_et_N_u_m_be_r _____ ] [ Sub-Dockets (eg. 001, 002) (1) Prefix list

Select Date Range (require<11>--------------------------------------------­

~------•-I I Past 60 Days

I 111 Description

Keyword search ~. _____________________________ _, m Full Text

Select categorv------~ ~---------~ ,---------- What are Document crass Types?

m Issuance m Submital I Industry sector • II Security Level • 11 Select Document Class I Type • I Search ByRecipient,Author,Agent Roi-------------------------------~

I Role • 11 Last Name

~---------~ I ~I _Fi_rs_t N_a_m_e ___ ~I E] I OrganizaM n I 1111 Reset


eLibrary: Using the General Search Form in the New eLibrary

Note: Please be aware that this content will be available in video format in the top right of the eLibrary General Search form. The link will be titled “Help Using this Form”.

Using the General Search Form – What’s New

eLibrary includes three forms: General, Docket, and New Docket Search. (See Fig. 1)

Figure 1: eLibrary Home Page

Page 2: eLibrary: Using the General Search Form in the New eLibrary...006,007 - _ Filed Date ----General Search Results Items per page: 1 00 1 -4 of 4 < > Descripllon Class/Type Issuance


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------Search elibrary

Help Using this Form • .,, Indicates a required field. I (D search Tips I

@ Genera l Search Q Docket Search Q New Docket Only

.-search on a Reference Number (Docket, Accession, Ferc Cite, etc.

I Docket(e.g., ER11. ER11-4046, ERl l -4040-0201) · I I Enter Docket Number I I SUb-Dockets (eg. 001, 002) I G) Prefix List

i l lect Date Range (required

I Filed Date • 11 Past 60 Days r ·,~m . I _ 09/26/2019 I!:) I [ ~;/2612019 I!:) I G)

I Keyword Search Im Description

m Full Text

! Select Catego

Ill Issuance m Submital 11 lndustly Sector • 11 Security Level

What are Document Class Types?

• 11 Select Document Class I Type . I .-search By Recipient,Author,Agent Roi

I Role • 11 Last Name II FlrstName IE] I OrganizaMn I Ill Reset

General Search consolidates criteria previously available in General, Advanced, and Daily search.

Information on how to perform advanced searches can be found in Search Tips.

The link to Search Tips is located in the top right of each of the three search forms. (See Fig. 2)

There you will learn how to perform a partial search and use Boolean operators in a keyword search.

Figure 2: eLibrary Search Tips

Page 3: eLibrary: Using the General Search Form in the New eLibrary...006,007 - _ Filed Date ----General Search Results Items per page: 1 00 1 -4 of 4 < > Descripllon Class/Type Issuance


- -------------------------------------------------------------Search elibrary

' ' lndieates a required field.

® General Search O Docket Search O New Docket Only

! Search on a Reference Number (Docket, Acr,ssion, Ferc Cite, etc. ~

1 I Docket (e.o .. ER11, ERll-4046, ERll -4040-0201) ~ Eme< Docket Number 11 Sub-Dockets (eo. 001, 002)

Help Usn)Q this Form •

(D Search Tips

(Z) Pref1x list J SelectDateRange (required>-------------------------------------~

~[ F_i1ec:1_ 0_,te ___ •~I. [~P_,_,t_'°_o_,,_, __ •~I [ ~~:612019

I 111 Description

Keyword Search ~. ------------------------~!ii Full Text


II Issuance II Submital I Industry Sector • 11 Security Level ~-------~ ~-------~

• 11 Select Document Class I Type • ]

What are Document Class Types?

I~ By Recipient,Author,At;1ent Role

~ • II La~Name ][~F-ir_~ _Nam_ e ___ ] EJI ~ ga~zat~n j III Reset


- -------------------------------------------------------------Search elibrary

* Indicates a required r1eld.

Help Using this FOfm •

Q SearchTips

@ General Search Q Docket Search Q New Docket Only

I Seareh on a Reference Number (Docket. Accession, FercCite, etc,1---------~

11 Sub-Oockets (eo. 001 ,002) Docket(!! 9-, ER11 , ERll-4046,ERll-4040-0201)

AccesstOn (e .g.,1 9940824-0052, or 19940824•)

Parent Accession (e.g.,19940824-0052, or 19940824•)

Federa l Register Cite (e .g ., 65 FR 57088 or 65 FR' )

[ Federa l Court Case (e.g. , 11 TH CIR ns4, or DC CIR')

FERC Cne (e.g.,99FER62,030, or 99FERC 0 )

~ Opinion (e .g ., 409, 409-a, o r 409•)

Order Numbef (e.g., 888, 888-a, or 888°)

~I •_o_,e _______ •_] [ La~ Name

En1er Docket Number


_,o+9 ___ rn~I [ ~; /26/2019

l!J Description

-+--------~!J Full Te>rt

(1) Pref1x list

~ :JI Secumy Level

'Nhat are DocllTlent Class Types?

