EEIABIIATfJI 195… · the loncett storvace reC"ords amon1 labrttor ,...._,du \'""'· '/II '/ 'J We...

-\ ·.' ; , [ £ . : · ·"" . · EEBTI J K _ �MTH£1! e n

Transcript of EEIABIIATfJI 195… · the loncett storvace reC"ords amon1 labrttor ,...._,du \'""'· '/II '/ 'J We...

Page 1: EEIABIIATfJI 195… · the loncett storvace reC"ords amon1 labrttor ,...._,du \'""'· '/II '/ 'J We clamor for more and more tratnc Hfety, but we don't wan! to earn •t. We can h&\'C

...?"-\ ·.' • ;...,, [ �'-;!� £.�:·��·"". · �EEIABIIATfJI J K. _ ���MfJTH£1! e .nrn� �

Page 2: EEIABIIATfJI 195… · the loncett storvace reC"ords amon1 labrttor ,...._,du \'""'· '/II '/ 'J We clamor for more and more tratnc Hfety, but we don't wan! to earn •t. We can h&\'C

ProRIIiill Tl�t���JI P/l••i�


Thu month "''C wuh toulutc all our MWh-labntor Mothers." S11W't' we havt" q,u11a a numb-tor of workina mothns 1n our rrudst, n as ampot���bie to wrHe of. or pKture all of t� at th1s Ume. On the cover are two rnothNI who are s•ncll'd out tor nther "J)f(:lk «'a50N. JuiiJI tbuJhu, Sf.c"'tary to Jake &bmklt, has one ot the loncett storvace reC"ords amon1 �labrttor � ,...._,du \'""'·

'/II '/ �'J We clamor for more and more tratnc

Hfety, but we don't wan! to earn •t. We can h&\'C }U$1 u much ,...,me nfNy as we art .. -mm._ to pay for - In money, 1n C'h&nJC'd attltudl!, '" r�­stl1rU'd mo\-�t and '" nosuYtt'd pm'1k-Ct- Yn. 1M� it h.lah '" W opi n1on or many but 111r�ly worth lt..

We can' t lnsilt that Grandpa be I''�" • drl\·er's �1\M' t:V1'n thou&h be does not � too •cell We �·t m.ak� exC'Woft; ror dtunken d.n\"ers � ta1n1n1 th�e1r ht'enses bt>cauf.e they nee-d • C'ar,ln '4 tuC'h 10 dr•ve to "'ork. We can't rdui!E! to rtport thOM! who drl\'e wh�.>n their li«•ut' ls .IUJoJl('ndt'd. We can't u��� on lpt'(:lal prhileces 1umpiJ' br-C'a!*', 1.n our opmton. our



In orde-r to'ft'aSI' tho!• ti'C'n,cth 1n yanou_ of our expandlft& IIW!tkt:U.. a fe"' ti"'INft'" of Whcelabntor people Yot're madt' «'ft'ntly

Geora:e Uurdltt, formt·rly D•�lru;:t Sllle�� MIUUI«t r of lht' Pltl�burah om� Is nOW In M�Nwaka .. )hn•ct'r or Slet'l Mtll Equ1�n t Silt'- lie hu � H-plk't"d by Joe l ndenuy, for· merly D1 tru:t Salet Manaaer, St t.ou�

Ken Rl�lnr '-'now tn thf' home of· flet" M't'VInl •• S.l("'' ManacN of tlK' Dust & f'uhl(' 01\'tuon. ,,.,,. Kohl· meyer. forft'k·rly Dl!otnrl Sllkos Enc•· nor-er or Ch�,o. bas Lllkt"n cn-cr '" New York. t'1lh� Larry'• forrnn- job tf Gwrre Iones. tonn('rly .n the.- Ab­raswe Ot\'lJ.iOn �n �h"'hawaka

S.ln. h.u one oC the� )'OUnt('t.l chlklren tmOnC "'·orluna molhn'a.

Ju.bL "''"'''" •·uh boer nlnt' y�ar old dllu.cht�tr, Jwkte, canw With IM Com· pliny on F�bru&r)' S, lt-42. tie-r hus­band Jack. Fortme.n m South Sh•p­plna. came hfore �" July, 1&40

Juan1ta btll[an worku'll here Man:h l5, 1951 W1th hC'r an tht.• photo Ia l..ft

Char'"- •·ho w• JWt a fe-w dtys put hll tirs1 barthtb)" •Mn ltw ptehare was taken.

moll\'ft ai'C' mo� pun-, or our �1\exes QUICker thin thoR or other drl\"t'I'L

lrolhar's K-per We nn't hwte behind thto thoucht

that the mmlnal ek-ment � "' pon· ••ble for mc»t of t� tnl'lk troub k- -It JUSt isn·t tf\11!. We can't C'hoose whk:b Ia-. .. "'" will obt>y and wh1dl we will icnort' We C"an't k«P on de· nymc our ChrtJtlan rnJ)O(Islbl!hy to bto •n fac"t CM.�r brother's k«>per

Is ttu1 really too tu&h a pr� to pey for aaruty an the tntlic' safety ••tua­t•on! For 1hoar who nudJt Ulll lh1nk h Ill, hen:' " a thoucht 1� COli or not ltnvin& towlutl tr•ffic 15afety I• m�h hlt��ht':r It u colle<:tl'd on the spot, at Inopportune!' llrnM. and muJt be paid tn blood. tt"'ln and human mi"K"f')'

HOW THEY BOWLED Heft- is how llw7 stood • ol Apnl

..... ·- ...

·- " ., $-!� " .. ...._ .. _Sht,l .... "" ......... .. .. -- .. ,. ""'" ,.., ....

Publl&hf'd tor EmpiO)'H"• Of Wheelabr11tor Corpontlon

MUhawaka. lnd� Vol. II. No $-May, 1"7

JORph t'lory, Ed.Jtor

Page 3: EEIABIIATfJI 195… · the loncett storvace reC"ords amon1 labrttor ,...._,du \'""'· '/II '/ 'J We clamor for more and more tratnc Hfety, but we don't wan! to earn •t. We can h&\'C


Verne E. Minich, founder of the Company, was

rnaJc Honomr)• Chairman of the Board and

Otto A. PfaR was elected Chairman of the Board

by the Dit{'Ctors of \Vheclabr�nor Corporation at

their April meeting. Mr. Pbff will continue to

serve as President, a position he has held since 1941.


OTTO A. PFAFF Ch1irm•n of the lo•rd

•nd Pr11ldent

\lr. t•r..rr began hhl out­stnndlnN bu!Jinep career in 1916 as an onice boy in the New York Oftke ol th� Com­pany, upon graduation !rom high �ehooL

In 1919, only thrC<e y�ars

after JOinlnJ; th� ftrm, he WU made Trcasul'ff and Dir«tor of the Sand Mucma Machm­ery Company. as th� ftrm was

then known. In the years fol­lowing. h� wa.s responsible for organizlnl( the otccount­ and business sy.-tcms or the ComJ)tlny.

