El condicional segundo Si + imp subj + conditional.

El condicional segundo Si + imp subj + conditional

Transcript of El condicional segundo Si + imp subj + conditional.

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El condicional segundoSi + imp subj + conditional

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El pluscuamperfecto

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El perfecto condicional

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Imperfect subjunctive = If I were very rich, I would travel the worldSi fuera muy rico, viajaría por todo el mundo

Pluperfect subjunctive Conditional perfect

If I had known about the problems in Spain, I would not have come here.

Si hubiera sabido los problemas en España, no habría venido aqui.

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1. Give the six forms of the Pluperfect subjunctive of haber (I, you, he, we, you, they) [6]

2. Give the past participle of saber, venir and llegar. [3]3. Put this in the pluperfect subjunctive – If The immigrants

had come to Spain [10]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Give the six forms of the conditional form of haber (I, you,

he, we, you, they) [6]5. Give the past participle of hacer, escribir and pasar. [5]6. Put this in the conditional perfect – they would have created

more jobs. [10]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Translate this into English: “Si los inmigrantes polacos no

hubieran llegado en Gran Bretaña, no habríamos tenido tal problema de inmigración.” [15]

8. Translate into Spanish: “The United States economy would not have survived if the immigrants had not done all the ‘dirty work’” (trabajos sucios) [15]

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El subjuntivo – doubt Expressing doubt or negative

opinions using the subjunctive. TRIGGERS:

dudar que -- to doubt thates dudoso que -- it is doubtful that es improbable que -- it's unlikely that es incierto que -- it's uncertain that es posible que -- it's possible that no creer que -- not to believe that es increíble que -- it's incredible thatno es cierto que -- it's not certain thatno es verdad que -- it's not true thates incierto que -- it's untrue thates mentira que -- it's a lie thatno estar convencido de que -- to not be convinced that

no estar seguro de que -- to not be sure that no parecer que -- to not seem thatno pensar que -- to not think that no suponer que -- to not suppose that puede ser que -- it may be thatnegar que -- to deny that no imaginarse que -- to not imagine thattemer que -- to suspect that

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Formation1st person singular of present tense – e.g.

hagoDrop the ending – hag-Add a, as, a, amos, áis, an for ER/IR verbsAdd e, es, e, emos, éis, en for AR verbs

Hag0 -> hagaHablo -> hable

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IrregularsNot many irregulars, most subjunctives are easy to spot, but some are irregular from stem:

Ser – Ir –Haber – Saber –

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IrregularsNot many irregulars, most subjunctives are easy to spot, but some are irregular from stem:

Ser – sea, seas, sea, seamos, seáis, seanIr – vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayáis, vayanHaber – haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayáis,

hayanSaber – sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepáis,


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Irregulars – some weird ones

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Irregulars – some weird ones

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Put the correct verb in…Dudo que los inmigrantes __________ (venir) a

la UE para el empleo. Es dudoso que el gobierno __________ (hacer)

algo para resolver el problemaEs innegable que los ciudadanos de la UE

___________ (querer) un cambio de politica.Temo que los inmigrantes ___________ (caer)

en el mar mediteraneo. No creo que la inmigración ________ (ser) una

buena cosa.

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Subjunctive- doubt Expressing doubt or negative opinions using the

subjunctive. TRIGGERS:

dudar que -- to doubt thates dudoso que -- it is doubtful that es improbable que -- it's unlikely that es incierto que -- it's uncertain that es posible que -- it's possible that no creer que -- not to believe that es increíble que -- it's incredible thatno es cierto que -- it's not certain thatno es verdad que -- it's not true thates incierto que -- it's untrue thates mentira que -- it's a lie thatno estar convencido de que -- to not be convinced thatno estar seguro de que -- to not be sure that no parecer que -- to not seem thatno pensar que -- to not think that no suponer que -- to not suppose that puede ser que -- it may be thatnegar que -- to deny that no imaginarse que -- to not imagine thattemer que -- to suspect that


1st person singular of present tense – e.g. hago Drop the ending – hag- Add a, as, a, amos, áis, an for ER/IR verbs Add e, es, e, emos, éis, en for AR verbs

Hag0 -> haga Hablo -> hable

Irregulars Ser – sea, seas, sea, seamos, seáis, sean Ir – vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayáis, vayan Haber – haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayáis, hayan Saber – sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepáis, sepan

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El imperativo Is a command – e.g. escuchad! (listen!)

Is used for commands, and imperative ideas.

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Formation Depends on who you are speaking to, if you are speaking to “usted”, use the

subjunctive, eg. Escuche, por favor.

If you are speaking to one person in the “tu” form, you take the normal “tu” form, taking off the ‘s’ – e,g. hablas -> habla

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Formation If you are speaking to more than one person – use the “vosotros” form. To

form it, you take off the ‘r’ from the infinitive and add a ‘d’ – escuchar-> escucha -> escuchad

If you are using a negative command, you put it into the subjunctive – no hables!

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Formation Reflexives – if using a reflexive verb, you tack it on to the end of the ‘tu’

form – levantate

Reflexives – for the vosotros form, take off the ‘d’ and add ‘os’ – levantaos, or ‘nos’ - vamonos

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Irregulars - tu

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escribe 5 politicas usando el imperativo para que el gobierno integre nuevos inmigrantes latinoamericanos en el pais.

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Rules for integration Offer fair working rights – ofrece derechos laborales justos / iguales

Put on language classes – pon clases de lengua

Change the perception of immigrants – cambia la percepción de inmigrantes

Teach the natives and immigrants about both cultures – enseña a los nativos y inmigrantes de ambas culturas

Encourage multicultural communities – fomenta / anima las comunidades multiculturales.

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Is a command – e.g. escuchad! (listen!)Is used for commands, and imperative ideas.

IRREGULARS (TU FORM)-------------------------------------


Depends on who you are speaking to, if you are speaking to “usted”, use the subjunctive, eg. Escuche, por favor.

If you are speaking to one person in the “tu” form, you take the normal “tu” form, taking off the ‘s’ – e,g. hablas -> habla

If you are speaking to more than one person – use the “vosotros” form. To form it, you take off the ‘r’ from the infinitive and add a ‘d’ – escuchar-> escucha -> escuchad

If you are using a negative command, you put it into the subjunctive – no hables!

Reflexives – if using a reflexive verb, you tack it on to the end of the ‘tu’ form – levantate

Reflexives – for the vosotros form, take off the ‘d’ and add ‘os’ – levantaos, or ‘nos’ - vamonos


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Hablar de convivencia de culturas. Hablar del subjuntivo de posibilidad

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DeberesRead and prepare the exercise on P44-45: ex 1 and 2 prepare the texts for Tuesday 13th November, and read through the expressions on integracion, understand their meaning and how you could use them in a debate.

Sheet on aislamiento o integración – read and prepare for a discussion next time, bring thoughts on your point of view.

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Possibility, probability and necessity Es posible que

Es probable que

Es necesario que

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All need ‘que’ to make subjunctive – these are common triggers

Page 28: El condicional segundo Si + imp subj + conditional.

Practica Es probable que los inmigrantes _________ (poder) ser integrados.

Es posible que el gobierno (hacer) __________ algo para resolver el problema con la integracion.

Necesita que los inmigrantes (ser) ____________ integrados.

Es necesario que los inmigrantes (contribuir) ___________ al proceso de la inmigracion.

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Ved http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x14OlebWSCQ

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All need ‘que’ to make subjunctive – these are common triggers