Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep...

Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakult¨ at der Christian-Albrechts-Universit¨ at zu Kiel vorgelegt von Lars Helmuth R¨ upke aus Hamburg Kiel 2004

Transcript of Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep...

Page 1: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

Effects of Plate Subduction on theEarth’s Deep Water Cycles

Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades

der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultat

der Christian-Albrechts-Universitat zu Kiel

vorgelegt von

Lars Helmuth Rupke

aus Hamburg



Page 2: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

Referent: Prof. Jason Phipps Morgan

Koreferent: Prof. Matthias Hort

Tag der mundlichen Prufung: 22. April 2004

Zum Druck genehmigt: Kiel, den 5. Mai 2004

Prof. Wulf Depmeier (Dekan)

Page 3: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

Hiermit erklare ich, dass die vorliegende Abhandlung, abgesehen der Beratung durch

meine akademischen Lehrer, nach Inhalt und Form meine eigene Arbeit darstellt. Ferner

habe ich weder diese noch eine ahnliche Arbeit an einer anderen Abteilung oder Hochschule

im Rahmen eines Prufungsverfahrens vorgelegt.

Lars Helmuth Rupke

Page 4: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.
Page 5: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.


Die fundamentale Unsicherheit im globalen geochemischen Wasserzyklus der Erde ist die

Menge an Wasser, die an Subduktionszonen zuruck in den tieferen Erdmantel transportiert

wird. An konvergenten Plattengrenzen werden große Mengen an Wasser in den oberen

Erdmantel eingebracht. Dieses Wasser ist in subduzierten Sedimenten, hydratisierter

Ozeankruste und serpentinisiertem Mantel chemisch gebunden. Wahrend der Subduk-

tion setzten metamorphe Mineralumwandlungen den großten Teil dieses Wasser in Tiefen

<200km wieder frei. Der resultierende Fluidfluss von der abtauchenden Platte fuhrt im

Mantelkeil zu einer Schmelzpunkterniedrigung und so zu Aufschmelzung und schließlich

zu Vulkanismus. Es ist jedoch moglich, dass ein bislang nur wenig bekannter, kleinerer Teil

des subduzierten Wassers wahrend der Subduktion chemisch gebunden bleibt. In diesem

Fall, wurde Oberflachenwasser zuruck in den tieferen Erdmantel transportiert, so dass

Subduktionszonen ein potentielles Bindeglied zwischen dem Wasserzyklus der Ozeane und

dem des Erdmantels darstellen. Ein genaueres Verstandnis des Wasserhaushalts von Sub-

duktionszonen ist somit wichtig, um Subduktionszonen-Vulkanismus und die chemische

Entwicklung des Erdmantels besser zu verstehen.

In dieser Arbeit wird ein numerisches Subduktionszonenmodell benutzt, um sowohl Wasser-

freisetzung als auch Wasserruckfuhrung in den Erdmantel quantitativ zu untersuchen.

Mit dem im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit entwickelten Modell wird die Wasserfreisetzung

in subduzierten Sedimenten, hydratisierter Ozeankruste und serpentinisiertem lithospha-

rischen Mantel berechnet. Die numerischen Experimente zeigen, dass Wasserfreisetzung

in der abtauchenden Platte sehr wahrscheinlich ein kontinuierlicher Prozess ist. Die litho-

logische Schicht in der die Fluide freigesetzt werden andert sich jedoch mit der Tiefe. In

geringen Tiefen entwassert subduziertes Sediment, dann folgt die hydratisierte Kruste

und schließlich der serpentinisierte Mantel. Diese Tiefenabhangigkeit der Fluidquelle

kann einen Einfluss auf die Mobilisierung von Spurenelementen haben. Eine Modellstudie

der Zentral-Amerikanischen Subduktionszone zeigt, dass sich Anderungen in der Fluid-

quelle unter der vulkanischen Front im Chemismus der eruptierten Laven widerspiegeln


Page 6: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

konnen. Die Modellrechnungen zeigen, dass Magmabildung unter der vulkanischen Front

Nicaraguas wahrscheinlich aus intensiver Wasserfreisetzung in serpentinisiertem Mantel

resultiert. Der hohe Fluidfluss von der abtauchenden Platte in den Mantelkeil fuhrt zu

einer effizienten Spurenelement-Mobilisierung von der abtauchenden Platte in den Man-

telkeil, was in einer Anreicherung dieser Elemente in den eruptierten Laven deutlich wird.

Die Hauptfluidquelle unter Costa Rica ist die subduzierte Ozeankruste, welche weniger

Wasser freisetzt. Der reduzierte Fluidfluss fuhrt dazu, dass Spurenelement-Mobilisierung

weniger effizient ist. Die Folge ist, dass die eruptierten Schmelzen in Costa Rica keine

deutliche Anreicherung in Spurenelementen zeigen, die von der abtauchenden Platte stam-


Weiterhin zeigen die Ergebnisse der Modellversuche zur Plattenentwasserung, dass ser-

pentinisierter Mantel nicht nur eine wichtige Fluidquelle wahrend der Subduktion ist,

sondern auch die chemisch stabilste lithologische Schicht ist, um Wasser in den tieferen

Mantel zu subduzieren. Um diese potentielle Subduktion von Wasser in den tieferen

Erdmantel genauer zu untersuchen, wird das numerische Modell zur Wasserfreisetzung

an konvergenten Plattengrenzen, mit einem parameterisierten Mantelkonvektionsmodell

verknupft. Dieses kombinierte Modell erlaubt die Bestimmung der zeitlichen Entwicklung

von Wasserentgasung an Mittelatlantischen Rucken und Hotspots und Wasserruckfuhrung

in den Mantel an Subduktionszonen seit Entstehung der Erde. Die numerischen Exper-

imente zeigen, dass der Erdmantel fast vollstandig entgast ist (∼93%) und heute nur

noch ∼ 13

seines urpsrunglichen Wassers besitzt. Dies impliziert, dass der großte Teil des

derzeitigen ”Mantel-Wassers” recyceltes Oberflachenwasser ist. Um diese Ergebnisse zu

testen, werden theoretische Wasserkonzentrationen fur OIB und MORB berechnet und

mit gemessenen Werten verglichen. Dieser Vergleich zeigt, dass die theoretischen und

gemessenen Werte sehr gut ubereinstimmen. Dies bedeutet, dass ein Mantelevolutions-

szenario wahrscheinlich erscheint, in dem der gesamte Mantel als eine Einheit konvektiert

und in dem Subduktion ein wichtige Rolle spielt, um Wasser und chemisch angereichertes

Material zuruck in den Mantel zu fuhren.


Page 7: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.


The substantial uncertainty in the Earth’s geochemical water cycle is the amount of wa-

ter that is recycled into the deeper mantle at subduction zones. At a convergent margin,

significant amounts of chemically bound water are subducted. This water is released dur-

ing subduction by metamorphic reactions from the slab’s sediment, crustal, and mantle

portions. The released fluids flux the mantle wedge where they are thought to trigger arc

melting. However, a yet largely unconstrained smaller fraction of the subducted water

may ’survive’ sub-arc water release to be recycled into the deeper mantle. Plate sub-

duction may therefore act as a water ’filter’ between the Earth’s surface and deep water

cycles. Water cycling beneath an arc is therefore closely related to recycling and melting

processes at convergent margins.

This thesis uses numerical models to quantitatively explore the subduction zone water

cycle. Central to these studies is a newly developed chemo-thermo-mechanical subduc-

tion zone model that solves for fluid release during subduction. The modeling results

show that fluids are most likely continuously released from the slab. However, the ’host’

lithology of these fluids changes with depth from sediments, to hydrated oceanic crust,

to serpentinized mantle. This change in slab fluid source with depth may have strong

chemical implications for trace element recycling at a subduction zone. To explore the

interrelation between fluid release and trace element recycling the model is adapted to the

Central American subduction zone. This case study shows that changes in fluid source

may be reflected in variations in arc lava chemistry. The modeled pattern of fluid release

beneath Nicaragua show that serpentinized mantle is the dominant fluid source at sub-arc

depths. The resultant vigorous fluid flux from the slab into the sub-arc mantle leads to

efficient leaching of trace elements from the slab. This efficient slab-mantle transport is

reflected in the produced arc lavas enrichment in slab derived elements. Fluid release

beneath Costa Rica appears to be dominated by crustal dehydration and is less intense.

The reduced fluid flux results in less efficient trace element mobilization, so that the Costa

Rican melts do not show a clear enrichment in slab derived elements.


Page 8: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

Furthermore, in a series of model runs the efficiency of slab dehydration during subduction

is explored. It is found that subducted sediments and oceanic crust efficiently dewater

during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-

inated by residual serpentinites.

To further explore potential deep water recycling, this thesis next combines the 2D chemo-

thermo-mechanical subduction zone mode with a parameterized convection model of the

mantle’s evolution. This ’joint’ model solves for the global geologic water cycle, i.e. the

outgassing of water at ridges and hotspots and the recycling of water at subduction zones

through time. It is found that for a wide parameter range the Earth’s mantle will have

highly outgassed (up to 93%) and presently contains only ∼ 13

of its initial water. This

implies that most of the water currently stored in the Earth’s mantle is recycled surface

water. The Earth’s deep and surface water cycle therefore appear to be still in close

contact. To test this mantle evolution scenario theoretical water concentrations in the

different chemical mantle components are determined. It is found that these water con-

centrations are in striking agreement with measured water concentrations in OIB and

MORB. We therefore suggest a plum-pudding whole mantle convection evolution sce-

nario in which plate subduction plays an important role in partially filtering the water

content of the recycled sediments and crust that form the sources of the more enriched

mantle plums. In this scenario the most primitive mantle components (FOZO) are ’wet-

ter’ than the recycling associated mantle components (HIMU&EM) and the even drier

mantle source that melts to make MORB.


Page 9: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.


Zusammenfassung I

Abstract III

List of Figures IX

List of Tables XI

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Water cycling at a subduction zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.2 Subduction and the chemical evolution of the Earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.3 Numerical modeling of subduction zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.4 Outline and objectives of the thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2 A chemo-thermo-mechanical model 9

2.1 The temperature solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.2 The flow solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.3 Slab metamorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15


Page 10: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

2.3.1 Tracer particle advection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.3.2 Modeling fluid release with PERPLEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.4 Boundary and initial conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2.5 Parameterized convection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3 Serpentine and the subduction zone water cycle 25

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.2 Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3.2.1 Governing Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

3.2.2 Solving the equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.2.3 A tracer based model for slab petrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.2.4 Initial and boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3.3 Water cycling beneath an arc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.3.1 Sensitivity of the thermal solution to subduction parameters . . . . 35

3.3.2 The incoming plate composition and hydration . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3.3.3 Sub arc water release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

3.4 Deep water recycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

3.4.1 The role of plate age and speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

3.5 The geologic water cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

3.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53


Page 11: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

4 Are the regional variations in Central American arc lavas due to differing

basaltic versus peridotitic slab sources of fluids? 57

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

4.2 Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

4.3 Fluid release beneath Nicaragua and Costa Rica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

4.4 Implications for trends in arc lava chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

4.4.1 Nicaragua Arc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

4.4.2 Costa Rica Arc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

4.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

5 Implications of subduction rehydration for Earth’s deep water cycle 71

5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

5.2 Water content of MORB and OIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

5.3 A model for the geochemical evolution of the mantle . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

5.4 Conclucions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

References 81

Danksagung 89

Lebenslauf 91

Appendix 93

Deep roots of the Messinian salinity crisis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95


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Page 13: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

List of Figures

1.1 Subduction Water Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.1 The staggered grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.2 Tracer particle advection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3.1 Schematic representation of water cycling beneath an arc . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.2 Boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.3 Dependence of geotherms on plate age and speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.4 Possible hydration scenarios for subducting oceanic lithosphere . . . . . . . 38

3.5 Phase diagrams for sediments, oceanic crust, and hydrated mantle . . . . . 40

3.6 Modeled pattern of water release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

3.7 Calculated subduction zone water cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3.8 Average seafloor age and mantle overturn rate through time . . . . . . . . 47

3.9 Geochemical water cycle of the Earth’s mantle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

4.1 Tectonics and arc lava chemistry of Central America . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

4.2 p-T water content plots for sediments, crust, and serpentinized mantle . . . 60

4.3 Slab dehydration beneath Nicaragua and Costa Rica . . . . . . . . . . . . 62


Page 14: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

5.1 Subduction rehydration in a plum-pudding mantle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

5.2 Efficiency of subduction dehydration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

5.3 Evolution model of Earth’s water cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78


Page 15: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

List of Tables

2.1 Complete list of symbols and parameters used in the model formulation . . 10

3.1 List of model parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.2 Water retention as a function of the Earth’s age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

3.3 Possible mantle outgassing scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52


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Chapter 1


Plate subduction belongs to the great geodynamic processes that shape the Earth’s sur-

face and interior. When plates collide at a convergent margin, oceanic lithosphere may

be recycled back into the mantle. Since the Earth is neither shrinking nor expanding

plate recycling at subduction zones has to be balanced by the creation of new seafloor at

mid-ocean ridges. The competing processes of plate subduction and plate formation are

important ingredients of plate tectonics and have managed to go into a quasi-steady-state

of mantle recycling.

Plate tectonics, however, is a unique feature of our planet that is presently not observed on

other planets (e.g. Sleep 2000). On Earth, plate tectonics goes hand-in-hand with mantle

convection - the Earth’s preferred way of losing its heat. Other planets show other styles

of tectonics and tend to lose their heat differently: Venus seems to experience complete

resurfacing events while Mars loses its heat mostly by plume activity. But what makes

the Earth different from its neighboring planets? Key for understanding the mechanisms

of plate tectonics is the question of how to make subduction zones (Regenauer-Lieb and

Kohl 2003). While plate formation at mid-ocean ridges results from convective upwelling

and melting, subduction initiation requires the failure of an entire lithospheric plate. Rup-

turing an entire plate is, however, mechanically difficult and requires significant weakening

of the plate in order to make failure and subduction possible. It has recently been argued


Page 18: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.


that the presence of water on the Earth is what makes the Earth different from other

planets and plate tectonics possible. Regenauer-Lieb et al. (2001) showed that in the

presence of water the strength of a tectonic plate may be sufficiently reduced for subduc-

tion to initiate. Water may therefore play a key role in global mantle dynamics.

But where does the water on Earth come from? The young Earth probably contained

both dissolved water in its mantle and accreted exospheric water. However, it is likely

that all exospheric water was lost from the young Earth during the strong moon forming

impact, so that only mantle water remained. Subsequent strong volcanic activity on the

young Earth led to outgassing of water into the exosphere and ultimately to the formation

of the oceans. However, this ’standard’ theory that the oceans have been exhaled from

the mantle during upwelling and melting at mid-ocean ridges and hotspots may have to

be slightly modified to include the potential re-injection of water into the mantle at sub-

duction zones.

At a subduction zone, an incoming oceanic plate subducts along a weak fault beneath an

overriding plate. The downgoing plate is commonly thought to have undergone a variety

of high- and low-temperature alteration processes during its lifetime that led to its partial

hydration. During subduction, this water is released by metamorphic reactions into the

mantle wedge to trigger arc melting. The produced melts start to rise buoyantly in di-

apiric structures towards the characterized chain of arc volcanoes that is usually located

∼100km above the downgoing plate. However, not all water brought into a subduction

zone is released from the slab. A small water fraction may ’survive’ sub-arc water release

to be transported into the deeper mantle. This re-injection of water at subduction zones is

the substantial uncertainty in the Earth’s global geochemical water cycle. Water recycling

at subduction zones implies that the Earth ’surface’ and ’deep’ water cycle are still in

close contact through the competing processes of water outgassing at mid-ocean ridges

and hotspots and water recycling at convergent margins. Understanding the subduction

zone water cycle is therefore essential for understanding melting and recycling processes

at subduction zones themselves as well as the geochemical evolution of the Earth’s mantle.

This study contributes to a better understanding of these geodynamic processes by ex-

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Figure 1.1: Schematic drawing of fluid release beneath an arc. Colored ’drops’ mark metamor-phic fluid release from the slab and contour lines schematically show the depression of geothermsat a subduction zone. Depending on the depth of slab dehydration, the released fluids may (1)be discharged at cold vent sites in the fore arc region, (2) rise buoyantly along the ’subductionchannel’, or (3) trigger melting in the mantle wedge.

ploring both the ’global’ geochemical water cycle of the mantle and the ’local’ subduction

zone water cycle.

1.1 Water cycling at a subduction zone

Water cycling beneath an arc is determined by the amount of water that is subducted,

subsequent fluid release from the slab, and the amount of water that is re-injeted into the

deeper mantle. The amount of water that is subducted depends on the degree of alter-

ation that the subducting plate has undergone during its lifetime. Chemical hydration

of an oceanic plate starts at a mid-ocean ridge where hydrothermal circulation leads to

water influx into the crust. As the plate ages, hydration slowly continues during alteration

processes at the seafloor. Additionally, sediments containing pore water and chemically

bound water are deposited onto the plate. Close to the trench, during plate bending,

normal faulting may provide the pathways for sea water to reach and react with the

cold lithospheric mantle to make serpentine thereby additionally hydrating the incoming

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During subduction, water is continuously released from the slab (Fig. 1.1). The host

lithology of the released fluids changes with depth from sediments to hydrated crust to

serpentinized mantle. The consequences of slab fluid release depend upon the thermal

regime into which these fluids are released and slab fluid release can be roughly divided

into three stages (Fig. 1.1):

(1) Initial water release occurs at depths <20km from sediments. Here, under cold con-

ditions, the released fluids will either migrate along the fault zone towards the trench

or will rise along new faults, formed within the upper plate by hydrofracturing, towards

the upper slope. In either case, these rising fluids are likely to be expelled back into the

oceans at cold vent sites in the fore-arc region (Hensen et al. 2004). Shallow slab water

release may, therefore, be important for understanding water cycling in the fore-arc and

processes within the fault zone that is seismically most active at a subduction zone, the

seismogenic zone.

(2) Intermediate depth water release (20-100) km occurs at p-T conditions too cold to

trigger arc melting. These fluids, released from sediments and crust, may moreover rise

buoyantly along the slab-wedge interface (subduction channel) to hydrate the cold upper

mantle wedge. This ’subduction channel’ is a potential transport path for deep fluids back

towards the trench and for the reemergence of high pressure rocks (Gerya et al. 2002).

Studying ’intermediate’ depth slab dehydration is, therefore, important for understanding

processes at the base of the overlying plate and for the history of higher pressure meta-

morphic rocks that are brought back to the surface.