In 1926 \lr, PfMff took on the dut1es of �retary. During the pcnod from 1926 to 1933 he was assigned other responslbllitiH in

Lhe, Adve-rtLSang and Sales Oepanrne-nlS.

\Jr. l'f•ff wu made Vice President in 1933. and two yean later

was appo mtil!d to the pos1tion of General ManaGer He became Pn-s&dent of the Company m 1£»1.

VERNE E. MINICH Honor•ry Ch•irm•n of the ao.rd

Pl'"e\'IOUI to foondang the Company in 1908, ""· \liniC"h Mid Important execu­

U\'C po&ttaons wath Jo�ranklin Automobale Co., Haynes Automobalt' Co. and Nation­al Cash RcgJ.Stcr Co

'lr. \lini•·h began the bUlnncss with his own funds ... a true cxumple of the American system or free enterprise. The first product manufat'tured was the

Sandcutter, a machmt' still In wr lme, and one whach cntrenchl'd our Company fl.rmly m the foundry md1.1stry. Later came mergcl"' whrrt":by other lints were

brou�ht mto the busmeu-such as core

rod straaghteners. 8&��4 jaekets. sand­blast equipmc>nt and dtut roJIC(:tOl'L

Always havang the ability to de\•elop equipment to soh•e specific lndus-tnal problems, "r. \liulf'll conceived the idea of de\'elopmg :1 method of su1mlantlng the costly pr�!>.l or �ur blastmg then in \'Ogut". Costly research durina: the de­pression years led to the perfectton of the Wheelabrator umt In 1933, which tuas smce mo\·ed our Company to lcader­slup m the blast clcaninc mdustry.

Ret1ring from actl\'e K'tviceo m HilS. \lr. \li11i('h has wn·ed to the pr�t u Chamna.n or the Board.

Page 4: EEIABIIATfJI 195… · the loncett storvace reC"ords amon1 labrttor ,...._,du \'""'· '/II '/ 'J We clamor for more and more tratnc Hfety, but we don't wan! to earn •t. We can h&\'C



n,c. ,J�,�noOr Cl- of the- Un111Tn1IY of Not� Dame held 1tt Sth Annual ParMt·Son W�llend on a.tan:h 11-17 on lhe campus. In c�oruwc-uon "-llh lhas event.. 1M- Collet:e of En1uweru'IJ ht-ld a I""C.'<'eptlon on the­afternoon or Satur..t.y, Mart'h II, �n onkr that the pan!nl.S ml1ht meet the facuhy and tour the �u\d1na:.

It was 1n COOilcdlon With 1h1s phA!oe of the pro)ect that Whet"labnttor Corpont1on pal11c•pated. To add to lfle enam��r1ng and indu�trlal thcmC', WC' furn\Jhed a dup\llly for the OttUIOn Thll N1h1blt ooruisU'd of pK'tures and drawm1s of our f<tUipmt'nt, u well as a Jn'"&t number of work .. mpk"t In the "'bdo� .. and "aftel'" nate.

Thu dup\.ay. the only one in tallfll by any 1nchutry ln. thJ' ar-.a, "'"ted an IMnK'IUt' amount of anter8t.

� - ........,. -· lth • • ..;... Ktc- ,_..,_ HeH ef T-. ,.. ,... both amon.J tlw cnJulorc-nna stucknu, liM'Lr UUU"\IIt· •ft.�.�M<tll:-. c--o.-,...._,........,_C\ooM� torsaod 1M'nU..

A youn1 lady who hlilS a cl� �la­tio nshlp With our Company rCC('ntly r«e\H�d an honor. She is El Donrna f"ull�r. a .ophomore In The School of M�IC at lnd•an.a Unt,·enity. and the dau,hter of Art ••alter. Adve":rt11lni­She worked �n B•lhnc dur•na: �ehool vK'IIUOft INI sumll'lt'r, and anU!nds to n!turn thiS c:ot'I'URI aum.mer.

El Oonnll W been� 1nto the '"lkiJt.a.'" a tana•na arvup aponsor'N by JndaM Uruwrnty, and � to b. OM of tM ftnc!st m the country. nus chorus ,. compoRd of toOlM' � 11rl.. w1th m��ny of them prcwKhl\l lhe.r own 1ndrvmrntal baclt(l:rouncl.

Jonty of ltw.'•r numbc>n fall 1n thto �ll•r ea«''If')', but ttwy do equally •·ell wnh the mort' K"flOI.lS t)'pt' of .....




�"'Bell..,. .. tour the state and rv�n more datant an!U. �rt of the> VOUP rfft'ntly I'C!Iurned from an ena:agenW'nl In Cubll and the Cartbbean. Tht! ma•

Ct>ncnuulatlona. El Donna. and your hiendl at Wht>et.brator are wash•nc you the bt11t of fortune 1ft your m"W proJt'C:I'

From Draftsman to Senior Engineer


Kne Him

JOE ARATA Joe AnU, Entu'lef'nnc, JOirwd the

Company an Manh. lt-41 PrniOWI)', he had worked for Dodac Manufactur• In• Company an d Ot'lco·Rcmy 01· v�tOtl of C«'�l Moton: Corporatton JOt-'& ftnt job here ..., Ort.fuman lie now sen-n 1n lhoc taJ)IIC1lY or !kniM , , -n Dlc•M'ft"

The United .�und of St. Jouph Cot�nty recently awardl'd attractwe plaqu(·., both to Wht't'labrator Man­&Jcm<'nt and Local 19� UAW·CIO 'J'htoMo CIUIIION IA·Cte ll\"t'l'l for the out· tlandil'llt manner 1n ,. h�h Whe-el•· be-ttor tolkl �p(tndll.'d In the- plant IOIK'lta1Jon of tho UF W1 Octobe-r

Sho,.·n w1th �of the pl&qUK an, loft to n,h1 Rollo t'MnOH, Vw Prftl­d<-ot of the> Local and Gl�ta• ..... lnw:r. Prft:ldM\t. John w .. r. Aaastant Trcu­u�. aftt"ple'd a hke a•·ard on be· half or Wheclabnuw Man&eemcmL

Page 5: EEIABIIATfJI 195… · the loncett storvace reC"ords amon1 labrttor ,...._,du \'""'· '/II '/ 'J We clamor for more and more tratnc Hfety, but we don't wan! to earn •t. We can h&\'C


PAID FOR WITH DUST S.ruota (:on,rnte & Blot-k Compuy

or S..-..ot&. norlda, bas had notablt �ulu wtth a Dustubt!o Collf't"\Or all With no IIC'hUol �l to �. In ad.di· Uon to thts, worktn& oondtuons in and about th{' plant hl\'f!' bfton bent'�. and the phy�•<"<�lappearanl"l"oCtht>tn­tlrl.! op.tnlllon hN bee-n impro\"� 'nu:t C'ORt))tln)' o�ratN a tomblntd bklck and n...tty-mtx� planL

