electronic medical record pediatrics edition

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Transcript of electronic medical record pediatrics edition

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  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    TTaabbllee ooffCCoonntteennttss

    LLooggiinn,, MMaaiinnssccrreeeenn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-3

    UUppllooaadd FFoorrmm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-5

    LLiisstt ooffPPaattiieenntt FFoorrmm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

    AAdddd PPaattiieenntt FFoorrmm && EEddiitt PPaattiieenntt FFoorrmm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

    PPaattiieenntt MMeeddiiccaall RReeccoorrdd FFoorrmm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

    AAdddd MMeeddiiccaall RReeccoorrdd FFoorrmm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

    EEddiitt MMeeddiiccaall RReeccoorrdd FFoorrmm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

    VViieeww TTrreeaattmmeenntt FFoorrmm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9

    PPaattiieenntt VVaacccciinnaattiioonn FFoorrmm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10-12

    CCuurrrreenntt AAppppooiinnttmmeenntt FFoorrmm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

    AAdddd AAppppooiinnttmmeenntt FFoorrmm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

    EEddiitt AAppppooiinnttmmeenntt FFoorrmm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

    NNeeww VViittaall SSiiggnn FFoorrmm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

    MMeeddiiccaall SSeerrvviicceess FFoorrmm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

    PPrrooffeessssiioonnaall FFeeee FFoorrmm && EEddiitt PPrrooffeessssiioonnaall FFeeee FFoorrmm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17-18

    PPrreessccrriippttiioonn LLiisstt FFoorrmm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 18

    LLiisstt ooffVVaacccciinnaattiioonn FFoorrmm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- 19

    CClliinniicc IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn FFoorrmm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19

    BBaacckkuupp && RReessttoorree FFoorrmm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20-22

    UUsseerr AAccccoouunntt FFoorrmm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23-24

    SSyysstteemm AAddvvaannttaaggeess ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    LLooggiinn FFoorrmm

    First thing you should do is to input the username & password to access the system. The default Administrator

    Account is Username: admin & Password:admin.

    Note:It is recommended that once youve logged in as the Administrator, you have to create a new Account &

    Delete the Default Accounts.

    MMaaiinnssccrreeeenn -- MMaaiinn MMeennuu

    UUppllooaadd -- TToo uuppllooaadd tthhee PPaattiieenntt PPiiccttuurree ttoo EEMMRR DDiirreeccttoorryy..

    PPaattiieenntt LLiisstt -- TToo vviieeww aallll tthhee ppaattiieenntt lliisstt && mmeeddiiccaall rreeccoorrddss..

    AAppppooiinnttmmeennttss -- TToo vviieeww aallll tthhee ccuurrrreenntt,, ffuuttuurree && llaappssee aappppooiinnttmmeennttss..

    PPrrooffFFeeee -- TToo vviieeww tthhee pprrooffeessssiioonnaall ffeeee wwiitthhiinn aa cceerrttaaiinn rraannggee..

    PPrreessccrriippttiioonn -- TToo vviieeww aallll tthhee mmeeddiicciinnee ggiivveenn ttoo tthhee ppaattiieenntt..

    VVaacccciinnaattiioonn -- TToo vviieeww tthhee vvaacccciinnaattiioonn sscchheedduullee oofftthhee ppaattiieenntt..

    CClliinniicc IInnffoo -- TToo vviieeww tthhee cclliinniicc iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn..

    BBaacckkuupp FFiilleess -- TToo bbaacckkuupp && rreessttoorree tthhee ddaattaabbaassee..

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    MMaaiinnssccrreeeenn -- SSyysstteemm MMeennuu

    SSyysstteemm UUsseerr -- TToo aadddd aa nneeww ssyysstteemm uusseerr..

