Electrical Review August-2010

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    Inside this issue:

    I Technology improves cable fire safetyI SIMply the best for fault location

    I SuperCap UPS fast response, long lifeIMethodical risk identification


    electronics businesses are to

    benefit from a total of 8.4m

    investment in research and

    development into new technologythat will lead to the creation of a

    range of new products such as

    conformable and rollable electronic

    displays, ultra-efficient lighting and

    low-cost, long-life solar cells.

    The investment was announced

    by the universities and science

    minister, David Willetts, during a

    speech to the Tomorrows Giants

    conference in London. Thirteen

    projects, involving more than 30

    industrial and academic partners, will

    benefit from the funding allocated as

    a result of two competitions run by

    the government-backed Technology

    Strategy Board.

    Minister for universities and

    science David Willetts said: It is

    early days for this emerging field,

    but plastic electronics will give rise

    to a range of new excitingproducts, such as ultra-efficient

    lighting and cheaper, longer-lasting

    solar cells. Looking ahead, this

    technology offers enormous

    potential to help our local

    environment, improve our everyday

    standard of living and support the

    nations economy.

    The global market for plastic

    electronics is now worth almost

    $2bn (1.337bn) and is forecasted

    to grow to as much as $120bn

    (80.19bn) by 2020. The funding

    Ive announced today is important

    in supporting UK businesses to be

    world leaders in one of the key

    industries of the future.

    Commercially exploiting the

    outputs of the UKs world-leading

    science and research base has a

    vital role to play in helping oureconomy to grow.

    7.4m has been offered to eight

    projects to help build the supply

    chain and to overcome the barriers

    to UK exploitation of plastic

    electronics technology, including

    over 800,000 from the

    Engineering and Physical Sciences

    Research Council (EPSRC). A further

    1m has been offered by the

    Technology Strategy Board to five

    projects to encourage UK

    businesses to use plastic electronics

    in their product development by

    producing demonstrators with

    potential for real commercial value.

    News Page 3 Power cables Page 10 UPS Page 20 Building services Page 24

    August 2010 Volume 243 No 8

    KNX UK Association member

    Andromeda Telematics (ATL)

    was shortlisted in the KNXInternational Awards, presented

    at the 2010 Light+Building

    Exhibition in Frankfurt, for the

    company's O2 project in Dublin.

    The project is a showcase of

    progressive design and building

    services providing an integrated

    control solution for the

    renovation, delivering KNX/DALI

    colour change functionality as

    well as an emergency lighting

    test system.

    The KNX/DALI solution

    includes lighting scene control

    for public areas, controllable via

    local touch screens and a central

    headend. There is also local

    scene set control and dimming

    in the private bar areas, as well

    as local control in all back-of-

    house areas for override of

    lighting condition. The external

    lighting controls feature lux

    sensors which activate lighting at

    dusk. An override function isavailable for periods where the

    building is unoccupied.

    For the latest news, products and event information visit www.electricalreview.co.uk



    TUV ACQUIRES LAIDLER GROUP SHARESTV Product Service, a UK subsidiary

    of the TV SD group, has acquired

    the shares of the Laidler group of

    companies, the UK machinery safety

    compliance organisation. Operatingfrom offices in Cleveland and

    Yorkshire, the Laidler group has

    consolidated sales of 2.6m and 30


    The acquisition of Laidler brings a

    wealth of experience in machinery

    safety to our UK organisation and aposition in the UK that is second to

    none, said Jean-Louis Evans,

    managing director of TV Product

    Service. We feel there are

    considerable synergies between our

    organisations and bringing the two

    organisations together will establish amuch stronger Machinery Safety

    business for TV SD in the UK.

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    Nexans has signed a draft agreement for the

    creation of the trans-Mediterranean super-grid

    Transgreen with 12 other industry partners, in

    the presence of the French minister of ecology,

    energy, sustainable development and sea, Jean-

    Louis Borloo, the French Republic presidents

    special advisor, Henri Guaino and the French

    secretary of state for european affairs Pierre


    Transgreen is an unprecedented industry

    initiative aimed at studying the feasibility of a

    power transmission grid between the northern

    and southern shores of the Mediterranean and

    at developing interconnections around the

    Mediterranean Basin. It is part of theMediterranean Solar Plan (MSP), which provides

    for the building of renewable mainly solar

    power generation facilities in the southern and

    eastern areas of the Mediterranean, with a total

    output of 20 GW by 2020.

    The 13 signing companies will collaborate

    within a common legal entity, especially in

    order to propose the technical and economical

    master plan for a trans-Mediterranean super-

    grid with 5GW export capacity to Europe by


    Nexans generates about half of its sales inthe infrastructure market and has recognised

    expertise in the design and installation of high

    voltage submarine power links, therefore it was

    obvious for us to participate in Transgreen. As

    access to electricity remains a vital need for

    human beings, it is more essential than ever to

    get involved in responsible projects which make

    it possible not only to build and interconnect

    new grids but also to develop renewable

    energy resources, said Frdric Vincent.

    Power grid performance is central to Nexans

    strategy. In fact, Nexans offers a complete

    portfolio of terrestrial and submarine high-

    voltage AC and DC cables and cabling systems,

    with products and services which enable

    integration of alternative energy sources into

    the grid, real time monitoring of infrastructure

    for increased reliability and installation of newmaterials including superconductorsfor

    improved performance.

    Leveraging its expertise in high-voltage

    submarine power transmission, Nexans has

    many references in this field, such as the link

    between Morocco and Spain, the NorNed link

    between the Netherlands and Norway and,

    more recently, the COMETA link between the

    Spanish mainland and the Balearic Islands. In

    recent years, Nexans has also demonstrated its

    skills in connecting renewable energy resources

    by participating in numerous offshore windfarmprojects worldwide, including Barrow (England),

    Horns Rev (Denmark), Lynn & Inner Dowsing

    (England) and Wolfe Island (Canada).

    Siemens is to supply 68 wind turbinesfor the Griffin onshore wind farm inScotland. The wind power farm willhave a capacity of 156 MW upon itscompletion in 2012, and is expected togenerate enough power to supplyover 80,000 homes. The scope ofsupply for the Griffin wind farmincludes the delivery, installation, andcommissioning of 68 of Siemens 2.3-MW turbines. Of the 68 turbines, 61will have a 101m rotor and 7 will havea 93m rotor. This is the first time aSWT-2.3-101 will be deployed in the

    UK. Siemens will also provide servicesfor turbine operation andmaintenance for an initial period offive years.





    16 | ARC FLASH22 | UPS


    When a power service

    engineer is called out to

    deal with a loss of

    supply on a customers

    HV distribution

    network, the chances

    are it will be traced to a

    faulty undergroundcable that has caused a

    device such a circuit

    breaker to operate

    and cut off the power

    With IT central to the

    successful operations

    of most modern

    organisations, the

    UPS system has a

    central position in the

    critical physical

    infrastructure which

    supports servers,

    storage and


    equipment, and

    ensures continuity ofservices during all

    local mains conditions

    Recolight, the specialist WEEE compliance

    scheme for the lighting industry, has

    announced a partnership with recycling

    scheme, CoBRA (Community Bulb Recycling

    Alliance) to increase consumer access to

    collection facilities for low-energy light-bulbs.

    Founded by Mark David Hatwood in 2007,

    CoBRA was initially established to provide

    community recycling for waste batteries. The

    scheme works by recruiting volunteers to place

    collection containers in community locations

    and then take responsibility for collecting the

    waste and taking it to a central collection

    facility. Through this partnership with

    Recolight, the CoBRA scheme will be adaptedto provide community collection of low-energy

    light-bulbs, using Recolights new in-door

    light-bulb collection container.



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    The new ABB swappage scheme is supported by

    a recycling programme that this year recycled 13

    tonnes of waste variable speed drives, recover-

    ing over 90% of their component materials by

    weight. The ABB swappage scheme offers at

    least 17.5% off the list price of a new ABB drive

    and will swap out incumbent drives from any


    The ABB recycling programme, now in its

    eighth year, takes these scrapped drives and re-

    cycles them according to the WEEE Directive, even

    though drives are not covered by the legislation.

