Element Names - Weebly

Use a textbook or the website http://www.webelements.com to write the name of the element described below. phosphorus calcium iron nitrogen chlorine helium oxygen neon hydrogen iodine zinc carbon mercury copper gold chromium titanium fluorine nickel silicon sulfur platinum sodium lead 1. This element is the lightest of all the elements and its name means “water generator”. 2. This element is the second most abundant element in the atmosphere. It’s name means “acid forming”. It is essential for life. 3. It is believed that this element’s name may be derived from earlier words meaning “holy metal” because of its use in weapons making during the crusades. It is also a key element in hemoglobin. 4. Found in leaves, teeth, bones, and shells, this element is the fifth most abundant element in the earth’s crust. 5. This element is a coinage metal with a reddish, shiny appearance. It is an excellent conductor of electricity 6. The name of this element literally means, “bringer of light”. It was originally isolated from urine in an experiment conducted by Hennig Brand. 7. This element’s name literally means color because of the numerous colored compounds it forms. It gives rubies their red color and emeralds their green color. 8. We get our name, plumber, from the Latin name of this element. It has been used in pipes for years. It was recently used as a gasoline additive. 9. Found in antiseptics and added to salt, this element has important uses by the thyroid gland found in your neck. It is purple in color. 10. This yellow powdery element is used to vulcanize (harden) rubber, kill fungus, and to bleach paper products and fruit. Element Names Chem Worksheet 1-1

Transcript of Element Names - Weebly

Page 1: Element Names - Weebly

Use a textbook or the website http://www.webelements.com to write the nameof the element described below.

phosphorus calcium ironnitrogen chlorine heliumoxygen neon hydrogeniodine zinc carbonmercury copper goldchromium titanium fluorinenickel silicon sulfurplatinum sodium lead

1. This element is the lightest of all the elements and its name means “water generator”.

2. This element is the second most abundant element in the atmosphere. It’s namemeans “acid forming”. It is essential for life.

3. It is believed that this element’s name may be derived from earlier words meaning“holy metal” because of its use in weapons making during the crusades. It is also akey element in hemoglobin.

4. Found in leaves, teeth, bones, and shells, this element is the fifth most abundantelement in the earth’s crust.

5. This element is a coinage metal with a reddish, shiny appearance. It is an excellentconductor of electricity

6. The name of this element literally means, “bringer of light”. It was originally isolatedfrom urine in an experiment conducted by Hennig Brand.

7. This element’s name literally means color because of the numerous coloredcompounds it forms. It gives rubies their red color and emeralds their green color.

8. We get our name, plumber, from the Latin name of this element. It has been used inpipes for years. It was recently used as a gasoline additive.

9. Found in antiseptics and added to salt, this element has important uses by the thyroidgland found in your neck. It is purple in color.

10.This yellow powdery element is used to vulcanize (harden) rubber, kill fungus, andto bleach paper products and fruit.

Element NamesChem Worksheet 1-1

Page 2: Element Names - Weebly

11.This element’s name means pale green. It is a yellowish green gas that is arespiratory irritant. This substance is found in sea salt.

12.This silvery white metal is very soft. It is found in common table salt.

13.This black element’s name means charcoal. It is found in all living things. The pureelement is found as diamond or graphite.

14.This element’s Latin name means “liquid silver” and it is the only metal that exists atroom temperature as a liquid. It is used in thermometers and other measuringdevices.

15.This lighter-than-air gas is used to lift large blimps. It is inert (non-reactive).

16.This element has been known about and valued for thousands of years. It is a verysoft metal that is used in coins and jewelry.

17.This substance is an inert gas. When electricity is passed through this substance itglows reddish orange. Its name literally means, “new”.

18.This element is used in etching glass. It is in the same family as bromine. It has alsobeen proven useful in preventing tooth decay. For this reason it is added totoothpaste and water supplies.

19.This metal is often plated with other metals to increases their strength, such as inarmor plating. It gives glass a green color. In actuality this element only comprises25% of the U.S. five-cent-piece.

20.This is the second most abundant element in the earth’s crust. It is found in sand,quartz, and rock crystal. It is used in making semi-conductors.

21.This element is a very inert (non-reactive) metal. For this reason it is used in jewelryand in electrical contacts. It’s name means silver, and getting a record made of this isconsidered an accomplishment.

22.Used in making fertilizer, this element is readily available in the earth’s atmosphere.It is a colorless, odorless, gas. It can be compressed to a liquid and used as arefrigerant.

