Effective Networking by Lirone Glikman

The Art of Focused Mingling Finding and Connecting With the Right People for You

Transcript of Effective Networking by Lirone Glikman

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The Art of Focused Mingling Finding and Connecting With the Right

People for You

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Personal Presentation

Networking Roadmap

Connection Relationship

Building Leverage

The Five Pillars of Effective Networking

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What are your

business goals?

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What is

business networking?

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Networking is a process that focuses on the

creation, cultivation and preservation

between people. relationships term-longof

These relationships are mutually beneficial, based on

friendship, trust, and the act of giving,

in order to promote and achieve personal and professional goals.

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How Can Networking Help You?

Interpersonal skills

Social safety net

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Defining which people can help us reach our goals

How to prepare for any event

Crafting your attractive personal pitch

Methods to “break the ice”

How to connect to anyone through small talk

Small talk dealbreakers to avoid

Today’s Program

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Preparing for the event

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Networking Roadmap

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Key People


Service Providers /


Personal Life

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Set Your Event’s Goals List

- “Stand in Luck’s Way” (Gil B.A) (Attend the right events)

- Who will be there? (target audience, meetup, Bizzabo)

- Who are the speakers?

- Who are the sponsors?

- *Examples: Journey, HUB

Create your list

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Short & Simple



Your Personal Pitch

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Hi, I am ____(name)___ and I _____( XX startup founder)____. I help __(audience)__ to _____(main solution)_____.

Your Personal Pitch Structure

1) Who am I and what do I do?

2) Who do I do it for?

3) The main solution I offer

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Add enthusiasm

The YES effect! Would you like to know how to get to places easily along with live traffic updates? YES! (WAZE)

Social proof “Every person I told about my product told me it provides a genius solution!”

Creative job description My app helps people forget about all their worries for a few days (Hulyo)

Spice Up Your Pitch!

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“Peak performance” trick

• Power Pose

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The Event

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Finding the right people for you

- Bring your goals list with you

- More is less, and less is more

- Ask for referrals from people you know

- Constantly collect information

- Leave room for faith

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• Attraction tools

• The Q&A spin

Methods to Break the Ice


• Immediate common ground

• Assistance

• Online platforms

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Small Talk Structure




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Positive Language


Small Talk Structure




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Do not, Can not, Will not, Would not, Could not

Yes, Yes and…

Affirmative phrases

• “Nice to meet you.”

• “I would be happy to stay in touch.”

• “I believe it can be done.”

• Positive feedback: “Great!”, “Fantastic!”, “Well done!”

INTRO – Positive Language

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Hi, I am ____(name)___ and I _____( XX startup founder)____. I help __(audience)__ to _____(main solution)_____.

1) Who am I and what do I do?

2) Who do I do it for?

3) The main solution I offer

INTRO - Pitch

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Small Talk Structure





Common ground

Be interested & listen

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Repeat the person’s name

Emphasize and acknowledge what the person says

CONNECTION - Personalisation

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Immediate common ground

Questions to finding a common ground

Professional background, education, birth town, similar hobbies, similar experiences,

mutual friends, favourite foods, etc.

CONNECTION – Common Ground (glue)

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Be curious and interested

Listen actively: Rephrase ideas & nod your head

Maintain eye contact and keep your body facing the person you are

speaking with

CONNECTION – Be interested & Listen

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Closed questions: Head and common sense

Open questions: Heart and emotions

how, why, what…

CONNECTION – Be interested & Listen

Tell me more about…

What do you think of…

Did you meet interesting people?

How did you get into….

What is your biggest challenge these days?

What is the best part of.. / Favourite..

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Small Talk Structure





Exchange contact info

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“Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting.”

- Brian Tracy

Ask: “How can I help you?”

WIIFM We all have something to give

• Information

• Feedback

• Advice

• Connect to others

• Introduce

• Teach


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Exchange contact info

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Be positive & enthusiastic, smile!

Be a good listener and “Interested”

Find common ground

Personalize your talk

Add value

• We connect to happy people

• We like to talk about ourselves

• We connect to familiarity

• We like to feel special

• We give back when receiving

Influential behaviours that promote connection

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Don’t sell

Avoid controversial topics (racism, politics, salary)


“I, I, I…”

Small Talk Dealbreakers

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Relationship Building

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Network Your Way To Success!

Lirone Glikman – Business Networking Coach

www.LironeGlikman.com / [email protected]

Thank You!

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