    Once the drive has been removed for recy-

    cling, ABB issues a certificate that can be used

    for environmental audits by end users complying

    with ISO 14001.


    David Pollock, group chiefexecutive officer of theElectrical ContractorsAssociation ECA, will retireat the end of September2010. His successor will beSteve Bratt, C Dir, MBA, theECAs Deputy CEO.Following his retirement,Pollock will continue as anadviser to the association; hewill represent ECAs interestsin Europe and in lobbyingand representational work.Pollock said: I have spent anexciting and fulfiling 13 yearswith ECA. I am very gladthat Council has agreed thatmy successor should be SteveBratt. I wish him, ourPresident, Diane, the otherOfficers and all the Membersand staff the greatestpossible success. I amlooking forward to a very

    active retirement and I am glad I shall becontinuing to represent the ECA in someimportant areas.

    Balfour Beatty Engineering Services BBEShas announced a key business developmentappointment. Henry Mayes has joined thecompany as business development manager forLondon and the South East. Mayes will reportto business development director Bill Merry,and will assume responsibility for new businessdevelopment. He joins from M&E designconsultant Maleon and will be based in theRedhill office.

    Hochiki Europe has announced a series ofsenior level appointments that will drive thecompany forward and strengthen its marketposition. Tomoki Ikeda pictured is now themanaging director of Hochiki Europe, while hispredecessor, Minako Adachi, stays within theHochiki organisation as its executive officer ofoverseas division based at HochikiCorporations Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan.Meanwhile, Kevin Restell has been promoted asHochiki Europes operations director and joinsthe board of directors.





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    HOW MANY electrical contractors does it take to

    change a light bulb? It doesnt really matter,

    because, with the double focus nowadays on

    health and safety and sustainability, the real

    question should be: Do they know whats

    being done with the old one?

    As efficient electrical waste disposal gets

    both more complex and more necessary for

    financial, operational and legal reasons - those

    nvolved in electrical engineering and building

    services would be unwise not to pay heed to

    the answer, a fact that one recent prosecutionhas shed some revealing light on.

    The sustainability lobbys continued success

    n promoting the balancing of successful

    business with effective environmental

    protection (not to mention the wellbeing of the

    mmediate workforce) has ever greater

    ramifications for the industries responsible for

    creating and managing the built environment.

    Sustainability, above all, is an area where

    electrical contracting, now worth some 8bn

    per year, has a key role to play, with the

    opportunity to propose low or no CO2 options.

    But to play its role successfully the industry

    must also pay close attention to the matter of

    the waste the alternative option creates, and

    how it is disposed of. Developments such as

    the WEEE regulations (Waste Electrical and

    Electronic Equipment Directive) impose legal

    obligations on contractors over the

    management of waste streams onsite, and in

    their subsequent disposal. It aims to improve

    the environmental performance of businesses

    that manufacture, supply, use, recycle and

    recover electrical and electronic equipment

    and has put the practical management ofsustainability centre stage. For the electrical

    contractor its implications are unavoidable.

    Energy efficient light bulbs (end-of-life gas

    discharge lamps) are covered by the WEEE

    regulations and present a particular challenge,

    because they contain mercury and are classified

    as hazardous waste. When these lamps are

    recycled the potential release of mercury into

    the air at the lamp crushing stage is a threat to

    both the wider environment and those in the

    vicinity if the right protective equipment is not

    in place. Each time a fluorescent bulb is

    crushed or broken, mercury vapour is released.

    If the gas is not effectively captured, that

    vapour will find its way into the atmosphere,

    the staff and others in the area.

    The challenges of lamp recycling made

    headlines earlier this year when a Glasgow-

    registered company, Electrical Waste Recycling

    Group, and one of its directors, were fined a

    total of 145,000 plus costs after recycling

    processes being used for gas discharge lamps

    exposed workers to toxic fumes for a period of

    up to ten months.

    If an electrical contractor is going to proposethe likes of optimal lighting configurations or

    energy efficient lighting units, and if they are

    tempted to employ energy efficiency as a sales

    tool, they should be confident that the

    principles and practice that underpin

    sustainability and safety are being applied all

    the way through the supply chain, including

    what happens to the waste.

    Bulb crushing on an industrial scale is a

    serious undertaking that comes with huge

    levels of environmental responsibility.

    Nevertheless, electrical contractors may face the

    prospect, perhaps even at the tendering stage,






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    of client pressure to commit to deliver such a

    service. Contractors need to be completely

    confident of the ability of the suppliers they

    choose to meet their commitments. They also

    need to know what is being done in their

    name further down the supply chain.

    In the case of Electrical Waste RecyclingGroup, it was the failure to ensure the safety

    of the lamp crushing phase of the recycling

    process at its Huddersfield plant that let

    down the company, their workforce and the

    local environment. EWRG, which runs

    easyWEEE, WERCS (Waste Electrical Recycling

    Compliance Scheme) and other recycling

    schemes, were contracted to handle

    commercial waste for several Local

    Authorities, which included light bulbs. While

    none of these clients were in any way

    implicated along with their supplier, thejudgment in the case suggests others in the

    chain such as electrical contractors - could

    be more vulnerable. It has already been

    indicated in court that putting a service out to

    a third party does not absolve an organisation

    of key responsibilities and, in respect of

    health & safety, the HSE - which brought the

    successful prosecution in the EWRG case - has

    said that The client must ensure whoever

    carries out the work is able to do so in a way

    that controls risks. As this case suggests,

    sustainability and health and safety

    responsibilities often go hand in hand.

    Some of the details of the EWRG judgment

    highlight the type of issues any business,

    including electrical contracting businesses,

    should take into account to ensure they and

    their suppliers comply with statutory

    requirements when dealing with waste. The

    promises of suppliers, the judge made clear,are no defence in the eyes of the law. They

    must be effectively monitored.

    One of the judges major criticisms was the

    lack of an effective risk assessment process at

    the EWRG recycling centre, not least because

    issues highlighted such as excessively high

    mercury levels for no apparent reason - could

    have been rectified much earlier had risk

    assessment been in place. It is, in any case, a

    legal requirement for an employer in

    discharging their obligations to keep workers

    and the public safe as far as "reasonablypracticable".

    The HSE recommends five steps for effective

    risk assessment: identification of hazards;

    establishing who might be harmed and how;

    evaluation of risk and deciding on precautions;

    recording and implementing findings and

    regular review. Suppliers in a business as

    hazardous and regulated as lamp recycling

    should certainly be implementing all five.

    Those employing them to do the work should

    be equally concerned that they are.

    The judge in the EWRG case also stressed the

    need for competent staff to be involved in the

    process monitoring, who understand the

    regulations and have the knowledge and

    experience to spot a breach or issue. Most

    successful organisations, he said, have

    employees who understand why risk

    assessment and vigilance is important for the

    company, staff and other groups with aninterest, such as the local community.

    However, all responsibility cannot be

    delegated to one individual or team, he added.

    Senior managers need to put themselves in the

    position of being able to interpret and

    understand the implications of the results of

    any monitoring which is undertaken. If they do

    not understand the implications of results, they

    cannot just ignore them. In the case of a

    prosecution it will be the senior managers and

    directors who will be held responsible. It is

    clear, above all, when things go awry, buckpassing between organisations or individuals is

    not an option.

    EWRG paid a heavy price because it did not

    read nor heed the warning signs. Those looking

    for lessons from its prosecution certainly

    should however. The safe recycling of energy

    efficient lamps may represent a beacon for a

    better future but, viewed from both an

    environmental or health and safety perspective,

    the message for electrical contractors is clear:

    the responsibility for a safe and sustainable

    approach to lighting may not end with the life

    of the low-energy bulb.


    When things go awry, buck passing between

    organisations or individuals is not an option

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    08 Electrical Review August 2010

    The Climate Change Committee is a frightfully important entity. Formed as a

    result of the Climate Change Act 2008 to ensure the UK remains on track to be

    the worlds most eco-friendly nation, it consists of a set of Commissioners

    drawn from the Great and Good. Led by the former head of the CBI, Adair

    (now Lord) Turner. Who also heads the Financial Services Authority in his

    spare time.