23.This is a lightweight metal that is mixed with iron to ‘galvanize’ steel. For animals itis an important part of the diet. This element is used to make coins as well (the coreof the penny is made out of this metal).

24.The metal with the highest melting point. For this reason it is often used as thefilament in light bulbs.

Page 3: Element Names - Weebly

Properties of Metals and Nonmetals


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a— x


WORD BANKBrittleMalleableConductiveNon conductiveDuctileShinyDullHigh melting point

with these properties Low melting point


Requires high

temperature to m









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J Easily transm




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L MetalsXTnnTTvtnlc

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Page 4: Element Names - Weebly

Atomic Structure & the Periodic Table Flow ChartUse the following terms one time each: Atomic Number, Protons,Average Atomic Mass, Number ofElectrons, Neutrons




Page 5: Element Names - Weebly

Basic Atomic Structure Worksheet

1. The 3 particles of the atom are: Their respective charges are:

a. ________________________

b. ________________________

c. ________________________

a. ________________________

b. ________________________

c. ________________________

Word Bank:

amount atomic mass atomic mass atomic mass

atomic number name charge electrons

neutrons nucleus protons same

1. The number of protons in one atom of an element determines the atom’s _________________, and the

number of electrons determines the _________________________ of the element.

2. The atomic number tells you the number of ___________________________ in one atom of an element.

It also tells you the number of __________________________ in a neutral atom of that element. The

atomic number gives the “identity” of an element as well as its location on the periodic table. No two

different elements will have the ____________________ atomic number.

3. The ______________________ of an element is the average mass of an element’s naturally occurring

atom, or isotopes, taking into account the ____________________ of each isotope.

4. The _______________________ of an element is the total number of protons and neutrons in the

___________________ of the atom.

5. The atomic mass is used to calculate the number of ______________________ in one atom of an

element. In order to calculate the number of neutrons you must subtract the ______________________

from the ______________________.

Page 6: Element Names - Weebly

Basic Atomic Structure Worksheet

7. Give the symbol of and the number of protons in one atom of:

● Lithium

● Iron

● Oxygen

● Krypton

_____, __________________

_____, __________________

_____, __________________

_____, __________________

● Bromine

● Copper

● Mercury

● Helium

_____, __________________

_____, __________________

_____, __________________

_____, __________________

8. Give the symbol of and the number of electrons in a neutral atom of:

● Uranium

● Boron

● Chlorine

● Iodine

_____, __________________

_____, __________________

_____, __________________

_____, __________________

● Xenon

● Iron

● Magnesium

● Hydrogen

_____, __________________

_____, __________________

_____, __________________

_____, __________________

9. Give the symbol of and the number of neutrons in one atom of:

(Mass numbers are ALWAYS whole numbers...show your calculations)

● Barium

● Carbon

● Fluorine

● Bismuth

_____, __________________

_____, __________________

_____, __________________

_____, __________________

● Calcium

● Mercury

● Magnesium

● Hydrogen

_____, __________________

_____, __________________

_____, __________________

_____, __________________

10. Name the element which has the following numbers of particles:

a. 26 electrons, 29 neutrons, 26 protons _______________________________

b. 53 protons, 74 neutrons _______________________________

c. 2 electrons (neutral atoms) _______________________________

d. 20 protons _______________________________

e. 86 electrons, 125 neutrons, 82 protons _______________________________

f. 0 neutrons _______________________________

11. If you know ONLY the following information can you ALWAYS determine what the element is? (Yes/No)

a. Number of protons _______________________________

b. Number of neutrons _______________________________

c. Number of electrons in a neutral atom _______________________________

d. Number of electrons _______________________________

Page 7: Element Names - Weebly

Basic Atomic Structure Worksheet

12. Fill in the missing items in the table below.



# of Electrons 

# of Neutron 











40.1 20



Page 8: Element Names - Weebly

Isotope and Ions Practice Worksheet Name: _________________

Part I: Isotopes

1. Define an isotope.

2. What would happen if the number of protons were to change in an atom?

3. Another way to write isotopes is to write the name of the element then add the mass number after a dash,for example, 14

6C is carbon-14. Why isn’t the atomic number needed for this notation?