(3) Deep sub-arc water release occurs at depths >100km and is thought to trigger arc

melting. Fluids are released from sediments, crust, and serpentinized mantle into the hot

sub-arc mantle where they reduce the ambient mantle’s solidus temperature to flux-melt

it. On their way from the slab into the mantle wedge these fluids interact with and

scavenge elements from the slab thereby transporting slab derived elements into the arc

melting region and eventually back to the surface during volcanic activity. The surface

observational evidence for this slab to arc transport process is the typical chemical slab

Page 21: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.


signal in arc lavas. Arc lava chemistry deviates from the chemistry of normal MORB

by the addition of mobile, incompatible elements that are commonly thought to derive

from the slab (e.g. Elliot et al. 1997). Sub-arc water release is therefore essential for

understanding the origin of arc volcanism.

1.2 Subduction and the chemical evolution of the


The Earth mantle, as it is sampled by mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) and ocean is-

land basalts (OIB), contains several isotopically distinct chemical mantle components

(Hofmann 1997). The most enriched components are associated with the recycling of

sediments and OIB (EM1 & EM2) and oceanic crust (HIMU). Although it is now com-

monly accepted that plate recycling at subduction zones plays an important role for the

chemical evolution of the Earth’s mantle, the detailed effects of deep plate subduction

remain not fully understood. These uncertainties result from two major unknowns about

subduction: (1) how often do slabs penetrate the 660km discontinuity to subduct into

the deeper mantle and (2) what is the exact chemical composition (and water content) of

deeply subducted slabs?

Recent, high-resolution mantle tomography studies show that some slabs do penetrate

into the deeper mantle (Hilst et al. 1997) and that plumes may originate within the lower

and upper mantle (Montelli et al. 2004), so that strictly layered mantle flow appears to

be more and more unlikely. This implies that recycled slabs will ultimately be able to

mix with the entire mantle melange and that the existence of long-lived distinct chemical

’reservoirs’ in the mantle appears less likely as previously assumed.

The chemical composition of deeply subducted slabs is more difficult to assess - it de-

pends upon the plate’s composition prior to subduction and the alteration processes that

a plate undergoes during subduction. This alteration of a subducting slab depends upon

the metamorphic reactions that take place during subduction and these reactions are con-

Page 22: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.


trolled by the thermal regime. Currently numerical models are the most promising tool

to study the thermal and petrologic structure of subduction zones.

1.3 Numerical modeling of subduction zones

One way to study remote mantle and subduction zone processes is by numerical model-

ing. Over the past decades a variety of different modeling approaches have been proposed.

These subduction zone models range from simple kinematic models to complex 2 and 3-D

dynamic models.

The first family of models were the so-called ’kinematic’ models (e.g. Peacock 1996;

Davies and Stevenson 1992; Peacock and Wang 1999). In these purely fluid dynamic

models the subducting slab is a prescribed kinematic boundary layer and the flow field

is completely prescribed by the boundary conditions, so that mantle flow and eventually

also the temperature field are in steady-state. Kinematic models have the advantage that

they can easily be modified to match complex slab geometries and have mainly been used

to map the thermal structure of specific subduction zones. This family of models is, how-

ever, now considered to be obsolete, since kinematic models do not provide any inside into

the dynamics of subduction zones and do not allow the implementation of any feedback

mechanisms between the thermal, chemical, and flow solution.

The so-called ’dynamic’ models belong to a new class of fluid dynamic subduction zone

models (e.g. Kincaid and Sacks 1997; van Hunen et al. 2000; Billen and Gurnis 2001;

Funiciello et al. 2003; Ruepke et al. 2002). In these models the flow field is no longer in

steady-state. Buoyancy forces enter the flow field calculation, i.e. the slab is generally no

longer a prescribed boundary layer but a cold density ’anomaly’ that affects the ambient

mantle’s flow field. To simplify the implementation of changing densities most subduc-

tion zone models apply the so-called Boussinesq approximation. In this approximation a

density change affects only the body force (gravity) calculation but does not result in a

volume change, so that the equations for incompressible viscous flow remain valid. The

Page 23: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.


thermal solution of these models is time dependent but may evolve towards a ’pseudo’

steady-state when the coupled flow and thermal solution reach an ’equilibrium’ state.

1.4 Outline and objectives of the thesis

The overall objective of this thesis is to explore water cycling beneath an arc with nu-

merical models. To achieve this goal, a chemo-thermo-dynamical subduction zone model

was developed that self-consistently solves for fluid release from a subducting slab. This

model, explained in chapter 2, is used to explore various aspects of water beneath an arc.

In chapter 3, I use this model to explore how changes in the incoming plate’s hydration,

thermal structure, and speed may affect sub-arc water release. Especially, the efficiency

of water release is studied. Furthermore, the subduction model is coupled to a parame-

terized mantle convection model . This coupled model solves for the geochemical water

cycle of the Earth’s mantle, i.e. the outgassing of water at mid-ocean ridges and hotspots

and the re-injection of water into the deeper mantle at subduction zones.

In chapter 4 the results of a case study for the Central American subduction zone are

presented. In this study, example model runs are performed for the Nicaraguan and Costa

Rican arc sections. A special emphasis of this case study is put on the question of how

variations in the pattern of sub-arc fluid release may affect trace element recycling be-

neath the different arc secions.

Chapter 5 focusses on the global implications of deep water recycing at subduction zones.

Using the coupled model presented chapter 3, predicted water concentrations in the dif-

ferent chemical mantle components are calculated and compared to measured data. Fur-

thermore, a mantle evolution scenario is presented that provides a possible explanations

for the variations in water concentrations currently observed among the different chemical

mantle components.

The chapters 3-5 have been written as stand-alone scientific papers: chapter 3 and 5 have

been submitted for publication and are currently in review; chapter 4 has already been

Page 24: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.


published. Furthermore, this thesis contains an appendix with one article that I have

contributed to as a co-author. This paper shows some of my additional work during the

time of this thesis work that is only loosely related to the main topics of this thesis. It

addresses the potential causes of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (Duggen et al. 2003).

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Chapter 2

A chemo-thermo-mechanical model

In this chapter the details of the model formulation are presented. I will describe all com-

ponents of the chemo-thermo-mechanical model that are used in the subsequent chapters

to explore water release and deep water recycling at subduction zones. The 2-D model

solves for temperature, mantle flow, and water release using a combined finite-differences,

finite-element, and tracer particle advection algorithm.

2.1 The temperature solver

In the model formulation, the time dependent thermal solution depends on diffusion and

advection of heat as well as the generation or consumption of latent heat by metamorphic

reactions. Additional heat sinks or sources are not implemented; also shear heating is not

accounted for in the model formulation because its magnitude appears to be too uncon-

strained to be properly implemented. The temperature field can therefore be determined

from the following equation:




∂x+ w



)− κ





)+ Ψ = 0 (2.1)

Here, u, w, x, and z are the horizontal and vertical velocity and distance components. T

is the temperature, t time, and Ψ is a source term that accounts for endo- and exothermic


Page 26: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.


Symbol Meaning Value DimensionA stiffness matrix −− −−A penalty stiffness matrix −− −−A average seafloor age −− MaAocean average area of oceans −− m2

Hwr heat of water release −− KJ Jacobi matrix −− −−K combined finite element stiffness matrix −− −−L latent heat −− Jkg−1

N finite element shape function matrix −− −−P0 present fraction of mantle processed at ridges per year 1.0527× 10−10 a−1

Q planetary heat loss = radioactive heat production −− −−R overturn rate of the Earth’s mantle −− −−R0 present overturn rate of the Earth’s mantle 9.5 GaS0 present-day average spreading rate 2.7× 106 m2/aT temperature −− KT ∗ dimensionless temperature −− −−Tm basal asthenosphere temperature 1573 KT0 surface temperature 273 KV total volume of water in the exosphere −− m3

X average plate length −− −−b temperature dependence of viscosity 15c composition parameter −− −−cp specific heat 1250 Jkg−1K−1

d ocean depth −− mdp depletion 0− 0.4 −−f finite element force vector −− −−fH2O volatile outgassing efficiency during melting 0.99 −−g gravitational acceleration 9.81 m s−1

h change in sea level −− mn time stepping index −− −−p pressure −− Pat time −− su0 convergence rate 6.0 cm/au(u, w) velocity vector −− m s−1

u nodal velocity vector −− m s−1

x(x, z) coordinate vector −− mΨ heat of metamorphic reaction −− Ks−1Ω finite element integration area −− −−α thermal expansion constant 3× 10−5 K−1

β comp. buoyancy parameter 0.5× 10−2 −−ε volumetric strain rate −− −−κ thermal diffusivity 10−6 m2/sγ penalty parameter 107µρ density −− kg m−3

ρ0 reference mantle density 3300 kg m−3

µ viscosity −− Pa sµ0 reference viscosity 1019 Pa sφ degree of hydration 0− 1 −−τij stress tensor −− −−ξ logical tracer coordinate vector −− −−

Table 2.1: Complete list of symbols and parameters used in the model formulation.

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Figure 2.1: Locations for the staggered velocities us and ws. The white circles mark the locationof the other model variables including the ’unstaggered’ velocities u and w.

metamorphic reactions. A full list of model variables and parameters is given in Table


Heat transport equations like (2.1) are routinely numerically solved using both finite-

difference and finite element techniques. The main problem in modeling coupled advection-

diffusion problems is, however, to minimize the effects of possible ’numerical’ diffusion.

Numerical diffusion results from the discretization process and ’pollutes’ the solution.

To minimize this problem a high precision finite-difference algorithm called MPDATA is

used (Smolarkiewicz 1984); it accounts for numerical diffusion problems by including a

correction term into the thermal solution. MPDATA works on a staggered grid and Fig.

(2.1) illustrates the employed finite-difference ’gridding’ strategy.

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2.2 The flow solver

The velocity field is described on the basis of a viscous flow model using the Boussinesq

approximation. In this formulation, the flow solution depends upon the boundary condi-

tions as well as viscosity and density variations within the modeling domain. It is assumed

that density depends on temperature and composition:

ρ(T, c) = ρ0 (1− α(T − Tm)− βc) . (2.2)

Here, ρ the density, c a composition parameter, and the two constants α and β are the

thermal expansivity and a compositional buoyancy parameter.

Furthermore, a simple viscous rheology is assumed by using a Newtonian viscosity model

that depends on temperature and pressure:

µ(T, z) = µ0µ(z) exp



T ∗ − 1


µ(z) = 1 + [(250− 1)/2][1 + tanh(0.01(z − 450))]; (2.4)

b is a parameter characterizing the temperature dependence of viscosity (Dumoulin et al.

1999) and T ∗ = TTm

is the dimensionless temperature.

The equations governing the flow field can now be written in form of Stoke’s equation for

incompressible, creeping flow:



− ∂p


− ρgi = 0 (2.5)

τij = µ








≡ εv = 0 (2.7)

Equation (2.5) is the force balance, (2.6) the constituative law, and (2.7) the incompress-

ibility constraint. The variables are the stress tensor component τij, the pressure p, the

density ρ, the gravitational attraction vector g, the viscosity µ, the velocity vector u, the

physical coordinate vector x, and the volumetric strain rate εv.

To solve equations (2.5-2.7) we discretize the modeling domain into rectangular four ve-

locity node - constant pressure finite elements (coinciding with the unstaggered grid in

Page 29: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.


Fig. (2.1)) and use a penalty, finite-element solving algorithm. In the penalty formulation

pressure is expressed through a large (∼ 107 × µ) penalty parameter, γ,

−p = γ∇u. (2.8)

Inner-element velocities are expressed through the element’s shape functions, N, and the

element’s nodal velocities, u,

u = Nu, (2.9)

and the equations (2.5-2.7) are re-written in their weak form:∫Ω

AudΩ +






NTtdΓ = 0. (2.10)

The terms in the left-hand side correspond in order and meaning to the terms on the left-

hand side of eq. (2.5); equation (2.5) is here only written in its weak, penalized, matrix

from. The last term on the left-hand side represents boundary conditions. The matrices


A = BTDB = BTDSN (2.11)

A = BT

266642µ 0 0

0 2µ 0

0 0 2µ




0 ∂∂z



3777524 N1 0 N2 0 N3 0 N4 0

0 N1 0 N2 0 N3 0 N4

35 (2.12)

A =



2µ ∂N1∂x

+ ∂N1∂z

µ ∂N1∂z


µ ∂N1∂x

. . . . . ∂N1∂z

µ ∂N4∂x


µ ∂N1∂z


2µ ∂N1∂z

+ ∂N1∂x

µ ∂N1∂x

. . . . . ∂N1∂z

2µ ∂N4∂z

+ ∂N1∂x

µ ∂N4∂x

. . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .


µ ∂N1∂z


2µ ∂N1∂z

+ ∂N4∂x

µ ∂N1∂x

. . . . . ∂N4∂z

2µ ∂N4∂z

+ ∂N4∂x

µ ∂N4∂x



Note that the matrix A is symmetric. Matrix A, the penalty (pressure) term, can be

written as:

A = BTmγmTB = BTmγ[

1 0 0]B (2.14)

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A =


∂xγ ∂N1


∂xγ ∂N1


∂xγ ∂N2

∂x. . . . ∂N1

∂xγ ∂N4



∂zγ ∂N1


∂zγ ∂N1


∂zγ ∂N2

∂x. . . . ∂N1

∂zγ ∂N4



∂xγ ∂N1


∂xγ ∂N1


∂xγ ∂N2

∂x. . . . ∂N2

∂xγ ∂N4


. . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .


∂zγ ∂N1


∂zγ ∂N1


∂zγ ∂N2

∂x. . . . ∂N4

∂zγ ∂N4



Again the matrix A is symmetric. The body force term representing gravitational attrac-

tion can be written as:

bf = NTρNg


N1N1g1 + N1N2g2 + N1N3g3 + N1N4g4






N4N1g1 + N4N2g2 + N4N3g3 + N4N4g4


Now, we have assembled all equations, so that we can write the final, weak, finite-element

equations in simplified from:

Ku = f (2.17)

K =


A + AdΩ (2.18)

f =


bfdΩ +


NTtdΓ (2.19)

The matrix K is the stiffness matrix, u are the discrete, nodal velocities, and f are the

body forces and boundary terms. Equation (2.17) is the governing equation for viscous

flow in the model formulation. To solve it we use a direct (Gaussian elimination) solver.

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Figure 2.2: Implemation of slab dehydration using tracer particles. Particle properties (watercontent) are mapped onto the grid points using the finite element shape functions; changes inparticle properties are determined from pre-calculated look-up tables.

2.3 Slab metamorphism

Central to this study is the modeling water release during metamorphic reactions. The

general strategy I adopt to model these metamorphic processes is to use tracer parti-

cles (representing hydrous material) that are advected with the subducting slab. Each

tracer starts with an initial hydration; during subduction pre-calculated look-up tables

are used to determine the change in a tracer’s degree of hydration. The necessary

look-up tables are calculated with the petrologic thermo-dynamic tool-box PERPLEX

(http://www.perplex.ethz.ch). PERPLEX allows the calculation of synthetic phase di-

agrams, and p-T property plots (of e.g density, hydration, thermal enthalpy) for any

given initial chemical composition. I will next explain the tracer advection scheme and

PERPLEX in more detail.

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2.3.1 Tracer particle advection

Tracer advection schemes are probably the most appropriate numerical method for cal-

culating advection of exclusively non-diffusive material, since they do not suffer from any

numerical diffusion problems. This property makes a tracer particle advection scheme

well suited for calculating the advection of chemically bound water. Another virtue of

tracer particles is that they are ’gridless’, i.e. they can take any position within the mod-

eling domain and are not restricted to grid nodes which may thereby increase resolution.

However, to actually use tracer particles in a numerical calculation the physical property

represented through them usually has to be mapped onto the grid points. In conventional

advection schemes this is done by evaluating the number of tracers per cell. This approach

works, however, only for one physical property per tracer and suffers from statistical fluc-

tuations in the solution (Tackley and King 2003; Christensen and Hofmann 1994). The

tracer method I use is novel in that each tracer is not only a point but also an object

that contains in addition to its location other variables like density, volume, and water

content. These properties are mapped and scaled onto the grid points (i.e. the cell nodes)

using the finite element shape functions and each tracer’s ’volume’ (Fig. 2.2). Making

each tracer contain several variables and a volume ensures that mass is always conserved

within the modeling domain and provides a multi-variable non–diffusive advection scheme

that does not suffer from many of the restrictions of conventional ’binary’ tracer particle


Standard tracer advection algorithms consist of four parts: the advection equation (2.20),

an integration scheme, a localization process, and the Jacobi matrix determinations (Brock

et al. 1998). A tracer’s position is determined by its cell number and location, and can

be expressed in physical, x, or logical coordinates, ξ (0 < ξi < 1, with i=x,z). The logical

and physical coordinates are interconnected by the Jacobi matrix, J, so that ξ = J−1x.

Logical coordinates have the advantage that whenever a logical coordinate is unbound af-

ter integration (i.e. ξi < 0 or ξi > 1) a tracer particle has changed cells and a localization

process is necessary.

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The tracer advection scheme can be written as:






· ux(x(ξ, t)) = uξ(x(ξ, t)) (2.20)

ξn+ 12 = ξn + un · ∆t


ξn+1 = ξn + un+ 12 ·∆t (2.22)

where ux is the physical coordinate velocity vector and uξ the logical coordinate velocity

vector; n is the time stepping index and t the time. The integration scheme always

contains a trade-off between speed and accuracy. A simple Euler integration requires

only one evaluation of the RHS of (2.20), but often critically reduces accuracy. We use

a predictor-corrector advection scheme (2.21,2.22) that requires two evaluations of the

RHS of the advection equation per time step but provides the required accuracy. The

localization method is easy since a structured orthogonal grid is used.

2.3.2 Modeling fluid release with PERPLEX

It is well known in metamorphic petrology that a surface-rock may change its mineral

composition when its ambient pressure and temperature changes. The mineral phase

changes can be conveniently summarized in phase diagrams showing the stability fields

of the different mineral phases. The phase transition from one mineral assemblage to

another is, however, a complicated process. In the simplest case, the equilibrium case,

the phase transition occurs as soon as pressure and temperature exceed the stability

field limits, so that a new mineral phase assemblage forms. However, phase transitions

generally do not occur under equilibrium conditions but a certain ’over-stepping’ of the

critical p-T conditions is required for a phase transitions to happen. This ’over-stepping’

behavior of metamorphic reactions is known as the kinetics of the reaction. Kinetically

driven reactions may, however, not only depend on p-T ’over-stepping’ but also on other

external variables like deformation rate and the availability of a reacting fluid. Given

the complexity of kinetically driven metamorphic reactions, realistic implementation of

Page 34: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.


kinetics into a dynamic subduction zone model is beyond the scope of this study and I

will only address the equilibrium case.

