Ei&a&SHre flpfti-iitKilili'tM l.'i.ilni'. -. Wilbur nliil i IIM ion In Ih.. Mimril -f i II..JI II...

XV NO. 42. CKANFOKD. S. J . THURSDAY, DKCKMHKK \S. \QVS T ^ TTIKhH ChN l> »»••»» SANITARY MARKET Intptotcd and pawed ttv V ,X linirrnibwL Itad NorttAvowes, " . ' • ^ CWNfQBD, N. -•f j Proceeding* of the t'nlon County i Hoard til CboMHi l : n*holiier&. t !i»p*L(ttt if la ar.l f » I ift*n I r • . ti it '. 9 . ...tun i ( I ii. i • i . I I i _|'S.IIIIIIIL . _ i-i-L mi : i , I Hi. I ' • »< < »!' I' t.1 1 i I ^ | J II C l i IH'I IS.j ,t Ih, tin" tin. nouM W I r t I -i. tftr il 11 I • « i 1 II; I I n't* >t . I ** i Illl Ml Si * , t< ,H "l^w J». 11. il . till till 1I mill ,,- 1. lu »! I i'hotograplis Biiowiug Hjstum uf t l i i k f i t h m\ nmrlift b\ n ll iit« it ii > I'U VI I IV \ > , \ \ \) It > t L\ ' I. • in. • i t l.. IT I * * 'III \ li\ I I \ l I ' 1 i I i . I . 1 » t I I ' I i I I. . i I - llu >ii< i 1.1 i I m i «tu U n' i l l ! T 1 i ' i f fit II r 1. I I ll il. > »l (I I ll > It i 1 .mi .Il t -i i r. II . «-ll .III II I I 11 I M. i I I I irtfi i i II i HI i \i_ i i-i Unst;. Mint .tit, I H i it- IMi.ll. li.l.i, N -.1 . i»Ui' >u i . -if t ii " i . <» n I '.V.I il l*i <iu1 it ll I Ih* I , I I H>,'H 11. I « . il u >tl>l»|l in o , 111 I l lii inn i ii l> mi I IH lilt II.* I I . I • • ) 'I!-I 'll I III I , 1 mil it ill i l H l l l l l In li i i. i i i - t i i i n i >* ..f II im I I 1-! I I I T I *•* I I I li. | ,1. Il I il -i' f I . I lit. I I Ml|. III - . '». I nu.\ il i.-n. < *lll . ii 11 i i. I In H . HI i tii i •.« |MI III lH I I | "I ItivHi" il 111 >I >. - I Mi.,!,. '_l_i ! I I . u IL t II I I IM I. li i- • I - • I II i It. I'll t 1 M Ml I I 1 I I. ti i 111 * I I I 1*1 I t I lit t 'l I I I s ,|. Ii mil iw'lli i|l III tl I it' ...t I .1.1. -- til, I' I. Ill 14 I i li., hx.d 1 i ,i .{a I. in . T | || 1 III- ," III The Granford' Tru'st -Company, LRANIOKD. I '!". ..-. I' gp g j iwo-ton liruuHwick refri^erntm^ phuit n> lniMinirtit, ulutli i* h.a_LBHLiiuiLluoat_up-i.o=uJ*to-*y*t<mi»-irf-4*f oienoe. ' A)l inettdt a r e i t t nil htnra i^ntnrtPtl frriTfr-it1ii«_miil~"« |i«s byheing- incJosnd inglnftg cflbtii/ ' _' "" ~1 Meats, Fish, Butter, Eggs and Poultry. "If you want it good get it at Irvmg'a "_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -• v* • • • '* (lid ItttlUr »kuk(f tad Lipirfaatit "" OM frintd Sbxk a; Specultici. ITEL CENTRAL I). Jr HOltKK Proji f Choice Wlnrs, Llquor< and Cigars. Wi-sl, (i\lill"(.«)]). N 1 nl and triiualnnt lu tient and eleftric l FULL WEIOMI -CONTRACTORS .Stone. _ Cemeiitj and* Plastering:. atimues FiirDlshoil . We*t Lincoln Avenue CRANFORD. N. J. XIOOOOOOOOOOO (I Ess LOllSM less Bros. PLUMBING, lea ting and Tinning, jj For Sale! l!, -.cvt-ft rt""tf<-jili'l It-Uli.-jlr jiitrnowineiil", lut .IT'ux'JIiT ' Prii*r$4,10Q. BURTON M. GALLOWAY REAL ESIAlHand INSURANCE W.B.DRYSDALE, JAMES G. PARK, C^mtra HJirlb . I OTIS WRIGHT btor (311m iior H- miii;i ii. S J b 4tll Itlltli ll iiu \\ in If M i ml .1 IJIZ n "T li finlnrTtml-HMnn MJIB nfirr.il ti \ |>.. ul nimiiii'^i •>( il.ii. i>. I., .iii'im.il hs iin- oirt'iliM IIKI muni) iitnxiKM I ll'. lilK t lll» U[l| » Illll it US N»lil . Mil III It !•-«•- Ki'i-iitKilili'tM l.'i.ilni'. -. Wilbur nliil i IIM ion In Ih.. Mimril -f i II..JI II I'urlwilrii m .it | , ii [ I li..l, n nn I Hi. III\ .il 11 .11 1 1 .Inn 1 . Hi- in.11I1 ,,l ll«- > !l> iiuf In lnH.iti.tu. uf I., tin urh < <in iiliiu lluli ulili u,r muni 1 .».! 1. ill I . Ill,, li (i 1r ) 1 until), n, , m Hi. mh il It .inn ,r llu II HI.null .if I til.Ii II In III. u»* ..f Iln , 1.null ri.i.ln I.U4I Ul li n.linn I. Uointlb In unit tiltitul Itlp.tU i.r I llliln.ll) tllrtljvir tl. II I.i>H.ilv^ l_ 1JLM.L Ute MtLiiiL^-tuU i'^iWfi- . 11 nl^ Hi H I M . UK It ..f t lltli.li d« lM»r<.Ui. iin.inS. .r <t, a^iii rt|i|.|i.uiu.n r..r iiii. iiln|illi>n 11. I lni|.l..v. 1H1.11I uf IIOVH,, n . mm. 1 1 ul im.1 nn. , 11, ,,r I ii la I MI IM im 1 Hi, 11,,iit,l , , r i lH.n..ri KM-I.||III,I »rn ur tin. . iiiim> ur 1'iilnn ni> ln.ri.hi t t\Qut 1.I1 it t . vtirm llu. nii|iiii iitlon In i|i|y»llini mil hi IIIW •mil llnna. ... Nwtlli m. inn 1 i~l>«~n3ii|.l«il nml Im .14I ii p. i*ullu4 JUJlll) u*i* II*I IVT-II l»w tliiiljit. It I rutii»> is liu \\_u* nnIn «nv."ili»r ITT TTi«- t 11I1111 f i i l l l i l ) \T7imniiln I'tiiiiluHHlon ullit rtli|'li>>til li\ )I>II Mliil.i fti^iiiii^l itft ffalil llmiif 1101 nt Alnulitulii <ili- In t 11I1111 r » u i i i ) nn Ih" JO1I1 (lay tif S, jilt mritT lunt /Ul.l Itiltt tin* liulil Hi ..nn.. II <'ri>nr) tint mi iim 111)1 iluv ur Uitiiljir l»l.' nt tllllllilltii TK II"* (.Hill In Ihr Clt> n( I'luinnnld mill III it iiirniii'lmullMli «4II t'o • I11I111. .1 tin n r.r l i n n ) Novi-tiiF,. I I 1 U' \\ IJ i|Uf VI«JTt»l(IA (' t* M M \ ' I N I > \ II.L1 \M M;\\I nn rni.riufei l*> I'M 1 ulh! K 1iiftnnunii «Uon u tin rpfirul .tl.iM|Hiir»> 1 riim«ii>l»n ^ l IltS IIH IIIIIIIII. » Krcuii HIM l -4::—uaj 1 i ("TO I111I.I1 1 1 MUal~.ll> N J In tin Hour.I 11T i*f I inuii 1 miiir> 11. !ltl<*ti|rh \l 1 hill I liuiniliii M miiK •ctnt.i r 14 .1. t III* ll til .1 till illllll IIM *> I l.f till' It. ll !.. tti« t.i i l.llMl.ilii 111,1 t., 1 hull. 11 I ii 1 h<M. i I nun If i«li ml 1 ..11111 11 or Iim 11 MI Ji mil r In utithur' Hl in. i'(l» tuuiiill iii,. anil Uujinl ii-il Iii ll.imutib if I liuli ii oitiiiur i"l Mtl Nl'l" II HMITII llnruilirll Clvkt oil 111 iliii t 1 I 1. . li.vl.l.'r Wilbur thin iilDlllinili ult 11 \lm» Mfi. r i,.,| |n || IH illllll 1 It .ml I iifi|inlll^|. •ItHli, 1 IIU, I Ihr III.HMI ,,r I iKim-n r..»hol I ti . r tin- 1 1IJMU uf I liliin l«. In miiuur IIMIHIIV*. uiul tl h riLlltll ll|l III I tiMMlll.i '^rt T I ill. i'| J|, |V Hilrt VI 1 - It il HH> ft V\Mll \tn|ll» ltM.ll.il n* 1 huri|f nn.l In .it 1 I'llxulirltr in fi 11 ln(( rim llufi Im Inn II.N Him l l 1 III 1"U In »||« lniiiiiil.il 1 Jim iif I ntiin Intvii »'i| 11 Di. I . 1III1 li in. nn 11 H 1 I M.,ru in I i.r Hi. iiii ii»uj 1 u iili li lit, iirm t * nil iitiniiiii.iii ..r Kni.1 iinmmi tun >u uitHI^I' v.iitr tiMiiiil .ilit,' l.i.ii 1 I I* 11 tun ,1 S.1II1 tVtlllii* rriifll tin* (11 In&n nrrr llllil Wi>|in>Vf II n 11 1 mill t I I mm I 11 tin. wrili, I IIM nnlll|. ur Union liailtln*. l>.i| tluttD'iif l>rn»J> uml Nuri n 11. n1 '.il.in i.viliitn In thin illf, |., n\.mi.. IIJIMK n Illiln llu .11) limit Mi 1I m in 1 i.i ( .ili. 1 ulili tin put nf l.ltuilnlli unit eixi.iKlliiu r»imi \lii| I. mm if llnnm, 1,1 Vmili IIV..IMI^ will, h »tr-<l— ,ii lot iirrt wtftiln Tin Utnllti nf Hi lit Iliiil Ihln ill. 1 I I I itnlmlili i.r I11I tin. .11) i.r I Ur .1,11111111,u« i.i. M 1111I1 n\ 1 mil. tn lu i.iilnl UtTitli «.ni I n li - In III Unit ll fufin 11 li.Kknl link III III .unit) skM. 111 nf, l.i*.livtjijM Uml 11 III Ifl. 1K1 thill HIM II Hull.VI ll fll It4rtllll. ii ll^l h lulli I. II Hltli fr nut |.lll 1 1* tlumikh I llrilnlli iin.l MIIUII IN < f lilll, 1,1 llu l.llm tn tiH. Miiulil li <lt k. t Ii .1 ri <im in.) fT. ill. wi.^l.lN 1I..1 L L _ r i i n UmMq im ii^ ntiik.i M fun,I rimii iiinw nlri'et 11,11 IIHI) I H|l|l> lM|,| i IIIIIJ ri ti il |,urt nf 1} 7.kT~i77rn~! VVIMIR " .. 1 rn utiil I.IJHLIII mi 1111 n nf Iln 1 IIIIIII pmti ] 1 rti i I ttiriit rntili* tlifiu . I'TIt -•-. " >kulllrii|ii uvi (I 11I11. IJI fn Id «•» 1If till, ... : ...... or'riiA.ii- IVl Mi K I. I ?1-V I .N H, r -llu 1 «i»i^ - 1111 ni.itT.7fi In I T i l lioldiC KI.MI- ltil» . iiniiniinlf iillun UU.H r«*firli>il In T * nunfj Hiwi'l 1 niilllljtti'r W lllTPHU A |M tltl'lll llllS IHI'D |> nl.il to llilx iiiminlttiw. Ifl ri.lnlli.il 4iikiUK nvcr-Ui ltii'.|{i>y<.*ti(nK IMMI t l l h i i uf lh.it portion of culled N o r t h uv<< i h t i i r ( nl"|l lrrHiiMhi| iv^iiv Kiiint'i|(iii» culled H iHiin tho uiul, m-r, - H n- <TPttr«- tcarmrd -That -a Ilkr i-itltluii lias l/»Mi preufnlfil to 'ir City nf rU?«* ._ . mnj ot Olimen Kill tii. inli...l lim nhiil.. Ikr itttluii has b « Hi., I'H, I'IIUIHII nt rh iMth mid Itial tl|f) ll'mrij Jt.ijt » H> a II Thlil we nn> i onl_»jLtiiL lhi iiruiuislil'jii unit I. -trill f |l|« p| III Kill JllUI r- H> till I.111. Ill tint unl) nt thi llllU. CnnilMlill I'l I I u>nii>hli' Inn id lnlut, U» 1H1 li-iirllli In III l'r il<-k lirc nilM l IlL Tj.v>n»hlt> uf I'nlun In lh<- '"uuiitt I iilnn til. icrtlfy tliul ( U ' t l I V l IlL the- 'it at 11 menI IIK f l nf (1. win 1)11 I at 1 men ti^r nf tlln ', tin- i h i.f lJn 'I uivflHtiln I'I ill. !i«Jil on . ..„. iifit*r 191Z tlii'_jioi,vv rfii/;llilti>ii ift»i il Jl<y Oi*< uincnliriirtiH \ijl» t/f til rijliflTlltn-i* , Tl>n n a ly < li "tnn»>rW7ir-«n rViFiTOliii-r llrinfl. I IliTn' ••jiniunl'-Jtluti «^« mfouiui—I.*—IM.. iilllltv linn] I iilnrtilllf.«i ] "11 III. Hun nl nf lllOKill I'r. i-lmlili'i" nf thi I'miiili nr t'plun (IHIHI, 111, n I IM. IIIIIII ruitfii'il l<ti*r- IMI*II»I, mftir.irni iiir-«i^ furriti rm j>for>«<r- |i .inncm tmil r'»lil..|H» nf rfof '"ouill* I nl.'N h. tfLi 11 Illl.111 >.;ui liriiinr- 1I11 _i Hi nf I iuiifiiHl '!iiiil"lli» C TiiL"li'- _ir iMiriimiii f> |if itrnwr ti<r 1)111 1 tuiriiniiK to lit* i.rilnii of, ilin hltthway I'||",'"I- ... lnlii'ii nil Hint |>ti. -. ki.nwn H« lln>wii) In imrt'RMII ail '" ' It' tii n liiciiiKh ihr Titwiwlilfi tit Unl'ii Tii lift >mjltob MIIII llfrnilow ntn«t lu (lip ill of I"ll7l4-Lolli Jtii,l ||,nn In liuvn anil mi ruvi) tin* H up*, ik* n rnuntk' roqii ni(? liillllnnrra *u> "unlliiK Hull unlit Mk*m<.m l,i» of i* iintruttfr hnovtn K.H .rn!fn|tA Mt-r n^iilinlt tuftf hiluin >'iin- in mlnix-rn I.i IIFVH Ihnl lim ml kifi*iiK>« in nl Mr* rniN Ihn (lll'ilidttn nivlil IIIKIIUIIY nit .t iiymi(> rMitil at»<f It *•• Jll nf Ih. . .... . . ell. nf KUxnlirlh/• nil V4 t ) Jimrik at Ihp litvvti aliil pllrtiliml wfri i-tn >>f Mii» it u Uw SUndardf ettablisheJ^by u» for ftnt qtiality-and every rubber U branded with the "Hub-Mark.",, , ~ ^ Hub-Mark F<uL)bers arc constructed and the compoundput togcthfirio KiVcrtfie best possible service under all conditions tillje^&oltj'at a price that will permit'everyone to wear Ijttjfic xnajimum returnforVis money. <They co»* I f i I rubber, Try them. 1 -, ' ' l andfor *Hfijrposes. CRANFORD. N phooe3U-J. . and "„ s Fuirrished The Needjecraft OOQOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXKXJOCJOOOOOOOqOOOOOOiOQOOCIOOOOCQOOOO Crnnford l.'roperty Aly Spccinlti-. Real Estate Bought J o l d and Exchanged. ^ AM) .MANAOhMliNI OP »W«»I!RI"V l I'luii* fin llnt.i in (IIK'III'U ( iiilifmil 'I'MIKI ('mil 1 I,Iin IMIII.IIII" tints In. m 111 ul thtH iillti t- W. RANKIIM, 11 NORTH AVtNUt. < RANFORD, N. j . OOOCM XXX MOO XXX xx> «••••«-• •-• * • - • ••- AARON D. CRANE; , Teed, Batefl Hay,[Slraw»fe f #„_„*.„ l;lcvnt»r and Wiirclminc. II>. H.1 <i 1 '- >"" _ tin 1 lit h> !-> 1 ^.i-iirk Umt iii*. 11 full If ti*. unil . iirriw I lull 111 II) 1 nun. II In.I I ( bos*' Automobile Rohw, - - \ Full Line Horse and Stable. Blankets, •-•-•-•• •-• •4-e-*-*—*-•-•-•:•-• * •-• • • • • HNrMARK RUBBERS STANDARD HRST QUALITY lOSTON RUBBER SHOE CO.> Maiden, Mw.

Transcript of Ei&a&SHre flpfti-iitKilili'tM l.'i.ilni'. -. Wilbur nliil i IIM ion In Ih.. Mimril -f i II..JI II...

lsl,-.ii.J:s;x&,',J^Ktltil*iJ <>.' i s ' ..,,.,,.5;. • <r 'fV.Jt...^ ff Jg!(MfijHmlUl, " '. •;

' » " ' . ' ' ."•*.."-



» » • • » »

SANITARY MARKETIntptotcd and pawed ttv V ,X linirrnibwL

Itad NorttAvowes, " . ' • ^ CWNfQBD, N.

-•f j Proceeding* of the t'nlon County• i Hoard til CboMHi l:n*holiier&. t !i»p*L(ttt i f

la ar . l f » I i ft* n I r • . ti it ' .9 . . . . t u n i ( I i i . i • J » i . I I i

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tin" tin.nouM W I

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• >t .I ** i

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1 1 . i l .t i l l t i l l

1 I mill ,,- 1 .

lu »! I



KENILWORTH, N. J 7Crantonl ;. .

>*«*i'hotograplis Biiowiug Hjstum uft l i i k f i t h

m\ nmrlift b\ nl l

Raal Catate Seourltiat.N«w York Stnte apil other bowl*.Water, OBS aod other bonds. .._.,-


i % .local, HniMVeetern.

i i t « it i i> I ' U VI

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in. •• i t

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\i_ i i-iUnst;. Mint



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," III

The Granford' Tru'st -Company,LRANIOKD.

I '!".. . - . I'

gp g jiwo-ton liruuHwick refri^erntm^ phuit n> lniMinirtit, ulutli i*

h.a_LBHLiiuiLluoat_up-i.o=uJ*to-*y*t<mi»-irf-4*foienoe. ' A)l inettdt arei t t nil htnra i^ntnrtPtl frriTfr-it1ii«_miil~"«

|i«s byheing- incJosnd in glnftg cflbtii/ ' _ ' "" ~1 —

Meats, Fish, Butter, Eggs and Poultry."If you want it good get it at Irvmg'a "_

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -• v* • • • • ' * •

B^Pflmier In Pefaulted Bondi• Stntei, Riiirdad'Hiifl Ooul - '

(lid Ittt lUr »kuk(f tad Lipirfaatit

" " OM frintd Sbxk a ; Specultici.

n«a_toyiappointrnenl,s»tfn*t5»att> BIHI conllpeBtiiil, At your horn*e o i r e d . ; . • • • • • • •• - . :

iwYorK OHIo«. ao Broad Slr»«t

V-O.BOIG2. . ' . . . Tel. 28-W.

George4* Robbiris,


f Choice Wlnrs, Llquor<and Cigars. Wi-sl,

(i\lill"(.«)]). N 1nl and triiualnntlu tient and eleftric l



irnlture Hoved and Stored

Pronjpt and Bojinblc Sertioi',FULL WEIOMI




-CONTRACTORS.Stone. _ Cemeiitj

and* Plastering:.atimues FiirDlshoil

. We*t Lincoln Avenue

CRANFORD. N. J.Bo* 1 ~ " "CranforaTNTJ


(I Ess LOllSM

less Bros.PLUMBING,

lea ting and Tinning, jj

For Sale!l!, -.cvt-ft rt""tf<-jili'l It-Uli.-jlr

jiitrnowineiil", lut .IT'ux'JIiT '





C^mtraHJirlb .



(311m iior t« H-

miii;iii. S J

b4tll Itlltli l l

iiu\\ in If M im l . 1 I J I Z

n "T lifinlnrTtml-HMnn MJIB n f i r r . i l t i \ |>..u l n i m i i i i ' ^ i •>( i l . i i . i>. I., . i i i ' im . i lhs iin- oirt'iliM I IK I m u n i ) iitnxiKMI ll'. lilK t lll» U[l| » Illll it US N»lil . Mil III It!•-«•- Ki'i-iitKilili'tM l.'i.ilni'. -. Wilbur nliili IIM ionIn Ih.. Mimril -f i II..JI II I'urlwilrii m .it

| , ii [ I li..l, n nn I Hi. I I I \ .il11 .11 1 1 . Inn 1 . Hi- in.11I1 ,,l

ll«- > !l> iiuf In lnH.iti.tu. uf I., tinurh < <in iiliiu lluli ulili u,r muni

1 .».! 1. ill I . Ill,, l i (i 1 r ) 1 until), n, ,m Hi. mh il It .inn , r llu II HI.null .ifI til.Ii II In III. u»* ..f Iln , 1.null ri.i.lnI.U4I Ul li n.linn I. Uointlb In unit tiltitulI t lp . tU i.r I llliln.ll) tllrtljvir tl. II

I.i>H.ilv^ l_ 1JLM.L Ute MtLiiiL^-tuU i' iWfi-. 11 nl Hi HIM. UK It ..f t lltli.li d« lM»r<.Ui.iin.inS. .r <t, a^iii rt|i|.|i.uiu.n r..r iiii.iiln|illi>n 11. I lni|.l..v. 1H1.11I uf I I O V H , ,.« n . mm. 1 1 ul im.1 nn. , 11, ,,r I i i l aI MI IM im 1 Hi, 11,,iit,l , , r i lH.n..ri KM-I.||III,I»rn ur tin. . iiiim> ur 1'iilnn ni> ln.ri.hitt\Qut 1.I1 it t . vtirm llu. nii|iiii iitlon Ini|i|y»llini mil hi I I I W •mil l l n n a . . . .Nwtlli m. inn 1 i~l>«~n3ii|.l«il nml Im

. 1 4 I i i p . i * u l l u 4 J U J l l l ) u * i * I I * I I V T - I I l » wtliiiljit. It I rutii»> is liu \\_u* nn In«nv."ili»r ITT TTi«- t 11I1111 fi i l l l i l ) \T7imniilnI'tiiiiluHHlon ullit rtli|'li>>til li\ )I>II Mliil.ifti^iiiii^l itft ffalil llmiif 1101 nt Alnulitulii<ili- In t 11I1111 r»uiii) nn Ih" JO1I1 (laytif S, jilt mritT lunt /Ul.l Itiltt tin* liulilHi ..nn.. I I <'ri>nr) tint mi iim 111)1 iluvur Uitiiljir l»l.' nt tllllllilltii TK I I " *(.Hill In Ihr Clt> n( I'luinnnld mill III itiiirniii'lmullMli «4II t'o • I11I111. .1 tin n r.r

l inn) Novi-tiiF,. I I 1 U'

\ \

I J i | U fVI«JTt»l(IA (' t*

M M \ ' I N I> \ II.L1 \M M ; \ \ Inn rni.riufei l*> I 'M 1 u l h ! K

1 iiftnnunii «Uon u tin rpfirul.tl.iM|Hiir»> 1 riim«ii>l»n ^l

I l t SI I H I I I I I I I I I . »

Krcuii H I Ml


1 i("TO I111I.I1 1 1

— MUal~.ll> N JIn tin Hour.I 11T

i*f I inuii 1 miiir>11. !ltl<*ti|rh \ l 1

h i l l I liuiniliii • M miiK • •ctnt.i r14 .1. t III* ll til .1 till illllll IIM

*> Il.f t i l l '

It. ll ! . .tti«

t . iil . l lMl.ilii 111,1 t.,1 hull. 11 I ii 1 h<M. i

I nun If i«li ml1 ..11111 11 or Iim 11 MIJi mil

rIn utithur'Hl

i n . i ' ( l » t u u i i i l li i i , . a n i l U u j i n l

ii-il Iii ll.imutibi f I liuli ii oiti i iur

i"l Mtl Nl'l" II HMITIIllnruilirll Clvkt

oil 111 i l i i i t 1 I 1. . li.vl.l.'r Wilbur thiniilDlllinili ult 11 \lm» Mfi.ri,.,| |n | | I Hillllll 1 It .ml I iifi|inlll^|.• I t H l i , 1 IIU, I Ihr III.HMI ,,r I iKim-nr..»hol I ti . r tin- 1 1 IJMU uf I liliin l«.

