Eight Formalisms for Defining Graph Models

Models of Graphs Jérôme Kunegis Oberseminar 2013-08-29


We present eight different formalisms that can be used to define graph models.

Transcript of Eight Formalisms for Defining Graph Models

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Models of Graphs

Jérôme KunegisOberseminar2013-08-29

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Each edge has probability p of existing

P(G) = pm (1 − p)(M − m)

m = #edgesM = max possible #edges

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An edge appears with probability proportional to the degree of the

node it connects

P({u, v}) d(u)∼

d(u) = degree of node u

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What Everybody Thinks

My network model leads to graphs that have the same properties as

actual social networks


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P(G) = pm (1 − p)(M − m)

P({u, v}) d(u)∼

Why don't you use the same formalism??


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Formalisms for Graph Models

(1) Specify a graph generation algorithm(2) Specify a graph growth algorithm(3) Specify the probability of any graph(4) Specify the probability of any edge(5) Specify the probability of any event(6) Specify a score for node pairs(7) Matrix model(8) Graph compression

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(1) Specify a Graph Generation Algorithm

STEP 1: Specify rules for generating a graph

Take a lattice, and rewire a certain proportion of edges randomly

EXAMPLE: small-world model (Watts & Strogatz 1998)

STEP 2: Generate random graph(s)

STEP 3: Compare with actual networks

Hey, a small diameter and large clustering coefficient!

●Not generative●Not probabilistic

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(2) Specify a Graph Growth Algorithm

An edge appears with probability proportional to the degree with probability p and at

random with probability (1 − p)

STEP 1: Specify exact growth rules

STEP 2: Generate random graph(s)

STEP 3: Compare with actual networks

Look, a power law!

EXAMPLE: preferential attachment (Barabási & Albert 1999)

●No overall probability

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What We Need: A Probabilistic Model

A probabilistic model assigns a probability to each possible value.

X: set of possible valuesx ∈ X: a valuep: A parameter of the modelP(x; p): Probability of x, given p, OR

Likelihood of p, given x

Σx∈X P(x; p) = 1 // Because P is a distribution for a given p

Given a set of values {xi} for i = 1, … N, the best fitting p can be found bymaximum likelihood:

maxp Πi P(xi, p)

So, are “values” whole graphs or individual edges?

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(3) Specify the Probability of Any Graph

Each edge has probability p of existing

STEP 1: Specify the probability of any graph G

●Not generative●Needs multiple graphs for inference

STEP 2: Given a set of graphs with the same number of nodes, compute the likelihood of any value p

EXAMPLE: (Erdős & Rényi 1959)

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Example: Extension of Erdős–Rényi using Formalism (3)

Goal: Add a parameter that controls the number of triangles.

Idea: The E–R model with parameter p is an exponential family; the extension should be too.

P(G) = (1 / C) pm (1 − p)(M − m) qt (1 − q)(T − t)

where t is the #triangles, T is the maximum possible #triangles.

Note: q = 1/2 gives the ordinary E–R model.

Result: exponential random graph models (ERGM) and p* models

The normalization constant C cannot be computed. It would be necessary to count the number of graphs with

n vertices, m edges and t triangles. This is a hard, open problem.

Gibbs sampling works, however.

Open problem: Use Gibbs sampling to generate mini-models of networks.

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(4) Specify the Probability of Any Edge

STEP 1: Specify probability for all pairs {u, v}

EXAMPLE: Use a given degree vector d as parameter, and P({u, v}) = du dv

EXAMPLE: The p1 model based on node attributes (Holland & Leinhard 1977)

STEP 2: Compute likelihood of parameters

●Not generative

Let's model each edge as an event, not a full graph

●Supports multiple edges

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Preliminary Results for Formalism (4)

The best rank-1 model is given by the preferential attachment model.

Let a graph G be given. Among all models of the form P({u, v}) = x xT, the one with maximum likelihood is given by

P({u, v}) = d(u) d(v) / 2m

Proof: By induction over n.

Open problem: define other models using this formalism

Hey, that's differentfrom minimizing the least squares distance to the given adjacency matrix, where the SVD is best

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(5) Specify the Probability of Any Event

Let's specify the probability of an edge addition, given the current graph

STEP 1: Specify the probability of an edge addition given the current graph

EXAMPLE: P({u, v}) = p / n² + (1 − p) d(u) d(v) / 2m

STEP 2: Compute the likelihood

OTHER EXAMPLE: (Akkermans & al. 2012)

Open problem: Inference of parameters from real networks.

Generalizes naturally to edge removal events.

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(6) Specify a Score for Node Pairs

Read my paper

STEP 1: Given a graph, specify a score for each node pairs

STEP 2: Evaluate using information retrieval methods

I know, that's link prediction!

●Not probabilistic

(Liben-Nowell & Kleinberg 2003)

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(7) Matrix Model

STEP 1: Specify a probability matrix

STEP 2: Map nodes of the graph to rows/columns of the matrix

STEP 3: Compute the likelihood

Let's try the Kronecker product

EXAMPLE: (Leskovec & al. 2005)

●Not generative

Can I do this with any matrix?

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(8) Graph Compression

STEP 1: Specify a graph compression algorithm

STEP 2: Check how well it compresses a graph


More probable values should have shorter representations

I wonder how the E-R model can be used here

●Not generative

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Now let'sdo someresearch!


(1) Graph generation (e.g., Watts–Strogatz)(2) Graph growth (e.g., Barabási–Albert)(3) Graph probability (e.g., Erdős–Rényi)(4) Edge probability (5) Event probability(6) Edge score (link prediction)(7) Matrix model (e.g., Leskovec & al.)(8) Graph compression



Rank-2 model

Spectral model