... 11 Select Document Class I Type • l

11 First Name I EJ [ On;ianization -----~ 11111 Reset

l 1

Let’s perform a General Search using a Docket Number, and then we’ll add other criteria to refine the results. Before we start, know that searching with a reference number, like a docket number or accession number, is optional.

We’ll now open the Reference Number drop down and select “Docket”. Notice that each selection in the drop-down includes sample formats. (See Fig. 3 and Fig. 4)

By the way, if you only have part of a number, you can still perform a partial search. See Search Tips for more info.

Figure 3: General Search - Reference Number Field

Figure 4: Reference Number Drop-Down

Page 4: eLibrary: Using the General Search Form in the New eLibrary...006,007 - _ Filed Date ----General Search Results Items per page: 1 00 1 -4 of 4 < > Descripllon Class/Type Issuance


-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------Search elibrary

• indicates a required field.

@ General Search O Docket Search O New Docket Only

Help Using this Form •

(D Search Tips

Seardlon a Reference Number (Docket, Accession. Ferc Cite, etc.b --~ ... :::--------= --~-.:::---------------------,

Docket (e.g., ER11, ER11·4046, ER11·4040-0201) (J) Pref1x list

[L_Fi-led- Da_t_• ___ •~I I Past 60 Days from

• 09/26/2019

I I LI Description Keyword Search

L. -----------------------------~ m Full Text Select catego,rv-----~ ---------------------- 'Nhat are Document Class Types?

l'!.il Issuance !,I Submi1al I Iooustry Sector • 11 Security Level • 11 Select Document Class I Type • I

search By Recipient,Author,Agent Role-------------------------------,

LI _Ro_ie _________ ·~l I La~ Name I LI _Fi_,~_N_a_m_• ___ ~] tJ I Organization I - Rese1

Let’s try a search now utilizing a Docket Number. First, let’s enter a Docket Number in the field directly to the right of the Reference Number field where we selected “Docket” from the drop-down. We’ll enter Docket Number “er11-4046”. Let’s also enter several Sub-Dockets in the next field to the right using the following format: “006,007”. (See Fig. 5)

Figure 5: Performing a General Search - Using a Docket Number and Sub-Dockets

Page 5: eLibrary: Using the General Search Form in the New eLibrary...006,007 - _ Filed Date ----General Search Results Items per page: 1 00 1 -4 of 4 < > Descripllon Class/Type Issuance


-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------Search elibrary

* Indicates a required field.

@ General Search O Docket Search O New Docket Only

Help Using this Form •

(D Search Tips

arch on a Reference Number (Docket, Accession, FercCite,etc.J----------------------------------~

I - I [ "''~""'"''""""~ Docket (e .g., ER11, ER11-4046, ER11-4D40-0201) · _ e<l l -4046


1~' 11/ 26/2019

[ S,Mocic,,, (,g. 001, 002)


l!ll Description

""---"""'----------------------------_j l!lil Full Text

(2) Prefix List

I Industry Sector • 11 Security Level ~---------J ~---------~

• 11 Select Document Class [ Type • I

What are Document Class Types?

Search ByRecipient,Author,Agent Roi- ------------------------------,

[~R_o_l•---------•~11 La~ Name I l~_R_r~_N_a_m_• ___ ~] E] I Organization I - Reset


For a search utilizing a docket number on the General Search form, the “Filed Date” and a 60-day date range are used by default. But you can also change the Date Type from “Filed Date” to “Posted Date” by using the Date Type drop-down.

To change the date range, use the Date Range drop-down where “Past 60 Days” is entered by default or enter a custom date range in the “From” and/or “To” fields to the right.

For this search we’ll use a custom date range by changing the year in the “From” field to “2000”. (See Fig. 6)

For this search let’s also add a keyword to narrow the search. We’ll type “spring canyon” into the Keyword Search field, which is below the Date Range fields. (See Fig. 6)

Figure 6: Entering a Custom Date Range and Keyword Search Terms

Page 6: eLibrary: Using the General Search Form in the New eLibrary...006,007 - _ Filed Date ----General Search Results Items per page: 1 00 1 -4 of 4 < > Descripllon Class/Type Issuance



Search elibrary

* Indicates a required field. ] notice I I I

@ Genera l Search Q Docket Search 0 New Docket Only U-Al l . . Search on a Reference Number (Docket, Accession, Ferc Cite, etc.