In miiuur IIMIHIIV*. uiultl hriLlltll ll|l III I tiMMlll.i

'^rtT I i l l . i'| J|, | VHilrt VI 1 - It i l HH> ftV\Mll \tn|ll» ltM.ll.il

n* 1 huri|f nn.l

• In .it1 I'llxulirltrin fi 11 ln(( rim llufi

Im Inn I I .N Him

l l 1III 1"U In »||«

lniiiiiil.il 1 Jim iif I ntiin Intvii» ' i | 11 Di. I . 1III1 li in. nn 11 H 1 I M.,ruin I i.r Hi. iiii i i»uj 1 u iili li l i t , iirm t *n i l iitiniiiii.iii ..r Kni.1 i i n m m i

tun >u uitHI^I ' v.iitr tiMiiiil .ilit,' l.i.ii 1 I I* 11 tun ,1 S.1II1 tVtlllii* rriifll tin*(11 In&n nrrr llllil Wi>|in>Vf II n 11 1 mill t I I mm I 11 tin. wr i l i , I I IM nnlll|. ur Unionl i a i l t l n * . l>.i| tluttD'iif l>rn»J> uml Nuri n 11. n 1 ' . i l . in i.viliitn In thin i l l f , | . ,n\ .mi. . I I J I M K n Illiln llu .11) limit Mi 1 I m in 1 i . i ( . i l i . 1 ul i l i tin putnf l . l tui lnl l i unit eixi.iKlliiu r»imi \l i i | I. m m i f l l n n m , 1,1 Vmi l i I IV. . IMI^ will, h

» t r - < l — , i i lot iirrt wtftiln Tin Utnllti nf Hilit Iliiil Ihln i l l . 1 I I I itnlmlili i.r I11Itin. .11) i.r I Ur • .1,11111111,u« i . i .

M 1111I1 n\ 1 mil. tn

lu i.iilnlUtTitli «.ni In li -

In III Unit ll fufin 11 li.Kknl link III III. u n i t ) skM. 111 nf, l.i*.livtjijM Uml 11

III Ifl. 1K1 thill H I M I I Hu l l .V I ll f l lI t 4 r t l l l l . ii ll^l h lulli I. I I Hltli fr nut |.lll 11*

t lumikh I l l r i l n l l i iin.l M I I U I I IN < fl i l l l , 1,1 llu l. l lm tn tiH. Miiulil li <ltk. t Ii .1 ri <im in.) fT. i l l . wi.^l.lN 1 I..1 L L _


i i nUmMqim ii^ ntiik.i M

fun,I rimiiiiinw nlri'et 11,11IIHI) I H|l|l> lM| , |



ri ti i l |,urt nf 1}7.kT~i77rn~! VVIMIR " ..1 rn utiil I.IJHLIII mi 1111 n nf Iln 1 I I I I I I Ipmti ] 1 rti i I t t i r i i t rntili* tlifiu

. I'TIt - • - . ">kulllrii|ii uvi (I 11I11. IJI fn

Id «•» 1 I f t i l l ,

... : ...... or'riiA.ii-IVlMi K I. I ?1-V I .N H,r - l lu 1 «i»i^

- 1111 ni.itT.7fi In I T i l lioldiC K I . M I - ltil». iiniiniinlf iillun UU.H r«*firli>il In T* nunfj Hiwi'l 1 niilllljtti'r

W lllTPHU A |M tltl'lll llllS IHI'D |>nl.i l to llilx iiiminlttiw. Ifl ri.lnlli.il

4iikiUK nvcr-Ui ltii'.|{i>y<.*ti(nK IMMI tl l h i i uf lh.it portion of

culled North uv<<i h t i i r

( nl"|l lrrHiiMhi|iv^iiv Kiiint'i|(iii» culled

H iHiin thouiul,m-r, - H n- <TPttr«- tcarmrd -That -a

Ilkr i-itltluii lias l/»Mi preufnlfil to'ir City nf rU?«*

._ . mnj ot OlimenKill tii. inli...l lim nhiil..

I k r i t t t lu i i has b «Hi., I ' H , I ' I IUIHI I nt rhiMth mid Itial tl|f) ll'mrij

Jt.ijt » H> aII

Thlil we nn>i onl_»jLtiiL lhi iiruiuislil'jii unit I.

-trill f |l|« p| III Kill JllUI r- H> till I.111. Illtint unl) nt thi

l l l l U .


I'l I

Iu>nii>hli' Inn idlnlut, U» 1H1

li-iirllli In


l'ril<-kl i r c nilM l IlL

Tj.v>n»hlt> uf I'nlun In lh<- '"uuiittI iilnn til. icrtlfy tliul

( U ' t l I V l

IlL the-'it

at 11 men I IIKf l

nf (1.win1)11 I

at 1 menti r nf tlln', tin- i h

i.f lJn 'I uivflHtiln I ' Ii l l . !i«Jil on . . . „ .iifit*r 191Z tlii '_jioi,vv rfii/;llilti>iiift»i il Jl<y Oi*< uincnliriirtiH \ijl» t/ftil rijliflTlltn-i* ,

Tl>n n

a ly < li"tnn»>rW7ir-«n rViFiTOliii-r l l r inf l . I IliTn'

• • • j in iunl ' -Jt lut i « ^ « m f o u i u i — I . * — I M . .iilllltv linn] I iilnrtilllf.«i ]

"11 III. Hun nl nf lllOKill I'r. i-lmlili'i"nf thi I'miiili nr t'plun

( IHIHI , 111, n I IM. I I I I I I I ruitfii'il l<ti*r-IMI*II»I, mftir.irni iiir-«i^ furriti rm j>for>«<r-

| i .inncm tmil r'»lil..|H» nf rfof '"ouill*I nl.'N h. t fLi 11 Illl.111 >.;ui liriiinr-

1I11 _i Hi nf I iuiifiiHl '!iiiil"lli»CTiiL"li'-_ir iMiriimiii f> |if itrnwr

ti<r 1)1111 tuiriiniiK to lit*i.rilnii of, ilin hltthway

I'||",'"I- ...lnlii'ii nil Hint |>ti. -.ki.nwn H« lln>wii) In imrt'RMII ail

' " ' It'tii n

liiciiiKh ihr Titwiwlilfi tit Unl'ii Tii lift>mjltob M I I I I llfrnilow ntn«t lu (lipil l of I"ll7l4-Lolli Jtii,l ||,nn In liuvn anilmi ruvi) tin* H up*, ik* n rnuntk' roqiini(? liillllnnrra *u> "unlliiK Hull unlitMk*m<.m l,i» of i* iintruttfr hnovtn K.H.rn!fn|tA Mt-r n^iilinlt tuftf hiluin

>'iin- in mlnix-rn I.i IIFVH Ihnl lim mlkifi*iiK>« in nl Mr* rniN Ihn (lll'ilidttn

nivlil I I IKIIUIIY nit .t iiymi(> rMitil at»<f

I t *••Jll nf Ih. . . . . . . .e l l . nf KUxnlirlh/• nil V4 t ) Jimrik at Ihp

litvvti aliil pllrtiliml wfri i-tn >>f Mii»

it u Uw SUndardf ettablisheJ^by u» for ftnt qtiality-andevery rubber U branded with the "Hub-Mark.",, , ~^ Hub-Mark F<uL)bers arc constructed and the compound puttogcthfirio KiVcrtfie best possible service under all conditions

tillje^&oltj'at a price that will permit'everyone to wearIjttjfic xnajimum return for Vis money. <They co»*

I f i I rubber, Try them.1 -, ' 'l and for *H fijrposes.

CRANFORD. Nphooe3U-J. .

and "„

s Fuirrished The Needjecraft


Crnnford l.'roperty Aly Spccinlti-.

Real Estate Bought J o l d and Exchanged. AM) .MANAOhMliNI OP

»W«»I!RI"V l

I'luii* fin llnt.i in (IIK'III'U ( iiilifmil 'I'MIKI ('mil 1 I,Iin

IMIII.IIII" tints In. m 111 ul thtH iillti t-



• • • • • • • • « • • • • « - • • - • * • - • ••-


, Teed, Batefl Hay,[Slraw»fef #„_„*.„

• l;lcvnt»r and Wiirclminc.I I > . H.1 <i 1' - • >"" _

tin 1 l i th> !-> 1 ^.i-iirk Umt iii*.

11 full If ti*. unil . iirriw Ilull 111II) 1 nun. II In.I I

( bos*' Automobile Rohw,- - \

Full Line Horse and Stable. Blankets,

• - • - • - • • • - • •4-e-*-*—*-•-•-•:•-• * • - • • • • •



DfiherWorld's News LOCAL


<riinc'nli"ih IIIKJIT theof ilu lnirtUaii Au

scbrSol or* found to exist s diploma Isgranted. the district and a plate ispUred ebore the door of the school-

TO PATROHS* P A T T E M C E ! amHonest Merchant Dee*

Pleas*, *ut OfHim-

• I.W»ii rr>«-h<*l f?oiti Kijine(IMItlgHlMlMl

*.*nd good roail»mlvi,-j.iii-s flut-l theywill attend and ur-im fruit nil iild on «n

>x-ten«hc *rnlV. All.nf HIP go.od roadsorganisations o f the <-«untry and vari-


.'uinilment or certainfort her te-qtilreiDerits a higher dlplo-wa will be"Iftsunl. and the plate .willread "superior school." - : " • Vhis'tmej-estlng device-Is.part of ayltroroua campaign waged by the *tat»of Illinois in behalf of rural schools.

Diacauragtag Handtcae*.I IF YOU VALUE 11FE AND LIMB

f > r t t e r T y f fffrmrra; hamiilicil In parth-Jpat'K nx'woll im-

j'.oFgonlza.ll^iii iiiiiV" jvlr Improvemeet bodin in ritlr« from tbo Allantic to tbe Padflc. Ooveriiorsof.-»y-*f*- state* appointed

KANSAS WHEAT -..'.'Tiio state of'Kansas alone will this

jenr produce enough .wheat io feedE tbe population

It 1* fomparatfTely easy for —•wall merchant to get Into Batons* taMa particular, commtiojty. rrtr •*»«•through no fault of hi* w a l He ftw-ipjenUj finds himself ricbteeosij- eev

\'' last January, andit is. e»p<*ted that;

. practically; every tIBle of the: forty• . eJgW wjli-'bo represented at1 the com.

;iflK.cbn?cntloo.,:,...r--^.;,..;: . . : ; : , . .'•:• --"Tiis* conrdntion T* i!f; much Impbr-j--.tsnce, because. It; Is .mpcctca.lhat.,fcd;

era) aid wilt bo one of the Irmllni; qu'pit-tlons of tlie now cojigrcts, which" takcjoffice March i, •

• • ' • . " • . . ' • • , . . » » . > . ' • . •

loaf 03P. bread a day,. .and the Kanaaewheat crop would provide thla average ration for iT537

customers, aa U atated Is the CKcag*Tribune. —. Whether In towns. Tillages «r stefch-

borbood* In tbe cities,, tb*-small bajtf-iie*a-.inan-4iai. * bard«n-mieg•p1ei1JuTwblclS"mar1i*coni« a

Masai to •serMe*: Cither WhenFsw IVacautiens Will K M »

t t amWpea la the best of bomesT' TBejrwUloecsnr la the poorest and In the bestrqgalaied.' erne* and among the mostcental. Bat the largest percentage ofacrtdeats are doe to carelessness-

Indeed- M*Jiy of Ms customersto know him by sight and oasw

B ' _.&*?<*»>&£**&r-th*t--4t; eoold l » * ™ ^ ^earth nt tbi» wjuator thirty-two «me*J "er*)n*J b«»Jv. h* has hto ontowith lH»autlful one |iouwd loa.ve*. Kor b i" l k | D« uP°n that relaHonalilp toiheir liuiuiier crop t_hj farmers of Kan- " * "


WUIIain W. Ilockblfi, I ho Amurlcimambtaaador to Turkrr, whom tiiti Dal-kan outbreak IJTOURlit Into prominentnotice, la • oatlvo of rhllaili-hiiila, nod

jrcVop t^j farmers of Kan-*>aa ivlll receive the liandaomo total,-»f.$85,000,000, and vcre the wheat allmade Into.ljrp»d and nolda't' ft rentsl>er. loaf tho Imko shops would set forI t | i 3 ? 0 , C N » , 0 Q 0 , • . ' ..:. . ..••'.-. '..


The winter eJblblllon of tho NationalArademy' of Itoalgn, opening In thitFlue Arts building, Now -York city.Dec, H, Continues until Jnn. 1 . Theprlzea offered Include the following:ThVCarnegfo' pri^e of $5O0.for_UieiietlpaTnaSFTBy in America unrtlst. por;traits only accepted; tho Thomas It.Troctdr frlieo of $200 for the best por-trait mi exhibition, tho Isldbr mcilal foeHiQ liMit figuro compoDltlon by an Amor-Irnn nrllitt ami tiiP-Jtlnlrn Konler liar-

bnett prlw> of |10O for the bent "piece of.r*rul|)Hin»"by an nrtlst under the- ageof thirty-lire yenra. • ' .

• - • • " • ' H '

advantage of every other boose"to th*nelghharhooi-i-Jli*: .may tt-m-gnnr.and mnrketmflii. He get* lit* froft*.vegetable* and kindred daily »»pp*i*sIn order at 8 qVioek,'» o'clock oc'jale*n«lino dlotniic«<JrtrK8JH3i/fo'B lh»_aajfcply renter. Tliriie everyday mippliware displayed for* Mle.fi> tWbeart •*-youtucr for j l i» ehrly ix-rsunaJ »h»frper. Xfost of Ills telephone orders eosse

I liter In tlie day,..when: bis atmta vt'personal buyers/seeing to what theyget, have Jjiudlcd the stock B o n or

_ can get to it, all sharp sticks and•acfc traah racked op, all post holes•Had. weak {daces In fences fixed, allgates shot and tools In shed iusteaH.pf,

8e« that th» stable floorsire safe ift s ^ a r t l a a ^ p f timber: llaiytlmeaone or soon* timbers that support the&KH- beoMM broken and thus Increasetine strain «ej; tbe remaining supports.Tbas the «o«r appears all-rigbt Dot]»he dtwtKKd tlmbersSvill break -whenB e a s t e x p r r t e d . " ' . '•••••• .. '.•'••:•-•- '



ZERgEN»_PBOORE8S^iI»r. \\\ H. llnico and J;r. II. N, Hud

. « *..v UMO*«V niivmu

r nrp»lrpd or torn down and not leftt#'«l*r»y as?fall In. They will be most•M t« cvnarve when the stock Itiinder tbeai ISMBC wet time or,,Jn,a_storm""-«• of boards with nails in them__ iraoscej oL inucb suffering..|p 1 nian

orbeaxt. ;:". ' . • „ . ' ; . , •. '•'• \\ •---•.:•

OM or £efectlte harness should ner-rr he ji«t.»jujy_liiiiiiL6£s-4«>r»e'r:«ndtiw^ nrkirle sbonld; be Sjrfauftless.as

•» ...uvo-ium jTuira ana »*«*-»«** *«««?•'. .Many, arcideuts arc tootnblcs; oven I f i ea t s"^*TOa«y^t^ i< o * '««^kinds of mnrkct suppllm, cannot b r « t j r»**«i»l«i 1» fully as necessarydesirable and fresh and tempttnc at 4 - • • • • • • -o'clock In .live, afternovn-a* they werent 8 o'clock that morning; ,%'raaaethese; fruits and vegetable suppttw tbef hopper, coming in person, has .tSItWlioses, ' goiiged Into them, peibap»Cpepped Into bottom layers and mad«

rotuiriffl»~morp simple that a state-ment of trutb-that *ruit» and

r t t t j r .


" Litchfleld, Conn,, Is his homo address.HI* diplomatic scrvlco has Includedthe posts of minister to China and amba***dor to Kuisls.

. • : ; : : - : : • .~-^« ir-*—-•••-•.-FIRE PREVENTION

. The reason for postponing tho OrepreTentlon wngress from Octobbr un-til Dec. 16 was that a larger attendanceWBS expectsd of European.experts on

' very much desired by tho AmericanaInterested,;in view;of tho fact that theEuropean fire loss.per capita Is onlyB8 ceota, while it f* 12.60 In tbo UnitedState*. An exhibition of fire fightingdevice* will .bo-a feature of the con-g r e w . • , . , . - - • * . • . -.. •' .

••":- --^J^Jik-ji^^^^----,• • A N J M W E R 8 A R I E 8 •'• .• -. - f •.': I ,\-\f;

Dec. 10, 1882—Two lede'raf armyeommandors, Iryla _McDowoll, and 1>•tv^rt^M--.--_^ Un f l c r investigation by

ltalne»^hle(iy^nder7the:auaIjilces of Amerlcnn capital nod enter-prlne, nnd of otltrr mining nctMtle*flnniiccd b,v llrltlnh onpltal. TheseUrltlxh;nnd Anier'li'aii:pntcrprlncH nre

Wovfit^fc^tttttteri-sls iif great

p p d Into bottom layers and. m«i«*elike Inquisitions, all to the 0elrimm»t

j)f porlshablo good*,.

INGREDIENTS OF PERFUliESLCombinations of Che'mieala U—4

Imitation of Flower Extrasts.In

Ity on the part of tho NorneKlans.jvhO,althoii(th they, hnro not the sanio oom-racrclal nhd' Industrial interests usGreat Britain und America, are der el-oping meant of communication by postnnd wlrelesa telcgraphr.


Doc. 13 marks tho semiofficial halfccnton«rx_,of_tbo bnttla.,vf r»c«Jer-K'ksburK, olio of tho greatest Von-flicts of tbe civil wnr. At nbout 10o'clock, Pec. 13, 1802, tho Fed em I leftwing under Ucucrnl, irtaukllo attack-ed Jackson'* Confederates along tbo

iffi»'lHic.,cBeniJ»t»caUlnorl.v iiII porfuiiicii were extracteJ fnnafliMVorn, fruliii. spifps, wood* or utberveg'ptabie and nnlmaj snbotantvu.

Ttrb'flrat jierftiine' to-be imttatrd Mvnhilla, In 187H. tlellotrope followed,being obtained by oxidation; of m. by-

1iiwluct"or^atopMr7/Terp|JiSiT^~«ejti»ftbo roost freely used consttraents »fporfuiiies. This U a near

a*as on the farm. .,.

,,_»el <if;hot water stand-War f«c "Jo« a tnlnutr'1 or keeps' battle.*

[ *i |«>i«Ki.Mdr b.v.nide wUll 11)0 jipppcrantot and caosh slrujils guilty of ciimjnal|-«amrfmwa>ess.'' • . ' '. • ' • .". ; ' .

.VI jx*«wo«, (wxtperl.v labeled, shouldnofie.aTjSaoR/liy theniwlves beyond ther « « * of rtd)d«Ti. It is »(-ll to have nt

• J>aa«l a » w » -«nr1ic an* bo faujlllnr1 with MvtHotta tor %fc*mrfS~jiBiiff7•ad iiee!tvtas,"~"1>on*t allow "empty"

! *lw*4wna to stand arouna. "sttotold be given positive

from nil

AVI Hi thh, n little oil and miua fottEsa chcinirit rnn [irudm-c n iierftime tttatcan senn'ely Uo distinguished fromthoi'o exhaled by the Illy of tbe Taller.lilac and Cape jasmine,, varying;

MiriKtSniidt JloTJoLJlicw f t h h i t h e d a n g e r l i m i t . . • .••• ,

<«a tbe farm are Hjulfc <xmnnon,bat is OMMt cases arr ptvventalile. Seothat tfce «41i»u«T8 and slmppl|H>s uroalvrsjns In svod order, and ccerclsoosre la haadlinjc lamps, matches. In-AaaaassHe materials, explosivea, light-«4 fifwsi sad ererrtttlng from which

defet mol t . Several flro extln-cisisheis sod a few rods of hosa nt-

*»_«. fcnt.nump.-at.—l«wa flonmlead.

H a v e y o u f e e d e n o u g h f o r w i n -t e r ? ;••• '• .—.•• • •• ; _..;•, ..

I'rcpaw for tbe worst and nope~for the bes t , ."' • V

Is your machinery nndMCovctV-or-is^leftTv1jerc~youln3t used

n r • : • . ' • • . - ; : • • . • ' . : •••'.:;. -.

-Are you.-taktaf/'ao' ogrlculturalp a p e r ? -; '. .. ••••;•• -. :.' *- ' ;•:--ilayo you given any-serious'

I thought to the-Ksak for tb«-t>'ln-

f tetJ and tbe planx-'for the workfor the coming year?* . . . * . . - . -- Is your mtme upon |bc mailing'list of the state agricultural ex-',

-lierl.nipnt station? - .. Is tho social lifo In your com-'

rannlty what.lt »lioul<l be? If i t:


.'•..:. Ready FOP the Ax at'Three.\»"a rpKUlt_of_a_llirx!fl:

^yhlto-Leguorn»<-at:-the'>;SIltrytB1ii"d~oxr^erJro»nt=-«t_aHdtr^toe--ricreentflge orshrinkage In'egg production during thethird year, proved concluslveljr thatbirds of this nge nre^iunlutulned at nncrious duanclnl kws.


my OTHER ...j If Your Soil N«*ds Lime:It Prsbw!,

J^early.jUrsoUs-wblch ifprrf rih'..V;other elements also. • l\y the Imico-operutlvo tests- JBSCaloim l«»IOJI pniidirepd/-a&y-iiwrktrt-nsinTr

some Instances' pbwplioni* i-neededt In olfier*- nltrospn 'iwni-

-mu», whilo other soils require ilYjiii*nd;aeration••'tfiCwrfi A Ktmly i,fcrops growing 'oil..land, .may" fumi*!the cvidem-e_!ie<!tie<l.to determine the soil 'requires... I'oor sini'iis:olovor and tho Bfawtii of red. siirfc! ..-dcVborrlcs In thick pafheg in the. tiij'lIndicate an nelit soil. Tli].«. "f .Y.niVUow not »lgnl/y thnt there mnV n"i>oilier causes rfliilrlbutlng'to the iIT-IT.

