Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy Labeling in Peptide and ...

Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy Labeling in Peptide and Protein Analysis Peter G. Fajer in Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry R.A. Meyers (Ed.) pp. 5725 – 5761 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, 2000

Transcript of Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy Labeling in Peptide and ...

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Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy Labeling in Peptide andProtein Analysis

Peter G. Fajer

inEncyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry

R.A. Meyers (Ed.)pp. 5725–5761

John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, 2000

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Electron Spin ResonanceSpectroscopy Labeling inPeptide and Protein Analysis

Peter G. FajerFlorida State University, Tallahassee, USA

1 Introduction 2

2 Historical Perspective 2

3 Sample Preparation 33.1 Nitroxide Spin Labels 33.2 Labeled Sites 33.3 Attachment Rigidity 43.4 Impairment of Function/Structure of

Labeled Proteins 4

4 Techniques and Instrumentation 44.1 Continuous Wave Electron Spin

Resonance 44.2 Saturation Transfer Electron Spin

Resonance 84.3 Time Domain Methods 8

5 Applications of Spin Labeling 105.1 Protein Orientation 105.2 Protein Dynamics 135.3 Kinetic Experiments 205.4 Protein Folding 215.5 Ligand Binding 225.6 Distance Measurements 225.7 Structural Biology 26

6 Conclusion 30

Acknowledgments 30

List of Symbols 30

Abbreviations and Acronyms 31

Related Articles 32

References 32

Electron spin resonance (ESR) is a powerful analyticaltool used in protein and peptide biochemistry. It is usedin the determination of secondary, tertiary and quaternaryprotein structure and associated conformational changes.Protein dynamics and the relative orientation of proteincomponents in ordered systems can also be measured. Themajority of proteins do not contain unpaired electronswhose spin transitions give rise to an ESR signal, hencenecessitating the use of extrinsic probes called spin labels.

Spin labels are nitroxide derivatives with a stable unpairedelectron and a functional group for specific attachment tothe protein (covalent or as a ligand). The most popularcovalent sites are cysteine residues, which, if necessary, canbe introduced into the protein structure using molecularbiology techniques.

The physical basis for nearly all ESR applications isthe anisotropy of the nitroxide signal and the sensitivityof the ESR spectra to various relaxation pathways. Theinteraction between an electron of a spin label andan external magnetic field depends on their relativeorientations. The splitting and the center of ESR spectra ofan oriented sample are used to determine the orientationof labeled domains. For samples with little disorder theorientational sensitivity is better than 1°. The width ofthe signal is proportional to the orientational disorder,which is used to measure conformational heterogeneity ofproteins.

If the spin label reorientates itself on the ESR timescale(nanoseconds) then the spectral anisotropy is averaged.The extent of averaging defines the ESR line shape whichis used to determine the rotational rate and anisotropyof motion. The dynamic range of ESR is very broad,rotational correlation times range from 10�12 to 10�7 s forconventional ESR and the sensitivity can be extended toslower motions (10�3 s) with nonlinear saturation transferelectron spin resonance (STESR). Protein (spin label)mobility is used to follow conformational changes, stericrestrictions on the spin label and the formation of largecomplexes.

Spin labels are also sensitive to the presence of otherparamagnetic species. Collisions with water and lipid-soluble relaxing agents provide additional relaxationpathways measured by changes in relaxation times. Theprobability of these collisions reflects the accessibility of aspin label to the relaxant. The periodic patterns along thepolypeptide chain of this accessibility are used to deter-mine the secondary and tertiary structure of proteins. Inthe presence of another bound spin label or a param-agnetic metal complexed by histidine residues, spectrabecome broadened by dipolar or exchange interactions.Both mechanisms depend on the distance between theparamagnetic centers. Thus ESR can be used to determineintra- and intermolecular distances. The range of sensi-tivity is 5–25 A and there are intensive efforts to increasethe upper range to >50 A. ESR as a spectroscopic ruleris used in protein structure determination and the investi-gation of macromolecular assembly processes and proteinfolding.

The foremost limitation of spin labeling ESR is thenecessity to modify a protein with a spin probe. In somecases, the spin labels may perturb protein function andtherefore cannot be used for spectroscopy. However, evenan unsuccessful modification that results in functional

Encyclopedia of Analytical ChemistryR.A. Meyers (Ed.) Copyright John Wiley & Sons Ltd

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loss identifies functional regions of proteins and as suchrepresents successful ‘‘mutational analysis’’ experiments.


A spinning electron orbiting around a nucleus is amagnetic dipole. When placed in an external magneticfield, the dipole aligns parallel or antiparallel with theexternal field. These two orientations of the magnetrepresent two energy levels, with the difference in energylevels of the electron spin proportional to the strengthof the magnetic field. The electron can be excited fromone level (i.e. parallel dipole orientation) to another(antiparallel orientation) by an oscillating magnetic field.The energy of the oscillating field has to match the energydifference between the two levels. For a free electronin a magnetic field with a strength of a few hundredgauss, the frequency range of the exciting field is in themicrowave region of the electromagnetic wave spectrum.The resonance between the orbiting electron and themicrowave field forms the basis of ESR, also known aselectron paramagnetic resonance or electron magneticresonance.

ESR is commonly used to investigate protein andpeptide structure, particularly studies of molecular orien-tation, protein dynamics and ligand binding. Observationof a resonance requires samples containing an unpairedelectron, e.g. transition metals or organic radicals. Pro-teins and peptides are generally not paramagnetic andtherefore require the use of extrinsic probes called spinlabels. Spin labels are derivatives of nitroxides, smallstable organic radicals, which are covalently attached toprotein side chains or to metabolic substrates. In the lastdecade, the development of site-directed spin labeling(SDSL), which utilizes molecular biology to introducenew labeling sites, has established ESR as a proteinstructural determination technique. Patterns of side-chainmobility, accessibility to quenchers and the measurementof distances between spin labels have allowed the determi-nation of the secondary, tertiary and quaternary structureof proteins.

This article is focused exclusively on spin labelingapplications in protein and peptide biochemistry. Thevast literature on metalloproteins, photosynthesis andreactive radicals in biology is not discussed here, andinterested readers are directed to the many excellentreviews on these topics..1 – 6/


The first ESR experiments were performed by Zavoiskyat the University of Kazan (Russia) during the Second

World War..7/ Inspired by the experiments of Gorter.8/

and Rabbi et al..9/ on paramagnetic relaxation and atomicbeams, Zavoisky demonstrated resonance betweenmicrowaves and the precession of Cu2C ions in a mag-netic field. Resonance was observed as an absorptionof microwaves whenever the frequency of the oscil-lating microwave field was equal to the ion precessionfrequency.

In the decade following the Second World War, ESRwas the domain of physical chemists and physicists,with the first biological applications appearing in themid-1950s. This early work included structural studiesof metalloproteins,.10/ measurement of free radicals inbiological tissues,.11/ carbonized carbohydrates,.12/ andX-ray irradiated silk and hair..13/ Assenheim provides anexcellent review of this early work with intrinsic ESRsignals..14/

In 1965, McConnell introduced extrinsic spin labelsdesigned to label proteins. Using nitroxide derivativesfirst synthesized in Russia,.15,16/ McConnell et al. demon-strated a helix–coil transition of a polylysine peptide..17/

Since then, ESR spin labeling has been used to study con-formational changes in a number of proteins modified bymaleimide nitroxides, which specifically target cysteineresidues. However, reliance on the naturally occurringcysteine residue was a severe limitation. The SDSL strat-egy developed by Hubbell in 1989 employs molecularbiology to introduce new cysteines for spin label attach-ment. The use of SDSL to scan the protein sequencewith cysteines has stimulated the resurgence of ESR as astructural biology method.

The methodology of ESR was also undergoing an evo-lution. In 1957, Feher invented electron–nuclear doubleresonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy, a combination ofboth ESR and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR),.18/

in which nuclear spin transitions are observed indirectlyby monitoring electron spin transitions. A few years later,electron–electron double resonance (ELDOR) spec-troscopy was developed by Hyde et al..19/ and Benderskiiet al..20/ which allowed the measurement of spectral diffu-sion between distinct spin populations. The developmentof spin-echo instruments by Mims et al..21/ introducedtime-domain ESR in the 1960s. This was followed byFourier transform electron spin resonance (FTESR),developed independently in the 1980s by Eliav andFreed,.22/ Dinse et al..23/ and Bowman..24/ The first spinlabel applications appeared in 1986 when Gorester andFreed performed two-dimensional (2-D) FTESR experi-ments to measure spin dynamics..25/

ESR moved towards high field (high frequency) withLebedev et al.’s construction of a 150-GHz spectro-meter,.26/ followed by Freed et al.’s 250-GHz spec-trometer, which was based on quasi-optics. The latterinstrument was used extensively to investigate spin labels

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in biological systems..27/ Ultra-high-field spectrometersoperating at 550 GHz now exist and their application tonitroxide labels is only a question of time..28/

Readers interested in the history of ESR are directedto a series of historic recollections of the ESR pioneersassembled by Eaton et al..29/


3.1 Nitroxide Spin Labels

Proteins are ESR silent, with the exception of metallopro-teins, and must therefore be ‘‘labeled’’ with paramagneticprobes. These probes, or spin labels, are nitroxide deriva-tives containing an unpaired electron in the pp orbitalof the N�O bond (Figure 1a–c). The nitroxide radicalis stable owing to the presence of methyl groups onneighboring carbon atoms. To limit flexibility, the NOgroup is enclosed in either a six-membered piperidineor a five-membered pyrrole ring. Pyrrole rings with anunsaturated bond are the least flexible.

The unpaired electron in the pp orbital also interactswith the spin of the nitrogen nucleus, splitting the ESRsignal into resonances corresponding to different nitrogennuclear manifolds. Thus, the number of resonant peaksdepends on the nitrogen isotope, three for 14N and twofor 15N. 15N labels have the advantage of less spectraldispersion which increases the signal amplitude 1.5-foldin conventional ESR and allows for full spectral coveragein FTESR. Reduction of the nuclear manifolds alsosimplifies the interpretation of nuclear relaxation andaccelerates computer simulations of ESR line shapes.15N labels, however, are considerably more expensivethan 14N and only a handful of them are availablecommercially.

A weaker interaction occurs between the electron spinand the hydrogen nuclei of the ring and methyl groups.Each resonance peak is split by the nuclear spin, butthe splittings are unresolved, resulting in a broad peak.The broadening can be removed by the substitutionof hydrogen with deuterium which increases the peakheight 1.5-fold for Gaussian and 5-fold for Lorentzianlines.



NO(b) (c)

Figure 1 Commonly used nitroxides: (a) six-membered piperi-dine ring; (b) saturated five-membered pyrroline ring; (c) un-saturated pyrrolidine ring.

3.2 Labeled Sites

Nitroxide spin labels are used either covalently as modi-fiers of selected amino acids or noncovalently as analogsof substrates or enzymatic cofactors. The specificity ofthe label is conferred by the functional group attachedto the nitroxide. For example, maleimide, iodoacetamide,indanedione and a-ketone groups attached to the nitrox-ide moiety target cysteine residues, while lysines aremodified by activated esters in Figure 2(a–d). Attach-ment of the nitroxides by disulfide bonds allows forreversible modification. Reduction of the disulfide bondswith a mild reducing agent yields the unmodified pro-tein. Bifunctional spin labels with two linker groupsfacilitate attachment to two sites on a protein, reduc-ing probe mobility with respect to the protein. The abilityto engineer neighboring attachment sites in a proteinusing molecular biology is likely to increase the use ofbifunctional labels.

The molecular biology revolution has had a profoundimpact on spin label ESR. The limitations of usingnaturally occurring binding sites are circumvented by thesite-directed spin-labeling method pioneered by Hubbellet al..30/ In SDSL, native cysteines are mutated outand new cysteines are introduced at desired vantagepoints. The power of this method is best illustratedby cysteine scanning where each residue along thepolypeptide chain is changed to a cysteine and labeledwith nitroxide.

Noncovalent labels are used in the investigation ofactive sites, e.g. substrate or cofactor analogs, adenosinetriphosphate (ATP) or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide(NAD) nitroxide adducts (Figure 3a–c). The bindingand function of these substrates are often not compro-mised by the presence of the nitroxide. Both approaches














Figure 2 Various spin labels used in covalent modification ofproteins: (a) maleimide spin label; (b) methyl thiosulfonate spinlabel; (c) iodoacetamide spin label; (d) hydroxysuccinamide(lysines).

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Figure 3 (a, b) ATP spin labels and (c) NAD spin label.

are combined in photoactivated labels with an addi-tional azido or nitrene groups. The label is guidedby a substrate analog moiety to an active site andphotoactivation attaches the label covalently to theprotein.

3.3 Attachment Rigidity

Spin labels are attached to a protein via one or more singlebonds about which the nitroxides can rotate on a sub-nanosecond timescale. In studies of protein orientationand dynamics, such an independent (librational) motionis a major hindrance since it averages the orientationaldependence of magnetic tensors – anisotropy. Anisotropyof magnetic tensors is the basis for ESR orientational andmotional sensitivity as discussed in sections 5.1 and 5.2.

The extent of probe motion is estimated by immobilizingthe protein on either glass or ion-exchange beads andcomparing spectral parameters such as effective splitting(in conventional ESR) or line-height ratios (in STESR) totheir rigid limit values. Alternatively, the protein mobilitycan be reduced by increasing the medium viscosity, h. Theobserved spectral parameters can then be plotted againsth (Perrin plots) and extrapolated to infinite viscosity. Ifthe extrapolated values are lower than the rigid limitof the nitroxide, or if discontinuities exist in the Perrinplots, then it can be concluded that the probe movesindependently of the protein.

3.4 Impairment of Function/Structure of LabeledProteins

Covalent modification of proteins with extrinsic probescarries the danger of damaging the function of themolecule. Certain labels are innocuous at certain siteswhile others are not. No generalizations can be made. Forexample, out of 32 spin-labeled cysteine mutants of T4lysozyme, 11 displayed intact activity and 11 had activity½50%. Modification of buried residues and residues intertiary contacts decreased appreciably the enzymaticactivity..31/ In KC channels, ion pumping was affectedby <50% in 46 out of 66 spin-labeled mutants and veryfew were completely inactivated..32/ Therefore, a carefulfunctional characterization is necessary if the objective ofthe study is the correlation of structure and function.

