Electrophysiological...activity in the circular smooth muscle of the human internal anal sphincter...

Electrophysiological aspects of human sphincter function Thomas J. Ustach, … , D. David Bass, Marvin M. Schuster J Clin Invest. 1970; 49(1):41-48. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI106220. In order to investigate the electrophysiology of the human internal anal sphincter and two current concepts of sphincter function, simultaneous manometric and electrical recordings were made from circular smooth muscle of the internal anal sphincter in the resting state and during reflexly induced sphincter relaxation. Three groups were studied: seven normal subjects, 25 patients with functional bowel disease, and seven patients with external sphincter paralysis due to spinal cord lesions. In the resting state slow waves of alternating potential (basic electrical rhythm or BER) were recorded in all subjects. Two types of waves were present, a constant sinusoidal pattern or a spindleshaped pattern. Either pattern was consistent for a given individual. Frequency of BER in the internal sphincter was higher than that recorded in any other gastrointestinal muscle. Our findings indicate that the BER recorded from the internal anal sphincter originates in this muscle. This activity may represent a specialized feature of sphincteric muscle since BER cannot be recorded from isolated nonsphincteric circular muscle. Reproduction of the two patterns of BER by an electronic model suggests that BER, as recorded by this technique, results from a summation of a number of electrically active cells in contact with the recording electrodes. Inhibition of BER occurred when sphincter relaxation was reflexly induced by rectal distension. Both inhibition of BER and degree of […] Research Article Find the latest version: http://jci.me/106220/pdf Pdf

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Page 1: Electrophysiological...activity in the circular smooth muscle of the human internal anal sphincter and to evaluate two current hypotheses of sphincter function. Present concepts of

Electrophysiological aspects of humansphincter function

Thomas J. Ustach, … , D. David Bass, Marvin M. Schuster

J Clin Invest. 1970;49(1):41-48. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI106220.

In order to investigate the electrophysiology of the human internal anal sphincter and twocurrent concepts of sphincter function, simultaneous manometric and electrical recordingswere made from circular smooth muscle of the internal anal sphincter in the resting stateand during reflexly induced sphincter relaxation. Three groups were studied: seven normalsubjects, 25 patients with functional bowel disease, and seven patients with externalsphincter paralysis due to spinal cord lesions. In the resting state slow waves of alternatingpotential (basic electrical rhythm or BER) were recorded in all subjects. Two types of waveswere present, a constant sinusoidal pattern or a spindleshaped pattern. Either pattern wasconsistent for a given individual. Frequency of BER in the internal sphincter was higher thanthat recorded in any other gastrointestinal muscle. Our findings indicate that the BERrecorded from the internal anal sphincter originates in this muscle. This activity mayrepresent a specialized feature of sphincteric muscle since BER cannot be recorded fromisolated nonsphincteric circular muscle.

Reproduction of the two patterns of BER by an electronic model suggests that BER, asrecorded by this technique, results from a summation of a number of electrically active cellsin contact with the recording electrodes. Inhibition of BER occurred when sphincterrelaxation was reflexly induced by rectal distension. Both inhibition of BER and degree of[…]

Research Article

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Page 2: Electrophysiological...activity in the circular smooth muscle of the human internal anal sphincter and to evaluate two current hypotheses of sphincter function. Present concepts of

Electrophysiological Aspects of Human Sphincter Function


From the Department of Medicine, Baltimore City Hospitals and Johns HopkinsUniversity School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21224

A B S T R A C T In order to investigate the electrophysi-ology of the human internal anal sphincter and twocurrent concepts of sphincter function, simultaneousmanometric and electrical recordings were made fromcircular smooth muscle of the internal anal sphincter inthe resting state and during reflexly induced sphincterrelaxation. Three groups were studied: seven normalsubjects, 25 patients with functional bowel disease, andseven patients with external sphincter paralysis due tospinal cord lesions. In the resting state slow waves ofalternating potential (basic electrical rhythm or BER)were recorded in all subjects. Two types of waves werepresent, a constant sinusoidal pattern or a spindle-shaped pattern. Either pattern was consistent for a givenindividual. Frequency of BER in the internal sphincterwas higher than that recorded in any other gastro-intestinal muscle. Our findings indicate that the BERrecorded from the internal anal sphincter originates inthis muscle. This activity may represent a specializedfeature of sphincteric muscle since BER cannot be re-corded from isolated nonsphincteric circular muscle.