•JtrtWo'lonTpor'Bcro, hnrro"' it In•!••'fore sowing tho tvbejit, and >n ii;<spring sow the clover na usunl. A roni-'.parliion of the crop* on: tho Hrai-'i ni»iujrtlme<l land will thenlmllcatnjvhiMii^Triljntng^hTSJmproved tlio~ioil»rnSr^uioKHme jJYja-jnpJt-inuiicJla



• • Save the Molstursi ':

Moisture Is of llttlff peneflt when it is••Jlowed~torriiu-^iR;'^a^Tn»^«plulBie"plant:food in Its course to tbe sea. 'ThViffl'ywtf or nib(s'ture.ls to stAre I''It- u ^ •liy^e«iriy=aiia!IiaKffT>lSivre5T5KsK31

former corps commander,- was before


pontoon boats,.,., rrJPBC..Jm. - ift-.^r.jMi-^MiaaaaisiaMi

graph-cotopany at a meeUnjr in Lon-don decided fo~ralM ^000!,qoo -tb lay

>^:CynryrrFfoldfs:«coan'.ca'bler^8hatca'":-• were fixed at tSS.'.:".' .•'•"' -':.;..".' -. / C ^^ , ^ r ; - ; ' : r ' ' . - • : . . » » > « • • • , • • • - • ! • • • . • • * . • ' • • • • . •

V ^ H E e r o B I B ^ ^ A M E R I C * ^ " ^ : ^---;- TBe cohf (Jronco 6t port.ftuUioritlcs -of'•ith# tMlfeidi Btate«;; held. inTlnsw-V'ork'

cltrDeci O,iwjBji forthoparpoie;'of dis-cnsslng pprt org&nliAttoiil j)rj)0)ating

„ . ! „ — ^ of .uniform methods o£ ad-

Th*~ide*^pi the conference)' originat-ed wjto CalvUrTot -*•

•of; docks -of- Kow aorit; acorga.^orrt* . director of the departinent or

wharf*,.docks and ferries of Pbitadel-- phlo, ttndrflrugh-BiincroftJ:-"a'rm»Ii of

crBl|icolumns, jWbich-wetftipacked -In.theJ^.et*^^eAjb^i^a;aartefc:.o#desperate1* charge*.' against Marye'i

•;••';• W l . / Bwf Is S o ^ i o h . :' ••partial «^laaaUonv''pf >'hy beef .- •

Jso Wjrti *» «bat wSienn j-oung or tliln |fs«««rl« fW for beef 1t costs more per

yWrTyhifad«;p plo«Tng, thenennsenr it b.v intelligent cultUatlou.—Karm and Hnneh.

„ T1IT1" ...T-i-. ' I M ' T 1 ™

Milts In siviH'tcniiifc tho soil, nnil in nv,IpaHliiK inlilernl plant'food. Tills. Is »*••••coiuplished, however, nt tho PSIKMIM- «'.mpolinnlcnl cpndltiou und ulth n l"-tof nltftKen: ' ,

Quicklime Is .caustic in Its'aelfnn amf'very destructive, to orjtanic. innti'-r.

.it!i;-Cflh.tlnuedjyU(ro .4hi>K>fore-(Itmiiitrl*-continued', heavy . applications of IT-garile tefttcrial and to n less degree »t

^ o ^ l i L D r ^ i u i d a M ^ l b v ^ i i o i i u M h ^8tt>no_is »io\vcr In Its netiou, 'l.'iit lii»not .the .unfavorable'features bfcii'iM!'.1

lluie.—Orange Jiidil Furruer.

.. •• —- - w.^»wuji 4U taror or.Jac^on^Lee's.baUerlerion-thB-belahtji'^^^^^ir^" ~ ~ ^^^--A-i^-.-^--™«ar-nbove tho town opened fire onthaTeoV I -_ ™i* ' " - :lem<a^ Indl"B Tenraiiie


wlicM those "guns wero ita-Kear the baao of tho hill a

j j j

or. lemonjjerbcua.' with commontoneiaTsubstance very-litaera?^^""*^"^'"^"-^

^n**ijfll«lrf%-, «,u^,™ mumaiDemaa ftar enough ahorii to make- o a s earnedby fattening .it. This ,

Putting Love to the Test

catlreaasaHanta TrtUnwfunilaiiptor.- Night put an ondto tho tuOle af-tompU in which 7.000 Kodorals badfallcC rLThe-Gonfoderattrloss-aetUljpomraid'Bot'oiceSrtSOa BurSslde-stotal casualties werrlO,281,fceo1 ^

,..„ a.v> K=rQj' Poaton.. who have BftE out4i^tationS?t6 portj

offlcUla throughout tho Sountry^and to |influential shlppcrsnndtraaaiiortat

^omciaJavJ"'"-'-"^- "• — " "' '

l) perfumes are l a ttntlons, and tUcy arc almost always. ln>-ferlor t th fl

* b 0 u t by theWisconsin College

pywlso-flower that-knowst k ntume.—Chicago' rrjbu

tbat they terns sa8fc'l\(ie>.Qta Paaplsv( e Q a aplsv

In.St-lY«B>:Ctimiw»U. there- are-xooople between {b« (

8t6e»SJea i^ttatto Dhe audmal Adax.

DR;HRA S. WILE. or aa. average of

Dr. fta B, Wile, who has been »»pointed a member of the board of oda-^ f t l l e n o t b K V r t i


I liavo sniif'X-fcar,-p^ofW8oivt«-*h|0 said1,' toying Tf *;Now,\iftli hnr fan, "that if • "you you would be constantly referring

.l_sbuuj(i liut_love.is,;--lt Ufl^-been-iilflr.. Schelbler ofjho Beriltiuv lonsiamiy rcrerring I "r- ocueiDicr ortho Berlin In-ni

adcntlflc cause. If, for B|ectro Tborapouug thus -I lie


lotiweiQ^a'fldwe^lulversary of our~~jreddjng that:ls to. shy: th'ay

.jelt-esas ground that the DhofiiSiTmhlr. imnrTa" * D T e n »?nt In completeaccordh^ciDr, —

a*n knows rfenfiyistwnK, whereas .your: acUon 5 ^ ^ i > f ^ ° ^ l ^ ~ ^ -;--'•'in. would b^welfotwoul4 behorrid." "AndthT^r2^.£"Ks * mIItfMsi^^^Nskl^^^^^ental^




THnuTactured e m o t i o n ^ ^ W ^ a ^ 3 . " ! ^ * d B ^ r , ^ wictnred emotion, for'lt sorely^Irnot- ^ m ^ ' ^ ? * "* pt ?n "erecabTfaaraVJ«te anger, fear, pity. And ^ ^ S i r ^ L t * •'• .k- • i

inatrfisonial chWsTwta^aj^not fitted tsf« fE m%9 * * ^ ^ S W _him-:wi&p»^ciR-«OierT 3Vlthvwhi^ta*ol» ^ M : ^ ^ 8 ™ ^ ' ' . ' ^ 1 1 ^ ^ *

ai^thoughhe 'Mae^jteaSMOTCft^S:"""^;-".^?-^wucn-lnrthla^way.accumulate .,_ _ „ , ^ - ^ - - ^ - ^ ^ ^ e s r o g i t "Then yoVa^n^W^IttimarriaW - ^ ^ > ^ S WlUl0Ut dlstu''t)l"-lfe

• f iu:k'w.<¥bet^»f^i l5^ H ^ •••-•• -' -, '

ta^* 7'^w»r«^2<'hi?h causes the__ ^ , . ^to^a ^Mt known^a-sKnBathirir- '*.

- . a,---—,•,-_. ,^ .»»^. • , j ug!^i lg of"Hbit*eeaTartslM on j.tm» I not always-Jwr able"


who would offer 3 cexists: b^Vween~?lWotj 5gie -In'a" 'itjlegrce''to1"" """ ' .Z.-.

measured to ascale, just as wejneas

nel»*«>»!-And tbfi Is lavemlllr-wbere

~ • u ~~- S^t^iWfl'^-^d^^S^oJLthe.'c^S;lore thermometer• *

thoWhere. g(ilttons are comnTau^pf "hi*. KCO'auts." Ho

wrong;bis whiunsi-





m Wi^ioo.'tuils

mZMOQTHEfT :THJKgIf Y*urSoil N . . d , Lijn, ,t e b M

R«J»lr.s Oth.,- EI*m.nU A!,,

Hher elements also. • 1-u." the"i'i'li"i"T"-operative test*. UiSCaiow i ^ ^IQPl' prOntK'pd' BHU ifc, . i J..I

instances; pbusphohm j . -;,;;,•,,-v~li. In oilier*:. nitrogen •„,-'{• '• ,HIM, whllo other soil, rcquiTr ilr, ,nd aeration (A ,,wi \ M l l , , , , ,"

he oUdeiu^nMHlwl lo ilctermiii'.' t •be soil requires I'our SJI, c , , ,lo\or nml the grand, of r.il ., n

et\ Ijorrle.. In tlil<k pat. hos », tin iJ lidirate nn arid KOII 1|||« ,,f , - s

nes not sljjnlft tint there in it i ,",.her inusi-s contributing to MIL

illuieflppfy ground IlmcMnne it ULCJM"* ntoTJns per acre, hnrron it In i ~re son Ing tho wheat and ^ i .>rlntr sow the clo\er us nsunl. A i n>...irlson; of tho crops on: tho Umi>d ni»l"W l m w n » n d -trill then imllcntn whi-tii

QiilrkllnVo elves moi»t ipini"-!!!"" '••Its In sweetening the coll nml in ri- •IHIIIK inlilornl plant'food. This U »•'•:mpllstied. howover. nt tho OXIKMIM- ..;•chnblcal cpndlllou und with n |'.M

K ,JutckUmc Is cmislle in Its nrlimi n,,,fry destructive to organic:-.iiintK-r.'

C « j n t l ditlnucd. heavy... applications, of IT-lie material nnd to n loss degn n , fMphojnin and. potash.,, -tsrouuil-iin't-no Is slower In IU notion, un \.wthe uufinoriililfl rrntures of i in-'

o.-Qningu Jnild nirmcr.

to the TestLATHROP

fy"T> I unvn said l l i u «i> i,n"j<tt lu \e fa. It lw? been ,1-lm'ti l«Schelblcr ofjho Berlin In-iifitn • ftro ThcrapeuBcj thus -HIP ..s ir

-tng interlor~gf ii i^e^W1

3 ^ ^

'oman's Section of the PaperA Christmas Gift For Baby

' « ' ;

l» a charming toy for the rhrliraui*. utorkliut It Is Ju«t the -thinsght Ibe heart uf baby. '1 lie tittle WOOIIMI poodle U rrmjhp'nl of nhKe

|loo|i» uf 111* yarn brlug ll««l for the hair on tin- lieml, nnnniti the IMI the tall. The re«t (»f-the aplmal l« iloue In plntirtloubl* rrt«-lie(. Thei done ulth ft nmll» R»<1 rolornl \\<*-\ "Mtmll ! m u l»lnUrt> w t

the flKure. and the rlbhou atnrheil to the bow on tlhe-'dog'i w tntei lu n rubber or l»5rj t»>thlnf r|ne.

IM»y 8* 8t»rted Any Tim* Fr*m8tpt*mb*r to Jtnuary,. uiauy bulbs may be grown

, borne window. They iire'ln-Uve and help lo brighten up therlnter and add a touch of Kprinji.itbs may be stnrtetl itpy timeJeptember to January and wilt

In eight or ten week* afterDg. Soil or water will suit them.

rotrlnc use a light rich soil andI on* bnlb to a pot. using a four

Inrh •!»* '•'«"* "> tha.top ot15 !i_"jntt abofe_tbe~Turfac«"or

htoll. Water well after plantingi place In a dark corner of a cobl•r to rout. This will take from sixllgbt weeks, llrlng them Into the

rootn at wanted. They will

warm room. Do not allowi to become dry after planting..

and daffotllif requiregt the H I M treatment ai hyarluth*.

that they crow (alter »nd de-I leu room. Three bulb* may ea<llyown In a ilx Inch pot The large

: tarletlen are- unique.u«ea..rrUk'Ji nre.ftnir>ne ourenrll-

prlng flowering bulbs, are ea«y to> In the home nlmiow. I'lace sitght _bulbsLla a_»U.lnch-p(A-a.niL.

about thoiarae as hynrlnth*.pnvo tq the living room when the

i nn> one nml n half Inches hlj?li.• niny nlao lx> crown tiy plaoliiir Inn\v hmvl* 4rnn.nir (tone* or I"'!'-nnd tllllns the bovyln until the

cornel nearly to the top qf thnThey will grow and flower

with no 'toll. — Orange Juddner. " ~ i

EdibU Chrlttmat NovtltUa.' wllojV inirae i i

younR friends: A l«w vj n'nluritfD.i t o j h e family with Ihree-nnujM

to eol|ese-you


M u klti-hvirdldnrectnnt It ts tvci'llent

U U a (rood rleanli<r' fnr hnttle*.llrixiiin nuakeU In hot tall ~water

vvpnr tM'tter.-WheiTlhrown'on any burning •nh-

•mnce It will Mop the imoke and.

UlacU *pnt% on dLihes and dl«e«lora»tlon* on teacups way often be re-

iL'Ar|>et.'L_'jui!_ brightened and their.

colnM prewrved If wiped withclollw Avrunc out of •nlt.wnter.

All >pjrftntilt>* thnt tuny harlmr Ini'i ivt i »luinlil Ktnnd In n unlutlon of »altwater hefrirp they are tHMsi

rVmow* tgafrnm Mlr^r «pi>orn anu will

c/iu«» fruit «lnln» to lx> more eaollyremoved fmm linen. —

Salt uprlnkled'iin n pantry ihelf willrid It nf antK.

IMwolred In alcohol It will removegrea*e »JM>H from clothing.



nnp 4hm '*Pon't bo tt msrtyt. Rear thn

Ills you cannot help tilth, nhutfortitude jnu 4-nfi uumtrr. I'lichtih<> Illii that'muy IH> tBiuitiinliwI.Siiuiiiion phllomipby iifiil rflliihinto your nld. If viVr yon are n<-sailed by the trmptu'llun t» be.niehuifbuly rernvmU'r tbdt "thedarkest day lhe.1 till toniprrov*

-will bn,TB passed nVnjr." j - •The {rouble tvlth «ome of us N

that we keep looking In Instead Z<if-Jnoklng ou t -rye^r*1 Intro- (Jspectlje. y ^nre


BJnent In completenccordnnTrvr—ssciUaUona In tho.-Jntorlor ot *OLJ« 'rpprs'oo's bo(Ji\f '*w*Uailpns! That's a~mau'»>v»tho mor8H«tfgcn between wli.li'ay oscillate ihoBctrerjfHiippoMcaao-don't intercupt,^:MT~fs^Kf"Vwccssary that the r e i c t l o t i ^menl~-^ntlment?

4s vcry-tUm-

•.~fl)9»l, moisten It »IfTnvater ntii

»-t4jd ninltlens. —dlvlilual plum puddlng^^-ta^lie j ulntlni;. riii~<.oi»mon inCTo-wO^lnto af J p s liousn by hefc-f§olif lady."who,keepsloaf of salt rifting bread and | Uio imiidruir

ifnttt-lireftd to the brltIs-s<<cvlnB o\er the llodjvluyjlnnlii); with the sole*

i(jji]Tti!*-4" fte--euoj)8niend-; tho~fnee until It KUIHK, tli«Mi>t«<pJnto nBrslTi6Ttdftx5etti««oj>«ay~fni8i I bsthluti (iSYtlyJllUHl with «arni wi

'TiiMLjhen s|K>iii;« ilie^anjt off quickly,terftrat-jyiouge the1 lioil^-nlth cvld

Mince piesLumong her gifts. All the*<MTeup-fit th* most attractive rosmie

Jood to Clean Filtrlats.and-lami

good for cleSiriacwblte or lightIhjst" well Wlth-efttwcjKiwdei

_ ited-on their faces."since'tb.e~~two~ilbratio.ns fi;mthe movement pfatt--Hi in this way accumulate*Uielir rays without dlsturblns tl v

oppose eacffTreatt l» acandle." -

which causes the senknown BsTsynipathy."— ' *chine svmn«thv^ TM «tr»<ir-a in

ajn on aTe w "days"$rgood remedy consist* of a

(of bran~BD<Cbenxlne rubbed Intoand left to^di CJwWre rub-

; off.

Maesreon lc«,r, pound and measure one . - ^ ^~~ " t o one quart of cream,

~ irth* of a cup of~~ of vanilla.ar abd a ta

uf, using 4hree

t>ntli," asthe salt


The newesf'tnblgjdeft Is the Inill-"" ' napkin case.^"Kiie-ordinary

housewlfe~~camiot hare'fresh n*pkln«for every meaTTTMul tbe napkin caseVserro^tbe same puriKJar-as the rings,

istTof keeping the nnpklnssBjtsrjte.'AlTTth*i»*«lire_embroidered. someTupunch wofl^-olhMs^Iil drown work,>yeleior solUI eJfibralderyijind eachone ihoaldj}* different TtJe tame de-sign may be Trteijf Initial* arebroldered-tm eacb'-io iIe»lgnste-tbB'dlf-

rent memlien of the family^ ._

hie Rival Spi^i

:~Ani aQ Is io_veT~nmllls~wuere

together-to tomust Vibrate for 0 *


'. Uu- threo t'-«ts ">

actlouary .ttbntoir «•' <>

ftBtt HMdl »»U"»ltB Halt.\M as» half

•usxnrs VIEW_ OF VANITY.

*—»tj arksi* tkey ar» jtowtbta,t mtM swt bare tkst Btrlea* •»•

fv>m»!t-«f rrlltnff*. aaj grslnlnf

«* <i«-n>. *>nd friiiilnc of cartatnv>Mt<Ia

The fVeek's Illustrated StoryThe Philanthropists'Club



141• twt l i l l lKl tt I


turtvinl' • n d 1* ft

. lull « i t holdingtts usuil relabrstlan ut (It* tt*t'rTSU

th* r-rwlJtut <ra* tb*~f tec'AM Hjrtf Teal pleasure orTtii 11 ft Q.nr rti»«<_



Intokl* over withlianiiewnand

Ih* gvsture o( s utulr*

«t.**^Tm* h** »«.J1* 3*,- t W am. a f r t M L U«t ii"'. nl«W l u •S'^Vr? l W . V ^ Z W - ' •" ""- 'ito*.*n.t tM»tt»r «x*tk.« « a k ! » k n -t i» t» i l ( « 1 « a enttag* with a , "" ""

of !In jsbettvnr Uttf»

Itmwn fn is*'«>*n»

«X»T». *>tal~r tiiiiw tt lotU\mt sml ha|it>K>r

tifiorru • tmKrj m l | * tt.-^iJ* M. «ti>el «rm(e

iai .(Tiri«tm»« »T», unt only'for i I I , till Iliteoeri «ttmiUtiy,

I .)» noti iixir pl

that 'sml

Hut 1 ujr llfxih H*U uf til* r.i|H-u

ttmlIf nlnl

«rntikt, If

« ailtei1 knife sml rtr» H r s nnut. the Imivr niay t* «*%r>l ? jway. f.>r m.up Mvlt HUB* ^aM*rfr>lli)f [viu «dd put [ri tti*lnl<i.thi> hol«x Irft tijr tt>»tmsll lump*, nf tioltff. i(>*Ui&ir «*^'*»3«S *'>rl • <tiunh >• It >U'<uld b* «'sml tH-f<|n*r nrer them a n j u>i«> *v.«fji j'>-* xu>t • %,uru*U\t t-toti to p i » ti«*rtmttr*thr.tKiri»r ha< nirJ'nT: Sfr»»>"fefT*" ••w "srj; *i kn su-1 wslks sud t t Ifon frvah t>utt*TfHt t<is«C j«uv.ld %4 fvg lit* IS&ht Into th* *VIHI to

afar. Ultin* 'Us fslr hulnht

ih« t'ur(»i^ of «Utn« tuiiurdlsT* ffifefvi fur >• i>ur fuMi went lull In otjWrt u t x r r t s l n (aiiiethln* vf th* »«t*i\t ofihV "|H»*erty • i l t t tuc In this «r«it ottT **

• ft • • • •notttnc," l*«»n l(rrn'ol<l«•Sklp«ll thtt,-' h'tdlly put tn * n«w»-

[Kt*r man "i)f roun* If It *s>lima r<* It K « » •n»wtng "

'Th*-.!!•.|II»H ou i i i i l s tn tin part* | '1 i lrclrd Ih* f.inntnln," h* wtnt on,had ranptai ttr«ui>*|trt s* tietrlT t* ; "tnd (iruireditit b> t Uni«-tienib, wbsra

frowning n< h« Itikt.l'My *»|'»rtenf», i t ld tl«. "re««n>ti!r<»

tn • <-«irt»!n-tt«ifr*« ttut ».f my. frltndHe) ni>;tl* -rbrm. I mint h«re »l«lt«ti|th* *«m« psrk. fnlnn |>irk. w n MV•with * »io,| to Itevnold*

' Y H , • rcpltfvl ItcynoMs, "Fotow

po»itil« I to th*-tr«« 11 lndtr|A>

t.utM aIn Ko«-


ispiKHt ltiem, urn* tu th* lorisjth of twolirtm l i n or nuite. an Ihst IheM i t t tinpmivttfd m m th* «not*r, wbti-h soft 'ty-anskmt rhmn " T ~ "

Tti* n»«*pa|wr nitn.rsltnl ht* hind

H Answtr* V*rl*H* Purs****) aaal O*Mrvtt • PUc* oi» CKi i**m— Lw*.A decklsdly pntry l»ao*ry ess tm

Hne plei-e* of tlnon rsn avfrom a larg« dmnask tnwet Anittl • deep frto** aatl MB*using a tdue.drmwitring. w«sU •»•>•a most effective b**. *

The- towef-1» ftildwt tu tmm- •*"!»»

are tumett 611 either »M#. *» tB»tftltiRe iviinev to th* *mt of th» M L

,.V cHilnK l» ran u m u >t>si'k edKP. irhd th* I>l»lt» i M n • » *sewed up, U » btnsl»r soil ftfajs- l>»fJMgTmrte. "The. ba<n». ilmwn'np~»tr1iKq:ii»T•trlnifs nml ready for a—.

1'hl* bag I* auttabtw tarwaists sn<t other i>t*r**> that as* •» a*hand JaiiudemL It tt •]*» aaiasM* Cwtho band embrohlereil tabfir farm Oatcanuot b* biundereit Ininwrfftmrfy.

Se*reh*otIf Tou-Sforch. tJut bu4fe».ae

a « hltt> dn-M. apply perotiilr tanawtt-nti'ly tn the

IT:II iippllcatlon* may b«1'iitlrrly reni.ne th* stain.mlinit.'< 1* IImo eooqgti b>(»e>rrt» Mtori ll

ofmtft- Uutkin. .Jltrtun

- < iar Mimtoi*. from tumnrtu*;»»•» tint «n*aa<i to worry ui tofor* w»'n

our ltm» tn. rr*tlln(•('• i s Koin*. foc*»llih«

Will yuu prnnlt tn*. Mr I'r*ilil»nt."wturrupted h* ' tu tuggest^bat all.d*

i*<riptlou t * rltui.luttiHn nihsrwh*• « * 11 lie sltrtng her* In drond dayllgbt "I "It nmy t>* «» writ." stuented th*' preddent tunrely. "tn omit description*

uf scenery: It msr htr* tb* effect ofdettlulng us longer than ts absolutely

Ml* »u—htn* m r

I t t : rwKohlne for « gl««» of wa-ter, wet hi* lips bafbr* h* txgan tgnlti.

