EGCC - East Glenville Community Church · Closing Song* Benediction ... (not YFC) by Oct. ... we...

EGCC October 6, 2013 Worship at 10:30am Sunday School at 9:00am (All ages)

Transcript of EGCC - East Glenville Community Church · Closing Song* Benediction ... (not YFC) by Oct. ... we...

Page 1: EGCC - East Glenville Community Church · Closing Song* Benediction ... (not YFC) by Oct. ... we will track the progress of the verses memorized on the bulletin board in the


October 6, 2013 Worship at 10:30am

Sunday School at 9:00am (All ages)

Page 2: EGCC - East Glenville Community Church · Closing Song* Benediction ... (not YFC) by Oct. ... we will track the progress of the verses memorized on the bulletin board in the


*Please feel free to stand or be seated during the singing

** Junior Church is for children in grades pre-K - 4th grade in the Education Wing. Age appropriate lessons, activities & snacks are provided.


October 6, 2013



Opening Praise & Prayer

Welcome & Ministry Opportunities (Nate Caldwell)

Songs of Praise & Worship*

Morning Prayer


Hymn of Preparation (**Children are dismissed for Jr. Church)

Missions Report (Sharon Carlson)

Message (Pastor Jim)

Closing Song*



Requests for a recording of today's service may be made immediately following the service at the media booth. The recordings can be picked up one

week from the date of request at the booth. Podcasts of recent sermons are available on our website!

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We welcome you to our worship service this morning and pray that you will be blessed in the presence of the Lord Jesus.

It is our desire to glorify God as a community of Christ followers who love God, love people, and make disciples because Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.

If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus or have ques-tions about your faith, please feel free to speak with Pastor Jim, Pastor Phil or one of the Elders.

Communication Cards ~ please feel free to use these cards to ask for prayer or to update information.

If you are a visitor, we would like to have a record of your visit. Cards may be placed in the offering plate or given to an usher on your way out of the sanctuary.


Oct 5-6 Missions Conference

Oct 6 4:30pm Musical Rehearsal Kick-Off

*October Communion Service has been moved to Oct. 13th*

Oct 8 7:00pm Board Meetings

Oct 9 6:00pm Wednesday Night Program

Oct 10 Church Matters Deadline (Now on Thursday after Board Meetings)

Oct 12 8:30am Men’s Breakfast

Oct 13 -14 6:30pm Youth - Woods Games

Oct 16 6:00pm Wednesday Night Program

Oct 18 6:30pm SPARK Event

Oct 26 3-5pm Harvest Festival - Note New Time

We invite your infants and toddlers to our nurseries where there is a

competent staff waiting to care for them during the service.

This Week (10/6):

Crib: 9:00 - Brenda Mills Crib: 10:30 - Sherri Benner, Kelly Fischer Toddlers: 10:30 - Katie Jahn, Carly DeLeonardo

Next Week (10/13): Crib: 9:00 - Jane Stevenson Crib: 10:30 - Heather Sweet, Shelby Switzer Toddlers: 10:30 - Sherri Benner, Dana Drosdick

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Harvest Festival Saturday, October 26th 3pm – 5pm

*Note Time Change!*

Join us in Buchanan Hall for fun fall festivities

including crafts, games, story time,

and delicious fall treats!

Appropriate for children age 3 yrs to

early elementary grades and their families.

Kids are welcome to wear their costume!

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Youth Group Grades 6-12

Sundays at 6:30pm

WOOD GAMES 10/13 - 10/14 Grades 6-12

Join us for a fun time at church and playing in the woods. We will meet Sunday at 6:30 for regular Youth Group then we will go to the Seiz's house and play night games in the woods. We will finish Monday at 2 pm, after lunch. The event is free but a $5 donation for food would be greatly appreciated. Excel 2014 registration is fast approaching. All interested High School students should register with Nate (not YFC) by Oct. 13th for the early bird discount. The $100 price includes some meals, lodging and transportation as well as the conference. There are registration forms in the church office.

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"Spirit Powered Activities Reaching Kids"

Grades 2nd-5th Friday October 18th

6:30-8:00pm in Buchanan Hall

Theme is Kingdom Rock -Day 1 Revisit VBS Bible Point and Bible story and music!

Snack, songs, games, lesson! Come and bring a friend.

Donation requested: $1 per child Contact Susan Perregaux 384-7296

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Rev. James and Lisa Smith 14 Glenridge Road Apt 804 Glenville, NY 12302

518-399-3151 Church Office *518-322-5776 Jim's Phone [email protected] *Please note change in phone #

The infants and toddlers in the nursery are looking for more adults and teens to play with during the church service and especially during the Sunday School hour. We are also looking for someone to be a nursery coordinator on call, which occurs once every three months for an entire month. If anyone is interested they should contact Heather Sweet.

