eGain UK Public Sector Inclusive Services Report: January 2014



eGain commissioned research across the whole UK Public Sector to understand the state of channel migration/ digital transformation and the impact of the 'Digital by Default' policy. This report outlines the key findings from the research and offers several opportunities for UK Public Sector to further improve citizen services, better address the digitally excluded segments and underpin the digital transformation business case.

Transcript of eGain UK Public Sector Inclusive Services Report: January 2014

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The SurveyAs the Digital by Default agenda continues to build momentum, organisations across the public sector are considering how best to overcome barriers to accessing services.

However, as budget cuts continue, the challenge is to find the most cost effective way of meeting all service user needs. Channel shift and self-service options provide part of the solution but organisations are also considering the support provided for service users and whether current systems are aiding or inhibiting organisations in providing a single view of the user experience.

Our survey aimed to provide a snapshot of how, when and where service users currently access services, and the support mechanisms that are in place to ensure services are inclusive and meet all user needs.

This document contains the key findings of the report and recommendations going forward.

Profile of respondentsIn total, 437 individuals from 328 unique organisations accessed the survey representing all parts of the public sector.

• NHS: 121

• Central Government: 74

• NDPB: 59

• Local Government: 45

• Clinical Commissioning Groups: 24

• Housing Associations: 6

• Colleges of FE: 3

• Charity: 2

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Figure 1: Survey completes by sector

What do we mean by inclusive services? Citizens for the most part are not able to choose who they consume services from, except where these are delivered outside of the Public Sector. This report focuses on the delivery of services by the Public Sector for the benefit of, and consumption by, citizens. It is helpful to contrast services that are delivered within the Private Sector and consider the expectation that consumers now routinely have for services that are delivered through digital channels. These expectations carry over to citizen’s expectations of public services.

Public service providers have a duty to ensure that everyone has equal access to their services. Increasingly important with services being transformed by successive Governments, is the issue of discoverability. If citizens are not aware of service availability then they will not be able to access them.

Central Government CharityClinical Commissioning Groups Colleges of FEHousing Associations Local GovernmentNHS NDPB





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Additional considerations for Public Sector services are those of timing and preference. The latest OfCom media preference 1mentions ‘media stackers’ – consumers that ‘conduct activities or communicate via other devices while watching TV, but with these activities not relating to the TV programme being watched.’

The Digital by Default agenda enables this type of interaction, provided that appropriate investment is given to digital channels to support the transaction processing.

Above all, the public requires consistency when consuming public services. This consistency covers policy, advice, expectation and experience. There is a risk that the investments being made in digital channels assume a 100% channel-shift from traditional interaction methods, and that costs will rise and experience will suffer due to a lack of consistency across channels, or that citizens will not be allowed choice in how they consume services despite having particular needs or preferences.

This leads us to define the optimum characteristics of inclusive services:

‘Inclusive services should be discoverable, available and tailored to all citizens at a convenient and appropriate time and place, as chosen by the citizen and provided by the Public Sector. Furthermore the support of those services should be consistent across different interaction channels and flexible enough to provide resilience and choice.’

Delivering inclusive services in the public sector survey 2014

31 Ofcom Communications Market Report August 2013

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Summary of Key Findings1. Organisations see channel shift as important

but the majority are still not taking a strategic approach

Despite the benefits associated with channel shift, 64% of organisations surveyed do not have a strategy in place. However 56% of organisations who already have a strategy plan to review it within the next 12 months. This clearly shows that those who are taking an organisation-wide approach to channel shift are recognising the speed at which change is required to meet the challenges of the current climate.

Count: 123Figure 2: When do you plan to review your channel shift strategy?

No plans to review Less than six months Six to twelve months12-18 months Post 18 months Don’t know







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2. The main drivers for channel shift are cost reductions and efficiency improvements. However, less than 2 out of 5 of those surveyed have assessed the business case to provide multichannel support in the last twelve months.

It is clear that organisations are starting to recognise the benefits of channel shift but there is still a disparity between this and those organisations who have considered providing multiple channels of support in the last twelve months. There is a real risk to the business benefits of channel shift being delivered, if the transformation of services is not underpinned by readily accessible support, at the time and method as chosen by the citizen.

Count: 307Figure 3: In the last twelve months, has your organisation assessed the business case to provide multichannel support?

Yes No Don’t know




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3. Recognising the diversity of service users is considered a priority by half of those surveyed but more needs to be done Of those who provide multi/omni channel support, 53% say this platform is accessible to all users, including those who require digital support. This is encouraging although given that organisations have a legal obligation under EC law to deliver accessible websites, we would expect this figure to be much higher. The lack of an assisted digital policy (only 23% of surveyed organisations have one in place) is also a concern given the importance of assisted digital practices in the delivery of all new services online by 2015. To be inclusive, organisations need to put into place the tools with which to include all service users.