    Periodically the Committee issues large reports. Which consistently seem to

    conclude that, whilst the UKs aspirations to reduce carbon dioxide emissions

    are splendid, we must do better regarding progress on the ground. These

    reports are littered with serious statistical recommendations for how best

    progress should be made. Each of which the government is supposed to act

    upon immediately.

    However, dig a little deeper. And you do begin to wonder just how reliable

    some of the figures are. For instance, when launching the latest progress

    report, mLord Turner thundered that to keep the eco-trajectory going - the

    number of homes where insulation is placed within the external cavity walls

    should be running at 1.2m each year. This means doubling the number

    currently being insulated.

    His Lordship did not misread his script. The accompanying press release

    contained precisely the same demands. The number of homes each year

    having cavity wall insulation installed must be doubled. No less than 1.2m

    should be improved each year. But if you consult the official agency that

    issues guarantees after every such installation, they will tell you that this year

    the total number of homes benefitting is around 400,000. Getting the rate up

    to 1.2m a year wouldnt be doubling. It would be tripling the size of themarket. If Lord Turner really cannot tell the difference between times two

    and times three, it is probably a relief to know his spare time job chairing

    the Financial Services Authority is coming to an end.

    I have in the past chronicled the woes of the previously highly successful

    Renewable Energy Association. Not least when in 2008 a lowly book-keeper

    in the finance department absconded with 247,000 of its members cash.

    Which on a turnover of 604,000, left rather a large hole in its finances.

    Membership fees were immediately hiked, some by over 20%. Several

    companies opted out. Its founder and CEO Philip Wolfe took early

    retirement. And one long-established rival association suddenly woke up to

    the opportunities offered.

    The British Wind Energy Association (BWEA) had been around since 1978.

    Despite windpower being far and away the largest renewable power option,

    it remained unconcerned about its younger rival the Renewable Energy

    Association covering not just all the other non-fossil fuel options. But also

    bringing into membership many of the big players, especially in the

    burgeoning off shore windpower field.

    This year the BWEA has had a complete shake-up. It has re-examined its

    objectives. It has brought into membership new companies (some 600 now).

    And most significantly it has changed its name. To become RenewableUK. A

    direct challenge to the wounded upstart, the REA.

    No question where Whitehalls sympathies lie. Whilst chief executive Maria

    McCaffrey MBE remains in post, despite the name change, ministers and top

    civil servants queue up to appear on her public platforms, meet with her

    privately, all signs of official approval. I was going to say let battle

    commence. But actually I rather think the battle is already over.

    They are praying for rain in the Hebrides. Most especially on the

    picturesque island of Eigg. Because the 70 people who live there

    would like to go back to having toast for breakfast.

    Normally practically all the islands electricity is provided by

    hydro-power. But as there have been three months with almost

    no precipitation, the islanders are having to forgo using any of

    their optional electrical appliances. Like toasters.

    This is not the first time there has been insufficient rain to

    power the island. Which is precisely why they have retained

    diesel generators for back-up. However there is a distinct

    reluctance to bring these back into use.

    Why? Because just last January, the community took up a

    challenge of a 300,000 prize (amongst 700 people!) to becomeone of Europes lowest carbon communities. And that could be

    forfeited if they succumb to cranking those old diesel generators

    back into action.

    THE NEW ASBESTOSCheerleaders for the Great God Atom like to promote its virtues by

    emphasising how nuclear can substitute for energy imports. And

    particularly energy imports from unreliable countries. Whilst that is

    certainly not true for most of the components nor of their suppliers, most

    of which are definitely neither UK owned nor domiciled, there is one key

    component which everyone accepts simply can never be found on these


    There are only a handful of counties around the world where uranium

    is to be found. According to that impeccably neutral source, the World

    Nuclear Association, the total amount of recoverable uranium supplies

    worldwide is some 5.469,000 tonnes. Concentrated in a very few places.

    By far the biggest of these is Australia, with 1,243,000 tonnes. Where

    curiously enough no nuclear power is permitted.

    Australia has been the most reliable past supplier. But will it be in

    future? Not if the powerful Australian Electrical Trades Union has its way.

    It is banning its members from working in uranium mines because and I

    quote uranium is the new asbestos in the workplace. Australian

    unions, particularly as now under a Labor government, are not to be

    trifled with. If they wont mine the stuff for health reasons, chances are it

    wont get mined.

    But whilst it is the biggest potential source of uranium, Australia is notthe only one. There are other countries with substantial reserves. The next

    two biggest are Kazakhstan (with 817,000 tonnes). And Russia (546,000

    tonnes). Obviously it is perfectly possible to trade with both countries. If

    the promised expansion of nuclear ever goes ahead, we may well have to

    do so. But do remember. These are precisely the kind of unreliable

    suppliers which those in the nuclear lobby who scare us about the

    dangers of energy imports endlessly warn us about.

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    The microstructure of the

    Infit insulation after a fire

    (magnified 5000 X in an

    electron microscope)

    On the left, the Infitinsulation after a fire and

    on the right, conventional


    10 Electrical Review August 2010

    FIRE-RESISTANT cables play a crucial role in applications

    where it is essential to ensure the integrity and continuity

    of vital safety circuits during the critical building

    evacuation and fire fighting periods required by stringent

    national and international standards. In many cases, the

    need for cables that can deliver the required levels of

    performance, reliability and safety has forced designers

    and installers of electrical systems to compromise on

    other desirable properties regarding ease of handling andinstallation.

    Now though, a major advance in the materials science

    related to the properties of the cable insulation called

    Infit is making it possible to produce new families of

    electrical power and data cables with outstanding fire

    resistance using classical extrusion methods. The result is

    a user friendly cable that offers the best of both worlds.

    Eliminating the need to chose between insulationtechnologiesUntil now, the cable industry has mainly relied on two

    major technologies to insure the integrity of flexible cableinsulation during a fire: XLPE/Mica taping and ceramic

    forming silicone rubbers.

    Each of these technologies presents a number of

    advantages. The classical insulation taping based on Mica,

    and largely used since the 80s, can easily be implemented

    on an industrial scale to provide a tough, effective

    electrical insulation when overlaid with a cross-linked

    polyethylene (XLPE) coating. It is strong but stiff to handle,

    so can present some installation difficulties.

    On the other hand, silicone rubber insulation can be

    extruded directly on to the conductors, and offers a good

    compromise between fire performance and ease of

    installation thanks to its flexibility. It is, however,

    vulnerable to cuts and tears.

    Increasing customer demands for improved fire

    performance, together with strippability, ease of

    installation and connection prompted Nexans to searchfor a new insulation technology that could offer all these


    Infit transforms into a tough insulating ceramiclayerInfit is a unique, proprietary innovative technology that

    combines, in a polymeric material, the advantages offered

    by both the tough mica tapes layer and the extruded

    silicone insulation layer. This now enables the manufacture

    of fire-performance cables that are both tough and easy to

    handle as well as being easy to strip and install.

    Infit technology offers enhanced fire-performancebecause when the insulation is exposed to fire, it

    transforms from a flexible, plastic covering to a tough

    insulating ceramic layer, hardening like clay in a potters

    oven to form a protective shield. The key to the success of

    the new insulation has been in using advanced materials

    and polymer science to optimize the nanostructure of the

    primary insulation materials. A combination has been

    found that reduces the occurrence of cracks or breaks in

    the insulation to preserve the operational integrity of the

    circuit i.e. preventing short-circuits.

    Extensive laboratory tests have shown that cables with

    Infit insulation will to continue to deliver power in the

    event of a fire, long after the plastic sheath and insulation

    have burnt away. This means, for example, exit lighting,

    smoke and heat exhaust ventilators, fans or pumps will

    still function reliably, even in areas directly affected by fire,

    ensuring safe evacuation.

