
Año 2012. Nº 1. Vol II Busque hoy la mejor información en tópicos generales acerca del origen de la lengua inglesa. para el beneficio del estudiante. Educ@te


revista para niños y niñas para aprender ingles de forma practica y divertida

Transcript of Educ@te

Page 1: Educ@te

Año 2012. Nº 1. Vol II

Busque hoy la mejor información en tópicos generales acerca del origen de la lengua inglesa.

The feelings pag. 3 the fruit pag 4 the seasons pag5 The clothing pag6

Reviasta semanal para el beneficio del estudiante.Educ@te

Page 2: Educ@te


Educando, todos los derechos reservados al autor.

 Director editorial: Génesis Camacho

Secretaria: Liomary Primera

Diseño: Génesis Sánchez

Diagramación: Génesis Camacho


Esta revista está dirigida a toda clase de publico, mas sin embargo se hacen referencias en los contenidos alusivos en pro del beneficio que pueden obtener los niños, niñas y adolecentes en edades promedios que contemplen el ingles como cátedra en su área de estudios.

Por medio de la presente se busca con cada volumen que el estudiante pueda interactuar a través de las actividades, juegos y conceptos que aquí tu revista educ@ndo te presenta.

Recordemos que nada es difícil, solo debemos dar lo mejor de nosotros y esforzarnos para aprender cada dia cosas nuevas que nos ayuden no solo en nuestras vidas sino también en nuestro bienestar académico para tener un futuro prometedor.

Tu eres dueño de tu destino y educ@ndo te ayuda a superarte y a tener mas cultura acerca de novedades academicas.

Hoy conseguirás en tu revista Educ@ndo....



The Feeling…………………………………………..3

The History of English…………………………..3

The Fruits……………………………………………..4

The Seasons………………………………………….5

The Clothing………………………………………….6

En este numero te tu revista semanal Educ@ando vas a disfrutar una aventura coloreando, buscando en el diccionario y comparte con tus amigos la aventura divertida de2 jugar una sopa de letras en ingles.

Aprovecha en momento e investiga el origen de esta lengua…


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What is the feeling?

ORIGEN DE LA LENGUA INGLESAEl inglés es una lengua germánica occidental originada de los dialectos anglo-frisios traídos a Britania por los invasores germanos desde varias partes de lo que ahora es el noroeste de Alemania, sur de Dinamarca y el norte de los Países Bajos. Inicialmente, el inglés antiguo era un grupo de varios dialectos, que reflejaba el variado origen de los reinos anglosajones de Inglaterra. Uno de estos dialectos, ellate west saxon (sajón occidental tardío), en cierto momento llegó a dominar. La lengua inglesa antigua original fue luego influenciada por dos oleadas invasoras: la primera fue de hablantes de la rama escandinava de las lenguas germánicas, que conquistaron y colonizaron partes de Britania en los siglos VIII y IX; la segunda fue de los normandos en el siglo XI, que hablaban antiguo normando y desarrollaron una variedad del inglés denominada como anglonormado. Estas dos invasiones hicieron que el inglés se mezclara hasta cierto punto.

The Fruits.

The sentiments expressed in the human being as we feel and we want to show them, Our Partner gestures, face and even our speech show our mood with us and with others.

Emotions help us to identify different aspects of the situations we are experiencing, that may go unnoticed by our consciousness.

They allow us to know ourselves better and help us relate better to people around us. However, when we express our feelings or we do it in an improper manner, increase our problems and our health can be affected significantly.

Therefore it is very important to be in touch with our feelings, learn to handle it and express it at the time, place and the right way.

Below is a list of different items related to this subject, divided according to each emotion:

The history of English can be described from the arrival of three Germanic tribes to the British Isles in the years 500 BC Los Angles, Saxons and Jutes crossed the North Sea from what is now known as Denmark and northern Germany. The Angles were named due to their homeland Engle or Angels. They called their own language Englisc word that led to English.

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The Seasons

Color and mark the words that get in our soup letters educating your magazine ready for you, with the help of a dictionary or friends enjoy this magical way of knowing how your favorite fruits are written in English.

below.! you can doFruits are perhaps most striking food for its diversity of colors and shapes. But in addition to showing at a glance, are among the foods with more nutrients and natural substances highly beneficial to health

If we stop to think, we see that all fruits and vegetables, survive in the open, facing all kinds of weather conditions and attacks.

This is possible thanks to the natural preservatives and antioxidants they have. In short these same substances are those that protect us when we consume food.

This means that we benefit fully with all those vitamins and nutrients that the fruit has. Life filled with all our body.

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The year has four seasons are: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Spring begins on March 21 and ends on June 20. The days begin to grow longer and temperatures are smoothed; no rainfall, and the animals awake from their winter lethargy and begin to prepare for breeding, the birds that had migrated in the fall, returning to their nests, and plants cast their first leaves, flowers and fruits.

Summer begins on June 21 and ends on September 20. The days are long and nights short, rainfall in the form of storm and temperatures are high. Animals treat their offspring and the plants are full of leaves and fruits.

Autumn begins on September 21 and ends on December 20. The days grow shorter and temperatures drop much rain. The animals begin to prepare for the cold or migrate, the plants lose their leaves and mushrooms appear.

Winter begins on December 21 and ends on 20 DeMarzo. The days are very short and the nights very long, very cold temperatures and precipitation as snow. Animals and plants have little activity. In Winter we celebrate Christmas.

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The ClothingToday every person in the world has its own

lifestyle, but yet you need to know in this section to learn the proper vocabulary in the English language as written and as known in English each garment to corde of what we know.

In the figure below we will show you some clothes, among them the most well known by everyone.

Remember that no matter what this fashion, the important thing is that you feel comfortable wearing it and know that these good about yourself no matter what others think.

With the help of your dictionary searches for words that you see on the images for that way you can get

a good vocabulary of clothing..!

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