Siege of UEA Homeworld Brought to you by Emperor yazoovius, II UEA Homeworld Former Rebel Homeworld-- defeated by Lizards circa T32. Empire’s donut hole territory. Conquered Stormer Homeworld, fell on c. T37--Now it is a forward Empire Shipbuilding Base Wreckage of Stormer ships Northern area of the map

Transcript of EE v. UEA

Siege of UEA HomeworldBrought to you by Emperor yazoovius, II

UEA HomeworldFormer Rebel Homeworld--defeated by Lizards circa T32.

Empire’s donut hole territory.

Conquered Stormer Homeworld, fell on c. T37--Now it is a forward Empire Shipbuilding Base

Wreckage of Stormer ships

Northern area of the map

In a galaxy far far away,

there is a star system

shaped like a big donut.

The slide that follows

shows how a humble Empire

rose from the ashes

to contest for dominance

of the Galaxy!

EE Homeworld

Scavenger Homeworld: Subjugated by Empire on T14. 4M prisoners captured. Solarians and Stormers attempted to stop EE attack. War ensues with both races.

Solarian Homeworld captured by Empire on c. T21. 3M prisoners sent to Labor Camps. Multiple Solarian SML shots result in minimal EE losses.

Stormer Homeworld: Fell to Empire on Independence Day, c. T 37. Due to the Stormers strong ground forces and a relentless bombardment by EE ships/wings, there were only 100K Stormer prisoners captured.

UEA HomeworldRebel Homeworld. Killed in war with Lizards around T33.

Lizard Homeworld: Borg controls it as of T41`with 3 Cubes in orbit and no Liz defenses left. Assimilation is imminent.

Borg Homeworld

Fed Homeworld

Birdman Homeworld. I suspect that the Borg assimilated the Bird race in circa T 20.

Neutral planets in the donut hole. The planets in hole are now controlled by the Empire. Grav mine laying ops ongoing.

Historical Overview of the Empire’s Rise to Prominence. Turn 41 Map.


pire C


Half of th

e Galaxy.

By turn 40, the Empire’s prisoner

income is in decline. All the captured

prisoners, weak from Empire Labor

Camps, are dying. The Empire must

get more prisoners to survive.

The only option for a desperate

Empire, is the capture of . . .

the UEA Homeworld.

5 UEA Maxim Minelayers maneuver to deploy Grav Minefields and sweep EE mines.

3 EE H-Ross Destroyers Sweep UEA minefields and deploy laser minefields.

UEA Law Dog Battleship

2 EE H-Ross Destroyers at Crowley deploy Grav/Laser mines and sweep UEA fields.

3 H-Ross Destroyers leaving Gaila with orders to reinforce Crowley Base. Destroyers to deploy laser minefields

Crowley: EE Ground Assault 490 Troops; 7 High GuardH-Ross hyperjump

route from Galia to reinforce Crowley Base

EE Order of Battle--Planet Crowley

Superstar Carrier with ….6 Fighter wings (type1/2) (500 each, 3000 total).

2 Superstar Cruisers (500 mm/Anti-matter guns);

1 Superstar Destroyer (2 wings as above);

2 RU Gunships with PPC and disrupters;

UEA with 22,000 colonists at Crowley under block ade. EE seeking prisoners to fund development of Crowley Base. Empire plans to build a pod launcher. Then, Emperor will order the launch 100s of life pods of UEA prisoners sent through UEA minefields to deplete them. Emperor has ordered construction of fighter plant at Crowley for Type 3 fighters--200 ly turn movement.

UEA Order of Battle--Durango

3 Maxims;

6 Arbitrators;

1 Ranger;

1 Sentinel

Super Gorbie with Super Laser

Captured Maxim helps by sweeping UEA fields.

Siege of UEA Homeworld


EE Mig tries to bug out

Gravitonic mines protect UEA homeworld.

EE laser mines.

EE Grav mines.

Turn Number

Turn Number

EE Super Star Carrier arrives and destroys UEA’s prized Law Dog Battleship.

Captured Maxim destroyed by UEA grav mf. UEA forces intercept EE ships evacuating Planet Cygnet IV. EE Base in jeopardy.

Severely damaged EE H-Ross initiates self-destruct to avoid capture by UEA. The H-Ross destroys a Maxim in space combat battle before glorious end. EE captain honored by Emperor.

EE H-Ross Destroyers reinforce Crowley. Deploy laser minefields to inhibit movement of UEA Maxims.EE Base at Gaila builds

additional H-Ross Destroyers to further reinforce attack on UEA.

Siege of UEA Homeworld

UEA Homeworld

Turn Number

Surviving Stormer Base and freighter.

UEA Bases

The following slide shows a screen shot of the data screen for the

Empire’s Crowley Base.

Siege of UEA Homeworld

List of Base Structures shown below. Green indicates operating structures.

UEA Prisoner Statistics

Labor camps generate 13 MC per camp. The camps hold 100 prisoners each and must be fully manned to produce income. Here, the UEA prisoners will create credits to help destroy their own Homeworld.