    The science partThe new technology is the result of some ten years of

    development by the Nexans International Research Centre

    based in Lyon, France, working in close partnership with

    the Australian Nexans R&D Centre. The successful

    outcome of the project has been based on fundamental

    studies that especially highlight the synergy betweenceramic science and the latest polymer science.

    In classic ceramic science, a well defined curing process

    is followed to form a high performance ceramic. Yet, in




    Infit technology improves

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    the case of accidental fire, the temperature increase is

    sudden and unmanaged. So the first challenge was to

    develop a ceramic forming system able to react and form

    an electrical insulating shield in a very short time across a

    wide range of temperature increases, while also exhibiting a

    high level of electrical insulation.

    The second parallel challenge was to achieve this

    performance using an extrudable formulated polymeric

    material, rather than a powder, that was also suitable for thevery demanding standards of the cable industry. As a result,

    Infit technology is principally based on filled copolymers of

    polyolefins (like polyethylene). This kind of polymeric matrix

    is well adapted to the extrusion process, and well known in

    the cable industry - but it is also intrinsically highly

    combustible. However, Infit uses the synergy between this

    combustible matrix and a mixture of inorganic fillers to

    create a new insulating material that offers superior fire-


    Infit applicationsDepending on the specific cable application, the new

    insulation material can be offered in either a cross-linked or

    thermoplastic version. This will enable cables to offer the

    ideal combination of fire, mechanical, electrical or thermal

    properties optimized for each application.

    Infit is a proprietary Nexans technology, and can be

    implemented in compliance with many worldwide cable

    standards, and according to the most rigorous productquality and safety criteria. Nexans cables insulated with Infit

    can, for example, resist fires reaching temperatures of

    around 1,000C, at voltages up to 1kV, exhibiting a high

    level of char cohesion and electrical insulation.

    Infit is gradually being deployed across the Nexans fire

    resistant product ranges. This will include power,

    communications, control and LAN cables for use in public

    building and industrial applications and it is expected to be

    of particular interest to the marine sector.


    cable FIRE SAFETY


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    A CABLE in good condition and installed correctly can last

    a lifetime well over 30 years. However, cables can beeasily damaged by incorrect installation or poorly

    executed jointing, while subsequent third party damage

    by civils works such as trenching or curb edging is also

    another main cause of damage.

    Service engineers are usually equipped with a suite of

    test equipment that enables them to perform an

    immediate on site check on the

    key network elements of

    switchgear, transformers and

    cables. If the fault is identified

    in a cable, as it often is, and the

    network is interconnected, theyare then able to sectionalise the

    problem circuit to restore

    power to as much of the

    network as possible, bringing in

    additional generation if

    necessary. The next task is to

    locate the position of the

    underground cable fault as

    accurately as possible, since this

    makes it easier to find and repair so that the full network

    can be restored quickly.

    ABB has developed a fault location regime that has

    proved very accurate in locating underground cable

    faults in both modern XLPE type cables and older

    PILCSWA (paper insulated lead covered steel wire

    armoured) designs. Fault location is usually carried out

    on cable networks up to 11 kV, however the techniques

    can be applied on cables up to 33 kV.

    The main technique employed is the SIM (secondary

    impulse method) that combines the use of classic high

    voltage surge generator thumping with low voltage TDR

    (time domain reflectometry). To see how this works, it is

    useful to consider the merits of the individual techniques.

    Cable thumpingThe high voltage surge generator, or thumper, is a

    portable device that is used to inject a high voltage DC

    pulse (typically up to 30 kV) at the surface termination of

    the cable to be tested. If the voltage is high enough to

    cause the underground fault to break down it creates anarc, resulting in a characteristic thumping sound at the

    exact location of the fault.

    Historically, fault location was carried out by various

    measuring techniques and by setting the surge generator

    to thump repeatedly, and then walking the cable route

    until the thump could be heard. At which point x would

    mark the spot to start digging. Naturally, the higher the

    DC voltage applied the louder the resulting thump and

    the easier it becomes to find the fault. If the cable is long

    it could take days to locate a fault by this method. During

    which time the cable is exposed to potentially damaging

    high voltage thumping. So while the existing fault mightbe located, other areas of the cable could have been

    weakened in the process. Statistically, cables that have

    been thumped tend to fail sooner than would otherwise

    have been expected.

    TDRTDR (time domain reflectometry) uses a pulse echo range

    finding technique, similar to that used by sonar systems,

    to measure the distance to changes in the cable structure.

    It works by transmitting short duration low voltage (up to

    50 V) pulses at a high repetition rate into the cable and

    measuring the time taken for them to reflect back from

    areas where the cable has low impedance, such as at a

    fault. The reflections are traced on a graphical display

    with amplitude on the y-axis and elapsed time, which

    can be related to the distance to the position of the fault,

    on the x-axis.

    A cable in perfect condition will not cause any

    reflections until the very end, when the pulse encounters

    an open circuit (high impedance) that results in a high

    amplitude upward deflection on the trace. If the cable

    end is grounded ie a short circuit, the trace will show a

    high amplitude negative deflection.

    Low voltage TDR works very well for the location of

    open circuit faults and conductor-to conductor shorts.However, for shielded power cables, it becomes very

    difficult to distinguish faults with a resistance higher than

    20 ohms. Unfortunately, the majority of faults in





    SIMply the best for locatingUNDERGROUND cable faults

    The higher the DC

    voltage applied

    the louder the

    resulting thump,

    and the easier it

    becomes to findthe fault

    The surge

    generator used as

    part of the SIM

    fault location


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    underground distribution cables are high resistance

    faults in the area of thousands of ohms or even


    SIMThe SIM (secondary impulse method) technique

    combines low voltage TDR and a thumper in an

    integrated system that makes the trace easier to

    interpret, with a clear indication of the fault location on

    a handheld display.

    The process starts by running a TDR test on a healthy

    core, this is then stored in the SIM system memory. The

    thumper is then triggered to send a single HV pulse, and

    while the arc is forming at the fault the TDR sends a

    further low voltage pulse. The arc acts as a very low

    impedance point that

    causes the pulse to

    reflect in exactly the

    same way that it would

    from a short circuit. Thehandheld display

    combines the two traces

    and the fault location is

    shown as a large

    negative dip, with its

    distance easily read off

    on the x-axis.

    SIM enables a fault to

    be located to within a

    few metres, even over

    very long cable runs of several kilometres. Of course,

    underground cables do not always take the shortest ormost direct route between two points, so it is important

    to have access to the site cable records. In cases where a

    map of the cable route is not available a radio-detection

    system can be used to find the cable, but this could add

    a considerable amount of time to the exercise. ABB

    would always advise customers to make a detailed

    record of their underground cable circuits a priority in

    their maintenance planning.

    Once the target area above ground has been

    identified, the surge generator is turned on to start

    thumping the cable. The operator then listens for the

    thump to home in on the precise location of the fault

    this approach minimises the amount of time that the

    cable is thumped, eliminating the risk of further damage.

    The next step is to bring in the repair team to dig up the

    cable, make a visual confirmation of the problem and

    then effect a repair.

    The time taken to locate a fault by SIM varies

    according to each case, but will typically take around

    half a day.

    Fast track fault location for Silverstone CircuitSilverstone Circuit, located on the border between

    Northants and Buckinghamshire, has its own high

    voltage power network comprising 17 11kV/433V

    substations that provide local power supplies at key

    points around the three-mile track. ABB has a long-

    standing service contract for the network to provideongoing maintenance and repair services including a

    fast call-out response in the event of a fault.

    At 6am on 1 July 2008 the ABB duty stand-by

    engineer fielded an emergency call saying that there

    was a major outage, with a total loss of power to half

    the site. In normal circumstances this would be a cause

    for concern. With the British Grand Prix taking place on

    the Sunday and hospitality organisers and traders

    already setting up on site, the loss of power threatened

    to cause significant disruption.

    Within an hour, an engineer was on site. After

    establishing the fault was on Silverstones own networkthey opened discussions with Central Networks, the local

    DNO (distribution network operator) to organise

    reinstatement of supply. A thorough test and inspection

    showed the problem was not due to faulty switchgear,

    but was cable related. So ABBs specialised cable fault

    location vehicle was called to the site together with

    spare cable and joints.

