EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 · EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25 TH & 26 February 2016 – Brunel...

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25 TH & 26 TH February 2016 – Brunel University Vessel Technical Services srl Luca D’Addio – TECHNICAL and R&D Responsible Via Fausto Coppi, 11 80010 Quarto – Napoli, Italy Email: [email protected] Highlights: - Particulate emissions from heavy duty diesel engines – focus on soot and black carbon - Particle number concentration measurements - Particle removal in wet scrubbers - Strategies to capture fine particles in wet scrubber Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements: particle capture Università Federico II of Naples Francesco Di Natale, Assistant Professor Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" P.le Vincenzo Tecchio, 80 80125 - Napoli (Italy) Email [email protected]

Transcript of EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 · EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25 TH & 26 February 2016 – Brunel...

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 26TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Vessel Technical Services srl Luca D’Addio – TECHNICAL and R&D Responsible Via Fausto Coppi, 11 80010 Quarto – Napoli, Italy Email: [email protected]


- Particulate emissions from heavy duty diesel engines – focus on soot and black carbon

- Particle number concentration measurements - Particle removal in wet scrubbers - Strategies to capture fine particles in wet scrubber

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements:

particle capture

Università Federico II of Naples Francesco Di Natale, Assistant Professor

Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" P.le Vincenzo Tecchio, 80 80125 - Napoli (Italy)

Email [email protected]

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 26TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements

Luca D’Addio

IFO fuelled marine diesel engine – Emissions of Particulate matter

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 26TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements

Luca D’Addio

Impact of maritime transport emissions on air quality in Europe

Viana et. al.[21], 2014

On average, shipping emissions contribute with 1-7% to annual mean PM10 levels, with1-20% to

PM2.5, and with 8-11% to PM1




• The impact of maritime transport on air quality is high.

• The contribution of maritime transport on fine particle is even greater.

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 26TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements

Luca D’Addio

IFO fuelled marine diesel engine – Particle emission characteristics

PM of diesel exhaust gas comprises:

(a) a mass dominant, coarse, fraction made by sulfates and water associated to sulphates (dp>2 μm)

(b) Ash, the combustion product of lubricating oil and minor amounts of metal compounds in the fuel (dp>1 μm)

(c) An organic fraction, dominant by number,

made by elemental (EC stable T>350°C) and organic matter (OM unstable at T>350°C) coming from lube oil and fuel

Black Carbon (BC) is strongly light-absorbing carbonaceous material […]. BC contains more than 80% carbon by mass, a high fraction of which is sp2-bonded carbon, and when emitted forms aggregates of primary spherules between 20 and 50 nm in aerodynamic diameter. BC absorbs solar radiation across all visible wavelengths. The strength of the light absorption varies with the composition, shape, size distribution, and mixing state of the particle.

Marine transportation accounts for : 1-5% BC g.e. Black Carbon: 0.07 MTons/year Particulate Matter: 0.7 MTons/year







dp - [µm]


Di Natale and Carotenuto (2015)

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 26TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements

Luca D’Addio

IFO fuelled marine diesel engine – Particle Size Distribution

Ref. [3]

2.2% Sulphur [23]

1.6 % Sulphur [7]

0.05 % Sulphur [6]

PM of diesel exhaust gas:

1. Is affected by sulphur and ash contents of the fuel 2. EC and OM depend on combustion conditions 3. EC and OM is almost unchanged using biodiesel, LSO or ULSF [4]

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 26TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements

Luca D’Addio

IFO fuelled marine diesel engine – Particle Toxicity




Secondary Bronchi

Terminal Bronchi


Associated Pathologies Rhinitis Tracheitis Bronchitis Asthma Reduced Lung performances Cardiovascular illness Lung and cardiovascular cancer (WHO 2012)

Soot particles are related to severe pathologies and classified as carcinogenic of Class I by the World

Health Organization. 3-8% mortality correlable to shipping [8]

Researches are still ongoing, but several authors highlighted the impact on air quality in port cities, expecially in USA & EU. (e.g. [8-11])

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 26TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements

Luca D’Addio

How to make particle measurements?