• E3 ALJ Issuance ~

I Docket (e.g , ER11, ER11-4046, ER11-4040-0201) . I [ '"""°''""""'" I [ 0 ALJ Notice et1 1-4046

• □ Deposition Document

Select Date Range (required, D Notice/ Motion to Depose

• S Intervention

I Filed Date 11 Custom from I [ ~~/26/2019

. • : • 09/26/2000 l!'.l 0 Motion/ Notice of Intervention

► □ Notice

r ,.,..,,,, ... ,ch • E3 Report/Form

1: , spring canyon D ILP Notice of Request fo r Formal Dispute Resolution

~ lect Catego

m Issuance !,I Submit al I I Industry Sector • 11 Security Level

D Notice/ Report of Intent to Proceed with EmerQencv Procedures •

. II I Select Document Class I Type · 11

search By Recipient,Author,Agent Roi ..

I Role . II La~Name II Flr~ Name IE] I Organization I - Reset

We can narrow this search further using the multi-select fields beneath the Keyword Search Field. These fields include the Category field and multi-select drop down fields for Industry Sector, Security Level, and Document Class/Type.

By default, all Categories, Industry Sectors, Security Levels, and Document Class/Types are included in your search. Also, notice the new terms in this form. Industry Sectors was formerly called Libraries, and Security Level was formerly called Availability. Once you make a selection, it will stay selected until you change it.

To better support accurate searches, Document Class/Type uses a hierarchical look-up control. Simply select the Document Class/Type drop down and type a value into the look-up field which will pop up. The control will match your entered value with any relevant Document Class or Type in the list. For this example, let’s type in “Notice” and observe the Document Class/Type(s) that appear in the list. (See Fig. 7)

You can then add any of the returned Document Class/Type values to your search criteria by selecting the checkbox to the left of the value in the list.

We won’t add any Document Class/Type(s) to our search criteria for this example search, so we’ll exit the drop-down and click Search in the bottom right of the General Search form or hit Enter on the keyboard after clicking into one of the search form fields to launch our search.

Figure 7: Using the Document Class/Type Look-Up Control

Page 7: eLibrary: Using the General Search Form in the New eLibrary...006,007 - _ Filed Date ----General Search Results Items per page: 1 00 1 -4 of 4 < > Descripllon Class/Type Issuance

ACCESSIBILITY TIPS FERC GOV HB..P LOGIN ~ F: e~ ljE~ ~ ~ R~:Ulato~ Comm1ss1on

--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------General Search Docket Searc New Docket Search Select View Select Columns Save Search Subscribe to a Docket Email Result Print Page

Note: Icons and links to zip,view or download files will be disabled if you do not have the required permission to perform these actions.Privileged,Protected and CEIi files are available to FERC personnel after Login. Contact the helpdesk. to request amine such as microfilm and microfiche documentation at 202-502-6652 or Toll Free 1-866-208-3676(M-F,8:30 AM - 5 PM EST except holidays)

X Keyword :spring canyonfi led Date : 09/26/2000 11n6/2019; Docket :er11 -4046006,er11-4046007,;

Filte r Result.....,_ '------------------------------------------------------------------------

Note: The f1hers you select here will only be applied to the results in the table. If you want to expand your search. you must use the General Sea rch link in the menu above.

r ~ord,byb,ywc,ds Ir.I Description S<.eoU ' """ " '"' '"" r '"""""~~-~·-7 r "''"'"'"''·''"·'"' 71 l spring canyon _ !I Fu ll Text Docket (e .g., ER11, ER11-4046, ER11-4040-0201 ) l_ erl 1-4046 _ l_ 006,007 - _ Filed Date

General Search Results Items per page: 1 00 1 - 4 of 4 < >

---- Descripllon Class/Type

Issuance 20140324-3010 03/24/2014 03/24/2014 ER1 0-2124-007 Letter order accepting Spring Canyon Energy LLC's et a Order/Opinion I Delegated

expand row ERl 0-2125-008 ERl 0-2127-006

I (Spring Canyon Sellers) 2/6/14 fi ling of the Notice of C Order hange in Status under Er10-2124 et al.

ERl 0-2128-007

Issuance 20140618-3011 06/18/2014 06/18/201 4 ERl 0-2124-006 Letter order accepting Spring Canyon Energy LLC's 1/1 Order/Opinion I Delegated

expand row ERl 0-2125-007 ERl 0-2127-005

7114 fil ing of a Notice of Change in Status stating that th Order e lnvenergy Companies are now affiliated with Lakeland

ERl 0-2128-006 Solar Energy LLC etc under ER 10-2124 et al.