Reproduction of the two patterns of BERby an elec-tronic model suggests that BER, as recorded by thistechnqiue, results from a summation of a number ofelectrically active cells in contact with the recordingelectrodes. Inhibition of BER occurred when sphincterrelaxation was reflexly induced by rectal distension.Both inhibition of BERand degree of sphincter relaxa-tion were proportional to the strength of rectal stimu-lation, suggesting that strength of stimulus determinesthe number of active cells which are inhibited.

The associations of high frequency of BERwith highresting pressure, and of inhibition of BERwith sphinc-ter relaxation suggests that maintenance of sphinctertone is an active process that is governed by BER.

A partial report of this work was presented at the Ameri-can Gastroenterological Association Meetings, 18 May 1968,Philadelphia, Pa.

Received for publication 16 May 1969 and ix revised form15 August 1969.

INTRODUCTIONThis study was undertaken to investigate electricalactivity in the circular smooth muscle of the humaninternal anal sphincter and to evaluate two currenthypotheses of sphincter function. Present concepts ofelectrophysiology of gastrointestinal smooth muscle arebased on the observation that there are two types ofelectrical activity which can be recorded from thesmall intestine: slow sinusoidal waves of alternatingpotential called basic electrical rhythm (BER), andrapid spike activity. It is generally held that BERoriginates in longitudinal muscle since BER can berecorded in vitro in isolated longitudinal muscle but notin isolated circular muscle (1-8). BERis thought to setthe stage for spike activity which is associated withcircular muscle contraction (1, 9-12). Our findings indi-cate that BER can originate from the internal analsphincter which is composed of circular smooth muscleanatomically separate from longitudinal muscle.

One of two current concepts explaining the high rest-ing pressure (which we shall refer to as "tone") withinthe anal sphincter proposes that the internal sphincteris held closed by an active process and that sphincterrelaxation results from an inhibition of this state (13).According to the second theory the sphincter, whenclosed, is in an inactive state, but distension from withininitiates active resistance (14). Our findings obtainedby recording simultaneous electrical and manometricactivity within the sphincter support the first hypothesis.

The high frequency of BER which was associatedwith a high resting pressure, as well as inhibition ofBER which accompanied sphincter relaxation, suggeststhat BERmay be related to tone.

METHODSStudies were performed on 39 subjects: seven normal volun-teers, 25 patients with functional bowel disorder, and sevenpatients with spinal cord lesions. Normal volunteers rangedin age from 31 to 74 yr (average of 45 yr). The patients withfunctional bowel disorders ranged in age from 18 months to

The Journal of Clinical Investigation Volume 49 1970 41

Page 3: Electrophysiological...activity in the circular smooth muscle of the human internal anal sphincter and to evaluate two current hypotheses of sphincter function. Present concepts of

Recta; -balloon

Int. sphinc e my'balloon ~De

Ext.sphincterr. uperfiSici .-phincte rballoon 5,Xf ~t_- SubcJt6inecus

To rucordr.- To ifrYvnfsci(ups

FIGURE 1 Schematic diagram of recording technique. Theanatomical relationship of the pressure-sensing device in theanal canal is shown. The flat surface electrodes used forelectrical recordings are cemented onto the balloon whichis surrounded by the internal sphincter.

80 yr (average of 30 yr). These patients had vague abdomi-nal complaints and constipation, or constipation alternatingwith diarrhea. At the time of the study constipation was thepresenting problem in 20 patients and diarrhea in the remain-ing five patients. The patients with spinal cord lesionsranged in age from 4 yr to 63 yr (average of 42 yr). Thelesions, located from T-12 to S-2, resulted in externalsphincter paralysis and symptoms of constipation and in-continence.

