Electronic invoice for Brazil

Nfe “Nota Fiscal Eletronica” Electronic Invoice What is it? Is a digital document that will replace the current “Nota Fiscal” and should be authorized by Tax Autorities ( SEFAZ ) in the Issuer States, to allow the transit of the goods. Is a government legal requirement. The file has a certified digital to have sure of id´s issuer.

Transcript of Electronic invoice for Brazil

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Nfe “Nota Fiscal Eletronica” Electronic Invoice

What is it?

Is a digital document that will replace the current “Nota Fiscal” and should be authorized by Tax Autorities ( SEFAZ ) in the Issuer States, to allow the transit of the goods.

Is a government legal requirement.

The file has a certified digital to have sure of id´s issuer.

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Flow – Electronic Invoice

VF01Create Billing or (MIRO

Movement relevant to nf)

Generate fieldsto xml file

Create xml file

SAP Third party or GRC application( Messenger)

Send file(xml) To “SEFAZ”

SEFAZ: Tax Authorities(Web Service)

Validate thefile

Send a return Code

File isAuthorized?


Print Danfe

Send goods toCustomer

Solve theproblems

N SAP get the Return codefrom SEFAZ

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• How is the xml file?

• Each tags, each fields wil be checked

by SEFAZ ( fiscal authorities ).

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Schema : xml file


Products and Services

Type of taxes

Ship from

Ship to

Detail per Item

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• How is the Danfe ?

Danfe is a new document( Valid only to Electronic Invoice )

“Nota Fiscal” has replaced by Danfe.

NFe as a Electronic Invoice.

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• When the webservice( SEFAZ ) is out for service, in order to keep the operation and didn´t stop the billing, the NFe should be generated in Contingency.

• Is the same process, the unique changing is: the Danfe should be printed in special form. Currency paper form. supplied by governement.

• When the webservice go back to work, the nfe´s issued in contigency, their files must be sent to SEFAZ.

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ContingencyCurrency Paper form

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Electronic Invoice

• Even do the solution for electronic Invoice isn´t SAP we have to do all configurations in SAP.

• Due to electronic Invoice to brazilian tax legislation has another treatment, is not equal Normal Invoice.

• In SAP we have some diferences, one of them : The size of the fields are different. • Electronic Invoice has 9 ( nine ) characters and Normal Invoice has 6 ( six ) characters.

In SAP the “Nota Fiscal e” should be created with flag checked as Electronic.

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• In SAP only is possible print the danfe when the Eletronic Invoice through xml file is authorized by SEFAZ, independent the Solution.


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SD Flow

Order Delivery Billing NF/NFe


VBAK: Header

VBAP: Item

LIKP: Header

LIPS: Item

VBRK : Header

VBRP : Item

J_1BNFDOC :Nota Fiscal Header

J_1BNFLIN : Nota Fiscal Item

J_1BNFSTX : Nota Fiscal Taxes

Control Copy Control Copy Output Message

The taxes in Brazil is by item (J_1BNFSTX)

J_1* tables from Brazil

J1* transactions from Brazil

Call Function : J_1BNFEXMLOUT, create the fields to generate XML file.

Transfering datas Transfering datasTransfering datas

Configurated by

Type of Message via SPRO.