    While waiting for the fault location vehicle, the fault

    was successfully sectionalised so that it was isolated

    from the rest of the network, ensuring it couldnt cause

    any further loss of power. This step enabled Central

    Networks to restore full power to the rest of the site at

    around 9.00am.

    The fault location vehicle arrived at 10am, and in less

    than two hours the cable fault was located to an area

    beneath the tarmac base under a hospitality marquee

    erected for the F1 Paddock Club.

    The next stage was to expose the identified section of

    cable for a visual verification of the damage. A further

    10m of trench was then exposed to enable a new

    section of cable to be jointed into place. By 10pm, the

    jointing operation was finished, pressure tested,

    energised and phasing proved so that power could be

    restored to this local section of the network. All that

    remained was for the trench to be backfilled andrecovered by tarmac. So what might have caused very

    severe disruption in Silverstones busiest week of the

    year effectively became a minor incident.

    14 Electrical Review August 2010

    Top: Listening equipment is used tolocate the thump that indicates theprecise position of the cable faultafter the SIM technique has guidedthe service engineer to the generalarea

    Bottom: Silverstone Circuit wherecable fault location helped find andrepair a major outage in the run upto the British Grand Prix

    The graph shows a typical SIM trace. The dip indicates the location of the fault that can be read off

    on the x-axis as the distance from the end of the cable

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    AN ARC FLASH can be hotter than the surface of thesun. Typically, the arc flash is triggered, for example,

    when a short circuit occurs in electrical switch gear,

    often during maintenance work. An arc flash can

    only occur if the fault

    current is very high

    several tens of

    thousands amps. The

    massive energy

    released in the fault

    instantly vaporises the

    metal conductors

    involved, blastingmolten metal and

    expanding plasma

    outward with extreme

    force. In addition to

    the explosive blasts of

    such a fault, much of

    the deconstruction

    arises from the intense

    radiant heat produced

    by the arc.


    knows artificial

    electrical arcs

    from arc welding

    physically seen

    an arc flash isthe same but with magnitudes of higher intensity.

    The metal plasma arc produces tremendous amounts

    of light energy from far infrared to ultraviolet.

    Surfaces of nearby people and objects absorb thisenergy and are instantly heated to vaporising

    temperatures. The effects of this can be seen on

    adjacent walls and equipment; they are often

    ablated and eroded from the radiant effects.

    Globally accepted studies with regard to the

    distribution of thermal injuries have shown apart

    from the hands, the head and face are top of the list

    of this concerning ranking.

    Plastic shields manufactured from polycarbonate,

    propionate or acetate providing sufficient thickness

    can protect against:

    LConventional heat (the plasma heat ball)

    L Fragments (primarily or secondarily released by

    the explosion)

    L Molten particles (e.g. from electrodes, arc feet)

    However they are designed to let electromagnetic

    radiation pass through. With ultra-violet filters (UV

    blocker) a part of this tremendous energy can be

    absorbed but scientific findings have proved that this

    is by far not enough. The intensity of visible light is

    high enough too irreversibly injure human eyes and

    the infra-red (IR) radiation can burn eyes and skin.

    For optimal protection we need an intelligent face

    protection providing:

    L Contrast enhancement

    L High visible light transmission (up to VLT 70%)

    L True colour impression for a broad range of visi-

    ble light. Under normal circumstances the highest

    possible absorption of radiation from UV to IR.

    By using the innovative process of ablation the

    proprietary ablative materials absorb the arc flashs

    energy layer by layer through a controlled

    dissociation process and make the Arc Shield give

    up its surface. Subsequently, Paulson improved this

    protection mechanism by using nanotechnology; a

    further significant milestone following years of

    intensive research and testing.

    For further information visit

    www.arcflashprotect ion.co.uk





    Protection of eyes and facefrom ARC FLASH injury

    Do we really understand this?


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    It is not sufficient to

    decide to work live

    and then devise

    preventative or

    protection measures

    Note the relationship between

    assessment and decisions is


    18 Electrical Review August 2010

    FROM MY EXPERIENCE, I believe Regulation 14 from the

    Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, referring to live

    working, is often misunderstood and sometimes

    overlooked. The duty holder is asked to apply a rigorous

    test of reasonableness in allowing live work to proceed in

    the first place, and to prevent injury by taking suitable

    precautions. It must be stressed that Regulation 14

    requirements are absolute which means it must be met

    regardless of cost or any other consideration. With this in

    mind it makes it very important that any live operation

    must be subject to a suitable and sufficient risk


    Regulation 14 - Work on or near live conductorsA person shall not be engaged in any work activity on or

    so near any live conductor (other than one suitably

    covered with insulating material so as to prevent danger)

    that danger may arise unless

    (a) it is unreasonable in all circumstances for it to be dead;


    (b) it is reasonable in all circumstances for him to be at

    work on or near it while it is live; and

    (c) suitable precautions (including where necessary the

    provision of suitable protective equipment) are taken

    to prevent injury.

    Before we move on, let me highlight a few of the

    important words from Regulation 14.

    Near. This word debunks the myth live working onlymeans those activities that require the manipulation or the

    removal/replacement of live conductors and components.

    Live work can also mean live testing and testing for dead.

    It can also mean the opening of control panel doors to

    undertake visual examinations or undertake non electrical

    work near energised equipment. I find that most live

    working in industrial and commercial facilities is confined

    to testing, inspections and running adjustments.

    Suitably. This word completely changes the meaning ofthe opening sentence. I often hear when conductors are

    insulated through finger safe shrouding or cable

    insulation then live work can proceed with no further

    precautions necessary. I can name several examples of

    incidents in switchgear which was finger safe or of Form

    4 construction. It is the task or activity near live conductors

    which will determine whether the insulation is suitable or

    not. An armoured and insulated underground cable may

    be suitably covered with insulation where its presence is

    known and careful location and hand dig techniques are

    adopted but would not be suitable using a jack hammer

    without safe dig techniques. Finger safe shrouding,

    providing it hasnt been removed, may be suitable

    insulation for routine testing but may not be suitable for

    the task of drawing in of cables into switchgear

    enclosures or other similar invasive tasks.

    And. Parts a) b) and c) are separated by the word andwhich means there is a legal requirement for all parts of

    the regulation to be satisfied before live work can be


    Danger and Injury. Danger and injury are highlighted inbold and are specifically defined in the guidance

    documents referred to in this article. Briefly, danger means

    risk of injury, and injury means death or personal injury

    from electrical shock, burns or explosion and arcing. Forlive working, danger may be present but injury must be


    As an electrical duty holder who may be vexed by the


    Methodical process for risk


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    19/36www.electricalreview.co.uk 19

    questions posed in regulation 14 where do you look for

    help? Firstly there is the Memorandum of Guidance (HSR

    25) published by the HSE. This is usually purchased

    instead of a separate copy of the actual regulations, to

    assist with the interpretation of each of the regulations in

    turn. In addition there is the guidance booklet HSG85

    Electricity at Work Safe Working Practices, also available

    from HSE Books. Further guidance can be obtained from

    the HSE website www.hse.gov.uk.I find HSG85 Electricity at Work Safe Working

    Practices is particularly helpful in the decision making

    process for working live or dead. Simple flowcharts are a

    feature of this document and one such flowchart is

    shown below.

    It is not my intention to repeat verbatim the advice

    given in the existing guidance notes but to further expand

    on this decision making process and to emphasise a

    methodical process for identifying the risks and the

    methods for controlling them. I have used the following

    model many times with duty holders to explain the

    relationship between the live/dead working decision, task,identification and quantification of the hazard and

    preventative measures to be taken. As can be seen, this

    relationship is an interdependent one. It is not sufficient

    to decide firstly to work live and then devise preventative

    or protection measures.

    To further clarify this relationship, a decision for work to

    proceed cannot be taken in isolation to other factors. The

    level of hazard and also the availability and effectiveness

    of preventative or protective measures will also need to

    be considered. This is all directly affected by the work


    Steps to Identify and Assess the Risks and Methodsfor Controlling them.The live working decision flow chart Figure 1 illustrates that

    a critical part of decision making is the identification of risks

    and the methods for controlling them. I find it useful to

    break this down into a four step process as follows.

