Ego Mind

Ego Mind from Awakenings to Ascension By Hal Schroeder Spirit of Life by Daniel Chester French 1 Fight, flee, or forgive —there is nothing else. I have talked about the fact that we are living in a dream illusion, ruled by an insane ego mind, which we created and gave the power to rule our dream. Why? So we can play our games of separation and dreams, trying to find a way to make perma- nently separate so we can establish our own little kingdoms, kingdoms of individuated and separate selves. Let us examine this consciousness, which we think is real, and which A Course in Miracles calls “the ego delusionary thought system.” It is insane, and ultimately it is nothing, since it is pure illusion. Yet we created this dream and this mind to rule the dream. Who else is there? Who else could have done it? Sorry, the tooth fairy only deals with teeth. Ego consciousness is based on the premise of ruling, controlling and conquering, and it does this by taking in everything and making it “right.” In its delusionary thinking, it makes sure it is “right” by fighting until it is made right. Ego mind argues; it will argue ad infinitum until it proves with insane logic that it is correct, until it rules the situation. Or it flees; it runs away from any situation that it thinks it cannot make right, and lives to fight another day, to once again, rule, conquer, and control. It is its DNA. Thus, there is only one other option, and that is forgiveness. Forgive that the ego mind does not and cannot exist. Thus, every thought generated anywhere, any- time has never existed, in our minds or else- where. Thus, we need to awake from this dream of ego mind, and separation to our right mind of unconditional love and Oneness, because that is who we are.To go further, ego mind has twelve distinct functions within its insanity. Please exam- ine and learn them, then apply them to your own life, and be shocked on how everything seem- ingly falls into these ego patterns. For example, why do we go to church on Sun- days? For many of us, it is to find God. This is an ego function, because God is already whole and part of us, within and without us, and thus cannot be found. It already is omnipresent. Please never interpret this to say we shouldn’t go to church, because ego thought process will spin it that way. Simply, we are beings of light and love, and we do everything to love, give, co-cre- ate and serve, thus church is a great and grand place and an occasion to bring our rightful gifts of Spirit to bear. Before ego seeks, it runs, and never finds what it is looking for. It cannot, because what it ultimately hopes to find is Immortality, so we can become our own separate little gods, which can never ex- ist in the Oneness and Allness of the Universe. The mind of God knows not separation, and we are of the mind of God. Next, ego mind gets, grabs and takes, and thus, loves to accumulate. I guess that is why we invented pockets, purses, and love large houses with basements and attics, so we can accumulate all the things of nothing-


This chapter explores all the ways Ego gets in the way of Ascension.