Weekly Budget: $8,073

Tithes & Offerings: $7,154

Parking Lot Fund YTD: $17,107

Parking Lot Fund Offering

(9/29): $1320

Monthly Report

YTD Giving $293,615

YTD Budget $314,851

Total ($ 21,236)

September Giving $36,623

September Budget $32,292


Finance Report

The Diaconate will be collecting a Love Offering for a family in dire need on October 12th and 20th. Thanks for your generosity and prayers for this family.

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Are you like me? Do you find that what Christ calls you to do every day goes against just about every natural inclination you have, but know in your heart it is the only way to true joy and peace? Do you wish to shine Christ’s light to the world, but wonder if your example as a Christian to your family and friends would lead anyone to Christ?

Do you want to know God’s will for your life? Do you want God to speak to you? Do you feel helpless to change old habits and thought patterns? Do you wish to have your mind renewed and become a new creation in Christ? Do you wish to have the desires of your heart actually change and be more like Christ’s?

As Paul says in Romans 7, do you long to do what is right in your heart, but know the thoughts in your mind and what you say and do is often sinful?

What are we to do? Who is to save us from ourselves? Paul gives us the answer in Romans 8. Jesus has freed us from sin and death. Paul says in Romans 8:5-6 Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind of sinful man is death but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.

What better way to set your mind on the Spirit than to memorize Scripture. Did you know that in the Gospels Jesus quoted the Old Testament, in fact He quotes from 24 different books over 100 times?! He quoted scripture to resist the temptation of the devil and to teach people the truth. If Jesus did it, shouldn’t we?

In Romans 1:16 Paul says that he is not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the Salvation of everyone who believes.

Colossians 3:16 commands us to let the word of God dwell in us richly.

Take a small step in faith and obedience and memorize scripture and see how God works powerfully through that step of obedience.

Remember, little changes over a long period of time produce big results.

Romans 8 is the chapter of scripture we are encouraging our church body to learn. If you have never memorized scripture before, set a small goal and memorize 5 of the verses. If you have memorized scripture before, set your goal higher, and if you really want to be challenged memorize the entire chapter of Roman’s 8. Please find the beginning of Romans 8 printed out on the back table of the narthex.

If you wish to have help in holding yourself accountable, or just to encourage others, we will track the progress of the verses memorized on the bulletin board in the Narthex. You can recite the verses to Katie Fischer in the Library in the time between Sunday School and church. Each week you need to recite the verse you learned, plus the verses you learned the week before, otherwise you will forget them. If you forget one week, don’t worry, just do the best you can. You can memorize one verse a week, or as many as you want. Let’s join together to encourage each other to grow in Christ.

The children have received shorter verses to learn in Sunday School up until high

school level. But any children who wish to, plus students in high school are

encouraged to learn Romans 8. Katie Fischer, CE Board

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It is not too late to join a Women’s Bible Study. If you have questions about which study would be best for you, please contact Michelle Kraines, Women’s Discipleship Coordinator at 399-6199.

Church Studies:

Wednesday mornings: Please join us starting 9:15 at church for a time of fellowship and bible study. This study is geared for mothers of young children who would like to develop friendships and study what God’s word says about raising children. Babysitting will be available. The book we are doing is “A Mother’s heart” - A look at values, vision and character for the Christian mother. If you have any questions, please contact Katie Fischer at 885-9576 or email her at [email protected]

Wednesday 7pm to 8:15pm: Beth Moore’s David-Seeking a Heart Like His. Workbooks are $20. Join us as we seek to know David , A Man after God’s Own Heart, and then grow to be like him. Contact is Susie Bandy (377-0079).

Thursday 9am to 10:30am: This study also is using the book by Beth Moore, David- Seeking a Heart Like His. Contact is Donna Williams (399-2319).

Thursday *1pm to 2pm: This group is studying 1 Samuel. There is a time of prayer following for those who can stay later. Contact is Nancy Snyder (399-3045). *Note time change

Home Studies:

Friday mornings, alternating weeks

This study meets in the homes of the women involved from 9-11am. The study will be chosen with input from the women involved. Please contact Brenda Mills at 399-8787 if you are interested in joining us.

The October Men’s Breakfast will take place on the second Saturday (Oct. 12th) of the month at 8:30 a.m. as not to conflict with the Missions Conference.

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Wednesday Night Men’s Group 7:00 - 8:15pm

Topic: The Image of Jesus.