The overall global structure of a protein is generallyless affected than its function by labeling. Nitroxide labelsare relatively small and a labeled cysteine is not muchlarger than a tryptophan residue. Surface labeling hasbeen shown to have little effect on protein folding orstability. However, when buried residues are labeled, sidechains and backbone can shift to accommodate the labelsand restore packing of the protein core..33/


4.1 Continuous Wave Electron Spin Resonance

4.1.1 Theory

The magnetic moment, µ, of an electron interacts withan external magnetic field just like a compass needleinteracts with the earth’s magnetic field. The interactionof electron spin with the field is often referred to as theZeeman interaction. The energy (E) of a magnetic dipole(µ) in a static magnetic field is given by Equation (1):

E D �µH .1/

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where H is the magnetic field strength. The magneticmoment of an electron is generated by its spin (S)(Equation 2):

µ D �gbS .2/

with b denoting the Bohr magneton (intrinsic unitof electron magnetic moment) and g denoting thespectroscopic splitting factor (relates contribution of spinand orbital motion of the electron to its total angularmomentum).

Unlike a compass needle, electron spin is quantized.For a single electron, the projection of S on the magneticfield axis Sz can only take values ofš1/2. Thus the energylevels from Equations (1) and (2) are E D š.1/2/gbH,resulting in an energy gap which increases linearly withthe magnetic field, E D gbH (Figure 4). An oscillatingmagnetic field can flip the electrons from one energy levelto the other if its own energy, defined by the oscillatingfrequency n, equals the energy gap. Hence, for resonancebetween the oscillating field (microwave) and the electronspin, the condition in Equation (3) has to be satisfied:

hn D gbH .3/

The resonance condition can also be obtained byconsidering a spinning electron moving in an orbit arounda nucleus placed in a magnetic field. From classicalmechanics, the rate of change of the magnetic momentis proportional to the torque produced by the interactionof the moment and the magnetic field and given by theirvector product (Equation 4):

dµdtD µ gH .4/








E hν hν hν

Figure 4 Energy level diagram of Zeeman and hyperfineinteractions for a [14N]nitroxide (S D 1/2, I D 1). The verticalarrows denote ESR transitions with the resulting first-derivativespectrum below.

where g is a magnetogyric ratio (ratio of magneticand inertia moments) characteristic of a given electron(Equation 5)

g D gbh


where h is Planck’s constant. The torque will force themagnetic dipole (µ) to precess around the static field ata defined frequency, the Larmor frequency, w, given byEquation (6):

w D gH .6/

Substitution of g from Equation (5) into Equation (6)yields the resonant condition hn D gbH stated in Equa-tion (3). Applying an oscillating microwave field of thesame frequency as the Larmor frequency cancels theorienting effect of the static magnetic field. The spinthen rotates about an axis perpendicular to the staticfield direction, periodically aligning itself with or againstthe static field. This is equivalent to dipole (µ) flippingbetween the two energy levels.

The extent of microwave absorption, which definesthe intensity of the ESR signal, is proportional to thedifference in spin populations, N, between the upper andlower energy states. The ratio of the two populations isdetermined by the Boltzmann distribution (Equation 7):


N�1/2D exp




The difference in spin populations is increased by eitherincreasing the magnetic field H or reducing the temper-ature T. For example, at 0.35 T and room temperaturethe population difference is 0.1% but it can be increasedto 13% by reducing the temperature to 3 K. The differ-ence between the levels decreases with absorption andan efficient relaxation pathway has to exist to restore theBoltzmann equilibrium. Relaxation pathways include thedipolar spin–spin relaxation – sharing of energy betweenelectrons or nuclei – and spin–lattice relaxation – sharingvibrational modes with the lattice. They are characterizedby relaxation times T2 and T1, respectively. Relaxationtimes are defined as the time interval between initialperturbation and when the deviation from equilibriumdecays to 1/e of its initial value. The relaxation rates areadditive and their sum defines the width (at half-height)of the resonance, (Equation 8):

D 1g


T2C 1



Faster relaxation (shorter T1 or T2) results in broaderline widths. For paramagnetic ions, the strong coupling ofspins to lattice (short T1) produces broad lines. Loweringthe temperature weakens lattice coupling (increases

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T1) and is commonly used to observe resonance oftransition metal ions. The coupling of free radicals(including spin labels) to the lattice is weak, thereforespin–spin relaxation is more efficient and the line widthis determined by T2.

Electrons orbiting around a nucleus experience a smalllocal field produced by the nuclear magnetic moment.This field enhances or counteracts the external fielddepending on the orientation of the nuclear dipole.This interaction between the nucleus and the electronis known as hyperfine interaction. Similar to electron spin,nuclear spin (I) is also quantized to 2I C 1 levels. Sincethe selection rule for spin transitions dictates that the totalspin quantum number can only change by 1, the hyperfineinteractions lead to 2I C 1 transitions (Figure 4). In thecase of nitroxide labels, it is the nitrogen nucleus whichinteracts with the unpaired electron. For 15N the nuclearspin number mI is 1/2 so that two electron transitions areobserved; for 14N, I D 1 and therefore there are threeelectron transitions.

The resonance condition of Equation (3) is thus modi-fied to include hyperfine interactions, A (Equation 9):

hn D gbH CmIA .9/

The hyperfine interaction between an electron and thenucleus has both an isotropic and dipolar component. Themagnitude of the isotropic splitting, a0, is proportionalto the electron spin density on the nucleus. Since theunpaired electron is located between the oxygen andnitrogen, increasing the polarity of the medium decreasesthe oxygen’s attraction and increases the electron densityon the nitrogen. Thus, a0 is a sensitive measure of the spinenvironment.

The pp orbital of an unpaired electron is asymmet-ric, making the dipolar interactions of the electron andnucleus orientation dependent. For example, hyperfineinteractions are stronger when the z-axis of the orbitalis aligned with the magnetic field and weaker whenthe field is aligned perpendicular. The hyperfine inter-actions are best described by a second rank tensor,A (Equation 10):

A D∣∣∣∣∣∣Axx 0 0

0 Ayy 0

0 0 Azz

∣∣∣∣∣∣ .10/

Typical values for nitroxide spin labels are Axx ³ Ayy ³7 G and Azz ³ 35 G. The difference between the x- andy-components is small and often the hyperfine tensor isassumed to be axially symmetric.

The Zeeman interaction of the electron spin with thestatic magnetic field (Equation 1), is also anisotropic.Asymmetry of orbital motion in the pp orbital resultsin different contributions of spin and orbital momenta

and thus the g-value can also be described by a tensor(Equation 11):

g D∣∣∣∣∣∣gxx 0 0

0 gyy 0

0 0 gzz

∣∣∣∣∣∣ .11/

In contrast to the hyperfine tensor, the g tensor is rhombicwith typical values gxx ³ 2.0085, gyy ³ 2.0065 and gzz ³2.0027. The asymmetry of the Zeeman and hyperfineinteractions defines ESR sensitivity to orientation and torotational motion.

4.1.2 Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer

A modern ESR instrument consists of three basic units:(a) a microwave bridge and resonator, (b) a variable fieldmagnet and (c) signal amplification circuitry (Figure 5).

Microwaves of the desired frequency are generated byeither a klystron or Gunn diode. Their intensity is adjustedby an attenuator and transmitted via a waveguide to thesample chamber/resonator. During resonance, a smallamount of microwaves is reflected from the resonatorand detected by a Shottky diode. To separate thereflected and incident microwaves, a circulator is placedbetween the attenuator and resonator. The circulatorchannels the microwaves in a forward direction: incidentmicrowaves to the resonator and reflected microwavesto the detector. The bridge often contains an additionalpathway – a reference arm which taps off a small fractionof the microwaves from the source – which bypasses theresonator and falls on to the detector to ensure its bias forthe optimal detection of small intensity changes duringresonance.

A static magnetic field is provided by an electromagnetstabilized by a Hall probe. The field is slowly sweptby varying the amount of current passing through theelectromagnet. In order to decrease microwave noise,

Lock-in amplifier

Reference arm



Modulation coils


Attenuator Detector diode


Field controller










Hall probe

Figure 5 Block diagram of a typical ESR spectrometer.

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C ′

H ′′ H


Figure 6 Conventional ESR signals: (a) absorption, V0;(b) first derivative V1; (c) STESR spectrum, second derivative,90° out-of-phase display, V 02.

the resonance signal is encoded by modulating the staticfield with a small magnetic field generated by modulationcoils. The modulation field sweeps periodically throughthe nitroxide resonance field. Therefore, the changesin microwave absorption due to resonance occur withthe modulation frequency. A lock-in amplifier selectsand amplifies only the signal which is in phase and infrequency with the modulation field and rejects all othermicrowave fluctuations as noise. The signal detected usingfield modulation is proportional to the changes in themicrowave intensity during one cycle of modulation,i.e. the signal is the first derivative of the absorption(Figure 6a–b).

The microwave field produced by the klystron istoo weak to induce any detectable absorption by thesample. Resonant cavities, loop gap resonators (LGRs)or, more recently, dielectric resonators (DRs) are usedto increase the microwave magnetic field at the sample.The cavities rely on the generation of a standing wavepattern of microwaves whose intensity builds up duringcavity resonance. The main drawback of cavities is thepresence of an electric component of the microwave.The electric component is absorbed by ‘‘lossy’’, aqueoussamples (common in biology) causing sample heating andloss of cavity resonance. To avoid this problem, samplevolume is restricted to the nodal planes of the electric field,limiting the usable volume of the cavity and thus resultingin a low filling factor, h. Cavities are high-Q structures(Q D Estored/Edissipated), storing thousands of times more

energy than is dissipated on the walls. High Q can only beachieved within a narrow frequency bandwidth of storedmicrowaves as Q D n/n. Small changes in the sample,cavity geometry or temperature can all cause frequencyshifts and mismatching of the incident microwave withthe cavity. Automatic frequency control (AFC) circuitryis employed to track the frequency of the klystron tothat of the cavity. However, the AFC feedback responsetime limits the deadtime of signal changes in transientexperiments such as stop-flow. In pulse experiments it isnecessary to wait until the energy of the perturbing pulseis fully dissipated. This ring-downtime is proportional toQ; thus in the high-Q structures a longer time has to elapsebefore a relatively weak spin echo or free induction decay(FID) signal can be collected.

Most of these problems with cavities have beenovercome by low-Q resonators such as an LGR or DR.These resonators condense the magnetic component ofthe microwave, separating it from the electric component.Lossy samples are no longer heated by the electriccomponent. Small sample volumes and large fillingfactors offer an additional advantage especially whendealing with genetically engineered proteins which areoften purified in picomolar quantities. Furthermore, fastdissipation of energy and the large bandwidths of LGRsand DRs make them suitable for pulsed and transientexperiments.

4.1.3 Instrumental Variables Affecting the Electron SpinResonance Spectrum

Two instrumental parameters influence the line shapeof experimental spectra: modulation amplitude andmicrowave power. The amplitude of the ESR signalinitially increases with the modulation amplitude (Hm) asit approaches the intrinsic line width (Hpp). Maximumamplitude is attained at Hm D 3.5Hpp for Lorentzianand at Hm D 1.8Hpp for Gaussian line shapes. Anyfurther increases in Hm result in a decrease of the signal.The broadening of Hpp is observed well before themaximum amplitude of the signal. When Hm D Hpp, theobserved Lorentzian and Gaussian widths are 25% and15% larger, respectively. As a rule of thumb, modulationshould be kept at one-fifth of the intrinsic line width whenresolution or line width is of importance. The errors inline width are then <1%.

The ESR signal is proportional to the static microwavefield, H1, and hence to the square root of the microwavepower (P1/2), in the absence of saturation. When the rateof relaxation lags behind the rate of excitation and whenthe spin populations in the ground and excited states areequalized, the signal saturates and decreases to nil. Theamplitude of the ESR signal (y) for a Lorentzian lineshape as a function of the microwave field is given by

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Equation (12):

y D y0H1√.1CH2



where y0 is a field-independent parameter. Hence itis important to keep power levels well below themaximum amplitude whenever spectra are used toquantify the number of spins. Line-width distortions areless pronounced than those due to the modulation field,but at powers giving maximum amplitude, the observedline width increases 1.2 times over the intrinsic line width.

4.2 Saturation Transfer Electron Spin Resonance

4.2.1 Qualitative Theory

STESR was developed to study slower molecular dynam-ics with rotational correlation times (tr) of >200 ns..34/

The timescale of conventional ESR is determined bythe spin–spin relaxation time T2 (nanoseconds). TheESR timescale can be extended to a longer spin–latticerelaxation time T1 (microseconds) if a signal sensitive tospin saturation is observed. This can be done by saturatingthe signal with intense microwaves, creating a ‘‘hole’’in the absorption spectrum, and subsequently observingsignal recovery. When the saturating microwave isswitched off (or decreased to nonsaturating levels)the signal recovers with the rate determined by thespin–lattice relaxation time, T1. The onset of motionprovides an additional relaxation mechanism: spectraldiffusion. The saturation is relieved as the resonating-saturated spins rotate away from the resonance field andthe unsaturated spins come into resonance. The ‘‘hole’’broadens out across the spectrum and the intensity ofthe signal increases. The second harmonic, out-of-phaseESR signal (V 02), collected at moderate saturation, isparticularly sensitive to spectral diffusion. The line shapeof V 02, in the presence of saturation, bears a strongresemblance to the absorption spectrum with the intensitylowered in the spectral regions most sensitive to thespectral diffusion (see Figure 6c).

4.2.2 Instrumental Parameters

The STESR signal is influenced by nitroxide relaxationtimes, spectral diffusion, spin saturation level and themodulation frequency with which the ‘‘hole’’ is observed.Hence the instrumental parameters which affect anyof these must be precisely controlled. The saturatingmicrowave field averaged over the sample volume is setto 0.25 G. The microwave power is adjusted to this levelusing the microwave field conversion factor (c), corrected

for a filling factor (h) and dielectric losses, which lowerthe Q factor (Equation 13):

hH21is D chPQ .13/

where P is incident microwave power. The power-to-field conversion factor is determined experimentally bythe saturation of Fremy salt [peroxylamine disulfonate(PADS)] for which the half-saturation field is 0.1067 G.

The modulation frequency and amplitude, which deter-mine the frequency of the stepping on- and off-resonance,i.e. the interval between burning and observing the‘‘hole’’, must also be calibrated. Modulation broaden-ing of a narrow line-width sample, e.g. Fremy salt, is usedfor this purpose. The observed line width (Hpp) is dom-inated by modulation broadening when the modulationamplitude is¾10 times the intrinsic line width [Hpp.0/],i.e. Hpp D Hm �Hpp.0/. Commonly used values forthe modulation field are 5 G and 50 kHz.