    FFoorrmm SShhoorrttccuutt KKeeyy

    Shorcut Key Electronic Medical Record


    Shorcut Key Electronic Medical Record


    Alt + 1 Upload Form Alt + 5 Prescription Form

    Alt + 2 Patient List Form Alt + 6 Vaccination Form

    Alt + 3 Appointments Form Alt + 7 Clinic Information Form

    Alt + 4 Professional Fee Form Alt + 8 Backup Files Form

    Alt + U / F1 User Manual Alt + 1 System Menu System User Form

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition


  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    Click Upload button to Upload the patient picture in the EMR Directory.

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    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    LLiisstt ooffPPaattiieenntt FFoorrmm

    To search a specific Patient Name type in the search box located in the upper left corner. See picture below.

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    AAdddd PPaattiieenntt FFoorrmm -- TToo aadddd aa nneeww ppaattiieenntt iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ttoo tthhee EEMMRR ssyysstteemm..

    EEddiitt PPaattiieenntt FFoorrmm -- TToo uuppddaattee aa nneeww ppaattiieenntt iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn..

    Note:Fill up the form properly then click Save button.

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    PPaattiieenntt MMeeddiiccaall RReeccoorrdd FFoorrmm

    AAdddd MMeeddiiccaall RReeccoorrdd FFoorrmm -- TToo aadddd aa nneeww ppaattiieenntt mmeeddiiccaall rreeccoorrdd..

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    EEddiitt MMeeddiiccaall RReeccoorrdd FFoorrmm -- TToo uuppddaattee pprreevviioouuss mmeeddiiccaall rreeccoorrdd iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn..

    VViieeww TTrreeaattmmeenntt FFoorrmm // PPrreessccrriippttiioonn FFoorrmm -- TToo aadddd aaddddiittiioonnaall pprreessccrriibbeedd mmeeddiicciinnee && pprriinntt ttoo tthhee

    pprreessccrriippttiioonn tteemmppllaattee..

    To add a medicine type in the input box beside the Save button then click save.

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    PPaattiieenntt VVaacccciinnaattiioonn FFoorrmm

    To add the patient vaccination schedule. Press Alt + 1 to generate the schedule based on the patients birthday.

    See picture below.

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    To print the patients vaccination schedule, Press Alt + 2 then a dialog box will appear then you will select the

    name of the printer where the schedule will be printed.

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    AAdddd VVaacccciinnaattiioonn // PPaattiieenntt VVaacccciinnaattiioonn FFoorrmm -- TToo aadddd tthhee ppaattiieennttss vvaacccciinnaattiioonn && pprriinntt tthhee pprreessccrriibbeedd


    CCuurrrreenntt AAppppooiinnttmmeenntt FFoorrmm

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    AAdddd AAppppooiinnttmmeenntt FFoorrmm -- TToo aadddd aa nneeww ppaattiieenntt aappppooiinnttmmeenntt eeiitthheerr ccuurrrreenntt oorr ffuuttuurree..

    You must select the patient name then select the appointment type then set the appointment date then click

    Save button. See picture below.

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    EEddiitt AAppppooiinnttmmeenntt FFoorrmm -- TToo eeddiitt tthhee ppaattiieenntt aappppooiinnttmmeenntt eeiitthheerr ccuurrrreenntt oorr ffuuttuurree..

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    NNeeww VViittaall SSiiggnn FFoorrmm -- TToo aadddd aa nneeww ppaattiieennttss vviittaall ssiiggnn nneeeeddeedd iinn tthhee mmeeddiiccaall sseerrvviicceess ffoorrmm..

    Fill up the form properly, After filling up the form click Save button. See picture below.

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    MMeeddiiccaall SSeerrvviicceess FFoorrmm -- TToo aadddd aa nneeww ppaattiieennttss mmeeddiiccaall rreeccoorrdd..

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    PPrrooffeessssiioonnaall FFeeee FFoorrmm -- TToo vviieeww tthhee ttoottaall ppaattiieenntt ffeeeess iinn aa cceerrttaaiinn rraannggee..