The main goal of this study is to explore metamorphic slab water release during sub-

duction. Under surface conditions rocks may be able to incorporate a certain amount

of water into their crystal structure. The amount of water that is chemically bound in

this rock depends upon its mineral composition (and of course the availability of water).

When this hydrous rock subducts, its ambient pressure and temperature increases even-

tually exceeding the stability field of the initial mineral assemblage, so that a new mineral

assemblage forms. This new assemblage may not be able to incorporate the same amount

of water into their crystal structure, so that a fraction of the initial water is released.

The thermodynamic reason for the phase transition is that for the new p-T conditions

the new mineral composition is energetically more favorable. This tendency of a mineral

assemblage to minimize its Gibb’s free energy provides the basis for computer models like

PERPLEX to calculate synthetic phase diagrams. I use PERPLEX to calculate phase

diagrams for different lithospheric hydrous rocks (sediments, crust, and mantle) and from

these phase diagrams p-T water content grids. Since the kinetics of metamorphic reactions

are neglected, these p-T water content grids only depend on pressure and temperature

and can be pre-calculated to be used in the tracer particle advection scheme.

Another aspect of metamorphic reactions that has to be accounted for is latent heat of

reactions. Metamorphic reactions may either be endo- or exothermic, i.e. they consume

or release latent heat. This latent heat effect is accounted for in the temperature solution

by using PERPLEX to calculate from the change in thermal enthalpy during a reaction an

associated latent heat that is included in the thermal solution. To obtain a self-consistent

solution an iterative solving scheme is necessary, since metamorphic reactions themselves

depend upon the thermal solution.

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2.4 Boundary and initial conditions

In the model setup described above the flow field is determined by the density and viscos-

ity distribution within the modeling domain and by the boundary conditions. A ’good’

choice of boundary conditions is therefore critical for the quality of the modeling results.

There is, however, no unique set of generally accepted boundary conditions. Moreover,

the choice of boundary conditions depends upon the geologic problem that should be

solved for.

Velocity boundary conditions are usually a combination of two end-member cases: (1) to

study the pure dynamics of subduction BCs should be chosen in way that no external

kinetic energy is fed into the system - i.e. velocity and geometry should not be prescribed.

(2) For more specific studies (e.g. of a certain subduction zone) usually more ’rigorous’

boundary conditions have to be applied by prescribing speed and sometimes also the angle

of subduction. In this study different boundary conditions are used for different problems

and the exact choice of boundary conditions are explained in the individual chapters.

One common problem in modeling subduction zones is the numerical implementation of

a lithospheric fault between the overriding and subducting plate. Different approaches

have been proposed for modeling pre-existing faults: the simplest way is to make the

fault zone weak, i.e. prescribe a low viscosity zone along the fault. This implementation

of a fault reduces the coupling of the two plates significantly - the degree of decoupling

is, however, somewhat arbitrary depending only on the prescribed viscosity. Numerically

more sophisticated fault implementations prescribe the plate coupling (i.e. set it to zero)

directly within the flow solver’s stiffness matrix. This approach allows better control of

the degree of coupling between the two plates. However, since the actual amount and

depth extend of coupling between the two plates is largely unknown, none of these two

implementation ways is intrinsically ’better’ than the other and we use the simple weak

zone formulation.

The major challenge in increasing the quality of modeling fault zones is that faults should

ideally form naturally from the physics of the problem. For this to happen, however, the

Page 36: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.


still not completely understood subduction initiation problem would have to be simul-

taneously solved with subduction along the newly formed fault. Creating such complex

models will be a question of further research.

2.5 Parameterized convection

In chapter 3 and 5 of this study I use a parameterized mantle convection model to solve

for the geochemical water cycle of the mantle, i.e. how water outgassing at mid-ocean

ridges and hotspots and water recycling at subduction zones may have changed with time.

This parameterized mantle convection model solves for average mantle overturn rate as a

function of time since accretion of the Earth and is based on the one presented by Phipps

Morgan (1998). Here I will briefly review the model formulation.

The principal idea of the model is that the Earth’s preferred way of losing its heat is mantle

convection and that its mantle temperature has remained almost constant over geologic

time. This implies that the amount of radioactive heat production has always been equal

to the amount of heat lost by convection. The argument that mantle temperatures have

remained fairly constant is based on komatiite data. Komatiites represent some of the

oldest ultramafic magmatic rocks on Earth and provide a record of the thermal and

chemical characteristics of the upper mantle through time. It is inferred from Archean

komatiites that they were produced by melting a mantle that was 200-300C hotter than

present-day mid-ocean ridges. Furthermore, a decline in their abundance from the from

the Archean to the Phanerozoic has been observed. The simplest explanation for these

observations is secular cooling on the order of 200C through time. However, even if

secular cooling on the order 200C occurred during Earth history, the released heat would

only add up to ∼ 14− 1

3of the heat released by radioactive decay, so that it is only of

secondary importance. It is therefore a valid simplification to assume that radioactive

heat production has always been equal to convective cooling; under this assumption it

can be shown that the mid-ocean ridge differentiation rate (or average plate speed R) is

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proportional to the square of planetary heat loss, Q (which in this scenario is equal to

radioactive heat production).

Heat loss by convective cooling at the Earth surface can be written as:

Q = R



Q = R1√R


Q =√



Q2 ∼ R (2.23)

Here it is assumed that ∆T is the temperature difference of the cold thermal boundary

layer at a trench, X is the given plate length, R the plate speed, and c√

age = cXR


thickness of the boundary layer with c = 10km/√

Ma. These consideration show that the

average plate speed or mantle overturn rate is proportional to the square of radioactive

heat production.

Based on the same arguments an average seafloor age, A, can be inferred.

Q = R


Rc∆T = R


Q =X



Q =1√A


Q2 ∼ 1


This parameterized mantle convection model allows the formulation of equations for water

outgassing at ridges and hotspots and water recycling at subduction zones as functions

of average mantle overturn rate.

The water outgassing rate at hotspots and ridges is:

H2Oout(t) =R(t)


P0fH2OH2Omantle(t) (2.25)

Here it is assumed that 99% of the water/volatiles passing through the mid-ocean ridge

and hotspot melting region are outgassed, so that fH2O = 0.99; R(t) is the average plate

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speed at time t and R0 the present-day value; P0 describes the fraction of mantle that

is currently processes at ridges and hotspots per time, and H2Omantle(t) is the changing

water content of the mantle.

The water recycling at subduction zones can be written as:

H2Oin(t) =R(t)


S0H20ret(t) (2.26)

Water recycling at subduction zones is expressed by the normalized plate speed R(t)R0


the present day spreading rate, S0, times the amount of water retention in subducting

slabs, H20ret(t). This function, water retention as a function of time, is determined from

the 2D subduction zone model described in the foregoing sections.

These equations are simultaneously solved for water content of the mantle and exosphere

and water outgassing and recycling rates at ridges/hotspots.

Page 39: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

Serpentine and the Subduction ZoneWater Cycle

Lars H. Rupke, Jason Phipps Morgan

IFM-GEOMAR, Geodynamics Group, Wischhofstr. 1-3, D-24148 Kiel, Germany

Matthias Hort

Universitat Hamburg, Institut fur Geophysik, Bundesstr. 55, D-20146 Hamburg,


James A. D. Connolly

ETH-Zentrum, Institut fur Mineralogie und Petrologie, Sonneggstr. 5, CH-8082, Zurich,


Earth and Planetary Science Letters

in review

Page 40: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.
Page 41: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

Chapter 3

Serpentine and the subduction zone

water cycle

This study explores a chemo-thermo-dynamic subduction zone model that solves for slab

dehydration during subduction. We investigate how changes in the incoming plate’s

hydration and thermal structure may effect the efficiency of sub-arc water release from

sediments, crust, and serpentinized mantle. We find that serpentinized lithospheric mantle

may not only be an important fluid source to trigger arc melting but is also an efficient

’transport-lithology’ to recycle chemically bound water into the deeper mantle. In fact, an

old slab may remain sufficiently cold during subduction to retain up to 40% of its initial

’mantle’ water at 8GPa (∼240km depth) after serpentine transforms to higher pressure

hydrous phase A.

Furthermore, deep water recycling at subduction zones is parameterized in terms of slab

age and speed. Coupling this parameterization to a parameterized mantle convection

evolution model allows us to calculate the mantle-surface geologic water cycle throughout

the Earth’s history. We find that the present-day Earth mantle may be highly outgassed

containing only a small fraction of the Earth’s water, which would mostly be recycled

water from the exosphere.


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3.1 Introduction

The subduction zone water cycle, i.e. the hydration and dehydration of subducting oceanic

lithosphere, is a key process in understanding arc magmatism and volatile recycling pro-

cesses. Hydration of oceanic crust begins at mid-ocean ridges through high-T and low-T

hydrothermal alteration and, continuing more slowly as the seafloor ages. During the

plate’s residence at the seafloor, sediments are continuously deposited onto it adding

material containing both pore and chemically bound water. Finally, there is increasing

speculation that as the plate bends during subduction its cold lithospheric mantle may

become significantly hydrated (e.g. Peacock 2001; Ruepke et al. 2002; Ranero et al.

2003b; Kerrick 2002).

Dehydration occurs deeper within the subduction zone by fluid releasing metamorphic

reactions. These rising fluids flux the mantle wedge where they are commonly believed

to trigger arc melting (Fig. 3.1). It is now commonly accepted that arc lava chemistry

shows a subduction component originating from the preferential transport of fluid mobile

elements from the slab into the arc melting region (e.g. Elliot et al. 1997). Likewise, most

recent studies agree that subduction related recycling of altered, i.e. hydrated, oceanic

lithosphere is necessary to explain some aspects of the mantle’s chemical evolution (e.g.

Hofmann 1997). Element recycling within the subduction factory is therefore intimately

linked to the subduction zone water cycle.

But the subduction zone water cycle is also related to the formation and evolution of the

oceans. Although the initial Earth probably accreted a large amount of exospheric water

it is likely that the moon forming impact led to the desiccation of the exosphere. After

this impact, strong volcanic activity on the young Earth led to the outgassing of water

from the mantle which ultimately formed the oceans. It remains, however, a matter of

vigorous debate how much water remained within the mantle, how much outgassed into

the oceans, and how much water is potentially recycled back into the mantle at subduc-

tion zones. A better understanding of the subduction zone water cycle therefore helps to

better understand the chemical evolution of the Earth’s mantle and exosphere.

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Figure 3.1: Schematic drawing of the subduction zone water cycle. Water is chemically boundwithin the incoming plate’s sedimentary, crustal, and mantle portions. During subduction, firstthe subducting sediments dewater and at sub arc depths fluids fluxing from the crust and theserpentinized mantle trigger arc melting; some fraction of the incoming plate’s water contentis recycled to greater mantle depths. Contour lines illustrate schematically temperatures at asubduction zone.

To further constrain this water cycle, the water input into a subduction zone and the

amount of sub-arc water release both have to be known. Unfortunately, determining

the water input into a subduction zone is not easy. While fairly good (and converging)

estimates exist for the sediment and crustal portions of the incoming plate (Plank and

Langmuir 1998; Staudigel et al. 1996; Kerrick and Connolly 2001b; Wallmann 2001),

much less is known about the lithospheric mantle’s degree of hydration (Kerrick 2002;

Ranero et al. 2003b; Schmidt and Poli 1998).

In order for surface fluids to hydrate mantle rocks, the fluids must be able to pass through

the sediments and crust to reach the mantle. Normal faults occurring during plate bending

between the outer rise and the trench axis provide possible fluid pathways for deep water

transport. High resolution, deep imaging, seismic reflection profiles show normal faults

that cut across the crust at least (>15km) deep into the lithospheric mantle (Ranero et

al. 2003b). These ’bend-faults’ may act as conduits for sea water to reach and react with

lithospheric mantle rocks to make serpentine. In this scenario the incoming lithospheric

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mantle would be highly serpentinized around these faults while the unfaulted parts would

be practically dry. The average degree of serpentinization/hydration would then depend

on the ’spacing’ of bend-faults between the trench axis and the outer rise.

’Lithospheric’ serpentine is commonly seen in Alpine peridotites, and based upon this

evidence serpentinites have previously been proposed to be a significant source of water

during sub-arc slab dewatering (Ulmer and Trommsdorf 1995; Schmidt and Poli 1998).

Slab-mantle dehydration has also been related to double zone earthquakes (Seno and Ya-

manaka 1996; Peacock 2001; Dobson et al. 2002; Kirby et al. 1996), arc magmatism

(Ruepke et al. 2002), and a water-flux-forced transition from gabbro to eclogite in the

subducting slab (John and Schenk 2003). However, none of these studies can provide

good estimates of the extent of downgoing lithosphere serpentinization. Serpentinites are

known to have lower seismic P-wave velocities than peridotites, but as yet no good sub-

crustal velocity models exist save for two recent studies off Nicaragua and Chile which

seem to show reduced Moho P-wave velocities between the trench axis and the outer rise

(Berhorst et al. 2003; Sallares and Ranero 2003) consistent with up to ∼20% near Moho


Unfortunately, the dehydration part of the subduction zone water cycle, i.e. the efficiency

of slab dewatering through metamorphic reactions, is also quite poorly constrained. Seis-

mic tomography, as well as geochemical studies, can provide some insights into the amount

of slab derived water in the mantle wedge, but so far thermal models seem to be the most

promising ’tool’ for study of sub-arc water release. Here, we use a numerical model to

determine a self-consistent water budget for subduction zones to help to further constrain

recycling processes at convergent margins.

3.2 Modeling

Several previous studies have used different approaches to model the thermal and petro-

logic structure of subduction zones. First, Davies and Stevenson (1992) and later Peacock

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(1996) and Peacock and Wang (1999) presented ’kinematic’ models in which the (steady

state) flow field is completely prescribed by the boundary conditions. This type of model

is mainly used to map the thermal structure of specific subduction zones. To understand

the dynamics of subduction, models need to include buoyancy forces, so that the flow field

is time dependent - see e.g. (Kincaid and Sacks 1997; van Hunen et al. 2000; Funiciello et

al. 2003; Ruepke et al. 2002). Furthermore, there are ’hybrid’ models that contain ingre-

dients of both model-types which are mainly used to study specific aspects of subduction

that do not necessarily need a fully dynamic solution. Examples of this are studies of

mantle wedge dynamics in the framework of a kinematically driven slab e.g.(van Keken

et al. 2002; Gerya and Yuen 2003).

Studies of the petrologic structure of subduction zones have so far mainly focussed on

plotting calculated geotherms onto phase diagrams (Hacker et al. 2003a; Hacker et al.

2003b; van Keken et al. 2002; Peacock 1996). This approach is useful to generally explore

which metamorphic reactions may take place during subduction but does not include any

feedback mechanisms like metamorphic cooling due to latent heat consumption.

Here we present a self-consistent model for temperature, mantle flow, and water release

at subduction zones. The model includes buoyancy forces but assumes a kinematically

driven slab. Metamorphic reactions are self-consistently implemented using tracer particle

and synthetic phase diagrams calculated with the thermodynamic tool-box PERPLEX.

3.2.1 Governing Equations

The flow field is modeled assuming a viscous (Stoke’s) flow model and the Boussinesq




− ∂p


− ρgi = 0 (3.1)

τij = µ








≡ εv = 0 (3.3)

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Figure 3.2: The modeling domain. We use a asymmetric mesh with a maximum resolution of2km in the regions of slab dewatering.

Equation (3.1) is the force balance, (3.2) the constituative law, and (3.3) the incompress-

ibility constraint. The variables are the stress tensor τij, the pressure p, the density ρ,

the gravitational attraction vector g, the viscosity µ, the velocity vector u, the physical

coordinate vector x, and the volumetric strain rate εv (see Table (3.1) for a complete list

of variables). Density variations only affect the buoyancy term in (2.5), so that:

ρ(T, dp) = ρ0 (1− α(T − Tm)− βdp) . (3.4)

Here, T is the temperature, ρ the density and the two constants α and β are the thermal

expansivity and the depletion buoyancy parameter. The depletion, dp, represents the

total amount of melt extraction experienced by a parcel of mantle. Although we do not

solve for melting in our model we use this parameter to account for compositional density

differences within the slab and among the incoming and overriding plate.

As a cautious note we want to emphasize that although we account for buoyancy in the

model formulation, the intra-slab flow field is almost entirely prescribed by the boundary

conditions since we assume a kinematically driven slab (see section on boundary con-

ditions). Although this is a simplification that prevents us from correctly treating the

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dynamics of subduction, we chose to prescribe the slab in order to be able to explore for

a wide parameter range the effects of different incoming plate ages and speeds on the

thermal solution without having to carefully adjust for every model run the viscous and

buoyancy forces to match a certain subduction rate.

Furthermore, we use a simple temperature dependent Newtonian viscosity law and aug-

ment it with a pressure dependence that crudely simulates an increase in ’deeper mantle’

viscosity beneath 450km:

µ(T, z) = µ0µ(z)exp



T ∗ − 1


µ(z) = 1 + [(250− 1)/2][1 + tanh(0.01(z − 450))]; (3.6)

b is a parameter characterizing the temperature dependence of viscosity Dumoulin et

al.1999 and T ∗ = TTm

is the dimensionless viscosity. Note that we do not explicitly

account for phase changes at the 410km and 660km discontinuity.

Once the flow field is known the advection diffusion equation for temperature can be

solved. Here, we use a formulation of the heat transport equation that includes the latent

heat effect of metamorphic reactions, i.e. the cooling of the subducting slab due to its





∂x+ w



)− κ





)+ Hwr


∂t= 0 (3.7)

Here, u, w, x, and z are the horizontal and vertical velocity and distance components. Hwr

is a latent heat term (Hwr = Lcp

) and φ is the weight fraction of chemically bound water.

In our model calculation we do not include hydration processes, but rather prescribe an

initial hydration of the incoming plate. As the subducting plate dewaters we assume that

the liberated water ’leaves’ the system, so that no new hydrous phases are formed during

subduction. This implies that the term ∂φ∂t

is always less or equal to zero.