    STEP 1: Equipment and shock hazard

    STEP 2: Electrical flashover

    STEP 3: People and safe systems of work

    STEP 4: Environment

    Fig 1. Diagram reproduced

    from HSG85 Electricity at

    Work - Safe Working

    Practices under PSI license

    no C2010000923

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    STEP 1 Equipment and shock hazardHas the equipment been checked and is it in a safecondition? Check whether the equipment to be workedupon has been examined and in a safe condition for

    work. Live work should never be permitted where there

    are any doubts about the safety of cables and electrical

    equipment being worked upon or even adjacent to those

    being worked upon. The examination can be visual but

    also using other senses such as smell and hearing to

    detect burning or electrical discharge.

    Signs of vermin or birds inside switchgear or water

    ingress is a definite prompt to stop and investigate only

    when the switchgear is dead and isolated. Approaches

    should never be made to cables damaged by site traffic or


    Is the equipment finger safe? If the equipment is in asafe condition the next step is to consider whether the

    equipment is finger safe. If the equipment is not finger

    safe, can measures such as temporary shrouding be used

    to prevent contact with live parts? The term finger safe isdefined as no exposed live parts that can be accessed by

    solid objects greater than 12.5mm as given by IP rating


    Do not rely purely on the original specification of the

    equipment. Insulation is often removed and not replaced.

    If it is not finger safe, or other measures cannot be

    introduced to prevent contact with live parts then carry

    out the work dead.

    Are tools, instruments and leads checked fit forpurpose? If measures to prevent contact with live partscan be implemented, are tools, instruments and leads

    checked fit for purpose? Tools and instruments must beof the correct duty rating and their condition must be

    checked especially test leads. It is important correct

    instruments and leads should be selected and in

    particular the correct over voltage installation category in

    accordance with EN61010-1. The wrong meter and leads

    can increase the chances of electric shock or the initiation

    of an electrical flashover due to transient over voltage.

    Most instrument manufacturers publish guidance about

    overvoltage on their websites.

    Are you sure the equipment is designed for live

    operation? There seems to be some opinion that because

    electrical components plug in then this operation can be

    carried out live. Examples of such components are plug in

    circuit breakers or bus bar trunking tap off units. Always

    contact the equipment manufacturer if such a live

    operation is contemplated. You may find the equipment

    has been designed for flexibility rather than for live

    operation and the manufacturer may discourage such


    STEP 2 Electrical flashover or arc flashIs there a significant risk of burns from electricalflashover? I have authored several articles on the subjectof electrical flashover in Electrical Reviewand they can be

    accessed at www.electricalreview.co.uk. In brief, theseverity of the thermal effects of an electrical arcing event

    is usually expressed in units of calories per square

    centimetre at the working distance from a potential arc

    source and the head and torso of the worker. This is called

    incident energy and a level of 1.2 cal/cm2 is sufficient to

    predict a 50% chance of the onset of a second degree


    Incident energy has an approximate linear relationship

    firstly; to the amount of current that can flow in the arc

    and secondly to the time that it can flow before the

    upstream protective device clears the fault. Note that

    arcing current does not equal prospective fault current

    (PFC) and at 400 volts is likely to be less than 50% of PFC.

    It follows the upstream device may take longer to operate

    with resulting higher levels of incident energy. Keep in

    mind also, protective devices need to be maintained to

    ensure they will operate according to their time current


    When undertaking arc flash studies for industrial and

    commercial facilities, I have found, where the upstream

    protective device is a conventional fuse or fast acting

    fixed pattern circuit breaker at a rating less than 100

    amperes and the voltage is at 400 volts 3 phase andbelow, then the incident energy levels will be limited. A

    rule of thumb is to use the good old BS88 Industrial

    fuse as a model. If the entire time/current characteristic

    curve of the upstream device can sit below a BS88 100

    ampere characteristic curve, the incident energy at a

    working distance of 450mm is unlikely to exceed

    1.2cal/cm2. This does not mean flash burn injury can be

    totally discounted and severe burns can still be

    experienced particularly at the hands which will usually

    be closer any arc initiated when testing live circuits. For

    comparison, a BS88 400 ampere fuse could present a

    predicted *20 cal/cm2 at certain fault levels and an 800ampere fuse could be in excess of *60cal/cm2.

    *Note these figures are for indicative purposes only, not

    to be used in a risk assessment.

    Suitable risk control measures must be employed and

    as a last resort PPE should always be used. In the case

    of the 800 ampere fuse, PPE is unlikely to fully protect

    the worker because of the possible ballistic and other

    effects of a flashover. Regardless of tasks, I recommend

    electrical workers should not carry out work in high

    power environments in clothing that can ignite or melt.

    If the incident energy at the equipment to be worked

    on is over 1.2 cal/cm2, then can it be reduced to below

    1.2 cal/cm2? As an alternative, can risk controls be put

    in place to prevent or mitigate arc flash effects and are

    they adequate? Please refer to my recent articles,

    available on the Electrical Review web site. If the

    answer is no to both questions then proceed no further

    until advice is sought or carry out the work dead.

    STEP 3 People and safe systems of workAre the workers competent for the task? Regulation 16from the EAW Regulations 1989 states: A person shall not

    be engaged in any work activity where technical

    knowledge or experience is necessary to prevent danger

    or, where appropriate, injury, unless he possesses suchknowledge or experience, or is under such degree of

    supervision as may be appropriate for that purpose

    having regard to the nature of the work.

    Do not rely purely on

    the original

    specification of the

    equipment. Insulation

    is often removed andnot replaced

    20 Electrical Review August 2010

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    In the context of live work, technical knowledge or

    experience means the person should be properly trained

    and assessed in the techniques being employed but the

    person must also understand the hazards from the

    electrical system and be able to recognise whether it is

    safe for the work to continue at all times including whilst

    the work is being carried out.

    Is the work to be carried out at height? Working on liveequipment at height is always a special case for

    consideration for two reasons:

    1. Electric shock or arc flash to a worker at height can

    bring about a fall with obvious consequences.

    2. An arc flash incident whilst working at height may

    mean that the worker cannot move out of the way

    because of the limited working space on access

    equipment. This may be the work platform of a scaffold

    or a mobile elevated work platform.

    If the work has to be carried out at height, can risk

    control measures to prevent shock, burns and falls be put

    in place?Is Accompaniment Required? Anyone undertakingwork on or near energised electrical conductors will nearly

    always require some form of accompaniment by someone

    who can give assistance in an emergency. This implies a

    degree of competence such that the accompanying

    person can assist without danger to themselves or others.

    A requirement for a second person is to ensure safe

    working procedures e.g. preventing encroachment of non-

    authorised personnel into the working area.

    STEP 4 Environment

    Is access and space adequate? Establish whether theaccess and space in front of the equipment is adequate to

    allow the worker to pull back from the conductors without

    hazard. HSG85 mentions a minimum 915mm measured

    from a live part or 1375mm when there are live parts

    exposed on both sides of the worker. The working space

    may need to be greater than these minimum distances as

    a result of the electrical flashover assessment in Step 2.

    The work area should be clearly defined, with no

    tripping and slipping hazards and with good means of

    escape and illumination. Simple barriers and signs can

    often be erected for the demarcation of work areas to

    keep non-authorised staff away and also to protect

    electrical workers from interruptions at times when they

    need concentration.

    Is lighting adequate? It is also important to checkwhether lighting levels are adequate for work as well as

    another requirement in Regulation 15. Use of additional

    lighting is essential where ambient lighting levels are


    Are hazardous conditionspresent? Check to ensure theimmediate environment is free

    from water or dust. A hostile or

    wet environment will

    significantly increase the risk and

    severity of electric shock and

    should therefore be subject of

    special consideration to controlthe risks. Ensuring there is no

    possibility of an ignition hazard

    due to sparks is crucial. If there is

    a possibility of an ignition

    hazard, take precautions to

    remove the hazard before

    proceeding. There may other

    local environmental hazards that

    may need to be taken into

    account such as automatic fire

    fighting equipment.