Our ou .. tube Coll�ttor ,-.nulatf't dw,t n"C''Ittn& opr,nltlons turn a. a Btl• • r Mutt-r. c-tmcmt batch ,,,.&&h•nc. and thf.duc:hai'J'f!'of �alftandCC"rnrrn mlo traru.d max tnac:ks. M.atnwl ....,. CO\'\"� 1:1 "'turned to lhto mlxn- In II.IC'h quan111� that .. VII\t!l m matCTY-1 t'OfU a 10M' PlY ror tM Coll«tor C'\W')' t"'O )'C"If'L

Manh 12·1S w-.. a lti'IW I« d� .. nc and .tlartna: ICSH' &mOilC \\'lu-tS.· brator l:r«ton and !Wn._ Men. .. tlwy <vrnmed at t� Muha•'aka Of· 1k-t T-·tnty·tot\·t-n �from 19on'ICft t'RJOn-d an opponumty to thrash out such thm•• •• ntw t>qutpment, tKh­mqu�. markN' tte. The �lmJ abo M"n·l'd u a Rne "rt'frHhtr" COUI"M' on many phaJt-'1 of our opt>rat�OJlJ and product•

BettdN dl.c"U .. !Gn lmMJ the fkld men, tb�rco V�·cort' talks and panela �ondu�IC'd by ''&rJou• department he<&d.c and holM oftke �L Jk.. tJMt the 1tr1�111 mt-ehamcal topxs �.-..a�on the•m� of E��ton and Senu•e EnJiftl'C'rl 'AOrluna clowly IOC�thet' on Jobl In � �ld, 1ft ordo·r tl\at a combined and maximum tnort miJht rMult 1n thco Jrt'atco•t Atb!actton for thco c:u..�tomcor

In thco plctu� 11 a pon1on of tho!! VIJIIIQIII'OI.IP


AHEAD FOR BILL }'nday, a.ta"h n. •-u the lu.t day

on � JOb !« \\ lllb• KftvH of thc­StM:l Sbop B.sll nnw: 10 "'OC'k � IQ )fay, lt50. but ln�ndl now to "put 1n � tunco IWI1n1 and rl:'ltlng. .. prob­ably m or Mar Orlando. FSorida.

Bill Will Lacklt' tht! lnhab1tanl$ of th� }'Jonda ltkt't and nvcrs well p� pa�. a1ne<" hll fcollow worker� OUI· tltt('(l hin1 WJth a spinnlnJ r('l:l, ,,._,. rod and oth('r ta�kle Although he an· t1dpatH ,,.., days aht>ad, Bill •Y• he alulll nt"\"er fora:N the &ood tmw-. and fnrndly aHocaations Vl'llh old fncoods at Yt1M't'labrator

Good hrailth and f<N'tune. BtU' .......................

Page 6: EEIABIIATfJI 195… · the loncett storvace reC"ords amon1 labrttor ,...._,du \'""'· '/II '/ 'J We clamor for more and more tratnc Hfety, but we don't wan! to earn •t. We can h&\'C

The Passing Parade


Got any h.aullng or moving to do? The man to see is llarry Cooley, StN'I Shop. Harry 5&ys he will do a good job - and t>NidH. he wanu to make thOIK' truck payments on time. (R.G.)

Mr. and Mn. Kay Grtenlee are the proud parents of a baby boy or 7 11>$. born Mai"C'h 8 in Elkhart Ceneral Hos· pilal, T hi s Is th""lr rlrst ch1ld. Ray work.s In Nonh Shipping. (R.G.)

Pred Real$, Day Shnr Opr-rator, wu in Chieaco, March 17 toatlt>nd the Natio nal Hobby and Antique Show, held at Conrad liilton HoteL From aJI reports. the alTair wu a lrllllld .ucccu.


R..:llph WIR:man hu been on the sick list. Hope you are back !lOOn, Ralph.


Leo Miller is havina a pretty rough tiiTW". Hope he will be back to woTk soon. Leo works on Assembly Line, N'i&hts.. CR.G.)

.1\llen Gntf �ms to be working for

the County th� days. lie is getting very good at knocking down st op aigns. Allen works In Dustube Depart· ment, Ni,htt. Tlke it easy, AL (R.G.)

llg�rry Wt:avt:r Is a:cttl ng along \'Cry well these days. lie hu bet'n SJek for a long time He used to work N•ahts as a Layout Man. lito Is plannlnt; to be bac:k With U.S lOOn. (ft.G.)

We w•sh to cxprCIL$ our sympathy to AI Ross, Plant z. and h1s tam•ly on the p.u.smg of their daughter. ( R.C.)

Wtolcome back to Sid lnatchette from the Navy. Sid wu dtschargcd due to a bad lea. (R.C.)

l.l:tnk l.lf'mbr�ht ..... as taken home from the plant ill Jlo� he lt ba<:k soon. (R.C.)

Oalloa Smot'k 1:1 now the proud father of a baby g,rl, Sandra Lynn. She was bor n in February, WNChlnf 7 pounds and 13 ounces. (R.C.)

Whil(' punchmc in the other day, I hapi)C!nl.>d to glan« up and see I thought wu a new man. Bu t cettlnc closer, I di.sco\'ered that n was bck Kine- w1 th a Yul Brynncr h;��ir cut. Jack $.I)'S he told tht barber to get as close as he t'OUid without using a ra­zor, but there mwt ha\'C'! be<-n a shp up 10mewhere. (R.C,)

Mr. and Mrs. Krnneth .1\l:aler re· cc-n•cd a bundle !rom hea\'e n 1n thc fom1 of a son on March I Z, weighmg 7 poun ds 9�.- ouncn. Bett wiJ.het to the proud and happy parenlL ota)

Our dctpt-St sympathy fJOCJ to lhe Am berg fanuly in the: �'('Cent death of their fath.,r. Joe Amberc work' 1n MQchme Shop. (H 8.)

Louie OravlnJ htad some bad ne"''1 aLso. IllS gra nd$on wu kiiiOO In a rt'!·

C"l"nt automobile •«•dent. We are sorry this had to happen. ( H 8.)

The bowling U'a.liOn Is slowly dr-aw· ing to a dOK'. Thl• Aft' doing much better this )'<"8r. It n.•ally is •· bout time, we think. We don'l feel that we han�· let the Athletic �iatlon

down thi.t year as WI" ha11e In P�'·•ous years. It has �n fu n. Thanks. Girts.

(liB.) Ralph Smith. Machine Shop, was

called to lo"'a in the rt'fl!nt death of hiS father-in-law. {1-1.8.)

In the C!ly Bowling Tourney, R:ty Celie came up wuh a 611 :5erlcs to lead his team m scc:ond plaa"' til 8.)

Hob Gibbon$ had to 11:0 back to tus childhOOd days of playmg April FOQI jokes. He had two baby rattlers in a box- •howing them to all th\' &iris JWl t o s..-e them jump and .scre11m. Poor wouldn't t-vcn look at them. So th� story g�'IJ. That � a joke. (lLB.)