3.2.2 Solving the equations

We use a combined finite element - finite difference technique to solve for mantle flow and

temperature. For the mantle flow part we discretize the modeling domain into rectangu-

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lar four velocity node - constant pressure finite elements, and use the penalty method to

solve the flow equations. To solve the advection–diffusion equation we use the high preci-

sion finite differences algorithm MPDATA which has relatively small numerical diffusion

problems (Smolarkiewicz 1984). Since the heat transport equation includes a source term

that accounts for metamorphic cooling, we iterate to obtain a self-consistent temperature


3.2.3 A tracer based model for slab petrology

We use a tracer particle advection scheme to track the subducting slab’s chemical evolu-

tion. Tracer advection schemes have the advantage that they do not suffer from numerical

diffusion, so that they are well suited for advecting non-diffusive properties like chemically

bound water. First, we present the tracer method. Second, we will apply it to the specific

problem of tracking chemically bound water during the subduction water cycle.

Standard tracer advection algorithms consist of four parts: the advection equation (2.20),

an integration scheme, a localization process, and the Jacobi matrix determinations (Brock

et al. 1998). A tracer’s position is determined by its cell number and location, and can

be expressed in physical, x, or logical coordinates, ξ(0 < ξi < 1, with i=x,z). The logical

and physical coordinates are interconnected by the Jacobi matrix, J, so that ξ= J−1x.

Logical coordinates have the advantage that whenever a logical coordinate is unbound af-

ter integration (i.e. ξi < 0 or ξi > 1) a tracer particle has changed cells and a localization

process is necessary.

The tracer advection scheme can be written as:






· ux(x(ξ, t)) = uξ(x(ξ, t)) (3.8)

ξn+ 12 = ξn + un · ∆t


ξn+1 = ξn + un+ 12 ·∆t (3.10)

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Symbol Meaning Value DimensionA average sea floor age −− MaAocean average area of oceans −− m2

Hwr heat of water release −− KJ Jacobi matrix −− −−L latent heat −− Jkg−1

P0 present fraction of mantle processed at ridges per year 1.0527× 10−10 a−1

R overturn rate of the Earth’s mantle −− −−R0 present overturn rate of the Earth’s mantle 9.5 GaS0 present-day average spreading rate 2.7× 106 m2/aT temperature −− KT ∗ dimensionless temperature −− −−Tm basal asthenosphere temperature 1573 KT0 surface temperature 273 KV total volume of water in the exosphere −− m3

b temperature dependence of viscosity 15cp specific heat 1250 Jkg−1K−1

d ocean depth −− mdp depletion 0− 0.4 −−fH2O volatile outgassing efficiency during melting 0.99 −−g gravitational acceleration 9.81 m s−1

h change in sea level −− mn time stepping index −− −−p pressure −− Pat time −− su0 convergence rate 6.0 cm/au(u, w) velocity vector −− m s−1

x(x, z) coordinate vector −− mα thermal expansion constant 3× 10−5 K−1

β comp. buoyancy parameter 0.5× 10−2 −−ε volumetric strain rate −− −−κ thermal diffusivity 10−6 m2/sρ density −− kg m−3

ρ0 reference mantle density 3300 kg m−3

µ viscosity −− Pa sµ0 reference viscosity 1019 Pa sφ degree of hydration 0− 1 −−τij stress tensor −− −−ξ logical tracer coordinate vector −− −−

Table 3.1: Complete list of symbols and parameters used in the model formulation.

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where ux is the physical coordinate velocity vector and uξ the logical coordinate veloc-

ity vector; n is the time stepping index and t the time. The integration scheme always

contains a trade-off between speed and accuracy. A simple Eulerian integration scheme

requires only one evaluation of the RHS of (3.8), but often critically reduces accuracy. We

use a predictor-corrector advection scheme (3.9,3.10) that requires two evaluations of the

RHS of the advection equation per time step but provides the required level of accuracy.

Higher order integration schemes appeared to unnecessarily increase the computational

costs without a noticeable change in particle tracking in the downgoing slab. The local-

ization method is straight-forward since we use a structured orthogonal grid.

To model metamorphic reactions we treat each tracer as an object that contains in ad-

dition to its location and cell number also density, volume, water content, and thermal

enthalpy. These properties are mapped and scaled onto the grid points (i.e. the cell

nodes) using the finite element shape functions and each tracer’s volume. The change in

tracer properties during subduction is determined with look-up tables pre-calculated with

the thermodynamic tool-box PERPLEX (Connolly and Petrini 2002). PERPLEX allows

the calculation of p-T property plots for any constrained bulk composition.

3.2.4 Initial and boundary conditions

We solve the equation within a (1600km × 800km) sized rectangular box (Fig. 3.2). To

enhance the resolution within the region of interest we use an asymmetric mesh (∼21000

nodes) with a maximum grid resolution of 2km in the subduction ’hinge-region’. For

boundary conditions we assume: on the left-hand side of the box the horizontal velocity

decreases linearly from the convergence rate at the top to zero at the bottom of the box

– temperature is held constant at its initial value; the bottom of the region is assumed

to be stress free and the temperature is constant; the right-hand side of the region is a

symmetry plane with zero heat flux across it; the top surface has zero vertical velocity

with the horizontal velocity of the overriding plate set to zero; the horizontal velocity of

the incoming plate equals the convergence rate, u0, and the temperature is constant. We

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initialize the temperature field using a simple half-space model for oceanic lithosphere for

the incoming plate and a continental geotherm for the overriding plate that corresponds

to 70mW/m2 surface heat flux (Roehm et al. 2000). We set the depletion by assuming

that the degree of depletion rises linearly from 0% at a depth of 70km to 20% at the top

of the incoming plate (this would be depletion due to MOR melt extraction) and from 0%

at a depth of 70km to 30% at the top of the overriding, continental plate. To decouple

the motion of the overriding plate from the subducting plate we prescribe ”weak nodes”

along the trench according to the initial slab dip (Kincaid and Sacks 1997). To isolate

the effects of plate age and speed on slab dehydration (and exclude the potential impact

of differing dip angles) we set the velocities at the slab surface to a prescribed value. This

modification results in a more kinematically driven slab that subducts with constant dip

(45) and speed.

3.3 Water cycling beneath an arc

Water cycling beneath an arc depends on: (1) the incoming plate’s initial hydration, (2)

the amount of water release from the slab, and (3) the degree of water recycling into the

deeper mantle. Water release and water retention depend upon the metamorphic reactions

that occur during subduction and slab metamorphism is controlled by the thermal regime

of subduction. We shall therefore first discuss the thermal solution of our model.

3.3.1 Sensitivity of the thermal solution to subduction para-


In this study we explore how changes in subduction parameters (plate age and speed) may

effect the thermal structure and thereby water release beneath an arc. Figure (3.3a-c)

shows calculated p-T paths for different incoming plate ages and subduction rates. All

solid lines refer to the slab surface and the dashed lines to p-T conditions 8km beneath

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Figure 3.3: Sensitivity of geotherms on subduction parameters. Solid lines show slab surfacetemperatures and dashed lines temperatures within the lithospheric mantle 8km below the slabsurface.

the slab surface within the uppermost lithospheric mantle. It is clear that for all conver-

gence rates, temperatures within the slab are generally higher when young/hot seafloor

is subducted. Differences in subduction rate do, however, influence the thermal solution

in that slower subduction rates lead to hotter geotherms because the slab has more time

to heat up by conduction.

Slab surface temperatures show in all cases a typical S-shaped form when plotted against

depth: at depths <70km the geothermal gradient is low and the heating of the slab is

dominated by heat conduction from the upper plate. At depths >70km, the slab surface

is exposed to the hot convecting mantle wedge. Wedge convection leads to a steady flow

of hot mantle material towards the slab which rapidly heats the slab surface and gives rise

to a steeper geothermal gradient. Once the slab surface has heated up closer to mantle

wedge temperatures, the geothermal gradient flattens again. However, the higher the

subduction rate, the more pronounced the S-shape form of a geotherm. This results from

the vigor of convection in the mantle wedge: the higher the subduction rate, the more

vigorous is wedge convection with resultant stronger heating of the slab surface.

Temperatures within the subducted lithospheric mantle are not so affected by mantle

wedge convection, since conduction is too sluggish to rapidly transport heat from the slab

surface to the lower crust and upper mantle. Upper slab mantle geotherms therefore show

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a less pronounced S-shaped form. The slab surface therefore heats up much more rapidly

due to heating from the mantle wedge while the deeper parts of the slab may remain

significantly colder during subduction leading to an inverted temperature profile.

These results are qualitatively and quantitatively close to the results of similar previous

models: van Keken et al. (2002) found the same effects of wedge convection on slab

surface temperature and when compared to Peacock and Wang (1999) estimates for ’hot’

and ’cold’ subduction, our geotherms represent intermediate to cold subduction temper-

atures. None of our geotherms comes close to ’hot’ subduction because we neglect shear

heating. We believe that high shear stresses are unlikely to occur within the fault zone;

the feedback between shear heating and frictional strength will lead to a reduced strength

of the decollement before significant heating can occur. Since the amount of shear heat-

ing is largely unconstrained, we have neglected its effects in these calculations. However,

the good fit with previous models lets us believe that our thermal solution is stable and


Another geodynamic parameter we neglect but which may affect the thermal solution is

the dip angle. The justification of this simplification is that the main application of this

model is to calculate water recycling at paleo-subduction zones. While we get informa-

tion on slab age and speed from a parameterized convection model (see section 5), no

information is available for dip angle. For this reason we do not discuss how different dip

angles affect the temperature field and use a constant dip angle in all model runs. Note,

steeper dip angles usually result in slightly colder geotherms, since conduction has less

time to heat up the slab.

3.3.2 The incoming plate composition and hydration

Plank and Langmuir (1998) defined an average composition of marine sediments (GLOSS).

GLOSS contains 7.29 wt. % water and in our model runs we assume a sediment thick-

ness of 350m. These values result in a water content of 0.6×105kg/m2 in a column of

sediment. Average ocean crust has a thickness of 6km and is only partially hydrated (see

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Figure 3.4: Three different possible models illustrating the degree of hydration of typical oceaniclithosphere. The curve in (a) is based on literature values on the degree of hydration of oceaniccrust. In (b) the incoming oceanic lithosphere includes a 10km thick partially serpentinized man-tle layer. Our preferred model is shown in (c): we assume that the degree of lithospheric mantleserpentinization decreases linearly from 5% at the Moho to zero at the depth and temperaturewhere serpentine becomes unstable (∼600C ). This model implies that old slabs contain morewater bound in serpentine than young slabs.

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Fig. 3.4a). We make a conservative estimate of the average hydration of oceanic crust by

assuming that top first kilometer is highly altered and contains 2.7 wt. % water. This

highly altered layer is underlain by a less hydrated (1wt.% water) two km thick layer. The

gabbroic lower portions are assumed to be anhydrous. This composition corresponds to a

water content of 1.7×105kg/m2 in a crustal column. In this study, we center on the role of

serpentinized mantle for water cycling at convergent margins. Unfortunately, the oceanic

lithospheric mantle’s hydration is not well constrained. In our initial model runs we will

assume that the incoming lithosphere contains a 10km thick weakly (5%) serpentinized

mantle layer (2.0×105kg/m2). Figure 3.4b illustrates this initial plate composition.

We use the PERPLEX tool-box to calculate the necessary phase diagrams and p-T prop-

erty plots for hydrated sediments, crust, and mantle (Fig. 3.5). In a,b the phase diagram

and p-T water content for GLOSS is shown (for a more detailed discussion of the phase

relations see (Kerrick and Connolly 2001b)). For altered oceanic crust we use Staudigel’s

(1996) composition for metabasalt and c,d show the calculated phase relations and p-T

water content - see (Kerrick and Connolly 2001a) for a more detailed discussion of the

phase relations. As an initial composition of hydrated mantle, we use the one for harzbur-

gite given in (Schmidt and Poli 1998) and the computed phase relations are shown in Fig.


3.3.3 Sub arc water release

We have made two example model runs assuming a young (40Ma) slab and an old (120Ma)

slab to explore where fluids are released from a subducting plate. For these two cases,

Fig. 3.6a,b shows the temperature field together with the regions of water release: green

contour lines mark sediment dewatering, cyan contour lines water release from the crust,

and yellow contour lines mantle deserpentinization, and c,d show the relative amount of

water retention with depth.

The modeled pattern of water release from an 40Ma old slab, shown in Fig 3.6a, resembles

the schematic scenario in Fig. 3.1. Water is continuously released from the subducting

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Figure 3.5: Computed phase equilibria and p-T water content plots for the three differentslab fluid sources GLOSS sediments, metabasalt, and serpentinized mantle. Mineral abbrevia-tions are: A-phase; ’phase A’; Anth, anthophyllite; Atg, antigorite; B, brucite; Bio, biotite;Chl, chlorite; coe, coesite; Cpx, clinopyroxene; cz, clinozoisite; Gln, glaucophane; Grt, garnet;Lws, lawsonite; Opx, orthopyroxene; q, quartz; T, talc; stv, stishovite. Some mineral phasesthat are present in all fields have been omitted in the labelling: for GLOSS these are phengite,quartz/coesite, and fluid; for metabasalt clinopyroxene and phengite; and for hydrous peridotiteolivine and clinopyroxene. Additionally, geotherms at different positions within 40Ma and 120Maold subducting lithosphere are shown.

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slab with the host reservoir changing with depth. Sediments start to dehydrate at shal-

low depths, at ∼50km depth the sediments have already dewatered to over 50%, and

by ∼100km they contain only ∼25% of their initial water chemically bound in residual

lawsonite. The reason for the shallow dehydration is twofold: (1) the slab surface is the

hottest part of the slab and (2) GLOSS contains initially a lot of water that that can

only be chemically stored at low pressures and temperatures. Oceanic crust efficiently

(∼92%) dewaters between ∼100km and ∼200km depth. The relatively deep dewatering

of oceanic crust may partially result from the low initial water content: at low pressures

and temperatures metamorphic reactions (e.g. chlorite and glaucophane breakdown) ap-

pear to be water conserving, so that dewatering does not start until the crust has heated

up to approximatly 550C . Deep water recycling is controlled by the stability of lawsonite

which is the main water carrier at higher pressures. Dehydration of serpentinized mantle

occurs between 120km and 200km depth. When looking at the p-T paths plotted onto the

phase diagram of hydrous peridotite in Fig. (3.5e,f) it is clear that temperatures within

the entire hydrated mantle layer exceed the stability field of serpentine before ’phase A’

can form, so that all water is released.

Comparing these results to the modeled pattern of water release from an older (120

Ma) slab (Fig. 3.6b,d) shows that the general pattern persists, so that first sediments,

then crust and finally mantle dehydrates. The exact depths of water release do, how-

ever, change with the incoming plate’s age; subduction of an older plate leads to colder

geotherms (Fig. 3.3), so that fluid release from an older slab is less efficient and occurs

at greater depths. Within a 120Ma old slab, oceanic crust may retain ∼23% of its ini-

tial water, and serpentinized mantle may retain even more water (∼35%). This efficient

potential water retention in hydrous peridotites results from the altered thermal struc-

ture of the hydrated mantle layer: parts of this layer may remain cold enough (<600C

) for serpentine to transform to higher pressure ’phase A’ thereby retaining some water

to be recycled into the deeper mantle (Fig. 3.5e,f). It is clear that the total dehydration

efficiency decreases with increasing incoming plate age: ∼95% for a 40Ma old slab and

∼71% for a 120Ma old slab. The model observation that parts of the slab’s hydrated

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42 EPSL in review

Figure 3.6: Modeled water release at a subduction zone. In (a) and (b) the modeled regions ofwater release from subducting sediments (green), oceanic crust (cyan), and serpentinized mantle(yellow) is shown for a 40Ma and 120Ma old slab, respectively. (b) and (c) show th relativedegrees of water retention at 8GPa for the three different lithologies.

mantle may remain cold enough for serpentine to transform to higher pressure ’phase A’

is consistent with the findings of a recent related study by Hacker et al. (2003a) and

Hacker et al. (2003b)

These findings depend strongly, of course, on the validity of the computed phase relations.

Especially deep water recycling in sediments and crust is strongly dependent on the ac-

curacy of the calculated phase relations for lawsonite. To minimize potential errors, we

have carefully checked the calculated stability field of lawsonite with experimental data

(Schmidt and Poli 1998) and find very good agreement. Deep water recycling in hydrated

peridotites depends mainly on the reaction curve serpentine->phase A. Ambiguous ex-

perimental data exist for this reaction and we will discuss the synthetic phase relations

we used in the next section.

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Rupke et al. The Subduction Zone Water Cycle 43

3.4 Deep water recycling

We have shown that some fraction of a slab’s initial water content may still be chemically

bound at 8GPa (∼240km). While a small fraction of this water is likely to be bound

in subducting sediments and oceanic crust, we will show that deep water recycling may

easily be dominated by subducting hydrated lithospheric mantle, so that we here focus on

the role of serpentine. But what happens to chemical water that ’survives’ the primary

stages of sub-arc dewatering? It is a vigorous topic of current research if and how slabs

can recycle water into the transition zone or the deeper mantle (Angel et al. 2001; Poli

and Schmidt 2002; Bose and Navrotsky 1998) - see (Thompson 1992) for a review of

water in the Earth’s upper mantle. For water to be transported into the deeper mantle

an uninterrupted chain of hydrous minerals has to be stable towards higher pressures

and temperatures. Up to pressures of ∼6GPa and temperatures of ∼600C , serpentine

is the dominant water carrier in hydrated mantle rocks. Above this ’choke point’ the

most likely water carrier minerals are the dense hydrous magnesium silicates (DHMS)

(e.g. (Angel et al. 2001)). Of the DHMS, phase A is probably the only mineral stable at

sufficiently low pressures and temperatures to form by the consumption of water liberated

from the breakdown of serpentine. Mapping the stability field of phase A is, however,

experimentally difficult and this stability field varies from study to study (Luth 1995;

Pawley and Wood 1996). The situation is further complicated by the fact that most

experimental studies use the simplified MgO-SiO2-H2O (MSH) system. In this aluminum

and iron free reference system the stability field of phase A is maximum. For more

complicated/realistic compositions little data is available. To address this problem we

have modeled iron-solution in brucite, antigorite, and phase A by making the assumption

that the enthalpic effect of octahedral iron substitution in these minerals is identical to

that in chlorite as evaluated from the data of Holland and Powell (1998). This results in

a reduced stability field of phase-A and the computed phase relations are shown in Fig.

3.5d. In our model runs we explore deep water recycling by studying how much water is

still chemically bound at 240km depth. This value is the maximum amount of water that

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44 EPSL in review

Figure 3.7: Water intake, release, and retention of a subducting slab for varying plate ages.In (a) the amount of subducting chemically bound water is shown, (b) shows the relative waterretention at 8GPa (∼240km depth), (c) the absolute amount of water retention, and (d) theamount of water release into the arc melting region. In (e) and (f) the total amount of sub arcwater release and water retention at 8GPa is shown for different convergence rates.