Submittal 20140117-5107 01 /17/2014 01/17/2014 ER1 0-2124-006 Notification of Change in Facts of Spring Canyon Energ Application/Petition/Request

expand row ERl 0-2125-007 ERl 0-2127-005

y UC, et. al. under ER10-2124, et. al. . I Compl iance Electric Rate Filing

ERl 0-2128-006

Submittal 20140206-5076 02106/2014 02106/2014 ERl 0-2124-007 Notification of Change in Facts of Spring Canyon Energ Application/Petition/Request

expand row ERl 0-2125-008 ERl 0-2127-006

y UC, et. al. under ER10-2124, et. al. . I Compl iance Electric Rate Filing

ERl 0-2128-007

II Reset

l!I Large Format • > 1 o MB ~ O ~ IB ~ o F1 es

- Files

Public ~ Generate

+ ERl0-2124-007.DOC

Public ~ Generate

+ ERl0-2124-006 .DOC

Public ~ Generate

+ 2014 0117 lnvenergy Change in Fact Notice.PDF

Public ~ Generate

+ 2014 0206 Inv utilities MBR Change in Fact Nolie



General Search Results Page – What’s New

Once you launch your search you will be taken to the General Search Results Page. Your search criteria and the results filter appear in panels at the top of the page, above the results table. (See Fig. 8)

Figure 8: General Search Results Page

Page 8: eLibrary: Using the General Search Form in the New eLibrary...006,007 - _ Filed Date ----General Search Results Items per page: 1 00 1 -4 of 4 < > Descripllon Class/Type Issuance

ACCESSIBIUlY TIPS FERC GOV HELP LOGIN ~ F: e~ ljE?.~aR~:Ulatory comm,ss,on

--- ~ - ------· General Search Docket Search New Docket Search Select ~w Select Save Search Subscribe to a Docket Email Result Print Page

Note: Icons and links to zip,view or download fi les will be

Contact the helpdesk to request offline such as

isabled i IJ Display Criteria Panel

·crofilm !I Display Filter Panel

D Expand All Rows

1ission to pertorm these actions.Privileged,Pro1ected and CEIi files are available to FERC personnel after Login l2·502-6652 or Toll Free 1-866-208-3676(M-F,8:30 AM • 5 PM EST except holidays)

Search Crit eri a----------------------"""~======,.--------------------------------.......... ~x><7 Keyword :spring canyonFiled Date : 09/26/2000 - 11 /26/2019; Docket :erll -4046006,erll -4046007.;

Filte r Resu lt-------------------------------------------------------------,■■iiiiij~;-':xKj

Note: The filters you select here will only be applied to the results in the table. If you want to eKJ)and your sea rch. you must use the General Search link in the menu above.

[Su r~byk s Im Description Sc.ect Ur"'l~" ld!:dicr Typ: [ ' n oSd=« HonS<, ~ r""•'='""'·'"'·"'' 71

_spnng canyon .II Fu ll Text Docket (e.g., ER11, ER11-4046, ER11-4040-0201) _er1 1-4046 _][_ 006,007 _ . FiledDate

To ---~

11/26/2019 i;:] II Reset

General Search Results Items per page: 100 1 · 4 of 4 < > II Large Format • > 1 O MB &ii g ~l~s

---- Description Class/Type - Files

Issuance 20140324-3010 0312412014 031241201 4 ER10-2124-007 Letter order accepting Spring Canyon Energy LLC's et a Order/Opinion I Delegated Public ~ Generate

expand row ER10-2125-008 ERl0-2127-006

I (Spring Canyon Sellers) 216/14 fi ling of the Notice of C Order

hange in Status under Er10-2124 et al. + ER10-2124--007.DOC


Issuance 20140618-3011 06/1812014 06/181201 4 ER10-2124-006 Letter order accepting Spring Canyon Energy LLC's 1/1 Order/Opinion I Delegated Public ~ Generate

expand row ER10-2125-007 ERl0-2127-005

7/1 4 fi ling of a Notice of Change in Status stating that lh Order e lnvenergy Companies are now affiliated with Lakeland + ER10-2124--006 .DOC

ER10-2128--006 Solar Energy LLC etc under ER10-2124 et al.

Submittal 20140117-5107 0111712014 01/1 71201 4 ERl0-2124-006 Notification of Change in Facts of Spring Canyon Energ Application/Petition/Request Public ~ Generate

expand row ERl0-2125-007 ER10-2127-005

y LLC, el. al. under ER10-2124, el. al. . I Compliance Electric Rate 2014 0117 lnvenergy Change in Fact Notice.PDF Filing +


Submittal 20140206-5076 02/06/2014 02/06/201 4 ER10-2124-007 Notification of Change in Facts of Spring Canyon Energ Application/Pelilion/Requesl Public ~ Generate

expand row ERl0-2125-008 ERl0-2127-006

y LLC, el. al. under ER10-2124, el. al. . I Compliance Electric Rate 2014 0206 Inv utilities MBR Change in Fact Notic

Filing + ER10-2128-007 e.PDF

The results filter allows you to refine your search result without having to go back to the search form. Any filters selected in the panel will be applied to all the results returned for the search.

