Dates for the Calendar Dear Parents and Friends, Welcome Welcome to our newest families at Edward Public School. As well as our kindergarteners we are pleased to introduce our new student enrolments in all learning years and are very happy with the way all of our children are quickly settling back into the school routines after the long holiday break. The P & C has been very busy organising the construction of our new sandpit, which is well on it’s way to being ready for some serious sand play and construction. It is very exciting to watch this happening. Many thanks to all of the volunteers who are working on this P & C project. Congratulations Our newly elected House Captains are preparing for their role in our school as Leaders. Their first major event is in the Swimming Carnival where they will be encouraging and supporting their team members in both, the competitive events, and the novelty events of the carnival. Congratulations to you all! Swimming The swimming Carnival will be held this Friday, 14 th February, at Deniliquin Pool. Details about the carnival are in this newsletter. Please have a talk with your child about their participation in the competitive 50 metre events. Students wishing to compete in these events need to be able to complete a 50 metre length of the pool. Nominations are still being taken for these events – see Mrs Werner. Students who are turning eight years and over in 2014 are eligible to compete. We are also looking forward to the support of our parents and friends on the day, and welcome all of our families to come along and enjoy the activities with their children. Reading Recovery We are very pleased to announce that The Reading Recovery Training Program will be taking place in Deniliquin this year. Congratulations to Mrs Jacobs who has elected to undertake this very intense and highly valued professional development, which will benefit our children greatly. We commend Mrs Jacobs for her commitment to continued professional growth and teacher quality, knowing the untold benefits she will be bringing to our students in the classroom and on the Reading Recovery Program. Mrs Jacobs will also enjoy the support of our many other teachers who are already trained in this program. Focus On Reading This Term the Focus on Reading Program will be high on the agenda for Teacher Professional Learning. In particular, strategies for comprehension will be learned by our teachers as they begin implementing this way of teaching in the classroom. Mrs Blacker and Mrs Bermingham will be presenting these teaching methods at staff meetings in the coming weeks. EDWARD PUBLIC SCHOOL Butler Street DENILIQUIN NSW 2710 Phone: 5881-2612 Fax: 5881-5090 Email: [email protected] Website: www.edward-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Newsletter: Week 3 Term 1 – 11th February 2014: A PBL SCHOOL - Positive Behaviour for Learning - WE VALUE RESPONSIBILITY SAFETY RESPECT EDWARD PUBLIC SCHOOL P&C Meets 1 st Tuesday of Every Month Week 3 Term 1 Fri 14th Feb Edward School Swimming Carnival Week 4 Term 1 Wed 19th Feb Parent Teacher BBQ K-2 6.00pm, Yr 3-4 6.30pm, Yr 5-6 7.00pm Thurs 20th Feb EPS Tennis Trials Fri 21st Feb Show entries due Week 5 Term 1 Fri 28th Feb Deni District Swimming Carnival Assembly Clean Up Australia Day


Dates for the Calendar

Dear Parents and Friends,

Welcome Welcome to our newest families at Edward Public School. As well as our kindergarteners we are pleased to introduce our

new student enrolments in all learning years and are very happy with the way all of our children are quickly settling

back into the school routines after the long holiday break. The P & C has been very busy organising the construction of

our new sandpit, which is well on it’s way to being ready for

some serious sand play and construction. It is very exciting to watch this happening. Many thanks to all of the

volunteers who are working on this P & C project.

Congratulations Our newly elected House Captains are preparing for their role in our school as Leaders. Their first major event is in the

Swimming Carnival where they will be encouraging and supporting their team members in both, the competitive

events, and the novelty events of the carnival.

Congratulations to you all!

Swimming The swimming Carnival will be held this Friday, 14th February, at Deniliquin Pool. Details about the carnival are in

this newsletter. Please have a talk with your child about their participation in the competitive 50 metre events.

Students wishing to compete in these events need to be able to complete a 50 metre length of the pool. Nominations

are still being taken for these events – see Mrs Werner. Students who are turning eight years and over in 2014 are

eligible to compete.

We are also looking forward to the support of our parents and friends on the day, and welcome all of our families to come along and enjoy the activities with their children.

Reading Recovery We are very pleased to announce that The Reading Recovery Training Program will be taking place in Deniliquin this year. Congratulations to Mrs Jacobs who has elected to

undertake this very intense and highly valued professional

development, which will benefit our children greatly. We commend Mrs Jacobs for her commitment to continued

professional growth and teacher quality, knowing the untold benefits she will be bringing to our students in the

classroom and on the Reading Recovery Program. Mrs

Jacobs will also enjoy the support of our many other teachers who are already trained in this program.

Focus On Reading This Term the Focus on Reading Program will be high on the agenda for Teacher Professional Learning. In particular,

strategies for comprehension will be learned by our teachers as they begin implementing this way of teaching in the

classroom. Mrs Blacker and Mrs Bermingham will be

presenting these teaching methods at staff meetings in the coming weeks.