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Rupke et al. The Subduction Zone Water Cycle 45

may be transported into the deeper mantle.

3.4.1 The role of plate age and speed

The results presented in section 3 have shown that the incoming plate’s age affects the

efficiency of fluid release during subduction. These calculations assumed a constant, i.e.

age independent, initial plate composition. However, the thermal structure of the incom-

ing plate may also affect its initial hydration. In our initial model runs we assumed a

serpentinized mantle layer of constant thickness (10km). This thickness, however, is not

consistent with the offset (up to 50km) between the upper and lower plane earthquakes

in slabs that have double plane earthquakes. It has been previously speculated that the

lower plane earthquakes may be triggered by serpentine dehydration (Seno and Yamanaka

1996; Peacock 2001; Dobson et al. 2002). This would, however, suggest that sea water

circulation and therefore serpentinization may occur at depths of up to 50km within the

bending plate. This might imply that maybe it is not the maximum penetration depth of

sea water that is the depth limiting factor for slab serpentinization, but rather the fact

that at a certain depth the slab simply becomes too hot (>600C ) to make serpentine.

If the ∼600C isotherm marks the maximum depth to which lithospheric mantle rocks

may become hydrated, this implies that old plates may contain more water than young

plates because the depth of this isotherm is plate age-dependent. We therefore speculate

that a more likely incoming plate composition could include a hydrated mantle that is 5%

serpentinized at the crust mantle boundary but the degree of serpentinization decreases

linearly from an average of 5% at the Moho to 0% where serpentine becomes unstable

(∼600C ) (Fig. 3.4c). Remember that these average values represent the ’spacing’ of fully

hydrated faults. Our incoming plate composition therefore implies that the number of hy-

drated faults reaching a given depth decreases linearly from the Moho with depth. In this

scenario a column of serpentinized mantle of a young (20Ma) slab contains 0.9×105kg/m2

of water and an old (160Ma) slab contains 4.5×105kg/m2.

Figure (3.7) shows the outcome of a series of model runs in which we systematically vary

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46 EPSL in review

the the incoming plate’s age and hydration. In (a) the total amount of subducted water

is plotted, in (b) the relative water retention at 8GPa is shown, (c) shows the absolute

water retention, and (d) the absolute amount of sub-arc water release as a function of

incoming plate age. A closer look at the water retention at 8GPa shows that older slabs

do not only contain more water (a) they also remain sufficiently cold during subduction to

retain relatively more water than younger slabs (b) and thereby recycle also more water

in absolute values to greater mantle depths (c). It is clear from the relative (b) and ab-

solute (c) water retention at 8GPa that the amount of deep water recycling can easily be

dominated by water retention within the subducting plate’s serpentinized mantle layer.

Lithospheric serpentinites may retain up to ∼40% of their initial water content (160Ma

old slab; 10cm/a) and are therefore the most stable lithology to transfer chemically bound

water beneath the primary depths of sub-arc water release into the deeper mantle. Note

that water retention within the basaltic crust also increases with increasing plate age, so

that a 160Ma old, rapidly subducting (10cm/a) slab may retain ∼35% of its initial crustal


It is clear from Fig. 3.7a that oceanic sediments do not contain enough water to sig-

nificantly influence the subduction zone water cycle. We have therefore for clarity not

explicitly plotted the results for sediments in (b-d); the sediment contribution is, however,

included in the total values plotted in (b-f). In (d) the total amount of water release into

the sub-arc melting region is shown. In contrast to water retention, sub-arc water release

does not correlate with the total amount of subducted water. In fact, the amount of water

release remains remarkably constant for differing plate ages/hydrations.

Another geodynamic parameter that may directly influence fluid release from a subduct-

ing slab is the convergence rate or plate speed. To constrain how differing plate speeds

effect fluid release we have performed the same set of model runs with varying subduction

rates. Plots (e) and (f) show the total amount of water retention and sub-arc water release

for plates subducting at 2 cm/a and 10cm/a, respectively. These model runs show that

higher subduction rates lead to ’colder’ slabs and thereby less sub-arc water release.

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Rupke et al. The Subduction Zone Water Cycle 47

Figure 3.8: Possible evolution of the mantle’s average overturn rate (a) and ocean floor’saverage age (b). Estimates are based on the assumption that the overturn rate is proportional tothe square of radioactive heat production.

3.5 The geologic water cycle

So far we have discussed water cycling beneath an arc only on a local scale, i.e. we have

not linked our results to the global geologic water cycle - the outgassing of water at mid-

ocean ridges and hotspots and the recycling of water into the mantle at subduction zones.

We will next explore water recycling at subduction zones on a global scale by linking our

modeling results to the global geologic water cycle.

We have shown that the average plate age and overturn rate, i.e. the style of mantle

convection, may influence the amount of water that is re-injected into the mantle at

subduction zones. The style of mantle convection has probably changed over geologic time

with the average overturn rate decreasing and the average seafloor (plate) age increasing

with time. One way to determine the Earth’s average plate age and overturn rate through

time is to use a parameterized mantle convection model. Phipps Morgan (1998) proposed

one possible parameterization and argued that if the Earth’s mantle temperature has

remained fairly constant over time then the amount of radiogenic heat production has

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48 EPSL in review

time since accretion (Ga) total water retained sediments crust 5% serp. mantle0.5 0.21 0.07 0.14 0.01.0 0.23 0.09 0.14 0.01.5 0.26 0.12 0.14 0.02.0 0.28 0.14 0.14 0.02.5 0.46 0.15 0.14 0.173.0 0.8 0.16 0.16 0.483.5 1.0 0.17 0.17 0.74.0 1.24 0.17 0.19 0.874.5 1.59 0.18 0.3 1.1

Table 3.2: Water retention in a column of subducting slab as a function of the Earth’s age. All

values for water retention are given in 105kg/m2.

to be equal to the degree of convective cooling. This assumption yields the conclusion

that the mantle overturn rate, R, is proportional to the square of radiogenic heating, Q,

so that R∼Q2. Likewise, if subduction zones are difficult to form, the average seafloor

age A will be inversely proportional to Q2, i.e. A∼1/Q2. These considerations suggest

that the average slab age and speed evolved over geologic time as shown in Fig. (3.8).

In (a) it is seen that the mantle differentiation rate and thereby the average plate speed

has experienced a 25 fold decrease while the average plate age has increased by a factor

of ∼25 over time (b). Note, that these implications may be significantly different if the

Earth’s mantle temperature has strongly changed over geologic time; the argument that it

remained constant (or cooled by less than 300C ) is based on komatiite data and Phipps

Morgan (1998) gives a more thorough explanation - see (Grove and Parman 2004) for a

review of komatiites and the thermal evolution of the Earth.

We use these values to parameterize water retention in subducting plates as a function

of Earth age. We do this by running a series of models assuming the different plate ages

and speeds provided by the parameterized mantle convection model. To the outcome of

these model runs (Table 3.2) we fit a function that thereby provides slab water retention

as a function of time since accretion, H20ret(t). We can now deduce equations for water

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Rupke et al. The Subduction Zone Water Cycle 49

ougassing and water recycling as a function of time:

H2Oout(t) =R(t)


P0fH2OH2Omantle(t) (3.11)

H2Oin(t) =R(t)


S0H20ret(t) (3.12)

Here P0 is the ridge differentiation rate that describes the fraction of mantle that is

currently ’processed’ at mid-ocean ridges and hotspots per time; it is deduced from the

present day overturn rate of the mantle R0 = 9.5Ga. The term fH2O is set to 0.99

and describes the degree of volatile loss during melting and H2Omantle(t) is the changing

water content of the mantle, and S0 is the average present day spreading rate 2.7km2/a.

Note that the above equations imply that the total trench length has remained constant

through time.

Solving these equations yields an evolution curve for water in the mantle and exosphere

over geologic time. To make this value more comparable to geologic observations, we use

a simple model to transform changes in the exosphere’s water to sea level changes. This

model is based on the assumption that the global area occupied by oceans (Aoceans) and

continents, respectively, has remained constant over time. However, the average seafloor

age has changed with time and we do account for changes in ocean depth (d) with seafloor

age. Changes in ocean depth due to thermal subsidence can be written as:

dpast = 2500(m) + 233(m√Ma


τ(Ma) (3.13)

dnow = 2500(m) + 233(m√Ma


100(Ma); (3.14)

and the present-day (Vnow) and past (Vpast) volumes of water in the exosphere are:

Vnow = (dnow + 0)Aoceans => Aoceans =Vnow



Vpast = (dpast + hpast)Aoceans. (3.16)

In this scenario, sea level changes, h over geologic time can be written as:

hpast =Vpast


dnow − dpast (3.17)

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50 EPSL in review

In this formulation, sea level changes are only due to exosphere water volume and mean

seafloor depths variations through time - other factors like glaciation are not accounted


We iteratively choose for each model the starting conditions, so that the present day

value of water in the exosphere (cont. crust plus oceans) of 2.2×1021kg (Henderson 1986)

is reproduced. We further initialize all model runs by assuming that 95% of the initial

water is in the mantle at time zero. Figure 3.9 shows two typical evolution scenarios: (a,b)

show a model run assuming 5% sub-Moho serpentinization and (c,d) show an evolution

scenario that does not include water in the slab mantle. The solid lines in the upper panel

plots (a,c) show water in the exosphere and the dashed-dotted line water in the mantle.

We have further plotted the exosphere’s 36Ar fraction (normalized to the initial mantle

value) as a reference curve for mantle degassing (dotted line). We assume that degassed

mantle 36Ar is not recycled back into the mantle but remains entirely in the exosphere,

so that the exosphere’s 36Ar content is a measure for the degree of ’primordial’ mantle


In (b,d) the water outgassing rate, the total water recycling rate at subduction zones, and

the recycling rate in serpentinized mantle is plotted. To lose its much higher early heat

production, mantle differentiation rates were much higher early on in Earth history, this

resulted in much higher water outgassing rates. These outgassing rates were higher then

the recycling rates at subduction zones (where young seafloor was being recycled), so that

the exosphere’s free water content increased and the mantle’s water content decreased.

In the model run that includes serpentine, after ∼2.0Ga subduction becomes sufficiently

cold for serpentine to transform to higher pressure hydrous ’phase A’ and water recycling

at subduction zones starts to dominate, so that the exosphere’s water fraction decreases

again. These conditions persist until the present resulting in a predicted continuous drop

in exosphere water over the past ∼2.25Ga. Present-day conditions are characterized by

0.49 ’exospheres’ of water in the mantle. In the model run that neglects serpentine as a

water source (b,d), water recycling at subduction zone dominates over water outgassing

only for the last 1Ga. This scenario results in 0.38 ’exospheres’ of water in the present

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Rupke et al. The Subduction Zone Water Cycle 51

Figure 3.9: The geologic water cycle. In (a,b) the water content of the Earth’s mantle andexosphere is plotted against time along with the exosphere’s 36Ar content for two example modelruns assuming 5% sub-Moho serpentinization (a) and no serpentinization (b); (c,d) show waterrecycling rates at subduction zones and the water outgassing rates at ridges and hotspots overtime; (e) shows predicted sea level changes over the past 600Ma for four different model runsassuming different initial plate hydrations (degree of near Moho serpentinization). See the textfor modeling details.

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52 EPSL in review

mantle serp. initial H2O present H2O mantle mantle H2O loss outgassing0% 1.4 0.39 72% 93%2% 1.5 0.49 67% 93%5% 1.63 0.64 61% 93%10% 1.88 0.89 53% 93%

Table 3.3: Model parameters used for the parameterized convection calculations. Initial water and

present day water contents are in present-day ’exospheres’. In all model runs the present day water

content in the exosphere is 1. See text for details.

day mantle.

We have made a series of model runs assuming different degrees of sub-Moho serpen-

tinization (0%-10%). The outcomes of these model runs are summarized in Table 3.3: the

present day mantle has highly outgassed (93%) and contains only between 28% and 47%

of its initial water content. Present day mantle water is therefore in all model runs mostly

recycled water from the exosphere. Infered initial water contents of the Earth’s mantle

vary between 1.4 (0% serpentine) and 1.9 (10% serpentine) present-day ’exospheres’ of

water. In Figure 3.9e we show predicted sea level changes over the past 600Ma. We only

show sea level changes for the last 600Ma because only for this age range good geologic

data is available. Hallam (1992) estimated a maximum sea level drop of ∼500m over the

past 600Ma. These estimates are consistent with less than ∼5% sub-Moho mantle serpen-

tinization. Higher degrees of serpentinization seem to lead to too strong water recycling

into the mantle to be consistent with global sea level changes since the Cambrian. In fact,

even small degrees of serpentinization may have a big effect on sea level: 2% sub-Moho

serpentinization causes a sea level change of ∼150m over the past 600Ma. However, when

serpentine is neglected as a fluid host, subduction associated recycling of water in sedi-

ments and crust nonetheless influences the exosphere’s water content. We find a 320m

sea level drop over the past 600Ma for the ’no-serpentine’ model run.

The above calculated water cycles have significant implications for the geodynamic evolu-

tion of the Earth. Depending on the degree of serpentinization, peak sea level conditions

were reached between ∼2.5Ga (10% serp.) and ∼900Ma (0% serp.) ago. Also the relative

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Rupke et al. The Subduction Zone Water Cycle 53

change in exosphere water volume between peak sea level and present-day conditions is

strongly dependent on the amount of recycled water (i.e. the degree sub-Moho serpen-

tinization): we find that for the four model runs (0%, 2%, 5%, 10% serpentinization) the

relative change in exosphere water volume between peak sea level conditions and today

are 1%, 8%, 18%, and 31%, respectively. This implies that the more water is re-injected

into the mantle at subduction zones, the earlier in Earth history peak sea level conditions

were reached, and the higher was the change in free water volume between peak sea level

and present-day conditions.

Furthermore, the predicted geologic water cycle suggest strong water loss from the man-

tle into the exosphere, so that the present-day mantle contains only ’little’ water that is

mostly recycled water. This contradicts somewhat the results of some earlier studies that

pointed out the potential existence of several ’oceans’ of primordial water in the Earth’s

lower mantle and transition zone (e.g. Murakami et al. 2002). Part of this contradiction

can be explained by the implicit pattern of mantle flow assumed in this studies. Here,

we assume whole mantle flow, so that eventually the 93% of the mantle participates in

near-surface upwelling, melting, and differentiation processes. The details of this mantle

flow model are described in (Phipps Morgan and Morgan 1999). If a strictly layered Earth

is assumed to have always existed, it is possible that this reservoir of incommunicative

’primitive’ mantle water would still not yet have ’participated’ in the surface geologic

water cycle. However, for the reasons summarized in (Phipps Morgan and Morgan 1999),

we still believe that strongly layered mantle convection is improbable. Furthermore, in

this scenario water in the ’communicative’ regions of the mantle will be dominated by

recycled water.

3.6 Conclusions

We have formulated a two dimensional thermo-dynamical model that solves for the tem-

perature and mantle flow within a subduction zone. Additionally, we have presented a

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54 EPSL in review

tracer based model to solve for slab fluid release. Using this model we have explored how

slabs dewater during subduction and how water cycling at convergent margins may be

related to the geologic water cycle. Several conclusions can be drawn from these calcula-


(1) Slabs seem to dewater continuously during subduction. However, the ’host’ lithology

of the released fluids changes with depth: first sediments dewater at shallow levels, second

the altered ocean crust releases its water, and finally the hydrated lithospheric mantle de-

serpentinizes. This change in fluid source with depth may have strong implications for

element recycling beneath arcs.

(2) Serpentinized mantle seems to be the best, i.e. most stable, lithology to transfer

chemically bound water through the sub-arc dewatering region to greater mantle depths.

Depending on the thermal structure of the subducting slab up to 40% of the water stored

in serpentinized mantle may be transfered into the deeper mantle.

(3) The Earth mantle is likely to have lost most of its initial water (53%-78%) to ex-

hale the oceans. Present day mantle water is mostly recycled water from the exosphere.

Since ∼2-2.5Ga, when subduction became sufficiently cold, this water recycling may be

dominated by serpentinized mantle even if small degrees of serpentinization are assumed.

Page 71: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

Are the regional variations in CentralAmerican arc lava chemistry due to

differing basaltic versus peridotitic slabsources of fluids?

Lars H. Rupke, Jason Phipps Morgan

GEOMAR, Geodynamics Group, Wischhofstr. 1-3, D-24148 Kiel, Germany

Matthias Hort

Universitat Hamburg, Institut fur Geophysik, Bundesstr. 55, D-20146 Hamburg,


James A. D. Connolly

ETH-Zentrum, Institut fur Mineralogie und Petrologie, Sonneggstr. 5, CH-8082, Zurich,



v. 40 n.11

November Issue


Page 72: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.
Page 73: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

Chapter 4

Are the regional variations in

Central American arc lavas due to

differing basaltic versus peridotitic

slab sources of fluids?

Central American arc volcanism shows strong regional trends in lava chemistry that result

from differing slab contributions to arc melting. However, the mechanism(s) that transfers

slab-derived trace elements into the mantle wedge remains largely unknown. By using a

dynamical model for mantle flow and fluid release, we model the fate of three different

slab fluid sources: sediment, ocean crust, and serpentinized mantle. In the open sub-arc

system, sediments lose almost all their highly fluid mobile elements by ∼50 km depth, so

that other fluid sources are necessary to explain the ’slab signal’ in arc-lava compositions.

The well-documented transition from lavas with a strong geochemical slab signature (i.e.,

high Ba/La ratios) found in Nicaragua to lavas with a weaker slab signature (i.e., low

Ba/La ratios) erupted in Costa Rica seems easiest to produce by a higher fraction of

serpentine-hosted fluids released from the deeply faulted, highly serpentinized lithosphere


Page 74: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

58 Geology; November 2002; v. 30;no. 11; p.1035-1038

Figure 4.1: Surface relief and earthquake distribution where Cocos plate subducts beneathCaribbean plate. Transect A-A’ shows subduction beneath Nicaragua where outer rise (sea-ward from trench) develops numerous flexural faults (Huene et al. 2000) and dip angle is steep.Beneath Costa Rica, along transect B-B’, dip angle is shallower. Changes in dip angle corre-late with geochemical along-arc trends in lava chemistry as shown in D. Ba/La is chosen toexemplify the ’slab-fluid’ signal in arc melting. Black dots mark newly relocated earthquakes (A.Villasenor, 2002, personal commun.).

subducting beneath Nicaragua than from the less deeply faulted, thicker, amphibolitic

oceanic-crust and oceanic-plateau lithosphere subducting beneath Costa Rica.