"I hllltnnrd »ny -(jviiirniit to th*Ittmal.". I M ~ » U -thim- Vftur.th* wind,wts rsir unit keen, and 'walked up to

- th* first trump I rioim to. II* tat neiirlh« fnuntfitn mi the mrnrr seat of itlong tient'b ~ I tmii hr<l him gently on

j s ; R .— Wts) -«fttr nutk* «o d r • « ( tlw tlmmn «h«t tr* sir**!•June tli* rskft

7tn* ttilc« at iMtnc tMtfulI«*l*k4 1* «*mlns eh**rful

«<t Ktiat hss con* will ooly titMil* *IV IMO,

•Mm whaT* th* ui* ta borrowt>l* from tunwrrow

««• «»rfo»* -ttnrt » • thaucht

will t.«v« ua rmtllnf,

Th* newspaper man leaned forward."WVr* those your etni-t wordaV he

Inquired In a rapt tnauni'iHeynnlda, dtndntnln« Ibo quentlon.

•might In serernl porkels f<ir atiandkerchlrf unit.- flndlng on* at length,dellrntfly innp|i*il hi* lid1

'"Ihtr «t«ry-ti*-t«>IJ,'' ite -utmhnierril."nooUl tinve hrotluht tears to tlio «tr«of tha^oldMt IwHrti'il.


TW*O«jr|•U»KT MM. »»/•

For th* P«rtry.Try tarkJnK. ehwseclutli. o a tAv gitm

try Mtndow. Tht* admit* a.lr ta*lt S*

Cach JPsrtletilar H.lr.H»allr. rock. «hnt hnre

j 6tdng} Perru o'rlnck, nndI &« niAM not put on yel l Cook-f "dirt' «)ti tt. jua'stt; 1 nerrr knew anythlugLatle_!wi Juui_ib_J<lutk _lo. iuy -Ufa.—

It 'rumet Intu the pantry.

I Hi ruu of mn ll atorl»«," f/llturnl llrjn.: ol.1i. "lie Mil *"''•" '"'"fr dny«i lieI hsd nrit s lwujt tieeu ohllKcil to nji'iip InI n pnrlf, *tc ; ho hnd u nlfn nnd tivr>1 < hllilruii; be hnd t»>pii iiunhlo In mippurt them; they «i't-ii nil Iliri'n ttllli lihwlfn's iixitttnr. As I »ny, It Win not mimuch the *tory *• hl< mntinor nf IOIIIJIKIt i t *|<Tect*d-7ou Utyond dtiai'ilplloii,It couldn't help but itttcl you. I look

__l i

©Msklna. Chil«tr*n> ** t h *

-In-Switzerhind~Hospital Happy.

mnstlda tlionttwseundon hospital.lti>aUieiif "the rourebtl

of tbls <r«iriM{ltutliia tUenr tm s a lof. twenty~&id(.~ r a Ohrtatnu

bunting, lii~~s*tu^ -Th*n."!rr~ynrlsi^is~iSgsj-snrr>M<FiriF^




'.. > k *

a-BaBQlWr *ort»ir-

the adnlc mnte.

excitewho are tooTo them, however,grejtt, for, as a rule, only tIxfhlmKjjbu are too ua«»ir n*The «fry youngtMtble*. nf CIHTCT*.

rnlnMriT* «r »u«.h likethe uuiUwmeiTt"utjjielr etd>r*.

one wouldptjiirr [HHjfllitff sr» iHit-

wast* of _<;Crtstmss

tb* -fund* for th*tal.

met bji~

m*TlJL,... „_await tt> earning

wb,XMj H*nalonev

in. the**>**(m*shcome* (he drrlt-t£sn* Titpe; ta* «afi- •bmidretf <»1I lilm IV frtsBttta* tB*M» w»a m111* ruugti «oln>fllHt StaaaSi wflas BSB*''|btlBt botb Mlowlfl<;

v-'UM) Mas bnilM**?When thtj fiUi*r in" tiw rent*.

Wluit MtJt* jnlgbt fa»« prerented

"Th«t," th«ut«d t«n 'v«le«*,rrtanl"

unt n ho In iplte of lh« steady fsll (if«nmv jiut hApptDg there, I tapped himon H10 "uliotilder, roiiaeil film rrant~fil«»lrop nml nuked I1I1 tilMnrj; It >v*< tin

i t s hnd »r«n bfttrt d«y», ilr.»r of wi"lmti>. llu-liHd not ninny* slept Injmiks I !•» ImvK. Aiiif, Mku He)HoldVIrn 111 p. hii hnd jnifMi ulillgcil luiirf lir-fnroto »'iid I1111110 in ihn •MKV t mother.UUII iliu mory i,( IIKJ IKJIU' v Irnnip,IIIIT.I 11 II* niillilnir out of ilui orillntr>ulth llm (ixceplloii of lli« tnsnnvr Innhlrli ha' •Unimercd nml shoiik toll-

. 1

IhN point ICnrutlien appehredrleriro some Illtla illfflpully In srlm -VVh

: fHilshw), ''It WHS i l l i t rmmost dlstressltrifr-^it grieved <ti«*

[JIJT. 1 t|jru«t-it"flVn'i1ollnT-iilll Into

(lirt'ii lucmben of th* clubjH'<iiliily.

this!*SOIITD—tri^ud shoutwn

'miiclilldreii > k

in old mothslviocoii) dlstresstd w >

"ipl*ce, ttid. thatjnwd*

dlgnant way-.from oi

Uon of fb* phenomenon.The ttew|(>apar m»n suddenly itoi

It was s* If h» hud Just waked np.'Was bit tall andlhln)'1 he queitlon-^-*i£iia U». wear a shaggy red bfan

long bslrTiwJgW slonch list andjrraigett gray: ororroTsiCjottt V\th« elbow*and fringed" with iT~-isrpundjho hern? f sny, •vOldTand, did b* go bartbiodf V liCtfi•now)" ~"~~-^^^

"Yss, yen," anH-wercd thn rest In a 'chriru*. "all Ihnt, aiufTBinte '

. took-niit nilveflullar Mil amitiLm (1 present of It.". A'lirtJ'nllluifJ chair, he~tooks

wltb •nt v-

Theroom, - ^"After • period &*,

fortnejd.IU bea

^ S*^«rlit tX|»


f w a t shaggr anTtoru'M tbe titles

» take porsrThe «rt1s( ibrunwl w*«ry iboiildw*.


Gsioor Areas*


C l f l / . K N . tbe ptauuro of meetiojr Walter PWinShipley, on Saturday, in thn restaurant

, I . |i.f the Central Railroad sf New JerseyOr»iifard.


dejKjl ut Jenry City and feid the oppor-tunity fci nay a fnw word* with th*

regarding tbo Kew

the opinion (hat there1 no tatpn (if (ha tournament

t*-tnjf lit-lil and thnt' the ntbmianage-r<i Meiir* publtentUm. eammuntrti im-nt </f th« affair was entirely duo to

''"?"* * I »»• ir»«ptinmMp artttngwniiniUII ^rfrif I •<vlr K'«rUtult It KWIWI strange thatyrrl " /eofliNsufttVaffon* »« any •

Q*n«raHntrre,t fo Mr i,r.m!f'""* * * cfix* nof th*rfl/n auumt

for opini/jus ithirh nujjf

The Board of Education hating <*H«1

for »oTar((e' an«lirtg|il have W n placed in the

han<l« (if one m> mnperienonl in thexeaffnirn jml rm« «hr( wrtainty ivWM tuit

night J<> obtain a few nprnwhui of

comtifi*] HlgirBBil (Jrarnrnir VIHK.I,•ami an Informal *ota*~tMi ilMi wvurni• i t * propoawf from>hlch.rt]rrlioji«I usolution of the problem muy 'fwmlt.'lh^OieClTUlNbellffim tbatocrtalniuJvanci)tnfurmallan a* totlie advantiiKra of wi-li»lte, aside from oust, will IHDVB of valu.<. In cunttdaring tho avollabilty i,t,proporty for avbool iHiililin* puriK>w« itmurt lie horn« |r. mind Hint tlw Mb<mllaw forbid, theerwlion of u

K If tliu Imildlngl» to he 40 feot-biKli it munt nut Iw|>>a«Hl nearer than 4<> f«Mit to

-property,"raltnii in «>nlor. m tlmy uppwr on tlm

. printed Inform^ ImlKtt tu-lm »m^] ul tlu<' mnetlnf toroAniw IIIKIK

Tna Bptrry plot, ut I'niiin ul p KHeld kventie, prinod ut (ib.OOU, funtniimappranlmaUly W.0O0 w|uara ftwt. TOO'««t InJB* rear (in_S|>riiij|HflliLav«nuetxiuUI be auld for enough to mah'rtallyreduce He cust witiiuut inuirfnrinir withuvallabillty for W!1KK>1 purpiMM Thpplot l iu iwrmuncnt opiin frontim» nn* h l l l l h,* hire jl«loi Contrul

MOO feet front, on union uvnntie, run-ning through to Mlln ttreet. 400 fnol.frontage on two atreeu at either end ofproperty, tie* higb.'adjoinii the i'rechy.h j C h h p l Z I Z I " '

West and Llttell plot*, priced (it #22.-000, oornsr Union avenuu und Marllwro•ttrenta, 800 by SIS root; fuotM on two•troeUi contain*<!entral loctttlini.'

4S,0(K) *|imr« feut

IH4 lh» w e , and that utittin

that an il may thn wholo affair hw ahad t*U>t and

Moody plot, priwxl at »lft,(W0. SWfotitnn Pon»t avenue, running through toHylvestor rtreet. Contalus 00;OtX) squarefiwt.

!00 lijTilOO fwtr^rrrtWnSFf T 1

agaonallsidwi.KultonUi property, corner MIUTUHI and

Kliiaboth avenues, priced m #1,000,contains 58.500 square feot. Hlroetfrontogo on two itidon

/ KENILWORTH NOTES.y TThe public "hoaring on~lliu""pfopwi«)(l

•Uevralk In Monroe (iVcimc in thn Mof kleading hi 2Qtli atrc^t and norOi in 31Mt t t b l i l M

- » * '"ww



oiigh Oouncll on Tuuwluy evoninK tuid

rii lln; t«iiprovenient The matter or laying 'J20Ulecd at water main to tho fuctorlon and

prejiarbTrhpnd i«i thoaonf of fsOO^bri ibe yearly guaruntoo unstipulated^,by.the Wafer Go. Or, Wheaton, a former- reaiQent of lath itroet,died an -appeajl for a tux reduction onttbe "t»'o- vswnt-Jots from \vh>li bit»w»yecrti» fcbiuat taT'Cranfordteveralyean agD.laaklng that the UMomaient

-to»-n)d»oa4-fron»-»80CP-to-t9OO.--*h»pro|iQaition.-ior_Ughtlng-tho.ttreeta waa•tttftrfTf^for=-fortherjTOiiidBrattairanit

witn<> of IIIB liyvljuK L-lulm get busy 'and|rat un Ijock on <Vur feet again If someOlid cmld inducw'Mr Shipley vto under-mktt thn general management, I pro-phMy flint matter* would In run like avielr lutiHcjiirti pl»*o*t of miirhinrry.

Tint championship UMirnumpntsuf thevarious cjulw thronf(h<iiit the conntryhave i'n riitriit caw* Ixten ilarlitl. Thatof the Progreiwlvi) Chess Club of New"Yoik will ildutiflww prove to ha rifgreatinterest, as Itw lint of participants incli|ili-« imuiy of the NlrongMt players Intho Kant. All eyes Kill tw following the

anil it will he intormli'uK to imt how b»IKIIIIN hiit u«it with surh men MjIodgMi,Chajos, ,lah*u«, Htupfer and other ««H

I cipert* who have entered Knp-ilnk has ajrundy «on hi* Unit gamefrom Prof. Jucqumi Uroininer -;Tbtgain«i wu» _u_fiuy taper lasting 41uiuvtn, ^Kupchlk handling |ku whiteforces in ii)ttit«rl)r styU)^Tbu Ultra* fraternity in Ksnerul andthe Chicago Chess ami C'b«cfci>r Club inourtii'ulur.-will deeply feel the lass ofUiiiia Uodeinaan who died on >[ov W.

imt ulutfmember, * u for many yearstlw Chuss Kdltur of tba Chicago Trihnne,

Ut/MVH NKW*In Ow final round of tha 4Kb (ouma-

Hurry Cuok bat WON from (too• f .,,..1 If II WnsrBro ih* ft* *t

fecr>ru»of~OTi()r "jcstmsT mtMnMlHayen>m« Uf hand during lbs week.

We take plauuireln printing a livelypartie fnun the pmlimUwy roond ofItut-nftb tournament. Uegsitllsss of thefata that someofM {hM Mid. "H» whocannot discover the heauties o f - a Oneirume without the aid of notes, la notlikely to-creato lieautles of bin own,"wo give a few notes by the: winner.

KINO'S nimioi-'s OI'KNINO. ', Wiilte IllaokJtuabuiar.,.

ii-mit I« 1ft *Cn l lKKtn Kt Krit IH il

White Black

P*r» 40P-KK8¥4 Kt-OI

!»Kt-miKBH(c) Kt-(jB4 1>U KM


l l txKt


H-lKpin B-Hi

KtKitB K aCVitlct




vQ^w u Jiti

IW KtxBill KB4


a»".. "11* KtB8 B

g i b e f W . y 7

Orate 1 A-Emaiettf Bryant, HeanorCfaadwiefc. Marfa Dowdell. /TtowSoeParreil. Marten OaU. Mart* tlray. Ib-th«r Hataty. l*am Jon«i. I b m w

"Riraa*. CO«WUUK* Bimooton,atotkaa. lf«fen Tripp. Manon

Taylor, .FranWin Bojrw, ClrWlan Dreyor. Alav rr»«w t \Artbar Pike. CharimVamlentT. AUie TULDO. Bradley. Ward

('trade I B-Vargery4Joon. Ratherineh a a i K S A d t C BSAeawt Gsnfcto, MiBred

ffiLHt-J*»*prd La Boytjanj, rWj-nFnOenclu. Vtrgtiua Pis** Rosa Water» « , E3s*e Lsmon, Harold Millar.

Owrf-Paal Otto. OoiorM Kahl.


Una Williams. Oorothy Hooch. Mbnrt Hedenbitrg. CharMta Got.. - , „ „OookJtnjr; Jisrtrti' -Aldrteh. DorothyAdasnc James WoodV Donald Robin- - - ' • » « * » pQMen -Robcn

Millar, John Boy«_.Orad* S-WiUWKlein. Sydney Mikb,

.yil l isju Payne, I^onard Wchardt,Chtrka Vontrim, Mary Brown. CarolynCfulfabank, Blanche Oulemaji, Katber-iMUamMB, Manraret Dickinson. PearlKason. rjerllo n*rher. (>mu« tUma.B«Wle F^rguwjn. Kffl« Umbert, Ktliet|j»Var. Kffa Maronry, Uertrudu Mar-shall. Marjorie Mcllatton. Elsie Orf.Katharjn* l-arrott. Klutahnth- Perkins.AiMala* KK-lumls. Elinor Koliinson.Cotoiaooc West. Hannah Wesigban.Bdwjna Wumllipg, Jl-ry Zekoll.

<7r*iti>4 -rSliranl Tomlinson.iiainuc1

Wxon. J r . Willuun Bradley. JohnInwyer. Borhan&fr ^inith, Samm-1 Sha-piro. Htaalcy I«rm. {instance Moody.Jenning* Munn. Madeline Magie.WalterTaylor. Cbtdwi rorlwuh. liertlm U,ve-hnnt:—!tmutmur-^tiiiib>ns,~ -^—-•"•

an ordinaaw ttoproride for the ndmlwriflg o l theboosfl* and utores t u intmdoced andfsMsd OB first reading, siwh a arateinof rtfe«stiiniml*r%n««>l«w>n need«d fora Ions; time and ihUonlinaoce i* a

wa* directed to notify t l *Electric IJgbt Co , to reinwe the extrahood or lamp bracket from tbe polo atFourth Arenue and Walnfflftitr-pt Thereport pi the OrxnmMonem of Kmum-WPHt tux wtdewaltengd durTngl&e'liasKjrsas w«r» oonflrautd and th« «mu«tcilgrantatl the taupajen permumion topay the aasraament in trn annual in-

first ut lie payable in

Mfwvlean * roonjber of the BoaTd

Hell. Kdwin1 lytwi*. Alice Itoscncfantx,Kvalyn Taylor, I*tham Sboles. CnrilBull. Virmnia Taylor. Nettie Ilohlx,DHTW Kepnpr.'KruHren OarriMin, Mar\Kallmafi Howard Johnson, Edithliruitfoer. Alice Frances. Louise MounULoloStolk. KeniMly Hwton. RliiahethAdams. Maria Klima. Joseph Mtfgarey,Marjan fbllit. ^ *

tirade & Jam*-. Uoon.Oeorge r'mcb»rEdwanljonea, Rirhard Mulvey, EdwinVonaothern. Albert J|«lsr, hMwardMarabaU. $Ioeo Bahcwk. Klllott Park.lvuuL.J|unteaeoanrU-J4argaiiat Low

__ ). "Helenzr-~ •' m • " -r •^••••^th Tliompson,Rosamond Moore, Jqy Hansel, CarrieQaffuey.

Grade S-France* Bourne, Marcia» _ . _ ..*. Evelyn Klein.

J. riraceTiipp, EUjia Vani. EmUy h>a, Hichard Dowdoll.»|I ManSavatt. William Ifaroney,

AUwrt Mount, Kaymond T^rlmsb. fredjgbM.

Grade 7 - V a r g a r e t ChamhwJain,Hamilton Fay. Proton Woodllng. PredH n l » » . Matthew Fwclier. HowardBeadto.Bnlb I NteShrrg. Wargftret

Spaeth. Rom Stalk, Helen Oonkllng,EHmbeth Hea. UUdy, IVttit, MadelineAdanu. \ irginte Spprry Mildred Angar

(d)~ Wljlfe oUloted hero to have a_wouj[B,nie" but tbitt thla move andjhe

"Hexroiiinhrow it aWayT Ja reality h ehasUttlo Ihutis b e t t e r , ^ alternatire

Ipt of more details from-tb*j Gas Co, The opening of

Newark avenue was placed in tbo band*«rf thn Highway'Oooiuiittoe « bo wore-advised jhat^lt -would bo iwnniasiltlofof.Nlr Ja&M Arthu«-taj)eeii_the stroetit his own expense when the tXsoneiL

woaiil ttike further action as to repairsAtturimy Orovesruling that tho strotitouuld nut be laffihrat and graded withthe Horuagh funds. The Borough ColIfctor was instructed to pay ovnr ill,

It-Q7 *i KxRP" S i pLII:K B qii 44 Kosigns.(a) OriKlniU bat of doubtfoVvaiae.

-(h) Black can win a pawn 'here byVxli; U >Qxy.sh-KxQ; T- Pxlf t W P etc ,Imt tbo inovn modn w stronger,

(u)-Tricky; tbs object being to invite

^ ?mmniicOrade K.-Otadya Mutrey. Florence

Crane, Minnie Oreyer, Pauline Nowton,Anna Johnwn. llfOen U>nM?r." RuthMcKmney. Marion West. l>avid PJmne


Kindenrartpo—Meorge Uaiw, ItobcrtDal«,Ju«e lMFabhf.Tbumas ilcCurtli>,llkhard McFaddrn. Wallaix. .\«l*on,XUotM IMUrandio. Joe DelXeru. TonySemonr. ,EWe Adams. A«aUa Doylt'.Mary llooak. BMber WUlianw, PeWltt ijtfaiw Mamfa JBemofte,-. U«««aaldMatxen. Antaae Ual^n .»-3rrr^

bwotitfh - T r i & r e r G;nkiing"'ireprrtoaa lielanc* on hand amounting tokty; H.VT«* t6tlo#ihg tiilts were ortlerad |tud"**.T>. Ta|{(rarf,"'ti5< HriVhi. parnich.

*uMle Hervlce Ktwtrfe VA>V,'m L Bull, %&. ih; AFfrnl

Defemer, *l, Thos Merto. IHI. K ItCollill* il Son", $41, Ur .HAtoye, JlS,Hurry Ojlon, »m', J(,hn Arnold, til, 10:

Mrfwell. |8»2 7M On motion ofCouncilman Hildner, tli« Clerk tvut inHtructud lo pr(n-ur« a nuppl> of exemption ft-rtirtcaten for u*(? of thn KiteDepartrai'nl. T-lie mwtin*: thei- u>Ijonrned to Docemlier III

Only a small number uf citizens par ;titillated in tliu mtwlliiK ut .InlTePHinSchool last Friday evening, when tln>prop(Mitiuik to uppropriutH un iultlitntii.illA.filW wot pluc^l lieforu thu Viiplc, l(wathojMxl by tho Utsurd uf liliirutionthat a lurm^nuinrH-r of* the nti«<|iswould turn outTnulr»f(ird thn wislit-sImt oat of '-iSTi .votersHi thi> Imniiinhonly 24- displayed cnimgiT—intetviit tocome out and vote Tim r«iult~~\Vai! '.'I)for and 4against. The Board Ut'ld limeetiiifc Immediately thuntufter (u oignthu contract. I

A vlam of ton candidates will ]mjnitiattjtl Juy .Uur.wuud.-CoumairJr.-a.

'Shuary.' 'Su'apprteitionshttVB already been rwciied,

Mrs, JIary Diobny nf Wwidhiiveii. h.I., spent Sunday a( the home of BoroughClerk Oarroch on Centra Street.

Every up-to-date mcrchaQtMTsr - " caTetuI attention to teEpfeW

onJew because they comTfromthe customers wdoin be-dMimto please with his best senrk**

Have You a Telephone in YourIf not, call our .nearest CommercialOffice todsy an* hear •»«*• abouT"^advantages of a telephone lo j •- •• -


J t w m n n i r uTPlace, have moved to the Ilcnsol FlaWover the poet office.

Marry Eiiglohart l«w roaignod hi«position M clerk at the 0. B R freighthouse iirul taken a similar oi|« »t the-Thntchar Kiimucn plant.

Jnnk AlfrlpK ^nd (lottlioh HtnmvibawrloiMoa tho._aoiitinoatal UOUJK.VUEllKibethport for a torm of yours andwill take powosjiion about Dec. S»

S | ^ M W l t i »

Shoes for Men, Womenand Children.


DAVID E. KRAMER,26 Cranford Trust Building.

Second Avenuo, tiro rooolvliiK the I'OIIgratulatiuna or their many friends -nvtirtne arrival of a Ixmnclnit liaViy uirl tinKridayUnt, *

Sir and >lpi. Qeqrgo Johnstori of" \ViLlow Avu , have returned from a visituith friends in Hunterdnn Coiinh

WillUin Meaner' and Frank Browns|*?nt .Sunilay withf frlendsjit

Heiir>'-Peifis,-tho "onKinoor of the C& C. Electric (Jo, is |Kuning around


(Hter, Jease Wbepler. George Miss Alicw Kiernun of New * IIUVBH.Conn , i-Misihnic Mini Muy HuniN on

Grade IB- Beatie rAnson. JosephRezio. Ivatbnrn Spariock. (Horge S

. John Magkou, Charlps-Netter.Oratto ? _ Annie Qr»,alU. Joyce Hoff-

man, Richard Feaistw. Helen 4<ehnert,Rfchanl TwhoM. Oara Kublen»rhmidt,Baward Krerett, WUhnr Uchindler,

^ ? 1 5 0 1 " ! " 1 1 1 B a y " * L d i- Bay"""* Lnwdi.MU«e anunOH, Grape \Vat*in, JohnIjtyberj& If antil Gnlung. ^

• ? ! ? * ? f B ' O W U f K ;

(e) TholoatoT the «xchaag« cuoldilothojiavpd.'' White plays for attackat all cuS&T-^—-_ _ _ ^ _ ^

It) t h l i wins in allvarUtSnX~Witbcare tho KIUIIB it over,

( j ^ I f W» K-K4P-B7 etc.. or if^ < 0 » > «

all ooimnunloations to S. K.C f d ^ J L J

Slat* and county tax, amj ikdjourhinoqtKirOajtbJ^ i

t^^aWoT»toelr«veat the meetiOK"of tho KnTi

worth Building and Loan AssociationUut o»«ning, and llfl;.7!V colloctod inr*«i and dues.. Three appJicatioiM for

Joans were received, and the AssociationpSfetttadth i ^ ^ d

libfary Book list.ItBFKUBNCK AMD OBMKBAL.^'

Hotter, ed. The United Sta?e»TSita

, , ——™-~..«-^™uglit«r7spent IVAluMday with r«luti\i» inuruuklyn.

lb-pprt of the condition of tin-


At tho close-of IIUBIUPSH NOV 3Cth,

Useful Christmas Presents- „ CA.RHEr SWEEPERS.- -


= * = . I S J C ARVING -SET5;-~~




"DON'T;!Purehas* jotnr anvfen HEkE| mhne

you are positHeEy ^ensdm Shu JDU

Cl UnionZsg.