    Proceeding with workAfter all 4 steps are satisfied, then revisit the flowchart in

    Figure 1 and confirm the work is justified relative to the

    precautions, implement safe working and ensure

    adequate monitoring and supervision. Make sure any

    special equipment and PPE is properly used and

    maintained and always keep the duration of any live work

    to a minimum.

    www.electricalreview.co.uk 21

    Recommended Further Reading

    HSR25 Memorandum of Guidance on the Electricityat Work Regulations 1989 (HSE books)

    HSG85 Electricity at Work - Safe Working Practices(HSE books)

    INDG163REV2 Five Steps to Risk Assessment (HSEbooks)

    INDG 354 Safety in Electrical Testing at Work (HSEbooks)

    GS38 Electrical Test Equipment for use by Electri-cians (HSE books)

    Guidance on Safe Isolation Procedures for LowVoltage Installations (Electrical Safety Council)

    HSG230 Keeping Electrical Switchgear Safe (HSEBooks)


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    UPSsolution for bridge power.

    The very high cycle life of a SuperCaps UPS means

    unlike lead acid batteries, there will likely be little or no

    need for constant replacement. The facility to repeatedly

    charge and discharge for up to a million cycles without

    disintegrating, means the lifetime cost of the SuperCap is

    expected to break even with lead acid batteries.

    Longevity is helped by the fact their high power density

    results in reduced strain on the battery in times of need.

    Another major consideration is the fact the SuperCap also

    has the ability to recharge instantaneously, in a few seconds.

    This is really useful in data centres, to help cut power costs

    associated with keeping batteries charged.

    Another important factor is the ability of SuperCaps to

    offer versatile functioning in a wide temperature range,

    dramatically reducing cooling costs. This is because the

    function of a SuperCap does not require a chemical

    reaction, and therefore, does not involve an optimal

    temperature range for best performance or longevity.

    It has been estimated the supercap can be used from -

    40C to +70C, without degradation in its performancecharacteristics. This is in stark contrast to the lead-acid

    battery, which when used in industrial applications, almost

    always requires a mechanically cooled environment.

    Pros and ConsThe SuperCap is green in two ways. Firstly, it reduces waste

    because it has a very high cycle life, and therefore decreases

    disposal issues. Secondly, the materials and substances used

    in the SuperCap UPS are toxin free and biodegradable, e.g.,

    nano carbon particles are commonly used. They can operate

    in a wide temperature range without any degradation of

    performance characteristics, and it also has the ability torecharge instantaneously in a few seconds.

    SuperCaps are ideal energy storage devices for fast and

    short-term peak power delivery, which is why they are so

    suited for UPS systems. They are also more efficient than

    conventional batteries as they do not release any thermal

    heat during discharge, and various figures have shown that

    they operate at around 80% - 95% efficiency in most


    SuperCaps also take up much less room compared to

    lead-acid batteries, and indeed weigh less as well, which

    can be an important factor in certain situations or locations.

    The table below contrasts the pros and cons of SuperCaps

    with traditional UPS technology.

    ConclusionThere is no doubt the industrial market needs an energy

    storage solution that is both reliable, and can offer a quality

    service. SuperCaps offer high power density, cycle life, and

    thermal susceptibility, and the increasing adoption of

    renewable energy expands the possibilities of using

    SuperCap-based technology.

    Frost and Sullivan points out the total world

    ultracapacitor (SuperCap) market had generated revenues

    of $113.1m (75m) in 2008 and is likely to reach $381.9(250m) by 2015. It feels this market has witnessed growth

    (despite the economic situation) due to the great interest in

    propelling alternative energy storage mechanisms by

    governments. Indeed, Europe has given the highest priority

    to any environmentally friendly technology and has a

    proud tradition of being one of the first global markets to

    accept new technology and consider its applicability in

    various solutions.

    The high price of oil, coupled with high electricity costs,

    the need for devices that can reduce the power burden of

    a data centre represents a significant opportunity. The

    increasing use of supercap technology within thetransportation industry will also serve to spur new

    developments and help drive down the initial cost of


    24 Electrical Review August 2010


    A SuperCaps UPS is green and does not contain toxic materials

    Can operate in a wide temperature range, without a degradation in its

    performance characteristics

    Do not release any thermal heat during discharge

    A SuperCaps UPS is much more efficient than a conventional battery

    Ideal energy storage device for fast and short-term peak power delivery, for

    indefinite cycles.

    Up to 20 years lifespan

    Reduced footprint compared to lead-acid batteries, and also weighs less

    Scalable-modular nature that make it well suited for many applications

    A SuperCaps UPS, used strictly as a bridge, has high power density that is well

    suited to supply high power for short periods of say around 30-100 seconds

    Flexible voltage range

    A SuperCaps UPS is inherently reliable because of its composition and construction.

    There are no mechanical moving parts, eliminating maintenance

    Capable of sitting on a charge voltage for extended periods without any loss of

    capacity, unlike a batteryDevelopment of the technology is being pushed by massive industry heavyweights

    in the transportation sector. Honda for example has developed its own supercaps

    for its vehicles


    Despite their indefinite life cycle, SuperCaps have the ability to provide only very

    short-term power

    High initial cost of ownership. Supercaps are more expensive than flywheel, as it is

    still in its nascent stage of commercialisation

    End users are unable to perceive or experience the true advantages of this

    technology due to early stages of take-up and lack of awareness

    Lack of industry standards to regulate and stimulate full commercialisation of thetechnology. Design time is longer, which results in a longer lead time to get a

    product ready for the end user

    The SuperCaps UPS is unable currently to store as much energy as a battery

    because there are no chemical reactions taking place that can sustain the slow

    discharge of current to power equipment









    Pros and Cons of the Supercap UPS(Maxwell Technologies)

    The very high life cycle life of aSuperCaps UPS means, unlike leadacid batteries, there will likely beittle or no need for constant


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    PROVING UNIT LAUNCHIt is a recommendation of the HSE given in guidance note GS38 that voltage indicators should be proved

    before use and after use.The Portable battery powered proving unit PU260 has been introduced by Di-Log to carry out this vital

    check function for all makes of two pole voltage testers up to 690 V.In addition to proving the correct functioning and voltage output a voltage tester the PU260 ha a number

    of unique features which have not been previously found on this type of unit. Continuity test for testing: fuses, test leads etc

    Additional touch electrode for quick testing of fuse leads Optical and acoustic continuity indication Low battery indication LED indication of current output in excess of 3.5 mA Protective rubber holster Supplied with batteries

    Di Log Test Equipment0161 877 0322www.dilog.co.uk

    TINY DRIVES TAKE VERSATILITY TO THE MAXAdditional EMC filtering options, configurable analogue inputs and enhanced fieldbus connectivity are

    among the many new features that have been added to the latest M-Max variable speed drives from Eatonselectrical sector, which are available with ratings up to 7.5kW.

    Featuring compact book-style construction and very competitively priced, M-Max drives can be configuredby the user for either V/f or sensorless vector control. This makes them an ideal and cost-effective choice forenergy-saving fan and pump applications, and also for generalindustrial applications where accurate speed control is needed.

    A large built-in display and operating unit makes it easy toconfigure the drives and to monitor their performance, while anelectronic setpoint potentiometer facilitates accurate speed setting.

    Eaton0161 655 8900


    POWER SUPPLY AND LINE DIAGNOSTICS ON THE BUSR. Stahl's new Advanced Fieldbus Power Supply (A-FPS) is said to be the first and only power supply

    module for Foundation fieldbus H1 segments to addi-tionally provide a wide range of physical layerdiagnosis functions. At a 10% premium over the standard supply module from the same series, theintegrated devices enable complete and continuous plant monitoring.

    In the past, the integration into asset management systems requiredseparate, cost-intensive diagnosis modules and software tools. EachAdvanced Fieldbus Power Supply (A-FPS) not only detects overload andshort circuits on its seg-ments, but also continuously registers the physicalparameters of the fieldbus, such as voltage and current on the trunk,

    communication level, noise level, asymmetries and jitter.