Count: 307Figure 4: How do you currently support customers?

Individual channels for different services Multi/omni channel support service Don’t know




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4. Current solutions are not providing organisations with a complete view of the user experience, making it difficult to recognise and address barriers

Count: 176Figure 5: Does your current solution allow you to do the following?

Of the same list, it is interesting to note that just over half did not know if any of the above services were available via mobile applications, 75% via SMS and 34% via mobile web browsers. This does show the lack of awareness organisation-wide of possible channels available and without staff buy in, it is difficult to deliver services tailored to specific needs. However in terms of mobile, nearly a fifth were able to measure customer satisfaction via surveys which shows that organisations are recognising the importance of listening to customer feedback. Of public sector organisations that have conducted research to identify user digital capabilities, the majority (69%) think that most users are online but still require assistance.

Capabilities of current solutions

Track a journey start to finish

Complete view of customer interaction

Recognise and offer alternative channel

Pre-empt potential user problems

Customer satisfaction surveys

Track incomplete journeys

None of the above

Don’t know

0 25 50 75 100

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5. What is the impact of poor service adoption?

Figure 6: What risks have been identified?

The potential impact of low service take-up has only been considered or quantified to a meaningful degree by 16% of organisations surveyed. This is a major risk as potentially, new ways of delivering services could be alienating or excluding individuals who could previously easily access as and when required. Worryingly, over two thirds are reliant on non-digital channels if take-up is low: paper forms, phone support and face-to-face all score quite highly. Whilst non-digital channels have a role to play, it is notable that such a huge percentage of organisations are not looking at the potential digital solutions available to them.

CostReputational riskService adoption rateMove back to original channelImproving new channel beyond project expectations





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Count: 111Figure 8: Going forward, which of the following would you consider to be the biggest barriers in your organisation to creating or supporting new and improved digital channels?

Barriers to creating or supporting new and improved digital channels


Risk of data

Resource - systems

Lack of consistency

Resource - staff

Lack of user experience view

Lack of customer adoption

Cost - digital inclusion and assisted

Poor familarity with technology use


0 25 50 75 100

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Citizen engagement modelWhen Public Sector bodies have enabled citizens to find and use services via digital means, eGain attributes these organisations with having achieved Digital Citizen Engagement. eGain takes a consultative approach to enable its clients to measure their current state of Digital Citizen Engagement maturity; techniques include root cause analysis, service design, customer journey mapping, knowledge base authoring and cost benefit analysis techniques all orientated to increase a wider realisation of the Digital by Default Service Standard. These techniques underpin the creation of dynamic digital services which include personalised supporting information designed to enable the successful resolution of queries using digital channels.





Digital Citizen Engagement

Citizen Engagement Maturity Model copyright eGain 2014


• Updated channel shift strategy in place• Assisted digital services available• Robust analytics underpin service enhancement• Personalised service provision

• An evolved digital strategy is in place• Partial development of assisted digital capability• Limited capability to track citizen journeys

• Lack of a defined digital strategy• Limited digital services provision• Static online content• High level of non-digital & F2F demand• Limited visibility of digital service efficacy• Citizens inconvenienced

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ConclusionMark Fenna, Head of Public Sector, eGainThe survey results make interesting and varied reading and describe a Public Sector landscape undergoing a number of digital transformation projects as expected with the clear Digital by Default agenda.

There is, however, a major risk that the broad range of citizen needs and preferences have not been adequately considered and that this could challenge the channel shift business cases by:

• Undermining public confidence in service delivery due to inconsistency of experience between channels

• Certain segments (such as those requiring Assisted Digital) driving a significant proportion of service cost

There are, however, a number of opportunities that organisations should consider before services start transitioning:

Make it easier for people to engage how and when they want:

Extend access time to assistance, service user satisfaction, and reduce unnecessary customer contact/ improve targeted contact by improving service outside of core business hours via Chat Bot and Web Self-Service

Embed context-sensitive help which changes according to realtime analytics to improve service adoption, customer satisfaction and reduce unnecessary customer contact

Give citizens choice and receive a complete view of interactions:

Being able to view a complete interaction history from customers across the full range of channels provides an opportunity to improve organisational efficiency and reduce the ‘friction’ from a citizen perspective

Providing a knowledge base of policies and guidance online via web self-service would empower citizens, improve service and reduce unnecessary contact

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Help the ‘media stackers’ and workers:

Provide webchat as a channel to improve customer choice (allowing them to access services at work), and improve contact centre efficiency (typically agents can handle 3-5 web chats vs 1 phone call in realtime)

Keep citizens informed by providing proactive and reactive status update information to reduce unnecessary citizen contact and improve customer satisfaction

And finally…

Above all, make sure that services that are delivered are supported by inclusive support channels, and that these are available to all, not just to those that are deemed as requiring ‘additional support’.

