efal.co.za T4 p1 2013 gr10.docx  · Web viewYou do not have to use your own words. Each sentence...

ENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE GRADE 10 -2013 TERM 4 – FINAL EXAMINATION TOTAL: 80 TIME: 2 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION 1. This question paper consists of THREE sections: a. SECTION A: Comprehension (30) b. SECTION B: Summary (10) c. SECTION C: Language (40) 2. Read all the INSTRUCTIONS carefully 3. Answer ALL the questions. 4. Leave a line open between answers. 5. Begin the answer of each SECTION on a NEW page. 6. Draw a line through all rough work. 7. Neatness is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT SECTION A: COMPREHENSION QUESTION 1 Read the passage (TEXT A) below and answer the questions TEXT A Grace When I went to bed last night, the last person I saw was my ma. Now it’s the next morning. I open my eyes and the first person I see is Grace. Ma has gone to work. Grace is here to work – scrub the floors, iron clothes, wash dishes, make the beds. And, this afternoon before she leaves, wash me! Why doesn’t Grace go to the factory and Ma stay here and work, I wonder? Then I could be with Ma in the daytime too. But I also like Grace. She’s black. She wears a yellow doek which she ties in a thick knot at the back of her head. I know this knot well because I fiddle with it when she abbas me. “D’you want to go to a party?” she says. “Huh?” “A party,” she nods. “And eat sweets.” “Is it my birthday?” “No!” she laughs.

Transcript of efal.co.za T4 p1 2013 gr10.docx  · Web viewYou do not have to use your own words. Each sentence...

Page 1: efal.co.za T4 p1 2013 gr10.docx  · Web viewYou do not have to use your own words. Each sentence should not be more than 12 words long. Include a word count in brackets after each


INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION1. This question paper consists of THREE sections:

a. SECTION A: Comprehension (30)b. SECTION B: Summary (10)c. SECTION C: Language (40)

2. Read all the INSTRUCTIONS carefully3. Answer ALL the questions.4. Leave a line open between answers.5. Begin the answer of each SECTION on a NEW page.6. Draw a line through all rough work.7. Neatness is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT

SECTION A: COMPREHENSIONQUESTION 1Read the passage (TEXT A) below and answer the questions

TEXT AGraceWhen I went to bed last night, the last person I saw was my ma. Now it’s the next morning. I open my eyes and the first person I see is Grace. Ma has gone to work. Grace is here to work – scrub the floors, iron clothes, wash dishes, make the beds. And, this afternoon before she leaves, wash me!Why doesn’t Grace go to the factory and Ma stay here and work, I wonder? Then I could be with Ma in the daytime too. But I also like Grace. She’s black. She wears a yellow doek which she ties in a thick knot at the back of her head. I know this knot well because I fiddle with it when she abbas me.“D’you want to go to a party?” she says.“Huh?”“A party,” she nods. “And eat sweets.”“Is it my birthday?”“No!” she laughs.


We’re out of the house and she locks the door and we’re in a courtyard. She sees not one, not tw, but three of her friends, all housekeepers. Two are hanging up washing and one is sweeping a red stoep. They all stop their work – and my heart sinks. Grace doesn’t understand what happens at parties – there’ll be children and children love sweets. They stuff them in their mouths and their pockets and nobody ever says, “Let’s leave some for Chris.”

User, 2013-11-07,
Page 2: efal.co.za T4 p1 2013 gr10.docx  · Web viewYou do not have to use your own words. Each sentence should not be more than 12 words long. Include a word count in brackets after each

Here in the courtyard it’s a four-way conversation, loud, and everything someone says seems to make the other three laugh or go “Awu batho”.Around a corner there it is. It must be – there’s lots of kids, my age, older. And there’s big noise, calling and shoving and “that way” and “this way”.A lady barks out an instruction and we stand in line.“Why are we standing like this?” I ask Grace.“For sweets.”It’s unusual but it that’s what they want us to do for a sweet, I’ll do it.Another instruction: “Left arm!”All around me, kids’ sleeves are being pushed up. Grace helps me push up mine.Up there at the start of the line a woman makes her way from arm to arm. I watch her. She works quickly, spending less than a second or two on each arm – what is she doing?She’s wearing a white dress with epaulettes and toney red shoes – it’s kind of a uniform but I can’t place it. She stops by me and rubs something onto my arm with cotton wool. It’s cool and has a sharp smell … It’s spirits! And this woman, I suddenly realise, is no ordinary woman, she’s and evil woman. A nurse!But it’s too late! There’s another one following her – same dress, epaulettes and shoes – and this one has a needle. And before I can withdraw my arm she plunges the needle into my arm – ah!I feel pain and humiliation. There will be no sweets, no chocolates, no cake. No party. Grace has betrayed me.