4.1 Introduction

Many subduction zones have well-described but poorly understood along-arc trends in

the geochemistry of their arc lavas. Arc melting is generally thought to take place in

the mantle wedge above the slab, where it is triggered by fluxing of hydrous fluids that

are released by metamorphic dewatering reactions inside the downgoing slab. Chemically

Page 75: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

Rupke et al. Trace element recycling beneath Central America 59

bound water in the sedimentary, crustal, and mantle parts of the subducting plate is

released at different pressure-temperature conditions that vary with the incoming slab’s

age, subduction rate, dip angle, and composition. At the Central American volcanic front

major geochemical and tectonic variations occur within several hundred kilometers along

strike for a plate of nearly constant age and subduction rate. Figure 1 summarizes the

tectonic setting for subduction beneath Central America. The subduction angle changes

from steep (∼65C ) beneath Nicaragua to shallow (∼40C ) beneath Costa Rica (Bar-

ckhausen et al. 2001; Protti et al. 1995). Nicaraguan arc lavas typically have high B/La,

Ba/La, and 10Be/9Be ratios and low La/Yb ratios, characteristics that smoothly change

along the arc toward Costa Rica, where arc lavas show low B/La, Ba/La, and 10Be/9Be

ratios and high La/Yb ratios (Carr et al. 1990; Herrstrom et al. 1995; Patino et al.

2000). Carr et al. (1990) found that most of these variations can be effectively repre-

sented in terms of two parameters: (1) the La/Yb ratio, which represents the mantle

source’s enrichment in incompatible elements, and (2) the Ba/La ratio, which monitors

the slab-derived fluid’s contribution to arc chemistry. Nicaraguan arc-lava composition

can therefore be explained by having a larger fluid contribution from the slab. The concen-

tration of trace elements added to the produced melts by the slab-derived fluids reaches a

minimum beneath Costa Rica (Carr et al. 1990; Leeman et al. 1994; Patino et al. 2000).

Details of trace element transport from the slab into the mantle wedge remain unclear.

In this study we further explore the mechanisms of trace element recycling at subduction

zones by studying fluid fluxing from the slab with a dynamical model that solves for

fluid release. We find that the depth interval and intensity of fluid release from hydrated

sediments, amphibolized basalts, and serpentinized peridotites can potentially vary as a

function of the incoming plate’s composition and the degree of lithospheric bend-faulting

at the outer rise. Along-strike chemical and tectonic changes in the incoming plate can

lead to differing ratios of sediment- and serpentinite- to amphibolite-derived hydrous fluid

release, which we suggest is a plausible mechanism to explain the observed changes in lava


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60 Geology; November 2002; v. 30;no. 11; p.1035-1038

Figure 4.2: Water content as a function of temperature and pressure for the three slab fluidsources used in the model calculations. Water contents are calculated using the PERPLEX pro-gram and the following initial compositions: (A) hemipelagic clay at DSDP Site 495 (Plank andLangmuir 1998), (B) Staudigel et al. (1996) ’Super Composite’ metabasalt, and (C) serpen-tinized mantle (Kerrick and Connolly 1998). Also shown are geotherms for the three differentlithologies for subduction beneath Costa Rica and Nicaragua. For details on PERPLEX see(Connolly 1990) and http://www.perplex.ethz.ch/.

4.2 Modeling

Several different numerical models have been developed to analyze the tectonic, petrologic,

and thermal structure of subduction zones (Davies and Stevenson 1992; Kincaid and Sacks

1997; van Hunen et al. 2000). To self-consistently model chemical dehydration reactions

inside the downgoing slab, we have formulated a two-dimensional, dynamical model that

continuously updates the flow, temperature, and compositional fields (see the electronic

supplement for details). The flow-field solution is based on the Stokes equation for creep-

ing flow solved by the penalty finite-element method (Zienkiewicz and Taylor 2000). The

thermal evolution of the system is calculated from the heat-transport equation using finite

differences (Smolarkiewicz 1984). To model fluid release we divide the downgoing litho-

spheric plate into hydrated sediment, amphibolite-basalt crust, and serpentinized-mantle

layers. We model these layers using tracer-particles that are advected with the flow field.

Each tracer-particle starts with an initial volume and hydration. As the P-T conditions

of a tracer particle change, so may its water content. The model determines the changes

in water content of the three different slab fluid sources using look-up tables (see Figure

2) created with the PERPLEX program (Connolly 1990). Fluid-releasing metamorphic

reactions are endothermic (they consume latent heat); for proper internal consistency, we

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Rupke et al. Trace element recycling beneath Central America 61

include the associated enthalpy consumption of the metamorphic reactions in the tem-

perature solution. The incoming plate’s crustal thickness and the amount of chemically

bound water in its oceanic lithosphere can vary along and between different subduction

zones; e.g., seamounts and oceanic plateaus may significantly change the local incoming

crustal thickness. Initial hydration of basaltic oceanic crust takes place at mid-ocean

ridges. However, to hydrate mantle rocks, water has to be transported into relatively cool

(<600C ) mantle. Lithospheric bend-faulting at the outer rise is a potentially viable

mechanism to create and maintain the conduits for sea water to reach and react with

cold lithospheric mantle. Such lithospheric serpentinites can store significant amounts of

water that can be subsequently released during subduction (e.g., Ulmer and Trommsdorf


4.3 Fluid release beneath Nicaragua and Costa Rica

To apply this model to Central America we have to constrain the incoming plate’s com-

position. The sediment input is reasonably well defined by DSDP (Deep Sea Drilling

Project) Site 495. The sediment contribution can be divided into two layers: An ∼200-m-

thick layer of hemipelagic clay overlies an ∼250-m-thick layer of carbonate oozes (Plank

and Langmuir 1998). Here, we only explicitly model the upper hemipelagic layer of the

sediments. We use this simplification because (1) most of the chemically bound water re-

sides within the hemipelagic clay (16wt.% H2O) compared to the carbonate oozes (1wt.%

H2O) and (2) most trace elements relevant to this study (i.e. B and 10Be) are mainly

enriched within the hemipelagic part of the sediment column. Beneath Nicaragua (tran-

sect A-A’) we assume that the sediments, a 2km thick layer (Walther et al. 2000) of

altered basalts (2.67wt.% H2O), a 3km thick (Walther et al. 2000) gabbroic layer (1wt.%

H2O), and a 10km thick serpentinized mantle layer (5.5 wt.% H2O) subduct (note that

recent seismic surveys show lithospheric faults extending at least 10 km below the Moho

in this region (Ranero et al. 2003a). As already explained, we believe that seawater

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62 Geology; November 2002; v. 30;no. 11; p.1035-1038

Figure 4.3: Slab dehydration beneath (A) Nicaragua and (B) Costa Rica. Red contour linesshow chemical water release from sediment; purple and black contour lines represent releasefrom crust and serpentinized mantle, respectively. For Costa Rica the incoming columns ofsediments, crust, and mantle contain 1.1 × 105kg/m2, 7.9 × 105kg/m2, and 1.3 × 105kg/m2

of water respectively, for Nicaragua the respective incoming columns contain 1.1 × 105kg/m2,3.6×105kg/m2, and 17.9×105kg/m2 of chemically bound water. In each plot, upper panel showsdepth-integrated rates of dewatering. This value (Φz)/t is proportional to the total amount ofwater release, where f = fraction of chemically bound water and t is dimensionless time, t =t/31.5 (where t is in millions of years). In (C) and (D) percentages of water retention areplotted. Sediments lose all their chemically bound water; crust and serpentinized mantle aremore stable and do not completely dehydrate. The total amount of stored water is howeverhighest in the serpentinized mantle, so that serpentinized mantle seems to be the most efficientlithology to recycle chemically bound water into the deep mantle. Note temperature contourinterval is 100C ; the basal astenosphere temperature is 1300C .

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Rupke et al. Trace element recycling beneath Central America 63

is transported through these faults into the cold lithospheric mantle to serpentinize it.

Unfortunately little is yet known regarding the average degree of serpentinization in this

environment. Serpentinites are known to have lower seismic velocities than peridotites,

but as yet no good seismic velocity models exist for the sub-crustal part of the incoming

plate in Nicaragua. We choose the composition of serpentinized peridotites and their

initial water content in accordance with experimental and modeling data (Kerrick and

Connolly 1998; Schmidt and Poli 1998). However, the pattern of slab dehydration reac-

tions only weakly depends upon the initial degree of hydration, so that Figure 3A is likely

to be fairly representative of the spatial dehydration pattern within transect A-A’. Figure

3A shows that the hemipelagic clay component loses ∼75% of its initial chemically bound

water content during shallow (<50 km) dewatering (red contour lines). The basaltic crust

dewaters mainly between 100 km and 140 km depth (purple contour lines) and the ser-

pentinized mantle loses 80% of its initial water content between 130km and 160 km depth

(black contour lines). The upper panel line plot shows the depth-integrated rates of dewa-

tering that correlate with the total amounts of water release. Here serpentinized-mantle

rocks are the dominant source of slab-derived fluids that flux the hotter regions of the

overlying mantle wedge. The situation for the transect B-B’ (Figure 1) across Costa Rica

is quite different. Here the outer rise is much smaller, and flexural normal faulting is

much less developed than it is to the north (Ranero et al. 2003a). We therefore assume

a thinner (5 km) and less hydrated (2 wt% H2O) mantle layer. The crust is slightly

thicker (6-8 km) (Huene et al. 2000) - only reaching its maximum >20 km thickness

(Cocos Rise) 100 km to the south of this transect. Here the incoming crust’s layer 2 is

thicker (∼4km), so that we assume that a 4km thick hydrated (2.67 wt. % H2O) basaltic

layer overlies a 4 km thick gabbroic layer (1 wt. % H2O). Figure 3B shows the modeled

situation along this transect: The sediments lose ∼75% of their chemically bound water

during shallow dewatering; the crust mainly dewaters between 100 km and 140 km depth,

whereas the serpentinites lose most of their stored water between 130 km and 150 km

depth. The upper-panel plot in Figure 3B shows that amphibolites are the main source

of the slab-derived fluid flux into this melting region.

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64 Geology; November 2002; v. 30;no. 11; p.1035-1038

4.4 Implications for trends in arc lava chemistry

4.4.1 Nicaragua Arc

Nicaragua arc lavas show high B/La and Ba/La ratios that both correlate with 10Be/9Be.

Because Ba/La and B/La are ratios of fluid-loving to rock-loving elements, the high values

in these ratios in the arc lavas are usually thought to result from hydrous fluid fluxing

out of subducting sediments and crust (Leeman et al. 1994; Patino et al. 2000). Figure

3 shows that water release from the basaltic crust, serpentinized mantle, and the deepest

’tail’ of the sediments can occur near the proposed depths of arc melting, so that three

different scenarios for trace element transport from the slab into the mantle wedge may be

possible. One scenario is that either an aqueous fluid or melt released from the sediment

layer produces the arc lava’s enrichment in trace elements like B and 10Be. Observed

correlations between B/La and 10Be/9Be appear to support this (Morris et al. 1990).

However, for highly fluid mobile elements, such as boron, this will only work if the bulk

sediment reaches the melting region mostly unaltered, i.e., still containing its boron. In

an open sub-arc system this is problematic. Most of the hemipelagic sediment’s pore

water and chemically bound water is lost at depths of <50 km, and You et al. (1996)

showed in a series of experiments that boron is easily mobilized by a hydrous fluid at low

temperatures. Thus it seems that shallow sediment dewatering will remove most of the

sediment’s fluid mobile trace elements and volatiles. For example, we can treat the water

loss as open-system Rayleigh-fractionation for which Csolid/Cinitial = (1 − f)(1 −D)/D,

where D is boron’s the partition coefficient, and Cinitial and Csolid are the initial and

residual boron concentration of the rock after loss of a fluid fraction f. We will choose

D = 0.1 as an upper bound and D = 0.01 as a lower bound to the likely value (W. E.

Seyfried and R. H. James, 2002, personal commun.). If the sediments lose ∼12 wt% H2O

(as they do by ∼50 km depth), for D = 0.1 and D = 0.01, they will also lose ∼68% and

∼99% , respectively, of their initial boron content. This result implies that subducted

sediments will retain relatively little of their initial boron by the time they reach the main

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Rupke et al. Trace element recycling beneath Central America 65

depths of arc melting in which case sediments cannot be the enriched source needed to

produce the high B/La ratio in some arc lavas. The second scenario uses two fluid phases,

one from the sediments and one from the crust. Figure 3 shows that fluids are released

from both potential fluid sources at the supposed depth of arc melting. However, very

small amounts of water are released from the sediments at this depth, so that a transfer

of the relatively immobile 10Be is unlikely; transfer by sediment melts would be possible

only for unrealistically high temperatures. Crustal fluids could, however, be enriched in

boron which is also enriched in the altered ocean crust. This model is consistent with the

ideas of Ishikawa and Nakamura (1994) who argue on the basis of δ11B systematics that

the generally positive δ11B values of arc lavas requires a boron source of the same isotopic

signature (i.e. δ11B>0). Sediments generally have negative δ11B values, while the altered

ocean crust has δ11B>0. The biggest problem for this scenario is that transfer of B and

10Be in two separate fluid phases is not easily reconciled with the observed correlations

between these two elements. Furthermore it is not clear how small amounts of sub-arc fluid

release from sediments can transport the observed radiogenic Be anomaly. Thus, it seems

that Nicaragua arc-lava composition cannot be easily explained without yet another fluid

source. Much larger amounts of high-temperature hydrous fluids can be released during

slab ’deserpentinization’ as shown in Figure 3. Such fluids must pass through overlying

crust and sediments on their way to the mantle wedge. During this process, the fluids

can potentially interact with and dissolve enough of the sediment’s still trapped Be to

produce the observed high 10Be/9Be ratios (Be only becomes relatively fluid mobile in

high-T, reducing fluid environments). Tatsumi and Isoyama (1988) have shown that Be

is potentially mobile in high-temperature fluids released from a serpentinite. In addition,

studies of serpentinites from the Atlantic show that sea-water induced serpentinization

enriches the host-peridotites in boron and leads to positive δ11B values (Spivack and

Edmond 1987). Fluids released during slab ’deserpentinization’ are therefore enriched

in boron, carry the right (i.e. positive) isotopic signature (δ11B), and have the ability

to dissolve enough of the sediment’s 10Be to explain the high 10Be/9Be and B/La ratios

observed in Nicaraguan arc lavas.

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66 Geology; November 2002; v. 30;no. 11; p.1035-1038

4.4.2 Costa Rica Arc

Beneath Costa Rica, subduction is hotter, the dip angle is shallower, and the downgoing

slab is younger. Here the erupted lavas do not show a strong ’slab-fluid’ signal. Figure 3B

shows that, primarily due to the shallower slab dip, dehydration of the slab occurs over

a wider horizontal extent consistent with the idea that a shallower dip leads to less fluid

input per unit mantle volume into the melting region (Carr et al. 1990.) This provides a

possible explanation for the diluted slab signature and the low degree of melting typical

for volcanism in Costa Rica (Carr et al. 1990). This interpretation does not, however,

explain why the Costa Rican lavas lack a 10Be anomaly although the slab is hotter and

sediment melting would be more likely in this part of the arc. Patino et al. (2000) argued

that the missing slab signature may be partly due to a mechanical loss of the uppermost

part of the sediment column during accretionary processes. However a striking modeled

difference between fluid release beneath Nicaragua and Costa Rica is the lack of a strong

fluid release from serpentinized mantle beneath Costa Rica. Perhaps this is responsible

for the lack of a Costa Rican 10Be signal-without high-T serpentine-breakdown-derived

fluids fluxing through the slab’s sediment layer, more of the sediment’s 10Be would simply

subduct instead of being leached mobilized into the sub-arc melting region.

4.5 Conclusions

Regional trends in Central American arc lavas can be explained by an outer-rise faulting

related change from a serpentinized slab mantle deep fluid source beneath Nicaragua to a

basalt-amphibolites source beneath Costa Rica; the difference caused by a transition from

deeply faulted, serpentinized, lithosphere steeply subducting beneath Nicaragua to less

deeply faulted lithosphere subducting less steeply beneath Costa Rica. We further show

that lithospheric mantle - serpentinized as a byproduct of flexural faulting at the outer

rise - has the potential to release significant amounts of hydrous fluids into the melting

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Rupke et al. Trace element recycling beneath Central America 67

region. Fluxing of these hot, hydrous, serpentine-breakdown-derived fluids through over-

lying sediments can potentially scavenge and transfer 10Be from the sedimentary layer into

the mantle wedge. We infer that this process is maybe more ubiquitous than sediment

melting, since it does not require an extremely high slab surface temperature. Serpen-

tinites are also the best slab lithology for transferring chemically bound water through

the arc-dewatering region to greater mantle depths. Flexural faulting-induced lithospheric

mantle serpentinization beneath the outer rise may therefore play an important role in

the global water cycle and in recycling processes at subduction zones in general.

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Implications of Subduction Rehydrationfor Earth’s Deep Water Cycle

Lars H. Rupke, Jason Phipps Morgan

IFM-GEOMAR, Geodynamics Group, Wischhofstr. 1-3, D-24148 Kiel, Germany

Jacqueline E. Dixon

RSMAS/MGG, University of Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida,

33149, USA


in review

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Chapter 5

Implications of subduction

rehydration for Earth’s deep water


The Earths mantle contains several isotopically distinct components of which some are

thought to form by the mixing with recycled sediments and oceanic crust (EM1, EM2,

HIMU). Recently Dixon et al. (2002) estimated water concentrations for some of these

components and concluded that the most primitive (FOZO) are significantly wetter than

the recycling associated EM or HIMU mantle components and the even drier depleted

mantle source that melts to form MORB. These findings are in striking agreement with

the results of chemo-thermo-dynamic modelling of the global water cycle. We find that

the Dixon et al. (2002) results are consistent with a global water cycle model in which the

oceans have formed by efficient (∼93%) outgassing of the mantle. Present day depleted

mantle will contain a small volume fraction (∼7%) of primitive wet mantle in addition to

drier recycling related enriched components. This scenario is consistent with the observa-

tion that hotspots with a FOZO-component in their source will make wetter basalts than

hotspots whose mantle sources contain a larger fraction of EM and HIMU components.


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72 Rupke et al. Subduction rehydration

Figure 5.1: A plum-pludding type whole mantle convection scenario. Subducting slabs aremuch dryer than primitive mantle but remain sufficiently ’wet’ to feed surface water back intothe mantle, so that the average mantle’s water content includes about 80% of recycled waterfrom the exosphere. Plumes sampling the most primitive ’FOZO’ mantle component will makemuch wetter basalts than plumes sampling one of the recycling associated mantle components(EM&HIMU), and the even drier mid-ocean ridge basalts.