Inclusive services should be discoverable, available and tailored to all citizens at a convenient and appropriate time and place as chosen by the citizen and provided by the Public Sector. Furthermore the support of those services should be consistent across different interaction channels and flexible enough to provide resilience and choice.

Public Sector Digital transformation is a journey that will evolve over time and be responsive to changes in policy, citizen feedback and technology advancements.

A responsive citizen-centric support and engagement model is critical to delivery.

Useful linksGovernment’s  Digital  by  Default  StrategyAssisted  Digital  PolicyDigital  by  Default  service  standard

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About eGain

eGain is the leading provider of knowledge powered customer engagement applications. Our integrated solutions for social, mobile, web and contact centres help our clients deliver connected customer journeys in a multichannel world.  We also help organisations to significantly reduce operating costs, increase customer retention, convert untapped sales opportunities, and improve e-mail, chat, mobile, social, and contact centre customer experiences.

In addition, eGain designs and delivers Knowledge Management solutions, which are critical for a multichannel strategy and enable Public Sector organisations to improve the delivery of services and decrease cost, risk and fraud by delivering smart, connected customer journeys across all channels.


About iGov Survey

We are an independent team of public sector experts who are responsible for the delivery of public sector related surveys. Our dedicated editorial team work with our clients to collate information about UK public services and the ever-changing environment in which it exists in 2013.

iGov surveys are targeted at senior level professionals and decision-makers and provide a current insight into how this group think. We also aim to provide our partners with intelligence to support future communications.


AcknowledgementsThe survey team at iGov Survey would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who were kind enough to take part - and especially to those who found the time to offer additional insight through their extra comments. We would also like to thank our partner, eGain, for their assistance in compiling the survey questions, scrutinising the responses and analysing the results.

Delivering inclusive services survey 2013 © copyright Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all rights including those in copyright in the content of this publication are owned by or controlled for these purposes by iGov Survey

Except as otherwise expressly permitted under copyright law or iGov Survey’s Terms of Use, the content of this publication are owned by or controlled may not be copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, posted, broadcast or transmitted in any way without first obtaining iGov Survey’s written permission or that of the copyright owner.

To contact the iGov Survey team:Email: [email protected] Tel: 0161 482 7890Address: FAO David Cross, Ingenium IDS Ltd, Mansion House, Wellington Road South, Stockport, Cheshire, SK1 3UA

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Delivering inclusive services survey 2014

Quest ion: What would best describe your role within your organisat ion?

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Chief 13 3 %Director 73 17 %Head 110 25 %Manager 195 44 %Other 49 11 %

Quest ion: What are your primary job responsibilit ies within your organisat ion? Please t ick all thatapply.

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

CEO 8 1 %Finance 34 4 %IT 120 15 %Communications and Marketing 144 18 %Corporate services 78 10 %HR 29 4 %T ransformation 75 9 %Policy 60 7 %Strategy 85 10 %Procurement/purchasing 37 5 %Operations 79 10 %Other 70 9 %

Quest ion: How many people work in your organisat ion?

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

1-50 25 6 %50 -249 77 18 %250 – 499 70 16 %500 – 2499 88 20 %2500 – 10000 144 33 %10000+ 36 8 %

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Quest ion: Does your organisat ion have a channel shif t st rategy?

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Yes 142 35 %No 110 27 %Don't know 150 37 %

Grid: If you said Yes, please rank the following drivers of channel shif t in order of signif icance f rom 1-4 ( with 1 = Most signif icant driver and 4 = Least signif icant driver)

Quest ion: Cost reduct ion

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

1 57 45 %2 28 22 %3 20 16 %4 21 17 %

Quest ion: Ef f iciency

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

1 42 33 %2 53 42 %3 18 14 %4 13 10 %

Quest ion: Ef f icacy

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

1 16 13 %2 38 30 %3 51 40 %4 21 17 %

Quest ion: Improving service adopt ion for specif ic service user groups

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

1 27 21 %2 30 24 %3 31 25 %4 38 30 %

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Quest ion: When do you plan to review your channel shif t st rategy?