    R Stahl0121 767 6400www.rstahl.co.uk

    PROTECT MISSION CRITICAL APPLICATIONSThe PowerGem Pro Series has been upgraded with the latest DSP technology to

    provide a new Online Double Conversion range from the British Power ConversionCompany. Available in both tower and rackmount configurations from 1kVA up to10kVA is an advanced True Sinewave design combined with our unique isolationtechnology to give you a UPS with all the flexibility and dependability you need.

    These modern, compact UPS have an enviable reputation in providing theultimate in no-break power protection making them ideal for sophisticated

    computer networks, as well as telecommunications, industrial, defence, medical and process control equipment.

    This new range achieves higher reliability and greater immunity from mains power problems to the connectedload by using a Digital Signal Processor (DSP). The front LCD panel display provides real time status andparameter readings allowing simple operation and a full diagnosis for easy servicing.

    BPC EMEA01794 521200www.bpc-ups.com


    Now available from the Amp Netconnectbusiness unit of Tyco Electronics is a range ofmulti-fibre trunk cable assemblies in avariety of configurations.

    The new cables are factory terminatedand tested in custom length options up to500 m initially available with 12 fibres asOM3 multi-mode and OS2 single-modeversions and a choice of LC-LC or SC-SCconnectors. They can be used as pre-

    terminated links for quick deployment or cutin half to create fibre harness links.

    Each cable ends in a staggered fan-outassembly with 2 mm buffered tubes withprotective tube over the connectors. Cable

    jacket features internal and external ULSZH(Universal Low Smoke Zero Halogen)construction.

    Tyco Electronics UK020 8420 8130www.tycoelectronics.com


    Designed to provide developers and testers ofsafety-related machine controls with comprehensivesupport in the evaluation of safety in the context of ENISO 13849-1, Sistema software is available fordownload on www.wielandsafety.net. Sistema standsfor safety integrity software tool for the evaluation ofmachine applications and enables users to model thestructure of the safety-related control componentsbased upon the designated architectures. This, in turn,allows automated calculation of the reliability valueswith various levels of detail, including that of theattained performance level (PL).

    Relevant parameters such as the risk parameters fordetermining the required performance level (PLr), thecategory, measures against common-cause failures(CCFs) on multi-channel systems, the averagecomponent quality (MTTFd) and the average faultdetection level (DCavg) of components and blocks, areentered step by step in forms. Once the required datahave been entered into Sistema, the results arecalculated and displayed instantly.

    Wieland01483 531213www.wieland-electric.com

    Products continued on p28

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    26 Electrical Review August 2010

    THE SECTOR faces the twin challenges of riding out the

    toughest recession in living memory, and delivering new or

    refurbished buildings which consume less energy and emit

    less carbon. Much of that carbon is emitted by electrical

    systems, so the electrical services sector is at the forefront

    of the drive to improve our building stock.

    With the latest revisions to Part L of the Building

    Regulations coming into force in October 2010, and with

    the recently introduced Carbon Reduction Commitment in

    place, developers and building owners will have to allocate

    more resources to adapting their buildings for future

    climate changes.

    The current cost of adaptation, using some technologies

    that are not 100% tested and proven, is not considered to

    offer a fast enough payback, and in many cases is seen as

    relatively expensive in offsetting the short-term cost of

    carbon emissions. Several adaptation technologies such as

    photovoltaic, on-shore wind farms, hydro and wave power,

    demand large open spaces, or require planning

    permissions, or both, which can be hard to obtain. There is

    a growing conflict between the desire of government to

    cut carbon emissions and invest in renewable, and the

    willingness of planners to sanction them.Whilst some building integrated low or zero carbon

    technologies are well established, such as solar thermal

    water heating, photovoltaics, or heat pumps, they may

    require substantial upfront capital investments. There are

    only a handful of exemplar projects provided by the

    Carbon Trust and Energy Saving Trust to demonstrate real

    life energy and carbon emissions reduction. The

    Technology Strategy Board is funding a number of further

    projects in this area to demonstrate how buildings can be

    adapted to meet the requirements of our anticipated

    future climate, but these will take time to influence and to

    stimulate investments by the private sector.

    The introduction of the Feed in Tariff provides some

    incentives to install renewable technology, with the

    prospect of ongoing revenue to encourage initial capital

    outlay. The tariff came in in April, and it is too early to see

    how much of an impact it is having on demand. There are

    therefore a number of measures which can be expected to

    stimulate demand for electrical services, but not in the

    immediate future. Whether this demand will materialise intime to support the sector through the current period of

    reduced workload remains to be seen.

    What we ought to see at this time, with the prospect of




    New skills for new


    Tony Sung

  • 8/9/2019 Electrical Review August-2010

    27/36www.electricalreview.co.uk 27

    steadily increasing demand for energy efficient

    refurbishment and renewable technologies, is increasing

    training to meet the emerging demand for these skills. But at

    present training in the sector is falling, as firms, many of

    them SMEs, cut back on all non essential spending to

    conserve cash and protect the business.

    One of the measures introduced in response to the

    Climate Change Act is the Carbon Reduction Commitment

    Energy Efficiency Scheme, or CRC. This started in April 2010,

    with the primary objective of helping medium to large size

    organizations whose total half hourly electricity consumption

    exceeds 6,000MWh, to cut their energy use and carbon

    emissions. To enable the For CRC to be a success, Britain

    needs to up-skill the current M&E workforce (electricians,

    design and installation engineers) competently to apply,

    install, test and commission the low zero carbon and smart

    metering technologies in tens of thousands of existing

    buildings rather than just for new buildings.

    Again, looking at the figures for compliance with the

    requirement for Energy Performance Certificates, Display

    Energy Certificates and Air Conditioning Inspections, we should

    be cautious about the prospects of CRC stimulating a wholenew wave of activity in the current economic conditions.

    Another area of development is the new amended

    BS7671:2010, currently issued in draft for public comments.

    This includes vital changes necessary to maintain technical

    alignment with Cenelec harmonisation documents. One of

    the perceived advantages of the technical alignment is it

    should help British companies to win work in the EU.

    Cibse, through its Electrical Services Group, provides

    electrical services engineers with a network of like minded

    professionals who are active in all of these areas. Through

    Group events and through the website, http://www.cibse-

    electricalservicesgroup.co.uk members can access the

    collective knowledge and expertise of the group.

    Additionally, Cibse runs a number of events and training

    courses for electrical services engineers, and recently

    launched a new web based learning initiative, to provide

    training in electrical services (and other building services

    disciplines) that is flexible and adaptable to user needs. Cibse

    and the Electrical Contractors Association recently signed a

    Memorandum of Understanding, which commits both

    bodies to work together more closely to help develop and

    deliver electrical skills and services, to better meet the

    challenges of climate change.

    If we are to meet the carbon emissions reduction targets

    for 2030 and 2050, we will need to see greater investment,both in new technologies and in skills. Cibse will be looking

    to work with engineers and employers in the sector to

    deliver both.


    Image courtesy of Shutterstock

  • 8/9/2019 Electrical Review August-2010




    A chiller unit utilising a scroll compressor is setto generate 15% lower energy consumption thanmodels with a traditional compressor design.

    The unit has been produced by air conditioningmanufacturer Rhoss, using an ABB standard drive.

    Scroll compressors pressurise the refrigerant between two interleaved spirals or scrolls,resulting in a design with fewer moving parts, less noise and reduced vibrations comparedto other compressor types. Variation of output is traditionally provided by mechanicalmeans, for instance by splitting the cooling capacity of the chiller into several circuits.However, by using the ABB standard drive, Rhoss has achieved better performance whileusing a simple design with a single circuit.

    ABB01925 741 111www.abb.co.uk/energy


    SWITCHING TECHNOLOGYThe Ha-VIS FTS 3100s-A is the first switch in the HARTING

    family of industrial Ethernet switches to offer the companysinnovative Fast Track Switching technology: a solution thatsatisfies the majority of perf