Resources, '\i unit Mffrtfriftfna n *[• and Uooua.... - . . , j _ , ™ . . . ' ^-^^.

..„„• LOIIIU(in OullamrnU _., 21 o>; ooUauiand Loans va (kitlatwala 3U.0MI v>l^l^ni f«i*ltf(Mi *nrt t"<T'l ' - - - • ~

cJIahon. Marguerite-* h o "*iew»n.Jam« Rark. John Olea.•on. Albert Ltmrdi, Wbolas Schmidt,Leroy Ke»nl»rt. fUbm IVniston, EstherA&itunos *

-fOnOt i - Eluabeth Tjarey, JsaadObmond. Anna Doyle, JOWred Hall(QWy.fkwKhJon.Ai.nieKublenschmidt.Theodora Hatbe**. Andrew McFadden.Angelina rVwlorf. Rrarett Peniston,•*M»»»t Hidler.cairistiaq Wittinjr

OndeS-Janjowt D r i w . Mabel Wear-on. HarpW Bhotard. Rose A b l

•arebasod. „

Hail kiwi hiuiko, (nrultnrn ami•»><*:> o^


Why women'ara so.Making ^uf _«;- bn

Bruere. . ^ _ _- Klickiiuiu. Home art-Furmi*. .New book of „.Duncan. Stors of toe carei:The hxik of Christmas.'HcliauMer. «d. ChrUtma«, f ^-^

Oox. Edith Cbx. L«us» B d i n e ^tirade 8 -»- 13s>e~ Bctu

— . JnastCieBore-Knnke»._Jhnnie P^Oert. Mwiel^Sce,-


| ^ | H V l l BaFi i ^ ^ * a m i m i ^ i i n •fif.TTN i f J

Hanking hwii*, (nruitum ami axtnrva, 44,815 45I a«h on llaml _ „ M 203 onC'lMk. l i i i c i U u h o r r n M h l t e n i s K t s i»i

Liabilities. °,1 HliMklwiil in

Un'lG't Wf>! I'ro'aT«"l iwt i '.alT,r.'.'.'".'

Tims ('Ariincatiw uHJa|xMitl * 3,'wi Ju

C«ru4u(i ""*

UnrlobouU* M



, | 8 (A

' 53U.U7 5«

_.. WKI Ou

Incrpasp Your Rpal F<;^tp ya l i i^ ,

ITyou ttwh Infill jour liou-w, or wtah tooriKivw IIH VHIUI- t» yuurown latlatactlon

vnhsnw it* apprnnuiowthls laiupluh,-1 hi durable «xturlor pulntliift

UIHI tiutrrul Interior Qworntlon. Havlnifthin workdijuu In a iunnn«r that Is b'tivrHum Kuemit neouwivr} w|tb not 40 iuiuhivKiiril for kltt, <•)« up mtlnmtM,


Telophone 15a.

This is a eteaa. amtasmrg

imahda—tnat~Wtlf~pll»aHS)'~yDo'and afterwards.

The triaJ ordertry us to-day?

I. MILCH & CO.Bonk Bullci

nr AflwIM>IUulou 1 3 . .N. ft>«5»T«R. VIM Prt«Miflt. and 0 . M

UXNXIIIOKIU Tnsuinror, of thn aU>v».»ainpdWMnpaiwr. bcjng »»,Brallj ( l t t J j . w o r a h (

iiwlf ilrpam and Mnthat lh^-lolmnMit ui itois to tho fi^vrif hia knt peljef. ^ \

N It KoiTM Vi


"Artist MuHsonier's Masteipiece,{ihowiiiK 'he wurlrt's greatest sol-(lior ut thn /enitb of lib fume—in nil tins pomp and splendor forwhich thht period was noted.

' ' hitd ixirtrayeilibu ot tlm r Lurur

imiKuuiu i>4i.ii tha ouine viviil>-~ness It \voi»ia"-biye added to hw

, fame, especially tiie-ebrysiinthe-iuuui-ia_luir unrivalled'bu '


ivthe powder you cuw-~Sh«- ylim npiu

wind and dirt will mujjUiial joicl nmcic 'skfan .7—>uur

B_ LehQQflnn» ttinf Moplnxion—onefiner and. softer thtradfutnt-'-iiii t,nmatch evejy_comple3jun]—tflain apink, white—if never •»flnw» Wlisve /just what you wajrtamiwtfjrit *oaijlet us'show it. Ptrce-aftr jaal 5Jfe

THUM & HOPF,ResUtemt


Own a Homein Cranford

^ ^ 7-jnodem up-tcwlaffe -

Rankini ParkpUue Us ttnt%drtSgataiuadjonr"be held later in tbotuonuT

the arKanization^hj law Itban two'

^ , TbepWvintiaiaCin^ffikn.&sn»,tbe. A'hclic Ocean to the

a»tiatecBKXLHaT. o

rtsu iuriin»fld jou„ utntViMriricnditoknoVit. > FRAMK M. S

•OanMM at the

. J&^lej^tonSoL..,.alBf aftar which ^luneaivill Im play?

1 <d«ndn>VeihinQpUi served ^

' tl V n' tsiVolyBtew- will hold 3£aliulBW- nnsjBQB will hold 3ID iMr natn au UwBonkvard -and Walj Paper.

Ctsnfortf. < - - - NWTJ,.•i. 4 lsjwtiaa.jtt.V. ., jp - J

^?A f -foil—'*1- ' tU , ' 'Jf

p^-»f*^3«-^^^^^^?v _ f

NOTBITa*aautt-a>t»«iA««f tho Crastfard]

jc**N»dti»a«actta« rf gemtit ba*» tmmm, ,fa** waf beU Friday afcftt 0«ci»r*f(li.. <* Sati54aF. *«,

f m Moaday, Dec.. .atsM*.

ordtnfor Os*i«ia« Bag

Commercialore-about ta*fo .TOOT heaa*;

-4 oaf*) ar* proad la the.. as* water aatfbnsa,

I to aosw in style aad materialI Oilnnin ha* ben appointed

of the i n

•Ha* BMJEM V«OPH,|tV OAt.PfiO. >tx Sj-rs,

. j*at*r i **>* <t*i« i

, . aigii ti,**| b,«*

IVrtabily 5 » « . j

**** «*arted m * fc» V. Mag***. J U jta . »k*»«s* ihal prstwl fatalFwkma. tt F H r f m w , C t. H«Ur H j w*» « stor at tt» latai Mt». Y*«»1LMC Wood ,D B lrv.n« and F »• Itain. land with bar bn»ih*r, Huwinl 8Notfce of oruntsMl amendment to by fflia. and* h*r t»«v« with :

from «*n*o. lu oiao m n given and aiao m p n a andttmautt<*> tijipafoiMt ta pnspar* iw>w T.jlaw*law*

The repurt uf the Swnvtary Treasurer

astoita nun 1«1'

date wt lor ejection of

tfisajer -A.G.-*Hk* aspaetiAmoved into hi* new (tors in the

Ttuat bttibtlng this wanki wUl have <on* of tb«

I op-to-date hardware aten* in the

»lecture' given in Uraut School-iam last Saturday evening,

•tbe auspices of the High Schoolr'was thoroughly enjoyed by all

Th« treasury of the"!I abmit (30.

, H. S. Oratton of Sylvester St .I on for appendicitis at tbe

i General Hospital )e*terday; by Dr, fark'ln*. Report* late

indicate a Tery sarcesftfal

u'WaTreofclved here on Hatuadav\ deajh at Buenos A) res, Argentine

, or Albert Tnsch, brother ofr Tusch of Orange Ave Albert

wa* well known in CranfonlI be lived for many years a* boy

n, taking active interest gener| l n local affair*, particularly In

i work and athletics.Hospital Committee of the V. 1

iv» Ut

Hwrntw. (.* L. IVlt J,O4 A. It June*,

, if fm*i

• KRAMER,anford Trust Building.

I of outgrown baby clothing, sheets,r oat**, towel* or old linen. It i*I that a generous response will bei to-*o worthy a can**. Donationsbe. *ent to Mr*. Vail. Mr*. Mao-

CWrkUu or t tnr wraeMarDeoambar 18th.

i response to a petition signed by 900at* of Cranfordand presented by

| Conservation of Natural Beautiesilttee, V. t. A., to the Township

Mr. W. S. Lesser withdrewfor a permit to change the

i and-remove the traea-in front ofon Union avenne. The

takts tbi* opportunity to

ttnnnnitmw? otbttkmn.

I>I*CU*W|II|I iif

•CIHU! lMilhiiit|(<<] in »bn }

t«f-nt\ u t mfii>h<<n«{irment U.ik jmn am) th«d>v*li>pul « « iln«i|(l) in faiiigal»riti> miilitiTium .m the groundHOOT uf 'Aw |<r»]HMtt) ni'v) c»>irihtnath.n lhjtli ami O rum mar >v<houlwhloh iiiii Iwi u«<U fur puhlic iiu<t<ttii|r*of p-nrrttt ch.tritftt>r (jumi^iu- u» U»additional «Ht of su.h m\ atulitorimnwiw raiwHl IUIII it u an Uiniinlit t lutextra iHMt i>f f.'MKii) ,<ir i'\.n ftm.OOOWoulil ID" moiif\ «fllrX|i>Miili'<l Anotlier•rtiixil u l f pni|»Miiii)n « vi l.mncJi«J(

winch KOiihl in.-liiilr th» I'iiillifwt undU t M l pni|it<rtif><t on I'mon A\H. withtlie Ailami |m>|«>rty ID tlmrmir throughto S'orlh A\t4 i-oniliiniiiK "Icml «it«and (wrk *U» aiitii^w ami K'oi'K *ntnuiCH tu nucii whuol titK from North

at tint hrtdgn. Thin KnMinil ttoorauditurium [)ro|nnitiuii wan fiuUxlinl intbe iiirm of a rwmlutum, wbirh wanAdo|)t«d wltlioiitn|ip<Miti(Hi, wkittK theB to- i

or th<f new icliix>l

wiatof in Soatb»ra <U>tutou.thSi week. tirkMa tw " ib* trijib w panh

Funeral '<nw M »t

gat k>tiH>iitiiM(.thla tiiw*

fvwtn all

»W Y«rdiru&! "Ihtiri:. imoraiag »t-tiw» >imui -


Sdiooi Meetirtf to Choose Site.A special school meeting will be hold

~ DONTJehaa* jotnr anMfen HEkC| mhtttre positnetr « m « Bfau JDU

Signed,- "MRS. W. H CAMP. Chairman.

»the W. C. T, U. meeting held at) of Mr*. J. C. Milter, on Tnee-

In. Tomlinion, oar County Presi-ntertainea the ladle* with a mo*tting account of the National

teld ar Portlwdr Oregon.| a month-ago. Tbe cordial and

demonttrationa with which•"*«*"received

i is & eteam. maem$ zonltl

that wiUI plKnam yua

, and tbe helpful nympathy man-J j h j d b

us wondering


going to bemake an equally good impres-

rhen New Jersey entertain* theinvention at AUantlc Ulty' We mast rally-all our forces

ptbusiasm and do the brat we can,ted by tbe report that 20,000nbers have 'heen__addejjL-1o our

B during the, past year.

ing, at tt o'clock. wb«n a free exprewionof fiew* will be bad aa to the mnat iuit-able »IUs on which tii urect tho propowxl$80,000 acliool'on tba north lide. Apreference ballot haa Ixwn mailed eucbvoter for cboicti on tho following prop-ertlM' Hjierry plot, SpriiiffHelil andUnion avenum, ftO.OOU, Hlgelpw plot.Union avenue, near Sprinfleld avenue,•85.000. W'tMt ivnd LUtWi ptotn, Union

Ura. Strykw Emnxxt^uf Ikramiui \\r .with whom ibv hail hxni «rtt» Ihoitmtb of her hoabaad •sum* ycar» IIIKV

M« ihuH WM S3 ymn of ag«. during (W uf.wb'wh abv had.litrtl in <Van-ford She and bw biutaun) ««r« njhrw.of Rayern tuiil nun« to.lhu niunm atan early ogv. tb<! flnt work w i m l tirMr Ditunl in I1M< new owntry i.i' tiuaduptton Iwinit «ttb J.wuhr iY*iw at(.*raiifonl,..thcnCrani<vill>i aod fruifMnl»a« tholt homnt during the tialann' uftlMitrliym

Mrii Kitwl n wirMrnl ti) t-Wvirichildrni *«> xraint-*ikilrTi anil a g»ftllynamhjir of (tnsot gnuiil children S»M«iinjojed good hp/ilth fur "a, |«T»>JI itf tu-rage -tmril liut Sunday, -when hnirt-trouble ileV(ild|i«l, rmnltlng hi .Inatliwithin thnm> tiny* Funeral wr<ni*will 4w behl-at bi*r late IIOUHLOII tVnman Avenue. Saturday aft*rnooir~rrt •o'clock Interment will lie in tb« familypint. r"Alrvi«w'onrm>tpr)


bat* it


N«tt i

air I n n for 'the |liut \i )t«iim

» Mr. Slaw%

nrwit.tbf Nla'3^B JII

Do You Like Good Bread ?

Is good, wholesome and pure.Beginning Saturday you can get it.

WAfcTErFseHO LESTel. 411

Mh will.


~ " •' -*3. At TO"1 iIrt>oti*Mfi«i*\tfm~S*™"'_I . 3. iJ . , i , Miii



i . » )mtlittMt

f U » i • » all >n* 1,1 l»t}pninti rnnila-rrxw N tlut all* Otrnd

"Su»t .i ntu.it!t,- ,Ui-b rake tl«"w In*»mll«r « \rlmir><>M rn.ul i'»n t hi>lp>)t f t t o l h r i i 1'liN.tt' out uf lb« w»v VVltvdldnt .-)>.' Miink »f <-ni l**l rtwhWhew lioa thfl « in<( t>J<m« r»Uo an

tly utjuyotl. by alargo crowd. Tbe evening wound upwith an informal danon.

Mrs. I). B Day and t i n W. \V.t'lnmmw will sarvti at iiattirdsy's t««.

a~mt d a m wjin thn'

w^ t . ,Moody plot, t'oroat avenuo, nour Northavenue, 110,000. Ferguson nlyt. Orangeavenue, 113,000. Paltoute plot. -Mtulisoriand Kliznlwtb av«nuee, $0,000, a blank•pttoe baa aluo been loft in whicX towrite any othur choice be»(ilwi the foru

TbFidllowrlng • the exact text of theletter sent out by- the Board of Educa-tion, which tniuelf U self-explanatory

"In, a farther effort to secure a natU-actoCy stto upon which to erect the

propoSHd .tvmhlnatiqn ,.sc'hooltj».publicmeeting «lltr» held at Granf ScLool, at"KP'-fi.rfJiC-.fM'-J)." jy"'"g" f ""i l"thbut., when th« fiiibject wliriw"dpenTor"discussion for a* long a period a* tbe

uwder you: uiw-T3i«t- yiim rniu'Rnli-ettsertnuut'mrtttt^iubjvniJ

ad dirt will mujjUaal joicl nmuac '

sbooje jtonr_pBBBlerjgsiSi

—one of inJ5*TBuJiUr dId softer than in»ni—mi teveTy_ compteajum—tflainbite—It never '•nnwai iT*i«ve/latyou. wajrtamiwtfjrit *oalJlow i t Ptn»-aar jaiii fc


Tel.141 ~ \

ranford ^e_wiil baiUiyr«ii_a ham

interesting meeting Toeadar>anxi-Jgn. Vh a. McCne~fir7tb7t-thairman of this, committeeha* a large and. enthusiastic

_jr*hip.a-aa decided to conduct an oratoric-

' it In tbe-early Springr tbe par-.—I to be pupils in tbefilgh Schoolthe SUt grammar grades.&sebool visitors gave tbe report* of

ojbeervatkms of the school work' ~Uion*. Tbe annual report of

•triaing Principal wa* so com--^..•e and Instructive that it wo*J to ask the Board of education to1 thin printed and given- to tbe

inkling gave an interestingnative paper upon "Kinder-

and Ideal*."t r d e a ' i i t l y pihHsW.

h upon tbe subject, of, the study of

emeettng closed at a late -hour fol-r mimfM • • ' t tw 1 ^ upon th*

I presented. • -• • ~

be Bepublkan voters of. the Town-,^^Qaofordar* reqbeaied to meet

) Township room*, Saturday, DecU . a t 8 o\;lock p. m^ for the pur-rdectinra Republican EucntiveitteeoT^r ^

will rind it convenient to attend, and totttka mi avtlvrt [iart Jit tb«delttief»H5nT~

"Enclosed herewith in u list of prop-erties suggested to tb« Board of Kduca-tiun as »uitalj|« for th« piirtxmii liit^ntlwltogether with the price usk«d for eachFor tbe guidanc«~.t>f the trustee* willyou bo good enough tu. indicate yourpreference by making a-crue*-{X> in themargin to- tbe left, or if you favor stillanother property. *> atnt« in the blankspaoe left fur that purpose

"Tbe site. mutLMiufod ut Oui gatlwr.ing on Friday Will-then be, submittedfor 8erion»'vote at jfpuBlic meeting tobe.ua!LsdJmraedlately rtwreeiter. _

"Should yon bo unable to attend tbegatbefing-oo-the_~Uttb, 4he-mailing of]

- ' " e UuardoF " ' '

Ing tournament and a ample <>f Wat«rman fountain pent by defeating Mmarx.Uttell and Marston in their flnai matchMonday evening Th« IIIWM wun tbnsecond prixva— I n i n of spples

Tonight's league giune will \m Minion our allnys, tbe visitors Iming' theKUmbeth' Town and Country (.lullPive KefreshmenU will I** wrvnl uttbe^close of tbe match- T M aiiiraal-Chnstmas *st«rtuinmattItir the children wilt tie KIVMI Haturdai,th« twenty eighth, ut two-thirty. Tuopre|>aratlunii for thu «r« in tbe hand* ofthe ludie* of th« entertainment euro-uiittee, whojirontise-to-malw tbe aft«r-nooiiTnost attractive to all the young-aten of the club A* uraal. them • willta-ico cream and cake for all.

Coming on the thirty-Aral fur thefirst timo In wvcnU yuan, tbe Now

Itolln' 1™ tb> \ won*' I In- U»l »«•hM\, Mr* | | ,ml i Hut Mri Hard)tbat »a« \<*s«nl,t\ 41111 np tm>l |ii«»lv.thru Wnr -irilrr «iw |jh<mt«i III |«lplln* sfli-rnium .unt He wmt I'm tbo Hnt


for IHrice, School AridFamily U«e.

« l tbi'in I'lti'lkunipif•N HlIU IruW w | ' loll him 11.1t In

|Hil thf> Inir-H> t i | i ' Ymi i l l t l ir ' .mnvUilriKinic uml tlu-rc 1 »(<>liiM'li'> I"' » Wl*lanl Tim I mi t»i)*, Imt t ' l irulmnonly ntqi(s,<Hu«t/.

llnllol "fiin t Imir \ , ,II 'V» lln»- ITMM, Mrtluire. I in unftill) -.irr) tmt»•«'*•« got to wnil IttIK mi i<nr>trlji Vm I kniiH liU mill w Uul

I>|| I m .ifrutt) It « i l l U> ht>ur I Inforn


Zentnnr will pivv'id« tuo music.

wafHmand coffee to the wbo

"often*;" before long.


would be highly appreciated.

Tho prevention elf fraud will be tbeobject of a Joint exhibit to be made bythe county and city department* ofwolgbts and measure* at the IndustrialKJSI«*IItion. to be held Jjj,,J0iiabeUi'in1'etiruaryr' By means uf a novtt displayof false Wfcight* and roeararai buuw-wijres wilL-be: instractedi in meiboda- foravoiding: tbe scheme* of disbnftnst deal«f» to- defraud them. ' ' " -

,<• Resolutjons of Respect.At tho meeting of the Parish

Trinity Church, which WM held atborne of Mrs. Baker on Dec 4, tbe following resolutions were adopted:

WHEREAS^ Our beloved memberMrsrFabrlej has been called away' bydeath, - .. .

RESOLVED, That the Parish" Circleof Trinity Church ha* lost a valuable.friend and member, an m m i t vcr/rlr*a M M^jmw^p T J T H T T P n i i ^ i ^ i ^ W J I ^ .grt f i f % T ^ l ^*^^^^ ^^f T I T H ™ 1

and one-who WM always devoted to thetnterwta 0/ tbe Church.

KEsdWTED, Also that her low willbe felt in her m»ny phllantbrople*,

'KH8Ot.Via)7/TBatia' copy of thinereaolntioas, as a mark of-- oar affectionsnd esteem. Wieottoher-' (ataHf— andietiprBsd upon ourintnatea. - -^

6'ur1 beloved President and leader, M«:OMviafldm'nnds Talnici, wbose^efrice16 tbe Church (on thehas been wrfor_-reachlithat tbe inBuencft «ha exerted m

oe a permanent hnd^abiding one- __' port»*^and *erve to Tjulcken,''*™Interest of our members in th&>ork sodeafctoher.^B^ it Te*ol»ed, that w ^tbe-VCpm ' - - - • - • - - - • -

Uiunty auperintetident of Weightsand Measure* Augmtos VV Schwartz,

id -City—Superintendent William J.ider will be in chargv of the exhibit,

hlch will consist of hajxtrvln of scalas.;hts and mearam that have Imm

bV them daring tbe ~pa*tyear.' Along skkrof tbeao wUl he pb£edcorrect ncolea'and memo res and demon-strations uud lecture* will ho giren tosht,* tb«rdifference rn- tht working* ofthu apparatus and the mean^-for detect-Ing device* that are not accuraW:<i$tateSaperinteodefit Wllluun M. WaldnM.of Trenton, will be present and will ,4*-'liter most of,the lecture*. .. - ' ^-~

Tbe exbiblt'wiH be ptac«l m a boothin* prominent part of tbe .Secuod Kc«d-fiiBlit A~rm<>£ji««.heat Jhe mytmiifm- wil[be beWr "Th« invitkttoa tu Inake thedbtpbkylLiwasextcndtkfH&tUe mipAKinieo

Miln Ht ,.lon«w HuriHi.lh Av« MttMtullwin Avn Millar WKMIIUWIIWalt n iuiimr<-

wire -) .«, t~jn*t cuughtTTin"^vkui " dTlit imina of miimTliiiM unJ a l»u ufuiliruU cnti k».r»'_ _< IIHMI liyt*.

Bjllj,' Nirry my Imy, il* upAvi-nuiv wny IMIII tho forifiit

UjjonlKilfititki'rs fur tlm IsiliyHallo' Yi>* tlim ^ You r» fait-

ton. I'etorwiuiil nil tlm bium* nni gon«.'3otryt I iU.n'1 wain lu IK- dl*oliii|ringhut i cun't auk a IIIHII to gu u mi In for awnall nnltt.«r.nu>.ynii't_lri_iuU.J_ Is 1*Ht««4iit»ly-U)H*»<wr).' 0 , Ilii' Iiir4, andyou Miuit Mrtl IHIKI' *irry. Mtx lVUin,hut }VU'I| llittttUl fitrnl him ll<l|uCt< MBcan't iimifl for that

t|r< r«i«m hud

A spctially prquietlInk for Banks and louutain IVn

use. Mbws free and will not ion ode. tuoKiw or thicken! Ask your dealer, or „. .

iJ. J. 0IDDIN05. lilUnbeth, N. J.