Finally, since the V 02 STESR signal is 90° out of phase(phase quadrature) with modulation, the precise phasenil must be found. An error of 1° in setting the phasequadrature can result in significant line-shape changesdue to leakage of a more intense in-phase signal. Themost popular phase nulling method is by interpolationof the unsaturated in-phase signal: two or three readingsare taken within 15° on each side of the putative niland the phase at which the signal is zero is foundby linear interpolation. A general description of theexperimental procedures and calibration can be foundin Fajer and Marsh.35/ and Squier and Thomas..36/ Digitalpost-acquisition methods have also been proposed butare not widely used.

As a footnote, protein mobilities measured by con-ventional ESR and STESR were independently verifiedby optical methods – fluorescence and phosphorescenceanisotropy. Bovine serum albumin labeled with a dualprobe bearing a spin label moiety and the opticalprobe eosin was measured using optical methods andESR/STESR..37/ The agreement between the fluores-cence/phosphorescence and ESR was excellent.

4.3 Time Domain Methods

Time domain ESR relies on the perturbation of the equi-librium magnetization by an intense microwave pulsewhich is then followed by one of the following: (a) con-ventional ESR to observe the return of magnetizationto equilibrium – saturation recovery ESR; (b) refocusingof the magnetization in the xy-plane – spin-echo ESR; or(c) free induction decay (FID) of the magnetization in thexy-plane which is then Fourier transformed (FTESR).

The development of time domain ESR posed aformidable technical challenge. The microwave pulsemust be short (a few nanoseconds) and strong enough to

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cover a 70-G wide spectrum of nitroxides. The resonatorsmust dissipate the pulse energy within tens of nanosec-onds before the loss of magnetization coherence and thesignal must be digitized with a subnanosecond dwell timeowing to the short nitroxide relaxation times. Fortunately,technological advances in microwave sources, resonatordesign and data acquisition electronics in the last decadehave facilitated development of commercial Fouriertransform spectrometers and the time domain method hasbecome increasingly popular. The various time domainESR techniques are illustrated in Figure 7(a–c).

Saturation recovery electrospin resonance (SRESR) isa hybrid of continuous wave and pulse methods in whichthe pulse saturates a spin population at a desired fieldthereby creating a ‘‘hole’’ in the absorption spectrum(Figure 7a). The kinetics of recovery are determinedby various relaxation pathways: spin–lattice relaxation,nuclear relaxation, Heisenberg spin exchange (HSE) orspectral diffusion. These competing pathways can beresolved by varying the pulse duration. SRESR has beenused successfully in the determination of spin–latticecorrelation times and spin exchange.

Spin-echo electron spin resonance (SEESR) uses asequence of pulses; in Hahn echo a 90° pulse is followedby a 180° pulse t1 seconds later (Figure 7b). The firstpulse tips the magnetization into the xy-plane whereindividual spins rotate with their respective Larmorfrequency, w. The difference in Larmor frequencies,

Pulse c.w. observation

Signal recovery






nal i



90° 180° Echo t2(b)










Figure 7 Time domain ESR methods: (a) saturation recovery;(b) spin echo; (c) 2-D FTESR (ELDOR).

which arises from different resonant fields, leads todephasing of the magnetization in the xy-plane whichis then refocused by the 180° pulse. Spins lagging bywt1 before the refocusing pulse are now wt1 ahead.At time 2t1, spins are brought into coherence and anecho is formed. In this way static differences in Larmorfrequency due to different resonant fields or differentlocal fields (inhomogeneous broadening) are annihilated.The dependence of the echo amplitude on time t1 revealsLarmor frequency fluctuations that cannot be refocusedby the 180° pulse. These fluctuations contain informationabout molecular dynamics, spin exchange and dipolarinteractions. The decrease of the spin echo as a function oft1 is a measure of the T2 relaxation time. The decay of theecho amplitude is often recorded as a function of spectralposition by stepping the magnetic field, resulting in a2-D spectrum: an inhomogeneously broadened spectrumalong the field axis and a homogeneous line shape onthe t1 axis. Since the inhomogeneous broadening oftenobscures a multitude of phenomena affecting ESR linewidth, then the ability to obtain a pure, homogeneouslybroadened spectrum is of considerable value.

2-D FTESR is the most versatile technique of timedomain ESR (Figure 7c). All the spins are excitedsimultaneously with a strong, short microwave pulsewhich tips the magnetization into the xy-plane. The lengthand strength of the signal determine the spectral rangecovered, e.g. for nitroxides with a 200-MHz spectral range,2-kW pulses 5 ns in duration are needed.

Coherently excited spins precess about a magneticfield at their Larmor frequency. This precession canbe detected as an oscillating signal in the xy-planewhich decays in time as the spins lose coherence. ThisFID signal is Fourier transformed into the frequencydomain to yield an absorption spectrum. Application oftwo or more pulses spaced by varying intervals allowssampling of spin coherences in multiple dimensions. Inthe simplest of these experiments, two-pulse spin-echocorrelation spectroscopy (SECSY), the first pulse tipsthe magnetization into the xy-plane where the spinsbecome frequency labeled during the evolution time t1.A second pulse reverses the magnetization during thecollection time t2, canceling inhomogeneous broadening.Fourier transformation with respect to t1 and t2 yields anabsorption spectrum along the f2 axis and a homogeneousline width along the f1 axis. Thus SECSY is an FTESRequivalent of field-stepped SEESR. The isolation of thehomogeneous line shapes out of an inhomogeneouslybroadened spectrum is used to study molecular dynamics.

Three pulse sequences are used in 2-D ELDORexperiments (e.g. Figure 7c). The first pulse creates atransverse magnetization in the xy-plane which evolvesfor time t1. The second pulse stores this frequencyencoded magnetization along the z-axis allowing for

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ω1 /2π (MHz)






ω 2/2

π (MHz)



Figure 8 2-D ELDOR of PD-TEMPONE. In addition to auto-peaks occurring at f1 D f2, there are off-diagonal cross-peaksdue to HSE..25/ (Reproduced with permission from J. Gorcester,J.H. Freed, J. Phys. Chem., 88, 4678–4693 (1986).)

magnetization transfer to take place during mixing timeTM. A third pulse transforms the magnetization backinto the xy-plane where it is observed during time t2.Magnetization transfer changes the resonant frequencyof a spin from fa to fb, creating an off-diagonal cross peakat (fa, fb) (Figure 8). The time evolution of the amplitudeof the cross peak, measured by varying TM, is used todetermine the time course of magnetization transfer. Thebiophysically relevant phenomena causing magnetizationtransfer include HSE, modulation of dipolar interactions,nuclear flips and, most importantly, spectral diffusion dueto rotational motion.


The orientational difference of magnetic interactions(referred to anisotropy) forms the basis of spin label-ing techniques in biological research. In the absence ofmotion, each field position corresponds to a defined ori-entation of the label with respect to the field. The intensityof the signal at a particular field position is directly pro-portional to the population of molecules with that givenorientation. Hence an ESR spectrum can be used todetermine the range of orientations present in a sample.Partially or fully averaging the g- and hyperfine tensoranisotropy results in spectral line shapes determined bythe frequency and amplitude of molecular motion. ESRcan also be used to measure intra- and intermoleculardistances. The presence of paramagnetic centers in thevicinity of spin labels modulates spin relaxation pathways

in a distance-dependent manner. In this section we shalldiscuss how ESR is used in the investigation of molecu-lar orientation, molecular dynamics, ligand binding, intra-and intermolecular distance measurements and the deter-mination of various levels of proteins structure.

For each of these applications a qualitative descriptionof the physical principles allowing for these measurementswill be given, followed by examples. More extensivereviews of these topics can be found in a mono-graph by Lichtenstein,.38/ a series edited by Berlinerand Reuben.39,40/ and separate reviews by Hubbellet al.,.41 – 43/ Marsh and Horvath,.44/ Millhauser et al..45,46/

and, most recently, Hustedt and Beth..47/

5.1 Protein Orientation

5.1.1 Orientation of a Single Molecule

The anisotropy of the Zeeman and hyperfine interactionsconfers orientational sensitivity to ESR spectra. Nitroxidespin labels with a z-axis parallel to the magnetic fieldgenerate a spectrum with a splitting of 70 G. Spinsoriented perpendicular to the field display a splittingof 14 G (Figure 9).

The center position of the spectrum, determined by theg-tensor, is sensitive not only to the position of the z-axisbut also to the orientation of the x- and y-axes. At 9 GHzthe center is shifted 5 G downfield (left) for a spin with itsy-axis aligned with the magnetic field and another 4 G forspins with x-axis parallel to H0 (Figure 9).

The effective g- and hyperfine splitting tensors for a spinplaced at an arbitrary polar angle (q,f) with respect to thefield are given by Equations (14) and (15), respectively:

g.q,f/ D gxx sin2 q cos2 fC gyy sin2 q sin2 f

C gzz cos2 q .14/


�� ��������




H0 || z

H0 || y

H0 || x

Figure 9 Orientational sensitivity of ESR spectra. Splitting ofthe spectrum changes when the z-axis of nitroxide rotates withrespect to the magnetic field. The center of the spectrum changeswhen nitroxide rotates about any axis.

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A2.q,f/ D A2xx sin2 q cos2 fCA2

yy sin2 q sin2 f

CA2zz cos2 q .15/

It follows, then, that the resonance field for a givenorientation (q,f) is given by Equation (16):

Hres.q,f,mI/ D hnbg.q,f/

CmIA.q,f/ .16/

Equation (16) describes the orientational resolutionof ESR line shapes: a spin with a specific orientationcan be found at a defined position along the fieldaxis. The ESR intensity at any field position is directlyproportional to the number of spins at the orientationdefining Hres. An ESR spectrum can also be consideredas an orientational distribution function, N.q/. N.q/is approximated by an orthonormal set of sphericalharmonics and has been developed and applied tosamples with cylindrical and planar symmetry..48,49/

Alternatively, the orientation can be modeled in termsof a Gaussian distribution with a width q and center q0

(Equation 17):

r.q/ D exp[� ln 2

.q� q0/2



The ESR spectrum, Y.H/, is created by calculatinga resonance field Hres for every q within the Gaussiandistribution of orientations and placing a Lorentzian firstderivative line width at Hres with the intensity weightedby r.q/ (Equation 18):

Y.H/ D r.q/.H �Hres/Hpp

[.H �Hres/2 CH2pp]2


where the peak-to-peak width of the Lorentzian (Hpp)is defined by the spin–spin relaxation time, T2 (Equa-tion 19):

Hpp D 2p3gT2


ESR is one of the very few biophysical techniquesdirectly sensitive to orientational disorder. The spectra inFigure 10(a–c) illustrate this sensitivity. As the width ofthe Gaussian distribution increases, the ESR resonancesbroaden to a powder pattern limit which is characteristicof isotropically disordered spins.

In summary, the parameters describing orientationaldistribution (axial, azimuthal angles and their disor-der) can be obtained from spectral parameters: spectralsplitting, center of the spectrum and the line widthrespectively. This can be achieved either by graphicalmethods or from the automated fitting of full spec-tral line-shape parameters. Graphical methods comparethe effective splitting and width of the resonance to




Figure 10 Broadening of the spectra with increasing disorder:Gaussian disorder of (a) š1° and (b) š5° and (c) completelydisordered (isotropic) distribution.

graphs obtained from computer simulations. The auto-mated method allows modeling of more complex bimodaldistributions, in both q and f, and can be linked to stan-dard fitting routines such as Levenberg–Marquardt.50/ orSimplex..51/

5.1.2 Macromolecular Assemblies

Of considerable interest is the orientation of moleculeswithin macromolecular assemblies, e.g. proteins withinlipid membranes or contractile proteins in the muscle

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xx ′

x ′′

y ′





Euler angles


Myosin headSpin label


Fiber Magnet



Figure 11 Definition of (a) Eulerian angles a, b and g; (b) Eulerian transformations of the spin label orientation through theprotein (myosin head); sample (fiber) frame of reference into the laboratory frame (magnet).

fibers. If the assembly of proteins is ordered and ori-ented at a specific angle with respect to the magneticfield, the orientational distribution of the labeled compo-nents of the assembly can be easily determined. Thespectra of such samples oriented with the symmetryaxis parallel to the field are the same as for a sin-gle spin (Equation 18). When the orientation of thespin label with respect to the protein is known, theESR spectra are interpreted in terms of the orienta-tion of the labeled domain with respect to the assemblywhich is of biological interest. This is achieved usingEulerian transformations between three frames:.52,53/

molecular frame (defining orientation of the label withinthe protein), sample frame (orientation of proteinswithin the assembly) and laboratory frame (orienta-tion of the sample in the magnetic field) (Figure 11aand b).