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

No plans to review 4 3 %Less than six months 29 24 %Six to twelve months 39 32 %T welve to eighteen months 21 17 %Post eighteen months 5 4 %Don't know 25 20 %

Quest ion: In the last twelve months, has your organisat ion assessed the business case to providemult ichannel support?

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Yes 103 34 %No 88 29 %Don't know 116 38 %

Quest ion: How do you current ly support customers?

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Individual channels of support for different services 132 43 %Multi/Omni channel support service 111 36 %Don’t know 64 21 %

Quest ion: If you answered mult i/omni channel support service, is this plat form accessible to all users,including those who require digital support?

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Yes 55 53 %No 23 22 %Don’t know 26 25 %

Quest ion: Does your current solut ion allow you to do the following? Please t ick all that apply.

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

T rack a service user’s journey from start to finish 71 18 %Get a complete view of customer interactions via the full range of channels 41 10 %Recognise and offer alternative channels to those who require it 55 14 %Pre-empt potential problems that users may experience during the process 25 6 %Measure customer satisfaction via surveys 96 24 %T rack incomplete customer journeys 48 12 %None of the above 26 7 %Don’t know 31 8 %

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Grid: Of the same list , please tell us which services are available via mobile applicat ions, SMS andmobile web browsers?

Quest ion: Mobile applicat ions

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

T rack a service user’s journey from start to finish 14 10 %Get a complete view of customer interactions via the full range of channels 6 4 %Recognise and offer alternative channels to those who require it 10 7 %Pre-empt potential problems that users may experience during the process 7 5 %Measure customer satisfaction via surveys 25 17 %T rack incomplete customer journeys 9 6 %Don’t Know 74 51 %

Quest ion: SMS

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

T rack a service user’s journey from start to finish 3 3 %Get a complete view of customer interactions via the full range of channels 4 4 %Recognise and offer alternative channels to those who require it 5 5 %Pre-empt potential problems that users may experience during the process 4 4 %Measure customer satisfaction via surveys 8 8 %T rack incomplete customer journeys 2 2 %Don’t Know 78 75 %

Quest ion: Mobile web browsers

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

T rack a service user’s journey from start to finish 21 10 %Get a complete view of customer interactions via the full range of channels 15 7 %Recognise and offer alternative channels to those who require it 23 11 %Pre-empt potential problems that users may experience during the process 19 9 %Measure customer satisfaction via surveys 43 20 %T rack incomplete customer journeys 19 9 %Don’t Know 71 34 %

Quest ion: What would you say is the greatest challenge prevent ing users f rom accessing yourservices via mult iple channels?

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Ease of use 16 9 %Customer adoption 33 18 %Website design and navigation 28 15 %Fragmentation of services 53 29 %Lack of intuitive response 6 3 %Other 45 25 %

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Grid: Which of the following self -service facilit ies are current ly of fered, plan to be of fered or notof fered by your current plat form?

Quest ion: Abilit y to provide customer feedback

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently offered 89 64 %Plan to be offered 27 19 %Not offered 24 17 %

Quest ion: Abilit y to complete online applicat ions/ t ransact ions

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently offered 94 67 %Plan to be offered 29 21 %Not offered 17 12 %

Quest ion: Abilit y to access support services

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently offered 69 49 %Plan to be offered 36 26 %Not offered 35 25 %

Quest ion: Abilit y to report a problem

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently offered 103 74 %Plan to be offered 13 9 %Not offered 24 17 %

Quest ion: In which of the following ways are self -service facilit ies of fered? Please t ick all that apply.

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Access to a knowledge base containing policies via web self-service 88 30 %Interaction via Chat or Co-browsing (chat bot, chat, push pages to customers) 9 3 %Help offered based on customer behaviour/ intent 29 10 %Context-sensitive help offered via website or mobile applications 26 9 %Ability to join a community of interest/ forum and ask for support from thecommunity

29 10 %

Ability to create queries through social media (such as Facebook or T witter) 70 23 %Facility to ask the organisation to call you back ‘click to call’ 20 7 %Other 14 5 %Don't know 13 4 %

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Quest ion: Is there a t racking system in place to allow your service users to monitor the progress oftheir query or request?

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Yes - proactive (through push notifications of status change) 14 10 %Yes – reactive (users check progress) 33 24 %No 68 49 %Don't know 24 17 %

Quest ion: Which of the following approaches does your organisat ion take when determining howservices are delivered?

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

We mandate the channels that are available to our customers for specificservices

55 40 %

We offer all channels for our customers and allow them to make a choice 32 23 %We let our service users determine the choice of channel 40 29 %Other 12 9 %

Quest ion: Does your organisat ion have an Assisted Digital Policy?