Looking at Jesus as our Role Model for Manhood.

Join with other men for a study and discussion lead by Pastor Jim and others. This is a casual group for guys of all ages - especially those who have not been a part of a Men’s Group before.

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Join us every Wednesday! Come for all or part of the evening.

Make reservations for the catered dinner by using your communication card in your pew, or by emailing/calling the

office by Monday morning. ([email protected]/399-3151)

Cost: 0-4 Free, 5-12 $3, 13-Adult $5 ($20 Family Max)


6:00pm - 6:45pm Dinner 6:45pm - 7:45pm Praise Gang (K - 8th grade)

6:45pm - 8:30pm Youth Bible Study at Nate Caldwell’s home (18 Droms Road Ext.)

7:00pm - 8:15pm Men and Women’s Bible Studies 7:00pm - 8:30pm Worship Choir (9th grade - Adult)

Burgers & Fries

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Prayer Guide


Sharon Carlson, New York (IAM) Alex & Laura Crum, New York (WBT)

Praise For a great turnout, fellowship and fun at the Ellms Farm Family and Friends outing!

. Prayer Requests The Church in this time of transition Church finances & Parking Lot Fund EGCC family’s & friends’ salvation Pray for EGCC Elder Board Send us into people’s lives to share God’s love in Christ through our witness Those who are unemployed, church especially those who are a part of our church family The marriages and families within the church Our church family shut-ins

Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer. - Psalm 4:1

Unfortunately, space limits the requests we can run continuously. Please continue to pray for those not appearing in this week’s bulletin. Please contact us if your prayer request needs to be updated.

Serving Our Country & Community All active members of the military, the veterans, and all of their families Our President and National Leaders Our local leaders and government

Loved ones and friends who need our prayers…

Jamel Daniels, and his family with his Pop, Dan Green on life support. Karen Feurer - Please pray for: My friend Maria, who is battling a second round of stage 4

cancer as well as wisdom for her doctors, my cousin Barbara, peace and comfort for stage 4 cancer and Ted’s mom, peace and comfort for cancer.

Mary, a friend of the Resue family, who has spent 3 weeks in a N.H. hospital with an infection following a surgery.

Robb Marshall's dad who has been diagnosed with lymphoma and will be going through chemotherapy.

Nancy Carbone, friend of Debbie Palmatier’s supervisor, with major health concerns. Susan Richter, M. Shaver's sister: Endometrial Cancer, comfort and healing from kidney

problems & side effects from two more chemo treatments followed by radiation. Doug Chevalier who has been suffering abdominal pain for two years. Please pray for

answers from the doctors and relief from the pain. Diane Fisher is requesting prayer support for her sister, Candy, in California who is

struggling with depression, pain and poor appetite. Continued prayer for healing and strength for Diane Clancy’s mother as she battles cancer.

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Missions Conference

TODAY - will feature Sharon Carlson, overseer for IAM, who will address

the Adult and High School Sunday School classes and present during the

Worship Service. The weekend will again end with the potluck luncheon after

church and brief afternoon feature where the youth's Summer Mission trip

will again be featured with new testimonies. The added good fortune will be

the presence of George Tooklakis who helped with the trip: he will share

briefly what his role is and will have a table displayed. Nate Caldwell will

then present a video and talk about his summer work in Mexico.

Scripture Text: Acts 1:8 Missions Next Door and Across the Globe

Glen Ewart, Missionary for Intervarsity Christian Fellowship: "Pray for John who has given up drugs and alcohol to follow Jesus after our kick-off at SUNY-Potsdam. Pray for continuing transformations in these young lives. Thanking God for your (EGCC) faithful partnership."

Serving Him, Glen and Beverly Ewart.

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Rev. Jim Smith Senior Pastor Sandie Wanamaker Director of Worship Ministries Susan Perregaux Director of Children’s Ministries

National Association of Evangelicals

We are affiliated with:

Conservative Congregational Christian Conference

East Glenville Community Church 335 Saratoga Road Glenville, NY 12302



EGCC Christian Preschool 335 Saratoga Road, Glenville, NY 12302

Linda Wachtel, Director 518-399-6894 or [email protected]

Rev. Phil Sears Assistant Pastor

Nathan Caldwell

Director of Student Ministries

Gina Vendetti Administrative Assistant

Office Phones: 399-3151, 399-3105 Fax: (518)399-0302

OFFICE HOURS 8:30 am- 1:30 pm

Monday through Friday WEB SITE:

E-MAIL: Office: [email protected]

ELDER BOARD Tom Bischoff

Dave Brzozowski Alex Crum Jim Fischer

Don Kraines Gary Williams