Whl"n asked 1f anyone had any newa for the P.arade, tf anyone �;ot morried or any one had bab1es I cot thb reply:

Wheel•bntor Folkt on the Job

CLUENCE NEnaouu , s-a , ...,., "" -"'•ol .. wt...t. .... - .... J_...,_ .,s,_,..� .._ ""' ...._ ..,;tt. vm. .... s, .. ,, ......... c __ r . ct...-.n •,.,.k ... MMI . K.. I>•oll.,. .... ,.,.ol_ ........... H:O •"""f ................... , .,. 4hloy h"'''"' u" fV, Ct•••flc• h • _....,., .,,.,.,...,,...,c..,..,...,._., la.lo••IOWyAoOHl•l;...

Page 7: EEIABIIATfJI 195… · the loncett storvace reC"ords amon1 labrttor ,...._,du \'""'· '/II '/ 'J We clamor for more and more tratnc Hfety, but we don't wan! to earn •t. We can h&\'C

My nt had th� bilb>f'l Mat('b 30 Babt-N and lotothfor art' do1n1 riM. 11w. � from Clurlotte Snh. (H B.•

It � the bo)'S In the S�kroorn hne a new canw- to play at noon tUM'. I t 11 an old Be la•an Ja m e c-alled -shootU\' Box" It .,,.. &hown to me by "Rt'd" Poelvorde and explaaned 1n thlt .... -ay. You hne four r1nas. a box • nh a hole an the! Ct"nt.-r with the lane d rav.n throuah thc!cotnter of the board, tha.t mukt Oft' !he C:OUntlnl. 11us is 1o mrth1n1 hke a man lature •huflle boArd ''""'· l.ooiU hke- f un, boy-.. All you do ''throw th� ""''on the board and try to ICt tht'm lo ao In thll hole for a (Ount of 3 CH_B,)

Wekome hor-ne and back to •·ork, Chules t\ldJI(tr. We a� 1lad to 5H you. Charln WI the 10n of Johnnae an 1M- Madun4: Shop. Charles wu in the Nny for four )"tart �ant ttaU<:Ined on ttw USS llaul....-ood No. 01»31 on th• Ea• t Coa•t at Newport. Rbode Uland lie ...... da-..:-harceci on January 4th .., a Radannan ht C..._ Charles wat marrit-d to Barbara Hall f rom Br-.ntrft',"tU, on Mardi %3 We wiSh )'OU lhto "try bel:t of evtry· th m,: Charlt• and Barbara I n your new h41ppuu�• Chari� wu emplo)'t'd 1n tM Stockroom before a:omc an to �t:t\'1� and abo tht' Machanc- Shop. Hto Is on a dnll machaM In the Machille Shop fli.B.)

It IK'emJ thlt tome of \h@ boys an the a� not only sto.-ll nl­l<'rt but an ai'IO full of the f.rnun1 bUI- Th l• may M> just an April t'ool'• )Oke 11nre I rot the news on tb.t day. But an c-ue It bn't they MY the! tomato bo.wneu ._ boonu.rl• 1bto bop •Y lhllt tht-7 ha, .. a cood atart of tomatotl at�y and � tt ._ only Apnl Fool'• Day. l am reslly "*ther fll,un)Wd about t� wlwl)to thul&. I CUH1 I mwt be from MI.IMM.lri.

• , , <H.B I lt'l funny- or .li u• �ltJ nui'X!S

toii'M'tlln<'tl t\11\"t' troubk!- �ttll\l the1r �1"1 to stop Our day nu!'M", Norrtn Tarrlnr. K't'ml 10 ha\·e that trouble, 10 l)oc- Stoddltrd made her a spec1al anc:hor to 1hrow out for •topp1na the ur No�·n tHmJ to have maxcd cmo· uons oboot this a«'t'UUry and Doc's JC!n(ror.ily. (M.G.)

lc'1 \Cell Into Spr11111 ud the gardcu ori'Q�IIQTilf'/ermeu•llerrbulllt f!Ok'IIIQ. M011 proplf''l hopt'1ere011 the­n«. If blld "'"'"" ,.u-r do<r_n�'c �c­elooof elld blu-1 if 10 the 1ktn. COIIU­'"11 r.u '<""- ,,.., harn-•r ..- c�ot�•. � �· f.ook n•ovrlmualld.,..CMorU.f'hvs, aowiiC'C'V'hO�-"

-AsonMOCI (lLC.l

alter two month.J al»t� due to an apptondo",toM.)" N"d10n ,.,., he: f�lt good e-xnpt h1J knu teem to � made ot rubber cue •

For Sak .. OM ltsl Ford Dotsn't need braket. Anchor lntlud<'d For mo� anf«Mitlon t'Ofltact N..-«• Tu· rln.r. t'a"t Aid Room. I M-G .•

NAil Olint't! of morhf'r 11 wor th o f>O".IId of t'1tr1111-"

-SI'ANIIII l'won:u (MC)

Bob \'O§t came back from the Army after IS montht ..:orvler. Ue ""'" in GNmany for 7 mot\tht. Boy tara It -·u niCe O\·�;-r tht� but II 1lad to � bac-k at home and Whft·labrlltor


Eddie llluiMOft c-ame bec-k Ma�h �- afte:r a t•·o-•--rek ,-acatMm 1n •un· ny t'londa. He went dHp � flstnnc but •,-a thoe cak:h ..... asn't \C!fY lhat d.a.T- Pt-rhaJ* 11 wu benuae too maa.r �nct-n •·t'f't' ft't'danc w &.h. He .._,.. half of tht-m ..,.t-rt- tea PCk.. 1biC'n Ed and • «M.�p!IC' othe:r t..tlo•·• •·C!nt out In a •mall.-r bolit about thl'ft m1les on' abort' and tht>y caucht enouch m a holt hour to till a Jarbqe can. so had to n-turn to land. Eddie A)-a that w1th th at lund of lu ck M could "take 10 yeatJ of tl.hln1 rllt'h day." (M.G.)

"Wortu�n Metd ItO( be- bt'lnllifllll evtrv daa� o/ thrlr hru; It 11 IIIIDI<'l<'llf that thf'JI hcn•t mOrtltMU lll!'h!ch Onf' dOl's not }flrf/1'1."

-Vlc:Tl:* CtiUMf:LilG (.1 C.l

Ou.r symplllhy ll rxknded to Oor· othy Lou. �� & furM 0.'-'baon. an the- lou of htr falhtr, l.awr-ent't' Ol('k· ana.on. of Good a.M. lnd��.M., on Mlffh 1&. (MM)

Del CaiUf'Mfl. S.lft. 10 •·e under• ttand.. now '"'c"-' • tlnc.-r In an mk boll� to bt •u� th�� IJ some ftu1d In 11, af t�r handlnl an <"n'IPtY bottle Ccomplt· tto w1th carton) to h er boN. Phil Jordan, bt'fore a �nt meelanc ho wa• to an�:nd. (M.M.)

Clialr lloffman, Dust &. Fum(' R<'· clonal t:nJIIn�r. hu our tympathy in the death of hi• fathe r, Ralph J. !loft'· man. of Palm�:rton, l�·'-'anla. on

March tt eM M.)