Butler Street DENILIQUIN NSW 2710

Phone: 5881-2612 Fax: 5881-5090

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.edward-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Newsletter: Week 3 Term 1 – 11th February 2014:

A PBL SCHOOL - Positive Behaviour for Learning - WE VALUE



P&C Meets 1st Tuesday of Every Month

Week 3 Term 1

Fri 14th Feb Edward School Swimming Carnival

Week 4 Term 1

Wed 19th Feb Parent Teacher BBQ K-2 6.00pm, Yr 3-4 6.30pm, Yr 5-6 7.00pm

Thurs 20th Feb EPS Tennis Trials

Fri 21st Feb Show entries due

Week 5 Term 1

Fri 28th Feb Deni District Swimming Carnival Assembly Clean Up Australia Day

Reading Resources Many thanks to Mrs McKinnon and Mrs Werner, our Book Covering Fairy and the many other staff and friends of the

school who are contributing to bringing our newly revamped Reading Resource Room up to a more ‘user friendly’ and ‘up

to date’ standard. Over $8000.00 has been injected into the purchase of new reading resources so far. This has also

increased the availability of a wider variety of books for the

home reading project as well – which is next on the list for an overhaul.


Are the words on everyone’s lips as we walk the walk, and

talk the talk, of our expected Positive Behaviours For learning. This week our classes continue to learn and

refresh our skills for positive playground interaction. Soon we will be announcing our first whole school reward goal –

and start collecting our PBL tokens.

As you can see, the beginning of the school year is a vibrant

and busy time for all! Excitement and positive anticipation of new and continuing projects holds us in good stead for

another very successful year of learning at Edward Public


Have a great week!

Best wishes,

Joy Soper


Swimming Carnival Our annual Swimming Carnival will be held this Friday, 14th February at the Deniliquin Swimming Pool. A note was sent

home last Friday for all children in Years 3-6 and those in Year 2 who can swim 50m.

All Year 3 to 6 students are expected to attend the pool on carnival day and participate in 50m events or activities in

the middle sized pool.

Thank you to all those who have returned their permission

notes and pool entry money already. Remember these need to be returned by tomorrow, Wednesday 12th

February. Thank you also to the parents who have indicated that they will be able to assist on the day.

Please note that because of the Department of Education supervision requirements, Year 2 students only attend the

carnival if competing in 50m events. All other Year 2 students will be able to join Kinder and Year 1 in a “Water

Fun” afternoon at school instead.

We will be setting up shade shelters etc at the pool at

7.30am on Friday and would appreciate any parent help possible to make the job quicker.

Student Information Sheet Today, a very important bright yellow form is attached to

this newsletter. Please return the Student Record and Contact Details Sheet to the front office by this Friday 14th

February. This will greatly assist us with our administration. If you have any enquiries, please contact the school, and

our office staff will be very pleased to help.

Staff for 2014

KGD Mr Day K1DB Mrs Bowie 1JE Mrs Evans (Assistant Principal) 2TT Mrs Townsend 3GJ Mrs Jacobs - Mrs Werner 3/4MG Ms Gallagher 4/5SO Ms O’Meara 5/6NB Mrs Bermingham 5/6RB Mrs Blacker (Assistant Principal)

RFF/Library Mrs Druitt RFF/Library Mrs Young Reading Recovery Mrs Jacobs Learning & Support Mrs McKinnon Chaplain Mrs Susan Strong Admin Mrs Barb Larcombe, Mrs Susi Mulham, Mrs Jayne Barlow AEO Ms Lisa Jones SLSO Mrs Teena Irwin, Ms Nat Dawson, Mrs Wendy McKindlay, Mrs Bronwyn O’Connor, Mrs Kerrie Godfrey Canteen Ms Sacha Jefferies General Assistant Mr Gary Butcher, Mr Luigi Villella

Sports Trials Each year students can put themselves forward to try out for various representative sport teams. Over the next few weeks staff will be calling for interested participants. Staff members to contact for information about the sports are:

Tennis Mrs Townsend

Soccer Miss O’Meara

Netball Mrs Gallagher

AFL Mrs Bermingham

Basketball Mr Day

Cricket Mrs Evans

Athletics Mrs Young

Swimming Mrs Werner/ Mrs Jacobs

Stacey O’Meara, Maddy Gallagher & Tammy Townsend

Edward Public School ‘After School communitieS ProgrAm’

The Active After School Communities Program will continue this term. The program will operate on Monday and Thursday afternoons starting on 17th February 2014 .

This program is again free to all students at Edward School, we continue to be one of the few schools to provided this fantastic program to our community.

Monday - students will participate in swimming which will take place at the Deniliquin Pool Centre and will run from 3.15pm to 4.30pm.

Children must make their own way to the pool where they will be met by the supervising teacher . An adult must collect children from the pool, unless a written note is sent to the school giving permission for a child to walk home.

Students must be turning 8 or over in 2014 to participate in this activity.