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 26TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements

Luca D’Addio

How to make particle measurements?

What? Where? How?

Mass concentration, mg/Nm3

- Easy to measure – filtration - Mirror the S content of the fuel - Not related to DPM toxicity

Total number conentration, 1/Nm3

- Count by condensation particles counters (CPC) - Gives the overall picture - May be an effective term of comparison

Particle size distribution, PSD - Requires specific instruments - Available online - Experience allow correlation with toxicologic effects Chemical analysis + PSD - Provide deeper insigths on DPM properties and associated exposure risk - Typical of scientific studies - Partially offline

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 26TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements

Luca D’Addio

What? Where? How?

Ship engine exhaust - Hot fumes - Larger number of finer

particles which evolve later (coagulation/condensation)

- On-board technique

Ship stack - Cold fumes - More effective to

assess toxicity - On-board technique

Ship plume: - Plume aging effects; - Better for climate and

atmospheric studies and for long distance toxicity

- Stationary or travelling (helicopter/airplane) facility

How to make particle measurements?

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 26TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements

Luca D’Addio

What? Where? How?

How to make particle measurements?

The choice of a particle instrumente depends:

• Particle size • Particle concentration • Acquisition rate • Sampling flow rate • Laboratory or field measures? • Instrument cost

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 26TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements

Luca D’Addio

How measure PM – The sampling procedure

• The sampling must be isocinetically

• All the sampling pipes must be metal made

• Sampling poin up to the thermodenuder must be heated to avoid water condensation.

• Particle sample need to be heated at ≈350°C to eliminate volatile particles (about 2/3 of the total particles [23]).

• Due to the high particle number concentration, the particle analyser generally requires a particle dilution.

• The first dilution must be carried out at T>100°C to avoid water condensation.

Heating at 350°C


PSD measurement

Thermodenuder T>100°C Dilution

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 26TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements

Luca D’Addio

How scrubber remove PM?

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 26TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements

Luca D’Addio


How scrubber remove PM?




efficiency Particle






tdr p , pdn pdtDE ),( )()( 2

4tUdtD p DtDN )(

• Inertial impact: Ein ↑ - dp ↑ - U ↑

• Directional interception: EDI ↑ - dp ↑ - U ↑

• Brownian diffusion: EBD ↑ - dp ↓

• For large dp inertial forces prevail • For small dp diffusion forces prevails

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 26TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements

Luca D’Addio

Wet Scrubbers performances

Venturi Scrubber • ΔP (mbar) – 25-200 • Energy (KWh/1000Nm3) – 0.5-6 • Capital costs (1000Nm3) – 1.9-17.0 k$ • Operating costs (1000Nm3) – 2.4-70k$/y • Application limits – Gas up to

100,000Nm3/h, temperature up to 370°C, scrubbing water 0.5-5L/Nm3

IPPC- Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in Common Waste Water and Waste Gas Treatment / Management Systems in the Chemical Sector McKenna [17]

Scrubber • ΔP (mbar) – 5-12 • Capital costs (1000Nm3) – 0.5-2.2k$ • Operating costs (1000Nm3) – 0.8-28k$/y • Application limits - Up to 170,000Nm3/h,

scrubbing water >3L/Nm3, Gas up to 170,000Nm3/h

Are wet scrubbers able to capture PM?

Considering mass (PM>1)


Considering numbers (PM<1)


EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 26TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements

Luca D’Addio

Potential alternatives - DPF

Diesel Particulate Filters – DPF - Conceptually identical to Fabric Filters.

- New car DPFs capture 30 to greater than 95% of soot.

- Regeneration by combustion of carbonaceous particles:

• Passive filters use flue gas heat and catalytic surface; • Active regeneration uses other heat sources, such as fuel burning or electric heaters • Considerations on nanometric particles emissions during regeneration!

- Developed for ULSF (S<15 ppm) was adopted to resist sulphur percentage in fuel up to 500

ppm (MDO/MGO are 10.000ppm!!)

- Pressure drop before regeneration up to 100 mbar.

- Size concerns.

