Education portal newsletter #34 February 2017

The Future Transport Competition challenges student teams in years 1–13 to enter games or narratives about transforming transport. Entries must be by teams of three or more students. The deadline is 5pm, Friday 30 June 2017. There are two competition categories: 1. NARRATIVE Narratives can take many forms to reflect student learning in different subject areas. Competition judges will be looking for dynamic and engaging presentations with student voice. These could range from videos to digital presentations with voice-over, infographics, cartoons, written articles or photo essays. 2. PLAYABLE GAME Playable games could be digital (desktop, browser, tablet or phone) or non-digital (such as board game, trading card game, simulation/drama game or physical activity). For both categories, students are encouraged to: • investigate opportunities and challenges in transforming transport in New Zealand create solutions, raise questions or explore possibilities for the future turn ideas into a playable game or narrative share ideas in the school community, then enter online. WHY THIS COMPETITION? The NZ Transport Agency has a goal of creating transport solutions for a thriving New Zealand, and the New Zealand Curriculum calls for young people to be actively involved as contributors to the wellbeing of New Zealand. These come together around the future focus principle’s emphasis on citizenship. Students are road users who benefit from participating in smart, safe and efficient transport choices. In that light, young people can think like citizens today about the challenges and opportunities they see in future transport. THE PRIZES Six main prizes will be awarded: Best Playable Game and Best Narrative in years 1-6, years 7-10 and years 11-13. Each of these six winning entries receives $4000 in gift vouchers ($2000 for the school, $1500 total for the students and $500 for the supervising teacher). Lucky draw: All entries which meet competition terms and conditions and are not selected as category prize winners go into a lucky draw for one of 6 x $1000 vouchers for their school. ISSUE 34 | FEBRUARY 2017 COMPETITION IS ALL GO THE 2017 FUTURE TRANSPORT FULL DETAILS #futuretransport17

Transcript of Education portal newsletter #34 February 2017

The Future Transport Competition challenges student teams in years 1–13 to enter games or narratives about transforming transport.

Entries must be by teams of three or more students. The deadline is 5pm, Friday 30 June 2017.There are two competition categories:

1. NARRATIVE Narratives can take many forms to reflect student learning in different subject areas. Competition judges will be looking for dynamic and engaging presentations with student voice. These could range from videos to digital presentations with voice-over, infographics, cartoons, written articles or photo essays.

2. PLAYABLE GAME Playable games could be digital (desktop, browser, tablet or phone) or non-digital (such as board game, trading card game, simulation/drama game or physical activity).

For both categories, students are encouraged to:

• investigate opportunities and challenges in transforming transport in New Zealand

• create solutions, raise questions or explore possibilities for the future

• turn ideas into a playable game or narrative• share ideas in the school community, then enter


WHY THIS COMPETITION?The NZ Transport Agency has a goal of creating transport solutions for a thriving New Zealand, and the New Zealand Curriculum calls for young people to be actively involved as contributors to the wellbeing of New Zealand. These come together around the future focus principle’s emphasis on citizenship. Students are road users who benefit from participating in smart, safe and efficient transport choices. In that light, young people can think like citizens today about the challenges and opportunities they see in future transport.

THE PRIZESSix main prizes will be awarded:

Best Playable Game and Best Narrative in years 1-6, years 7-10 and years 11-13. Each of these six winning entries receives $4000 in gift vouchers ($2000 for the school, $1500 total for the students and $500 for the supervising teacher).Lucky draw: All entries which meet competition terms and conditions and are not selected as category prize winners go into a lucky draw for one of 6 x $1000 vouchers for their school.




FULL DETAILS #futuretransport17

WHAT’S ON THE COMPETITION WEBSITE?Guidance for teachers and students is available to help plan for competition entries created in the classroom or as co-curricular activities.

SUPPORTING THE FUTURE-FOCUSED CURRICULUMEducator Pam Hook says a foundation of the New Zealand Curriculum is learning for citizenship.‘To be a citizen, you must believe that you matter, you make a difference and you belong. And you need to do that in a context or practice that is authentic and local and connected to your existence,’ she says.

‘Through this competition, we can look locally at how the transport system enhances how we live and any adverse effect on what we can do. Students can find ways to improve things for the common good – it’s a way to demonstrate and practise active citizenship.’

JUDGING CRITERIACompetition judge Karen Spencer explains the five criteria.Investigation: ‘We want to see that quality investigation has happened to support your ideas.’

Presentation: ‘Whether it is a game or narrative, however you present your ideas, we’re looking for really high quality presentation.’

Ideas: ‘Don’t settle for the first things you come up with. Look for deep, creative or surprising ideas that you can wrap your narrative or game around.’

Sharing: ‘We’d like to see how you’ve shared your ideas beyond your competition group. It might be within your school community or with people in your class.’

Overall impression: ‘Capture our imagination and our attention. We’re looking for something that is really going to make us think about the future of transport.’

See more in a video with Pam Hook:


‘NetSafe supports schools that face safety and security challenges related to digital technology. NetSafe is a ‘safety partner’ by providing online safety advice to schools and young people if required during their participation in the competition.’

STUDENT GUIDEAdvice on project stages and things to remember, plus the steps in creating a game, links to digital game engines, and tools and advice for narrative entries.

IDEAS BANKVideos and selected articles on future transport. Topics might include walking and cycling, driverless vehicles, electric vehicles, road safety and resilience to natural disasters.

