Effective tips and tricks for cracking interview.

ffective Ways Of elected Getting In an Interview


Here, the one who are seeking for job but having some difficulties while they face interview, special tips and information are given so that they can easily put their impression on the interviewer and succeed. Just remember, First impression is the last impression

Transcript of Effective tips and tricks for cracking interview.

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ffective Ways Of



In an Interview

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Points Of Discussion Turnout Walk In Sitting Posture Facial Expression Hand Shake Giving Your Introduction Know About Your Surrounding Be Smart To Speak Better Soft Skills Right Kind Of Attitude Yes!!! You Are In

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Proper Colour


Impression Is

The Last



Looking Smart??!!

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Preferable Outfits

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Walk InWhen you are moving inside an interviewer’s room you should take care that you should neither be too tensed nor too casual while walking.

You should rather be more confident while walking…

Keep yourself reminded that as soon as you enter, wish only the senior most sitting over there.

Wishing can be done in either Good Morning Or Good Evening.


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Sitting PostureThere are Various kinds of seating positions………

In this type, you Sitrelaxed,Keeping your leg stretched and back resting at the chair

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This is actually a sitting style mostly preferred by girls/women in which legs are kept crossed

It is the same position as above but preferred by men.

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In this kind of sitting positionYour backbone remains bend keeping your upper portion ahead

This is the best position to sit in an interview. Where you are not more tightly sitted. But keeping a good posture.

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So remember this is the preferred sitting position.

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FACIAL EXPRESSIONSThis is the next most important quality that comes in valuation while sitting for an interview.

Don’t let the interviewer to read you mind by your face.

That is, neither show that you are tensed nor show that you are too chill as if sitting in front of your friend.

Remember the person sitting before you is much wiser than you.

Next you will come to know about the preferred facial expression.

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This is how You should keep your face under all circumstances in an interview.

Don't let the interviewer read your mind by your face.

Its obvious that you might not know all the answers of the questions asked by an interviewer.In that case keep yourself calm yes truthfully say “”. Its not a negative attitude.

But don’t make a face as if you are disgusted or surprised by the question being asked.

Don’t keep a sad expression on your face as if you are forcefully sitting for the interview. As if you wanted something else.

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HAND SHAKEAfter you move inside the room, move near your chair, sometimes the interviewer may raise his hands to know your confidence, your etiquettes and your attitude.

HOW????? Lets see…..

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This type of handshake is called “Hand In Hand”. Shaking hands like this means that you are expecting the interviewer to make sure that you are in. So you must avoid shaking hand like this.

This type of handshake is called “Bone Crusher”. There is no sense of shaking hands like this. It is highly arrogant in every sense. It should be strictly avoided in every case.

This type of handshake is called “Palm Up”. It shows that you are much superior that the other person and what you are not actually so please avoid it. However, its not arrogant.

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This type of Handshake is called “The Standard Hand Shake”. This is the best style of shaking hand which shows that you are confident and at the same time you are expressing your positive attitude.

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Now you see, most of the people don’t speak their name, date of birth and their birthplace in a good audible voice. Which is totally incorrect and is really a strong sign. Of lack of confidence…….

Don’t say it so, as if you are ashamed of your name and birthplace.

For your character and your personality, as your introduction you will be asked certain questions like “What are your hobbies?”, “What are your strength?”, “What are your weakness?”, “What sports you play?” etc. etc.etc.

Now here, be smart to speak, By this it means that when you are saying about your weaknesses, speak which is not so negative.

Like for your weakness, never speak impatient , aggressive, having lack of concentration etc. you may use that you sometimes face some challenging task for attaining whose goal is very difficult, I work with a sense of urgency.

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Remember Hobbies and Sports you play is different.

Hobby is actually what you do as your mind refreshing activity like Singing, Dancing, Cooking, Reading etc.Here avoid saying Chatting or Social networking or playing electronic games. Instead you can say Internet Surfing.

For Sports you can say any game you play either outdoor or indoor no problem.

The most Important thing.

Whatever hobby or sports you are saying you should not necessarily be performing it. But you should know its history, its present, its legend and how and when you perform such activities. Otherwise you cannot hit the bull’s eye.

Apply your commonsense also somewhere when certain questions will be asked.

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Know About Your Surrounding

By this term I mean to say that you must be aware of whatever is happening around you.

That is current affairs of your country, your state and international.

You must have a basic knowledge of your hometown its specialty, its national significance, political affairs taking place, its cuisine etc.

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Be Smart To SpeakYou should know what you are speaking.

You should have proper reason for each and every line said by you.

It should not be like that your present sentence contradict your earlier said sentence.

There should not be personality conflict while you speak.

It’s good that you say the truth, but say what will not affect adversely.

Never speak something which is against some personality or organization you worked earlier.

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Better Soft SkillsAn interviewer is in search of an employee who has good power of words.

He assess you on the basis of how you express your thoughts in your words.

He selects you thinking that a client who will be unaware of your corporation how you are able to deal with him to get a fruitful result.

For improving your soft skills you must try to speak before your friends, practicing some group discussions and improving skills.

You should practice how to coordinate your actions with your words.

You should erase all your hesitation while speaking on a certain topic.

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ATTITUDEYes, interviewer’s room is that place where most of the candidates loose their confidence. To tackle that situation it is necessary to change your state of mind. Be optimistic at those moments and think “I will be selected if not!!!, doors are yet opened”.

Have some confidence in yourself. Don’t get tensed by the crowd that is with you have faith in what you will do after moving in.

Remember there are many animals in a jungle. But king is lion only. Be like a lion with your cunningness and your naturality you cannot be defeated by anyone.

You will be told to be in for the job without any doubt.

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Do’s Don’t-Arrive On Time- Walk In The Room Confidently And Greet The Interviewer.- Always Be Positive.- Wait Till You Are Offered A Seat.- Look Alert And Interested All The Time.- Maintain Proper Eye Contact.- Obtain Full Details Of The Post You Are Applying For.-Listen To The Question Carefully And Ask The Interviewer To Repeat The Question And /Or Related Information.

•Don’t Interrupt The……• Don’t Give Stories To Go Off The Topic.• Never Show Unwillingness To Be Interviewed.• Don’t Lie.• Don’t Overreact.• Don’t use words like “I mean”, “You Can Understand”, ”Well”, “As Such”, “You Know”.

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