WVI1 littlo tm) wlml'-uii-l tin for )outilothrr furipil tlw.cun'mt iff nt\» mm youfnrH' rixmght |t HKI innib'to imk usto deliver H tunigbt' W.-IU 'thtrn are

WP3f.N$l.Wou urn ami ImifVitn for

for mi< Tbcro » tlm phonn4~

Held. Strwt> ()n« run »f rorn. m idri«l lim-f U Unit nil' . It thin MrsWbtwimr tulkliiK" WMII ailc bnr if mflyliodav a<ti-r tomorrow won't iln' 'IVII

hrr tbq teumi urn nil out All rightsame to ymi,

Hello' WoU>hi Lo«her-yos,Jackson bb tut trip ri<m% jvu'no l>n>n hop4ng bt)could tin IIKIIMJ UT jkid's Ktockiiw1 -Htirry. but t ulate (>rd«n that krv\i <>% out . l*i»«i l/yo.I'm *orry Urn ' \

-woth, tbe folksmean all-right, liutjt u-'iulil lidlp\n lot" - S l l h i k f tt~>arly In" thea <v.^wvi ..«»i., «itinij ..r t

Week, llopi.1 thowi Ijoyn on tho wagon>don't get .down «t<,k. You boys gohome now. CI090 the doom. Uo»*Inlglit ami a Merry Chris}ma* to all/ ' ,

To the Public:^ 7 aiK

tribution by_. tire., board ofEducation ^crl^ne^ circularJett^t>and ballot on 4heschool- site proposition 1 }iaveobtained • a- vvtitten * ~ optionfrorn. fj/Jrs. Bigelow in iavor,of the Board of-Education,

ndtkfH&tUe mipKinieoL." peria*^ jiecreUyry f4j

the ^the tletaiUiiC tbe pbooth for tbe weightaaod %

l wi?U_i»th*r4. for. "tfeeti S h f fad '

ning •Avcnuejo


Oih>r~«ffl*)| and Inrga alpuB.iini.

Extra Special! Opening DayVI

The Apollo Drug Store.Hut Ml* (hawin

luiiffar| Mum Im h«r»dK« r)uuoj) t b a t d a } — x u i u oiir_

|irm» <Jttr stnra I* ymur •!•>» It hum Imm .I.

mi.l prwnU u»iiU-h,i

t.vnjJ. Hopattoa, • • ..•«, • , ; , .We handle a full and <ximpl«u. tin* of drug* ilwmlmU u..l MI«II

.».(!. jnawtuiu^ p p p i i l e | * r t m « i l

. P"!?*1 d n n " »« lb« tula fouiitnin Ji>y n ('ranf.tr.11'h.m.liatr ..r ahA|«illi» Hundan Hoiivenlra. gifts ami prJ*«» with »vnry'|Hiri-1ut»»

APOLLO DRUG STORECltANFORD, "I Knw*»t, F, MOKHK, NIIW Jl:K5liV11 North Avenue. Man«Knr. . Trust

USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS iWhile it lis the spirit which prompts it that

fnjiKwt-nnsirnas giving real|yt vyprth' wljiJc ttucteis no feaiwn why nne-ahould not select praetteal-

ffl—giftsv-fortheserxifter-allr are the kind-most- appre-1-

Gifts for Use in the Home.

!. F°r 'he woman oijhejiouse,ranyariicltvt}jerjisc-'jii which will promote her comfort or liKhterf

her household^ duties, is^sure_iol)e.v[—Under this heading comes the

Electric Chafing Dish—Elcctric-Coffee-Pereolator-

Electric Toaster StoveElectric Tea Samovej

Electric Table RangeElectric Table Grill "

Electric Reading Lamps .Electric HeatingPads.

ric Millc Vf armerT'Electric Irons

^ - . -Any of the foregoing articles flJl^ahoasefiold- wantmrcd can be" used at a cost^)f two

cents an operation.ree

Please, Santa, scuse my writh'.hand

My papa says when I am bigI'll write on his machine. .

Avalanche of Children's letters' Adds to Annual Burden of the

Postofflce Department — HowSt. Nicholas Obtained a. Per-

—manent Place - In -the -WOTId'sCalendar.

SANTA CtiAUH, HII* mt«t popularperson In I hi- ttbulu vide world,Is Just about ready now to startout on his annual pilgrimage to

gloddou tho hearts of uiouy millions of

Shartaemlngs Apparent Wh*a ClFartIt Mad* to Express a New Th*usM.To the student of thought It trtoter-

estlng to we bow tens a theory jtenlsta [after Its foundati-jas bare Ucn under- fmined. One can almoat sty of theories j

"Hint, like superstfiUww. they .never dlt/j

tirisrFfoffi^ tlie Sporf MillBy STADIUM

____r^f^mmsJ^d^m^^^^^^iumm^^^»Silence Monthly. They haveHchampionship committee of the Ama-

at leant nine the* and uro killed again ' teur Athletic union, has announced jesfrittedmid again before their adherent* <-ati ,that tbe national Indoor chAotplotnbirs "iflie them up. Aiid the viowt O/JL.IBJ will be held at lltdlton Square Oar-that dUpnmd tbei.rti'ii have an esr* den. New York-city, on XIarrh fl. Hers-

[•<lal attnii llOli for Ihg hmf mlm1« U lir^tnfnf»_ these vJSMBBlABtbiilfc-iUL'_ j nul jjoorI try to aiiuara a I'Trrle or jo create p*r-

p t l i Old h h l

good omi, that- tuo nighty, tout-tbla year *he-eflain-l h l i b d '[ilonshlp committee has decided 'to

eliminate tin junior events entirely andonly'^run luc-b settlor cbttnpionshtpevents as have not been decided out-

with uccuracy. N>w > doors'durlng the year and In that waynmit'wa tf rre< tHat are nnfa'-"''ruirtfrem'r1"""r'r:="*5":"-""~"^c'i" -"•*-•

prtual motion. Old thought Is also wellformulated thought'. It has a completeterminology, «nd its shades of meaningcan be-

- T- — - — , - - T wut in-nomewtiiit fr.iiolfielr popular meaning < elude a T5 yardTU»h, 300 yard run, COOA_l!'j;l'»l tblukKC. let Muxue an a~n*« _ yBrd Mm.-l.UQO-yajnlTUn.- tm» uutn piny ha\oo with the printed two mile walk, 70 yard nigh hurdle.

f bl M a who ha* tbe facts-r (three {eet i tx lnebea), ttaadlng- U|rJie ladgunjM tojev.ljumiv atandlpg abroad Jump. tbre.i

° | standing Jumps, ,34 pound weight for

Drastic reforms In the sport of pow-er boat rating ore adrocated by Her-

T. Koeroer of Grand Island, N.

'-"cSrefuny- been made lu bin factories) nt the north

pole and that he U mire there will boe:iough to go around. This year linnbeen a trying ouo for. I ho merry oldfellow, for lfo bns had to have a whole,lot of thin,** wnde. that had neverbeen thought of before. ' llut'wllli allthe new toys Hnntn stcndfnntlv re-ftijj'3 to u» hack on micli old timefnuirltei in Hli-ihf, iliiiu, drums nud

;U«4»-fw>4»nl>)>!)f»tfK4:|ii|f<). He li» upJba-ilulii,-but hns Aii-uld fashlotunl

vlrenl: lu him too."t'lirlMiiniH iiiinei but mice a year,

and when It eoliies It lirlti|t« Kirndcheer." That Is the motto of Sautn

us, and"they vuy thnt If Ithappen that by any chunco u boy orKlrl tins been left on* his list It almost

—vpolla-hls Joy over the-happiness thatbe hnfe distributed wbon be iinnlly gotsback to, tho frozen north 'with his

"" VlilldrbyfllJn't u»(>Jo wTito^K'tiora toTsuutu I'lnuB, 'niey jimt uepenucu uponIt that ho wouldn't forget them, and bo


There'* no month, after all. Ilk* old t>ervmtior,

Which brings us back the skating andthn sno>v, - ' ,

The'^vcnlng group, about tin ruddy «m* llHT, IThe lamplight'* mellow glow,

Tl.fr quiet Joy ot «hl>pereii preparation.The myntory ihat Imren ev'rywhere,

Tim enver, jut tubdueil, anticipation—Th*. {'nrliiinai-ht the atr. * • '•• •

Th* holy *v«, lUnncltnt sl»an«M bring'Insr "

The Knillo mint oxyecled all so soon,Tli* run o( stooklnta from tbs mantel

l '

not bin fault nny more than It la today.~rETTEK STO " 8 ANTA

H.iit Bliioe IKIJ-H and irtrU hitrn liocn-u i l t lug him lottoin tho poslollloo d(>-imrlnieiitu In tlili country nml nbronilhave bad tlu-lr btmli'iM grontly Ijtcrcnst»d. In fact, to bojinlli' cnnJId about It,

-ttipy TVOUM pTeTertlmt tlii» chlldron oftoday should tllacontliiun t^o practice,mid Santa CInui lilniself hns assured UR't f h A

them just tho.nnuie, cwn though he ladenied the pleasure of rending: nnd

- answering - such dear' little, notes at«». : ' ,

rff4nrap"Su»-t>m>Tcom*'oWn th*rlUiiniey: cgine in tho t \ a u r . .1 will l«nv«1tuiuoiKM. ine loom la mco antl wormtyad bright, and bYlftK me a bracelet and« piano. I u in learn to play on i t Hens*wilt* and let me know your number.

~~Ha\* >ou any children? Love to Mr*.

My Denr S^nta ClMts-Lnip a llttlo Rlrl,"""• nuine U Ktliol 1 Ql»y my ~•••A »n«l pupa and alwin;i try to li* n e««* bKvlil Mini iinu' i i C I u tiKill, nnd now,4for.Santa. \A(-n»e bring me* cuuboanl-tgciuy iiicedUhca^au bi oughtMM l u t Olirlul.luas; Kino'a little candy an4nitti and a Chrlttmiii dec. 8o don't for-*el to <oine IIOVMI tho chimney.

t When c|illdn>n began writing letterst''i ii f ' 'wore objects'of Rtvat lnleivdt. An In-

'(cresting story li iold of the tlrst Santa- - f l a n s letter M?nt thruiiKh tbe St. l.ouls

tCotlle«Ji>id JO lookat lr>St^s~<uRh<>MJMJLJo S.iuTir€H)Hia_

of biS~-rei»refiei>tntive" ~~ " "nenod- to be jvoriilmf In tbe St.

*" -lu/stofflee -diifliiB tTir^VUrNtmns rush,


rtrS^it^ir^crSoij^?matter tlirouSb-tiwjualla' to nut

x i tHlnio nurly bftcrnoon—

Tlmt time Is nigh, j . ck Frost has Senttile-warning

Ttyjt frightens ear* from many landsand seas, *

I fount) -upon' my- window pan* thli morn-Ing

A grove of Christmas tc*es.

flierr 'naffitrfttiu" nadres*~onTchOntafad"o-pirot«<farimuTwuef» It 'can T>e

dono so, on tho lusldo of tbo package.V l M ^ i j»Tegejit

-semler'o-nume-oaof them aro delivered and somo otthorn nro not, owlnK to tho fn'ct thnttho person to whom tbo package Is Buntmay uuvu uiov eu or cannot bo found." TUo-package which la undeliveredgoes to the-dsnd letter offltfe~j~f thesender/H name Is missing, no^ matterhow valuable lt.may bo. It la held atthe dead letter olllce for some time andtUeiria1 given,to at 'or sold at auction.



Tho real Sauta Claus, thel ofthem all, goea way back to the taliceMurjr.

t i r e s e n t nntno, -Santo Clau.i. or.rrtiijiiIvriss Rritigle, Is derived from StNlch-

" that -wajrolas, tbe-incnrnatlou ofsTood nnd ^

St. Nicholas, dc8tlnedto o ped In various forms bjv the etilldreirof-Bcores of- centurleS;" vraft Jwrn In Pa-i«ra, « town or Lycln, in Asia-Minor.From li|a_earUt<st,dny!i he showed a re^HKIOUS Inclination Jhut destined him totaken hlRh place In the,church.sA» a. joung tuau he entered thiftaoftsastery of, Slon, and lu tiuic*4>e bccunie.

ttud later bishop bt MyraVkn^.ty-and lenrnlng jnado htm,shlne

three Children, ahd fliat their would bomurderer was a butcher.

In either case St. Nlcholnt norConnei'the miracle of restorluc them to life.

This was tbo first net bv which StNicholas provetl bit lo>e for dilldren,Tb«~aecond boro HIIII nmre Htmn ly oitbo Santa Claua {den, f»r It MJH n ruVor that ho did nt rhrUtimn lime.

A certain nohleinnn of I'ntura wa:so poor thnt he was unablo to glvn nportion far his three daughter**, nnd Itseemed lninotulblc lluit anv of tho triocould Ret n hutbnnd. St. Mcholn*,leanJTfig of their pllcht. oiunc nt I'lirlatmas tlmo'nud threw n pur.so tilled w itlgold Into an open window. The netwas dojDe aa stealthily ns thnt of thomodern' 8anta Claus; tho noblemancould not-tell who hta benbfnctor wasbut be gar* thanks and married off theeldest daughter. 1 •/.

^Kett-ChrUtma^conie jinothcc. pijrae-.and: thn_aecond daughter- took u busband.

When tho Christmas'of the tlilrd year

the .better of him, and he set himselfon guard to seo vrlio It wn9 that lefttbe money. When tJoo snlnt ivppcnrodtho nobleman camp forward and askedwhy so g?od-aa-aet-gtwrid-b»-nerfored In Jtealtb^-Then the patronof tho children enunclnfed b gtruth that the best acta are those thataro done for the joy of doing, not thohope of praise or reward.

SANTA'S OTHER NAMESThe idea of S t Nicholas wn? so benu-

tlfuLtbat It took-lts ptaco nmons theIgreat 6eltefa^.of^the children, nnd In"different forms It la-fQutid nearlycentury.- .. ' ~^"~tr---~^

B9th> hta name aird bis torm ulrxcr,but everywhere his labor lajhe same.In France, Germany. Kusslnlind the(etherlaoda he Is the embodiment of

^ rellgloi» Idea, but InEngland amTtbaJJnlted States his of-Uee lsjjnore a secubii

Krnnco alwayB - represents j jtoe Infant Jeans, and In Germany, too,the name Krist KlndeJ, corrupted hereIntq Kriss^ Krlngle, mentiii-lltemlly (he^ h t a i ^ l l d

u Ftaiito HieJUIluSlips hi tho houier-e

T-vea jflftt that wth» power f tlielr,pafenw to buyTan lnsplraMoo-t<r>thV:3rQj}ngyter._",Child Isabelleved to conie~M'JtliLgltUJorVtfe little^ oues, ho la drcssed'ilge^maldeu; tfaVrylng a. jUrer bell, lightedtapers and wearing a c"ro

iffrh t h e

Another«r«- , _ i | ,u« rUiare "nor* f In A^act -

st jTblkl bluself comes *

r>\it does not jiave the language,prpspt b i t 11<*x\. __

Onlj when'one has tried" t!> state j height and S4'found shot put*oine IIIJW thoutcht docs he realize how L , __ ^__^__poor a \ehkle language realty Is, He |lind» that most word* afe~iiynonynis In«ed roTspri*H (Jd Ideas In many ways.N'IIIIO of Ilicni Id frop from lmi>llcn- . . . . .II.,,H tint turn the render bacfi"To the } ' PWUent of the American Power..Ider «h.w ln-t,.,,d o f helping him to lU.'a* l " l ) c h t ' » 1 1 ' '" U"° " D n t I nJ>ort

l.ieak DMV rmmul New thought does , ot ih^ onranliatiou. Amon. the pro-not jict Int.. the printed page uutll long j reforma are a change in the Urn-irftrrit-iirTnT-rtltrwihose who study ,.'."«'fftenftand the,wsctnalun. m^.-ad of books. ° f f° ,u n e";,1 0 t h a t c o r r e«t «•»• ™T bo

had for all races; the discouragementof offering cash purses; the authorisa-tion by the association of all races ofnation wide Interest and the generalprevention of dlshoriest methods suchas* have marreditbe sport In tbe pa*tThe association wi i |have representa-tives on band at all races, and whereregulations are not obeyed the o'ffend-ers will be disqualified.

MOMENTS OF INSPIRATION.In Which Problem* HKharto Uncen

qwtrabl* Hav* B**n Work.d OutThere oi'dni (o exist a tendency to

ascrltio Inspiration to a process whichI* tbo feRult nf a preliminary 'effortMany havo noticed that after long andfruitless rnentnt effort the result forwhich they have been «triving comesto them suddenly while they are think-ing of something entirely different. Thepreliminary mental toll has born* Itsfruit subconsciously.

Pnlncaro says that many of his mosta1>sffuso mathTnmtfcaI~dlsc6TerIes~n~a5'5«6mario~nlin l»rju»£'tlil»~w.ay.7 Once, The fifth series-of International son-after laboring on a difficult problem fortwo neeUn, tho solution enmo^to himunontaneouoly at night whllo he wastrying to sleep.

AnnMi.r «rilll(lnn puma »f> Mn> »htln

belna npi>arently_, qiilto free from »ttihoiiKbt of mnthematlos. j\cnln on Im-portant cont-hwlon forced. Itself uponhim with what he terrjii "brevity, sud-dennett nnd ccrtltudo" whllo ho + a iresting on n Hen bench after a period otapparently fgtllo cogitation. 4

Tho strlKliiK part o£ It nil, says thoX»-v York" Sim, I* tl)8"~nppeflrflli<;oof "s|Hiutnneous Illumlnntlon,". which

deliberation. Kxperlenccrof -this Hort appear tn ho very commonIn the CIHO of nmthprnntklnni and withother men. \vltoso work entails long pe-riods of mental coucentrnUop.

of chryjanthemumname ot "Christy

A new Tarlety;has received theUathewaon" and was on exhibition i ttba flower show at the department ofagrlciiltur* In. Washington.

der yacht race* will be held next Sep-wtember off Merblehead between- Ger-"man .and American boats. The Inter-national contest between the two coun-

man. At In the four previous contest*.,the races will be sailed under the Jointmanagement of the Kalserllcher Yachtdun at Kiel and the Eastern Yachtclub of Boston and according to thorules of the International Yacht Rac-ing union. There will be at least flvorneei.

Tho American trials will lie held offMnrblehead beginning Aug. 10, 1913,

mny IH—taken to bo-fho-slgn nt ionrf T»'lth;-tliB~flT»tintBnn(lIouaf "race In The'sumo wafers-oirSPiti."!." The Amer "lean trial races will be open to tbeyachts of any organized Americanyacht club, and entries will close July19, 1013, vrltli Henry Howard, chalr-

IB Qotrton.to boat*

Kntrfes WTh;

pound* dl«pkuen'>-:it

whW» d» not tout ot«> thirty two ft Kwltn » ail arealltalted to MO *.risr«feet, has been a popular type of untla eastern wata*s tine* the first it.vV-national races off Sftrblehead tit

A. i*. Spaldln*, oae ofthf oWe". "v.ing baieball playerj, who « m »|pi'l«t

» t t t ^teUenr.JiAmerican commissioner to fhe*a P, , i liXJflfj hss a. thenrrabont the Iffwrtable suivt-ss <>t Amer-ican athletes In International,cflnteit*.

"Of course,"' (,a!d Mr. Spnldlng Iwas not surprised at tho result atStockholm. Hlmory has ,heen repent-Ing Itself In tfiHt «ay e\er since tli#celebration of the (Hympl.- garnet «a«lnaugurate.1 at Alhein Mnerl.a «,„,the victory there In \'\»). she tri-umphed again !tt i'.,r|, („ j . ^ , , u u rathletes defeated the cutpjtants atBt Louis In lain. nK x I.Tory wns our-.at Ijondoir til1 lumrnnd 'It wai n' r'ure- 'gone conclusion thnt »e wquld wlu ofStocLiioIm.

"But there U foo>l for thought Inthis uninterrupted uucceislon of tri-umphs. Why-do our athletes alwayswin? 1 believe the^whole secret of,these continued, successes is to befound In tbo kind of training thatcomes wltu -tbe playing ot America'snational game. -

"Youngsters not yet big enough toattend school begin quickening tbelieyesight and sharpening their wits and!strengthening their bands and armsand legs by playing on baseball field*ready at hand In, ths meadows oCfarms, the commons of tillages tndthe parks, of-cUbs-all-orer-the-huiaVvBasebal^comblnes running, jiunplqg, .throwing and everything that constl.-*tutes the athletic events of the Olynnpic games." . -

tennis players bav«-

^ 3 5 3

association with tbe view to bringingoTerto tblTeountry ft teaffl of theJead'Ing women players to compete alongthe Pacific coast. Since the success-ful campaign which Miss May Buttonmade of English courts-, finally winningthe All England championship, severalseasons ago there has been an effort taestablish an International series foewomen of Great llrltnln and the Unit-

«L State;. „ ._The clean swepn which tbe CaUfoc

nlan« have made on the courts, andespecially tbe showing of Miss MaryBrowno In her winning of th& Amer-ican- championship, has still further In-spired tbo California'^.

In a Spirit of *RaMery- | ' Going Up.."MT—dear-BtB- h^ro-ln-our

barracks we have tho. tallest soldierever seen. -

q fecUnlno Inches.Jecms—Six feet nine Inches? r That

U nothing.. In our barracks we haven sergeant who Is BO tall that ho Iscompelled to Kneel when he wants tojcratclr his head.-_

—«v A Trustworthy Friend.•neally," began thtrcoJlestpr, ' T e a S

not understand why a manoVyoarjre-rrcestvnr refuse to p a y h u honeSt

debts."Then I'll teUjrou," said the -well to

do citizen confldentlally.^'If I paid upl'd~ibrow fou and sereraToChersJont ofwork, and I_haven't the heart'fo do~ I f -

Ehtwttn Two Flrasrpefson should~thlnlt_twlce before

speaking." Terhapi so, Btlt-ICaomepeople were tn think twlco beforespeaking they -would b~o~Bo~exhaustedthey couldn't apeak." — Birmingham



™»''"i"1 IUU^Ir certaingown of hers as her "quarrel dress."

"I -always w<?nr -It." »l»»


- "But why do you call It a quarreldress?'"