Pressure recordings were obtained from a double balloondevice tied around a hollow steel cylinder to form twoseparate compartments (15). This device was inserted intothe anal canal so that the internal balloon, when inflatedwith 10 cc of air, was surrounded by the internal analsphincter and the external balloon when similarly inflatedwas encircled by the superficial bundle of the externalsphincter (Fig. 1). A third balloon, inserted through thehollow core of the recording device, was used to initiatereflex sphincteric responses by transient rectal distension(for 2 sec) with 10-50 cc of air, progressing in 10 ccincrements. When filled with 50 cc of air the rectal balloondistended laterally, was 5 cm long, and remained 4 cm abovethe internal sphincter balloon. Respirations were also moni-tored by this balloon. Each of the balloons communicated bypolyethylene tubing with pressure transducers.' Pressuretracings were displayed on three channels of a four channeldirect writing recorder.'

1 Sanborn model 267B.'Sanborn model 964 (frequency response: D.C. to 125


Electrical recordings were obtained f rom the internalsphincter area by electrodes cemented to the surface of theinternal sphincter balloon. The electrodes were made byremoving a centimeter of insulation from 0.2 mmsilver-plated copper wire (Tensolite No. 32 gauge, Teflon insu-lated) which had a resistance of 0.408 ohms/m. This wasinserted into a small patch of latex leaving a 1.0 mmlengthof stripped wire as an electrode. The patch was thenfastened to the internal sphincter bolloon with waterproofinsulating cement (see Fig. 1). These electrodes, arrangedin pairs 1 cm apart, communicated with an input adapterand a low level preamplifier.' Bipolar techniques were usedbecause, when compared, bipolar tracings were similar tomonopolar tracings, contained less outside interference, andeliminated electrocardiographic artefacts. Electrical tracingswere displayed on the fourth channel of the direct writingrecorder.

In order to differentiate electrical activity of smoothmuscle from that of striated muscle, electromyography wasrecorded from the striated muscle of the external analsphincter (superficial bundle) by a platinum concentricneedle electrode. The electromyographic recording was dis-played on an oscilloscope5 and a loudspeaker.'

Recordings were made from the internal sphincter for 3min in the resting state and then during sphincter relaxa-tions induced by rectal distension. Both pressure and electri-cal recordings were analyzed for amplitude, frequency, andwave form. A recognizable deviation f rom the isoelectricline of 80 ,uv (2 mmwith our usual recording sensitivity)was accepted as an electrical wave. An electrical cycle wasdefined as a wave which began at the isoelectric line, becamedisplaced above this line and then below it, and then re-turned to the isoelectric line. Correlation of electricalactivity and pressure changes were made at paper speeds of1 mm, 2.5 mm, and 5 mm/sec.


Resting state. A basic electrical rhythm (BER) con-sisting of slow waves of alternating potential was re-corded from the internal sphincter in all subjects. Twotypes of electrical activity were present. A constantsinusoidal pattern (Fig. 2) was found in 18 subjects anda spindle or diamond-shaped pattern (Fig. 3) in 22subjects. Each pattern appeared in approximately halfof subjects in each of the three study groups (Table I).A given pattern was typical for a given subject since it,remained unchanged throughout the entire study and wasreproducible in five subjects on repeat study. BER wasindependent of respiratory excursions since it differedfrom respiration in -frequency and was not altered bybreath holding (Fig. 4). In no instance was spikeactivity recorded.

In normal subjects the average frequency of BERwas 17 cycles/min. The average frequency for the othertwo groups having bowel complaints was somewhatlower (Fig. 5). Whereas the frequency of BERwas thesame on repeat studies in a given subject, voltage was

'Sanborn model 56A.'Sanborn model 350-3A.5 Disa model 13B09.

