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  • 7/23/2019 Effects of Cryogenic Cooling by Liquid Nitrogen Jet on Forces, Temperature and Surface Residual Stresses in Grindi


    Cryogenics 35 (1995) 515-523

    0 1995 Elsevier Science Limited

    Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved

    001 l-2275/95/ 10.00

    Effects of cryogenic cooling by liquid

    nitrogen jet on forces temperature and

    surface residual stresses in grinding steels

    S. Paul* and A.B. Chattopadhyay

    Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur,

    West Bengal 721 302, India

    Received 20 January 1995; revised 14 February 1995

    Grinding is a widely employed finishing process for different materials such as metals,

    ceramics, glass, carbides, rocks, etc. to achieve good geometrical (form) and dimen-

    sional accuracy with acceptable surface finish and surface integrity. However, it is

    inherently characterized by high specific energy requirements, unlike other conven-

    tional machining processes such as turning, milling, etc., which lead to a high grinding

    zone temperature and poor surface integrity. Many methods have been investigated

    to control this high grinding zone temperature, but all have their shortfalls, both tech-

    nological and environmental, in exchange for controlling the grinding zone tempera-

    ture. This paper briefly discusses the results obtained with regard to grinding forces,

    specific energy, grinding zone temperature and surface residual stress when using

    cryogenic cooling and compares them to the results from dry grinding and grinding

    with soluble oil. Cryogenic cooling seems to have the edge over other coolants in

    terms of controlling the temperature, residual stresses and grinding forces, and it is

    also environment friendly.

    Keywords: cryogenic grinding; grinding

    residual stresses

    Grinding is a widely used machining process mainly

    applied to finish surfaces, both internal and external, in a

    wide variety of materials, such as metals, ceramics, car-

    bides, stones, etc. Grinding is employed to achieve good

    dimensional and form accuracy of the product with accept-

    able surface integrity.

    However, grinding is inherently associated with high

    specific energy requirements which result in a very high

    grinding zone temperature. Such high grinding zone tem-

    peratures, if not well controlled, would lead to thermal

    damage to the ground surface in the form of plastic defor-

    mations, the formation of micro- and macro-cracks (which

    could be both surface and subsurface cracks), redeposition,

    induction of tensile residual stresses, etc. In other words,

    it would impair the surface integrity of the ground surface

    significantly. Marshall and Shawl, Backer et al.* and Out-

    water and Shaw3 were among the first scientists to study

    grinding processes and to identify high grinding zone tem-

    perature as one of the main causes of high tensile residual

    *Currently Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Laboratory for

    Flexible Production Automation, Faculty of Mechanical Engin-

    eering and Marine Technology, TU Delft, Landbergstraat 3,2628

    CE Delft, The Netherlands

    forces; grinding temperature; surface

    stress on the ground surface. Other problems such as wheel

    loading, wheel wear and surface damage are also substan-

    tially influenced by the high grinding zone temperature.

    Many methods have been investigated to control the

    grinding zone temperature. Some workers have advocated

    the use of neat oils instead of cutting compounds to control

    temperature - .6 Nee7 studied the applicability of additives

    and solid lubricants in grinding. But it was realized that the

    effectiveness of grinding fluids is restricted by the fact that

    they lose their cooling properties upon film boiling and that

    the film boiling temperatures of conventional fluids are low

    (maximum =350C)6.8. Another problem associated with

    control of temperature in grinding fluid applications is that

    the fluid fails to reach the grinding zone due to the forma-

    tion of a stiff boundary layer around the rotating grinding

    wheel. To counteract this problem, several methods have

    been investigated:

    1 painting of the faces and cardboard scrapper tech-


    2 grooves on the periphery of the whee15,1,12;

    3 curved grooves on the face of the wheel;

    4 randomly distributed holes parallel to the wheel axis in

    the case of face grinding12;

    5 on-line ultrasonic cleaning of the wheel surfacelo;

    Cryogenics 1995 Volume 35, Number 8 515

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    Effects of cryogenic cooling in grinding steels: S. Paul and A.B. Chattopadhyay

    6 hybrid wheels;

    Table 2 Experimental conditions

    7 ZZ method (i.e. through-wheel coolant supply

    method) 3;


    jet infusion technique14; and

    Item Description

    9 cubic boron nitride CBN) wheels15 and monolayer

    CBN wheels16,.