Ordered Builds

Existing units shown on right.

Turn Number

Population stats.

Planet data.

Current military settings.

A Mig carries two Gold Pods with contraband (Handguns) to sell at the UEA HW black markets. Contraband, if sold, will cause crime on UEA Homeworld to increase. This non-military attack could damage UEA economy.

UEA Homeworld

UEA ships retreat back to the protection of the Homeworld.

EE H-Ross Destroyers and 2 RU Gunships advance toward UEA Homeworld. Destroyers either sweep UEA Grav minefields and lay laser fields.

EE Super Star Carrier will flank UEA and attack from the northeast.

Star and H-Ross Destroyers insert ground attack force and deploy laser minefield.

Moscow Class Blockade Ship bombards UEA base and lays grav field.

Type 3 Wing of 400 fighters--200 Light Year Range. Will refuel at Napoli Base and then dock at Crowley Base. It will take three more turns to get the fighters operating.

Ground Assaults

5 RU Gunships Built at Galia Base. These units will deploy to the front and escort H-Ross Destroyers. The Gunships will help deterUEA from intercepting EE minesweeping Destroyers.

Siege of UEA Homeworld

33 Life Pods with UEA prisoners were launched from Crowley Base. The Life Pods hit UEA Grav Minefields and blow up. Each impact depletes UEA minefield strength and kills the poor prisoner.

Laser minefields

UEA Grav minefields

Turn Number

Crowley Base

UEA Grav minefields

UEA Grav minefields

Red boxes show location of vessels.

Siege of UEA Homeworld

Turn NumberThe UEA has 24 overlapping gravity mines around its Homeworld.

Exploding UEA Grav mines do 25% system damage to all ships inside the field. Thus, four exploding UEA Grav mines will totally disable ships within the mf. The UEA can then use its “incarceration” devices to capture all crew in the disabled vessels.

The tactical problem facing the Empire is how can it get an attack force to the homeworld before it is disabled by the exploding UEA Grav fields?

The Empire will attempt to execute a “stepping stone” attack. This plan involves use of Empire carriers and the partially mine resistant H-Ross and RU Gunships.

EE Destroyers deploy in a semi-circle outside of the minefields surrounding the UEA Homeworld.

EE Superstar Carrier at Crowley ordered to advance to southern ingress point

EE Superstar Carrer

Hyperjump route to northern ingress point.

UEA has 12 Maxim minelayers at its Homeworld.

Life pods with prisoners fly through UEA minefields.

UEA evacuates bases by sending life pods home.

The following slide

shows the data on the UEA

Homeworld. Notice the large

Number of troops. Taking prisoners

by Ground Assault will be difficult.

100 UEA Training Centers convert colonists to troops and crew.

UEA Troops are strong in Ground Attack defense.

Ordinance Plant at UEA Base supplies Maxims with plenty of ord to drop mines

UEA resources at Homeworld are low. Planet appears completely mined out.

Turn 44

Tax revenues impaired because only colonist pay taxes. Troops and crew pay no taxes.

Turn Number

Siege of UEA Homeworld

H-Ross Destroyers sweep fields away from UEA Homeworld.

UEA Homeworld UEA still has more than 25 Grav minefields around its Homeworld.

EE Super Star Carrier with eight wings of 500 fighters each.

RU Gunship survives UEA Grav fields with 95% Hull damage.

EE Super Star Carrier with eight wings of 500 fighters each.

H-Ross Destroyers sweep fields away from UEA Homeworld.

Turn Number

The EE’s struck Durango with its first wave. The attack consisted a Super Star Carrier and seven EE fighter wings of 500 each. The UEA defenses repulsed the attack by using standard sandcasters. Those large weapons chewed through the EE fighters. Still the EE fighters and their carrier killed two Law Dog Battleships, two Arbitrator Strikeships, a Judgment Cruiser, and a UEA fighter wing of 200 Type 1s and 2s.

Siege of UEA Homeworld

EE shipbuilding orders for 5 Star Destroyers with Concussion Rocket point defenses. Those point defenses decrease the effectiveness of standard sandcasters.

EE H-Ross Destroyers sweep UEA minefields and deploy laser minefields.

Gold pod contraband sell orders blocked by Law Dog Contraband Lockdown device. Perhaps destruction of two Law Dogs in the battle will change the equation and EE pirates will inject Handguns into UEA economy?

EE H-Ross Destroyers sweep UEA minefields and deploy laser minefields.

Second EE Carrier ordered to halt attack and wait for reinforcements or upgrade to EE Exotic Technology.

Star Destroyer with Concussion Rockets will rendeaveaux with Carrier.

UEA still has 36 active Grav Minefields around Homeworld

Sand Shields exotic technology reduces damage caused by enemy sandcaster weapons. Sand Shields Exotic Tech costs 75,000 MC and requires a payment of 5,000 MC per turn to maintain.

After the last turn, the UEA Player dropped from the game. However, the UEA military force at the Homeworld Base will continue to fight. Moreover, the twelve Maxims (the disciples) may be programmed to lay repeating minefields.