Egyptian Art

Ancient Egyptian Art By Heather Burdett

Transcript of Egyptian Art

Page 1: Egyptian Art

Ancient Egyptian Art

By Heather Burdett

Page 2: Egyptian Art

Tomb paintingsIn Egyptian tomb paintings human figures, animals, and plants are usually portrayed in side-profile.

The Pharaoh is always depicted as the larger more powerful figure.

The Egyptians painted scenes on the walls of their tombs.

Symbols called ‘hieroglyphics’ were painted onto the walls of the tombs.

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Egyptian StatuesShabtis are small carved statues, of a person, they were considered magical, and would have been put into the coffin.

Egyptian statues were made out many different materials such as

red granite, stone, wood, gold, bees-wax, pottery and other things.

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Egyptian JewelleryThe ancient Egyptians made jewellery out of


lapis lazuli,

faience, beads,

silver and many other things.

Silver was more precious than gold as it had to be imported from Nubia.

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Coffins (Sarcophagus)Coffins or Sarcophagus, were usually made out of wood, painted in bright colours

Sometimes inlaid with gold and lapis lazuli for richer Egyptians to be buried in.

Sometimes they were made out of pure gold for example, Tutankhamen’s coffin.

Pottery coffins were made to bury the poorer people in.

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Egyptian Timeline

5550 BC The Scorpion Tomb was built at Abydos.

3050 BC Pre-dynastic Period and the Egyptians started using hieroglyphics.

2686 BC The 3rd Dynasty and the first Egyptian pyramid was built by Imhotep.

2613 BC The 4th Dynasty and the Great Pyramids were built at Giza.

2498 BC The 5th Dynasty Pyramid texts used, later they became ‘The Book of The Dead’

Page 7: Egyptian Art

SourcesVideo Heritage Key Media Mummies & Mummification

Creative Commons-necklace picture-Wady Gabbanat

Creative Commons-falcon picture-Abby Hudgins

Creative Commons-shabtis picture-Keith Schengili Roberts

Creative Commons-red granite statue picture-Nina Aldin

Creative Commons-Egyptian tomb painting- Egyptian timeline

Creative Commons-Peabody mummy-Strange Interlude

Creative Commons-beaded mummy cover- unforth

Cat, mummy & Egyptian girl drawings by Heather Burdett