42 T. J. Ustach, F. Tobon, T. Hambrecht, D. D. Bass, and M. M. Schuster

Page 4: Electrophysiological...activity in the circular smooth muscle of the human internal anal sphincter and to evaluate two current hypotheses of sphincter function. Present concepts of

* * I I -w


50 60 X

FIGURE 2 Constant sinusoidal BER in the resting state. A sinusoidal basic electrical rhythm(BER) is recorded from the internal sphincter at a time that no pressure changes are occurringin this sphincter. Upper tracing is the bipolar electrical recording from the internal analsphincter and the lower three tracings are pressure recordings from the balloons placed in thedesignated areas. In this and subsequent figures resting pressure in each balloon is assigneda zero value on the vertical axis. Increases above this level (contraction) are designated aspositive, and decreases (relaxation) as negative.

not. Voltage in all subjects ranged from 200 to 600 juv.Neither voltage nor frequency correlated with age or

sex distribution.Sphincteric responses. Rectal distension produced

relaxation of the internal anal sphincter. Inhibition ofelectrical activity (BER) was associated with internalsphincter relaxation and appeared with the onset of

relaxation. Both the inhibition of electrical activity andthe degree of sphincter relaxation were related to thevolume of air used for the rectal distension (Fig. 6).When 50 cc of air was used for rectal distension, inhibi-tion of electrical activity (Fig. 7) occurred in 73% ofdistensions; when 20 cc of air was used, inhibitionaccompanied only 5% of distensions (Fig. 8). No






~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~EXT.cp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SPHINCTER



O 25 5O 75 100 125TIME IN SECONDS

I SO 175 200

FIGURE 3 Spindle shaped BER in the resting state. A crescendo-decrescendo pattern of BERis present in the internal sphincter (upper tracing) and is not associated with pressure changes.Patient movement (at the arrow) produces pressure increases in the internal and externalsphincter balloons but does not alter the electrical activity. Electrical frequency was calculatedas the number of cycles per minute between two areas of electrical inhibition.

Electrophysiological Aspects of Human Sphincter Function





z4Z +5,

00l 0O

X +S]4 0J






Page 5: Electrophysiological...activity in the circular smooth muscle of the human internal anal sphincter and to evaluate two current hypotheses of sphincter function. Present concepts of


.t + 51 INT.j5] SPHINCTER

w 0



14+5, EXT.


a1 0]

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70TIME IN SECONDS

FIGURE 4 Demonstration that BER is independent of respiratory movements. 10 sec of breathholding (indicated by the hatched bar) eliminated respiratory excursions in the rectal balloonbut did not alter the electrical activity (BER).

change in electrical activity occurred with distendingvolumes of 15 cc or less. When the sphincter itself wasdistended by inflating the internal sphincter balloonwith an additional 10 cc of air, there was no change inBER.

In the normal group and the group with functionalbowel disorders rapid bursts of spike potentials wererecorded from the external sphincter during voluntaryor reflexly induced active contraction (reflex contractionof the external sphincter was stimulated by balloon dis-tension of the rectum or by perianal scratch). When theexternal sphincter was in a resting state an occasionalspike was seen on the oscilloscope. However in thegroup with spinal cord lesions no electrical activity wasrecorded from the external sphincter during the restingstate or with rectal distension.

DISCUSSIONOrigin of sphincteric BER. These studies demon-

strating that BERcan be recorded from circular smoothmuscle in vivo are in contrast with in vitro studies ofnonsphincteric circular smooth muscle from which noBER could be recorded (1, 2, 16). Since our originalreport of these studies at the American Gastroentero-

TABLE IDistribution of the Two Patterns of BER

Constant SpindleSubjects No. pattern pattern

Normal 7 43 57Functional 25 52 48Neurological 7 43 57

logical Association meetings in Philadelphia 18 May1968, similar recordings of BER have been recordedfrom the internal anal sphincter using a different tech-nique (17). The following is evidence that electrical





j 15-

am X



- -










xxxx x

x xx xxxx

x x x

x x


x xIx



BER FREQUENCYFIGURE 5 Distribution of BER frequency. Horizontal barindicates the average frequency of BER in each group.Although the means for the functional and neurologicalgroups differ from the normal, there is overlap amongpatients and the differences are not statistically significant(Student's t test).

