Elective Doc Courses List for NMP-28.Doc Updated List

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Transcript of Elective Doc Courses List for NMP-28.Doc Updated List

  • 7/25/2019 Elective Doc Courses List for NMP-28.Doc Updated List


    Human Resource Management:

    Organization Behavior:


    Business Communication:

    Public Policy:

    SL.No. Term Course Title Credit Faculty (Prof.)1 Term-3 Performance Management 1.0 Tanuja Sharma

    2 Term-3 Strategic HRM 1.0 Debi Saini3 Term-3 Training and Deveo!ment 1.0 ".#. "ain$ Term-$ %om!en&ation Management 1.0 Tanuja Sharma' Term-$ Taent Management 1.0 "(ot&na )hatnagar

    *Term-$ %on&utanc( and %hange

    Management 1.0 % P Shrimai

    SL.No. Term Course Title Credit Faculty (Prof.)

    1 Term-3 +egotiation S,i& 1.0+eera "ain and ninand Patha,

    2 Term-3eader&hi! and /motionanteigence 1.0 Radha Sharma

    3 Term-3 Managing cro&& %uture 1.0 Madhu&hree +andaTerm-3 rganiationa Tran&formation 1.0 ja( #. "ain

    $ Term-3Sef Deveo!ment andnter!er&ona Reation& 1.0 Dai&( %hauhan

    ' Term-$Management of %reativit( andnnovation in rganiation&

    1.0Madhu&hree +anda

    * Term-$ Team )uiding 1.0 Sumita Rai

    SL.No. Term Course Title Credit Faculty (Prof.)1 Term-3 inancia Ri&, Management 1.0 S. 4eena (er2 Term-3 nve&tment Management 1.0 ni Mi&ra

    3 Term-3%or!orate Re&tructuring and)u&ine&& 4auation 1.0 &huto&h Da&h

    $ Term-3 nternationa %or!orate inance 1.0 +. R. )hu&nurmath

    ' Term-$Project !!rai&a and Structuredinance 1.0 +.R. )hu&nurmath

    * Term-$ %or!orate Ta5 Panning 1.0 Tarun %haturvedi 678

    9 Term-$ inancia Modeing 1.0

    P.%. )i&:a ; &huto&h

    Da&h< Term-$ Strategic %o&t Management 1.0 Sandee! 7oe= Term-$ Per&ona inancia Panning 1.0 S.#. Rai

    SL.No. Term Course Title Credit Faculty (Prof.)

    1. Term-3/>ective %ommunication through

    Theatre Techni?ue& 1.0+eera "ain and4idhu 7aur

    2. Term-3 +egotiation S,i& 1.0+eera "ain andni nand Patha,

    3. Term-$Managing mage and %or!orationRe!utation 1.0

    +eera "ain and4idhu 7aur

    SL.No. Term Course Title Credit Faculty (Prof.)1 Term-3 %or!orate Socia Re&!on&ibiit( 1.0 S.#. Ta!a&vi2 Term-3 Su&tainabe Deveo!ment 1.0 vani&h #umar