    To search the specific services rendered to the patient or patient name, type in the search box located in upper

    left corner of the form. See picture below. To edit the services rendered pressAlt + 1 to view the Edit Form. See picture


    After updating the information click Update button.

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    Note: You can set the dates to view the information of a certain range. Set the Start date and End Date.

    PPrreessccrriippttiioonn LLiisstt FFoorrmm -- TToo vviieeww tthhee pprreessccrriibbeedd mmeeddiicciinnee ggiivveenn ttoo tthhee ppaattiieenntt..

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    LLiisstt ooffVVaacccciinnaattiioonn SScchheedduullee FFoorrmm -- TToo vviieeww tthhee ppaattiieennttss ccuurrrreenntt && ffuuttuurree vvaacccciinnaattiioonn sscchheedduullee..

    CClliinniicc IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn FFoorrmm -- TToo uuppddaattee tthhee cclliinniicc && ddooccttoorr iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn nneeeeddeedd iinn tthhee EEMMRR ssyysstteemm..

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    BBaacckkuupp && RReessttoorree FFoorrmm -- TToo BBaacckkuupp tthhee ddaattaabbaassee ffoorr aannttii -- ddiissaasstteerr sscceennaarriioo..

    If you want to backup the database click Backup button then a dialog box will appear. See picture below.

    Click (the drive D) then input the File Name ex. (backup_june15). After renaming the file name clickSave button

    then click Ok button. See picture below.

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    Note: Dont use (space) to separate the two words you must use the underscore (_).

    If you want to restore the database click Restore button then a dialog box will appear. See picture below.

    Select the file the youve backup earlier then click Open button then click Ok button. See picture below.

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    UUsseerr AAccccoouunntt FFoorrmm -- TToo aadddd aa nneeww ssyysstteemm uusseerr ttoo ggaaiinn aacccceessss ttoo tthhee EEMMRR ssyysstteemm..

    Fill up the form properly. Dont forget your username & password

    You must fill up the User Details then select the user type for the new system user account.

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition



    Xbase Database Solutions

    Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    After you filled up all the fields then click Save button then click Ok button.

    To delete a system user account you should select the user type in the table then click Delete button and a

    message box will appear to verify if you want to delete the account if you click the Yes button the account will be

    deleted in the database.

    Note:Dont delete all the system user account or else you will not be able to access the system.

  • 7/30/2019 electronic medical record pediatrics edition


    [25]Electonic Medical RecordPediatrics Edition | User Manual

    EEMMRR AAddvvaannttaaggeess

    11.. MMiinniimmaall MMeemmoorryy UUssaaggee MMeeaannss wwiillll bbee aabbllee ttoo ppeerrffoorrmm ffaasstteerr aanndd aaccccuurraattee iinn eevveerryy ttrraannssaaccttiioonnss..

    22.. AAuuttoo BBaacckkuupp FFiilleess IIfftthhee uusseerr ffoorrggeett ttoo tthhee bbaacckkuupp ffiilleess mmaannuuaallllyy tthhee ssyysstteemm hhaass tthhee aabbiilliittyy ttoo bbaacckkuupp ffiilleess ffoorrAAnnttii DDiissaasstteerr SScceennaarriioo..

    33.. UUnnlliimmiitteedd DDaattaabbaassee SSttoorraaggee ffoorr ppaattiieenntt mmeeddiiccaall rreeccoorrdd,, DDeeppeennddiinngg oonn yyoouurr HHaarrdd DDrriivvee SSppaaccee..44.. FFaasstt pprroocceessssiinngg ooffppaattiieenntt mmeeddiiccaall rreeccoorrdd.. PPaattiieenntt RReeccoorrddss aarree sseeccuurreedd..55.. AAuuttoo ccaallccuullaattee PPrrooffeessssiioonnaall FFeeee wwiitthhiinn aa cceerrttaaiinn rraannggee && mmaannyy mmoorree..