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Yes – part of Digital by Default strategy 26 18 %Yes – standalone policy 7 5 %No 77 52 %Don’t know 37 25 %

Quest ion: In the last twelve months, have you conducted customer research to ident if y user digitalcapabilit ies?

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Yes 26 19 %No 70 52 %Don’t know 39 29 %

Grid: If you said Yes, please tell us what percentage of your service users are:

Quest ion: Fully online

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Less than 10% 3 12 %11-24% 4 15 %25-49% 4 15 %50 - 74% 8 31 %More than 75% 6 23 %None at all 1 4 %

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Quest ion: Online but require assistance

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Less than 10% 8 31 %11-24% 11 42 %25-49% 3 12 %50 - 74% 1 4 %More than 75% 2 8 %None at all 1 4 %

Quest ion: Not online and require alternat ive channel

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Less than 10% 8 31 %11-24% 6 23 %25-49% 7 27 %50 - 74% 2 8 %More than 75% 2 8 %None at all 1 4 %

Grid: Which of the following services do you provide, have plans to provide or have no plans toprovide to service users who require digital assistance? Please select all that apply.

Quest ion: Providing access to non-digital channels such as click and print access to paper forms

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently provide 72 63 %No plans to provide 36 32 %Plan to provide 6 5 %

Quest ion: Providing phone support to those requiring assistance online

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently provide 66 58 %No plans to provide 35 31 %Plan to provide 13 11 %

Quest ion: Providing face to face help and support , including access to internet facilit ies

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently provide 68 60 %No plans to provide 38 33 %Plan to provide 8 7 %

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Quest ion: Signpost ing to internet t raining for those without digital skills

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently provide 46 40 %No plans to provide 52 46 %Plan to provide 16 14 %

Quest ion: Video Chat

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently provide 8 7 %No plans to provide 85 75 %Plan to provide 21 18 %

Quest ion: Web Chat

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently provide 15 13 %No plans to provide 63 55 %Plan to provide 36 32 %

Quest ion: Co-Browsing

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently provide 8 7 %No plans to provide 88 77 %Plan to provide 18 16 %

Grid: Which of the following does your organisat ion current ly use, plan to use or have no plans to useto enhance how you deliver services? Please t ick all that apply.

Quest ion: Web self -service

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently use 75 69 %Plan to use 18 17 %No plans to use 16 15 %

Quest ion: Live web chat

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently use 11 10 %Plan to use 35 33 %No plans to use 59 56 %

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Quest ion: Mobile - SMS

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently use 43 40 %Plan to use 38 36 %No plans to use 26 24 %

Quest ion: Social media

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently use 75 68 %Plan to use 27 25 %No plans to use 8 7 %

Quest ion: Outbound messaging – SMS

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently use 50 45 %Plan to use 31 28 %No plans to use 30 27 %

Quest ion: Recorded phone message

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently use 78 72 %Plan to use 6 6 %No plans to use 24 22 %

Quest ion: Email

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently use 104 94 %Plan to use 4 4 %No plans to use 3 3 %

Quest ion: Interact ive Voice Response

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently use 38 36 %Plan to use 19 18 %No plans to use 50 47 %

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Quest ion: Other

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently use 3 14 %Plan to use 2 10 %No plans to use 16 76 %

Quest ion: Don't know

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Currently use 1 6 %Plan to use 1 6 %No plans to use 15 88 %

Quest ion: Has you organisat ion quant if ied the risk of potent ial service users choosing not to use thenew channel?

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Yes 18 16 %No 55 48 %Don’t know 41 36 %

Quest ion: If you said Yes, which of the following has been considered? Please t ick all that apply.

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Cost 17 29 %Reputational risk (if take-up is below expectation) 15 26 %Service adoption rate (over an agreed period of time) 12 21 %Move back to original channel 3 5 %Improving new channel 11 19 %Other 0 0 %Don’t know 0 0 %

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Quest ion: Going forward, which of the following would you consider to be the biggest barriers in yourorganisat ion to creat ing or support ing new and improved digital channels? Please t ick all that apply.

