Eggless Christmas Fruit Cake

Eggless Christmas Fruit Cake Wishing You All A Very Happy Christmas There are so many recipes for Christmas fruit cake in the blogosphere. But I was searching for an eggless cake and I came across the recipe at Divine Taste. The recipe was quite interesting because Anushruti had added boiled potato in the cake. The cake also looked wonderful and I was waiting for a suitable day to prepare it. Christmas is the perfect day for this recipe. I prepared this cake last week. The recipe makes an 8" cake. My 8" cake pan is not very deep, so I had extra batter which I used to make a small heart cake. On the same day, Sruti's teacher asked her to bring a fruit cake the next day for sharing activity. So the heart cake went to her school while the other cake was shared among the neighbours. Every one liked the cake and even I was surprised by the texture. It was just like a store bought cake which uses huge amount of eggs. My hubby has been asking foor this cake for long and he was also happy with the result.

Transcript of Eggless Christmas Fruit Cake

Page 1: Eggless Christmas Fruit Cake

Eggless Christmas Fruit CakeWishing You All A Very Happy Christmas

There are so many recipes for Christmas fruit cake in the blogosphere. But I was searching for an eggless cake and I came across the recipe at Divine Taste. The recipe was quite interesting because Anushruti had added boiled potato in the cake. The cake also looked wonderful and I was waiting for a suitable day to prepare it. Christmas is the perfect day for this recipe. I prepared this cake last week. The recipe makes an 8" cake. My 8" cake pan is not very deep, so I had extra batter which I used to make a small heart cake. On the same day, Sruti's teacher asked her to bring a fruit cake the next day for sharing activity. So the heart cake went to her school while the other cake was shared among the neighbours. Every one liked the cake and even I was surprised by the texture. It was just like a store bought cake which uses huge amount of eggs. My hubby has been asking foor this cake for long and he was also happy with the result.

Recipe Source: Anushruti of Divine Taste Ingredients:Flour-2cups

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Baking Powder-1 1/2tspBaking Soda-1tsp+1/4tspDry Figs-100gmDry Dates-100gmRaisins-50gmAlmonds-100gmPista-100gmCashew-50gmDate Syrup/ Honey-1tbsButter-1cupDark Brown Sugar-1cupWater-1cupCurd/ Yogurt-1/3cupVanilla-1 1/2tspMashed Potato-1cupPeeled Almonds-For Decoration

Procedure:1. Grease an eight inches round tin. Place a butter paper in the base.2. Apply butter and dust with flour.3. Combine flour, baking powder and 1/4tsp baking soda and sift it once.4. In a sauce pan combine butter, brown sugar, water and finely chopped dates, figs and whole raisins.5. Keep flame on low until the butter and sugar dissolves.6. Bring flame to high and bring the mixture to boil.7. Switch flame to low and let it boil for 20minutes.8. Remove it from flame. Allow the mixture to cool.9. Pressure cook potato and peel skin.10. Mash it roughly and pass it through a metal sieve. This is to ensure that there are no lumps in the potato.11. Add the potato, vanilla and yogurt to the cool butter sugar mixture and use a hand mixer to blend well.12. Preheat oven to 180C.13. Add in finely chopped nuts and mix well.14. Add the flour mixture and combine.15. Pour the batter into the prepared tin and decorate with almonds.16. Cover the batter with a foil and bake for 1 1/2hours to 2 hours or until a tooth pick comes out clean.17. Allow the cake to cool in the tin.

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18. Remove the cake from tin and remove the butter paper.19. Allow the cake to mature over night.20. Serve. I brushed the top with sugar syrup before serving to avoid drying.

Mix butter, sugar and dry fruits and bring it to boil

After boiling for 20minutes add baking soda and it will become foamy