The ESR spectra are simulated taking into accountthe orientational distribution in each of the frames. Themagnetic tensors are rotated from molecular to laboratoryaxes using directional cosine matrices (L) according toEquation (20):

Alab D LtmolL


labANOLlabLsamLmol .20/

where Lmol, Lsam and Llab are cosine matrices defined inEquation (21) for each of the Eulerian transformations

and Lt is their transpose:



cosb cosa cos g sinb sina cos g � sinb cos g� sina sin g C cosa sin g

� cosb cosa sin g � cosb sina sin g sinb sin g� sina cos g C cosa cos g

sinb cosa sinb sina cosb


The resonant field for each spin packet is calculated asshown in Equation (22):

Hres D hnbgzzCmI


xz CA2yz CA2

zz .22/

Note that the subscripts of the g- and hyperfine tensors inEquation (22) denote elements in the laboratory frame. Protein Orientation in Membranes The Eule-rian transformation approach was introduced by Griffithet al. to determine lipid orientation in membrane bilayers.The orientation of the spin label nitroxide with respectto the lipid molecule is well defined. A stack of lipidmembranes is tilted with respect to the magnetic fieldat a known angle, and the spectra can be defined solelyby the orientational distribution in the sample frame ofreference (�sample)..52,54/

Membrane-bound proteins are investigated in a similarmanner. The orientation of a spin-labeled ligand of the

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erythrocyte anion transporter, Band 3, was determinedby flowing red blood cells into thin, flat, sample cells. Theflow shear oriented the red blood cells parallel to theflow and the sample cell was rotated both parallel andperpendicular to the field in order to vary�lab..55/ A globalanalysis of the tilt series resulted in a full descriptionof the label orientation with respect to the normalmembrane axis. The derived spin label orientation wasfound to be consistent with orientation results determinedindependently by analyzing the anisotropy of motion. Muscle Proteins Similar approaches havebeen used to describe the orientation of various muscleproteins. Force generation in muscle is believed to bebrought about by the reorientation of the myosin crossbridges. Since ESR is sensitive to the orientation of theproteins, muscle field proved to be a fertile ground forESR applications. Muscle fibers form a naturally orderedassembly with the fiber axis defining the cylindricalsymmetry required for ESR. Proteins can be labeleddirectly in muscle cells or labeled as isolated componentsand exchanged for corresponding unlabeled proteinsin the muscle sample. These include most of the thinfilament proteins – actin, troponin C (TnC), troponinI (TnI) and tropomyosin – and also the thick filamentcomponents – myosin heavy chain, regulatory light chainand essential light chain. The orientation of many of thesecomponents has been extensively studied as a functionof the intermediate states of the acto-myosin cycle andalso during muscle activation. Thomas and Cooke haveestablished that in the absence of ATP, myosin headsattach themselves strongly and stereospecifically to actin.Muscle relaxation, in the presence of ATP, produceddisorder consistent with head detachment and Brownian







DP.P i








Figure 12 Orientation of catalytic domain of myosin headin the intermediate stages of the contractile cycle. As thehead progresses through the cycle, the dynamic disorder iscontinually diminished, culminating in the disorder-to-ordertransition associated with force generation.

motion..56/ Subsequent studies using various nucleotideanalogs to trap the intermediate adenosine triphosphatase(ATPase) states have revealed a sequence of orientationalchanges of the catalytic domain: a nonstereospecificattachment of transient, weakly bound heads followedby an equally large orientational disorder of the stronglyattached heads in the prepower stroke state..75,76/ Forcegeneration was associated with the disorder-to-ordertransition. The postpower stroke state, with the hydrolysisproduct adenosine diphosphate (ADP) in the active site,showed a local domain heterogeneity, but overall thecatalytic domain was well oriented, qš 8° (Figure 12).Release of ADP (rigor state) resulted in a slight changein the twist and the tilt angle of the heads..77/ Duringisometric contraction, when most of the myosin headsshould be in the prepower stroke state (immediately priorto the rate-limiting step of the cycle), no species wereobserved at a different angle to that of the postpowerstroke heads..102/ These findings excluded a simple modelin which the catalytic domain (accounting for most of themyosin head mass) generates a force while rotating by45° from one well-defined angle to another.

A different story emerged when the labels were placedin the regulatory domain of the myosin head. Twodistinct populations, centered 36° apart, were observedin contraction (predominantly prepower stroke heads),whereas in rigor, only one population was observed..57/

Clearly, the rotation of the head is limited to theregulatory domain with the catalytic domain shifting froma disordered to ordered structure.

The disorder-to-order transition was also found forother muscle proteins. For example, spin-labeled TnC iswell ordered prior to Ca2C activation but becomes dis-ordered in the presence of Ca2C or activating myosinheads..58/ The loss of stereospecific, protein–proteininteractions is reflected by changes to the conformationalhomogeneity and is the basis of many molecular mech-anisms. ESR, with its capacity to see directly both theordered and the disordered populations, complementsmore popular methods such as X-ray crystallography orelectron microscopy image reconstructions which ignoredisorder.

5.2 Protein Dynamics

5.2.1 Sensitivity of Conventional Electron SpinResonance

Conventional ESR is used to study molecular dynamicson the nanosecond timescale. This timescale correspondsto motions of peptides and small proteins, or the mobilityof labels on the surface of large proteins. Sensitivity ofthe ESR signal to motion arises from rotational modu-lation of the magnetic tensor anisotropy. The anisotropy

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1/τex << ∆ωAB

1/τex >> ∆ωAB


ωav ωBωA

Figure 13 Two-site exchange between environments givingrise to two resonances separated by w. Increased rate ofexchange initially broadens the resonances then averages theirresonant frequencies.

of Zeeman or hyperfine interactions results in differentresonant fields for different spin orientations. Therefore,rotational motions which change the spin label orientationwill modulate the ESR line shape. This can be explainedby using a two-site exchange example: two spins, A andB, resonate with frequencies wA and wB and exchangetheir positions at a rate 1/tex. When the exchange rate issignificantly slower than the difference in resonant fre-quencies (1/tex − w0

AB D wA �wB, slow exchange), thespectrum consists of resonances A and B centered at wA

and wB, respectively, and the line widths are determinedby T2 (Figure 13). The effective relaxation rate 1/Teff

2 is thesum of the intrinsic 1/T2 rate and the exchange rate 1/tex.When the exchange frequency increases, the line widthsstart to broaden. Further increase of the exchange ratecauses partial averaging of the resonance positions. Theobserved difference in resonant frequencies is reducedaccording to Equation (23):

wAB D w0AB

√1� 8




For exchange rates faster than the difference inresonant frequencies (1/tex × wAB, fast exchange), thetwo resonant peaks coalesce into one peak at the averagefrequency (assuming equal populations of A and B)(Figure 13). The line width is determined by the effectiverelaxation time, Teff

2 , with contributions from T2 of speciesA and B and the exchange broadening (Equation 24):



D 1T2AC 1




In other words, at the fast exchange limit (1/tex ×wAB), the contribution of the exchange rate to linewidth disappears and the spectrum consists of a singlepeak at 1/2.wA CwB/ with an average line width of1/T2A C 1/T2B (Figure 13).

The above considerations generally hold true for anyspins exchanging between different environments suchas different local magnetic fields, dipolar interactionsor association with different macromolecular assemblies.Spin label reorientation with respect to the magneticfield is also a form of exchange where the rotationalcorrelation time tr is the exchange rate and the anisotropyof the g- and hyperfine interactions defines the frequencydifference. At X-band, w D .Azz �Axx//h D 500 MHzor (gxx � gzz/bH/h D 185 MHz.

As for the two-site exchange discussed above, variousmotional regimes of ESR can be defined: fast (tr ³10�11 –10�9 s), slow (tr ³ 10�9 –2ð 10�7 s) and very slow(tr > 2ð 10�7 s). Fast and slow motion are of the orderof T2 (15–30 ns) for electron spin and have visibleeffects on conventional ESR spectra which measurethe transverse component of magnetization. The veryslow motions do not affect transverse magnetization, butthey do affect longitudinal magnetization which decayswith T1 (1–15 µs). These slow motions can be detected(indirectly) using saturation transfer, pulsed ELDOR orsaturation recovery ESR. Fast Motion (tr ³ 10�11 –10�9 s) In the fastmotional regime, the motion completely averages theanisotropy of the g- and hyperfine tensors. The rotationalrate is obtained from the line width broadening usingRedfield’s perturbation theory..59/ The broadening itselfis a function of the nuclear quantum spin numberas different nuclear manifolds have varying anisotropyvalues (Equation 25):

H.mI/ D AC BmI C Cm2I .25/

The coefficient A is equal to homogeneous broadeningand coefficients B and C assure differential broadeningof lines belonging to different nuclear manifolds. Thesecoefficients are obtained from the line widths of theLorentzian lines according to Equations (26) and (27):

B Dp






C Dp





� 2


where V.mI/ is the peak-to-peak height of a given nuclearmanifold resonance and H.0/ is the peak-to-peak linewidth of the central line.

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Factors B and C are equal for isotropic motion and tisor

is calculated directly from Equations (28) and (29):

tisoB D �1.22ð 10�9B .28/

tisoC D 1.19ð 10�9C .29/

where B and C are expressed in gauss and t in seconds..61/

In the case of anisotropic motion, B 6D C, and the ratesof rotation about the nitroxide z-, x- and y-axes aredifferent. The ratio of C and B can be used to definethe anisotropy as the coefficients are independent of therate of motion. Various models of anisotropic motion areconsidered in excellent reviews by Marsh.61/ and Beth andRobinson..67/ If the molecule is diffusing in an isotropicmedium, then the rotational correlation times about thenitroxide z-axis (tjj) and about an axis perpendicular toz.t?/ are given by Equations (30) and (31):

tjj D 2t20t22

3t20 � t22.30/

t? D t20 .31/

where t20 and t22 describe spin relaxation and arerelated to the anisotropy of the magnetic interactions(Equations 32 and 33):

t20 D 1.11ð 10�7

HA5.dA/B� 8.dg/HCgdA� dgA


t22 D 3.69ð 10�8

HdA8gHC � 5ABgdA� dgA


where A and dA are given by hyperfine anisotropy(Equations 34 and 35):

A D Azz � 12 .Axx CAyy/ .34/

dA D 12 .Axx �Ayy/ .35/

with equivalent equations for g-anisotropy. The indicesin Equations (34) and (35) are permutated to calculatethe values of tjj and t? for the rotation about the x- andy-axes of the nitroxide.

The above equations hold for anisotropic motion abouta specific nitroxide axis in an isotropic medium. Anadditional complication arises when diffusion takes placewithin a strongly orientating potential such as in a lipidmembrane, or within the steric confines of a protein.The field position of resonances now depends on theamplitude of motion, which defines the time average ofavailable angular space; e.g. if the nitroxide can moveonly within an angular cone, then only the resonancescorresponding to the orientations within the cone areaveraged. Motionally averaged spectra are described interms of order parameters (S) – time averages of thedirection cosines of the diffusion axis with respect to the

local director axis. For an isotropic diffusion within thecone angle qc, components of an ordering tensor are givenby Equations (36) and (37):

Szz D 12 .cos2 qc C cos qc/ .36/

Sxx D Syy D � 12 Szz .37/

Szz and Sxx are used to define the motionally averagedmagnetic g-tensors gjj and g? in terms of its average valueg0 and the anisotropy g and dg (Equations 38 and 39):

gjj D g0 C 23gSzz C 2

3dg.Sxx � Syy/ .38/

g? D g0 � 13gSzz � 1

3dg.Sxx � Syy/ .39/

with equivalent expressions for the effective hyperfinesplitting Ajj and A?. The latter two are resolved inthe experimental line shapes; see Figure 14. Thus Szz

of the nitroxide z-axis can be easily obtained fromEquations (38) and (39) and the corresponding cone anglefrom Equation (36). Slow Motion (tr ³ 10�9 –2ð 10�7 s) For tr >2 ns, Redfield’s theory does not hold. The equation ofmotion for an electron spin is solved using a stochasticLiouville equation (SLE), developed by Schneider andFreed..60/ Although the description of the SLE approachis beyond the scope of this article, one can rationalize theeffect of slow motion on ESR spectra in terms of the two-site exchange. The low- and high-field extremes of thepowder spectra correspond to nitroxides lying with the z-axis parallel to the magnetic field. Rotation (i.e. exchangewith any other orientation) results first in an exchangebroadening of the line width and then partial averagingof the anisotropy. Line width and effective splitting are



Figure 14 Definition of the parallel and perpendicular hyper-fine splitting for calculation of order parameters.

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used to determine tr (Equations 40 and 41):

tr D a0m


HRm � 1


tr D a(

1� A0zz




where Hm and A0zz are the line widths at half-height and hyperfine splitting, respectively, and thesuperscripts denote their rigid limit values. Coefficientsa0m, b0m, a and b are calculated from SLE simulations.Their precise values depend on the motional modelused for the simulations. For a Lorentzian line widthd D 3.0 G and isotropic Brownian diffusion, a0mD1 D11.5 ns, b0mD1 D �0.943, a0mD�1 D 21.2 ns, b0mD1 D �0.778,a D 0.54 ns and b D �1.36. Values for different linewidths or motional models can be found in Marsh..61/

It should be noted that the calculated tr values depend

τr = 0.001ns

τr = 10ns

τr = 20ns


τr = 23µs

τr = 4µs

τr = 200µs


Figure 15 Sensitivities of (a) the conventional ESR spectraand (b) STESR spectra.

strongly on the chosen rigid limit values. A user-friendlysimulation and optimization program based on the SLEwas developed by Budil et al..50/ Sensitivities of theconventional ESR and STESR spectra are illustratedin Figure 15(a) and (b).

Examples. Side-chain and polypeptide backbonedynamics are determined using the above formalism.Spin labels attached to the surface of small a-helicalpeptides exhibit subnanosecond motions observed byESR which compare well with motions predicted bymolecular dynamics simulation programs..45,62/ Scanningof the label position along a peptide length reveals aV-shaped gradient of the label mobility. The cone anglefor random motion in the middle of the peptide washalf the value found at either terminus. Interestingly,the C-terminus was found to be more flexible than theN-terminus, which explains the decreased stability ofthe C-terminus as compared with the N-terminus in a-helices..45,46/ Backbone dynamics observed in isolatedpeptides are further modulated by tertiary interactions.A survey of 30 cysteine mutants of T4 lysozyme withspin labels at various structural sites (on the surface ofhelices, within the helix termini, interhelical loops, buriedsites and sites involved in tertiary contacts) revealed acharacteristic pattern of spin label mobility in relationto the secondary structure of the protein..31/ When thesecond moment of the spectrum (defined as the reciprocal

























Helix surface


Tertiary contact


∆H0−1 (G−1)

⟨H2 ⟩

−1 ×


0 (G


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5



























Figure 16 Reciprocal of the square of the splitting ver-sus reciprocal of the central resonance line width. Thespectral parameters cluster according to the labeled pro-tein structural elements..31/ [Reprinted with permission fromH.S. McHaourab, M.A. Lietzow, K. Hideg, W.L. Hubbell, Bio-chemistry, 35, 7692–7704 (1996). Copyright 1996 AmericanChemical Society.]

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of maximum splitting squared) is plotted against thereciprocal of the central field line width (H�1

mD0), sites insimilar environments are clustered together (Figure 16).The clustering reflects the degree of motional restrictions,with the second moment related to the averaging of thehyperfine anisotropy and the central line width to theaveraging of the g-tensor. When motional restrictionsincrease, the averaging decreases and both the secondmoment and the line width of the resonances increase.Hence the second moment and line width can be used assemiempirical diagnostic tools to evaluate the secondaryand tertiary structure of a labeled site. Very Slow Motion (tr > 10�9 s) When tr >100 ns, conventional ESR line shapes are no longersensitive to motion. The rate of angular exchange istoo small to affect the hyperfine or g-anisotropy and theline shapes become insensitive to very slow motions. Tostudy these biologically important motions, a related ESRtechnique was developed, STESR.