    Most of the above methods use grinding fluids with or with-

    out additives which need to be specially treated to make

    them biologically harmless during storage and use. But dur-

    ing application they do pollute the air in the machine shop.

    Hence future trends could also include the replacement of

    such grinding fluids with non-polluting coolants, like some

    liquefied gases, e.g. liquid nitrogen.

    Research in the field of grinding with a cryogenic cool-

    ant, to the best of our knowledge, was initiated by Chatto-

    padhyay et al. I9 In a preliminary investigation they

    observed some benefits of cryogenic cooling with liquid

    nitrogen with respect to the grinding forces and surface

    quality. Recent publications20~2 also indicate successful

    application of cryogenic cooling in other machining oper-

    ations. Paul

    et al.

    have recently studied the effects of

    cryogenic cooling by liquid nitrogen in grinding steels,

    mainly on the chip formation mechanism, grinding forces

    and surface quality. In another study, Paul et aLz3 compu-

    tationally determined the grinding zone temperature and

    residual stress field using the finite element method, which

    indicated the effectiveness of cryogenic cooling in con-

    trolling both the grinding zone temperature and residual

    stress with respect to dry and wet grinding (i.e. with normal

    soluble oil as a coolant).



    Spindle speed

    Wheel speed

    Table speed




    Dressing depth

    Dressing lead

    Spindle speed



    Jung horizontal surface grinder,

    2.2 kW



    3000 rev min-

    23.5 m s

    8 m min

    10 to 40 pm in steps of 10 pm


    Flood cooling with soluble oil


    Liquid nitrogen jet

    1 carat single point diamond


    10 pm, single pass

    160 pm

    3000 rev mini


    Table 3 Dressing conditions for force experiments

    Type of

    dressing Parameter





    Lead 160





    In the present paper, the effects of cryogenic cooling by

    liquid nitrogen jet have been reviewed with respect to dry

    grinding and grinding with soluble oil as coolant. The

    effects on grinding forces, grinding zone temperature and

    residual stresses have been presented to obtain an overall

    view of cryogenic cooling.

    Experimental conditions

    any coolant. In wet grinding, soluble oil ( 1:20) was applied

    at the grinding zone using the flood cooling application

    method available with the machine. For cryogenic cooling

    of the grinding zone, a jet of liquid nitrogen was made to

    impinge at the grinding zone from a suitable distance

    (40 mm) and angle (20). The liquid nitrogen jet was pro-

    duced by pressuring the Dewar to 0.35 MPa (3.5 bar) using

    dried air and fitting a suitably designed nozzle in the deliv-

    ery line. The liquid nitrogen delivery set-up has been shown

    schematically in a previous paperz3.

    For the present study five steels commonly used in industry

    have been chosen; their chemical composition and bulk

    hardness are given in Table 1. The experimental conditions

    are given in

    Table 2.

    For grinding force measurements, the

    dressing conditions have been changed and are listed in

    Table 3.

    The grinding forces, specific energies, temperatures and

    residual stresses reported are those when the process has

    stabilized; this point was decided to be when there was

    almost no fluctuation in the mean values of the grinding

    forces in the normal and tangential directions over a num-

    ber of passes.

    To study the effects of cryogenic cooling on the grinding

    forces and specific energy, as compared to dry and wet

    grinding, the grinding forces in the normal and tangential

    directions were measured by a three component Kistler pie-

    zoelectric dynamometer and were recorded on a thermal

    pen type recorder, under different environments, infeeds

    and dressing conditions. The specific energy U is obtained

    by the following formula




    The dry grinding was carried out without application of where: F, = tangential force; V, = peripheral speed of grind-

    Table 1 Chemical composition of materials

    Size (pm)

    Material Designation

    c (%) Ni 1%) Cr t%)

    MO (%) v (%) w (%)


    Mild steel MS/AISI lOZO/Rc 14

    High carbon steel

    HCS/AISI 1080/Rc 32

    Cold die steel CDS/D2/Rc 43

    Hot die steel HDS/H 1 /Rc 53

    High speed steel HSSlM2lRc 64

    Traces of P, S and Mn present

    0.15 =

    0.80 a

    2.00 0.10 12.3 0.30

    0.40 0.10 4.00 1.40

    0.80 4.00 4.00 2.00 6.00


    Cryogenics 1995 Volume 35, Number 8

  • 7/23/2019 Effects of Cryogenic Cooling by Liquid Nitrogen Jet on Forces, Temperature and Surface Residual Stresses in Grindi


    Effects of cryogenic cool ing

    in gr inding steels : S Paul and A B Chattopadh yay

    ing wheel;

    a =


    VW =

    speed of work piece; and

    b = width of cut. Temperature measurements were also car-

    ried at the grinding zone for different infeeds and environ-

    ments using the method cited by van Luttervelt and Zhou24.

    The effect of cryogenic cooling on residual stress has

    also been investigated by measuring the residual stress at

    the ground surface in the direction of grinding by an X-ray

    diffraction method. A two-tilt (or exposer) method25 has

    been used for an iron (FeK,) target. Necessary corrections

    were undertaken for the Lorenz polarization factor and


    and K, doublet splitting leading to partial or

    complete blending of K, doublets26. Also, the measure-

    ments were repeated three times to minimize the levels of

    error. For smoothing of the data, neighbourhood averaging

    over three points has also been included*.

    Results and discussion

    Grinding forces consist of different elements which largely

    depend on the wheel characteristics, the working material

    characteristics, the process parameters, the chosen environ-

    ment and the grinding zone temperature. In the main, there

    are two groups of elements which add to the total grinding

    force; one of them is productive and more or less pro-

    portional to the infeed, and the other is mainly non-pro-

    ductive or frictional, and may not depend on the infeed.

    Figures 1-5 show the variation of grinding forces in the




    ink3 (rni%n)

    40 50





    infee2da (mi%n)

    40 50

    normal and tangential direction and the specific energy with

    the infeed for different environments under coarse and fine

    dressing conditions for all the different materials used for

    the current study.

    Irrespective of the working materials, environment and

    infeed, the normal forces were found to be around twice

    the tangential forces, unlike in other machining processes

    like turning and milling. This can only be attributed to the

    very large negative rake of the grits, the excessive rubbing

    action and adverse chip accommodation space, often lead-

    ing to wheel loading and smaller uncut chip thickness. It

    can also be noted that the normal and tangential forces

    increase gradually with increase in infeed, as expected. But

    the specific energy is observed to decrease gradually with

    increase in infeed, irrespective of the working material and

    environment. This may be attributed to the interplay of two

    groups of forces, i.e. the productive and non-productive

    (frictional) ones. At low infeed the percentage contri-

    butions of the friction between the grit tips and working

    material, rubbing, primary and secondary ploughing, and

    friction between loaded chip particles and the working sur-

    face are more predominant; the percentage contribution of

    the same group of factors at higher infeed levels is reduced

    because most of them are more or less independent of

    infeed; in contrast, the productive parts, i.e. the forces due

    to shearing and micro-fracturing, are almost proportional to

    the infeed level. Hence the specific energy decreases with

    increase in infeed.




    I I

    10 20 30 sb 5

    infeed (micron)

    Qoa dry



    U Iq. N2


    0 1

    infee2d (rniZ0n)


    Figure Variation in grinding forces and specific energy with infeed for mild steel under different environments

    Cryogenics 1995 Volume 35, Number 8 517

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    Effects of cryogenic cooling in grinding steels: S. Paul and A.B. Chattopadhyay

    QQQ W dry

    finnnh wet

    Qou o Lq.Nz

    infeed (micron)





    r 6

    infee2d0 (rni,yon)

    4Q F






    infeZ? {rni2on)

    40 30

    0~ dry



    QAQM Iq. N2



    infee2d0 (rn&l)

    40 1

    Figure2 Variation in grinding forces and specific energy with infeed for high carbon steel under different environments