AnswerAnswer CountCount PercentPercent

Cost 83 20 %Risk of data loss 28 7 %Resource required to keep system up to date 60 15 %Resource required to train up all staff on its use 46 11 %Poor familiarity with use of technology 27 7 %Lack of consistency in service development 41 10 %Lack of a complete view of the user experience 42 10 %Lack of customer adoption 34 8 %Cost of managing digital inclusion and assisted digital 42 10 %Other 9 2 %

Organisat ions

2gether NHS Foundation Trus t 5 Boroughs Par tners h ip NHS Foundation Trus tAberdeens h i re Counci l Agr icu l tu re and Hor ticu l tu re Deve lopm ent BoardAi reda le NHS Foundation Trus t An im al Hea l th and Veter inary Laborator ies AgencyArch i tecture and Des ign Scotland As hford Borough Counci lAud i t Com m is s ion Avon and Som ers et Probation Trus tB io techno logy and B io log ica l Sciences Res earch Counci l B i rm ingham Chi ld ren ' s Hos p i ta l NHS Foundation Trus tB i rm ingham Ci ty Counci l Borough o f Poo leBournem outh Borough Counci l Breckland Dis tr ict Counci lBrent Counci l Br i ti s h Broadcas ting Corpora tionBr i tis h P igm eat Executive Broxtowe Borough Counci lBuckingham s hi re County Counci l Buckingham s hi re Heal thcare NHS Trus tCabinet Office Cabinet Office Efficiency and Reform GroupCai rn Hous ing As s ocia tion Cai rngorm s Nationa l Park Author i tyCam br idges h i re and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trus t Cam br idges h i re and Peterborough Probation Trus tCam br idges h i re Com m uni ty Services NHS Trus t Cam br idges h i re County Counci lCard i ff Counci l Care P lus GroupCar tre fi Cym unedol Gwynedd Cas tle Po in t Borough Counci lCCWater Centra l and Nor th Wes t London NHS Foundation Trus tCentra l Bedfords h i re Counci l Centra l Co l lege NottinghamCentra l Mid lands CSU CentroCharnwood Borough Counci l CHFTChi l te rn Dis tr ict Counci l CITB - Cons truction Ski l l sCi ty and County o f Swans ea Ci ty Heal th Care Par tners h ip CICCi ty o f London Corpora tion Ci ty o f York Counci lClackm annans h i re Counci l Conwy County Borough Counci lCooks town Dis tr ict Counci l Cope land Borough Counci lCornwal l Counci l Cornwal l Par tners h ip NHS Foundation Trus tCots wold Dis tr ict Counci l Counci l fo r Catho l ic Main ta ined SchoolsCounci l o f the Is les o f Sci l l y County Durham and Dar l ing ton NHS Foundation Trus tCoventry and Warwicks h i re NHS Par tners h ip Trus t Creative and Cul tura l Ski l l s Counci lCSH Surrey Culham Centre for Fus ion EnergyDai ryCo Denbighs h i re County Counci lDepar tm ent fo r Bus ines s , Innovation and Ski l l s Depar tm ent fo r Com m uni ties and Loca l Governm entDepar tm ent fo r Education Depar tm ent fo r Envi ronm ent Food and Rura l Affa i rsDepar tm ent fo r Trans por t Depar tm ent fo r Work and Pens ionsDepar tm ent o f Energy and Cl im ate Change Depar tm ent o f Hea l thDerbys h i re Com m uni ty Heal th Services NHS Trus t Derbys h i re County Counci lDerbys h i re Heal thcare NHS Foundation Trus t Devon County Counci lDis clos ure Scotland Dors et County Hos p i ta l NHS Foundation Trus tDover Dis tr ict Counci l Dud ley Metropo l i tan Borough Counci lDum fr ies and Gal loway Counci l Dundee Ci ty Counci lDurham County Counci l DWP, CMGEas t Ches h i re NHS Trus t Eas t Coas t Com m uni ty Heal thcare CICEas t Dunbar tons h i re Counci l Eas t Kent Hos p i ta ls Un ivers i ty NHS Foundation Trus tEas t Lancas h i re Hos p i ta ls NHS Trus t Eas t Loth ian Dis tr ict Counci lEas t Mid lands Loca l Education and Tra in ing Board Eas t o f Eng land Am bulance Service NHS Trus tEducation Scotland EHRCEnfie ld Counci l Eng ineer ing and Phys ica l Sciences Res earch Counci lEng l is h Her i tage Eth ica l Trad ing In i tia tiveFa lki rk Counci l Fi fe Counci lFi rs t Ark Group Fl in ts h i re County Counci lFood Standards Agency Gates head Counci lG louces ters h i re Hos p i ta ls NHS Foundation Trus t Great Yarm outh Borough Counci lGreater Manches ter Wes t Menta l Hea l th NHS Foundation Trus t Hal ton Borough Counci lHar rogate Borough Counci l Har row Counci lHavant Borough Counci l Hea l thTrus t EuropeHeatherwood and Wexham Park Hos p i ta ls NHS Foundation Trus t Her tfo rds h i re County Counci lHer tfo rds h i re Par tners h ip NHS Foundation Trus t Highways Agency