Isotropic Motion. In the presence of power satura-tion, the second harmonic out-of-phase (V 02) line shaperesembles an absorption spectrum (Figure 6c), with theintensity reflecting the effective relaxation at that point.Since effective relaxation is related to spectral diffu-sion and spectral diffusion is a function of the rotationalcorrelation time, the V 02 line shape reflects rotationalmobility. The rate of spectral diffusion (tsd) is a functionof the resonant field Hres. Some field positions are moresensitive to angular rotation than others and @Hres/@qvaries across the spectral line shape. For instance, therate of spectral diffusion is zero at the turning pointHŁ D Hres.q D 0°), but increases in the intermediate fields(Equation 42):

tsd.Hres/�1 D






T22t�1r .42/

To the first approximation,.63/ the change of the signalintensity (I) at any field position is proportional to thechange of the spin–lattice relaxation time due to spectraldiffusion (Equation 43):

I.Hres/ D I0.Hres/Teff

1 .Hres/


where I0 is the rigid limit intensity in absence of motionand Teff

1 is the intrinsic T1 modified by spectral diffusionaccording to Equation (44):

Teff1 .Hres/ D T0

11C .I0.Hres//T2/T0


1C T01tsd.Hres/�1


Since Teff1 is a function of the field position (spin angle

with respect to field), it is customary to define the line

height at precise positions in the spectrum: L00, C0 or H00

at q D 35° (two-thirds of the way between resonant fieldcorresponding to q D 90° and q D 0°) and normalize itto the intensity at HŁ (L, C and H positions) for whichspectral diffusion is zero.

By substituting Equation (44) for the effective relax-ation rate in Equation (43) a semiempirical expression forthe P0/P ratio dependence on tr is obtained (Equation 45):


P.Hres/D I0.Hres/

I0.HŁ/1C a/tr

1C b/tr.45/

The parameters a, b and I0.Hres)/I.HŁ) can be esti-mated from Equations (42) and (44) by numericallyevaluating sensitivity @Hres/@q at each spectral position.In practice, these values are obtained from fits to theexperimental curves of line-height ratios from spectra ofmolecules undergoing Brownian diffusion with a knowntr. Spin-labeled hemoglobin or bovine serum albumintumbling in media of a known viscosity (water–glycerolmixtures) is used for this purpose..63/ The rotationalrate of hemoglobin (the abscissa in Figure 17) is calcu-lated from the Stokes–Einstein equation for a sphereof radius r, tumbling in a medium with viscosity h(Equation 46):

tr D 4phr3








1 10 100 1000 10 000

Correlation time (µs)


C ′/C


H ′′/H

Figure 17 Dependence of V 02 diagnostic ratios on the rotationalcorrelation time. The curves are simulated with Equation (63)using the parameter values from Table 1.

Table 1 STESR parameters from maleimide spinlabel–hemoglobin calibration curves.63/

Parameter I0.Hres//I.HŁ) a (µs) b (µs)

L00/L 1.88 6.18 67.9C0/C 1.01 0 21.1H00/H 2.17 21.7 210

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Table 2 Useful constants

Constant Symbol Value Units

Planck’s constant h 6.63ð 10�34 J sh 1.06ð 10�34 J s

Bohr magneton b 9.27ð 10�24 J T�1

Free electron g factor g 2.00232Electron magnetic moment µ �9.29ð 10�21 J T�1

Magnetogyric ratio g �1.76ð 10C11 s�1 T�1

Boltzmann constant k 1.38ð 10�23 J K�1

The parameter values listed in Table 1 were obtainedfor maleimide spin-labeled hemoglobin tumbling indifferent water–glycerol mixtures. In principle, thesevalues should be transferable from one laboratory toanother. In practice, each cavity is sufficiently differentin its microwave distribution and modulation fieldsthat separate calibrations are often constructed. Newcalibrations are also necessary for different spin labels.Changes to the magnetic tensors and relaxation timesalter STESR line shapes. In rare cases, full numericalsimulation of the V 02 line shape is used to determine thecorrelation time, but the computational time required isstill prohibitive..68/

Anisotropic Motion. The effective rotational corre-lation times (teff) obtained from such calibration curvesreflect rates for isotropic rotation. However, isotropicmotion is not very common in biological systems.For example, the nonspherical shape of the diffus-ing molecules or the restoring potential of the mediaresults in anisotropic motion. Intuitively, rotation aboutthe long axis of a cylinder is faster than the tumblingmotion around its short axis. Assigning an isotropic tr toan anisotropic motion is obviously in error. For elon-gated molecules correlation times for rotation aboutthe major and minor axes are given by Equations (47)and (48):

tjj D fjj4kT.1C fjj/2f?/


t? D f?6kT


where T is absolute temperature and the frictionalcoefficients fjj and f? are a function of the shape ofthe molecule..64,65/ For a cylinder of length 2a and radiusb the frictional coefficients are given by Equations (49)and (50):.66/

fjj D 8phab2[0.96.1C djj/] .49/

f? D 8pha3

3[ln.a/b/C d?].50/

where d? and djj are as given by Beth and Robinson(Equations 51 and 52):.67/

djj D 0.688(


)� 0.202




d? D �0.661C 0.891(



The anisotropic diffusion tensor (D) creates an addi-tional complication. The effect of the molecular rotationon the spectral line shape is a function of the label orien-tation with respect to the diffusion axis. If the principalaxis of diffusion is parallel to the z-axis of the spin label,the motion interconverts the x- and y-components only.If it is parallel to the x-axis, then the y- and z-componentswill be mixed. To describe fully anisotropic diffusion ofthe anisotropic tensor, six parameters are needed: threediffusion coefficients about the x-, y- and z- axes and threeEulerian angles describing the orientation of the diffusiontensor with respect to the magnetic tensor.

The problem is simplified if either the diffusion tensor(D) and/or the magnetic tensors (g or A) are axiallysymmetric: the elements of the diffusion tensor arerelated to the correlation times by t? D 1/.6D?/ witha corresponding expression for tjj. It has been shownthat the effective correlation time obtained from theL00/L and H00/H line-height ratios of STESR spectra(mI D š1) can be described in terms of D?, Djj andthe angle q between the diffusion and magnetic tensoraxis (Equation 53):.68/

teffR .š1/ D 1

3[Djj sin2 qCD?.1C cos2 q/].53/

When q D 0° the outer manifolds reflect D? whichdefines the z- and x-(y-) element conversion (Djj leavesthe nitroxide z-direction unchanged). If q D 90° theintensity of L00 and H00 is determined by Djj, which nowinterconverts the z- and x-, y-axes.

In some cases, anisotropic rotation is about a singleaxis and the motion can be described by a uniaxial model.The mobility of transmembrane peptides or proteins inlipid membranes is a good example. A uniaxial model,with a single diffusion tensor element Djj and an angleq defining the relative orientation of the magnetic anddiffusion axes, is sufficient to simulate STESR spectraof membrane-bound proteins..69/ If q is not known, thenteff.š1/ gives an upper estimate of 0.5tjj (q D 90°). Itis important to realize that the changes of the q angle,brought about by conformational changes, might resultin STESR line-shape changes which can be mistakenlyinterpreted as changes in protein dynamics. A quickdiagnostic for the presence of anisotropic motion is thecomparison of the effective correlation times estimatedfrom the C0/C ratio and from L00/L (H00/H). If they agree,

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then the motion is likely to be isotropic. If they aredifferent, then either the overlap of the nuclear manifoldsis different in hemogiobin calibration spectra (unlikely) orthe motion is anisotropic..70/ If the change in the STESRspectra is to be interpreted in terms of changed motionalrate and not changed anisotropy of motion, then at leastthe ratio of the correlation times teff.š1//teff.0/ shouldstay constant.

Another motional model commonly encountered inbiology is restricted diffusion. In such a model, the motionis isotropic but constrained in amplitude. The smaller theamplitude of motion, the slower is the apparent mobilityderived from isotropic calibration. When the amplitudeis <30°, the effective correlation time can be a factorof 10 larger than the actual tr and for amplitudes >60°,teff approaches tr..71/ For small amplitudes, there is noisotropic line shape which will match the STESR spectrumof restricted motion. The amplitude effect is not justreflected in one or two places in the spectrum, but ratherit is distributed across the whole line width.

An extensive review by Beth and Robinson.67/ dealswith the effects of anisotropic motion on STESR spectraand the theoretical simulations of line shapes. Numericalsimulations are based on the transition rate matrix whichcouples neighboring angular zones with the rate of angularreorientation. The SLE approach and spin density matrixmethod have also been used. Both approaches have beenapplied successfully to isotropic and anisotropic motionalmodels. The continuous increase in computational speedbodes well for the routine application of STESR simula-tions to analyze experimental data. Examples in Muscle Proteins Microsecondmotions are common for large macromolecular com-plexes (1 MDa) such as are present in muscle. Thetimescales of force generation, the actomyosin ATPasecycle and muscle activation coincide with the micro-tomillisecond timescale of STESR, thereby making it themethod of choice. The first application of the methodestablished the dynamics of myosin, its subfragments andactin..72/ Thomas et al. showed that the myosin head iscapable of moving independently of the large myosinfilament. Such motion was a prerequisite for force pro-duction. When bound to actin, in the rigor state (no ATP)the myosin heads were immobilized but when ATP wasadded the heads detached and were free to move..73,74/

Subsequent studies in muscle fibers at various inter-mediate states of the acto-myosin ATPase cycle haveestablished a progressive decrease of catalytic domainmobility during the contractile cycle: the 10-µs motionof relaxed and weakly attached heads.75/ became 80 µsjust before force was generated.76/ and was completely‘‘frozen out’’ in the postpower stroke states of ADP andrigor. In the ADP state the head, although globally rigid,

retained ‘‘breathing motions’’, which were suppressedon the release of nucleotide..77/ It is believed that thisgradient in protein mobility reflects tighter and morestereospecific binding as myosin progresses through thecontractile cycle (Figure 12).

The dynamics of the myosin head are complicated bythe fact that this elongated protein does not behave like arigid body. A comparison of the dynamics of the catalyticand regulatory domains revealed a three-fold difference inthe rate of motion for the two domains..78/ Moreover, thetwo domains were found to have dramatically differentorientational distributions..57/ These results highlightthe complexity of the conformational changes in theactomyosin system: force generation is not synonymouswith force transmission and both events involve changesof dynamics and orientation.

This complex behavior of myosin is in contrast to thatof actin. Neither the orientation nor the dynamics of actinmonomers, as probed by labels attached near the myosinbinding site, were affected by head attachment..79 – 82/

The absence of any orientational changes in contractingmuscle fibers was also observed using spin-labeled toxinphalloidin bound rigidly to the interface between theactin monomers..83/ This agrees with the current modelof actin’s passive role in force production in providing‘‘tracks’’ for myosin motor protein to ‘‘walk’’ on.

Force activation involves a complex pathway withsubtle changes in protein–protein interactions. It ismediated by the conformations and dynamics of theparticipating molecules. Smooth muscle is activated viaphosphorylation of myosin light chain 2, whereas skeletalmuscle is regulated by a thin filament based systeminvolving Ca2C binding to TnC. STESR spectra ofphosphorylated myosin with a probe bound to myosinlight chain 1 have implied increased motional freedom ofthe head. This finding supports a model.86/ in whichunphosphorylated heads are tied to the surface ofmyosin filaments and inhibited from binding to actin..87/

Phosphorylation abolishes the electrostatic attraction tothe filament surface allowing the heads to interact withactin.

In skeletal muscle, binding of Ca2C to TnC initiates asignaling pathway from the thin to thick filament whichultimately activates muscle contraction. Biochemicalchanges in the affinity of myosin for actin and of TnCfor Ca2C have a structural basis that is readily observedby both STESR and conventional ESR. The mobilityand orientation of TnC (and TnI) has been found tobe similarly affected by the binding of myosin heads toactin or by Ca2C binding to TnC..84/ Interestingly, TnCwas capable of sensing not only the binding of the myosinheads to actin but also the intermediate ATPase states..85/ Examples in Membranes Rotational diffusionof membrane-bound proteins is often the best way of

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determining the oligomerization state in their nativeenvironment without the possible dissociative effectof detergents. STESR of various integral proteins hasrevealed monomers such as rhodopsin,.88/ dimers suchas cytochrome oxidase.89/ and ADP–ATP carrier.90/ oreven higher oligomers such as Na, K-ATPase..91/

The biological significance of dynamic structuralchanges is best illustrated by the Ca-ATPase,.92/ whosemolecular dynamics correlate with transport activity..93,94/

As shown by ST-EPR, allosteric interactions betweenCa-ATPase polypeptide chains and catalytically impor-tant domain interactions involved in the transportcycle are regulated by both alterations in membranelipid composition, anesthetics, and the regulatory pro-tein phospholamban..95 – 97/ Thus, physiological regulatorsof calcium transport modulate catalytically importantmotions and provide a structural basis for b-adrenergicstimulation in the heart.

Protein dynamics measured by STESR and conven-tional ESR have differentiated between two modelsof steroid biosynthesis in mitochondria: the shuttlemechanism and the ternary complex of adrenodoxin,P450 and adrenodoxin reductase. Adrenoxin was foundto form binary complexes (but not ternary complexes)with either P450 or adrenodoxin reductase, supporting ashuttle mechanism..98/

An excellent example of the potential of STESR indescribing complex anisotropic motions is in the studyof the transmembrane anion transporter Band 3 byHustedt and Beth..69/ The STESR spectra were simulatedusing a uniaxial model for protein rotation. The diffusionrate and the angle between the magnetic and diffusiontensor were freely floated in the least-squares fits toexperimental spectra. The uniqueness of the solution wascorroborated by the orientational study of Band 3 inoriented erythrocytes..55/

5.2.2 Mobility and Time Domain Methods

The measurement of the molecular dynamics by time-resolved ESR methods is still in its infancy. Specializedhardware is necessary to perform such experiments.Spectral diffusion due to the reorientation of spinscan be observed either by recovery from saturationat the resonant field (saturation recovery ESR) or byarrival of saturation originally induced at some othernonresonant field (pulsed ELDOR). The initial promiseof these methods was not fulfilled when it was shown thatthe nuclear relaxation, which couples different nuclearmanifolds, contributed significantly to spectral diffusion.Combining pulsed ELDOR and saturation recoverydifferentiates between nuclear relaxation and rotationalspectral diffusion and can be used to measure the truerotational correlation time..99/

2-D FTESR methods appear to be more promising.Nuclear relaxation is seen as cross peaks between themanifolds and can easily be distinguished from homoge-neous broadening and spectral diffusion broadening..100/

In the limits of fast motion, tr is obtained directly fromthe homogeneous line width and is defined by the pureT2 (similar information is obtained from the spin-echoexperiments). For slower motions, mixing time betweenthe pulses is varied (2-D ELDOR) and the dependenceof spectral broadening on mixing time is used to deter-mine tr. Correlation times in the range 1–30 µs havebeen measured for small peptides tumbling in viscousmedia..101/

5.3 Kinetic Experiments

Elucidation of molecular mechanisms involves primarilytwo approaches: (a) entrapment of reaction intermediateswith a subsequent reconstruction of the sequence ofevents and (b) transient kinetics in which the reactionsare synchronized with the observed spectral changes.Each of these approaches have potential problems. Inthe ‘‘trapping’’ approach, the states have to be relatedto the kinetic intermediates. There are cases in whichstates trapped with substrate or product analogs are notlying on the kinetic pathway. On the other hand, transientexperiments are easier to interpret, but technically morechallenging owing to lower signal levels, fast acquisitiontimes and difficulties in spectral assignment. The twoapproaches should be considered complementary. Inan ideal world, ‘‘trapping’’ approaches should be usedto identify and assign signals collected during transientexperiments.