-"How"Didn't work at ail. Next day this

..„„„„„„ . . . . . , - Rd- appeared in the same paper: Tha"ecnuso It da the only g^wa-I-JiaTe- fecognlzert-gelilleman who Dicked uu

the purse on Boylstoa street requeststhe loser to~ call atUls'hoine/"-Bo*-

that doesn't button-In tho back._•£9H9fiMy-l doa't have to call tbe oldgrouch to help me."—Louisville CourierJournal. • ~ ~^-^_

tndloatlng «.Re.d**mino Trjtit. ,^•Why^doea ailss Schreecher closeher eyes wben-atie »lngt?" "Perhapssfie has a tender heir "" '"'

Flattsry,the-klnsr~wa»-looklDff at a pit

pony which had-been brought^pjor-hls inspection- the "pony proved ~~"~

iulte. what-restless^

to see how we suffer."—BirminghamAgfcHerald; ,, "

Two HidderTRta

not think u Qu«»r|«r« lister Su*


Whtri P**r M**ts P**r.S* yon aureruseu rdf "ybTlr*"Io3t"

purse, pretendlnc that the person who

ton Transcript

5?-the headstall he doesr^Tnkej-sSe cansBee your* majesty pla(B-esbngh.<~Idon: Spectator.

ay our"What's that you s o T r - i ' Iancestors didn't knowIf prices keep going up our descendants -.will become very well acquainted wltlitheut*1—Louisville CoutlersTorunat-



-Cnl u history thai , u..riiT5a>i»id»

«*9E«e Jf**f4*^%fn*i>b*Jtf \jrJxT--trwr**

^ ^ " " "

. rate's Iwtn' op .* l>tt.I -in 'banted 1sw«% "Say, tf I f •«.»» I vis* nuk.iu-.fiv Itw tnirw«t tuwo i "*.•«

" * " '" '•• • • ' - • - - - - - - W ' I k v i l D r i w ' '•*<"'» *"»•" 4 I! i l l* V ' ! l " b l ii»-"l"Mt& Mlat ttAJTO &***& fit* $?)*.<i I

ier j-at-ht. whKh t* n flu U 44.UU5 pound* d U j . l a n

not tout oter thirty two f,.r,'I area'Mulled to MO ansr,,been a popular type of to:.:waters tine* the 'first It.vV-

•re* off Marblehead "si

^ » • '••<•» U(i n>rof« l!ic , tart 1Mill.OfcrWtiae-s ahsriwr wlta ai«a a etaw^ to 4A w r b

t «im •*•*•!»', *« I )<>*<*«a«t «f hto ewMe*) *p-aatM la aa4 ti»td him Mat hu«r ul » » B « l . c t a t m i a - t h a t i n * n t t a v r t«M II fc" •"«"•' * i l» h . ' r » » t>< t i n - r i . b 1

mt-rn-'fiti* Mm «• i lityftl-if 'ta«

f» i n tb* ifr^iuiid fur *,.« -• *•faint , t x) 1 " '

lsinktn\ »aji J,vnJ tbra Davl4 understood. .

' ' « hy.

- t •«*-*-«-*-,By GEORGE BARR M'CUTCHEON

illplayerj, who «*,l<rl*hr Ws»Menf. J

commissioner to CheParts la raw), histnv«MabIe tuivess <,f Atner-

te» In International puniest*,rse," u h l Mr. SpnldJiu. I•\irprlscd at tho result at. HUtory has ,lieen repent-In that way e l p r since tli«

J of the dlympli- garnet n M

i l j i t Alhein Mnerl.a u,,,,•y there in lv.m. she trl-galii !tt i'- lr |, („ j . ^ , u u r

Itfeule.l tlie rnutpjtants at" lWV*' "'" ^ ' ' f fy wns ouri

hud'lt wai n fiire-thnt » 8 would wla at

ere ii foo.1 f«r thought laerruptetl isucrexslon of trl-Vhy-tlo our athletes always>elieve the^ whole secret of,tlnued. successes is to betho kind of training that

U -the playing of America's1 me. -tera not ret big enough to100I begin quickening thennd sharpening their wit* andIns their hands and armsy play lug on baieball fluid* •band In, the, meadows o{1 commons of villages andot-cltfes-all'over-tne- hmd,,-vmblnes running* jumping, .ind everything that constl*ithletlc events of U)« Olyn*

a lawn tennis players nave-

Co»yri|l« « Ctv

PROLOGUE.Darld JenUon, a >oung

bunied as .a fugltltp. sveks rrfugv un-ilcr a circus trot. ll<t U fouitd.i^K-cpby Grtoaldt, 1 life ('IO^D.OI Hern U« J«J>oakea. lu the Urchins tent UrltnUlliccognlzo him us thc."l><»t tuurJcrcr."for WUOM ia|>lur« f'OO ie«*i'd I* of-fered. Biaddork» tirrun U lu iirowyillfflcultie*. sail UraJJock, tn «plta ofH« t>rolp»l« of his vite and ilaughler,

s, vertarM frrthSBBgUaHwith the view to bringing

reountry a team of tbeJtad't players ro compete alonj• coast. Since the micress-gn which Miss May Buttoniglljh courts, anally winninggland chnmplonshlp, leveral5 there has been nn effort tain International series foeGreat Urltaln and the Unit-

JSfSF wSfchThV Califo»1 made en the courts, andthe showing of Miss Maryher winning of the Amer-

ilonsblp. has still further la-L'allfornla'ns.

tri Peer M«»U Pur.adrerusea TOf ~yoTlr*"Io3t"di that the person who

l s he are Impretwcd by I'aW'l's declaraIt Ion of lanoccttco. rovshly[that tb* boy be surrendered

Braildvck change* hispwhen David produces $3,000, au laheri-I tance from, his father, pf wblcb be of-tfers Braddock tho amoont of the re-[ward If permitted to remain, lie be-F cornea a down to evade his, pursuersland later Is stuffed Into a circus wagon.I At the uexl stop Uraddock offers him a[steady position and warns him to d«-f posit tbe-rest of tho Inheritance withfhlm. Ilut Mrs. Uraddock, distrusting.' her husband, already has taken tbomoney for safe keeping. Colonel Uob(Irand, a race track gambler, who has

L. Braddock In nls" grasp ttmtnehrtty; *r^.pears at the circus and, as usual, Is at-tentive to Mr*. Braddock, much toher,disgust Qrlnaldl recites to budaughter, Buby, and David the storyof Braddock's changed character sinceunder-the-lnfluance of Bob Grand, also

"teJKniF or^V'sTnaTttmdl'ock" felfTh"_ lore with and married her present

husband, being disinherited by her fa-ther. Braddock order* David uot tatalk with hla. wife and daughter, butthrough the compassion of some of thocircus troupe he U led into a meetingwith. Christine, to whom he relate* bl*story. Bo mentions bow hi* dlsgracodtmde returned after the war and of-fered proof* of his Innocence to Da-

-*ltf ••grandfather and. how this .uncle,- together -with- Isaac, a-negto- Uwjer,forged a will and slew David's graud-father to cover tip the deed, clrcumstances, together with hi* uncle's ac-cusation, making It appear that Davidwas tbo murderer. Braddock securesmore money from David. David helpsa hunchback follower of the show la astreet Ogbt and wins the thanks of thecripple's big brother, Dick Cronk, apickpocket, The ungrateful bunch-back, jealous uf David'* attention* to

; Chriatlne^ Informs, ojn Aim. but th«r.po-sled by Dick Cronk, who

' ,"Tlie tlltl* »i)eak-he .-wild sare »i 1 * t « aa lot of trouble Iflie'd lea* «u.t and A te**«?hand over >ooie of tb* rnonr* be* !*ndlni tt-lSw

1 tn cfln*; t<» ba'f It v>ttt »tth o«t »*r» Huushlro lie isn't may oi» here and l e t ' - t" "1 notiMa't «»ll« m much-, Hradt >«c« , «1 «-> t itrr krrp a i lnAlnacw li( that Vad vf !>taa4t(utJT'irs." raid tfip clown mcaulnclv.

ibaittrwi hU Turf its. -Ifd l I


*f tb* »ld*«r«I«;fr»m the duor-

*trta e i » t » • t Jfrt'wnt n\«*1-! *, <»»»

lh«n. ljut! wfctpi* !:i .j^U. (SoMJwr ,(llwuon..Tb™ - s o * tb* thmfM cij

w«ivr "»«yT 7.ck- mx i ^ - ^ ^ S ^ r ^ v 0 ^ , T j ^ ht r r

«a -above, him aa to.unt "wwe to Joey'. r«An \*°**? l "'.d ^S?***" *'"'TI j ^• *td»««r«I*; lu naif *a hour. l* e got tocaethlo*- J *? "*•»", t*a nm about nttittg ± tbmi the d«ar- Imwnaof t« tell yea". Good H l « ' t , . L * * ; ' . ' ? 1 UJ*b\ ""' • l lon.t * * l l )

tO-onlc I M I <»nlt here 1 routd l>«r

rnough from lilw to gtt a pier* «T I " I Hhe Krowle<. petqlaulW "Itur. | • H*'

»»»* c*!!»«l nutxhrrr. jou mean.

rur*c iilm, Un basn t luyn nrar ,u» •liii-ffthat ]'ib lit iJra.m Itlo ten days !ag»""

•V lirtJ1 Jp T" tcft • htm hv VTM djrfr'itsteverything and cvt-rj bcxif. On the W»Tto .the bole) Christine and Dartd walk-ed- ttfgctbw.— She clung very tightlyto hla arm. Leaving tb* grounds, *hehad ubtepcrcd In hi* ear;

"Datjd, I adore you—I jatt adoreyou" . ••' -

'T<t dl* for you, I'hrlitlne. That's'how'I feel toward yvu,-" be respondedpsolonatcly.

A «nect mhrnPM t>|l upon h«r. Thechrysalis of girlish tgtiomnre was drop-ping aimj. Hhc wns tielng p»pos*d toherself In a new am) glowing form.Komelliltiit sweet nud Btrangn nmlgrateful flushed hot In her blood: the

• It i L1«kc» farv nf bl* deputlea. t<ook tt>yournfifc <»od don't always take »ucb«irrlt«nt care.of hU angeta."

Jiitkl «o<1 Cbrtstlne t)U«Tl*d off

"Ob, Dai Id," kiiu murmured timor-ously.

"My little Christine." be breathed,laying bis hind upon hers. She sigh-ed; her red tip* parted tn 'the soft.

breathed of a citrioualy light and buoy-ont-sU&ntpliprSr -shft—was walking an.ntr, Llttlo liells tinkled *o,ftly, but *bekocw nut vfheuce came tho nijslcrl-ous Houud.

l'ar nhcsd burrted thn other*, drlrrnto hasto by low rumble* nf thunderand tho warnlpg splashes of raindrops.David and ChrUtlne loitered on theway. _._

A vlvtd flash of lightning, followinl

I•ork at all, Neit day tilld in the same paper: TeaTelHleman TT1H> picked up.._IU Boylstoa street requestsrcall at "his home/"-Boe-1pt- ' '

Subtle Flattery,'klnsfwas-looMng- at a pit1 had-been broiiglit-upjtor-on- the •pony provedIBS


iinnounce* that ho Is a third1Bo~butnt/wartIHg-TJ«vld tu net towlitm as auch. He Invites Pavld\tj>/wruia uartjof the "select circle." composed


• of the Braddock family and himself,concealing hi* motives. Braddock plan*to secure all of David'ytnoney,, whichhad'beenTdepoiltedrjn'a' bank, stealm*

-David's pocketDOolrcQntalnlng 5«0. _._NOW GO OIJJ/WITH THE

Artful Dick Got*rfiEN the night's performance

n as- ww-Thomas-Briddocfc \ outJiX.ltame-back -to—announce to.

performers that theynaituu from

o n j i - - -hat you soy?*—i'lIdn't know beani."p going up our descendants -• very- well Acquainted lilsvllle Courler-Jorunat

fla~h«TB Jj'that time on, unless they~-x*ojeto paytheir own railroad tare. ^

"What1* good enough: for mo and myLwlfe and daughter Is sood enough for

you, I reckon," ho said."Wo-traver-by-svagou tonight Miry,

, and Christletike-tfeecor-ef Jug-•jcraaut. You can taJta-BybodL else

1 Ju with yot»-tha.t^ou like., I've [I'tjwant me around any more,

j f j k hl^Jacky bgy In-with you." . 7 ~ 7 7 7

t llujuof-njy money," said David, bosltd-MriTBroddock'* side, "fll eet'bac!

affCasejvha vc. - Vou shallgo not ticivcW^thosc -Tvaso3n*-_r protest

against 1L Tli^reatjof U>e^>erl6rmccL^have-some of their lyaSi^left- They " _jtia-Ude 6ver-the,*erbaa time*. -BBt-yftur|jjne j j , ,hAve^othlngr'Vott~are_at bl*Dotftsay

i It"

oua dollars.^

, BraUdockV!'. n lona.""sbo tuuilnlji'' be i


tbaoV- A


-I anil'**1

j i d l UraJil-1-.ii-I tlimt c.ica


-ongrysfcyrbroosh-t-tbemThe raindrop* t>cgiiii totheir facwi. • Sharp, jroso to their lips, and Ubrya run for tho Hill* dlntnodeluge cntno Just nsshelter of a friendlyn grocery store).

Life withquite impcrr!

Alw«»* u » ttw <iTr«*.t qqpstmn" kta i.ttonn itio «tr»L Ibey laokea* tvarkIlnw tan | fr.\r \tie ttmt passwordf ouwi during a faint glow of lightning.TJitgf9'v fj^lr p,1 \X% H \ i " *1^ XZIv visXu^ V "T1* f |>."fv*V i*«s>U O I>*IT aTTe» rfT\l-1 t»j: I <J5*lat « * j.-u. Miss.Chris-1% \ \ h u . , lM ,y w w # **pl*lntng their I „

>IM know all alwut rtetiAMtii 1 \HUUItvll tint l.y itte >mr ! »withuut htvlnf UnrtMiig towent en l)\vk Cmnk In ht< nartallir*; tin-ireim. LU »Uu u l-»'i.'. • n s r r r —

Ua« G*ta'.-«" V!ot

"VTtmn la

di a rwtt«r?"t-titX -Daild.did you drop

tnm-tii* ekf T"~TB» Ftelfortrt UogtHtO gleerutly.-IH4 1 acsuvj-oti^ Ihave sturftMd yea a tUka a I*WK* as4 Judy

lt_mii»ttn her*

figur*. eh?You Kind tf »arprti*a m* too 11> satthat f«r ytw. ti*9 whU. I didn't know*B^bt»ly * u bf<r» Kay, do you mindtf I p t t«rk la tfarf* out^o' I he windta4i<pt tasy Hr*4—Iffl i*rliijln' forV

clutrhed 10 bla mtMtt*pea tirwst.

Tt#y d t w I4<A, Jnto la* comer, and

match after nutfU In thetempt ta tight Us |4rc. all•tending iitweilj ta frcot o,ffacia* toe str««t tast«*4 otvralsg bta Isles, teerasd

gpt her."/IJ*l f an hour lat*r nirk rronk w#»


minatrd trtrAy Int

wa» be Id ko^w that Ktple Cmuk hadla a »iw-](«*rwl diwrwKy

aadlns teuan) wlillcbis arjria: bnlbrr catered *»d ranaarkra ti» »toi» nbo»« awuUig nowaffMrded t:m * esjafi>rt*l)l* refuge?

^and how * a i be t« kopw that Emlohaj-.tland. cut nqttas. tbde. tendsit Ji-js

dest against ro'**t iU!»!«* •jrmktay. tb« inu»t lin*

t out i'n *""•'. vs<*w t&*t BU ISTTHIKT %(*» overlo-tel Tbe ' there and thai lap maM hare IMVO lh«-»e

\J reached tbe ' t 1 k u t' tmbrr tn liw Canhw, Moreover,nlng in front of he ktvw (tut Crake bad hern ennjioii

a snuU dwriaicT r*w *lnro hi* exp»-rcus had nud* her ! rtroc* wttt t i e baoajums «<rtlcr In the- the crash, of tbun-"i *»»*»»,

der, Drfvl^/wa* Ithe more nervou*. I Tnat Is w!ty be etood t«fore David'His arm was about her shoulder*; her 1 aad »«itty txiei t« liciit his jiljxs

I>ll«ht to Mrs. Ilraddock at ibe bi>t«lealranc*, Dtek-<*roak- waa laadlsx nl»freotlad brother by back atreeta to therailroad yard*. Ut (utd ruabed acroaa


H.Oi*«l*«ur« by Oleh.E ktttd u' got COUUMI of Win

•*tf afterjswbilf.^though, and

U.--IU*. |?tnt fa* wanted toknaw wntr* Uns ntggcr wif bow ami

tSttllf IJ let Him off and on conditionI M " • . . . . 'what b»(l M U H I lwtwaMi m <«,'•

•ay* your

~*U » Arthur1* handwrttlet."

•m long enough to •*• that ops was«ddr«ued to I, l'«rry. S12 Clark sUeclChlracn "

"rhiragi>." crttd Davkt eultedly. '

j aTtli»JmperUI hotel, l ie came In Jauntily,fare fr*e and atsUkU*. aa If tlxir* wasno such thing In the world aa trouble.Joey and ".uby KMkM, and the faith-

ITnd CbfUUn* htd JUH gono lu Ilielrd l hd

T lie rrlurnetl a f«wDirk's arrival, l»l« tyi

with n light they bad uctcr »«o tuthem befortf.' /

'f~ "Bttdowq.4acky,"*«ld Jo««y, pultloKdown Ul* mug uf boor on tho window•ill. "1 understand jou'vo met UUktonight afore this. Well, be'* .gotuHiiolhlng Important tn toll you-and

old boy's•l*Mh*A ,,.

you had gotnuwrr.' Then

of theyour uncle

* »Itlchmond." went <>u Dick Irbparturb*My. "Know him?" ~

y . M j . V>». *.Ju.Ule Wn- j ^kct. hed »(ol«a from « t i H M lu UM I ; n d e Haw. so t didn't ettemt* V>hooM. when you wer« o»t looking ll« , „ . , „ „ „ . ^ ^ tad M B W > tooline•aid they were hdrtoum. and would w i l D , h . Temajeur. They alwar*

Ton Infern.l j w t ,„„ to

1 i : eiiyou like to t«k» « ; t b , flrlt t r , J n ,.,


- -A We. greasy kermciio .lamp bungfrow tbu <*lllu« »ltno»t dlroclly «Uu\*

/ w i Tin^y *i>r*wlvd uo-m | t cuui It-twar lo

«r«n liial prooluu* imtlo of

nr a d*y and a half, playlug nnit wntrbln* the bos* roo»t "t

out « Homlotful gold jmuff Ixu with,, t | , , , time- Th« •wood dsy your unrl«tbo iilituro uf * s«rK<<ous IremU l«dy , , M l ( | u Jiia>led tot kwps, Him rnxiau.l a dig Iptn-r N' rugrstnl <.u It and* |ir«'tn»r«l wajit lilln a aidAKQm. W Iwnlivid It u(> 111* . . i ainiiMt [upiwil t | ) e 7 , . n m o out later on I wa* itnudlu'out, but h» maoagril to «lt •Hit, 'Him \ ,.|o*e t.y. Ymir unel* saya Iftts4o htm.I sbowed btm a (aagnia^vnt B»>id j -f.»t me know lh« rotnul* be get* hel».wateb. a couplo of rlngv «ol with ru-1 that'* »II He'* sure to cow* »ownrr i*ble* and dUajou.l* atul'-• I, imer, r u r w titm.' Then bu w*ut awar

'Top," rcpllod Dick."Wb<tr«? l»-nl* he in town?"r'Hquat. Jacky. Don't. Hop off your

lias* like that. A4way* keep a euolIT*VSA* n*i.i Jhcade_,^B?k alt,.^* If th*_g_liost jefhi. rmTt1 '"y owB'dasj'was 'to pop out"of ltia"l

gara way to ronQ- | stewe._pf <-onijue*t. yon («m bere all the tlm«?"

r^~3&x JRSUSIS!c*a all the time? 1couldhave shouted denano to the • "What d

•torm. Ho~beld her! This beautiful, was h*te bvfarc '?•»•? raoe, ir that'lll hastened towarm, allre <reaturp belonged to him! help jvt aay- -IWt," be

*<Arf ynij ^ffM^ *ti»BrOltT" h* CSjIpd. / s a j "I IIH 1. — I*wVj-l l ^ t l. tufure ym>bis lips close to her ear. (dropped ta. N'ow <Joo"i ask question*._ytot a bit. Darldl" she cried raptur>{ If you u n u ^acstlctt* I'll U£^ty*<poously: "1 lpve_Jt._ I*n!tJt wjmScrturr*. ues;"' "" " ^

She turned her bead on h!*-ahoulder. Witt tsa w x t 4af« of flftmJng tieUU lips swept her cheek.-Before «l-[Ca*C~s rtjrUr*sj5»ac»-5jiUw dlrecUaajhef of them knew wis t bad happen- o f tbe stow wtedtnr toiiiclr l e a Tb*4d~tbclrjlps met-s frightened, jy«ty,-i besnry atrattcr-wa* «aa *x*n sad >aag<timorous WTtt-thaj was not_eve»-j!JS*--£-~-_phetlc of tlio Joys tfaat-were to gioit""p-

"Oh, Darld. you must not do_UutT .cried the very malde^^-ber. " J

be-youforo?" he demanded, fiercelyon a sudden.; . -- - -

back, hurt, aghast.Whr.'l5Sv«KLshb cried. " <

"He mnmbled"Christine," lie' aniio

ly, "J am going to marry youyou are old enoogV - j

gasped. "But. David"— she be- |gan,~Treamloua_ with doubt and per-,pleilty. ^ ^ ^ "

"I know," be. said *T%hs^eaUateoVTou afraid I'll uul be clwrt

charge." But 1 am sure toTibe. as?"re Is • "God. Then, when 'j twenty, I k

sweetheart no*—ohTi.let.

and take my"JJOJ

ofderTi _think.

I f e , • ~enough J o

waut mclrid? Votf -liudursta


I Frwir-Abeysv


. Jack,"

la t*he *Ara

nip thlmlilfty therl. uuus* audnuullln't bat an •

«*-a -bltt*t- raWr"Dick, In 1iU riiost theatric drawl."Don't Iwk eo solemn, Kuby. 11'11

all going to turn out beautiful, ilk* the'story book* do. No, kid, be ain't In

town—leastwise he's Dot In this rotteniinrg.- Oaxd-know* where b* Is right

111* audl«iic« K M uuiy tufbglng onhi* word*. "Well, *lr, yoj^d ortnr seenhim then. 1 thought \wji lm»t . I In ,

Ing" about fat* tirutheii and iitbyr"* waieh. I didn't wslt for [

htm to gaTcotlccjsd. I tli«a fruccedeii, j* great dettPt^-x-oitrlon. tf>-titk«->' another pockvt a

In deep and th«o rpwceeasd to actT/«"0W^5I"'*1«t>e. "i'bta.' wld I, •wa

four"I got an idea

'of weeks ago,""went on Dirk, tq1

1 h6ppeu"pn a freight t wabout^ten. day*- (go - J»4 J i t _oul_for.

Too h*4 told me aof yow-owjr-itorj, D«vtd, and Joey-Jiad to.14 in*^fbe-Mt(r*4dU>!j>l* coofl-d*ntl ~~ '

• - - * o» U.

peued-t!S"(n*--els:bt of the sntrderl;

".Vett-^sy I walkW-ttn^told a* you-please, to^the^fcoht door a;for »>jv-3eBl»o/n>~lha*.f,puod-ourJiw'iftllage'ttutt ti» wi«jtrtiok ibree-

He waa having a minilery. tht>


David. Ill* r j m triilcf irith nmazocnmt,"I rmni'Hilinr Ilioin They OIUH lii'luimcd tn my father My grnnilfalher.tisiethnu t» dm n fi>w wiH'k* liofxrn tn> wai

Ilut- hut t <||d nut li*«« llliHi to''Ihpy wi-r« ttfff

• (tight whrro you (>ut "nni," «nl<ll/iik coolly. "In tho •«cret dniwer nfthat otd wurdroljfl in your rooio. KM., her Ilk* that!"you're got- an awful memory. Don't i 'I he V a n were streaming dnwn D».jou-r<"-(*ll<" t tt-lllrt' inn tliry ««r* lhpr«ik', vld'tt rheeks, II* bad *oatcbed'uu anil

Nothing more fwr ini» in iU> out (<t t « l"n train fur tho 'great autt only' \ j ' iNlyn*, l|i>r« I itiu. unit, Ju*y, h<*i("<(lint i>n«t>l»|'<> you Umk frvul 1>*TI>!Kiwi lilil «<> (iirpfwli)' In tbe llnlnc ofyour salrbtl At*o. 0«»t<)4 f r iu l t . m"(o restore to ymi your fath«r'« wntrlianrl your infttber'*- H«T. dpn t

p » y » ] t W f Iworld t» t n i « Tour fnttinr* w»trh. ' t>'a' narrator bad dropped upon! tbojour uuithrr. s ring* mid jour tn -at- ' tnWn. , *grandfather'* *-nuff \«>i that had l>« > ''foil er« perfectly wundtrful, I'Irk,"

by crkkcy!'ey

' J"Tt wijSiV'HioiftCTnlj:'""tn'o'r'K.1**y»''1i5UV'''d a* lie claapaxt her bind,

''"ut. M k'. y»iu blwmlne Idiot don'tyou MI» mil fon'TO Uou*?" cried Joerlu iiorpleilty "Voo'veVut ths vilbilu ,nn. Ma guard. You've qusend every.Ihlog for Dsvld. ffe'll--

U l B t

tirkr*isSiJ*<nre. It Ja tnu Uto." said David.

da,", . J .