Please note that you can hide or display the search criteria and results filter panels at any time. You may remove either panel by clicking the X button in the top right of each panel. You may also add or remove either panel by hovering over Select View on the top bar of the page and toggling the checkboxes for the “Display Criteria Panel” and “Display Filter Panel” options. (See Fig. 9)

Figure 9: Options to Remove and Display the Search Criteria and Results Filter Panels

Page 9: eLibrary: Using the General Search Form in the New eLibrary...006,007 - _ Filed Date ----General Search Results Items per page: 1 00 1 -4 of 4 < > Descripllon Class/Type Issuance

Select C~ mns

Note: Icons and links to zip,view or download files will be disabled if you do not have 1 D se1ect All

Contact the helpdesk to request offline such as microfilm and microfiche dOI fJ Category fJ Document Date

Search C riter i a-----------------------------■ Access ion Number LI Description

Keyword :spring canyoo.Filed Date : 09/26/2000 • 11/26/2019; Docket :ef1 1-4046006,er11 -4046007.; II Docket Number

II Filing Date

PJI Document Type

II Files

D Posted Date

0 Role/Org

J!l:iil Security Level

vailable to FERC personnel after Login. If. holidays)


Filter Result---------------------------------------------------•--------------------~

Note: The ti lters you select here will only be applied to the results in the table. If you want to expand your sea rch. you must use the General Sea rch link in the menu above.

r''""'"'-· Ill Description [ ""'" "'"""""""' '"' I ['"0""

0=••"d" ~ r"'"'°'"'"'·'"'·'"' 71 ~-••_rin_e_,_•"_'°"-----~II Fu ll Text _ Docket (e.g., ER11, ER11-4046, ER11-4040-0201 ) . _ er11-4046 _] [_ 006,007 _ . Filed Date

General Search Results Items per page: 100 1 -4 of 4 < >

Description Classliype

20140324--3010 Letter order accepting Spring Canyon Energy LLC's et a Order/Opinion I Delegated

expand row ER1 0-2125-008 I (Spring Canyon Sellers) 2/6114 fil ing of the Notice of C Order ER1 0-2127-006 hange in Status under Er10-2124 et al.

ERl 0-2128-007

Issuance 20140618-3011 06/18/2014 06/18/2014 ERl 0-2124-006 Letter order accepting Spring Canyon Energy LLC's 1/1 Order/Opinion I Delegated

expand row ERl 0-2125-007 7114 fi ling of a Notice of Change in Status stating that th Order ERl 0-2127-005 e lnvenergy Companies are now affiliated with Lakeland

ERl 0-2128-006 Solar Energy LLC etc under ER l 0-2124 et al.

Submittal 20140117-5107 01/17/2014 01 /17/2014 ERl 0-2124-006 Notification of Change in Facts of Spring Canyon Energ Application/Petition/Request

expand row ERl 0-2125-007 y LLC. et. al. under ERl 0-2124. et. al. . I Compliance Electric Rate

ERl 0-2127-005 Filing

ERl 0-2128-006

Submittal 20140206-5076 02/06/2014 02/06/2014 ER1 0-2124-007 Notification of Change in Facts of Spring Canyon Energ Application/Petition/Request

expand row ERl 0-2125-008 y LLC. et. al. under ERl 0-2124. et. al. . I Compliance Electric Rate

ERl 0-2127-006 Filing

ERl 0-2128-007

To ---~

11/26/2019 r:::J . Reset

II Large Format • > 1 o MB ~ O ~ 1B 1&1 0F1es

- Files

Public !.;I Generate

+ ER10-2124--007.DOC

Public !.;I Generate

+ ER10-2124--006 .DOC

Public !.;I Generate

+ 2014 0117 lnvenergy Change in Fact Notice.PDF

Public !.;I Generate

+ 2014 0206 Inv utilities MBR Change in Fact Notic



You can sort and filter certain columns in the results table. Sortable columns are identified by arrow icons next to the column name in the results table. (See Fig. 10)

To sort, simply click on the sortable column header you’d like to sort by in the results table.