Historically, optical spectroscopy was used for tran-sient kinetics owing to inherently higher sensitivity, butESR is making substantial inroads..102/ Recent advancesin resonator design allow for millisecond resolution onmicroliter samples in the submillimolar concentrationrange..103/ The DR developed for this purpose is capa-ble of measuring millisecond kinetics in a single shot on100 µL of a 40 µM sample with an 8-ms deadtime..104/

The further development of this DR/stop-flow config-uration allows the recording of a full spectrum within100 ms..105/

Transient ESR was used to resolve the stages ofchannel formation in lipid membranes. Phospholipidvesicles and membrane channel collicin were mixedrapidly and the time course of the protein absorptionto the membrane surface was clearly resolved from theinsertion of the channel into the membrane..106/ Forcollicin the process was fairly slow, with a timescaleof seconds, but the formation of another channelannexin was followed on the millisecond timescale..107/

The millisecond time resolution makes ESR a viable

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alternative to optical methods in investigations of kineticprocesses.

The photolysis of caged compounds, cATP andcCa2C, to study conformational transients has beenused primarily in the muscle field and in the study ofCa2C-ATPase. A single ultraviolet (UV) pulse (10 ns induration with an energy flux of 150 mJ cm�2 at 351 nm)from an excimer laser is capable of liberating 0.5 mMATP (Figure 18a and b). The magnetic field is lockedinto a position where the initial and final states dis-play a large spectral difference and the intensity at thatposition is followed in time. In myosin, the pre- andpost-ATP hydrolysis states have different mobilities ata labeled residue near the catalytic site, with correla-tion times of tr > 100 ns and tr ³ 80 ns. This mobilitydifference and the associated line-shape difference wasutilized in measuring the rate of transition between thetwo states (43 s�1) and was found to correspond to thehydrolysis rate of ATP.108/ (Figure 18a and b). Simi-lar experiments in muscle fibers, measuring both theorientation and the mobility, established that the rapiddisorder of myosin heads follows nucleotide binding butprecedes hydrolysis. These experiments also determinedthat the rate of hydrolysis is the same in fibers as insolution..102/

Transient ESR of the Ca2C-ATPase following cATPphotolysis revealed local domain changes around thelabeled site which correlate well with the formation ofthe phosphoenzyme intermediate..109/ A larger and more


No nucleotide





Figure 18 (a) Transient ESR of myosin head labeled withiodoacetamide spin label after the photolysis of cATPand (b) expanded transient..108/ (Reprinted with permissionfrom E.M. Ostap, H.D. White, D.D. Thomas, Biochemistry, 32,6712–6720 (1993). Copyright 1993 American Chemical Society.)

motionally restricted label was also used to observe globalchanges, e.g. shape or oligomerization state. No suchchanges were observed by transient STESR during theATPase cycle..110/

Biological photocycles encountered in rhodopsin andbacteriorhodopsin are special cases of cycles that areeasily synchronized. The photoisomerization of retinalin bacteriorhodopsin initiates a series of proton transferreactions via short-lived intermediates culminating in theloss of HC at the extracellular surface. Some 50 µs afterphotoactivation, an intermediate M decays to N whenAsp96 transfers a proton to the Schiff base. During thedecay of the N state, Asp96 regains a proton from thecytoplasmic site and bacteriorhodopsin reverts to theground state, thereby completing the cycle. Labels havebeen attached to a number of cytoplasmic, interhelicaland extracellular loops in the vicinity of Asp96 and theirmobility was followed after irradiation with light..111 – 113/

Cytoplasmic sites and those near Asp96 all showedsignificant changes which coincided with the decay ofthe M state and recovered with the decay of the Nstate..112/ The efforts of Hubbell’s and Steinhoff’s groupsto describe the molecular mechanism of rhodopsin andbacteriorhodopsin are an excellent example of the powerof ESR methods to evaluate both static and transientmolecular structures. In summary, the combination ofhigh sensitivity, short mixing deadtimes, and temporalresolution makes ESR an increasingly popular method tostudy transient kinetics.

5.4 Protein Folding

In the last few years, site-specific spin labeling hasbeen applied to protein folding problems..114,115/ Theadvantage of the ESR approach to protein folding liesin site specificity as the denaturation of local domainscan be followed independently of global denaturation.This approach relies on differences in the mobility ofspin labels in folded and denatured proteins. The foldedprotein provides steric restrictions due to secondarystructure and tertiary contacts whereas the denaturedone does not. The ESR spectra for the denatured fractionare a composite of sharp, motionally averaged line shapesin contrast to broader, immobilized spectra observed forthe folded protein. Fractions of protein in each formare easily calculated by spectral subtractions and by lineshape integrations..115/ Cooperativity and stability of thegiven region are determined from spectral titration with adenaturing agent, e.g. GdnCl, urea or heat. Differences inthe melting of hydrophobic and aqueous surfaces of the b-strand pore of FepA receptor were observed by cysteinescanning of the polypeptide chain lining the channel.The hydrophilic surface was more stable and cooperativein the transmembrane portion of the strand than the

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extramembraneous strand ends. The residues exposed tothe lipid exhibited noncooperative melting and did notdenature completely even at the highest concentrationsof denaturants..116/

ESR is also capable of sensing multiphasic foldingintermediates. Carbonic anhydrase was found to denaturevia an intermediate characterized by a compact and stablemolecular core with a more dynamic periphery..117/ In thepresence of the chaperonin GroEL, the intermediate corewas destabilized and partially melted, explaining howGroEL allows for the refolding of misfolded proteins..118/

The development of new resonators, as mentionedpreviously, has facilitated detailed analysis of foldingkinetics. The initial phases (<20 ms), ascribed to helixformation, were recently resolved by stop-flow ESR..104/

5.5 Ligand Binding

Two less well known applications of spin labelingare the determination of the binding of small ligandsand the aggregation of large (the latter reviewed insection 5.7.4). The binding of small ligands is followedby changes in their mobility. Spin label analogs of ligandshave sharp, motionally narrowed spectra when free insolution. Binding to a larger target slows the motion ofthe label and the spectra become broadened. Spectralresolution between the broad/bound species and thenarrow/free ligands allows quantification of bound speciesand hence calculation of binding isotherms. The bindingof mellitin toa-crystallin.119/ and the binding of nucleotideanalogs to ATPases were determined by this method.Binding studies are not limited to ligands carrying aspin label. Competition of unlabeled and labeled analogsis used to determine the Kd of unlabeled ligands.The binding of ATP, ADP, adenosine thiotriphosphate(ATPgS), adenosine imidotriphosphate (AMPPNP) andadenosine methylenetriphosphate (AMPPCP) to myosinwas determined by the displacement of spin-labeledATP..120/

A good example of ESR applications in ligand bindingis the association of lipid spin labels with intrinsicmembrane proteins. The differences in mobility aresmall and the spectra of bound and free labels are notresolved. Small broadening due to exchange between freeand restricted environment was simulated to extract theequilibrium constant and the number of binding sites..61/

Finally, the binding of metals to proteins can beestablished by ESR. Mn(II) has a characteristic six-linespectrum when free in solution, but no signal when boundto protein. The decrease of free Mn(II) signal uponaddition of a protein identifies the fraction of boundmetal..121/ As shown in the example with ATP analogs,displacement of bound Mn(II) by other metals can beused to determine their binding affinity.

5.6 Distance Measurements

ESR is capable of measuring short distances (2–25 A)between selected sites. The method relies on the distance-dependent interactions between two spin labels (spinlabel–spin label method), or an interaction between a spinlabel and a paramagnetic metal (spin label–spin probemethod). The physical basis for the coupling betweenthe two spins is the exchange interaction (J) arising fromthe overlap of the orbitals of unpaired electrons andthe dipolar interaction between magnetic moments ofthe two spin labels. The spin label–spin probe methodrelies on the enhancement of the relaxation of the spinlabels by paramagnetic metals which have considerablyfaster relaxation rates and provide an efficient relaxationpathway for nitroxides.

5.6.1 Spin Label–Spin Label Method Exchange Interaction, Distances <8 A Atdistances shorter than 8 A, the s- or p-orbitals of theneighboring unpaired electrons can overlap, creatinga single spin state: singlet (spins are antiparallel) ortriplet (spins are parallel) state. Unlike nuclear spin,electron spin coupling propagates both through spaceand through covalent bonds. Through-bond couplingdrops off very quickly and is insignificant at a distancegreater than a few bonds. The through-space couplingstrength (J) is a function of the interspin distance rdd

(Equation 54). J diminishes exponentially, with a 1-Ainteraction distance from the initial value of J0 D 300 G.In the strong exchange regime, when J is much largerthan hyperfine interactions, the combined nuclear spinis 2 and the spectrum displays a five-line pattern. Forweak coupling (J < A0), the interaction asymmetricallybroadens the low- and high-field resonances. The shiftof the downfield edge of the low-field resonance in thepresence of the second label (Hdd) is proportional to Jand hence to the interspin distance.

Hdd ³ J D J0 exp.�brdd/ .54/

For example, a 0.1-Gauss broadening implies an interspindistance of ¾8 A, defining the upper limit of thesensitivity.

Spin exchange in peptides labeled with two probes hasbeen used to determine helical folds..122/ Some proteinscontain 310-helices between b-strands or at the end ofa-helices and their detection in solution is difficult. Fioriand Millhauser utilized a difference of distance betweenthe i and iC 4 residues along the a- and 310-helices todistinguish between the two helical forms. The i to iC 3distances are similar in both helices (6–8 A), but the ito iC 4 distance for the 310-helix is outside the rangeof the exchange interaction (10–16 A) and within the

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range for an a-helix (7–11 A). Placing pairs of labelsin the i, iC 3 and iC 4 positions along the synthetichelices identified the predominantly a-helical regions inthe N-terminus (equal broadening of i, iC 3 and i, iC 4pairs) with the 310-helix at the C-end (no broadeningof the i, iC 4 pair). A comparison of 16- and 21-residue peptides revealed a length-dependent equilibriumbetween the a- and 310-helices. Shorter peptides favoredthe 310-helix whereas the longer peptides favored thea-helix.

Transition between the two helical forms might providea mechanical pathway for allosteric mechanisms. Thea-helix has more residues per turn and is significantlyshorter, hence the 310-helix to a-helix transition willmechanically pull on the neighboring domains. Dipolar Coupling Distances: 8–25 A In addi-tion to the exchange interaction, neighboring spinsexperience local fields induced by their respective mag-netic dipoles. The local fields can add to or subtract fromthe external field splitting each of the resonances. Thisdipolar interaction has an r�3

dd dependence which resultsin discernible line-shape changes for distances up to 25 A.The contribution of the exchange interaction for distancesover 10 A is negligible.

The strength of the dipolar interaction is a functionof eight parameters: the interspin distance rdd, the anglebetween the static magnetic field and the interspin vectorand the six angles describing the orientation of eachof the spin labels with respect to the interspin vector.Protein dynamics also affects these parameters on thetimescale of the experiment: the global motion of themolecule modulates the angle with respect to the field,intradomain motions modulate the interspin distance andthe interspin angles. The full solution of dipolar ESRline shapes in the presence of motion poses a formidablechallenge.

The geometry of the NAD coenzyme bound toglyceraldehyde dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is the bestexample of the approaches taken to tackle this problem.Since GAPDH is a tetramer it can bind four molecules ofcoenzyme NAD. The relative orientation of the coenzymewas determined from the dipolar splitting of a spin labelanalog of NAD. Hustedt et al. used different microwavefrequencies (9, 35 and 94 GHz) coupled with sophisticatedfitting procedures to solve independently for most ofthe parameters listed above..123/ The ESR structure wasconsistent with the geometry derived from molecularmodeling using a crystal structure of the apo-enzyme.

Another example is the open form of a-helices inprotic solvents..124/ Alanine-rich peptides, incorporat-ing the unnatural spin-labeled amino acid TOAC (2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl-4-amino-4-carboxylicacid), showed a strong dipolar interaction for the i, iC 4

labeled peptides with less interaction between the i, iC 3sites. Molecular modeling revealed a shorter interspindistance and larger backbone torsional angles, consis-tent with 3.8–3.9 residues per turn compared with 3.6residues for a standard a-helix. The open configurationallows for the formation of additional hydrogen bondswith amide carbonyls while preserving helical hydrogenbonds. ESR proves to be an important tool in identify-ing subtle changes in helical folds induced by the localenvironment.

Short of solving the general case as above, two simplercases are often encountered: (1) the static dipolar casein which all motions are frozen out, the labels aredisordered on the surface of the protein and the proteinitself is isotropically disordered in the magnetic field, and(2) the motionally averaged case in which the anisotropyof the dipolar interactions is averaged (tr < 6 ns) andthe spectrum is homogeneously broadened by spin–spininteractions.

In the first case, the nitroxides and the sample are rigidand each of the resonance peaks are broadened by thePake function given in Equation (55):

Hdd D š3gb.3 cos2 q� 1/4r3


where q is the angle of the interspin vector in the magneticfield.

Convolution of the resonances with the Pake patternyields a characteristic line shape with dipolar wings inthe low- and high-field regions of the spectra. The Pakefunction is obtained from the spectrum by a Fouriertransform,.125/ line shape fitting.126/ or by empiricalcalibrations..38/ Empirical calibrations relate the lineheights of the low- and high-field resonances to the lineheight of the central peak (Equation 56):

rdd D 9.3C 0.77.d1/d/C 0.36Azz � 1.76


where rdd is in angstroms and Azz is in gauss, d is theline height of central resonance, and d1 is the differencebetween low-field peak and high-field trough.

