El Copa Mundial-St Matthew

Señorita Mulligan’s Classroom Expectations When you hear a countdown, you must stop talking and have silence at ZERO! When the teacher is talking/explaining a task, you must maintain respect and listen carefully. Work to the best of your ability and enjoy the lesson!



Transcript of El Copa Mundial-St Matthew

El Copa Mundial Brasil 2014

Seorita Mulligans Classroom ExpectationsWhen you hear a countdown, you must stop talking and have silence at ZERO!

When the teacher is talking/explaining a task, you must maintain respect and listen carefully.

Work to the best of your ability and enjoy the lesson!

1El Copa Mundial

Brasil 2014

ObjectivosToday we will learn how to make predictions about upcoming matches in the world cupIn order to make predictions we will revise the near future tense

Hola y saludos de Brasil!

Me llamo Fuleco

y soy el mascota oficial

del Copa Mondial en Brasil!

Qu bandera va con cada pais?, Argentina, Suecia, Holanda, Alemania, Costa Rica, Colombia, Estados Unidos, Blgica

Reto: En cules de estos paises hablan espaol? jugar

ganar el partido

perder el partido

el rbitro

dar una carta amarilla

dar una carta rojamarcar un gol

el rbitromarcar un goldar una carta amarillaganardar una carta rojajugarperderto give a red cardto winto loseto playto give a yellow cardthe refereeto score a goalUnie las frases

el rbitromarcar un goldar una carta amarillaganardar una carta rojajugarperderthe refereeto score a goalto give a yellow cardto winto give a red cardto playto loseUnie las frasesExamples in EnglishThis weekend Netherlands is going to play against Cost Rica.

Tonight Belgium and United States are going to play football.

This afternoon Argentina and Switzerland are going to play.


How do I do it in Spanish?1. Take the present tense of ir (to go).

Voy I am goingVas You (s.) are goingVa He/she/it is goingVamos We are goingVais You (pl.) are goingVan They are going15

How do I do it in Spanish?2. Plus a

3. Plus the infinitive, for example:

jugar to playganar to winperder to losemarcar to scoredar to give

16Note that they all end in AR, IR or ER! ExamplesVoy a ver I am going to watch

Va a dar He is going to give...

Vamos a perder We are going to lose...

Van a marcar They are going to score...17

vaaHolandamarcargolescuatroyBlgicajugarEstados UnidosvanEsta nocheavaEl rbitrodarcartaarojaunaOrdena las oraciones!RETO:Traducid las frases.

vaaHolandamarcargolescuatroyBlgicajugarEstados UnidosvanEsta nocheavaEl rbitrodarcartaarojaunaRespuestas:1.




Creo que ___I believe that ___

Pienso que ___I think that ___

Apuesto que ___I bet that ___

A mi juicio ___In my opinion ___

En mi opinion ___In my opinion ___

Ests equivocado!Youre wrong!

No sabes nada!You dont know anything!

No te creo!I dont believe you!

contra = against partido = match el rbitro = the referee

un gol = a goal dos goles = two goals

aburrido = boring buensimo = brilliant terible = terrible


jugarto play

ganarto win

perderto lose

dar to give

marcarto score

serto be


Voy I am goingVas You (s.) are goingVa He/she/it is goingVamos We are goingVais You (pl.) are goingVan They are goingFTBOLEsta tarde = this afternoon

Esta noche = tonight

a las cinco= at 5 oclock

a las nueve= at 9 oclock

viernes = Friday sbado = Saturday