You can also add or remove columns to the results table by hovering over Select Columns on the top bar of the page and toggling the checkboxes for the various column options. Any greyed-out options must be included in the results table. (See Fig. 10)

Figure 10: Sorting, Adding, and Removing Columns in the Results Table

Page 10: eLibrary: Using the General Search Form in the New eLibrary...006,007 - _ Filed Date ----General Search Results Items per page: 1 00 1 -4 of 4 < > Descripllon Class/Type Issuance

~ F~ e:jE?.~: R~:Ulato~ comm1ss1on


--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------General Search Docket Search New Docket Search Select View Select Columns Save Search Subscribe to a Docket Email Result Print Page

Note: Icons and links to zip,view- or download fi les will be disabled if you do not have the required permiSSJon to perform these actioos.PrMleged,Protected and CEIi files are available to FERC personnel after Login. Contact the helpdesk to request offline such as microfilm and microfiche documentation at 202-502-6652 or Toll Free 1·866-208-3676(M-F,8:30 AM• 5 PM EST except holidays)

Search Criteria-----------------------------------------------------------------------~X~

Keyword :spring ca nyonFiled Date : 09/26/ 2000 • 11/26/2019; Docket :er114046006,e-r11-4046007,;

Fi lter Result-----------------------------------------------------------------------~ X

Note: The TI iters you select here will only be applied to the results in the table. If you want to expand your sea rch. you must use the General Search link in the menu above.

r SearchbJuywc.,,::l• Ill Description ·~" '"'" '°'"'""''"' r'"'"""="•~w 7 [ Sut,.)e.: l;,:u og.. (001. 002) 71 [ springcanyon .!I Full Text Docket (e.g., ER 11, ER11-4046, ER11 -4040-0201) [_ er11-4046 _ _ 006,007 _ _ Filed Date ■ Reset

General Search Results Items per page: 100 1 -4 of 4 < > II Large Format • > 1 O MB Bi g ~l:s

Description Class/Type

Issuance Letter order accepting Spring Canyon Energy LLC's el a Order/Opinion I Delegated Publ ic ERl 0-2125-008 I (Spring Canyon Sellers) 216/14 filing of the Notice of C Order

Generate PDF & Download ER10-2t 27-006 hange in Status under Erl 0-2124 et al. ERl 0-2 128-007

Issuance 20140618-301 1 Go to Doc Info ERt 0-2 t 24-006 Letter order accepting Spring Canyon Energy LLC's t i t Order/Opinion I Delegated Publ ic ~ Generate

expand row ERl0-2125-007 7/14 fil ing of a Notice of Change in Status slating that th Order ERl 0-2127-005 e lnvenergy Companies are now affiliated with Lakeland + ERl0-2124--006 .DOC

Go to File List ERt 0-2t28-006 Solar Energy LLC etc under ERt 0-2t24 et al

Submittal 20140117-5107 01117/2014 01/17/2014 ER10-2 t 24-006 Notification of Change in Fads of Spring Canyon Energ Application/Petition/Request Publ ic ~ Generate

expand row ERt 0-2 t 25-007 y LLC, et al. under ER10-2t 24, et al. . I Compl iance Electric Rate ERl0-2127-005 Filing + 2014 0117 lnvenergy Ctlange in Fact Notice.PDF


Submittal 20140206-5076 02106/2014 02106/2014 ERl0-2124-007 Notification of Change in Facts of Spring Canyon Energ Application/Petition/Request Publ ic ~ Generate

expand row ER10-2t25-008 y LLC, et al. under ER10-2124, et al.. I Compl iance Electric Rate ER10-2 t 27-006 Filing + 2014 0206 Inv utilities MBR Change in Fact Notic

ERl0-2128-007 e.PDF

The accession menu – which will pop up when you hover over a specific accession number in the results table – allows you to consolidate and download all files for an Accession Number to a zip or PDF file. (See Fig. 11)

You can also click the PDF Generation icon located under the Files column for each result to generate a FERC PDF. (See Fig. 11)

Figure 11: Accession Menu and PDF Generation Button

Page 11: eLibrary: Using the General Search Form in the New eLibrary...006,007 - _ Filed Date ----General Search Results Items per page: 1 00 1 -4 of 4 < > Descripllon Class/Type Issuance

ACCESSIBILITY TIPS FERC GOV HB.P LOGIN ~ F: e:jE~~aR~:Ulatory comm,ss,on

--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------General Search Docket Search New Docket Search Select View Select Columns Save Search Subscribe to a Docket Email Result Print Page

Note: Icons and links to zip,vlew or do\.Ynload files will be disabled if you do not have the required permission to perform these actions.PrMleged,Protected and CEIi files are available to FERC personnel afta Login Contact the helpdesk to request offllne such as mlcrofllm and microfiche documentation at 202·502--6652 or Toll Free 1·866-20S.3676(M-F,8:30 AM - 5 PM EST except holidays)

Search Criteria-------------------------------------------------------------------------~ X

Keyword :s pring ca nyonFiled Date : 09/26/2000 11 /26/2019; Docket :er11-4046006,er11-4046007.;

Filter Resu lt------------------------------------------------------------------------~

Note: The fi lters you se!ect here will only be applied to the results in the table. If you want to expand your sea rch,. you must use the General Search link in the menu above.

