EIB leaflet1

How to be successful with your application. What you need to know.


How to be successful with your application. What you need to know.

Transcript of EIB leaflet1

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How to be successful with your application.

What you need to know.

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2 Estate Improvement Budget www.stockporthomes.orgwww.stockporthomes.org

What is it?The estate improvement budget provides customers with the opportunity to identify projects each year which will help to improve their local neighbourhood.

Projects completed to date includeimprovements to communal areas and gardens, landscape works, fencing and new play facilities. All projects will not only help to improve the quality of the local environment but also support our wider sustainability objectives to provide safer, greener and cleaner neighbourhoods now and in the future.

Who can apply?All customers of Stockport Homes can apply for funding including people who work in the community on projects where land is managed by Stockport Homes.

You cannot give us too much information. The more information that you supply the better informed the Area Forum is when it comes to make its decision.

What qualifies?Consultation with the customersaffected must be carried out before theproject can be considered (The AreaHousing Office will organise this).

• Projects should demonstrate that they will improve or enhance the appearance of an area such as landscaping of a derelict site.

OR• lmprove or enhance the safety and / or

security of an area such as improving lighting or gate off an alley way.OR

• Contribute to the long term sustainability of an area.OR

• Address a local problem or issue that will improve the quality of life for customers in that area.

• 10% of the budget can be used at the discretion of the Area Housing Managers to resolve pressing local problems that require a quick response and where it would be unreasonable to wait for the next meeting of the Area Forum such as tackling vandalism.

What you will need to consider?All projects will be judged on thefollowing:

• How many properties are affected.• How many of these are managed by

Stockport Homes.• The benefit that will be gained.• How many people will benefit.• The impact made upon the local

environment.• What level of local support there is for the

project.• Is it value for money.

EstateImprovement Budget

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What will not qualify!

Unfortunately not all projects willqualify. This includes:

• Any project that directly benefits an individual to the exclusion of others.

• Any project that has a direct relationship or is sponsored by a business enterprise.

• Any project which relates to the development of land not of benefit to Stockport Homes’ customers and neighbourhoods.

• Any project for which there is insufficient evidence of local community support.

• Projects, which could be funded by other budgets, will not be considered.

• Any project which is deemed not to be viable.

• Any project which is deemed not to have sufficient local support.

• Any project where the local impact is deemed to be of negligible effect or alternatively where it is deemed to have a negative impact.

What happens next?1. Stockport Homes’ customers or others,

such as community workers working in the neighbourhood, can suggest a scheme by completing a form or writing to any of the Area Housing Offices. Assistance can be given to complete the form by staff at the Area Housing Offices.

2. The Area Housing Office will acknowledge receipt of the application within five working days, informing the applicant of the name and contact telephone number of the Neighbourhood Housing Officer who will be dealing with it.

3. Checks will be carried out to ensure that the work is not included in any other schemes or whether alternative funding can be accessed. If at this stage it is clear that the project does not

fit the relevant criteria, the Neighbourhood Housing Officer will write to the applicant giving the reasons for this. This process will be completed within 28 days.

4. The Neighbourhood Housing Officer will obtain quotations / costs for the scheme and carry out appropriate consultation with the residents affected by the proposal.

5. The Area Housing Manager will report to the Area Forum a summary of all the applications received with the relevant information so that a full discussion can take place regarding the merits of the schemes in an open forum. The decision regarding the allocation of the funding will be made at the Area Forum.

6. A quarterly update on the spend of the budget will be provided at each Area Forum by the Area Housing Manager which will include the 10% discretionary element.

Application forms can be downloaded from our website at www.stockporthomes.org

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Diversity StatementPlease read this:

Accessing our services


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• We believe that everyone has the right to be treated equally, with respect and to feel safe and secure in their own home and neighbourhood.

• Everyone has a right to make use of the opportunities offered by our organisation and to use all parts of our service.

• We will promote equality and diversity in the provision of our services and employment and we will not tolerate discrimination.

• We will make sure that no person or group applying for housing services or employment will be treated less favourably than any other person or group because of their individual characteristics. These characteristics include, but are not limited to, disability, ethnicity, colour, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation and age.

• We will work together with all of our service providers and customers to ensure that this commitment is met across our entire organisation.

This leaflet gives you information about the Estate Improvement Budget. If you would like a copy in large print, Braille, on audiotape or CD, please contact the Social Inclusion Team on 0161 474 2860 or email: [email protected]