Alternatively, the Van Vleck relation between thesecond moment of the central resonance M2 and rdd

is used in obtaining the distance (Equation 57):

M2 D 320




where rdd is in angstroms. The second moment is givenby the Gaussian part of the peak-to-peak line width(Equation 58):






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The Pake broadening approach was verified forinterspin distances of doubly labeled rigid syntheticpolypeptides in which distances in the range 8–24 Awere predicted from the structure..125/ The methodwas also verified for larger molecules by comparisonwith an X-ray determined structure of spin-labeledinsulin. The interspin distances in a crystal were inexcellent agreement with those found in solution byESR. Distribution of distances due to protein flexibility insolution was found to be twice as large in solution as in thecrystal..126/ It is important to note that ESR is one of thevery few techniques which can estimate conformationalheterogeneity of a protein in solution.

Static dipolar broadening is rapidly gaining popu-larity. It was used in the analysis of helix packingof lactose permease in the membrane..127/ Spin labelsplaced on surfaces which faced each other displayeddipolar broadening. Analysis of the extent of broaden-ing as the label is moved around the helix identifiedthe relative rotation of neighboring helices. Dipolarbroadening was also used in the elucidation of the open-ing/closure of K-channels.128/ as described in detail insection 5.7.4.

The static dipolar approach (case 1) fails when theproteins are not rigid on the nanosecond timescaleof an ESR experiment. If the spin mobility is highenough to modulate the anisotropy of dipolar interactions(Equation 59)

tr �(









the rotational modulation of the interspin vector resultsin the broadening related to both the distance and thecorrelation time (Equation 60):

Hdd D 310


gbh3 tr


(3C 5

1C n2t2rC 2

1C 4n2t2r


Line-shape comparisons of singly and doubly labeledsamples reveal the extent of dipolar broadening fromwhich the rdd distance is calculated assuming (or mea-suring) an appropriate correlation time for the molecule.McHaourab et al..129/ tested this approach on a seriesof labeled sites in T4 lysozyme (8 A < rdd < 23 A) andfound them to be in excellent agreement with thestructure of the protein (Figure 19a and b). Note thatthe motional modulation regime is a function of boththe interspin distance and the rotational correlationtime, e.g. dipolar interactions of labels 15 A apartare averaged for motions with correlation times of�6 ns.

The above examples illustrate the static and motionallyaveraged cases of spin–spin interactions. However, oftenthe precise mechanism of spin–spin interactions is not















10 20

Rmodel (Å)


65/72 35/137



22/109 61/76

Figure 19 (a) An ESR spectrum broadened by the presenceof another nitroxide and (b) the line width as a function ofthe interspin distance..129/ (Reproduced with permission fromH.S. McHaourab, K.J. Oh, C.J. Fang, W.L. Hubbell, Biochem-istry, 36, 307–316 (1997).)

known as there are contributions from static dipolarinteractions, from the rotational modulation of theinterspin vector and from the modulation of the interspindistance. Although there is currently no theory fullydescribing the changes in the ESR line shape, the presenceof line-width broadening is always indicative of twolabels being in the range 10–20 A from each other.Even the simplest, qualitative statement of spin–spindistance can yield important structural information. Thepresence of spin–spin interactions has helped to elucidatechanges in the topology of the cytoplasmic portion ofrhodopsin following light activation. It has explainedhow rhodopsin initiates the phosphorylation cascade byrhodopsin kinase..130/

Interested readers are directed to an excellent reviewby Hustedt and Beth..47/ Very Long Distances: >25 A The upper limitof 25 A for the detection of dipolar interactions is definedby an observable broadening: ¾3 G for inhomogenously

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broadened samples of rigid samples and 0.2 G forthe sharp, motionally narrowed line shapes. This limitcan be extended by time-resolved techniques, whichunlike the continuous-wave methods do not rely on linebroadening. A variety of pulsed ESR methods have beendeveloped for this purpose. Double electron–electronresonance (DEER) is one method in which the spinecho is observed as a function of time of an interveningpulse applied at a second frequency,.131,132/ or at thesame frequency as in ‘‘2C 1’’ resonance..133/ In bothcases, an amplitude of the spin echo is modulatedby Pake dipolar interactions which are extracted byFourier transformation of the echo modulation. Inmodel compounds, the distances recovered by DEERranged between 20 and 33 A,.132/ whereas the ‘‘2C1’’ scheme elucidated an interspin distance of 35 Abetween nitroxides attached to b-93 cysteine in tetramerichemoglobin..133/ Double quantum 2-D FTESR is themost recent technique that looks directly at spin–spininteractions i.e. the filtering out of a ‘‘normal’’ ESRspectrum originating from isolated spins. This methodhas been tested on solid polyproline peptides with aninterspin distance of 18 A..101/

5.6.2 Spin Label–Paramagnetic Metal Method

An entirely different way of determining distances isby coupling an unpaired spin of a nitroxide radicalto a fast-relaxing spin of a paramagnetic metal, e.g.Cu(II) or Fe(III). The spin–lattice relaxation times ofmany metals are three orders of magnitude faster thanthose of nitroxide spin labels and thus, when coupledto nitroxides, they provide an efficient relaxation path.The relaxation enhancement can be detected by eitherincreased Lorentzian broadening or directly by theshortening of T2 or T1 of the spin label in the presence ofthe metal (Equation 61):



)D µ2g2



5.w1 �w2/2C 24

5.w1 Cw2/2C 12



All three methods have been tested in spin labeledhemoglobin in which a nitroxide at residue 93 of theb-chain was coupled to Fe(III) bound to the heme. Thedistance of 15 A between the label and iron was in excel-lent agreement with molecular modeling..134/

The metal relaxation is not limited to naturallyoccurring metal binding sites. Site-specific spin labelinghas recently been extended to the engineering of metalbinding sites.

Voss et al. engineered Cu(II) binding sites to T4lysozyme and lactose permease by introducing histidineresidues in consecutive turns of the a-helix..135,136/ Spinlabels were placed between 8 and 18 A away from the

metal site by cysteine mutagenesis. The ESR line shapeswere broadened by paramagnetic Cu(II) chelated by thehistidine residues. Binding of diamagnetic metals did notaffect the line shape. The spectra were analyzed in termsof the dipolar model of Leigh,.137/ which relates line-shape broadening to the interspin distances rdd and metalrelaxation time T1m (Equation 62):

Hdd D gbµ2T1m

hr6.1� 3 cos2 q/2 .62/

where µ is the magnetic moment of the metal.A convenient experimental parameter is the amplitude

of the central line. The amplitude decreases with decreas-ing spin–spin separation. Calibration curves derived fromcomputer simulations were used to estimate the inter-spin distances in two model systems, lactose permeaseand T4 lysozyme. Excellent agreement was found, notonly for the rigid samples for which Leigh’s model wasoriginally developed, but also for motionally narrowedspectra due to the mobility of the nitroxides with respectto the protein. For Leigh’s model to hold, the inter-spin vector must not move on the same timescale asdipolar interactions, which is T1 of the metal. This issatisfied for molecules larger than 15 kDa (tr > 6 ns) andfor metals such as Cu(II) where T1 is 1–3 ns. The dis-tances obtained for T4 lysozyme in solution at roomtemperature were approximately 1 A shorter than thoseobtained from frozen proteins..136/ This small underesti-mation of the distance is compensated by the biologicaladvantage of performing experiments at room temper-ature and by the increased fidelity in measurements ofsmall-amplitude changes in sharper, motionally narrowedspectra. Another elegant application of this methodinvolved the determination of helix packing in lactose per-mease. Interspin distances between three helices labeledwith nitroxide labels and a metal site containing Cu(II)determined the relative orientation of the helices andtheir relative tilt..138/

Currently this method is limited to distances between 10and 20 A for Cu(II) with the X-band. Inspection of Leigh’sEquation (61) suggests that the distance range mightbe extended to ¾50 A by using lower ESR frequencies(S-band), metals with a larger magnetic moment (Gd3C)or shorter T1 (Ni2C) and also by direct measurement ofrelaxation times..139/

5.6.3 Collision Exchange

A variation of spin–spin interactions is the relaxationof spin labels by collisions with soluble paramagneticagents such as metals or O2. Collisions lead to theHSE, enhancing spin–lattice relaxation according toEquation (63):

T�11 D kWx .63/

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(Power)½ [(mW)½]




P1/2 = 20mW

P1/2 = 60mW

5 10 150



Figure 20 Power saturation of two samples with different P1/2values.

where k is a factor accounting for the efficiencyof collisions and statistics of diffusion in two orthree dimensions and Wx is the bimolecular colli-sion frequency. The collision frequency is of interestbecause it reflects the accessibility of the labeled siteto the relaxant. Comparison of Wx for various sitesreveals which residues are exposed or hidden andtheir secondary structure content and identifies tertiaryinteractions.

Relaxation enhancement is measured directly by pulsemethods (saturation recovery or spin echo ESR) or bycontinuous-wave power saturation. The amplitude of theESR signal increases linearly with the microwave mag-netic field (H1 / P1/2) until the Boltzmann equilibriumpopulation difference is perturbed and the signal betweenexcited and ground states decreases. Samples with a longT1 saturate easily and addition of relaxing agents relievesthis saturation (Figure 20).

The peak-to-peak amplitude (A) of the first-derivativespectrum is given by Equation (64):.140/

A D A0p

P[1C ( ep

2� 1).P/P1/2/

]e .64/

where e depends on the resonance line shape and variesbetween 0.5 for purely Lorentzian and 1.5 for Gaussianline shapes; A0 is an instrument scaling factor and P1/2

is the half-saturation power (the power at which thesignal is half of what it would be in the absence ofsaturation). P1/2 is determined either graphically or bythe fitting of experimental curves to Equation (64). TheP1/2 value is then used in calculating T1 according toEquation (65):

T1 D 22/3 � 1g22P1/2T2


where is an instrumental factor which depends onthe power-to-magnetic field conversion of the resonator.Since T2 for nitroxides is 2–3 orders of magnitude smallerthan T1 and because T2 is proportional to the peak-to-peak line width of the central line (T2 / 1/H0), thecollision frequency is determined from Equations (63)and (65) (Equation 66):

Wx / P1/2T2 D P1/2


In order to account for differences in resonators andspectrometers between various laboratories, a dimen-sionless accessibility parameter p was defined; p nor-malizes Wx to the half-saturation power and linewidth of a diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) standard..141/

(Equation 67):

p D P1/2





Trends in accessibility to various relaxing agentsare used to determine the local environment of spinlabels. The relaxants can be nonpolar such as O2

partitioning into lipid bilayers, or polar with pref-erence for the aqueous phase. The latter includesneutral relaxants such as NiAA [nickel(II) acetylace-tonate] and NiEDDA [nickel(II) ethylenediaminediac-etate] and charged relaxants such as CROX [potassiumtris(oxalatochromate)]..142/

An important application of collisional relaxation isthe determination of the secondary structure of peptidesand proteins. Patterns of collisional accessibility alongthe polypeptide chain can reveal a-helical folds, b-sheetstrands, immersion in membranes and chain tilt within themembranes. These applications are described at length insection 5.7.2.

5.7 Structural Biology

The advent of site-specific spin labeling establishedESR as a structural technique..41 – 43,46,142/ In the firststudy,.30/ comparison of the relaxations enhancementof four labeled cysteine mutants of bacteriorhodopsinidentified membrane embedded and surface exposedresidues. Since then, these approaches have been refinedand extended to establish (a) the topology of membranebound proteins, (b) the secondary structure of proteinsby cysteine scanning and following trends in accessibilityand mobility of residues and (c) the tertiary folding ofproteins by distance measurements between engineeredsites. Most of the examples discussed below are fromwork of Hubbell et al.

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5.7.1 Side-chain Environment – Immersion inMembranes

Differential effects of nonpolar (O2) and polar (NiAA,CROX) relaxants are used to measure the immersiondepth of membrane proteins. This technique relies onopposite concentration gradients for polar and nonpolarrelaxants within lipid membranes. The concentration ofnonpolar reagents increases with the immersion depthand the concentration of polar reagents decreases. Thefurther the nitroxide is from the aqueous interface, thestronger is the relaxation enhancement by nonpolarreagents and the weaker is the effect of polar relaxants.The difference () between the polar and nonpolarreagents as defined in Equation (68) is thus a functionof the immersion depth:.140/

D lnPnonpolar




Calibration curves of are constructed using lipid spinlabels with nitroxides at defined positions along theacyl chains and these curves are used to determine theimmersion depth of labels attached to membrane-boundproteins (Figure 21a and b).

This relatively simple method, when used in con-junction with cysteine scanning, differentiates betweenmembrane-bound and solvent-accessible surfaces ofmembrane-associated proteins or peptides. As thenitroxide is moved along the length of a polypeptidechain, P1/2 for the polar agent shows minima and max-ima for the residues interacting with the lipid bilayer andthe surface-exposed residues, respectively. The nonpolaragent has a similar pattern of minima and maxima,but it is offset by 180° with respect to the polar relax-ant, i.e. maximum relaxation will be observed for theresidues interacting with the membrane and minimumrelaxation for water-exposed residues. A similar phaseshift is observed for the residues of helices lining theaqueous pores of channels. Residues facing the lumenof the pore show maximum relaxation enhancement forpolar agents (minima for the nonpolar oxygen), whilethe residues facing the membrane environment havemaxima for oxygen and minima for CROX, NiAA andNiEDDA.

Such is the case for the ferric enterobactin receptorFepA, the transmembrane b-strand of which was foundto line an aqueous channel. The maxima of accessibil-ity to NiEDDA was alternating with maxima to O2,identifying the b-strand face as lining the channel andthe side of the b-strand facing the lipid bilayer..143/

Similar results have identified residues lining the aque-ous channels in collicin,.144/ diphtheria toxin.145/ andannexin..107/

Π (




Π (


245 247 249 251 2530.0






Residue no.(a)


Residue no.245 247 249 251 253







Figure 21 Immersion of a polypeptide chain in the lipidbilayer. Differential accessibility to polar (N) and nonpolar (ž)relaxants, , identifies the distance from the aqueous surface.Calibration curves of are constructed using lipid spin labelswith nitroxides at defined positions along the acyl chains..143/

(Reproduced with permission from C.S. Klug, W. Su, J.B. Feix,Biochemistry, 36, 13027–13033 (1997).)