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 26TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements

Luca D’Addio

Potential alternatives - ESP

Electrostatic precipitators – ESP

IPPC- Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in Common Waste Water and Waste Gas Treatment / Management Systems in the Chemical Sector

• ΔP (mbar) – 0.5-5 • Energy (KWh/1000Nm3) – 0.5-2k$ • Capital costs (1000Nm3) – 8.5-18k$ • Operating costs (1000Nm3) – 2.4-27k$/y • Application limits – Gas up to 1,800,000Nm3/h, temperature up to

700°C, Resistivity: 5x103-2x1010 ohm cm. High Voltage needle Corona charging

Grounded wall

Mostly, they were experienced for particles with size larger than 2 mm, to comply with regulations for stationary sources. Often retrofitted with Fabric filters to allow compliances. ESP has great potentialities in reducing PM2 particles but are far less effective for particles finer than 200 nm, due to physical limitaion in particle charging. Complex functioning for sticky particles as OM or EC. Need for high space volumes and high voltages (30-70 kV).

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 26TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements

Luca D’Addio

Wet Scrubber (open or closed loop)

The wet electrostatic scrubbing allows increase the particle capture by adding electric droplet-partcles interactions to hydrodynamic and diffusion forces active in conventional scrubbers.

+ Water recycle



• Inertial impact: Ein ↑ - dp ↑ - U ↑

• Directional interception: EDI ↑ - dp ↑ - U ↑

• Brownian diffusion: EBD ↑ - dp ↓



Wet Electrostatic Scrubber (open or closed loop)

• Electrostatic interaction: EEI ↑ - U ↓ - Qp∙Qd ↑

Cloud Chamber Scrubber Tri.Mer corp.

Jaworek and Krupa (2010)

Improving scrubber technology for particle capture –

Wet electrostatic scrubbing

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 26TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements

Luca D’Addio

DEECON: Innovative After-Treatment System for Marine Diesel Engine Emission Control

The aim of this project is to create a new, modular, on-board, after-treatment unit that combines different sub-units, each of which is optimized to remove a specific primary pollutant (SOx, NOx, PM and VOC ).

Targhet Reduction of NOx > 98% Reduction of PM 90% in number; > 99% in weight Reduction of HC > 80% Reduction of CO > 80% Reduction of SOx > 98%


































gD [



DPM diameter [nm]

Pilot scale prototypes – WES Experimental efficiency DEECON tests at VTS Free Gasoline flame in air at 50°C and 1 bar Pressure drop <3 mbar Water-to-gas mass ratio: ~1.2 kg/kg charged water We developed robust models for WES PM<1 abatement!

Di Natale et al. (2015)

DEECON tests at Southampton Patented component design Diesel particles (2% S fuel) Pressure drop <5mbar Water-to-gas mass ratio: ~1.5 kg/kg charged water

SWS outlet WES outlet

D’Addio et. (2014)

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 26TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements

Luca D’Addio


• Maritime sector emit large amounts of toxic particulate matter close to coastal areas and in port cities.

• Fine and ultrafine particles are the most dangerous on the human body. Recent studies are focusing

on black carbon as a climate forcing agent rather than on particulate matter and its toxicological effects: The WHO officially classified diesel particulate matter as carcinogenic.

• In spite of its relevance, this sector remained largely unregulated until the last years. The same IMO

indications are relatively mild when compared with actual regulations in force for industrial activities or automotive transport.

• Fuel switching or use of biodiesel is ineffective toward PM emission. • After-treatment systems, based on industrial system design are very effective in removing PM2.5, but

have several drawbacks when applied on-board and they are largely ineffective towards PM<1. Specific devices as DPF are available only if ULSF is used.

• The capture of fine and ultrafine particles still remain a challenge, especially in the ship sector.

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 25TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Vessel Technical Services srl Luca D’Addio – TECHNICAL and R&D Responsible Via Fausto Coppi, 11 80010 Quarto – Napoli, Italy T: +39 081 876 42 76 - F: +39 081 806 30 00 Email: [email protected]

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements

Thank you!

EGCSA WORKSHOP & AGM 2016 25TH & 26TH February 2016 – Brunel University

Additional benefits of the scrubber technology from results of exhaust gas measurements

Luca D’Addio


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