[ Sec,r~ by l:t!ywo<d~ I PJ Descript ion ~,;t u~<:!" " l~r.ifi,., T)'f"' [ ~ ... Reef~~~~ .. Nu~t ... 7 r '"°"'''" ., .,00,.002) 71

_ spnng canyon .l!il Fu ll Text Docket (e.g., ER11, ER11-404b, ER11-4040-0201) _ er1 1-4046 _ [_ 006,007 _ . Filed Date

General Search Results

----Issuance 20140324-3010 03/2412014 0312412014 ERl 0-2124-007

expand row ERl 0-2125-008 ERl 0-2127-006 ERl 0-2128-007

Issuance 20140618-3011 06/18/2014 06/18/2014 ERl 0-2124-006

expand row ERl 0-2125-007 ERl 0-2127-005 ERl 0-2128-006

Submittal 20140117-5107 0111712014 0111712014 ERl 0-2124-006

expand row ERl 0-2125-007 ERl 0-2127-005 ERl 0-2128-006

Submittal 20140206-5076 0210612014 0210612014 ERl 0-2124-007

expand row ERl 0-2125-008 ERl 0-2127-006 ERl 0-2128-007

Items per page: 100 1 -4of 4 < >


Letter order accepting Spring Canyon Energy LLC's et a

I (Spring Canyon Sellers) 216114 fil ing of the Nolice of C hange in Status under Er10-2124 et al.

Leiter order accepting Spring Canyon Energy LLC"s 111 7114 fi ling of a Notice of Change in Slalus slating lhal th e lnvenergy Companies are now affiliated with Lakeland Solar Energy LLC etc under ERl0-2124 el al

Notification of Change in Facts of Spring Canyon Energ

y LLC, et. al. under ERl 0-2124, et. al. .

Notification of Change in Facts of Spring Canyon Energ

y LLC. et. al. under ERl 0-2124. et. al. .


Order/Opin ion I Delegated


Order/Opini on I Delegated Order


I Compliance Electric Rate



I Compliance Electric Rate


■ Reset

II Large Format • > 1 o M ~ 0.0~ MB ~ 2 F1les

- Files





~ Generale

0 R10-2124--007.DOC

/?'t•n~le w l0-2124-006 .DOC

~ Gen~le

+ 2014 0117 lnvenergy Char19e in Fact Notice.PDF

~ Gen~le

+ 2014 0206 Inv utilities MBR Change in Fact Notic



Additionally, you may select files to Zip by clicking on the “+” icon next to any file name under the Files column for an Accession Number in the results table. You may zip files across Accession Numbers by the same method (simply click the “+” icon for all files you’d like to add to your Zip Folder). You can even navigate to other pages of your results and add files to your Zip Folder. Your Zip Folder icon is located directly above the results table and will indicate the number and size of files you have added. (See Fig. 12)

Figure 12: Zipping Files Across Accession Numbers

Page 12: eLibrary: Using the General Search Form in the New eLibrary...006,007 - _ Filed Date ----General Search Results Items per page: 1 00 1 -4 of 4 < > Descripllon Class/Type Issuance

elibrary Federal Energy Regulatory CommIssIon


General search Docket search New Docket search select View select Columns save search subscribe to a Docket Email Result Print Page

Note: Icons an:I li'lks to Zip.view or download files will be disabled ~ you do not have the required pennissicn to perform these aclions.PrivileOOd,Prolected an:I CBI files ive available to FERC personnel after Login. Contact the helpdesk ID request offline such as microfilm an:l nicrofiche documenlalion at 202-502-6652 or Toll Free 1-866-208-3676(~8·30 AM - 5 PM EST except holidays)

Search Criteri a

Keyword :spring canyonfiled o.te : 09/26/2000 · 11 /26/2019; Docket :efl l -4046006,erll -4046007,;

Filter Result

Note: The filters you selttt here will only be appli~ to t~ results in the- tabl

r Sard-byqywgrds 1111 Description '"~'"•~•-

l spring canyon _ ■ Fu ll Text Docket (e g., ER1

General Search Results

Category t Accession 1' Filed t Document 't

Issuance 20140324-3010 03/24/2014 03/24/2014

expand row

Issuance 20140618-3011 06/18/2014 06/18/2014

expand row

Zip File I Remove Al l Files From Zip Folder

Your cu rren t zip fol de r size is 0.08 MB. The maximum size is 10 GB. Please be aware that X

your network connect ion speed may impact you r ability to download large zipped files.

