Elections Of 1824 And 1828

Elections of 1824 and 1828 Carrie



Transcript of Elections Of 1824 And 1828

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Elections of 1824 and 1828


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The Four Main Contenders in 1824 In the Election of 1824 there were four main

candidates: Andrew Jackson of Tennessee

Hero from New Orleans Henry Clay of Kentucky

“Harry of the West” William H. Crawford of Georgia

Able; Giant Man John Q. Adams of Massachusetts

Intelligent, Experienced

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The Campaign- Jackson Jackson had strongest personal appeal,

especially in the west He campaigned against corruption and

privilege in government. He polled almost as many popular votes as

his next two rivals combined However, he failed to win the majority of the

electoral vote.

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The Election Despite the fact that Jackson won the popular vote,

he failed to win the majority of the electoral vote. In this deadlock of an election, because of Article 12

of the Constitution, the House of Representatives chose among the top three candidates.

Clay was first eliminated, however, as the speaker of the House, he presided over the choosing of the next president.

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Clay’s Decision He reached his choice for president by the

process of elimination. Crawford, due to a paralytic stroke, was out of the

race. Clay hated Jackson, his rival for the allegiance of the

west. Clay and Adams had no personal relations; however,

shortly before the final balloting of the House, Clay met with Adams and assured Adams of his support.

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The New President On the first ballot, based on Clay’s influence,

Adams was elected president. A few days later, Henry Clay was announced

as the new Secretary of State. According to Jackson’s followers, Adams had

bribed Clay with the position, thus winning the election even though he was the people’s second choice. (the “Corrupt Bargain”)

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The Presidential Term This talk of the “Corrupt Bargain” continued

throughout Adams’ entire term as president.

There is actually no proof that Clay and Adams entered into a formal agreement.

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The Precedent

This election proved that change was coming for America. What had once been

considered common political practice was now said to be suspicious, elitist, and

against democracy. The next president WOULD NOT be chosen behind closed


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The Election of 1828 Two major parties:

The National Republicans-- Supported Adams The Democratic-Republicans– Supported


The Jacksonites planted hickory poles representative of their “hickory-tough” hero

The Adamsites adopted the oak for their oakenly independent candidate

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Jackson and His Followers Jackson’s followers presented him as a

common man. His followers condemned Adams to be a

corrupt aristocrat. The maintained that Adams had thwarted

the will of the people with the “Corrupt Bargain.”

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The Truth Jackson was a wealthy farmer, not a

common man. Adams was not corrupt. If anything, his

morals were too high for the position.

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The Election of 1828 Jackson’s strongest

support came from the west and the south.

Adams’ strongest support came from New England.

The middle states were divided.

Jackson won with an electoral vote of 178 to 83.

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The Precedent

The political center of gravity shifted from the conservative eastern states to the emerging

states across the mountains.