'It had onco oootatiiwl a""nwnoyL^he "«atd,~t»ul~yo'

D«hln>Tu*t ISathe enveloped

"1 held It out, but beyond bl* rtach.He sat there for three minute* gattn'

the bandwritlo* on tbo thing, bl*Thinks I. if I can got-myjuwk* o n t 1 * * ^ ? * ; 1 0 ^ " u. *° dM?'< k.Dlrlr ***r

' b« *ayi, 'ItJ'd tnnw It

l*n lfl eB>«« -l1-«*5£«» m w w w v vrmw ^ w » ••'WSHSSJ "" " ^ ^ - ^ ^ mm ~"~*~ " ^ ^ ^ ^ '

*rouBd'Jenl*oa~ballforanighto"r two, *isjow»atBSggetihtf-the lay o* thaJaiat^tta J>e per . andliegan tofectly honest with you, I Inspected -theInterior-from top to "bottom one night

rtrr nlce.comfortabTe room

dollarsi' bo yelled. forg»«n' himself,that black scoundrel *?r l~hail~~ ' " Ited. lie took It h ^

diau'ffcBowJtMl*!"1 put tJia^hJ&g* tack In myHoc;nd calmly saysfjl reckua-^ulll imat

won't yoay^Tfcrfl,iluk ne doesfk I(o_ jp^

Ulelyask* ttJ"r,

If he'll be blackm*Hgrrt^*»y* I, 'you'll find. me'Wttavern Jn~sho town' over Ifiere ifwTtaW4ch*o«6^iylr mind/ Think

I'll gI»*-f9SLtw>4ays to get

OK SIMTyray, iust^as ca'firsntyeu^pii

i done fori-^n<


-w«* io, though,

»,ia end

vI wilietf-

- -Well -Jf-H fat>-


, of Ac C»< i« a* ««T)

L?itrto_-town, «ki

a* a »iRfit."1i'^\»'iw~»»TSl6"1uidoff a the- place, fu t I Jwf. fii«ofrcte«lJ alinLt, I toal'i mi f-'a t«Mi ilris«.la'

with j having seen that uTsscriJtfyBf po ttw-1 oR l lrflit BIMU They told litlh tt the; of the" nuirfrt-rtrfic-aut. in tmui tnicru t'tTgiMc awn/, uu to WasWft*

- *" - i more, tUd.l , | i - tW issomaglt tJSrttfr*hieiif about!<bottinit ' . - - - . - - - .

you.just hold yoof hartts. all of

T&»J!f*t H*(*. Prink UtiliSittlff. TlM4l^*jbeea lookln* forneTidrop'ln on hltn~St»fjL4*y to claim the•wag, or fetch aaInsTtooT Uo don't know just wbere~1•lands, tf t'4 ha* stayed around thereb«r'd hate a ehaaco to grt mr. * He•could even go w far a* to gif*: m»^the money. Or he'd probably.put a.

ull«t In me. Hut dealt you j j i j a y~ - — ." w«rry-

U tB«Trr«ife»V4hJng tbohas 'to flgbtaSBta*3j~~SttBaJ« jt.JI yvu"

d<rwn.- Uo'BeaMJJp. gone-for me to tome h£3fc>~"=t4ga:t

tioarly eraxy wlUt anil*W«U. IA Ualt his nerreT"

i tnd' he'll

sotnewbere that'* on'. you're right," cri. _ .

leaping tSTtij-f««t. -I can Jatt,*«e 'iinow,**--"But when fce see* P«rry~ttadJJii4*

oof." ~p«


d o f I

d to com* oS,Jadais l ihe «lr.

1 inoeeuCAT


; r - " • / ' • - '

- + - - - -v - * «-^ I'*-F™E!'W£X

r-r^r •s-1.-:--'.rcT*- )AT,pi?CBMBBffl2f

i2^^JHgisdBfefllHa«i8te9H»i"for"lie proper draitiaare of ihr »urfaf>

water to.aultat.le points «f dt#f*»**i.~ —•**-• - • ' t i , » T I

C i f ' C t a M Fre,h »l«»ra

Tn« Mint of auch made »h»uK) be . . .the Junction of R » » » aiitl lnh»«>ktimtt ^v

Your petitioner* will »v«r pray,• Veryt r*ap*<-ffull» enbealtUHi

*r»o hundred -t Wii jl^n**) tald 1

.jai a~itw%i _ _ —beailnY ilu> »up*riotea4enr* hM*) tlte*M * Khun tor the a m or tfti

• " <*M*r*



Similarthe 8orj>u~ch

"On motion bjr Fr*«lu>Id>r Wither!*i-eport WJU received ana ordered plaeilacn«er» r«-cefri>d rronij'lu ttm-iksard uf cboaen Freeholder*:

Mltr twentyight ^- fw iWrolmn on Bonnie BuT_. . . Roaelir twenty-eighttt) having elgnrd aanie.. ftaraucA -at

fieMj-rour lilt having

jp4 I ?*iW*- — *Kllubelh M J Ocl

C H )111:

ldt'nlo* County Hoard ,.f Freeholder*.Court houae"Jtoaftlved Mhat the f.reaent arrange-

ment of llghlnf Broad alreet from Ell-aabath i n n a n to the railroad arch beruntlaued for anal her year provided

• the Hr««<l «nrei HH|iroV»TftenTTfiij>drFat I on .oetipclt Vfth the .city ire»«urer

-^ «,eSO,-4J)e|F ibha e tvf fh* i uat~ of tUSaam*. «a <Sr before Novembor IS, t i l l

Theforej - "

-Hteln on October |>

he forrgoltrf~r>»o!uitori m i adoptedCity Counrll .at rh* meeting on

»ber It. and approved i.> MayorIn on October |»

/60 are aaked. iherefnre ' kindly toalve Itamcdlite attention to the en-

Tb* present Kjalerri will have tn-~mfmtHl*ifi 4WIII the wrre* are ^|«rprt

t*«n raiapl*<*e>-bet««en the l*uMI< Barvice Corporal Ion. the telephone mm

e'^aV SftwVa'o^ihe^^Siorlatfon4^worktn* for th* repavement of (he

_»lr*«L II 1* O«P hope- that wa/Ji »lwt;(n nail aprlnit. to put on wire* uuersruund 'ttr rep»vp in* nlfeet

aen Freeholder*:on Bonnie Bum

It haa awa

IKTIU. l9«re*t~ bidder*snirli > A Johnaon. noeptiat fnra


nlahlna*nup * I'•hljia* . ,W, Haker Co. linen

a u pnl«hrn


Knight, genera! for-. I I K T M

*ey l>ohm Co olBee furnUhvrnifi , .

w Johnaon Co. Clrvervar* tai l

Frank VI yciitt, *had«* . ' IffTho* t\**t Co, kitchen far

nl»hln«« I t i lHamilton U w « Co. dlchwaaher 4It .i !>•)• Cft. bread miter . . . 171MiI'ot

Ma*klNH MfK Co, butter

, II,»4.

Wgruund Ho rep»vp mi. »if t«l amiinstall a mor» »ffritl*i> anil J>rri«nitnluf" ( • I M P P» virrct IllumJnallun « > would• nun hare a liualnMu atrxn of whichnut unl> Uruad tlrsrt IJHJIIH*** mrnt>ul •»<•!->' rUlK-n of KlUitlwih inuiil »..Jiniutl ,.

A fallurr to run*, oui uf)angi<nicniJ»llh Ihf ilt> HI ihli/ tin,., nili ,7irr«iii

. thrav lmr>ravi>mriii# l,4ti>K .HeeledA fivinlttatjfH Ihitffort* MI >»mr riillirat|>'>*albl» «riVrhfrn<> »..ul.l In- iwl>r<

KltANKOn mull

VoutI N IIKI. l>l.V

l K



HmpefrfBltr »ObWltl


On niestlon'liy'"r"reeh<.13er WTIbor tSB*report w fiv rf<:rtYed jkpd acdered placadon Die

llepoit of .the Committee on Line* in t.e[»ef>n tlnlun and Morrta C'oen-

d, Nenrld^n tu[»ifn tlnly ut lolumon llu

'HI lllu l m l t d .

'HiIn (iiminlllfii 1*1l I f p

f *1 f l» rerilra. I fur raplanklna of trtl

HII« it»K awarded to-ltol>rr( U I togri» fur till 26, lir -l*fn« Illf )ow«alM ll

Mr C eew i'ro»ld»nce

report thailna of trtli


M l

li pint'Hi

tCmiKitfiilli »ubmltl*d.IIANj-OlIK JON£H.JUWKI'II I'KliaV.

ComMlttreIMUIIIIII h> KrcfhuiUsr tfmltli ihi

t tt iiatlvcd and ordnrrd plaetnl

I.HI.I. r U ilr.oi thin'l f d

i.iuereil |.l«i <MI on fllf>, , , faaaaalile* tMeawriaHoard of Choavn r*i\i..(ii»lil..,a of

County of I'Mvtiounty) hav«-


( In

()>*- Tjualit andhi

) hav« Hamliifil ()>* Tjualit andvuiuhfin of the »ucn.«ulr, ahriifl. r e«t>i(rar-«int foum rtk f i h

i u h f n of the »«t>i(rar-«int foum>t.f ttctotMir. IK1S

r , ahriifl. rek for tin- inumh

Itnd Ilir aamr


iHt-lpm are*

Tu < • •lilph amouma Imva

>v»r to His cuunl) oullvUMII turnedt

, y^Jsttunliatrd Nov.ml>.r t. mil«)n motion by fr<-vho|il»r ItanUnliiliila trfivrv ««•' ipc. tvtd and l l

n mtion by fr<vho|ilr ItIlila trfivrv ««•' ipc. tvtd and|ilai*il on flli-

JJ««r«l of ChiiKcn• <1*nl'f«"»n >""• <«i>iinltl^«Inaifecttuii nuuld rrKproifulli

buuka <»f the warden ' '

herT Y rt

aun Jail

rcj.o, (ftu (tlr

Iteaoiwii, 'I hat a rommiHee of threeLit uminiui.f, 11i<- IUIImi): n.>ur I lie I) *luwtmlllli nf, UndPU

IIIIH lirl<lK<- l» ulioul tf t I li> kin fort wide

asin ui>pulM(id ti> recointnt-nd tfieahi on i:ii*abatli * v e• .<• It I t . in th*

rtltyaelrtTn* plankIhrougb

f i t I H K l> kin fort wide Tn* planklull In Murli out, unU bruken Ihrougb^tnIduim and llic Huodfn door b*an»-aroriilti-n Thv trail* of I he bride* ar»III vt-ty lj»d aliaut.-and It r»uld »»ttr*tu Iw-iiuui -rvoliomi l(i lltlempl t« rnV l t l i<Mit brldtic»lrtlM n..i<Mit brldtic

Th» commllleo to ha»« poirar t(.oiiauuil tt nft« lit-Idicr tit a cu»t not tu<Mi»vrd,lh» »um of t l»0 autijcrt to Itwa|ii>r»vul of th« mwclal cominiltt* ontirld(i<' urfounl heretofore aupolntad.

On motion b>- Pr*«ha|d«r'«Ka|)dalphtill* in»olutioii mi l on roll call auopirdiinaiiliiioual) The director appointed • ••iilil iOiniiiltiB Kreclioldm K r u *iOiiijiiltte Freoholder*

mid llourdon" - - ' • Taller.

inted • •Kroua*

SS}»r . 5 >"«»?'»:. wyV' »f >.»'»• "• "aV a* • * ***—'"*** • " ' • • • • • • « l t ,


Tola!a . . . , ,,,,..per nrlaoner iwruay.

l(««l>»clfulli nul'mltlf.1.JOHKI'll I'KKKV.J liKllVKC lUAN


»>n mollen I,, Kn-hotder UrS" " " T l * * * 'e1''1*"'' Bitd onlfrud

. Inapecllon*follow*:

-4 -f of counteraralea Inapected. 43. «uieaaurea. «L and lluulu ..

Were conBaiated Ilondanned «; makln

)>• H|.pulnt<'dt*ii" thi^^tiurur tlivHIIH*!^""*1* ''Thi

K*lil4or T«ll*r.Kti, That • coiniiiKim of thna

lthfhalwith po*»r to reconalruetand wooden floof beam*;

»•**—"'av#ii««.W av«iiM.Jmawn a*

H, J.* and the

iiluiiklnR «ii thl* urldMa »ra antlraly•VIMn oui Mild rotten a,nd In ths opmion••f III* nmnilwr of llila board of C,r»u-ford und of thf county ^oglMM a

iireJCruiiati. H,en Door beam*

thl* urldMa »rar t t e n nd I th

f II* nmniwr of llila bford und of thf countol l l J t tftl

r und of thf county ^oglMM atoll lie na>Jeaa to tftlvmut la repair theITt'Sohl plankliia- jUlnout ' '

yt l


be co*t of Ilia wrU not to eieeedmint of ItaeHnibJfct to the SppToval

at the «pe.clal committee on bridge a orount htiretufsra appointed. -

On motion b> Freeholderthin rvRi utloii tva* oil roll n .unAiilniou«)>, Th* dlrealor appointed

llrnneaall d led

nil amid tommllie'e l'reeh"oTdei7 "fillerXfiillh unit lleniuiMy. ')ir{;^ - •

lU-aoHod, That theI'lml alriwt lift- brlu_ntM. nf rrlmli*. lie *u repaired at ariiHl not tu r'ured Ihr nulll of IKS,

Ctiiiiiuittee on t£U*ab*th Hr»w

planking; on Ibere. which I* In

ineq i ; making u toml or "ioIncorrect On!)' foxir defective

iiif'lcm mutltiti b> irrncholdrr l U n n c n rIM triulutlon rtiin nn nrll rnrl ndoplaa

"iiilMtlniHidliII) Ciiiniiilttro on Ilull Avrliue Urld(«,

l.lntlunItt-Hulirril. That the t>ll> of Carman

& Uinltli iiiiiounilnii lu tl.ltfo for ih<iM l f H l l v U b l dyon


nii lHulll

tl i i i i i o u n i t l . f r ih<onMrui tlou nf Hull uvunUr brldgr.I J , ho MilU wlmn t>rn|ii-rl» dudtiedt Ini. lommltireOn niotlun bv Freeholder \\ illilir I hi*

lutlM HUH on roll lull Adoptedv —

L H « * * » ? J » J »

turn br Freeholdertola raaolatloa anaa aaoiita><



Doa«*c- of IB*at thla tin '

U>e Bonnie Huro "

tnmt tef (ha i

Lona- la anmr communfcatlon presented

meetiiurThe foliowUig bill*. afUl- I

were on roll sail urderidTtxbercuioftia—"Vrreland

flltJlt ll.M*. MeUger f


Twbercul»*l* Comtructlon—Jam** 1i. MM II, Jaeob U Bawr, l«»f-

Ojntfwrtlnr Co. fll.l

aft* f*0-« 111 ttt t l \ vfrnrwi nvrienaieinj

f£u.r I U?,rA.J | .e1h m l t t- »"• 4 W ° b U

TuCkrcuioala JOrlffen CO .U* 41.Tho*. r lto«-er», I . ,lein. 145: Kllen AlfXItrg? Itowera. 115. Co,T'levalor IJI7Q. J IIft, IHI

alntenance—AWilliam Lucre, %iI7», Ouatave Del

Irxander, | ] ] t . f u -" roniwcial MIIU *

ljol«eau« Lumbernnell*. IIMo. 111. I*

> W i < i a - U i s o

"I" »i671,- J o h n B Riinn»li», »19 iH,Kew \ork Telephone Co. .U.S. " "

Court*—Kdward H At»liter. %%v>\

«?, llarr ft«t





^, 0»taloga furnlubftil upon ri'i(Hf»t


i«A'j«: . , . . . . . . . .r Crann. |»3 SO: Pranrl. «to. |loo, Hlngiirv Uanab,poloa }^l»B.w Oeont* U.

ivmiam B ilanillton, iro/i't. AHMUhl. 110. ll*nc> Cook. l«7t, 17; Fred*lerlik Telpol. »3 JO. | |0 I f . ' f f l . l ; Jo-

Brldgt»--WAlfred A Cole. 1MB, J Robaon. l i t t0. k U Moor«, i l l I, | l 7t

jJI*. fublle Hurvlw lanutrlf Co, ( l . o ;V«l e^ A- 4 de- Halaine*.- I* »». Mtkn

lacker. U l , He&rld«A.|ll t«: u. byrne*rnrle* Arny. |W:

William tsletb,PLUMBJKG


• if alt kimla"At ItivtnuiiHbltt Prtcw*



OOR t'LiACE Or' tUISINKSH OI»BVBI> FltMM 7 .y V TO n «' Ml

Tel 3H L. D. KKEIEUI.UHM<\UIII| Stun fur •


lulldl C o .W n £ . -Uaat5«-r HOr ifu]

Ha*danl- liibllamitlT'CoriceWp ,4Kitsabvlh Ually Journal. flO l o T r Iter Callnhan, 117 tD. l.4>. |4G. I.Vtiorb*** Co , |J; chrlatlan Frit*.II Tt; l»*vld II. Totteu, 114;eaux Lumber Co. - ~ ' J

Publtv Ur'ound* and Dullillnga—Urtick->r Broa. i l l . I l l 21; lienrj I W a n -re, III; W. II. llulakamiiei, | » 0 l .l>h Iteuer, $34 34; W. H. HuU-, Mutfor.1 Coal and Lumber Co*.

. . . .« , l « 40; J I- Arnold A Co, f i t , -tJ. The Huriint L'o, | « . 7 4 , The *'0r-matone Co. MS, Morey iJi Hue Co, |10

; Catherine Hi»nttj'iS?

I ; Th*odbrr>Kleclluna—K

a. Anna KrliorrU k. Co, | | | .

130, Cufn> n

Otaler in Hardware & Housefurmshmg IHARDEN 'W)0LH.NEEDS.


A(UTE„ „ t - . - - . , MEOHAHICW COObKIt will bo worth yimrtliiiB to try ra« MurB buying Bta*wb*m-H»aiy, nr

are lt\w »n«l qtmhty the Ixwt. '


DIEDRICH KREIE, Carpenter and "Ift in Bond*.

ntnU £stata Saourltiaa.

170: Charlotte M I.unner, 170.Ulbrlch, 1125, Rvclyn (Ime-

>ur*rr, IAdo.J,,,.U

rlette ike, t«5 29: Mnrlun O Bwlft,014, JfMlB U- Oqrtliwalte. 170 20,dnft-A. Chumar. |IO*6: Kiln l» Hockoi.

I l l , AKnoa 8earle. |«7.»».County Clerk—Jumes C. Calvert,

ISil <l. Z. K-Norman, |3M .14. Nell \U-Ijaod, Jr . HOD, Nelllo U OAlvert, *7l),C IV Jlun j on, 1100, Helen. A Whelnn

It T. 1'ott*. |1« 47. |«3 60. Cen-

»v.• '»?<»: J. .O Brokaw. I l l :

Jac&SflTuberculgil* Construction —Clom«t>

fuch*. 1»> William » K»K«r». «3i lW,IVren » I'olhemun, 1J8S, $X71S. J \VJolinaon. It.DtO, Kl 76, Ullinbeth Dall,if-TS"1),.!16.0,*' Curler NCUII I>ub Co,VM'in* 1 1 " .l?v*!}!nlf Tlniea Co U* 20,.1 K Ttunnolls. IIJOOS, H^nld « Kuhnun, l>ennt* 3 OnlbroUh, |l,;04 W

1 u)>«rculo*l* Maintenance—Mulfonilpatiitt- | * » t . John i: Kunnelli, »aji* S7,Cdlillnorclul Mill* e, BlevAtor, $2781)Ila«*l\V Roan. WO, fluxiHVi! Xlelnlaln,

IS; WlUlam l.o.oe, |45 , Th i>;oirex«, I«S. A M qlf f••* ^orM Telniih

CflMILLO MASSiVGeneral Corctiractor- ii«


^ b u * itml of her IwmNWHtf»r,(i»9 and otlrar IH.IKIB


iwwi «nd W^teru.

l(C>a«ii»>; in Oefaultad Bond*



j i l d u i « - l o « nI'} npptunimi-iii, aim-i

eutiliueutml. At >tiur home

WsvatCOffloa. 20 Broad Street


0' •() .Itca Q2 Tf l . 2H W

L Robbins,II» Krerhu|il|>r llruem-r:


j f i I

»f:«».w»>«htl, U duid miruurea, »

W«. u5ir?ifnTy"rschmiuIt UvtbKood, I33.3, ClrnretltS I l l £ I

?l«i>hono Co, 18, WilliamB W: ,c< urltr New* I'uh-1«. Oil-

Of the K*l<>»

ffiumiture flovetJ «nd Stored—-Miinntiinra—?«;f C l dtate Board of Children'* Uuardlan*,alia-vtalla-haveiirninTintrfo

**cllon* of the county for theof l t l l

° " 'notion l>> KrcshoMer Wllhur thl*1 1 io the county for the >urpoM of lnve»tlj(ailiijc comt'laliug.L"'""11"1'"' "itft i-'ii rull nuiir

Ml; W n ItnekerXliey.lone Park,

Codlnttim. Wit. lU-nrj J; Mi ti<>|iiu\ W". Bchwiirta. rll0O, »1H7O, Am $17Htrvrt h|li)K« be |)ulil when properly

lerlltled to l>> the engineer and com-l t I

Kolimca, $17On motion by Pr*coholdor Kniimc tin

tnlttvii In rliuriti'U — • Pieelmldw Itanduluhthla remilutlon «u* on roll cull adopted

l h E. K. ADAMS.unanlmauiih'.11) Prt<i>lu>l<l«r Hinlth,"Itofoivrd, 4'hal the vuunt> eoM*ct»i-

lie- a|id._fa« ht-n)tUiDxl«eiL to f l bIIIU uf one tnouaand O

OVtfHlVAXD brtitiKijew i>ia 8rmuUtori.coWll.foo."

K over »IMH1 tirwi 3 uxttBrtftHhoo--«ttactrf» i-naint w A l / w l i for•MO.00. Tfabrour bus not Iwcn run.Bo* i)7 C n w f o n l r - r " • • " .

«uunt>report tlmt It

4iltnUaaii>«Biar^-4vcetliirr''~-\\ MTi—JHavoucbrr bond* and «on««iia U

« » flnda t^TI

Cranf e*# tV X

rte»nIV»*l>-_TliatJ h h



«>. II: J - KCounty

«% « J : i « . Joaeph W Cvfr, •»•onoealtli Quarry Co. |1«5 33;t3Mmt the bin of Henry

Br^Biiijnjr nnr» nl Bonnie

Brown RiceOu*t>a«tano_*Co.,

Bauer, 1600,

Punt Hntiltoiliim, Ktmut«tti>e to lUA'i*.he iwjil w IIIMI pr«|ierlyaiRrH«lJb>

Kellogg's Wheat

5sl«y Committee 'mi«re jir^nut. anil

ulion and jwuer inat It X

Proilier.ntfor then.! by thi>. board are\«JoUow»;

|tt«wved. Thai whan iftU boajj