5.1 Introduction

The ’standard model’ for the genesis of Earths oceans is that they are exhalations from

Earths deep interior, continually rinsed through surface rocks by the global hydrologic

cycle. Here we suggest that this paradigm should be slightly modified to recognize that

Earths surface and deep mantle water may still be in close contact through the competing

processes of mantle dehydration during plume and mid-ocean ridge melting, and mantle

rehydration by plate subduction. Recently, independent geochemical (Dixon et al. 2002)

and geophysical (Ruepke et al. 2002; Ruepke et al. 2003) arguments have been used to

infer that, during plate subduction a large fraction of the water contained in the crustal

and sediment portions of the downgoing slab is efficiently dehydrated before these mate-

rials are recycled into the mantle where they will contribute to the distinct slab-flavours

in the sources of global hotspot volcanism (Hofman 1997). Here we will briefly review

these arguments to show that detailed thermo-chemical models of slab dehydration during

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Nature in review 73

plate subduction are completely consistent with the water abundances and H2O/LREE

ratios measured in the mantle source components of both hotspot and mid-ocean ridge

volcanism. Both are also consistent with a mantle that has dehydrated by ∼67% to exhale

the near-surface water now concentrated in the oceans and continental rocks. The conse-

quence is that since ∼2-2.5Ga Earths mantle has had a near-balance between water loss

through hotspot and ridge melting and water gain by slab recycling, and that the present-

day Earths mantle may even be slowly rehydrating, so inducing a long-term secular drop

in sea level. In this interpretation, most of Earths present-day mantle water is recycled

in origin, but the mantles most primitive and volatile-rich component, FOZO (sometimes

called C), although currently only a small net volume fraction of the convecting mantle,

formerly was the source of the water now concentrated at Earths surface.

The sources of both mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) and ocean island basalts (OIB)

contain several isotopically distinct source components (Hofman 1997) which leave their

fingerprints on observed basalts to which their melts contribute, with arrays of basalts

produced at a given hotspot typically occupying a tubelike subregion in the isotope-space

spanned by terrestrial basaltic volcanism (Hart et al. 1992; Phipps Morgan 1999). It is

now generally agreed that at least several of the isotopically most extreme components

contain material that was originally formed by melting and alteration processes near

Earths surface and then recycled by plate subduction back into the mantle to rise and

melt beneath present-day hotspots and mid-ocean ridges (Chase 1979; Hofman and White

1982; Hofman 1997). Two Enriched mantle source components EM1 and EM2 and the

HIMU source component are believed to have formed in this way through the recycling of

sediments and OIB for the EM components, and the recycling of the lower MORB crust

for the HIMU component. Another mantle component called FOZO appears to be linked

to the melting of the most primitive, undifferentiated, and undegassed component of the

mantle melange. In particular, the partial melting of this component correlates with the

most 3He-rich basalts erupted at ocean islands and mid-ocean ridges. Other, more incom-

patible trace element-poor and isotopically depleted components have also been inferred,

in particular the prevalent depleted DMM component evident in many MORB

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74 Rupke et al. Subduction rehydration

5.2 Water content of MORB and OIB

Recently Dixon and coworkers have measured the water contents of the DMM, FOZO,

EM1, and LOMU mantle components and inferred the value for HIMU (Dixon et al.

2002). During mantle melting beneath hotspots and ridges, water partitions from a source

component into its melt with roughly the same affinity for the melt phase as the light rare-

earth element Ce, i.e. it behaves as a moderately incompatible element during pressure-

release melting. Even though both the EM and HIMU mantle components are much richer

in incompatible elements than the mantle average, Dixon et al. (2002) found that the

recycled EM and HIMU components have lower ratios of water to cerium (H2O/Ce∼100)

than either typical MORB source (H2O/Ce ∼200 -250) or FOZO-influenced OIB (e.g.

H2O/Ce ∼210 (Pacific South Atlantic), ∼250 North Atlantic, and up to ∼400-550 for

some Hawaiian basalts). Dixon et al. (2002) also estimated the absolute water abundances

of these source components, with the FOZO component determined to have an average

of 750±210ppm water, the average source for mid-ocean ridge basalts to have a water

abundance of ∼100ppm, and the source of the more depleted MORB a water abundance

of ∼60ppm. Dixon et al. (2002) concluded that the high H2O/Ce in the FOZO source

component cannot be derived from recycled oceanic crust, and that instead a significant

amount of the water in the FOZO component must be juvenile, left over from planetary

accretion. They also concluded that the EM and HIMU components lost most of their

chemically-bound water, but not their incompatible rare-earth elements by subduction-

induced slab-dehydration.

Dixon et al. (2002) conclusions on preferential slab-dehydration of recycled sediments

and ocean crust are in striking agreement with recent conclusions from numerical chemo-

thermo-mechanical modelling of slab dehydration beneath modern and paleo-subduction

zones (Ruepke et al. 2002; Ruepke et al. 2003) when coupled to a parameterised mantle

convection model.

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Nature in review 75

Figure 5.2: The outcomes of two different model runs. In (a,c), 40My old oceanic lithosphereand in (b,d), 100My old oceanic subducts at an angle of ∼45C and a convergence rate of60mm/yr. We assume an incoming plate petrologic profile that includes a 350m thick layer ofGLOSS sediments containing 7.3wt.% H2O, a 1km thick highly altered/hydrated crustal layer(2.3wt.% H2O) overlying a 2km thick less hydrated layer (1wt.% H2O), and a 3km thick drygabbroic layer. Beneath the crust we assume that the lithospheric mantle is 2% serpentinizedat the Moho and that the degree of serpentinization decreases linearly to the p-T conditions(∼600C ) where serpentine becomes unstable. These estimates result in an absolute watercontent of 0.6× 105kg/m2 in a sediment column, 1.7× 105kg/m2 of water in a crustal column,and 0.7×105kg/m2 of water in a mantle column of a 40Ma old slab, and 1.4×105kg/m2 of waterin a mantle column of a 100Ma old slab. In (a) and (b) the modelled regions of water releasefrom subducting sediments (green), oceanic crust (cyan), and serpentinized mantle (yellow) areshown. In (c) and (d) the slabs changing relative water content. In the case of a 40Ma yearold slab sediments lose ∼76% of their water (∼16% of total water release), crust ∼92% (∼58%of total), and serpentinized mantle 100% (26% of total). In the case of the 100Ma old slabsediments lose ∼69% of their water (∼15% of total water release), crust ∼83% (∼51% of total),and serpentinized mantle ∼68% (∼34% of total). In these calculations sediments seem to be asurprisingly stable lithology to recycle water into the deeper mantle. Note, however, that GLOSSsediments are a non-existing, imaginary, average of oceanic sediments; real-world sediments maybe much more unstable (Kerrick and Connolly 2001b; Ruepke et al. 2002).

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76 Rupke et al. Subduction rehydration

5.3 A model for the geochemical evolution of the


The Ruepke et al. (2003) model for the geologic water cycle, i.e. the water outgassing

at mid-ocean ridges and hotspots and the recycling of water at subduction zones, uses a

2-D subduction model to solve for water release and deep water recycling at subduction

zones. Figure 2 shows the outcome of two example model runs assuming a young (40Ma)

slab (a,c) and an old (100Ma) slab (b,d). In (a) and (b) the pattern of water release are

shown: water release from sediments is marked in green, crustal dewatering is shown in

blue, and mantle deserpentinization in yellow. To determine the efficiency of water release

in (c) and (d) the relative amounts of water retention per column of sediment (green),

crust (blue), and serpentinized mantle (yellow) are plotted. We find that a 40Ma old slab

loses ∼91% of its total initial water while the older colder 100Ma old slab releases only

∼75%. Old and cold slabs may, therefore, retain and recycle significant amounts of water

to greater mantle depths.

To determine the effects of water recycling at subduction zones on the water cycle of

the Earth, the Ruepke et al. (2003) model parameterises slab water recycling as a func-

tion of Earth age and incorporates this into a parameterised convection model of whole

mantle flow that includes the effects of mantle dehydration by pressure-release melting at

hotspots and mid-ocean ridges (see Fig 3 and (Ruepke et al. 2003) for further details).

Figure 3 shows a characteristic evolution model for the Earth. Early on, outgassing at

ridges and hotspots dominates over water recycling at subduction zones. Starting ∼2.5Ga

ago water recycling matches the now much slower rate of hotspot/ridge outgassing so that

the exospheres water content stabilizes and even can begin to decrease slowly. The present

day Earth is characterized by a mantle that has been largely, but not completely outgassed

of its original volatiles (∼93%). Due to slab recycling, it contains about ∼49% of the ex-

ospheres water content and ∼33% of its initial water content, of which ∼80% has been

recycled back from the exosphere. Note, that these numbers imply whole mantle flow, so

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Nature in review 77

that eventually the 93% of the mantle participates in near-surface upwelling, melting, and

differentiation processes. If a strictly layered Earth is assumed to have always existed, it is

possible that a reservoir of incommunicative primitive mantle water exists that would still

not yet have participated in the surface + communicative mantle geologic water cycle.

To compare these numbers to the results of Dixon et al. (2002) we translate the above

results into average water concentrations of the different mantle components. The model

is initialised to reproduce the present day water in the exosphere (oceans and continental

crust), i.e. ∼2.2×1021kg of water (Henderson 1986). The starting conditions that repro-

duce the present-day conditions are that the Earth contained about 1.5 present exospheres

of water stored in the initial mantle. This implies that 1.5 × 2.2×1021kg of water were

stored in 4.0×1024kg mantle, so that the water concentration in primitive mantle is 815-

ppm. At present-day conditions the average mantle contains 33% of its initial water and

49% of the present-day exospheres water which correspond to an average water concentra-

tion of ∼269ppm. Without replenishment by subduction the present day depleted mantle

would contain an average of only 7% of its initial water, i.e. ∼57ppm H2O. Of the average

269ppm H2O abundance in the current mantle ∼212-ppm are, therefore, due to recycled

water from the exosphere and 57ppm are due to a surviving juvenile water component

with ∼815-ppm water that makes up a 7% volume-fraction of the mantle. The estimated

primitive mantle water abundance from this Deep Earth evolution scenario, 815 ppm, is

strikingly similar to the 750±210ppm estimate of Dixon et al. (2002). Furthermore, the

average recycled slab is inferred to be much dryer than primitive mantle, although we find

that crust dehydration of plates older than 40Ma may be less efficient than inferred by

Dixon et al. (∼97% in recycled crust (Dixon et al. 2002) vs. ∼92% our 40Ma old crust

and ∼83% our 100Ma crust). One explanation for this is that the Dixon et al. estimates

refer to the water content of ancient ocean crust that led to the formation of the average

HIMU mantle component which is ∼2Ga old. At this time in Earth history the average

subducting seafloor age was close to 40Ma in the Ruepke et al. (2003). model, so that its

estimates of paleo-plate dehydration fit well with Dixon et al.s observations.

Page 94: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

78 Rupke et al. Subduction rehydration

Figure 5.3: Modelled geologic water cycle, i.e. the outgassing of water at ridges and hotspotsand the recycling of water at subduction zones, over time. The model uses a parameterisedmantle convection model that is based on the one by Phipps Morgan (1998). Phipps Morgan(1998) argued that the mantle overturn rate, R, is proportional to the square of radiogenicheating, Q, so that R∼Q2. Likewise, the average seafloor age A will be inversely proportional toQ2, i.e. A∼1/Q2. From these estimates the outgassing of water at ridges and hotspots and therecycling of water can be modelled. For water outgassing we assume that the mantle loses itsvolatiles at a depth of 100km and loses 99% of the volatiles that rise shallower than this depth.Recycling of water at subduction zones is determined from a look-up table of slab dehydration asa function of the subducting plates age and speed, all based upon a suite of numerical experimentsdone by Ruepke et al. (2003). In (a) the water content of the Earth’s mantle and exosphere isplotted against time along with the exosphere’s 36Ar content which is a convenient measure ofthe cumulate extent of mantle outgassing; (b) shows water recycling rates at subduction zonesand the water outgassing rates at ridges and hotspots over time.

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Nature in review 79

5.4 Conclucions

We conclude that this model of the deep Earths water cycle predicts realistic water concen-

trations for the different mantle components; concentrations consistent with the indepen-

dent estimates by Dixon et al. (2002). This implies that if mantle melting preferentially

occurs first in its most volatile-rich or incompatible element-rich components (plausible

since both volatiles and incompatible elements tend to reduce the solidus (Phipps Morgan

and Morgan 1999)), then it would be completely consistent that hotspots with a FOZO-

component in their source will make wetter basalts than hotspots whose mantle sources

contain a larger fraction of EM and HIMU components, and also consistent that progres-

sive upwelling and pressure-release melting beneath a mid-ocean ridge should eventually

be able to melt the average mantle to the point where ∼100-ppm depleted, slab influ-

enced mantle components are the only remaining water source to contribute to the more

depleted MORB. Thus these results (summarized in Fig. 1) are consistent with a plum-

pudding whole mantle convection evolution scenario in which plate subduction plays an

important role in partially filtering the water content of the recycled sediments and crust

that form the sources of the more enriched mantle plums.

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Viele haben mich bei der Anfertigung dieser Arbeit unterstutzt. Diesen Freunden und

Kollegen mochte ich ganz herzlich danken.

Extra erwahnen mochte ich

Meine beiden Betreuer Jason Phipps Morgan und Matthias Hort. Sie sind in erster Linie

dafur ”verantwortlich”, dass ich diese Arbeit uberhaupt begonnen...und beendet habe.

Ganz herzlich mochte ich mich bei ihnen auch fur die personliche Unterstutzung und

Beratung bedanken und dafur, dass sie mir diese erstaunliche Freiheit in wissenschaftlicher

Ausrichtung und ”Arbeitsweise” gelassen haben. Danke!

James Connolly. He contributed a lot to the success of this thesis. Thanks Jamie!

Klaus Regenauer-Lieb und Gabriele Morra. Sie haben mir an der ETH-Zurich gezeigt,

was in der Geomodellierung eigentlich moglich ist - durch sie verstehe ich langsam auch,

was eine elasto-visco-plastische Rheologie ist.

Timm John, Klaus Wallmann, Erwin Suess und den gesamten SFB 574. Vielen Dank fur

die vielen interessanten wissenschaftlichen Diskussionen.

Den 1. Zwolf-Kampf Club zu Kiel e.V.

Nicht zuletzt mochte ich meiner Familie und meinen Freunden von ganzem Herzen danken.

Ohne eure Unterstutzung hatte ich entweder gar nicht, oder fruhestens in 2007 promoviert.

Danke, ihr seid großartig und ich weiß, was ich an euch habe!


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Lars Helmuth Rupke wurde am 9. Oktober 1975 in Hamburg geboren. 1995 schloss er

seine Schulbildung mit dem Abitur am Gymnasium Buckhorn in Hamburg ab. Es folgte

ein Jahr als Zivildienstleistener im Rettungsdienst. Das Studium der Geowissenschaften

begann er im Jahre 1996 an der Christian-Albrechts-Universiat zu Kiel, wo er 1998 sein

Vordiplom in Geophysik bestand. Es folgte ein weiteres Jahr an der Universitat Kiel, bevor

er in Frankreich von 1999-2000 an der UBO-Brest den Studiengang ’Geosciences Marines’

studierte und diesen mit dem ’Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies” (DEA) abschloss. Seit

2000 arbeitet Lars Helmuth Rupke am Leibniz Institut fur Meereswissenschaften und

der Christian-Albrechts-Universitat zu Kiel als wissenschaftlicher Angestellter; aus dieser

Tatigkeit enstand diese Doktorarbeit.


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Deep Roots of the Messinian SalinityCrisis

Svend Duggen, Kaj Hoernle, Paul van den Bogaard,

Lars Rupke & Jason Phipps Morgan

GEOMAR, Wischhofstr. 1-3, D-24148 Kiel, Germany


v. 422

April Issue


Page 112: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.
Page 113: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

laser (266 nm) as excitation source. No midgap yellow emission wasobserved. Band-edge emission was observed in these nanotubesamples between 375 and 360 nm, with the thinner tubes emittingat shorter wavelengths (Supplementary Information). This slightblueshift of the emission18 could be attributed to the quantumconfinement effect, as some of the nanotubes have walls as thin as5 nm, which is smaller than the exciton Bohr radius of GaN.Electron transport measurements indicate the resistances of thesenanotubes are of the order of 10 MQ at room temperature, andincrease with decreasing temperature (Supplementary Infor-mation), similar to those of high-quality GaN nanowires19,20.

The semiconductor nanotubes that we report here are mechani-cally robust, and electrically and optically active. They could there-fore offer opportunities for further fundamental research, as well asfor technological applications in nanocapillary electrophoresis,nanofluidic biochemical sensing, nanoscale electronics and opto-electronics21. The successful preparation of single-crystal GaNnanotubes using this ‘epitaxial casting’ approach suggests that it ispossible to prepare single-crystal nanotubes of other inorganicsolids that have non-layered crystal structures22,23. A

Received 14 November 2002; accepted 26 February 2003; doi:10.1038/nature01551.

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1109–1112 (2002).

Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on Nature’s website

(ç http://www.nature.com/nature).

Acknowledgements We thank the National Center for Electron Microscopy for the use of their

facilities. This work was supported by the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, the

Research Corporation, the Hellman Family Faculty Foundation and the Beckman Foundation.

J.G. thanks the National Science Foundation for Graduate Fellowship support. P.Y. is an Alfred

P. Sloan Research Fellow. Work at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory was supported by

the Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Science of the US Department

of Energy.

Competing interests statement The authors declare that they have no competing financial


Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to P.Y.

(e-mail: [email protected]).


Deep roots of the Messiniansalinity crisisSvend Duggen*†, Kaj Hoernle*, Paul van den Bogaard*, Lars Rupke*& Jason Phipps Morgan*

* GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences, Wischhofstrasse 1-3,24148 Kiel, Germany


The Messinian salinity crisis—the desiccation of the Mediterra-nean Sea between 5.96 and 5.33 million years (Myr) ago1—wasone of the most dramatic events on Earth during the Cenozoicera2. It resulted from the closure of marine gateways between theAtlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, the causes of whichremain enigmatic. Here we use the age and composition ofvolcanic rocks to reconstruct the geodynamic evolution of thewesternmost Mediterranean from the Middle Miocene epoch tothe Pleistocene epoch (about 12.1–0.65 Myr ago). Our data showthat a marked shift in the geochemistry of mantle-derivedvolcanic rocks, reflecting a change from subduction-related tointraplate-type volcanism, occurred between 6.3 and 4.8 Myr ago,largely synchronous with the Messinian salinity crisis. Using athermomechanical model, we show that westward roll back ofsubducted Tethys oceanic lithosphere and associated astheno-spheric upwelling provides a plausible mechanism for producingthe shift in magma chemistry and the necessary uplift (,1 km)along the African and Iberian continental margins to close theMiocene marine gateways, thereby causing the Messinian salinitycrisis.