Transcript of Ego Mind

Ego Mind from Awakenings to Ascension By Hal Schroeder Spirit of Lifeby Daniel Chester French1Fight, fee, or forgive there is nothing else.I have talked about the fact that we are living in a dream illusion, ruled by an insane ego mind, which we created and gave the power to rule our dream.Why? So we can play our games of separation and dreams, trying to fnd a way to make perma-nently separate so we can establish our own little kingdoms, kingdoms of individuated and separate selves.Let us examine this consciousness, which we think is real, and which A Course in Miracles calls the ego delusionary thought system. It is insane, and ultimately it is nothing, since it is pure illusion.Yet we created this dream and this mind to rule the dream. Who else is there? Who else could have done it? Sorry, the tooth fairy only deals with teeth.Ego consciousness is based on the premise of ruling, controlling and conquering, and it does this by taking in everything and making it right.In its delusionary thinking, it makes sure it is right by fghting until it is made right. Ego mind argues; it will argue ad infnitum until it proves with insane logic that it is correct, until it rules the situation. Or it fees; it runs away from any situation that it thinks it cannot make right, and lives to fght another day, to once again, rule, conquer, and control. It is its DNA. Thus, there is only one other option, and that is forgiveness. Forgive that the ego mind does not and cannot exist. Thus, every thought generated anywhere, any-time has never existed, in our minds or else-where. Thus, we need to awake from this dream of ego mind, and separation to our right mind of unconditional love and Oneness, because that is who we are.To go further, ego mind has twelve distinct functions within its insanity. Please exam-ine and learn them, then apply them to your own life, and be shocked on how everything seem-ingly falls into these ego patterns. For example, why do we go to church on Sun-days? For many of us, it is to fnd God. This is an ego function, because God is already whole and part of us, within and without us, and thus cannot be found. It already is omnipresent. Please never interpret this to say we shouldnt go to church, because ego thought process will spin it that way. Simply, we are beings of light and love, and we do everything to love, give, co-cre-ate and serve, thus church is a great and grand place and an occasion to bring our rightful gifts of Spirit to bear.Before ego seeks, it runs, and never fnds what it is looking for. It cannot, because what it ultimately hopes to fnd is Immortality, so we can become our own separate little gods, which can never ex-ist in the Oneness and Allness of the Universe. The mind of God knows not separation, and we are of the mind of God. Next, ego mind gets, grabs and takes, and thus, loves to accumulate. I guess that is why we invented pockets, purses, and love large houses with basements and attics, so we can accumulate all the things of nothing-2ness. The ego mind makes, does, and admires. It has a constant energy of movement, and does not know how to sit still and listen, which is why meditation is so diffcult for many. Next, admiration or adulation is, perhaps, the most powerful drug or inducement of ego mind to trap us in its spider webs. You might think this does not ft. Well, we seek adulation, perhaps unconsciously at times, from everyone and ev-erything. Our self-centered ego separate beings are ab-sent from the overfowing light force that we are, or, I should say, think that we are absent because, always remember, illusion rules this dream.Thus, we seek admiration for anything and ev-erything, because when we are admired, when adulation is offered to us, we drink in the light of another to fll our perceived lack of light, our void of darkness. In our little kingdom of our little ego gods, those who admire and who give us adula-tion are always in the frst row. Can ego mind be anything else but this insanity of our illusion, the very minds we wake up with every morning?Still dont see it?It applies to all ego dreamers. We love adulation; we love the adulation of our friends, our children, our bosses and employees. We drink the drugs of recognition and praise, and fll ourselves up with that perceived light. Thus, we have become a celebrity-driven cul-ture, looking for our ffteen minutes of fame, in any way, shape, or form. That plaque on the wall brought us that light of fame to fll ourselves up. Fame and adulation, one and the same, are sought in our little ways, as well as the well-known ways. The best maid, gardener, or trash collector is seeking that infusion of light for their accomplishments. Please never think I am ever saying this is right or wrong, but only a function of ego mind, be-cause the concepts of right and wrong are only dualistic concepts of this ego dream mind.I am reminded of a poem by our famous English writer, Geoffrey Chaucer, entitled The House of Fame. It is a house populated by all of our skel-etons hanging from its rafters, indicating the worth of fame and adulation. All of our fame, celebrity, adulation and admiration are ultimately worth about ffteen seconds in eternity before we be-come the very skeletons of our beings, becoming the examples of the worth of fame, becoming the carrion of the next generation of adulation junkies. Sorry, but that is you and me, as we inhale the constant fumes of ego mind, translated into our ego thoughts and consciousness.Why do we continue? Ego mind is a master at teaching us denial of what is, especially the actual truths of spirituality, which is why it is absolutely necessary to take everything, including every word in this piece, within to the Holy Spirit. If we are truth seekers, once we forgive the illusion of ego mind, why would we ever seek anothers light? In truth, our light already and always over-fows from us.Lastly, ego mind operates on trying to rule, con-quer, and control its world, in whatever way it can, to become the little gods, or large gods, of its own little kingdoms. It is suspicious at best and vicious at worst to anyone who tries to intrude in its turf. To review, our ego minds that we use to stay sepa-rate from who we really are, are constantly run-ning, seeking, and never fnding; getting, grabbing and taking; making, doing and admiring, ruling, conquering and controlling, in a constant insanity of delusionary thought.What do we do about it? The good news is simple: we forgive this ego mind out of existence, and awaken to our true minds of Love and Oneness, where duality is not known. This is our destiny, and is ours when we decide we want to stop dreaming these ego games.We can spend years and lifetimes searching for Ascensionist Series The Ascension SeriesThrough Amazon.comAwakenings to Ascension. The purpose ofyour life is to ascend to be with Father Mother Source. Awakening is the Ascension, described in this book.Love Letters from an Angel is a collection of essays from Angel Hal to women everywhere. His concern is their spiritual welfare---but this is an angel who canlaugh. Ascension Is All That There Is continues Awakenings to Ascension with essential meditations on all aspects of ascending. Grace to Ascension leads you to recognize that grace is all around you. Each and every instant, grace is in your life, propelling you towards Ascension.Ascension and Nothing-ness takes you through expe-riencing nothingness andits role in all we believe and all we can believe. Hal Schroeder is a student, fa-cilitator, and writer on A Course in Miracles subjects. Although Halhas three traditional de-grees, he asserts that his most important degree is from The University of the Holy Spirit, with whom he has been communing since 1988. It was revealed to Hal that his writings are a con-tinuation of the ideas contained in A Course in Miracles.3Email: [email protected] writing is centered on forgiveness and ways to practice it. The forgiveness affrmation is the center of each of his books and the basis of each essay:I forgive all that is not; I remember all that there is.The affrmation is italicized in the text. He believes that his work on forgiveness and spirituality is part of the new divine order of things, carried forth by me as a messenger of forgiveness as directed by Spirit. Hal organized and ran two humanitarian foundations, one in Ethiopia, one in the Philippines, both devoted to empowering people.He was also a superintendent of schools three times in the United States and abroad, creating numerous innovative programs, while encountering the wrath of those who did not want fundamental we can seek this in religions and spiritual paths. We can meditate, seemingly ad infnitum, and see the semblance of the truths of our true existence. Yetwe can fall back into the dream after all of our efforts. We need to fnd the way that will permanently awaken us to our true selves. That answer you have heard from me before. It is in forgiveness, and in particular, in the strength and power of the affrmation: Forgive all that is not; remember all that there is.This affrmation, given to me in 1996 by Elder Brother Jesus, is the answer to awakening. We, the light workers, who are all of us who treasure the truth, must put it into collective consciousness so we may awaken. Ascensionist Press blog: