Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg

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  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg






  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg










    MATUNGA, MUMBAI !! !"#.






  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg



    This is to certify that the study presented by A* N+* to the University ofMumbai in part completion of the two year full time degree of M+/0 1

    2+3+4/2/3 56/ (2+0*/34) under the title of E11/78/3/ 1 7//90:/360/2/3 has been done under my guidance.

    To the best of my knowledge this project is in the nature of original work that hasnot been submitted for any degree of this University or any other University.

    ignature of the !uide ignature of the "andidate

    #$%&. '($)**# +,!' (-% ,(+


  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg



    + would like to take this opportunity to e0press my sincere thanks to

    all those who e0tended their wholehearted and unreserved help to me

    throughout this project and enabled me to give it it2s present shape.

    + would like to thank my project guide Mr. 'ardeep ingh for helping

    me throughout my entire project without which + wouldn2t have been able tocomplete my project.

    (lso a very special thanks to all the respondents to my survey.


  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg



    S0. N. C;+ 3/

    18 (ttitude toward the (dvertisement 33

    19 (ttitude toward the ?rand 34

    /< @uestionnaire 35

    /1 Tabulation and (nalysis 4 158KB have consumers their own ;brand

    wardrobes2 from which they make selections to communicateB reflect and reinforce associationsB

    statements and membershipsP in effectB ;consumers enrobe themselves with brandsB partly for

    what they doB but more for what they help e0press about their emotionsB personalities and roles2.

    "larke J/

  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg


    notes thatB celebrity endorsers tended in particularB to pass on their images to product that had

    somewhat undefined images. +n other wordsB companies can hire celebrities who have necessary

    meanings to establish new positioning for e0isting products J*rdogan 1999K.

    +n additionB $atneshwar and "haiken put forward that a credible source can be particularly

    persuasive when the consumer has not yet learned much about a product or formed an opinion of

    it. $eynolds J/

  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg


  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg


    Potential Advantages Potential Hazard Preventive tactics

    Increased attention Overshadow Pre-testing and careful planning

  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg


    Image polishing Public controversy Buying insurance and

    putting clauses in contracts

    Brand introduction Image change and Eplaining what is their

    overeposure role and putting clause to

    restrict endorsements forother brands

    Brand repositioning Image change and loss of Eamining what life-cycle

    public recognition stage the celebrity is in and

    how long this stage is

    li!ely to continue

    "nderpin global Epensive #electing celebrities who

    campaigns are appropriate for global

    target audience$ not

    because they are %hot& in

    all mar!et audiences'

    &urthermoreB research point out to the ;vampire2 effectB this means that in the nonendorsed

    advertisementB receivers focused more on the brand and its features whereas in the endorsed

    situation receivers concentrated on the celebrity in advertising J'olloway and $obinson 1996P

    *vans 1988P Mehta 1994P ,ewsom et al. /

  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg


    appeared in an advertisement for the (laska Iisitors (ssociation sayingB The picture may have

    changed but her beauty hasnSt. The same is true of (laska.

    This study proposed this alternative to the marketing e0perts and in their opinion the dead

    celebrity was not considered to be a good match with a destinationB unless the celebrity was the

    main reason to visit the destinationB e.g. in the case of !racelandB *lvisSs home. (nother

    endorsement alternative is given by )ean and ?iswas J/

  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg


    in cases where particular audiences are targetedB but it may also enable companies to save on the

    cost of hiring a big celebrity name who might not be popular among target audiences. 'enceB the

    @rating of celebrities could be an initial filtering layer in selecting celebrity endorsers. himp


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    endorserSs e0pertise is more important than physical attractiveness in affecting attitude toward an

    endorsed brand. MoreoverB &riedman and &riedman J1959KB using the internaliEation processB

    suggest that consumers are more likely to purchase comple0 andGor e0pensive products which

    are endorsed by e0perts rather than by typical consumers. 'olloway and $obinson J1996K refer

    to travel writersB who commend on a destination in the ?ritish ?roadcasting "orporation J??"K

    program ;'oliday2 which are immensely credible both because of their perceived e0pertise and

    objectivityB because the message is delivered by the ??" itself. &urthermoreB *vans J1998K

    contends thatB someone who is seen to be unconnected with the company and its productsB

    coming from an impartial and objective sourceB is likely to be believed. ThusB the independency

    and the e0pertise of the celebrity endorser can be considered more important than the

    trustworthiness of the celebrity spokesperson in changing consumer attitudes. This brings us to

    another issueB nearly two decades before major stars were perceived trustworthyB because they

    did not really work for the endorsement feeB but were motivated by a genuine affection for the

    productB however times have changed. (s indicated earlierB nowadays celebrities receive very

    generous compensationsB leading consumers to overt distrust about their motives. &urthermoreB

    olomon et al. J1999K refers to the ;credibility gap2B the lack of credibility is aggravated by

    incidences where celebrities endorse products that they do not really believe inB or in some cases

    do not use. The author found that the greatest erosion of confidence was found in young

    consumersB :4 per cent of whom thought that celebrities appeared in ads just for the money. %n

    the other handB 'olloway and $obinson J1996K suggest that trustworthiness can be achieved by

    using someone closely associated with the product.

    C//90: 2+7; 5

    C3/37: +36 34-/02 7222/3$ (s with brandingB companies should try to maintain

    consistency between the endorser and the brand to establish a strong personality and identity.

    More importantlyB companies should view celebrity endorsements as longterm strategic

    decisions affecting the brand.


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    These guidelines are intended to provide companies a useful framework that they can use while

    deciding on the celebrities to endorse their brand.

    B5634 3 ;/ 2+4/

    Understanding that they have a following in their field of pursuitB celebrities can and do sell

    products or services clearly linked with them. Fe have seen arah Ullmer promote sports

    clothing and *lle Macpherson sell lingerie. "elebrities can use their brand to e0tend their profile

    beyond their immediate area of interest. #aul ,ewman and salad dressings is an e0ample as is

    Marc *llis and orange juice.

    ( celebrity can ring fence the e0clusive rights to their nameB nicknamesB signature and likeness

    by trade mark registration. Many have done this. %,(' -%MUB *--* M("#'*$%,B($(' U--M*$ and ($*, F(-*$ are e0amples. Trade mark registrations can be

    secured for all goods and services the celebrity sells. ( celebrity can license the use of his or her

    nameB nicknameB signatureB or likeness to any business that is prepared to pay for the privilege.

    G34 /8/3 150;/0

    ?ut it can be difficult for a celebrity to leverage their brand using products and services they

    produce. "elebrities realise that if they gain public acceptanceB their image can be used as a way

    to increase their profile. That profile can then potentially be e0tended to other brands.

    +ncreasingly businesses are looking at ways to associate their products and services with

    customers. ome say celebrities can help.

    "elebrities e0ist in the minds of their audience in precisely the same way that corporate or

    &M"! brands do. The way customers perceive a celebrity is similar to the way they respond to

    other kinds of brand. The mention of a celebrity name conjures up a mental image. That image

    can be goodB bad or ugly but as long as it fits with the product or service being promotedB the

    synergy can work.

    W;: 6 953// 5/ 7//90/

    ( celebrity can help a business market itself in several ways. "elebrity endorsements help to

    distinguish a productB service or business in a crowded marketplace. "elebrity backing is

    especially effective with commodity type products or services 7where there is often little


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    difference between various offerings. "elebrity branding is also a way to build instant name

    recognition. ?y associating your product or service with a person whose name and face are

    already wellknownB you can Huickly achieve an awareness that might otherwise take many years

    of marketing.

    %ther benefits include brand e0tension> using a celebrity brand can open new revenue streams

    for your business. +t also enables the core business brand to introduce new features.

    T;/ 5

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    ophisticated celebrity ranking inde0es now e0ist Jin some countriesK designed to help

    businesses looking for a ;celebrity2 to help them promote their goods or services. uch inde0es

    evaluate the sensed worth of a celebrity through a systematic and controlled method that

    resembles financial brand valuation and forecasting. The aim is to remove the ambiguity that

    surrounds celebrity appeal. The inde0 acts as a guideline for brand managers and advertising

    agencies to assess celebrities and calculate their relevance for a specific productB service or brand

    image before selecting them. ometimes reality differs from perception.

    T;/ 636/

    ust as it offers uniHue potentialB celebrity marketing also carries some special risks. "elebrity

    endorsement is not all rosy.

    The biggest risk is the celebrity. "elebrities are peopleB and people are unpredictable. They have

    foibles and make mistakes these could be badly associated with you and your brand. (s fame

    comes and goesB so goes the brand.

    #rompted by the concern that their own brand could be tarnishedB companies are sometimes

    Huick to drop celebrity endorsers if they come under fire. !uilt by association in a customer2s

    eyes describes it best. "hannel and ?urberry Huickly dropped (T* M% after she was

    snapped snorting cocaine.

    +f a business continues with the celebrity it may adversely affect the image of the brandB and thus

    sales. +f distance is put between the celebrity and the brandB huge costs can be spent on roping in

    the celebrity and changing or dropping advertisements and promotional material featuring the


    (nother risk can arise when a celebrity decides to change their image resulting in a contradicting

    image to that of the brand they support. To work the celebrity brand must fit the demographic of

    your target market.

    (nother potential downside is the celebrity overshadows the brand they are promoting. "areshould be taken to ensure that it is product or service brand that has the greater e0posure rather

    than the celebrity brand.


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    -ike any relationshipB it works if it results in a winwin situation. Two brands are at issue. Cour

    brand and the celebrity brand. ?oth of you should be interested in making it successful.

    The basis of the relationship must be clearly worked out at the beginning. The business gains star

    or cult statusP the celebrity gets money and product or services. +n additionB the celebrity can use

    the e0posure to build their own brandsB increasing their own ranking as a desired brand.

    ?ut overe0posure of a celebrity can be an issue and this is something a business looking for a

    celebrity needs to be aware of. nown as celebrity vamping the overuse of a celebrity in

    selling goods and services can harm a business. The public don2t like it. They become suspicious

    if the same celebrity is used to endorse multiple goods and services. The celebrity brand runs the

    risk of lacking the credibility it was picked for in the first place.

    (lsoB there are regulatory limits on using celebrities to promote certain products. ( new

    advertising code has been written setting guidelines about the use of celebrities to promote food

    in a way that undermines a healthy diet.

    +n today2s world of preoccupation with the lives and loves of celebritiesB one thing is clear.

    "elebrities can help promote your business. "elebrities can and do work as brands and brands

    like celebrities. (lthough the short term results can be difficult to measureB use of a celebrity can

    yield long term benefits. +ncreased brand loyalty and brand eHuity from celebrity backing can

    eventually lead to higher sales turnover and brand value.

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    *ndorsements by celebrities have started since a long time. The very fact that their use has

    continued for so long is proof enough of its immense advantagesB but they have several

    disadvantages too. Fhen it comes to celebrity endorsementB the first brand that comes to the

    +ndian mind is that of -u0B the ?eauty ?ar of the tars. ince its inceptionB -u0 the brand has

    grown positioning itself thus. 'oweverB recently -u0 has tried to change its positioning from

    being a woman2s soap to being soap for men as well. ticking to its strategy of using celebrities

    to appeal to its target audienceB this time around it has used hah $ukh han to endorse -u0. ?ut

    this time the response has been confusing. This paper attempts to find out if this strategy of -u0

    has been successful or not.

    Fhat is celebrity endorsement= The use of celebrities in order to increase the sales andG or the

    recall value of a brand is called celebrity endorsements.

    The late S8

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    the world overB companies have been using stars to endorse everythingB from food to food chainsB

    from soft and hard drinks to health drinksB from clothes and accessories to cars Jand the tyres on

    which they runK. *ven political parties are awestruck by the charisma of stars.

    uch is the magnetism of celebrities in this country that in the recent general electionsB major

    political parties fielded a record number of film stars and cricketers to contest from important

    constituencies around the country.

    "elebrity endorsements are very e0pensive. Therefore their use in an ad should be justified. +n

    other wordsB the message strategy for a brand should strongly warrant the use a known face in an

    idea. adlyB very often the celebrity is hired first and an idea is then weaved around his or her


    ( celebrity2s presence in the ad should be conte0tual. Fhen cricket player achin TendulkardeclaresB ?oost is the secret of my energyB it doesn2t seem out of conte0t. +nternationallyB

    ,ike2s association with Michael ordan is legendary and also logical. "elebrity endorsements

    work best when the celebrity is not introducing the brand. Fhen the product already has a strong

    identity and a U# that is well establishedB then a celebrity can come in and give the brand an

    added fillip and generate some more interest value. 'oweverB what is of paramount importance is

    to find a complete fit between the values of the brand and the values of the celebrity. %ne needs

    to create a uniHue situation or story that links the celebrity to the product.

    "elebrity *ndorsements as a strategy igning up stars for endorsements is a timetested strategy

    and has been effectively used by some of the top brands in the world including ,ike and #epsi.

    +n +ndia tooB '-- has used 'indi film stars to endorse their beauty soap -u0 since the fifties.

    IimalB Thums UpB !walior and )inesh are some of the other brands that used starappeal in the

    early days of mass advertising. (nd who can forget apil ;#almolive2 )ev=

    tar endorsements have several benefitsB key among them being building credibilityB fostering

    trust and drawing attentionO any or all of which can translate into higher brand sales. o how

    does one decide whether to put a celebrity in an ad= +deallyB this should be dictated by thecommunication idea. "elebrity endorsements should be used when the case is justified. There are

    many cases where you need to use the celebrity to break out of a category clutter. (t times

    celebrity endorsement is used to build credibility to the brand offer.

    Most e0perts concur thatB when used judiciouslyB celebrity endorsements can be an effective

    strategy. (nd there are many e0amples of good and bad use of celebrities. (ctor (mitabh


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    ?achchanB who has been used by some companies like #arker #ens and +"+"+ 'ome -oans

    remarkably well while some others have been unable to e0ploit his ?ig ? status too well. hah

    $ukh han2s endorsement of 'yundai antro too seems to have worked well.

    +n a test of the match up hypothesisB amins J199

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    (ssociating a brand with a topnotch celebrity can do more than perk up brand recall. +t can

    create linkages with the star2s appealB thereby adding refreshing and new dimensions to the brand

    image. +t can also create media and promotion opportunities that sweep the consumer off her feet.

    $esearch conducted by atherine *ckelB professor of economics at U.. Iirginia TechB has

    revealed that celebrities or ;higher status agents2 can get people to make a better choice but

    cannot influence ;people to make a foolish choice2.

    +n +ndia todayB the use of celebrity advertising for companies has become a trend and a perceived

    winning formula of corporate imagebuilding and product marketing. This phenomenon is

    reflected in the recent market research finding that 8 out of 1< TI commercials scoring the

    highest recall were those with celebrity appearances. ( few e0amples> achin Tendulkar(didasB

    ourav !anguly?ritanniaB -eander #aes and Mahesh ?hupati. 'ampsteadB hah $ukh han

    #epsiB ushmita en*pson and (ishwarya $ai"oke. The effectiveness of the endorser depends

    upon the meaning he or she brings to the endorsement process.

    There is a threestage process of meaning transfer which involves the formation of the celebrity

    imageB transfer of meaning from celebrity to brand and finally from brand to consumer. This is

    what leads to effective celebrity advertising.

    The selection of a celebrity for a brand is done primarily on the basis of a marketing brief

    prepared either by the corporate or the advertising agency. %nce the relationship between the

    briefB the brand and the celebrity is establishedB the association is accomplished. &or e0ampleB

    when . umar was to launch its new range of readymade garmentsB TamariindB there was the

    realiEation that one brand of apparel couldn2t be very different from the othersB and what would

    make the difference was the packaging. o in came teen heartthrob 'rithik $oshan. The brand

    personality of Tamariind matches that of 'rithik D Tamariind being a new brand and 'rithik the

    new heartthrob. The idea behind Tamariind is the ;flavour you wear2 D a brand catering to the

    funloving and adventurous youth. (nd the ambassador chosen is a successful and e0tremely

    e0citing personality D a youth icon of today2s times. o the marriage is apt and justified.The best advertising comes from a deep understanding of the consumer and how heGshe connects

    with your brands. ThereforeB the jhatka of Mirinda needs a personality with a sense of humour.

    That2s !ovinda and (mitabh for you. 'oweverB there2s one fact that advertisers using celebrity

    endorsements need to keep in mind D never let the celebrity become your brand. +n doing soB

    one runs the risk of killing the brand no sooner has the hype and hoopla around the celebrity


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    faded. ( classic e0ample of the above is )inesh uitingsB where unil !avaskarB the brand

    spokespersonB was allowed to rule the brandB thus becoming bigger than it. ,o sooner had the

    association ceased than the brand lost its identityB thereby creating confusion in people2s minds.

    ThereforeB the use of a celebrity must be proportionate to the objective.

    +t is also important for one to be completely clear about why a brand should use a celebrity. +s it

    to boost sales or to boost image= %r is it just to keep the brand alive= +f the objective is increase

    of salesB the celebrity should be used for shortterm promotions and brand activities. J( classic

    e0ample is the $ani Mukherjee campaign for ?ata which is believed to have helped boost sales

    for the ladies2 footwear brandB undropB by a whopping 6

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    important to recogniEe that celebrities can create interest whether that interest converts into

    sales depends on various factors such as brandcelebrity disconnectB improper positioningB clutter

    of celebritiesB or even product lifecycle.

    (s advertisers pour crores of rupees every year into celebrity advertisingB the Huestion arisesO is

    it worth all the money and the headaches of coordinating stars and managing their tantrums.

    Think of achin Tendulkar. 'e means #epsi in soft drinksB ?oost in malted beveragesB M$& in

    tyresB &iat #alio in carsB TI Iictor in twowheelersB "olgate Total in toothpastesB ?ritannia in

    biscuitsB Iisa in credit cardsB (irtel in mobile services and ?andaid. "learlyB an overload of

    brands and categories associated with one star.

    S ;+ /+7: ;/ 04;

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    B0+36-7//90: 6733/7$ +f the celebrity used represents values that conflict with the brand

    values and positioningB the advertising will create a conflict in the minds of the target audience

    who may reject the proposition. Take for instance ToyotaB one of world2s leading auto companies.

    Toyota chose teenypop singer ?ritney pears for its brand oluna IiosB a family sedanB which is

    preferred by married men and women with children.

    C5/0 F5/0$ +n recent timesB there has been such a deluge of celebrity endorsements that it

    has led to the very clutter that it aimed to break. &or instanceB (mitabh ?achchan endorses or has

    endorsed #epsiB +"+"+B ?#-B #arker pensB ,erolacB )aburB $eid A TaylorB Maruti IersaB "adbury

    and a few social messages too. ?ollywood badshah hah $ukh han endorses %megaB Tag

    'euerB #epsiB 'yundaiB "linic (ll "lear and (irtel among other brands has to his credit more

    television commercials than feature films since 199/. This overe0posure can be bad for the

    brand. *ach celebrity is called upon to push maybe a doEen brands or so. Fhich is great for the

    celebrity but it is pretty daft for the brand because the impact of the celebrity reduces as the

    number of brands him endorses increases. Unfortunately in +ndiaB we have too many brands

    chasing too few celebrities. (nd the recall value drops by a huge margin when you move from an

    ( "lass celebrity to a ? "lass.

    D+1+73 ;

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    it might be a bit too much for the masses to believe that the celebrities who are rich and can

    afford the best in the world are actually using a mass product being advertised on television. %n

    the contraryB people might speculate about such things as how much did the brand pay to rope

    himG her in as the brand ambassador=

    Theres one fact that advertisers using celebrity endorsements need to keep in mind never

    let the celebrity become your brand. In doing so, one runs the risk of killing the brand no

    sooner has the hype and hoopla around the celebrity faded.

    R* +7+/6 ; C//90: E360/2/3

    &ame is a fickle and fleeting companion and can ditch the famous at the slightest provocation.

    "elebritiesB being humanB make mistakes. ?ut their mistakes get as much attention as their

    celebrity status and this can adversely affect the brands that they are endorsing. There are a

    number of e0amplesB both +ndian and +nternationalB where scandals and scams involving

    celebrity endorsers have caused embarrassment to the brands they endorse. "ompanies have to

    make Huick decisions when one of their endorsers comes under fire or their own image could be

    tarnished. !uilty by association in a consumer2s eyes describes it best.

    +f a brand continues with the celebrityB it may adversely affect the image of the brand and

    conseHuentlyB brand sales. +f the brand chooses to distance itself with the tainted celebrityB the

    huge costs spent on roping in the celebrity and making of the ads may go down the drain and

    even then the association of the brand with the celebrity might by then be so ingrained that the

    damage is already done.

    C352/0 9/;+80 +06 C//90: E360/2/3$

    "onsumer behavior can be defined as activities people undertake when obtainingB consumingB

    and disposing of products and services. imply stated consumer behavior is the study of why

    people buy. tudying this behavior is important because when more is known about why people

    shop and buy certain productsP the easier it becomes to develop strategies to influence consumers


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    to buy. More recentlyB researchers are e0panding their scope of research from why people buy=

    (nd how people consume=

    (nalysis of consumption behavior represents a broader conceptual framework than buyer

    behavior does because it includes factors that arise after the purchase process occurs J?lackwell

    et al.B /

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    A56/ +06 ;/ A68/0/2/3

    (d is defined as a predisposition to respond in a favorable or unfavorable manner to a particular

    advertising stimulus during a particular e0posure situation. (ccording to ?aker and -utE J1988KB(d may contain both affective reactions Jadcreated feelings of happinessK and evaluations Jan

    ad2s credibility or informative nessK. The advertising function for (d is not directed at specific

    products2 attributesGbenefitsB and the objective is not to influence consumers2 beliefs toward the

    brand per se. The direction is instead directed towards creating a favorable attitude toward the

    advertisement in order to leave consumers with a positive feeling after processing the ad. There

    are two distinct dimensions of (dB one cognitive and the other emotional. *motionallyB

    consumers form attitudes toward the ads by consciously processing e0ecution elements

    Jcomponents found in advertisementsB such as the endorserB presentation styleB color useB and

    titleGfont presentationK. "ognitivelyB consumers form attitudes resulting from the conscious

    processing of specific e0ecution elements in the adB such as the endorserB the copyB the

    presentation style etc. imply statedB (d may result because the ad evokes an emotional responseB

    such as a feeling of loveB joyB nostalgiaB or sorrowB without any conscious processing of e0ecution

    elements. These two dimensions may have different impacts on consumers2 attitudes. Mitchell

    and %lson J1981K conducted an innovative study that posed the Huestion are product attributes

    the only mediator of brand attitude= They found that brand attitudes are not solely a function ofthe attribute beliefs that are formed about the brandB but also may be influenced by consumers2

    general liking for the ad itself or the visual stimulus presented in the advertisement.

    A56/ +06 ;/ B0+36

    (ttitude toward the brand J(?KB attempts to influence brand choice by engendering favorable

    consumer attitudes toward the advertised brand. This concept is achieved by structuring ads to

    influence consumer2s beliefs and evaluations regarding the favorable conseHuences of

    consuming the brand. (? includes beliefs formed from the ad brand attribute information and

    inferences based on ad picture content. (? mediates the impact of the (d on intentions in two

    waysB indirectly or directly. +ndirectly (d has an impact on (?P thereforeB (? affects the

    consumers2 intentions. ThusB (?B which includes beliefs formed from brand attribute information

    and inferences based on ad picture contentB mediates the impact of (d on


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    intentionD there is no direct (dintention link. )irectlyB (d and (? have separate influences on

    consumers2 intentions. &orming overall brand evaluationsGintentions may be relatively more time

    consuming and effortful for the consumer to do than making a choice. "hoices may be formed

    for one or for several alternatives without a decision actually being made from any of the

    consumers2 attitudes toward the brand.

    To make choicesB consumers may use many types of processes to eliminate certain brands early

    in their processing by simply comparing the brands. The consumer could choose a brand without

    differentiating between different brands on the basis of (? or even without ever forming an

    overall brand attitude. This concept implies that (? formation may not necessarily be a precursor

    of brand choice. )irect (d effects toward brand choice may occur in other ways. Fhen one

    brand is clearly superior to the other brand based on this processingB (d may not directly affect

    brand choice. (ny influence the brand choice has may be indirect via its impact on the

    acceptance of ad information and the formation of brand beliefsB which are then incorporated in

    (?. 'oweverB if two brands are perceived to be very similar overallB it may be difficult for the

    consumer to discriminate between them. +f consumers wish to choose the best brandB they may

    possibly consider other relevantB brandrelated informationB such as advertisement reactions.

    ThusB ad liking may have a direct effect on swaying the consumer2s choice between two or more

    similar brands. Iery little research has been done that e0amines (d and its effects either directly

    or indirectly on brand choice.


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    ". Y50 +4/

    '. I

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    7 B





    ( trongly agree J1

  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg


  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg


    * trongly disagree J1K

    %. C//90:90+36 73405/37: (12+7;-5

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    . A0+78/3/ (

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  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg


    3 7

    19 A





    60 E

    ( trongly agree J5K

    ? (gree J:

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    ( trongly agree J/

  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg


  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg


    * trongly disagree J:K

    &. I

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  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg


    14 5








    ( trongly agree J6K

    ? (gree J38K

    " trongly disagree J1/K

    ) disagree J4/K

    * (gree J4K

    . T;/ 3/4+8/ 3102+3 1 ;/ 7//90: /360/0 +11/7 2: +56/ +360

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    7 2






    53 13



  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg


    ( trongly agree J/K

    ? (gree J/:K

    " ,ot sure J13K

    ) )isagree J63K

    * trongly disagree J5K

    #. C//90: /360/2/3 7+3 ;/< 6/13/ ;/ 90+36 2+4/









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    ( trongly agree J1

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  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg


    * trongly disagree J:K

    "'. I1 6*/ ;/ 7//90:, 2:

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  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg


    C3753 R/722/36+3$

    +n broad terms one can conclude that endorsement does workB consumers do respond to an

    endorsement of a product by a celebrity. The fact of associating a product with a wellknown

    individual acts to increase the positive view of the consumer. The potential benefits from

    endorsement for the brand owner are clearB so long as the links are indisputable and match links

    in the consumerSs mind. tudy says that endorsement is successfulB when the properties of the

    celebrity are made the properties of the endorsed product. +n additionB research suggests that

    simple attractiveness is insufficientB since an endorserSs e0pertise is more important than physical

    attractiveness in affecting attitude toward an endorsed brand. MoreoverB e0pertise has been

    proved to have a significant and direct effect on attitudes and behavioral intentions.

    'oweverB celebrity endorsement is a highriskB highreward strategy and the risks of celebrity

    endorsement are well documented. The celebrity may lose their public appeal or do something

    that undermines the endorsement. This study tried to propose alternatives to avoid the


    ThereforeB both the brand owner and the endorser need to be clear about the objectives of the

    endorsementB the risks associated with that endorsement and the promotional needs of both

    parties to the deal. %n the other handB nowadays due to theseB sometimes e0clusive agreements

    can lead consumers to overt distrust about their motives. The main constraint on the effectiveness

    of endorsement is the e0tent to which the customers have the opportunity to interact with theendorser and the degree to which those consumers see the product advertised as connected to the

    activities of that endorser. +n additionB if the constraint is mirrored by the largest part of the target

    market then one has to Huestion whether endorsement is appropriate. 'oweverB the opposite

    situation suggests clear benefits from celebrity endorsement.

    The consulted marketing e0perts stress the importance to obtain a sympathetic fit between the

    product and the personality so that the celebrity can represent the brand2s valuesB attributes and

    Hualities. &urthermoreB they take the view that for celebrities to be effective in advertisingP their

    selection must be based on their familiarity to the marketB the nature of their appeal and the

    credibility of the celebrity in the consumers2 eyes. +n additionB the majority note that the celebrity

    endorser is most effective when recogniEed attributes of the endorser match up with the attributes

    of the product. +t was also believed that this would minimiEe inappropriate attributes of the

    endorser and avoid that product attributes are not overshadowed by the celebrity. (lthoughB the


  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg


    celebrity was seen as biased due to close connections with the productGbrand and perceived as

    less trustworthy and less objective. +t is proposed that the celebrities will favorably influence

    consumerSs attitudes and behaviours toward the products they endorse. &urthermoreB the study

    states thatB attitudes and perceptions of products are enhanced by celebrity endorsersB though not

    all brands or all celebrities effectively complement each other.


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  • 8/12/2019 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement AloknaikB37_mktg