    A very interesting point to note is that both the normal

    and tangential forces and hence the specific energy have

    been found to be less under cryogenic cooling, throughout

    the infeed range for all the materials undertaken and under

    both dressing conditions, as compared to dry and wet grind-

    ing. This again may be attributed to smaller chip size22,23,

    a predominantly fractured mode of material remova12*~*,

    reduction in wheel loading26, retention of grit sharpness due

    to an inert atmosphere26 and a much lower grinding zone


    temperature can be seen in Figure 6 for all the materials

    investigated. The results shown are experimental in nature

    and are the average of a few passes after the process has


    Another very interesting point that has been observed,

    is that as the work piece hardness increases the benefit of

    cryogenic cooling decreases. At higher work piece hardness

    and for materials which retain their hardness at higher tem-

    peratures (e.g. high speed steel), even under dry and wet

    grinding, fractured chips are found.

    Dressing parameters should have an influence on the

    grinding forces and specific energy, as they control the dis-

    tribution of grits, their initial sharpness or bluntness, the

    number of active cutting edges and the chip accommo-

    dation spaces. As expected, coarse dressing produced lower

    forces for almost all the materials and environments. It

    should also be noted that the effectiveness of cryogenic

    cooling increased with coarse dressing, especially for

    harder materials like cold die steel, hot die steel and high

    speed steel.

    Figure 6 shows that there has been a substantial

    reduction in the grinding zone temperature on application

    of the liquid nitrogen jet for all the materials tested and

    throughout the infeed range. But it seems that the effective-

    ness of cryogenic cooling increases at higher infeeds. It is

    also important to note that the application of soluble oil

    fails to control the temperature to the desired level and its

    effectiveness decreases at higher infeed. Soluble oils

    remove heat from the grinding zone by flood cooling. If

    the temperature exceeds the film boiling temperature of the

    grinding fluid then it loses its cooling abilities because of

    the formation of a film which hampers the local heat trans-

    fer situation.

    The liquid nitrogen jet seems to be rnore effective in the

    case of ductile materials (e.g. mild steel) in controlling the

    temperature. This is because of its better effectiveness in

    controlling the grinding forces and specific energy for mild

    steel. Such control of grinding zone temperature led to

    better surface characteristics of the ground surfaces, as

    observed under the scanning

    electron microscope

    ( SEM)22,23, and less wheel loading and wheel wear26.

    The variation of surface residual stress in the grinding

    The effect of cryogenic cooling on the grinding zone

    direction with infeed under different environments, as

    518 Cryogenics 1995 Volume 35, Number 8

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    Effects of cryogenic cool ing in gr inding steels : S Paul and A B Chattopadhyay




    infeZ: (rni%)


    40 50 10



    infez (rni~~0n)


    t I


    0 10infeezda (rni%n)

    40 50


    10 infeZ? (rni~~on)

    40 :

    Figure 3 Variation in grinding forces and specific energy with infeed for cold die steel under different environments

    determined by X-ray diffraction, can be seen in Figure 7.

    For almost all the materials, the surface residual stress is

    found to be tensile in nature irrespective of the environment

    and infeed. The tensile residual stress is induced in grinding

    for three reasons, thermal, metallurgical and mechanica15~28-30.

    At a high grinding zone temperature, the upper hot layer of

    the working material is plastically deformed by the cooler

    sublayers, leading to tensile residual stress on cooling.

    Residual stress is also generated because of austenitic-

    martensitic transformation due to the high grinding zone

    temperature and its gradient. Mechanical hot working by

    local normal Hertizian pressure also introduces residual

    stress. But previous investigators have pointed out that the

    thermal source is the main one in the development of tensile

    residual stress.,5,28,30 As the temperature increases at higher

    infeeds, for all the materials and environments, the tensile

    residual stresses have also increased with increase in infeed.

    It is also noteworthy that application of soluble oil could

    not control the tensile residual stress to the desired level,

    as can be seen in

    Figure 7.

    This can only be attributed to

    its failure to control the grinding zone temperature Figure

    6) and forces Figures 1-5).