44 T. J. Ustach, F. Tobon, T. Hambrecht, D. D. Bass, and M. M. Schuster

Page 6: Electrophysiological...activity in the circular smooth muscle of the human internal anal sphincter and to evaluate two current hypotheses of sphincter function. Present concepts of










15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50


FIGURE 6 Inhibition of electrical activity with sphincter relaxa-tion. Figures in parentheses represent total number of distensionsat each designated volume. There is a direct correlation betweenstrength of stimulus and inhibition of electrical activity.

activity truly originates in the circular smooth muscle extensions of longitudinal muscle, traverse the sphincterof the internal anal sphincter. (a) This muscle is ana- (18, 19). (b) Electrical activity is transmitted fromtomically separate from and devoid of longitudinal mus- longitudinal to circular muscle for extremely short dis-cle. Longitudinal muscle terminates above the internal tances (1-2 mm) (7) and this conduction is throughsphincter and only sparse fibroelastic strands, which are connecting muscle fibrils (20). These two considerations


I 0-1


a 5

0 10 20 30 404 TIME IN SECONDS





50 60

FIGURE 7 Inhibition of BER during internal sphincter relaxation. Inhibition of BER(upper tracing) accompanies the down slope of internal sphincter relaxation (second

tracing) produced by rectal distension (arrow) with 50 cc of air. BER returns at thesame time that sphincter tone returns.

Electrophysiological Aspects of Human Sphincter Function



Page 7: Electrophysiological...activity in the circular smooth muscle of the human internal anal sphincter and to evaluate two current hypotheses of sphincter function. Present concepts of

argue against the transmission of electrical activityfrom longitudinal muscle which terminates above thesphincter. (c) BER in the internal sphincter is nottransmitted from the adjoining rectal area since theBER in the rectum has a frequency of 3-6 cycles/min(21) while that in the sphincter has a frequency of 6-26cycles/min. Elsewhere in the gastrointestinal tract fre-quency of BERslows progressively in a cephalo-caudaddirection from duodenum to colon (2, 8, 9, 16, 22, 23).Average frequency of BER in the internal sphincter isnot only faster than that of adjacent rectum, but fasterthan any other area of the human gastrointestinal tractso far studied (12, 24). (d) Two adjacent areas (inthis case rectum and sphincter) can have different pat-terns of electrical activity without one area affectingthe basic pattern of the other (25). (e) BER is nottransmitted from the striated muscle of the externalsphincter since electrical activity from this and otherstriated muscle does not consist of BER, but instead ischaracterized by very rapid bursts of spike potentialswhich occur only during muscle contraction (26).Furthermore BER still could be recorded from theinternal sphincter in the group of patients with externalsphincter paralysis due to spinal cord lesions. These sub-jects had a normal internal anal sphincter response torectal distension but no activity, electrical or manomet-ric, could be detected in the external anal sphincter.



101O - 5-z

49s + 5-U


i1f+ 5]






5 I I

0 25 50


FIGURE 8 Internal sphincter relaxation without change inBER. Internal sphincter relaxation (second tracing) has noeffect on BER (upper tracing) when small volumes (20cc) are used for rectal distension.

I:...;..ll ,. ..




FIGURE 9 Artificially simulated BER (constant pattern).Constant pattern (lower tracing) similar to that recorded invivo is produced by the summated activity of two generators(A and B) with frequencies that are out of phase but donot cancel each other.

These findings indicate that the BER recorded fromthe internal anal sphincter originates in this muscle.This activity may represent a specialized feature ofsphincteric muscle since BER cannot be recorded fromisolated nonsphincteric circular smooth muscle in vi ro.

Electrophysiological features relating to BER. Theorigin of the two types of BER as well as their differ-ences may be explained electrophysiologically. In the in-testine (20), as in the brain and heart, groups of cellsact as electrical generators with each generator dis-charging at its own frequency and voltage. The con-




FIGURE 10 Artificially simulated BER (spindle pattern).Spindle pattern (lower tracing) is produced by the sum-mated activity of two generators (A and B) with fre-quencies that are out of phase in such a manner that theyalternately augment and cancel each other.