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Hinch ingbrooke Heal th Care NHS Trus t Hom e OfficeHom e-Grown Cerea ls Author i ty Hous e o f Com m onsIn form ation Services Divis ion Scotland Is le Of Man Governm entJ o in t Nature Cons ervation Com m ittee J ud icia l S tud ies BoardKent Com m uni ty Heal th NHS Trus t Kent ProbationKings Col lege Hos p i ta l NHS Foundation Trus t Ki rklees Counci lLancas h i re Teach ing Hos p i ta ls NHS Foundation Trus t Land Regis tryLeeds Ci ty Counci l Leeds Com m uni ty Heal thcare NHS Trus tLe ices ter Ci ty Counci l Lis burn Ci ty Counci lLiverpoo l Ci ty Counci l Loch Lom ond and The Tros s achs Nationa l Park Author i tyLondon Borough o f Barking and Dagenham London Borough o f BarnetLondon Borough o f Bexley London Borough o f HackneyLondon Borough o f Haver ing Maids tone Borough Counci lManches ter Menta l Hea l th and Socia l Care Trus t Mans fie ld Dis tr ict Counci lMar ine Managem ent Organ is ation Medica l Res earch Counci lMer l in Hous ing Socie ty Mers ey Care NHS Trus tMet Office Mid Suffo lk Dis tr ict Counci lMin is try o f J us tice Monm ouths h i re County Counci lNationa l Aud i t Office Nationa l Co l lege for Teach ing and Leaders h ipNationa l Endowm ent fo r Science Technology and the Ar ts Nationa l Ins ti tu te fo r Hea l th and Care Exce l lenceNationa l Mus eum s Liverpoo l Nationa l Por tra i t Ga l le ryNationa l Savings and Inves tm ent New Fores t Dis tr ict Counci lNewtownabbey Borough Counci l NHS 24NHS Angl ia CSU NHS Brent CCGNHS Bus ines s Services Author i ty NHS Centra l Mid lands CSUNHS Chi l te rn CCG NHS Coas ta l Wes t Sus s ex CCGNHS Di rect NHS Education for ScotlandNHS England NHS Fi feNHS Greater Eas t Mid lands CSU NHS Greater G las gow and ClydeNHS Has tings and Rother CCG NHS Haver ing CCGNHS Heal th Scotland NHS High landNHS Innovations Nor th NHS Ips wich and Eas t Suffo lk CCGNHS Is l ing ton CCG NHS Kent and Medway CSUNHS Kernow CCG NHS Lanarks h i reNHS Nene CCG NHS Nor th and Eas t London CSUNHS Nor th Nor fo lk CCG NHS Nor th o f Eng land CSUNHS Nor th Som ers et CCG NHS Nor th Yorks h i re and Hum ber CSUNHS Nor thern , Eas tern , Wes tern Devon CCG NHS Proper ty Services LtdNHS Som ers et CCG NHS South Devon and Torbay CCGNHS South Tynes ide CCG NHS South Worces ters h i re CCGNHS Southpor t and Form by CCG NHS Sta ffords h i re and Lancas h i re CSUNHS Stockpor t CCG NHS Sus ta inab le Deve lopm ent Un i tNHS Tays ide NHS Trus t Deve lopm ent Author i tyNHS Wakefie ld CCG NHS Wands wor th CCGNHS Wes t and South Yorks h i re and Bas s etlaw CSU Nor fo lk and Suffo lk NHS Foundation Trus tNor th Cum br ia Un ivers i ty Hos p i ta ls NHS Trus t Nor th Dors et Dis tr ict Counci lNor th Down Dis tr ict Counci l Nor th Eas t Am bulance Service NHS Foundation Trus tNor th Eas t Linco lns h i re CCG Nor th Eas tern Education and Library BoardNor th Linco lns h i re Counci l Nor th Som ers et Com m uni ty Par tners h ip CICNor th Wes t Am bulance Service NHS Trus t Norwich Ci ty Counci lNottingham s hi re Heal thcare NHS Trus t Nuclear Decom m is s ion ing Author i tyOfcom Office o f the Chi ld ren ' s Com m is s ionerOffice o f the Qual i fi ca tions and Exam inations Regula tor Office o f The Scottis h Char i ty Regula torOrkney Is lands Counci l Oxford Heal th NHS Foundation Trus tOxleas NHS Foundation Trus t Pas s enger FocusPeterborough Ci ty Counci l Por ts m outh Hos p i ta ls NHS Trus tPr is ons and Probation Om buds m an for Eng land and Wales Queen Victor ia Hos p i ta l