5.7.2 Secondary Structure Determination

Cysteine scanning also allows for secondary structuredetermination. One method, based on the exchangeinteractions between nitroxides attached to the i, iC 3and i, iC 4 residues, identifies a- and 310-helices andwas discussed in section Other methods rely onchanges in nitroxide mobility and accessibility to relaxingagents. The periodicity of steric interactions variesalong the polypeptide chain, which in turn determinesthe nitroxide mobility and/or periodicity of relaxationeffects..146/ For example, an a-helix in an unevenly

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0 20 40 60 80 100





P (


Angular frequency (ω)27



















ed s






Residue no.(a)

0 20 40 60 80 100





Angular frequency (ω)

P (


92 94 96 98 100













Residue no.



ed s







Figure 22 Patterns of solvent accessibility for (a) b-strands of a-hemolysin (two-residue periodicity) and (b) an a-helix ofStreptomyces KC channel (3.6-residue periodicity). The Fourier transform identifying angular periodicity characteristic of a-helixand b-strands is illustrated. (Courtesy of E. Perozo, unpublished.)

solvated environment (owing to the interaction with amembrane surface or another polypeptide chain) showsa pattern of flexibility and solvent accessibility with a3.6-residue periodicity. b-Strands, on the other hand, willdisplay a two-residue periodicity (Figure 22a and b).

This characteristic periodicity of 3.6 residues wasobserved for a number of helices of transmembraneproteins: rhodopsin,.146 – 149/ collicin,.143/ K-channel.32/

and the soluble protein T4 lysozyme..31/ Periodicity ofb-strands was observed for the transmembrane proteinFepA receptor.143/ and water-soluble a-crystallin..150,151/

In some cases ESR has extended the structural informa-tion obtained by other methods, for example interhelicalloops in rhodopsin..147/ However, in other cases, thesecondary structure determined by ESR was the onlyavailable source for example FepA receptor.143/ and a-crystallin..150/

An interesting use of SDSL ESR is to extendmonomeric (subunit) structures determined by NMR andX-ray crystallography to the structures of functioningmacromolecular complexes. The monomeric structure ofthe soluble (nonfunctional) form of the membrane pore

annexin has been solved by X-ray crystallography. Amobility and accessibility profile of 26 single cysteinemutants in the helix–loop–helix motif has revealed adramatic structural transition when annexin is insertedinto the membrane to form a continuous, transmembranea-helix. As was expected for a membrane pore made ofthe annexin trimer, one side of the helix was found to behighly solvated..152/

5.7.3 Tertiary Structure: Conformational Changes

The greatest potential for the above methodologiesis the determination of tertiary structure. The currentrate of structure determination by X-ray crystallographyor NMR (¾1000 per year) is too slow to solve forall 120 000 gene products. Fortunately, most proteinsare built from well defined, common structural motifs,but are packed in different ways to give proteinstheir unique three-dimensional structure. It seems thatinstead of solving ab initio the atomic structure ofeach protein it will be simpler to determine the relativearrangement of common structural motifs. For instance,

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a few chosen mutations can quickly establish whethergiven helices or b-strands are in a parallel or antiparallelarrangement..143,153/

Qualitative information about tertiary structure isobtained from mobility and solvent accessibility values,both of which are limited to sites of tertiary contacts,e.g. p (O2) values are 0–0.05 for buried sites and 0.3for solvent-accessible surface sites..119/ Additionally, in-phase tracking of accessibility to polar and nonpolarreagents and tracking of mobility patterns identifiessurface residues and residues buried within a protein core.The surfaces involved in helix packing in rhodopsin.147,148/

and collicin.144/ and b-strand packing in a-crystallin.151/

have been identified by this in-phase behavior.The tilt angle of polypeptide chains within lipid mem-

branes is easily determined from the immersion depth ofselected residues (see section 5.7.1). The immersion depthis calculated from the parameter (ratio of nonpolar topolar accessibility), which is calibrated in terms of thedistance from the membrane surface of lipid spin labels atdefined positions. The average depth (d) of consecutiveresidues is compared with the distance along the chain(d0). The tilt of the chain with respect to the bilayernormal is given by Equation (69):

a D cos�1(



For b-barrels, the tilt information, combined with numberof b-strands, can be used to estimate the diameter of thebarrel..144/

Most of the examples identifying conformationalchanges are from membrane-bound proteins. In rhodop-sin, helices flanking the ionone ring of retinal havebeen labeled with nitroxides and the interspin distancetracked upon photoisomerization of the retinal..130,154/

The observed rigid body rotation, with an associatedchange of the tilt angle in one of the flanking helices,resulted in increased accessibility of the cytoplasmicloop. Increased exposure of the loop facilitates bindingof transducin to rhodopsin, which is the first stepin the phosphorylation cascade of signal transductionpathway.

Conformational changes accompanying insertion intoa membrane and pore formation were observed by ESRfor the small cytosolic protein annexin. A water-solublemonomer with a helix–loop–helix motif was rebuilt toform a continuous transmembrane helix in the pres-ence of Ca2C. The formation of long helix inducedmembrane insertion of annexin..107/ In another example,smaller conformational changes were observed by vary-ing the lipid environment of transmembrane proteins.Reconstitution of lactose permease into proteolipo-somes induced a small 2-A movement of neighboringhelices..127/

A particularly rewarding example is that of conforma-tional changes in T4 lysozyme: two structures solved byX-ray crystallography implied a hinge movement whichopened the active site by 8 A. Using strategically placedcysteines near the active site, this predicted opening ofthe active site was verified in solution..129/ In addition tocorroborating the presence of the two conformers, ESRwas able to measure an equilibrium of closed and openstructures, yielding a unique estimate of activation energyassociated with catalysis.

The most spectacular application of ESR to the ter-tiary/quaternary structure of proteins was that of thebacterial potassium channel by Perozo..32,128/ Nearly athird of the entire protein including two transmembranehelices and the interhelical region flanking a selectiv-ity filter have been scanned with spin labels. This is atotal of 62 mutants for the 160 amino acid polypeptidechain. The channel is formed by the tetrameric assem-bly of the two helices, with one helix (TM2) formingan aqueous pore and the other helix (TM1) located onthe periphery. The structure has been solved indepen-dently by X-ray crystallography.156/ and by ESR fromaccessibility and mobility profiles..32/ The ESR proteinstructure determination was further extended to thestructural description of the channel opening. The chan-nel is activated by lowering the pH. Sequence profilesof mobility and interspin distances were compared forthe open and closed forms, revealing a physical openingof the central pore. The open form was brought uponby a rigid body rotation and tilting of the TM2 heliceswith an accompanying movement of the peripheral TM1helices..128/

5.7.4 Assembly of Polypeptide Chains: QuaternaryStructure

Differences in mobility between monomers and oligomerscan be used to identify the oligomerization state of pro-teins. For small proteins, ESR line shapes are motionallynarrowed, whereas the spectra of aggregates are consid-erably broader. Spectral resolution of monomeric andoligomeric forms in a composite spectrum allows for thedetermination of their respective concentrations in solu-tion and hence thermodynamic parameters of oligomerformation. Oligomerization in a variety of solvents ofcecropin AD, a small ion channel, was studied in thisway..157/

The kinetics of the formation of amyloid plaques weremonitored by the disappearance of the sharp centralline of the spin-labeled amyloid protein monomer..158/

Monomers were found to aggregate initially into anamorphous plaque precursor in which the proteinwas in equilibrium between soluble monomers andthe aggregated protein. The precursor was an initi-ation site for fibril formation of which the amyloid

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plaques are subsequently formed. Characterizationof various assemblies and the equilibria betweenmonomers and aggregates are of direct interest inunderstanding the molecular basis for diseases such asCreutzfeldt–Jacob (‘‘mad cow disease’’) and Alzheimer’sdisease.

An alternative way of following the formation ofaggregates is to utilize spin–spin interactions. Interactingmonomers lead to a broadening of the ESR spectra,provided that the labels are within the range of spinexchange or dipolar interactions. Spin-labeled insulinB chain was found to aggregate on reduction of theinterchain disulfide bonds, but the presence of a-crystallinwas found to prevent aggregation. In the absence ofcrystallin, the spectra of B insulin displayed a broadLorentzian pattern, characteristic of closely placed spins.This turned into a normal powder pattern upon bindingto crystallin..119/

Titration of spin–spin interactions with unlabeled pro-teins can be used to estimate the number of monomersforming an oligomer. As the concentration of unla-beled monomers increases, the probability of spin–spininteractions decreases and dipolar broadening is relievedleading to an increase in signal amplitude. For smalloligomers, dilution with small amounts of unlabeled pro-tein results in a greater increase of signal amplitudethan for larger oligomers. The titration follows a bino-mial expansion and has been used to establish that themembrane-bound form of annexin is a trimer..107/

This qualitative approach has been used for annexinpores. While the crystal structure of the soluble form ofannexin suggested a hexameric assembly, nothing wasknown about annexin in membranes. Among the pos-sibilities were a trimeric ring and a hexamer consistingof stacked trimers. To distinguish between these alterna-tives, cysteines were introduced at the interface betweenthe monomers forming a trimer and on the interfacebetween the trimers forming a putative hexamer. In thesoluble form, no dipolar interactions between any of thesites were observed, consistent with the monomeric formin solution. Addition of Ca2C, which triggers membranebinding, resulted in the broadening of the spectra withinthe trimer but not between the trimers, proving that atrimer and not a hexamer was forming the pore..107/


ESR of protein is currently enjoying a renaissance ofsorts. In addition to its contributions in studies of proteindynamics and orientation, ESR is being increasingly usedas a structural technique. The advances of molecularbiology facilitate targeting of chosen domains or scanningof the whole structure with spin labels. Comparison

of dynamics, accessibility and distances at consecutivepositions along the polypeptide chain is used in thedetermination of the secondary, tertiary and quaternarystructure of proteins, which is of enormous importancein the post-genomic era. It is likely that the ease ofdetermination of relative orientation of known domainmotifs will make ESR a method of choice in high-throughput structural biology.

Technical advances in ESR, which include newprobes, FTESR, higher magnetic fields, increase inabsolute sensitivity, spectral dispersion and diversity ofapplications bode well for the continued development ofESR spectroscopy. Lastly, the development of powerfulcomputational simulations makes ESR user-friendly andincreases the number of ESR practitioners outside thedie-hard community of spectroscopists.


This work was sponsored by the National Science Founda-tion (NSF-IBN-9808708), NHMFL (in-house grant) andthe American Heart Association (GIA-995024N).


A hyperfine interactionsA peak-to-peak amplitudeA hyperfine interaction tensorAmax, A0zz maximum hyperfine splittinga0, A0 isotropic hyperfine splittingc microwave field conversion factorC0/C central manifold line-height ratio

of the V 02 spectrumD diffusion tensorD?, Djj elements of diffusion tensor for motion

parallel and perpendicular to the z-axisof a nitroxide

E energyf resonant frequency of a spinfjj, f? frictional coefficientsg Zeeman interaction tensorgeff effective g-valueH, H0 magnetic field strengthh, h Planck’s constantH1 microwave fieldHc center field of a spectrumHm modulation amplitudeHres resonant fieldI0.Hres/ amplitude of the resonance lineJ coupling strengthL directional cosine matricesL, C, H turning points of the spectra, q D 0°

Page 33: Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy Labeling in Peptide and ...


L00/L; H00/H line-height ratios of STESR line shapeM2 second moment of the central

resonancemI nuclear spin quantum number,

nuclear manifoldP microwave powerP0/P line-height ratios of V 02 STESR spectraP1/2 half-saturation powerQ resonator quality factorrdd interspin distanceS electron spinS order parameterT1 spin–lattice relaxation timeTeff

1 effective spin–lattice relaxation timeT2 spin–spin relaxation timeTeff

2 effective spin–spin relaxation timeV.mI/ peak-to-peak height of a given

nuclear manifold resonanceV0 absorption spectrumV1 first-derivative spectrumV 02 second-derivative,

90° out-of-phase displayWx rate of bimolecular collisionsY.H/ electron spin resonance spectrumb Bohr magnetonHm line width at half-height of a given

nuclear manifold resonance lineHpp peak-to-peak resonance line widthq width of Gaussian angular distributionw0

AB difference in resonant frequenciesbetween spins A and B

h resonator filling factorh viscosityg magnetogyric ratio width (at half-height) of the

resonanceµ magnetic moment of an electronn Microwave frequencyw Larmor frequency� orientational distributionp dimensionless accessibility parameter

to relaxantsp normalized solvent accessibility to

various quenchers differential accessibility to polar

and nonpolar relaxantsr.q/ probability of the spins being orientated

at angle q with respect to themagnetic field

teff effective rotational correlation timeteff.mI/ effective correlation time obtained

from the STESR calibration curves ofP0/P ratios

tex exchange time

t? correlation time for rotation aboutaxis perpendicular to nitroxide z-axis

tr rotational correlation timetiso

r isotropic rotational correlationtime

tjj correlation time for rotation about thenitroxide z-axis

qc cone angleq0 center of Gaussian angular

distributionq, f axial and azimuthal polar angles


ADP Adenosine DiphosphateAFC Automatic Frequency ControlAMPPCP Adenosine MethylenetriphosphateAMPPNP Adenosine ImidotriphosphateATP Adenosine TriphosphateATPase Adenosine TriphosphataseATPgS Adenosine ThiotriphosphateCROX Potassium Tris(oxalatochromate)DEER Double Electron–Electron

ResonanceDPPH DiphenylpicrylhydrazylDR Dielectric ResonatorELDOR Electron–Electron Double

ResonanceENDOR Electron–Nuclear Double

ResonanceESR Electron Spin ResonanceFID Free Induction DecayFTESR Fourier Transform Electron

Spin ResonanceGAPDH Glyceraldehyde DehydrogenaseHSE Heisenberg Spin ExchangeLGR Loop Gap ResonatorNAD Nicotinamide Adenine

DinucleotideNiAA Nickel(II) AcetylacetonateNiEDDA Nickel(II) EthylenediaminediacetateNMR Nuclear Magnetic ResonancePADS Peroxylamine DisulfonateSDSL Site-directed Spin LabelingSECSY Spin-echo Correlation

SpectroscopySEESR Spin-echo Electron Spin

ResonanceSLE Stochastic Liouville EquationSTESR Saturation Transfer Electron Spin

ResonanceTnC Troponin C

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TnI Troponin ITOAC 2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidine-


UV Ultraviolet2-D Two-dimensional


Peptides and Proteins (Volume 7)Separation and Analysis of Peptides and Proteins:Introduction

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Electron Spin Reso-nance Spectroscopy (Volume 13)Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Electron Spin Reso-nance Spectroscopy: Introduction ž Electron Spin Reso-nance Spectroscopy


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