El orfanato

El Orfanato The games children will play when they are alone in the dark…

Transcript of El orfanato

  • 1. El OrfanatoThe games children will play when they are alone in thedark

2. Basic InformationGenre of movie: Drama, Horror, Mystery andSuspenseDirected by: Juan Antonio BayonaWritten by: Sergio G. SnchezProduced by: Mar Targarona,Joaqun Padro, lvaro Agustn andGuillermo del ToroWritten by: Sergio G. SnchezFilmed in: Llanes, Asturias, Spain and Barcelona, 3. Main Synopsis Set in Spain, the movie is about a married couple andtheir adopted son who move back to the orphanagewhere the wife, Laura (Beln Rueda) spent much ofher youth before she was adopted. Laura and herhusband Carlos (Fernando Cayo) have plans toreopen the orphanage in the near future, but strangeoccurrences begin happening and their dream toreopen the orphanage becomes irrelevant. Thestrange events start happening when their son Simonclaims that his invisible friends are in fact real, and asthe movie progresses, these occurrences becomeincreasingly harder to explain. What Laura soondiscovers through a game of hide-n-seek in the darkis that the young children who lived in the orphanagewhen she did, never left. 4. Why I chose this movieI have never liked watching scary movies until I watched El Orfanato.This movie is addicting, and its difficult to look away. It has theperfect mixture of thrill, drama, and scary. You will be on theedge of your seat the entire time. If you thought playing hide-n-seek was fun, you wont anymore. This movie is a must 5. Critic Reviews 6. This film was meant to capture the 1970s of Spanish culture. Thingsthat made this visible include: The style of clothing: very modest, long dresses, collared shirts Cultural The types of cars: very old fashioned, sleek black The technology: old film Content 7. Trailerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXfHOY3CC0g 8. Why I recommend this film to you! Contained hardly any blood or goriness This movie is meant to make you jump and have yourheart skip a beat If you want to have that classic scary film, El Orfanato isthe movie for you! El Orfanato was first screened at the Cannes Film Festival in 2007, whereit was met with a huge amount of praise and a 10 minute standing ovation. 9. And dont worry,English sub-titles areavailable for this Spanish film!