Filename --ERl 0 -2124 -007.DOC DOC 44 KB Public

ERl 0-2 124 -006 .DOC DOC 39 KB Public


ERl0-2124-006 ERl0-2125-007 ERt0-2127-005 ERt0-2128-006

Zip & Download Files

Letter order accepting Spring Canyon Energy LLC's 1/1 7114 fil ing of a Notice of Change in Status stating that th e lnvenergy Companies are now affiliated with Lakeland

Solar Energy LLC elc under ERt0-2124 et al

6 0

Order/Opinion I Delegated Order


II Reset

+ ERl 0-2124-007.DOC

(;I Generate

+ ERl 0-2124-006 .DOC



To view your Zip Folder simply click on the green Zip Folder icon above the results table. (See Fig. 13)

A pop-up modal will appear displaying your selected files in a table. From this pop-up modal you have several possible actions. (See Fig. 13)

You may do each of the following actions in the modal:

1. Clear your Zip Folder by clicking the “Remove All Files From Zip Folder” button at the top right of the modal;

2. Zip and download all the files in your folder by clicking the “Zip & Download Files” button at the bottom center of the modal;

3. Zip and download an individual file by clicking the cloud-shaped icon under the Action column for a specific file in the modal table (the cloud-shaped icon is on the left-hand side within that cell);

4. Remove an individual file from your folder by clicking the circled minus sign directly to the right of the cloud-shaped button referenced in action 3 above.

Figure 13: Viewing Your Zip Folder and Using the Zip Folder Modal

Page 13: eLibrary: Using the General Search Form in the New eLibrary...006,007 - _ Filed Date ----General Search Results Items per page: 1 00 1 -4 of 4 < > Descripllon Class/Type Issuance

Note: Icons and links to zip,viev.ror download flies will be disabled if you do not have the required permission to perform these actions.Privileged,Protected and CEIi files are available to FERC personnel after Login. Contact the helpdesk to request offline such as microfilm and microfiche documentation at 202-502-6652 or Toll Free 1-866-208-3676(M-F,8:30 AM - 5 PM EST except holidays)

Search Criteria-----------------------------------------------------------------------~ X

Keyword :spring canyonFiled Date : 09/ 26/2000 - 11/26/2019; Docket :ef1 1-4046006,er11 -404&l07.;

Fi lte r Resu lt------------------------------------------------------------------------~

Note: The f1hers you select here will only be applied 10 the results in the table. If you want 10 ei,:pand your search,. you must use the General Search link in the menu above.

r"'"""" ' Ir.I Description ,.,,O U•;c. ,,.,, . .. ,,.. r """,.,·~'""'"'~ 7 r .,._,,.,,,.,,,,.,,,, 71 [ spring canyon . !ii Full Text Docket (e.g., ER 11, ER11-4046, ER11-4040-0201) [_ er11-4046 _ [_ 006,007 _ . Filed Date

General Search Results Items per page: 1 00 1 - 4 of 4 < >

---- Descriptlon Class/Type

Issuance 20140324-3010 0312412014 0312412014 ER10-2124-007 Letter order accepting Spring Canyon Energy LLC's el a Order/Opinion I Delegaled

expand row ER10-2125-008 ER10-2127-006

I (Spring Canyon Sellers) 2/6/14 filing of the Nolice of C Order hange in Status under Er10-2124 et al.


Issuance 20140618-3011 06/18/2014 06/18/2014 ER10-2124-006 Letter order accepting Spring Canyon Energy LLC's 1/1 Order/Opinion I Delegated

expand row ER10-2125-007 ER10-2127-005

7114 fi ling of a Notice of Change in Status stating that th Order e lnvenergy Companies are now affiliated with Lakeland

ER10-2128-006 Solar Energy LLC etc under ER10-2124 et al.

Submittal 20140117-5107 01117/2014 0111712014 ER10-2124-006 Notification of Change in Facts of Spring Canyon Energ Application/Petition/Request

expand row ER10-2125-007 ER10-2127-005

y LLC, et. al. under ER10-2124. et. al. . I Compliance Electric Rate Filing


Submittal 20140206-5076 02/06/2014 02/0612014 ER10-2124-007 Notification of Change in Facts of Spring Canyon Energ Application/Pelition/Request

expand row ER10-2125-008 ER10-2127-006

y LLC, et. al. under ERI0-2124, et. al. . I Compliance Electric Rate Filing


11/26/2019 r;:J ■ Reset

I'll Large Format • > 1 O MB ~ O ~ 1B la ~ OF1es

- Files

Public ~ Generate

+ ER10-2124--007.DOC

Public ~ Generate

+ ER10-2124--006 .DOC

Public ~ Generate

+ 2014 0117 lnvenergy Change in Fact Notice.PDF

Public ~ Generate

+ 2014 0206 Inv Utilities MBR Change in Fact Notic



Finally, all Search Results pages will allow you to save, email, or print the search results – please see the buttons for these functions available in the top bar of the Search Results pages. (See Fig. 14)

For more information on additional enhancements, please see the Help feature available in the banner from any screen. (See Fig. 14)

Figure 14: Save Search, Email Result, Print Page, and the Help Feature