Our DaotriCt Setvtt'C! Enttneot-n "''e� all ht-rr for a rnet"tlnl rrom Man:h 12 to 1$ �r'I( Mr. F .. 1\. Ric-h 1''-e 1M wrk:om•na addn-- and Master of Crremonle� was 'lr. ll. L Ortll.. A RntS of l«tu'"" •·u ll\�n by vanous men an our Of'Jan1uUon on sub>«U rda ted to lh(' S.-rvlc• En1lncc-n' dut-. Of cour.e, the r.-now• enjo)·ed

most of all 1ettll\& back to ttK· .. okl tamptn• crounds - Ahaha•·alr.a" tor a cet-toct!tlw:r U.1 M.l

)Ury Ko�-.o11, Sald, and he-r hu.-· batld. lltrbn't. adoptfd a 4'1·motllh· old baby boy. Apnl IS. nanunc h1m Ddon Chark-J Mary " now nayan• homco to take care or the )·oun�tter an th11 \"«)' happy family C •1 Pot •

Entm.-crlnl Ot'partment has two gals on the draf t1n1 bGIIrd - Graee Coh en fupstalrt) .-nd Oorh Stenlll Cdownstalrt•. Mont pow<'r to you. &&Is - let's show thtw m4'n W<' �an draw •trattht li ne• , too. tOt c-oun.- , we realizl' thl' mt'n do bcott"r on t he cun·e..• (M.M)

Paul i.\1Tt'rt.. Paru Sc.-rv�. wu � t"t'ntly obM-n"fll wath a chopped-up kloka� ha1rcur.. ""hKh 11 �-eiOptod �from hit nen�·•r11Ckan.c upen­� Ln the barbt'rahop It '"'"" Paul 1\ad to •·all a .... haW for h11 tum. .. he- read a ""1\rnf'"' tnaeUtiM' -.·as a \·ery v1\·•d and colorful arodto -.-nh JNCturw of a heart opn-auon. m •hK'h Pa ul b«-ame \·�tr)· m�h e n· &I'O!Ned After the barbtr had �tartt'd to .-ut hl.f ha ir, Paul had a horr1blt' r�hn.c that ht' ••• about tO fa1nt, so tbey rushed for cold comp�. l'k .• and had ham hold ht.s hN1d down ...... rd. This h1ppencd tWI«". with the poor barber tryana to a.e-t P•ul'• ha�r ttlt. In the meant11T\C! They nnally tot liNt ltd down, e,·t>n thou(h P:aul's half wu all wet. Arter lt'arnlnl of th11, 1ome H..,.._, .. can.fully plan-d the artie� 1n qut'l'llion on P.ul'• d�k at work "'·hlle he- ..... out of the room. cPS -Paul A)"' that he- !nola duty bound to con· tnbute hM\'IIy IOthe-MJI'I lttart FuM drt,-e.l U·l�l.)

WekocrN- to JeJ.IIftf! Jl!ltf'itboll, Co&t, .. bo has come to work " Wht!oel­abntor .leanne h\'C'I at �• CrrM"rtt Dnv.:-, Osceola. IMhana. With h<'r hUJ· band and d.auJhtff Pf-UY .leanne. •-lwl II 3l1·)·ean-o1d. (FO.)

Wat('h thiS ('Olumn for ne••• of traf-fk' vlolatlon1, ett' (PO.)

To Mr. and Mr-. John l..anr. • boy. Thoma.s Allen, born March I. Con· cratulaUOnl to Mrs. Lan1 To John -what • handacap to nart Tommy oft w1th Actually, �t wu hard to tell JUSt who an thfo Lan.,: famaly waa ha\'lftl tbu baby. For two w«kl bel� Tom­m.y arnved. Pal)ll John piiC\t'd ttw ftoor to tM tek'photM-, AWr1111n• 40 miln: pcor day and wor e out thne tt-le· phones. And an••••• fm1ernalls­John not only U!«t up lM natb for lt$7. but •·• about hatr way throuch

ICMlt• ...... _,.......,.,}

Page 8: EEIABIIATfJI 195… · the loncett storvace reC"ords amon1 labrttor ,...._,du \'""'· '/II '/ 'J We clamor for more and more tratnc Hfety, but we don't wan! to earn •t. We can h&\'C

The Paulng Parade IC.,ofl•_...l._ ...... "";

1151'a quota lt'1 to tw bopfd tht-Lanp do not h;l\ I' 100 larce a family �1\bC! poor old John ju�t couldn't takl' n.


The Foundry, lt'.mponnly, hu one of Sam llt-lrTI'II"I 0 J) -� 'J'tlu t.d'a na� d T4tm SUdcles., and ht> &J •-ork· lnl as a Cr1nder. Now h<:rt''a a auy that mi.&ht � dc�loped Into IOmt·· ttunt 1f tht- t'oundq could Ml\"f' had hun btl� hrt nnw v.nckr lhe lnJ!.u­l'nt'e of A.rnll' IUidly Wblt· Ulkcr. That coombiAIIIon 11 too 11'1'-leh of an oblltad&.• f or eve-n the Foundry 10 0\'�m(' (F'U.}

Oc-le S•ydu,just doHn't eaA'!a&nap of h1s flngl'r for mont')'. That htlll' JJip of paper they ha nd out on Thurt• day niJ;ht and Friday to bo.> ju't tornelhmc to ttart � wnh. That b JUSI 'ld�.lt he did 'a"lth II - th� n 1n the slo\� tf 8.)

l..arry G11nn dec1dfd to quu unoklnl and did for 111r0 d.lys. �n hu Mn'ft nJUidn't do Without I C::IPI"rUt', M hi' amnJtt'd onf!_ That OOf' rt"ally �-e nt to hl1 ttomaeh, but d1dn't all)' lone Now hto doa.n't know wh1ch will kill htm ftrtt- nervet or tummy (f B)

It Is doublful lf Juk Shmfrr will cv ... r buy anolh(·r pair of those ufrty lhot't. The! p1u walked nght out of the- IOC"ked room 11nlhout e'--en yd­llr\1. �Look. Ma, no fe<M. .. Jadl •P"'t. almCMt tour hours lr")'IJ\1 to(ha,e thtn\ down. (F B.)


Retiring Employees Benefit By Ch•ngo

Wheelabr.�lor Corpora bon 11 pleased to ••wounrc a plan by wh1rh your croup life U�\U11nt"C' w-111 I"Tit'lln JTIOnc'y m rwr poc-k� Thu thoukllfltl'T"ftt. all of u.1, eJ�•ally thou tolkt In thto oldt>r ace bnoc-ket, who, at aorne tune or <Uhrr, have hAd mllll\'lnll u ttl wMtht'r or not th('y could al'ford 1.0 �ny on tM-1r uuuranno after )H,·ml � CGmpMy. They nft!d no I• nge-r be to Jrfll1ly «�nct'rrM.'d 0\"cr ttw< mallt.'T"

low-Cost P.-otectlon

In thort, ttns hbC!'nl plan now. ft"l­abW. you 1.0 ma1ntam \-aluab� Pf"O­lC:('UOn wtthout hav�na to pa)' the> f'f'ltWt't'IJI h<gh niiC'I that would nor­mally � charge-d an older p('DM al the Unw he"tl ud convC'rtt from a Croup poiK'J' IO an U\dJ.\"tdWII pl•n II htt at\.1111\C'd ••"· In oaber -·ords. roo .... ill bto able to kt'e"J) tmportant bc-nc'­flts. allhoug h you m•y no IOIIJt'r bt' <�n m1ployH>of Wh«lolbratorCorponi�Dn

Thu ntw. pl..n w.1ll allow your &roup lift' IRIUrlnt"e tO ton.lln\lt'" in d'ft'rt If• «cr roor retlrtmtnt, \uthout COf1 to you. At the inttptlon of the plan, tht:!