In the Late Miocene (,8 Myr ago), marine passages in southernSpain and northern Morocco linked the Mediterranean Sea to theAtlantic Ocean (Fig. 1). The palaeodepth of the Rifean corridorin Morocco—the deepest of these gateways—was estimated at 600–800 m (refs 3, 4). Marine sediments, such as terraced reef complexesfrom these former channels, now outcrop several hundred metresabove sea level5,6. Three possible mechanisms have been proposed toclose these marine passages: (1) global sea level drop of ,60 m(refs 7, 8); (2) horizontal shortening associated with crustal nappemovements9; and (3) tectonic uplift3,4,10.

Not only was the ,60-m drop in sea level in the Messinianinsufficient to have closed all of the Late Miocene marine gateways,but also it has recently been shown that the onset of evaporitedeposition at 5.96 ^ 0.02 Myr does not correspond to the open-ocean benthic d18O signal, which is commonly interpreted to reflectglacio-eustatic sea-level changes. Therefore a global sea-level dropcannot have caused the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC)1,11. Hori-zontal shortening is also an unlikely mechanism, for two reasons.First, because emplacement of crustal nappes in the Early Miocene,connected with extensional collapse of the Alboran block thickenedthrough the collision of Africa and Iberia12, had already ceasedbefore the Late Miocene in the Betics13, and second, there is noevidence that nappe emplacement blocked the Rifean corridor inthe Late Miocene (Fig. 1)3. It has, however, been shown thatsediments in the former marine gateways were uplifted in the LateMiocene and Pliocene to their present elevations3,5,10. Palaeodepthreconstructions indicate a rapid shallowing in the Late Miocenewith rates as high as 5 mm yr21 at 7.2 Myr ago in the southernRifean corridor, which was emergent by ,6.0 Myr (ref. 3). Anincrease of continental detritus in the uppermost Pliocene depositsof the Alboran basin indicates a continuation of this uplift into thePliocene14.

† Present address: Department of Geology, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20

0EX, UK.

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Page 114: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

The Betic and Rifean corridors are traversed by a north-north-east-trending volcanic belt, ,500 km long by ,200 km wide,extending from southeastern Spain through the eastern AlboranSea into northwestern Africa (Fig. 1b). As volcanism is the surfaceexpression of mantle processes, we use the age and geochemistry ofvolcanic rocks from this belt to trace the geodynamic evolution ofthe Alboran mantle, in order to elucidate the origin of uplift fromthe Late Miocene to Pliocene. We have dated more than 70 volcanicrocks, covering the entire Alboran volcanic province, using the laser40Ar–39Ar technique on amphibole, biotite and feldspar pheno-crysts, microcrystalline rock matrix and glass separates. The datedsamples were also analysed for major and trace elements, and Sr, Nd,Pb and O isotopic composition.

Two distinct groups of volcanic rocks occur throughout theeastern Alboran volcanic belt, as defined by their SiO2 and alkalicontents (Fig. 1b and 2a): (1) a Middle Miocene to Lower Pliocene(12.1–4.8 Myr ago) high-Si group, and (2) an Upper Miocene toPleistocene (6.3–0.65 Myr ago) low-Si group. The older, high-Si,group can be further subdivided into two subgroups: a K-poortholeiitic and calc-alkaline series of basalts through rhyolites withrelatively low concentrations of incompatible elements, and K-richshoshonites and lamproites with high concentrations of highly tomoderately incompatible elements (Fig. 2c). The younger, low-Sivolcanic rocks are alkalic, ranging from alkali basalt and basanite tohawaiite and tephrite.

Mafic members from both age groups also exhibit distinct trace-element and isotopic compositions. Whereas mafic rocks of theolder high-Si group show relative enrichment in U, K and Pb anddepletion in Nb and Ta (Fig. 2c), mafic rocks from the younger low-Si group show the opposite: relative depletion in U, K and Pb andenrichment in Nb and Ta (Fig. 2b). In addition, the low-Si grouphave lower Pb/Ce, K/La, K/Nb and 87Sr/86Sr but higher Nb/U,

143Nd/144Nd, 206Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios (Fig. 3).The major-element, trace-element and Sr-Nd-Pb-O isotope geo-

chemistry of the older high-Si mafic volcanic rocks are characteristicof volcanism occurring in subduction zones (for example, the Izuand Aeolian arcs, Fig. 2c). Trace-element modelling and combinedSr and O isotope data provide the strongest evidence for subductionbeneath the Alboran in the Middle and Late Miocene. The O and Srisotopic compositions of plagioclase and clinopyroxene pheno-crysts in the most mafic K-poor, high-Si rocks fall along a con-vex-down mixing curve between mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB)mantle and sediments on a 87Sr/86Sr versus d18O diagram, as doK-rich whole-rock samples from southern Spain15. These isotopiccompositions thus cannot be explained through crustal assimila-tion16, which generates a convex-up mixing curve. The combined Oand Sr isotopic data are therefore diagnostic of mantle sourcecontamination with fluids or melts from subducted sediments17,18.In addition, the K-rich subgroup and low-Si group commonlycontain mantle xenoliths, also ruling out significant crustal assim-ilation in these rocks. Therefore the dramatic change in thecomposition of mafic, mantle-derived volcanic rocks in the easternAlboran realm between 6.3 Myr ago (earliest alkali basalt) and4.8 Myr ago (latest shoshonite) indicates that a major change inmantle dynamics occurred slightly before, or at the beginning of,this time interval.

The geochemistry of the younger low-Si mafic volcanic rocks aresimilar to Na-rich, alkalic intraplate basaltic rocks from the NorthAtlantic (for example, Canary Islands, Fig. 2b) and Africa (forexample, Ahaggar)19 derived from asthenospheric sources. Intra-plate-type volcanism results from the decompression melting ofupwelling asthenospheric mantle. We however discount derivationof this volcanism from a mantle plume, because of the lack of anage progression in the younger low-Si volcanism, and because of


Figure 1 Maps illustrating Late Miocene Atlantic–Mediterranean marine gateways, and

the distribution of Miocene–Pleistocene volcanism in the westernmost Mediterranean.

a, NASA photograph of the westernmost Mediterranean, modified to show Atlantic–

Mediterranean marine gateways in southern Spain and northwestern Africa about 8 Myr

ago, based on the distribution of Upper Miocene reef complexes and marine sediments5.

b, Map showing the westernmost Mediterranean and the 500 £ 200 km north-northeast-

trending eastern Alboran volcanic belt crossing the marine gateways in both southern

Spain (Betic corridor) and in northwestern Africa (Rifean corridor). Middle Miocene to

Lower Pliocene high-Si group volcanic rocks are shown in blue, and Upper Miocene to

Pleistocene low-Si group volcanic rocks are shown in red. Numbers 977 and 978 refer to

drill holes during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 161 (ref. 28).

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Page 115: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

lacking evidence in seismic tomographic studies for low-velocitycylindrical structures beneath southeastern Spain, the Alboran Seaand northern Morocco20,21.

In fact, new seismic data provide compelling evidence for activeeast-dipping subduction beneath Gibraltar20. Seismic tomographyshows an ,250-km-wide, near-vertical slab extending from thesurface to the boundary between the upper and lower mantle20,21. In

a continental collisional setting, intraplate-type volcanism can alsobe generated by removal of a lithospheric body (oceanic lithosphereor subcontinental lithospheric mantle); for example, the Pannonianbasin, eastern Europe22, and the Andes, South America23. Westwardroll back and steepening of the subducting slab in the Late Miocenewould allow hotter, less-dense asthenosphere to ascend into the voidleft by the removal of the slab. Decompression melting of theupwelling asthenosphere can generate alkalic volcanism.

In order to determine if these mantle processes could produce thenecessary uplift to close the Miocene marine gateways, we have donetwo-endmember, two-dimensional calculations to estimate thepossible uplift resulting from roll back of the Tethys lithosphere(Fig. 4). With the modelling, we examine the effect of removingcold, dense material from the base of the Alboran lithosphere,replacing it with hot asthenosphere. For the current Gibraltargeometry, the ‘slab-hinge effect’ can lead to flexural-bending-induced uplift of ,100 m at the hinge, and uplift of ,300 m inthe region where asthenosphere has infilled above the former slab(Fig. 4a). The removal of lithosperic mantle beneath the margins of

Figure 2 The major- and trace-element geochemistry of Miocene–Pleistocene volcanic

rocks in the westernmost Mediterranean changes from subduction-related to

intraplate-type during the Messinian. a–c, Major-element (a) and mantle-normalized

trace-element diagrams (b, c) show the differences between the Upper Miocene to

Pleistocene (6.3–0.65 Myr ago) low-Si group volcanic rocks (intraplate-type; b) and the

most mafic Middle Miocene to Lower Pliocene (12.1–4.8 Myr ago) high-Si group volcanic

rocks (subduction-related; c). Solid lines are representative samples from Canary Islands

intraplate volcanic rocks in b, and Aeolian25,26 and Izu (Ta ¼ Nb/17) arc27 (subduction

zone) magmas in c. Additional Alboran Sea data from ref. 28. Primitive mantle after

ref. 29.

Figure 3 Trace-element and isotope ratios change during the MSC, consistent with the

change from subduction-related to intraplate-type magmatism. Pb/Ce, K/Nb, initial87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd versus 40Ar/39Ar ages show a marked change between about

6.3 and 4.8 Myr ago, reflecting the shift from subduction-related volcanism (diamonds) to

intraplate-type volcanism (squares). Intermediate compositions (,6.5 Myr) indicate

interaction of intraplate-type magmas with the shallow mantle metasomatized by

subduction processes, which was completed by ,4.8 Myr ago. Additional data sources,

refs 16, 28, 30. Duration of MSC after ref. 1.

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Page 116: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

Morocco and southern Spain (the continental-ocean ‘edge-effect’)can lead to rapid uplift of the continental margins of the order of800 m (Fig. 4b). We therefore propose that the roll back of Tethysoceanic lithosphere also peels away (delaminates) bands of litho-spheric mantle from beneath the continental margins (Fig. 4c).Therefore, westward slab roll back is a plausible mechanism that canexplain not only the location and composition of volcanism in theAlboran region, but also the uplift of the northern African and thesouthern Iberian margins, closing the Miocene gateways to theAtlantic Ocean.

The timing, location and magnitude of inferred mantle eventsand crustal uplift3,5,10 correlate well. Therefore the asthenosphericand crustal response (,6.3–4.8 Myr ago) to westward roll back ofoceanic lithosphere (8–7 Myr ago) provides a possible trigger anddriving force for the uplift that led to the exhumation of the marinegateways between the Atlantic and Mediterranean in the LateMiocene. The isolation of the Mediterranean Sea from the world-

wide network of oceans ultimately allowed for its desiccation duringthe MSC (5.96–5.33 Myr ago)1. We note that the catastrophicflooding of the Mediterranean at the end of the MSC1,24 may alsohave had a mantle-related cause. Westward-migrating Late Mioceneuplift may have also caused gravity-induced slumping from thewestern margin of the Gibraltar arc into the Atlantic abyssal plains,which—coupled with faulting—may have allowed a new marinegateway to open at the Strait of Gibraltar. A

Received 2 December 2002; accepted 27 February 2003; doi:10.1038/nature01553.

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Figure 4 Thermomechanical models illustrating the uplift resulting from roll back of

subducted Tethys oceanic lithosphere and associated asthenosphere upwelling as a

plausible mechanism for the closure of Late Miocene Atlantic–Mediterranean marine

gateways. a, ‘Slab-hinge effect’ from slab weight shown on a west–east profile; b, ‘edge-

effect’ resulting from delamination of lithospheric mantle beneath the continental margins

shown on a north–south profile. The edge-effect is larger in magnitude (,1 km). Relief is

calculated assuming (1) a temperature-dependent viscous rheology, and (2) changes in

the buoyancy resulting from replacement of cold oceanic lithosphere (blue and green) with

hot 1,300 8C asthenosphere (red). The thermal model is based on the model formulation

of ref. 31. To calculate the dynamic topography, we assume that the surface will

deform with the uplifted ‘overburden’ being supported by flow-induced normal stresses32.

c, A composite model for uplift in the Alboran region, combining the thermodynamical

models of a and b. It illustrates that maximum uplift (,1 km) will occur on the continental

margins, where the Late Miocene marine gateways linking the Mediterranean Sea to the

Atlantic Ocean were located.

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Page 117: Effects of Plate Subduction on the Earth’s Deep Water Cycles · during subduction and that deep water recycling at subduction zones may easily be dom-inated by residual serpentinites.

Acknowledgements We thank K. Reicherter, M. Hort and T. Hansteen for discussions, and

M. Bouabdellah, M. Chaieb, D. Garbe-Schonberg, C. Harris, F. Hauff, M. Jadid, J. M. Fernandez

Soler, M. Milhi, A. Moukadiri, D. Rau and J. Sticklus for analytical, field or logistic support. This

work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Competing interests statement The authors declare that they have no competing financial


Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to S.D.

(e-mail: [email protected]).


N2 production by the anammoxreaction in the anoxic watercolumn of Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica

Tage Dalsgaard*, Donald E. Canfield†, Jan Petersen†, Bo Thamdrup†& Jenaro Acuna-Gonzalez‡

* Department of Marine Ecology, National Environmental Research Institute,

Vejlsøvej 25 PO Box 314, DK-8600 Silkeborg, Denmark

† Institute of Biology, Danish Centre for Earth System Science, University of

Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark

‡ Centro de Investigacion en Ciencias del Mar y Limnologıa, CIMAR, Universidad

de Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica.............................................................................................................................................................................

In oxygen-depleted zones of the open ocean, and in anoxic basinsand fjords, denitrification (the bacterial reduction of nitrate togive N2) is recognized as the only significant process convertingfixed nitrogen to gaseous N2. Primary production in the oceans isoften limited by the availability of fixed nitrogen such asammonium or nitrate1, and nitrogen-removal processes conse-quently affect both ecosystem function and global biogeochemi-cal cycles. It was recently discovered that the anaerobic oxidationof ammonium with nitrite—the ‘anammox’ reaction, performedby bacteria—was responsible for a significant fraction of N2

production in some marine sediments2. Here we show that thisreaction is also important in the anoxic waters of Golfo Dulce,a 200-m-deep coastal bay in Costa Rica, where it accounts for19–35% of the total N2 formation in the water column. Thewater-column chemistry in Golfo Dulce is very similar to that inoxygen-depleted zones of the oceans—in which one-half to one-third of the global nitrogen removal is believed to occur3,4.We therefore expect the anammox reaction to be a globallysignificant sink for oceanic nitrogen.

Golfo Dulce is connected to the equatorial tropical North PacificOcean through a 14-km-wide opening with a sill at 60 m depth. Thebay is about 50 km long, with anoxic, nitrate-rich water in thebottom depths of the basin5,6. During the sampling reported here,the pycnocline was located at 40–55 m depth, and the water columnwas anoxic at depths greater than about 100 m, although sulphidedid not accumulate until the bottom 10–20 m (Fig. 1a). Nitratereduction, and not sulphate reduction, dominated water-columnprocesses through most of the anoxic zone, similar to well-devel-oped oxygen-minimum zones in the eastern Pacific and Indianoceans7–9. Curiously, ammonium (a normal product of anoxicorganic matter mineralization) did not accumulate in the anoxicwaters until nitrate was depleted and H2S appeared (Fig. 1a). Thisobservation alone indicates a significant role for anaerobicammonium oxidation, where the ammonium liberated in thewater column during denitrification is further oxidized with nitrate

(through nitrite) as shown in equation (1) (refs 10, 11):

ðCH2OÞ106ðNH3Þ16H3PO4þ 94:4HNO3!

106CO2þ 55:2N2þ 177:2H2OþH3PO4


This stoichiometry can be explained by the simultaneous operationof two known bacterial processes, denitrification (equation (2)),and the anammox reaction (equation (3) (refs 2, 12, 13).

ðCH2OÞ106ðNH3Þ16H3PO4þ 94:4NO23 þ 94:4Hþ!

106CO2þ 16NHþ4 þ 16NO22 þ 39:2N2þ 145:2H2OþH3PO4


16NHþ4 þ 16NO22 ! 16N2þ 32H2O ð3Þ

The stoichiometric expression for denitrification (equation (2))is somewhat modified from the ‘standard’ formulation10,11, showinghere the production of nitrite, a free intermediate of denitrifica-tion14, in equal proportions to ammonium liberation. This isbecause anammox bacteria utilize nitrite and ammonium in a 1:1ratio to form N2 gas (equation (3)). It follows from equations (2)and (3) that the anammox reaction is responsible for 29% of thetotal N2 production if all of the ammonium liberated duringdenitrification is subsequently oxidized by anammox. This possi-bility was recognized many years ago10,11, although it was not thenknown whether organisms in nature could in fact conduct theanammox process.

We used 15N-labelling techniques to explore for anammox in thewater column of Golfo Dulce. Samples were retrieved from fourdepths in the anoxic water column at two sites (stations A and B) inthe 200-m-deep central part of the basin, and amended withdifferent combinations of 15N- and 14N-labelled nitrate andammonium. At both sites and all depths, we observed anaerobicoxidation of NH4

þ to N2, as illustrated by the formation of 14N15Nfrom added 15NH4

þ (Fig. 2a). The formation of 14N15N startedimmediately after addition of 15NH4

þ, and the rate was constantover time. The formation of 15N15N was at the limit of detection.Therefore, the added 15NH4

þ was combined with nitrogen from thenatural 14NO3

2 or 14NO22 pools to form N2, which is characteristic

of the anammox reaction12,13. It has been suggested that anaerobic

Figure 1 Water column data. a, Concentrations of O2 (dashed line), NO32 (open triangles),

NO22 (open squares), NH4

þ (filled circles) and H2S (open circles) versus depth. The data

presented are from Station B, but the water chemistry at Station A was almost identical.

The main differences are that at Station A the NO22 peak only reached 0.6 mM, and H2S

was only detected at 200 m depth. b, c, Rates of anammox (black bars) and denitrification

(white bars) at Station A (b) and Station B (c). Note the different scales in b and c. Rates

are determined as averages of three incubations.

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NATURE | VOL 422 | 10 APRIL 2003 | www.nature.com/nature606 © 2003 Nature Publishing Group