NHS Foundation Trus tRother Dis tr ict Counci l Roya l Ai r Force Mus eumRoyal Borough o f Winds or and Maidenhead Royal Botan ic Gardens Ed inburghRoya l Brom pton and Harefie ld NHS Foundation Trus t Roya l Cornwal l Hos p i ta ls NHS Trus tSa l ford Roya l NHS Foundation Trus t Sandwel l and Wes t B i rm ingham Hos p i ta ls NHS Trus tScarborough Borough Counci l Scottis h Fund ing Counci lScottis h In form ation Com m is s ioner Scottis h Pub l ic Pens ions AgencySecur i ty Indus try Author i ty Shrops h i re Com m uni ty Heal th NHS Trus tShrops h i re Counci l Ski l l s Fund ing AgencySnowdonia Nationa l Park Sol ihu l l Metropo l i tan Borough Counci lSouth Ayrs h i re Counci l South Centra l Am bulance Service NHS Foundation Trus tSouth Derbys h i re Dis tr ict Counci l South Es s ex Par tners h ip Un ivers i ty NHS Foundation Trus tSouth Lake land Dis tr ict Counci l South Lanarks h i re Counci lSouth Nor fo lk Counci l South Wes t Co l legeSouthend Univers i ty Hos p i ta l NHS Foundation Trus t Southpor t and Orm s ki rk Hos p i ta l NHS Trus tSouthwark Counci l S t Albans Ci ty and Dis tr ict Counci lS ta ffords h i re and Wes t Mid lands Probation Trus t Sti r l ing Counci lS tockpor t NHS Foundation Trus t Stoke-on-Trent Ci ty Counci lS tudent Awards Agency For Scotland Student Loans Com pany LtdSunder land Ci ty Counci l Sur rey and Borders Par tners h ip NHS Foundation Trus tSurrey and Sus s ex Heal thcare NHS Trus t Tam wor th Borough Counci lTandr idge Dis tr ict Counci l Tees , Es k and Wear Va l leys NHS Foundation Trus tTendr ing Dis tr ict Counci l Tes t Va l ley Borough Counci lTewkes bury Borough Counci l The Ar ts Counci l o f WalesThe Br i tis h Library The Chr is tie NHS Foundation Trus tThe Cons um er Counci l fo r Water The Equal i ty and Hum an Rights Com m is s ionThe Ips wich Hos p i ta l NHS Trus t The Pennine Acute Hos p i ta ls NHS Trus tThe Pens ions Regula tor The Pr inces s Alexandra Hos p i ta l NHS Trus tThe Roya l Borough o f Kens ington and Chels ea The Roya l ParksThe Scottis h Governm ent The Sheffie ld Ch i ld ren ' s NHS Foundation Trus tThe Wal lace Col lection Tor faen County Borough Counci lTr in i ty Hous e Tunbr idge Wel ls Borough Counci lUK Border Agency UK Com m is s ion for Em ploym ent and Ski l l sUls ter Suppor ted Em ploym ent Ltd Univers i ty Co l lege London Hos p i ta ls NHS Foundation Trus tUnivers i ty Hos p i ta l o f South Manches ter NHS Foundation Trus t Univers i ty Hos p i ta ls Br is to l NHS Foundation Trus tUnivers i ty Hos p i ta ls Coventry and Warwicks h i re NHS Trus t Univers i ty Hos p i ta ls o f Le ices ter NHS Trus tUnivers i ty Hos p i ta ls o f Morecam be Bay NHS Foundation Trus t Veh icle and Operator Services Agency

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Vis i tScotland Wakefie ld Counci lWales Aud i t Office Warwick Dis tr ict Counci lWarwicks h i re County Counci l WBCWels h Governm ent Wes t Berks h i re Counci lWes t Loth ian Com m uni ty Heal th and Care Par tners h ip Wes t Loth ian Counci lWes t Mid lands Am bulance Service NHS Foundation Trus t Wes t Oxfords h i re Dis tr ict Counci lWes t Sus s ex County Counci l Wes t Yorks h i re Probation Trus tWes tern Education and Library Board Wes tm ins ter Foundation For Dem ocracyWi l ts h i re Counci l Wi r ra l Borough Counci lWRAP Wrexham County Borough Counci lx York and Nor th Yorks h i re Probation Trus tYorks h i re and Hum ber Academ ic Heal th Science Network Yorks h i re Da les Nationa l Park Author i tyYour Hom es Newcas tle