Comp&n)' will poy the whole premaum for all quahlkod ,.t1red t'mpl•>)"f'ftl u lona •• our Croup Pol� • 1n f� Ho�t'\·f'r. aft�r thor Mctropohtmn l..lft' lti$Uf'I.RC't' CompltO)' attUmul:ttC't the ""''t"��ry fund.J by re�ainm• our dn·i· dendt. th� lnsuun('f' eompany will nrry t:hf' Pl"fti'IIW'4 u lone ., the- n-·

tu-rd t'mpklyee In-a


,·kbon, Ow. a & t""umc.•, ..... , h'C'd m the f'lbf\.lary lw� of� BEACO:"J, pubh(;ltlon or thl· Epi$('(JPII Chun-h, North••m lnd11na DIOC"e!ot'. The< BEA· CO:"J a. publliMd at Marlon. lncbana.

For somet1mt' this maca.r1ne h a bt.'en runnma ft'atures o n \"llraout ('hUr('hd in the dlotfte', II\ 101 the htahhlhU of th�lr h•$tOrlc.'"l. J1m to...k thf plc."tUI'C't tO tlh.btnl� \hr dOl')' on SL l'aul't of Jd, h .. t.-aka, of "'h1ch he lS I Jflol>mbcor. 801h I� t'Xtt'fl0f" and •ntt'nor lhots Wf'n! Wt'll don(', whKh b not so •urprlslnt. ainct- Jim's chid hobby b: pK:tul't' tak1n1 and dt'\·elop­


Oualifictliont The amount of Ufe Jnsurann- and

11\funnt"C' lOT or OiamC'mbH­mo:-nt by A«!Mntal Mf'lnt applyu\C to any tmp)oyr-e \lho rtllf'f!l It aae IS or 0\"tor, w1th at least 10 years of H-rY•ct­at rctm. •n1ent • .shall be tilt'- full o11nount for -·hk:h hi' was huun:d o�t the dol� �"•tlllusrf'hrt1tH11tl.

The am .. unt of Life lnJUrlnt't' and lnsu.r111Mto for �th or D•tn\t."mber· ml'nt by Accidl•ntllll Means awlyma to any t'mptnyH> �ho n-11rn on or aftt'r ace 5.S but praor to •r.•IO. Wlth at lftls;t ;M """" of k'n"JCt at n-t.Jrtmcnl. or IR)' l"mpl<l)'('(' who f('tirn on or 11fter age 60 but pr1or to lfCe 65, w1th at lt"ast 20 )·dn of IK"fYit"t at f('tlft'm.t'nt, shall bt' on.-hallthco amount for \l'h!C':h lw \US lnJUr-.d Oil tM ·� p!'"�llttll hlSn-U"'�l.


l.dr;� ot.h•r Athk-tK" A...oH&Iton Stq Plrllt'J, the- latt.'at On t', held JO th� Communi\)' llou•e 11 Lmcoln l'ork. Saturdll)' IIIJht, Mllt't'h 9. WU a IUC· CTt&. A ltt'l·toceth<'r •uch as thla af­'ordt I n� oppot1Mnii.J 10 "'' .. a1ld 11 tbt' , hlfte' to �� olhN" W�l· abntor folks 1n an .nformal atmos· ph('rr- Of fl'IIOWI!hlp

EntcrtAmment for the e'�ntna t'Otl• iJLtt'd of c-anl play1n,1 aod w1�•n1 ttw- b.•ket'-11 ,.,_ bt-tw('("ft South Dt'nd Ct'ntral and PJt'rt"t'ton •·hu�h was lc>lt'vl�ed Rl"frtshmrnts were k"rved. u\dudm� delic-IOUS bam umd­w�<:hn. Nu.mbt'n we� drawn and 10 ptOple •·eN •� cash prl.tft..

Page 9: EEIABIIATfJI 195… · the loncett storvace reC"ords amon1 labrttor ,...._,du \'""'· '/II '/ 'J We clamor for more and more tratnc Hfety, but we don't wan! to earn •t. We can h&\'C

THE LlnLE BRICK HOUSE )hny of )'ou have •�.-n thco nut

looJunc auard hou.e C'Onatru(\t'd o! red brick, and l�l!t'd at the southWt'lt l"'rJK>r of the plant t'or lhOtoe w·h.o Rl'V<.'r han� Ottasion tO pu. n<'llr It, we arr- lhowmc a picture.

TtuJ !\('""' unit, which rrplace. tlw old IU.rd hOUH adJa«>nt to � fte..­SI.'illrch Uboratory at Ow- IWK.It�a.t t:x­t�mlly of Plant I, wu rnadc !JC'Ct'S..

At)' to kf"''P Pk"'t" -·•th otMr exp�n­.Jion throuahoul OW pn:mu"'

The JUIIIrd on duty at thb pte 11 al­waya k�·pt rather bw1y. All Plant 2 l.'mployt>H and the maJority of shop workt>n of Plant I I)QU hert' to and from w.·ol'k In add ition art: the- 5roret: of trU(k:t ck·hn·nn• 1nd pkkin& up fl't'IJht for both plant··

Yn, our ComPIRY IIJradually out­Jrowma IU old "atun.·"

gp..,n, hu � aaa1n and alone w•th It many pou olt"'iorful Jonqutls to IMiom 'ar�C�Ua art-., ol our oft�CH... For � Pbt w , ... ,.., )("an& n hu beoH!. IJW' N1tom of D1md Pulh, Propt"M:tor of EdJt''Aater t'lor al Placc, to 1cond a1011.1 tftj-.... tlov.t'n v.·tuC'h •� no\ only h.arb1n1t'r1 or Spr1n11 but tokf!nl or IIOO<hnll Wr v.ant D•\f! to know th•t wr •ppreC'•ah• h11 thou��:htrul11e1 a.t w('ll All rn}oy tht• Jonqu11 ..