GlossaryAbba – carry a child on your backAccomplice – fellow criminalAwu batho – Oh, people!Betrayed – been lied to or trickedCourtyard – closed communal area between housesDoek – headscarfEpaulettes – the fancy fringe on the shoulders of uniforms, to show importanceHumiliation – shameful embarrassmentWithdraw – remove or take away

1.1 What is Grace’s job in the Van Wyk’s house? (1)

1.2 How do you know this is Grace’s job?(2)

1.3 Is Chris a child or a teenager in this story? How do you know?(2)

1.4 If your heart “sinks”, it means that you feel sad, disappointed and worried. Why does Chris’s heart sink when he sees Grace’s friends?

(2)1.5 Give another more formal word of your own for “kids”.

(1)1.6 Does the nurse really “bark”? What does the writer mean when he uses this word?


User, 2013-11-07,
User, 2013-11-07,
Replace this with “Give a reason for your answer.”
User, 2013-11-07,
Include “this is Grace’s job” after “know”
Page 3: efal.co.za T4 p1 2013 gr10.docx  · Web viewYou do not have to use your own words. Each sentence should not be more than 12 words long. Include a word count in brackets after each

1.7 Choose ONE option. This figure of speech “barks” is called:A. A metaphor, because it directly compares two things that are not usually similar.B. An oxymoron, because it puts tow opposite things next to one another.C. Hyperbole, because it is an exaggeration.D. Pun, because the write gives the word an ambiguous meaning.

(1)1.8 Choose ONE option. When Chris thinks, “It’s spirits!” he means:

A. that he can see ghostsB. that he is so scared he feels like he is dying and becoming a spiritC. that the nurse is disinfecting his skin with medicinal alcoholD. that they will drink alcohol at this party.

(1)1.9 Why does Chris shout , “Ah!”?

(1)1.10 By the end of the extract, does he think that the nurse is a bad person? Support your answer

by quoting one word from the third-last paragraph.(2)

1.11 Do you think that the nurse is a bad person? Explain your answer as fully as you can.(2)

1.12 By the end of the extract, does Christ think that Grace is a bad person? Give a good reason for your answer.

(2)1.13 Do you think that Grace is a bad person? Explain your answer in full.

(2)1.14 Do you think Chris is happy or sad at the end of the extract? Give one physical reason and one emotional reason to back up your answer.


TEXT B – COMPREHENSIONMargaret’s first day at schoolMargaret’s advance papers had roused curiosity considerably. Even the sight of her. He made the same error as Dikeledi assuming she was a Coloured. That was unusual too. Such children always worked in the shops of their white fathers. He thought he’d have something to talk about, such as that she must be the first of their kind to teach in their schools. He’d also have to keep a sharp eye on racialism. Those types were well known for thinking too much about their white parent, not about their African side. He eventually approached Margaret with his electric-light smile.“Ah, Miss Cadmore,” he said.Off went the smile, down came the lower lip. He frowned.He paused and looked at her closely. There was interest, curiosity there.“Excuse the question, but are you Coloured?” he asked.“No,” she replied. “I am a Masarwa.”The shock was so great that he almost jumped into the air. Why, he’d be the sensation of the high society circle for a week! He controlled himself. He looked down. He smiled a little. Then he said: “I see.”

User, 2013-11-07,
User, 2013-11-07,
User, 2013-11-07,
Rather use “support” or “motivate”.
Page 4: efal.co.za T4 p1 2013 gr10.docx  · Web viewYou do not have to use your own words. Each sentence should not be more than 12 words long. Include a word count in brackets after each

The whole day he fretted. School closed past noon. The office of the education supervisors was a stone’s throw from the school. Usually they sat chatting over three or four cups of tea. Today, the list of beginners seemed endless. He kept noting out of the corner of his eye that the Masarwa (she was no longer a human being) seemed to be extraordinarily friendly with Dikeledi, who, in his eyes, was royalty of royalty. Should he warn Dikeledi that she was talking to “it”? It surely had all the appearance of a Coloured.(In Botswana, the Masarwa were considered lower than animals)

2.1 The sight of Margaret made the principal curious. Why was he curious?(2)

2.2 “…she must be the first of their kind to teach in their schools”2.2.1 Why is “their” in italics?

(2)2.2.2 Identify who the writers refer to as: “their kind” and “their schools”.

(2+2)2.3 Do you think that it is proper (acceptable) to refer to Margaret as “it”? Substantiate fully.