46 T. J. Ustach, F. Tobon, T. Hambrecht, D. D. Bass, and M. M. Schuster

77' 'TI


1-77T t


Page 8: Electrophysiological...activity in the circular smooth muscle of the human internal anal sphincter and to evaluate two current hypotheses of sphincter function. Present concepts of

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L}!l_111IIA L<EEl E MEEEEE;;P i; S1 1 A LL I4II

FIGURE 11 Artificially simulated BER (spindle pattern similar to in vivo recording). Spindlepattern is produced by two generators (A and B) discharging as in Fig. 10, but with -randomchanges in voltage. This same pattern may also result from an indefinite number of generatorseach firing at its own frequency and voltage.

stant pattern would be expected to result from electricalgenerators discharging at frequencies in synchrony orat frequencies which, though not synchronous, do notcancel each other. The spindle pattern would result fromfrequencies which are out of phase in such a mannerthat they do intermittently cancel each other. These con-ditions can be reproduced artificially by a model usingtwo or more electronic generators 6 which produce elec-trical activity at different frequencies. Fig. 9 shows howthe constant pattern can be produced artificially by twogenerators even if they are producing waves of differentfrequencies. Fig. 10 shows how an idealized spindlepattern can result from two generators having fre-quencies that alternately summate and cancel. Fig. 11shows how a spindle pattern very much like that re-corded in our subjects can be produced by two generatorsdischarging as in Fig. 10 but with the additional featureof random changes in voltage. Although the abovewave forms were produced using only two generators,it can be seen that the same results would be obtainedfrom a large number of generators, a situation whichresembles the in vivo circumstances.

Relation of BER to sphincteric relaxation. Whenstrong stimuli were used for inducing sphincteric re-laxat-on BER was interrupted with greater frequencythan when weaker stimuli were used. This correlationbetween volume of rectal distension, depth of sphinctericrelaxation, and inhibition of BER suggests that inhibi-tion is recorded only when stimulat on is sufficientlystrong to affect a relatively large number of active cen-ters in the area of the recording electrodes. Since theelectrodes measured 0.25 mm' they recorded from alarge number of active cells, not all of which were in-hibited by rectal distension. Therefore not all inducedrelaxations would be expected to demonstrate inhibitionof electrical activity.

Inhibition of BER was not due to movement ofsphincter muscle away from the electrodes, since move-ment artefact has an entirely different pattern, con-sisting of rapid deflections of high amplitude. Loss ofcontact produced by deflating the internal sphincter bal-loon caused similar sharp excursions, usually with 60

6Wavetek Function Generator 1 lOB.

cycle interference. Neither type of movement producedthe straight line seen with sphincter relaxation. Recentstudies (27) have shown that moving electrodes awayfrom muscle or reducing the pressure of electrode con-tact results not in inhibition, but in a change of con-figuration of the wave form.

Relation of BER to sphincter tone. The following isevidence that BER is related to tone. (a) BER is theonly type of electrical activity recorded from thissphincter. Spike activity is absent even though our ap-paratus is capable of recording spike potentials as dem-onstrated by passing a Miller-Abbott balloon, with simi-lar electrodes attached, into the duodenum of healthyvolunteers. Under these circumstances the expected spikepotentials were recorded with intestinal contraction.(b) The frequency of BER in the internal sphincter isindependent of neighboring muscle and does not followthe general trend of gradual slowing of BER frequencyin a cephalocaudad direction (3, 8, 10, 16, 20). Thesphincter has a much higher resting pressure ("tone")than adjacent colon and also a much faster frequencyof BER (21, 24). (c) When atony of intestinal muscleis produced by general anesthesia, the frequency of BERis much slower than in the unanesthetized state (8).

The inhibition of BER during sphincter relaxationtends to support the concept that the sphincter is nor-mally in a state of tonic contraction and that relaxationresults from inhibition of this state. The electrical char-acteristics demonstrated by the present study suggestthat in this functionally specialized area BER is relatedto the maintenance of tone.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors wish to express their gratitude to Dr. ThomasR. Hendrix for his helpful suggestions in the preparationof this manuscript.

This work was supported by grant No. AM 07862 fromthe National Institutes of Health.

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48 T. J. Ustach, F. Tobon, T. Hambrecht, D. D. Bass, and M. M. Schuster