RrKIIrd!nallowert for Wh"'l.abrator, W<' ftnd that a t"'n••derable area In the Edl:ct·w•tt'r hotb(·d• are dl·voted to 1rttw•n1 th<-rn t'•'l)' for us. in­c:ludintr •c:Ort'� o f Grr•nlum plant• v.·hlch a,. tran.�plankd eac-h Spran1 1n <1\U' Company btdt.

o-.""""- .... ��---.. iooool1elo..--�o--..... �.., .. ._....,_ ........ _, ..................... ,.....,.,._,_!.-

HELP FOR THE HEART l,.a,.t )'C'tlr 7t7 Pt'Opko In St. JOM"ph

Cowny dwd of hNn d•�- N.auon­any. lhOt't' than 10.000..000 d�. � brnuw of th,. dn-Miulkr .,.. •· hnc. hm1lot-s ol vJctun. •ulft-r mon. but •uddm l't'n� of uluab� em­ployee� ,. a \"Ita! and expnh!Vt' prvb­lrm for emplO)en. too Out thlt Pt'OP!e of Amcr1ca -•ncl or our rounty-.,.. fiJ:,ht•nt bk-k Throu1t1 th<' lleart t"oun. dation thty 111' Jupportln' a prOflram or �IJ'('h cmd edti<'atton to htAblb:h c.auK't and curM. Thl' rt:wtarth pro­.gram !t t'On�tantl)' brinam1 lift'.qv. •na:: di.K'OH."tlt'l ----- and the «tuC'atlon Ia U\'JnJ llvt't by tf'!Una proplt' •dth h�rt d1'W'aw how t o � wuh t�1r roncht•on. Anothe-r valu· ablt' M"r"VIC"'!' " thto di�pc_on,nn& Oflnfor. m.uon about tuch di.HIUN aa rhc-u­mahC' rc:,-n. whkh oftf'ft t'IIUW'I hc·.art Knowkdllt' or tbt- dantif'n of � •JirrM'niJ t'lln bt pow.·rrtulftiC'tOh •n tht' �-mhon of tw-an d� 1bt' people In our Comp��nJ•tt' �alun,: pan •n thf' pro1r•m by tupportu,l tht' Hun Toundauon throuJh IM1r UnllC'd "'""

One of tht' odd1t1t'l of life is how a m.t�n �•n bC' hlt own WOI"'II enemy by bel111 hi• own bellt frlt>nd

WhHI•bntor Follu on fhtl Job

SHIILIY WfSlON. SIMf U...., •­...... .. _. ... ....._...,ltJI .. f.. .......... ......, ................... "'c....,_,efs...""'"HooiM ..... to er-a,...- .... ,..._..., • ...._ .. _.... ................ _ SMfot.,lt_...,_.lwo .... ...... Mt..,.. ........ _......_._.....,.. ills. ......... .._.

Page 10: EEIABIIATfJI 195… · the loncett storvace reC"ords amon1 labrttor ,...._,du \'""'· '/II '/ 'J We clamor for more and more tratnc Hfety, but we don't wan! to earn •t. We can h&\'C

ReilllxlnJ: the lmporunce of the weldmg lndU!Itry to our busmea. th� Cornpa,ny took advantflae or thC! opportunity of displAying equipment .u a tMide •how r«ently, The show, the �th Weldina & Alht<l Industry El(J)0$1t•(m, was held in Convention Hall, Mul1delphla, April 9·1 L

In our 12' x 30' booth Wt' had a -18'" Wht't'labrator Sw•n�: Tablt< and a No. 0 Modt'l-70 Dustube Dust Coll�tor - also a Wheelabrator dU:play unl\.

Our mac:hln('S are U5t'd for many purposes m the weld­ment field. Pnor to wt'ld1nc. it is wed on p1pe �kelp to g1ve the right surfac� n:quu·t-d for pre.�ure·tiJ:ht wt>ldmg. Aftt!:r wt>ldml it lll to n!mow.• nux, :.,patter, run and snle trom weldments.. This alford!! a perfi.'Ctly clean sur­fa� !or subwquent flnlshm1. such as palnlml. gal\·anlz.!ng. "�

This Is onl' \'lew ot our booth



As members of Rural Youth or Indiana, four Wh�labra· tor 1irl.s had a mon lnteresung and t'nter tamml( 11me re­cently when the croup made a W('(!k's trip to New York and Ma»a(:hUS('U.J.. Slilllet'n Kirb and tlvt!: boys were chaper­oned on the tour. From our Company were l)(trlene Gal­breath, Cred1t Department: Orualee Hkk:o�. SaleJ: Janet "brker, Engint'Crina: Robbye Lou Ounn, 8•1hng.

lllahli.lhlJi or tht! tnp lndud� ViS•Ui to; Statue of Liber­ty; Emp1re Su.te Building: R�!o Cuy MusiC' Hall: China. town. The Bowery: United Nat1ons Bulldma: Qc:.eanllner. "ConstitUtion;" Old Iron S•des; Paul Revt're House and Church; Plymouth ROck; Cape Cod Canal Additional time was spent witnt'&Sinl vuious TV prosrams, major depart· ment llores and the .stage play, ''Happy Hunting."

A ftttlng ellmax to the bls wef:'k C'ame whC'n the group was caught m eo real New En1land snowstorm.


PI 'I 1'01 R 111.10 111 TilE PUJ\f

Page 11: EEIABIIATfJI 195… · the loncett storvace reC"ords amon1 labrttor ,...._,du \'""'· '/II '/ 'J We clamor for more and more tratnc Hfety, but we don't wan! to earn •t. We can h&\'C



Willi!; "'IJIII'" tla.-., Rcrttcvm�::. c:atM to wcwk h<-,.. '" J�o�ly. Itt! lhs ftnt Job hf'r� ""'II lt'fVIDI II R�I\'InJ Ch«ker In July, I�Z. 8111 wu made t'�nu�n of Rf'tC'IvlnJ Dtopartmtont 8111 U)'l hts thtl'l' ma1n actlvhlu whC'n not on the job •� bowlmJ, hunt· Inc and tbhtnJ. We haw� no �port on the latter two. but we havt' �n him bowl tome Vl't)' tCfiJ)t'('tllble arorl'tl Bill 1� a mf'm�r or Mlahaw11.ka Lodll" 130 P &. AM, and South !k>nd Scoul�h Rite.

Jltk n:�u•hl'f, South Shlpplna, has �n tmploy<'d ht-re ••nee July, 1940, hi\"IDJ Wot"kNI prt•\'IO�DI)' for Standard Oil of M�ehiJan Jl� ""' )ob III'U ln Lhto SU'4.'1 Shop a• Makl'up Man. He tranllfl'rrt'd to Nnrth Stuppmc an t.ta�h. lt-41 In Aul\lft, ttn Ja,ek wu rnaM }'orunan. Rt-pa1r Paru, South Sh1pplnl. lla. hobb1n art' luhtnc. bowhnc and rolr Jadr: lS a �Mr of f'ntt"n\111 Orck-r of Ea£� and a �� �Hknt of Mu.ha• .. ka Lode<".


'l'lul t 11 the op1nton of Owar n..boa. frll-pt"('llon I)�;JMU'\�l, who hM n'!a• son to koow w�reof ht ��u.