SECTION B – SUMMARYQUESTION 2Read the extract below and then complete the summary that follows:TEXT-C

Achieving the impossibleI always wanted to be a pioneer swimmer – to swim in places where nobody had swum before. Much of my inspiration came from explorers like Roald Amundsen, Robert Scott, and Edmund Hillary.Twenty-three years on, I have now pioneered more swims around famous landmarks than any other swimmer, and I am the only person to have completed a long-distance swim in every ocean of the world. But I’m probably best known for becoming the first person to undertake a long-distance swim across the Geographic North pole in 2007.I am often asked why I do it. At a simplistic level, I am passionate about swimming and I enjoy pushing boundaries. But there’s a lot more to it than that. Through my swims I have had a unique perspective on climate change. I have witnessed retreating glaciers, decreasing sea ice, coral bleaching, severe droughts, and the migration of animals to colder climates. It’s as a result of these experiences that I am determined to do my bit to raise awareness about the fragility of our environment and to encourage everyone to take action.

2.1 Read the first paragraph. In your own words, give two reasons why Lewis Pugh first became a swimmer.

(2)2.2 Read the second paragraph. List three reasons why Lewis Pugh is famous. You do not have

to use your own words. Each sentence should not be more than 12 words long. Include a word count in brackets after each sentence.


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2.3 Read the last paragraph. Write down in point-form the five environmental changes that Lewis Pugh sees on his swims. You do not have to use your own words but you have to use full sentences. You should have five points. Number the points from 1 to 5.


SECTION C: LANGUAGEQUESTION 3: VISUAL LITERACY3.1 ANALYSING A CARTOONRead the cartoon (TEXT D) below and answer the questions.(In this cartoon the druid gave the Romans a potion to drink that makes their hair grow excessively long. The Centurion approaches the Gaul’s tent to talk with them. The very small man is Asterix and the man laughing so much is the druid Getafix.)

GlossaryGaul: A person of French descentBeard: growth of hair on the chinBear: put up with something or somebody unpleasantBristle: a stiff hair, be in a state of movement or action, rise up as in fear, react in an offended or angry manner

3.1.1 What is the meaning of the idiom “split any hairs”?(1)

3.1.2 Why is it funny to use this idiom in this cartoon?(1)

3.1.3 Give three reasons how you know the Centurion is very angry in frame 2.(3)

1 2

3 4 5

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3.1.4 Explain the pun in the word “beard” used in frame 3.(2)

3.1.5 Look at frame 4. What is the meaning of the idiom “All right keep your hair on”?(2)

3.1.6 Why do you think the druid laughs so much in all the frames? What does he find so funny?(1)


3.2.1 What is this web site advertising?(1)

3.2.2 What colour would you make this web site? Give a reason for your answer?(2)

3.2.3 What does WaterAid do?(1)

3.2.4 Explain why the website spells “SH2OP” this way?(2)

User, 2013-11-07,
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3.3 Study the following graph

3.3.1 Which region needs the most help to reach the 2015 target?(1)

3.3.2 Which region needs the least help to reach the 2015 target?(1)

3.3.3 With how much did the situation improve in Eastern Asia?(1)

3.3.4 Which region showed no improvement at all?(1)

User, 2013-11-07,
I’d replace one of these questions with a higher order questions, e.g. Why do YOU think there has been an improvement in water sources?
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3.4.1 Use the words “He” and “ball” and write a simple sentence in the simple present tense.(2)

3.4.2 Form adverbs from the adjectives in brackets.

Vaneshree argued with her husband (aggressive).(1)

3.4.3 Use the degrees of comparison of the word “fast” to complete the following sentence:

Tshililo is (…….) but Neo is (……..)than him however Linda is the (……….).(3)

3.4.4 Put some emotive words into the following sentences to make the products sound more attractive:

This new lotion will make your skin feel …… and ………

(2)3.4.5 Change the following sentence from direct into indirect speech:

“My child shouts at me,” said Ma Phongo.(3)

3.4.6 Write out the sentences below and underline the correct pronouns you have filled into the gaps.

My mother lost _____ parents when ______ was young.(2)

3.4.7 Join the following sentences using the conjunctions in brackets.

Her parents want her to be a teacher. She loves nursing. (but)(1)

3.4.8 Complete the following sentence by filling in the correct prepositions. Write down only the correct answer next to the letter:

A recent survey claims that almost two-thirds of female workers have little time (A)___ for their loved ones. If that is the case women have to find a way to balance their lifestyle (B)____ favour of their families.

(2)3.4.9 Write down the correct form of the verb in brackets in the sentence below:

The birds (was) in need of a ruler they could respect. (1)

3.4.10 Give the correct form of the reflexive pronoun in brackets in the sentence below:

“I’m leaving. You can teach (you),” the teacher told the class.(1)

User, 2013-11-07,
Insert something like “in the grade”( to show a selection of more than two.)
User, 2013-11-07,
Insert something like “than him” (to indicate two people).
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3.4.11 Study the following sentence: “You are the star of the show!” Write down the denotation of “star”. Write down the connotation of “star”.


Grand total:[80]

User, 2013-11-07,