Students will be given an icy pole at the end of each session.

Thursday - students will take part in a table tennis program being held at Edward Public School. All students are able to attend this program which will run from 3.15 - 4.15pm.

Children to provide their own afternoon tea. If required to walk home a written note must be provided to the school office.

This term funding has been provided for 25 students and is available for all students from Kinder to Year 6 for the

table tennis program and turning 8 or over in 2014 for the swimming program.

If you are interested in your child being considered for the A.A.S.C program could you please complete the expression of interest note below and return it to the school office by Thursday 13th February 2014


After School Communities Program

Please return to the school office by Thursday 13th February 2014

I am interested in my child/children being considered for the Active After School Communities Program.

Monday Swimming Program

Thursday Table Tennis Program

Monday and Thursday Programs

Child/Children name/s

Signed: Date:

Book Club

We are looking for a parent volunteer to collate the

bookclub! If you are interested in giving your time twice a term for approx 3 hours please contact the school of-


Information by phone Keep watching the newsletter, reading the notes and looking at our new Skoolbag App. This is our newest way

to get information to you about Edward Public School. It is available to iphones and most smart phones, and it is

free from the app store. Just go to the app store on your

mobile and type in Edward Public School. More details about how to access this app are available from the

school office.

Canteen Roster


Wed 12th Feb Adele Butcher, Sacha Jefferies Thurs 13th Feb Janice Behsman, Kylie Green, Jan

Petersen, Sacha Jefferies Fri 14th Feb Sarah Graham, Jan Petersen, Adele

Butcher, Sacha Jefferies

Mon 17th Feb Rebecca Ginies, Adele Butcher, Sacha Jefferies


Edward Public School

Term 1 Calendar 2014

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday



February 3 4

Staff Return 5

Students Return Best Start


Best Start 7

Kinders Start 8 9



10 11 12 13


Swimming Carnival

15 16




AASC Program starts



Parent/Teacher BBQ K-2 6.00pm-6.30pm Yr 3-4 6.30pm-7.00pm

Yr 5-6 7.00pm-7.30pm


EPS Tennis Trials 21

Last Chance Show Entries 20¢ each

22 23



24 25

26 27


Deni District Swim-ming Carnival

Assembly Clean Up Aus Day

March 1 2





Basketball Trials 5

6 7 8 9




Riverina Swimming Carnival

11 12

AFL Trials 13 14 15 16



17 18 19

Soccer Trials 20 21 22




24 25 26 27







April 1


Netball Trials 3 4

EPS Athletics Carnival

5 6




Life Ed Van


Life Ed Van


Life Ed Van


Anzac Ceremony


Last Day Term 1 12 13

Show Weekend


Junior Cricket today (Tuesday February 11) has been


All activities (Milo and Junior/Senior Primary will now

commence on February 18 at the Edward School Ovals commencing at 5.00 pm.

Regards, Wayne Bradley

Welcome back to Edward in 2014. The P&C has already been busy, having the sandpit constructed for student use at

the end of the play equipment. This project could not have gone ahead without the generosity of Darren Begg from Backyard Concreting, who has donated his labour. A huge thank you also to Gary Butcher, Joy Soper and Troy Leetham

who spent a large part of Saturday in the heat fixing a pipe which was broken in the construction so that the oval could be watered over the weekend!!


We would like to have a meeting of anyone who is interested in being part of the canteen committee. This com-

mittee just looks after the canteen and its first job is to have a look at the new canteen menu which Sacha has

been busy redesigning over the holidays. This menu fits with the Healthy Eating guidelines, and gives students and parents more choices. Canteen Committee meeting at the canteen at 3.20 on Thursday.

Volunteers- Sacha is still looking for volunteers to help out in the canteen. You can volunteer on a weekly, fort-

nightly or monthly basis, either for the day or 10-11.30 or 12-1.30. Please contact Sacha at the canteen

Canteen rep- we are looking for a new canteen rep for the P&C. The canteen rep job is to liaise between Sacha

and the P&C, as well as being a signatory on the canteen account, responsible for paying wages. A huge thankyou to Allison Wieserski who has done a great job in this role over the past 12 months.

P&C meeting- the first P&C meeting for 2014 will be Tuesday 4th March in the staff room at 7pm. We would really encourage all parents to come along and have input into what goes on in your school. The AGM will hopefully be held

at the April meeting.

Uniform Shop- Open each Friday from 8.30am. The ladies at the office can also help you. Don’t forget that all your

uniform needs can be filled at the uniform shop which is operated by the P&C. We aim to make sure that good quality uniforms are available as cheaply as possible to all of our families. We take orders and laybys are available. The cu-

lottes which were ordered in November last year have been sent from Sydney today, so we are hoping to receive them by Friday- we will notify families as soon as they get here!!

P&C fridge magnet pockets- have you got yours? Perfect for storing all of those notes, merit awards, reading record books etc. Get one for each child! Available from the office for $3.50 each or 3 for $10.