    Application of liquid nitrogen has, as expected, con-

    trolled the tensile residual stress and can substantially

    reduce it though this depends on the material character-

    istics. These effects could be attributed not only to effective

    temperature control but also to a desirable reduction in

    grinding forces. And it should be stressed that the control

    of tensile residual stress has not followed the same trend

    as the control of temperature. This is because of different

    material characteristics, especially at higher temperatures,

    of the working materials. Hence it appears that cryogenic

    cooling has provided substantial benefits in the case of

    those steels which are ductile and adhesive at high tempera-

    tures, such as mild steel, and those steels which are hot

    hard and are to some extent brittle in nature, such as hot

    die steel and high speed steel.


    Based on the experimental results presented in this paper

    the following conclusions can be drawn.

    1 While grinding the steel specimens under different con-

    ditions, cryogenic cooling provided significant improve-

    ments, as expected, though to varying degrees, with

    respect to grinding forces, specific energy requirements

    and surface residual stresses, mainly due to a substantial

    reduction in grinding zone temperature.

    2 Cryogenic cooling has substantially reduced the grind-

    ing zone temperature and kept the temperature well

    Cryogenics 1995 Volume 35, Number 8 519

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    Effects of cryogenic cooling in grinding steels: S. Paul and A.B. Chattopadhyay



    fine dressing

    QQD.RU dry

    ------ norm01

    u wet

    U444 Lq.Nz








    o- 0

    10 infeZ (mi%n)

    40 50

    10 infe2 (mi&on) 40


    hot die steel

    u& codrse dressing


    t . ,

    0 10 infet? (miJc%n)

    40 50 0


    ink62 (mi%)

    - so

    Figure 4 Variation in grinding forces and specific energy with infeed for hot die steel under different environments


    6 10


    infee? (m&7)

    40 50


    infee2d0 (mi%n)






    ink2 (nG on)

    40 50

    Figure 5 Variation in grinding forces and specific energy with infeed for high speed under different environments

    below the critical temperature range for the steels. Such

    4 Favourable chip formation and effective temperature

    benefits increased with the increase in ductility of the

    control enabled cryogenic grinding to reduce substan-

    working material, the fracture mode of chip formation

    tially the magnitudes of the grinding forces, both tan-

    and infeed level.

    gential and normal, and hence the specific energy

    3 Flood cooling by soluble oil could not control the grind- requirement. Such a reduction in the forces seems to be

    ing zone temperature appreciably and its effectiveness

    more predominant when the steels are more ductile and

    decreased further with an increase in infeed.

    less heat resistive, when the wheel is coarse dressed and

    when the infeed is sufficiently large.

    520 Cryogenics 1995 Volume 35, Number 8

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    Effects o f cryogenic cool ing in gr inding steels : S Paul and A B Chattopadhyay

    mild steel




    20 30


    inieed, micron


    high carbon steel

    10 20 30 40 f

    infeed, micron


    cold die steel


    IO 20 30 40

    infeed, micron

    hot die steel

    high speed steel


    10 20


    40 50


    20 30 50




    infeed, micron

    Figure 6 Variation in grinding temperature with infeed for different materials under different environments

    5 Dry grinding yielded high tensile residual stress at the

    residual stress for all the materials, though to varying

    ground surface of all the steels investigated and the

    degrees, under all the infeed levels, a change which can

    stress values increased with the increase in infeed. Wet

    only be attributed to its efficient cooling action, better

    grinding failed to improve the situation appreciably,

    modes of chip formation, less specific energy and,

    mainly due to its failure in controlling the grinding

    finally, lower grinding zone temperature.

    zone temperature.

    7 The benefits of cryogenic cooling have been more sub-

    6 Cryogenic cooling reduced the magnitude of the tensile

    stantial for those steels which are either quite soft, duc-

    Cryogenics 1995 Volume 35, Number 8 521

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    Effects of cryogenic cool ing in gr inding steels : S Paul and A B Chattopadhyay

    uQRn J


    &.%A wet

    QQ0.43 Iq. nit


    mild steel



    10 20 30 40

    infeed (micron)

    81 high

    cut-bon steel





    infee2da (miZ*n)

    40 50



    10 20

    infeed (rni%n)

    40 E


    hot die steel




    infee2d0 (miZx7)

    40 50


    high speed steel




    infee2d0 (rni~~on)

    4-o E

    Figure 7 Variation in surface residual stress of work piece for different materials under different environments

    tile and sticky or to some extent hot hard and relatively


    brittle in nature.





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