�r �turned to work �ntly a.f. ter btl!'la otf th� lob for 11x weeJu.. rc:­cov<'rlna from an opention for double hemla of lona atandlnfl. Blue Cto$1· Blue Shlt>ld took car" of h01pital and doctor bill• In the amount of $382.50


Bob Yost, Ste<-1 Shop Cn-turncd from military tt'n•ice); J(lhn lltt�kwl�kl, Maid: Wayne CI«"Aif!nlli, Sale.; Lor• nine l'f!.nrod, Ou't & 1-'U.In('; Cathu· lne Ley� tlbll Room; JC!anne tlutchi· son, Co.t

Glenn Wood� S.lH; Alire Mkh�b.k, Salftl; f.!llubeth Caunnrlle, S.ln; Cl;ayton Dlnru, Du•t & F\Jmto; 1\l:lbel Po•e,..., Entcuw�rhq; RoiHrt Pll�cd. Er-Kto.-; Jofn1 Keller. Jr .. Enau�nn&. Part Tunor; EureU 1\lr.f'all. Attount· ""


0.. -' - �- ··· ...-4 •• ...,. ...... t, .. -d• U .. '"'"' ....._ r.. "'- -- e4 WAtlU HOnli­""AH, t .... _ .. ..._. , w . � .. ....... - .Me ••• ,.,........., ,. _..,.. .. .... ,....o�y .... ... ..... .......... .. .... ....

'·--• o;cu-. ,....., _. 0010. '""' ton, o.,.. a '-· ,._.. ... .., .. � . ....... .. ...... .. t.o-_.., ... .. ..... ....... ,., .... , ..... ., .... ......... _ .......,... .. ,,........,

.. ..... .. .. __. _ __ ..,_. � M M. M ""'- JAC11' 1'f(�-.. .... .. .... f'lctrr, f.._, .... a-t.. ....... .... ..... ,._. ... .., -._., " r.. w.., c-, . ...... .....,.

��Obody llkn to kaHI an experJt'nC'f' such u mltl('," .. )'1 Osc-ar. '""but 11 b not nearly 110 bad 11oh�n you Art' &J· sui'NI that your ,.VInJI Will not be swallowed up while you'«< ofT_ J.'or my part, there 11 no �ttl'r prot«:tlon than Blue Crou·Biuc Shl�ld."

Oscar .. ,.: ·� nnt thlnl th11t lead to my hernia cam(" from pull1n1 on ti'M! belt or a drill JU" ... �·""'n not 1t.nd· •na proptrly. AnothC!-r time I wat ��h1n1 up to hft ule rrom a tnM:k. WhJit' SI&Nhn& on the Jf"OWid Wlth t•&ht dothft on.."

Thd only bNn out lht- f&C.'t that Ul anyUuna there u • naht and wrona .... ,. to do ll.

Motoruts should r�member that ev�n St. Chrbtopht-r tK·ams to 1051!! ra,th ""' 90 miles an hour

..!"��· .:::���·. = ·::.. '";..":; ..... ... ... .......... ..,c-..... _ ._.... . ,.._ c......,, "'---. """ ·- "'- -..__. . w....,. cw ...,. ..... .... ......, .. ,.......,.. ... ...... ......,. ..... ......,. ..__ .. .... _ � ... ..... ... ...... . ..... .... ...... __ _ _ ... ,_ ., .... ....... ........

Page 12: EEIABIIATfJI 195… · the loncett storvace reC"ords amon1 labrttor ,...._,du \'""'· '/II '/ 'J We clamor for more and more tratnc Hfety, but we don't wan! to earn •t. We can h&\'C


On Wt.odnesday. Man:h 27, Mr. M('rle Blue and h11 Economlts Class or l\11$h. awaka lllgh School were our aue-sts. Thi!! 17 youn1 people were divided •n· to 1mall K:rDI.ll>' before' touring th.e Ot­fttet and Eng1ne<'r1ng �p:lrtmt'nt. to get a tlrn hand look at how thin11 are dont' in modern mduslry. The studenu were impr� w1th the courtt>Sy and hospitality of the Whe<'labrator pl'Ople with whom they came in e<mtoct.

The n&ftt thmg to do is lO forJive and forget, but m0111t pcpole cliln't do two thincs at once.

A man b;n't henpecked as long as he has 11 roof over hi$ head and is able to raise it octationally.

The thr1hy penc>n saves his penmH and mokes them eount a hundi'C'd b£.. fore he $J)('Od.$ a dollar


WHEELABRATOR MEN LOOK IN on MEXICO Bob Rlord3n, Manager of Export Oj.

viSion. and Ceorre IJurdiU, Managl'r of Steel M1l1 Dlvttlon. returned re· C1'ntly from a tour of Mexico. Gear� and Bob de,•oted mu<:h tm-.e in taUung lO prosi)C(' and prt':lt'nt c:�tomers m surv..,ymc the J!rowth o! th� IH«'I mdustry m that country, They both


Oou,cl._'$ C:tmpbe.ll, &les, atlended the Rei!Jon IX Council of Cump t'ire Gtrl� held 1n Claypool Hotel. lndtn­napolis durtng the weekend ot Man"h 30. DouR Is Vice Prrsldent and a volunlllry mt'mbc!r or the Mishawaka Coundt.

Local 995 UAW·CIQ WIU n:'prt'Senl­t>d by Cle.•m t"uln1er and Ed llixe.n­b:tUJh at the National CMtvenllon held in Atlantic: C1ty, April 7·12 Glenn �11m1ttt.'d that 3.000 delecatt.'l attended the mt.�tm.;.

F.d lluemmer, Paymauer, Wl'nt "txll'k to .s<:hool'' r('(:l'ntly when the tB.M. Comp;:�ny conducted cla5Se5 in thdr S6uth Bend olnee. Ed n!poi"U that thilli was a very Important two and one half da.YJ., for anyone planmng to enter or c:ontlnue In th•s type of busl· n('$1. dnrt the Schoohng WI$ alon1 bnl(' lin6.

.. �l";lnk Ped.rotty. SalH. appeaf'M two­fore members of the Amertun �o·ound·

rt.'port tha� although �teel produc· uon hn �n nea:hgiblc 1n ('()Mpart;Jon to our own, the prwpt'C:'U lin' \'ery

good for a npld d('velopmcnt 1n thiS fteld, and that V.'lu.'t!labrator mtcmd.!l to be 1n u J)O:i.ltlon to take full od­vantlll(' of thif; trend

R O U N D • U P

rymen's Soc1ety, April 8. in M1ch1gan C•ty. frank Jhowt'd movies and slidt>s of our tq\upmtnt and opcratioru. lie also talked on the hiuory and ovtrllll func:<uon� of Wh�labrator blast clean. 1nt:: equ!pmt'nt. C'lipe<:ially in relauon to the foundry lndwtry.

PISHERMEN - don't !orset to en· ter the big 1-'i.shinJ Conte$! now in op� l'radon and t>:ndtng Sept('mber31. Thl$ Is )"our c:hanee to stop LillkmR about "the one whit'h &ot away." Oetads of the rontt>St un be found an all shop and olfire bulletin boards - or you ca" ch«k with any member of the Athh:tlc: Auoda110n.

John Wolf, AssiStant Tn>a5urer, was honored l"t!«!ntly by American Nat•on­al Red Cross and the Mishawaka Chaptt'r. John wu �tvf'"n a c1tation In .apprt.'tiation of thl.'" O\ltstand•ng 5c:rvice ��\len to the eommun1ty and the ROO CraM t'hapter as Mu:hawaka Chair· man of thl' suct'ess!ul 1956 United •'und drwe in St. Joseph County,