4. Here are three isotopes of an element: 612C 6

13C 614C

a. The element is: __________________b. The number 6 refers to the _________________________c. The numbers 12, 13, and 14 refer to the ________________________d. How many protons and neutrons are in the first isotope? _________________e. How many protons and neutrons are in the second isotope? _________________f. How many protons and neutrons are in the third isotope? _________________

Complete the following chart:

Isotope name atomic # mass # # of protons # of neutrons # of electrons

92 uranium-235

92 uranium-238

5 boron-10

5 boron-11

Part II: Ions

Determine the charges on the following using the diagram above as a guide:

1. An atom having lost two electrons ________ 2. An atom having lost six electrons ________ 3. An atom having gained one electron ________ 4. An atom having gained three electrons ________ 5. An atom having lost five electrons ________ 6. An atom having gained two electrons ________ 7. An atom having lost one electron ________ 8. An atom having gained four electrons ________

Page 9: Element Names - Weebly

Ions Continued

Complete the following:

1. For each of the positive ions listed in column 1, use the periodic table to find in column 2 the totalnumber of electrons that ion contains. The same answer may be used more than once.____ 1. Al+3 A. 2

____ 2. Fe+3 B. 10

____ 3. Mg+2 C. 21

____ 4. Sn+2 D. 23

____ 5. Co+2 E. 24

____ 6. Co+3 F. 25

____ 7. Li+1 G. 36

____ 8. Cr+3 H. 48

____ 9. Rb+1 I. 76

____ 10. Pt+2 J. 81

Element/Ion Atomic Number

Number of Protons

Number of Neutrons

Number of Electrons

Mass Number


1 +1H


-Cl24 2+12 Mg108 +47 Ag32 2-16S

30 28 66 76 114

Page 10: Element Names - Weebly




Given the following isotopes, determine the atomic number, the mass number, the number of protons,

electrons and neutrons.









Protons Electrons Neutrons IsotopeName


Complete the following chart by writing the symbol for the isotope of the following elements. In

addition, give the number of protons, electrons, mass number and atomic number and complete the

element name.

















Protons Electrons MassNumber



Page 11: Element Names - Weebly

Isotopes or Different ElementsChapter 4

In each of the following statements, you are given a pair of elements and important informationabout each. Use this information to determine if the pair of elements is isotopes or differentelements. Indicate your answer in the space provided.

1. Element D has 6 protons and 7 neutrons.Element F has 7 protons and 7 neutrons.

2. Element J has 27 protons and 82 neutrons.Element L has 27 protons and 83 neutrons.

3. Element X has 17 protons and 18 neutrons.Element Y has 18 protons and 17 neutrons.

4. Element Q has 56 protons and 81 neutrons.Element R has 56 protons and 82 neutrons.

5. Element T has an atomic number of 20 and a mass number of 40.Element Z has an atomic number of 20 and a mass number of 41.

6. Element W has 8 protons and 8 neutrons.Element V has 7 protons and 8 neutrons.

7. Element P has an atomic number of 92 and a mass number of 238.Element S has 92 protons and 143 neutrons.

Page 12: Element Names - Weebly

Name Date Period

ION Chart

Directions: Complete the following table.

Ion Symbol



















Protons Electrons Charge

Page 13: Element Names - Weebly

Chemical Bonding Questions

1. What is a chemical bond?

2. Chemical bonds are formed by the _______________ and/or _______________ of electrons.

3. What does the chemical formula for a compound tell us?

4. The formula for rust is Fe2O3. The 2 and 3 are called _______________. The 2 tells us that there are _______________ and the 3 tells us that there are _______________ contained in the compound.

5. Write a formula for a compound that contains 2 atoms of aluminum and 3 atoms of sulfur.

6. Write a formula for a compound that contains 1 atom of calcium and 2 atoms of fluorine.

7. What is an ion?

8. In a neutral atom, the number of protons _______________ the number of electrons.

9. What are valence electrons?

10. If a neutral atom gains electrons, it becomes a ______________ion, called a(n) _____________.

11. If a neutral atom loses electrons, it becomes a ______________ion, called a(n) _____________.

12. How can you determine if an atom will form a positive ion or a negative ion?

Page 14: Element Names - Weebly

13. What is an ionic bond?

14. What is an ionic compound?

15. What are the properties of ionic compounds?

16. What is a covalent bond?

17. What is a molecular/covalent compound?

18. What are the properties of covalent compounds?

Page 15: Element Names - Weebly


Lewis diagrams are a way to indicate the number of valence electrons around an atom.

Na', spp. 'N:are all examples ofthis type of diagram.

Draw Lewis dot diagrams of the following atoms.

1. calcium 6. carbon

2. potassium 7. helium

3. argon 8. oxygen

4. aluminum 9. phosphorus

5. bromine 10. hydrogen

Chemistry IF8766 ©Instructional Fair, Inc.