Electronic Portfolios for Spanish III and Heritage Speakers

By Señora Maria del Pilar Reiman [email protected] Jackson High School : Foreign language Classes


Electronic Portfolios for Spanish III and Heritage Speakers. By Señora Maria del Pilar Reiman [email protected] Jackson High School : Foreign language Classes. Table of Contents slide Sample. Title/Introductory slide - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Electronic Portfolios for Spanish III and Heritage Speakers

Page 1: Electronic Portfolios for  Spanish III and  Heritage  Speakers

By Señora Maria del Pilar Reiman [email protected]

Jackson High School : Foreign language Classes

Page 2: Electronic Portfolios for  Spanish III and  Heritage  Speakers

Table of Contents slide SampleTitle/Introductory slide

Outlines the purpose and goals of the portfolio as well as the core objectives being met

Table of Contents slide The connecting slide to all of the artifacts,

reflections, and curriculum standardsInformation slides

Include artifacts, reflections, links, teacher evaluations, etc.

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Bienvenido a mi portafolio de la Clase de Español. Estudiantes: Aquí verás muchísimos proyectos

que haremos en mi clase durante el año escolar. Si quieres ver mis futuros trabajos clic en un tema de la lista de la izquierda. Espero que estos temas te inspiren y te ayuden a crear y desarrollar los tuyos. Toma mis ejemplos como un punto de partida para que sean tu guía.

Gracias por visitar mi red.Espero que Uds. La disfruten mucho!Emprende tu reto! La Señora Reiman

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Welcome to the Spanish Class PortfolioStudents on this site you will see many projects I

will do in my class during the school year. If you want to check out my future assigments, click on a topic from the list on the left. I hope these subjects will inspire you and help you to create and develop your own. Take my samples as a starting point to be your guide.

Thank for visiting my site.I hope that you all enjoy it!Take your challenge ! La Señora Reiman

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Creating Electronic Portfolios for Spanish III and Heritage Students through Story Telling Goals of the portfolio Las Metas del PortafolioStudents you will practice the target language,

“Spanish” through doing a portfolio in which you will personalize by reviewing your culture, applying your life experiences, through write, create the images, then read while presenting your personalize story to tell.

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Creating Electronic Portfolios for Spanish I and III Students through Story Telling

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Hands-on in the Spanish language Portfolio Subjects you need to work onA.Spanish III and heritage speakers students

could do an “Autobiografía” B.Storytelling: Decide on the Story You Want to

Tell:C.The story about an event in your life.D.The story about what I do.E.The story about someone important.F.The story about a place in your life. G.Love stories.H.Discovery stories. Etc.

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Hands-on in the Spanish language PortfolioI. Spanish Speaking Countries: Cultural

background you may include:Tradiciones La Musica y el baileLa cultura: folkloreLa Cocina Latina: Latin Kitchen Literatura

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Decide on the Story You Want to TellA. You probably already have a person, place, or

subject in your mind it could be your own autobiography.

Talk about yourself your life experiences, ups and downs. Take it easy. Focus, and make it fun!

B. It could be a story about an event in your life or your role model.

Travel stories, or stories about a personal journey: What did you do? Where did you go? What did you explore? What did you learn?

Did you ever accomplish or achieve a goal, such earning an A+ or an honor, drawing a picture, learning a subject, etc. This samples could easily fit into the framework of the Structure of a classic story-telling

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Elements of A Short Story Elementos de un Cuento Corto

Once upon a time…. Habia una vez….1.Introduction: Introduccion2.Plot: Trama:3.Conclusion:

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Definition of a Short Story Partes del CuentoTell about your experience, likes,

dislikes, or experience.Fiction or Non-Fiction100 words in lengthIt has a beginning, middle, and end.Write it, Read it, Spoken reflection

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Los Elementos del CuentoSetting: Escenario:Donde? Y Cuando el cuento

se llevo a caboCharacterization: PersonajesPlot: TramaConflict: ConflictoClimax: El ClimaResolucion: Resolucion del ProblemaTheme: TemaPoint of View: Who is telling the story: Punto

de vista o perspectiva del autor

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El Cuento Corto VocabularioShort Story VocabularyEscenario: Setting

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Lista de tus Proverbios: Proverbs List Traduccion: Translation1. Más sabe el necio en su casa que el cuerdo en la

ajena. A fool knows more in his own house than a wise man

does in someone else's. 2. Dónde una puerta se cierra, otra se abre.

Where a door is closed, another one is opened.4. El bien no es conocido hasta que es perdido. Wealth is not known until it is lost.5.


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Autobiografia Bienvenidos a mi biografía! SAMPLE Mi nombre es Andrea. Me llamo Dora en la clase de

español. Tengo quince años y vivo en Mill Creek, WA con mi familia y mis mascotas Cuddles y Snuggles.

El nombre de mi madre es Maria y el nombre de mi papá es Steven . Tengo dos hermanos, Nicholas y Diana. Yo tengo una familia fantástica. Mis mejores amigas son Ariel y Emily. Ellas son muy divertidas. Nos gusta ir de compras en las tiendas de Alderwood y testear todo el día.

Me encanta ir a bailar, nadar, leer y montar en bicicleta. Escalar la montaña Rainier es maravilloso.

Mis programas de televisión favoritos son Ídolo Americano y América tiene talento también me encanta mirar los juegos olímpicos.

Las actividades que mas disfruto son la red y testear.Hasta pronto amigas y amigos.

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Spanish Speaking Countries Cultural BackgroundIf you want to have even more information about

Spanish-speaking countries click on any of the links below: Cultural Country Information:

http://www.maptown.com/geos/spain.html Here is a site with lots of information on Spain. I like this site because it is easy to understand and to move through.

http://www.acapulco.com/en/index.html If you ever want to experience an unforgettable vacation, then visit Acapulco. This site is filled with many interesting attractions that are found in Acapulco. Your vacation will be unforgettable.

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Folklore, Arte, y Literatura

Mariachi music is the spirit, soul and romance of Mexican culture.

If you want to learn about the history or listen to a mariachi guitar and music, then I suggest exploring this website.


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Artistas Hispanosclick on any of the links belowFernando Botero de Colombia.Pablo Picasso de España.click on any of the links below:Frida Kahlo de Mexico.click on any of the links below:Juan de Arellano.click on any of the links below:

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La Cocina Latina Latin Kitchen Recipes from Colombia, Spain, Puerto Rico,

Mexico, etc.

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Information slidesInclude artifacts, reflections, links, teacher evaluations, etc.

Related Links A list of Spanish-related web sites I have found to be informative and interesting .

*Webquest - A scavenger hunt for information about a Spanish -speaking country.

Spanish I Classes Songs about:CountriesABCVerbs Rap songs