TEACHER GUIDELinks to the Transport Agency’s curriculum resources – you are free to adapt and modify these to support student learning for years 1 -13. Judging criteria and terms and conditions are online. All entries can be made via the online entry form.Throughout terms 1 & 2, more advice, expert articles and videos will appear:• on the competition website• in newsletters.

Full details and support for teachers and students will be here:

MEET THE PANEL OF JUDGESHere’s a look at our competition judges. They’ll be busy in the middle of the year picking the winners based on the competition judging criteria. The criteria are online:

KAREN SPENCER Director of Education at NetSafe, the organisation that supports all New Zealanders to confidently access digital opportunities and prevent online harm.

Karen has expertise in the design of future-focused learning approaches that harness digital technologies effectively and safely. With 20 years’ experience in the education sector in New Zealand and the UK, Karen is known for her humour, energy and professionalism.‘This competition is an amazing opportunity to weave the mind-bending transport trends of tomorrow with the creative power of today’s digital technology. I‘m looking forward to pieces that will make us all think twice about what lies ahead.’

JAMES EVERETT James is a Lead Game Designer at Magic Leap/Weta Workshop and the Chairperson of the New Zealand Game Developers Association. In his 15 years in game development James has worked in Canada and New Zealand, across a wide variety of genres and platforms, with teams ranging from the single to triple digits.

‘Build your game with a friend, build it for others to enjoy and don’t forget to enjoy it yourself.’

ALEX ELTON-FARR Alex works at Auckland Transport as a Community Transport Coordinator. He draws on his experience of curriculum, strategy and resource development to work on educational programmes that support safe active travel for the city’s schools. Alex is also a

qualified and experienced teacher, and a keen cyclist. ‘What I’m looking for in students’ work are innovative approaches to future transport solutions that could provide efficient, safe and sustainable travel options. I’d love to see entries that challenge the boundaries of conventional thinking around transport.’


Ben teaches in the Bachelor and

Masters of Creative Technologies

programmes at Colab and the Game

and Play Design Minors in Art and

Design at the Auckland University of

Technology. He has a background in architecture and

game design. He is the current director of the PIGsty: Play and

Games Lab at AUT, a board member of the NZGDA (NZ Game

Developers Association) and is an active member of the NZ

commercial and indie game scene.

‘We have a lot to discover about how play experiences can affect

our lives. Don’t let assumptions about what a game should be

like stifle your ideas. We’re in an age of game design pioneering.’


Paula is Community Services Manager

at the National Prevention Centre at

Police National Headquarters and

mum to two busy children.

She oversees community police and school community

policing. Over 100 dedicated school community officers work

with schools across the country and this includes a focus on

road safety that enables students to travel safely in their

community and build a safety consciousness around roads.

‘The Future Transport Competition lets students look at how we

use our roads today and what we could do in the future. This is

your turn to be designers of a safer system for everyone.’


Rachel manages New Zealand’s road

safety ad campaigns, working on

notable campaigns such as Legend

(Ghost Chips), Blazed and Mistakes.

She’s held this role at the NZ Transport

Agency since 2002. Rachel says the campaigns are based on

research and evidence, gaining thorough knowledge of the

road safety issues that need addressing and a deep

understanding of the relevant target audiences for each of

these issues.

‘Future Transport is an open brief, so I encourage students to

investigate what is happening locally and nationally, and find a

focal point for your creative skills. Paint us a vivid picture of

what you think the future holds.’

STUDENT TIPSHere’s a look at the stages you could follow to learn about future transport and come up with a game or narrative.There are two categories in the Future Transport Competition. Playable game continues the format of last year’s Game Design Competition.

Narrative is a new category which lets you present your ideas in many formats. If you can enter a single file or weblink that meets terms and conditions, it’s probably okay. Videos and animated presentations should be under five minutes long. Other options could be digital presentations with voice-over, infographics, cartoons, written articles or photo essays.

Hint: Judges will be looking for dynamic and engaging presentations with student voice. Narratives and playable games will be assessed against the judging criteria. Judges are looking for high quality:

• investigation

• presentation

• ideas

• sharing

• overall impression.

All support material is online:

DESIGN THINKINGTo do your best work, take the project in stages. You may still jump back and forth between stages. That’s okay – creative processes are not always linear. Here are suggested stages:

BE CURIOUSStart learning about future transport. Look at the ideas bank, follow the news, watch videos. Talk to your friends and family. Think about people and their needs. What challenges and opportunities does New Zealand have in meeting those needs?

Choose a specific topic. Let’s call it your focal point.

INVESTIGATE Build on your focal point. Find out more information. You might get out in your community or online to use your senses, gather data, survey people or find inspiration for art.

Then, what have you learned? What does your learning mean for your focal point? How can you use your learning to

create a game or narrative?

CREATEUse your investigation to design a game or narrative that expresses your ideas about your focal point.

You might create a prototype game, script and then shoot a video, sketch out a cartoon, go through rounds of a photo story project, or

draft a digital presentation.

As you work on your creation, seek feedback from other people. Do they understand your ideas? Would

your ideas help future transport meet people’s needs? Also, check your entry meets the judging criteria and the

competition’s full terms and conditions.

Can you improve your design? Your creation will get better if you can respond to feedback and make changes.

SHAREYou need to include evidence of how you shared your game or narrative in your school community. Some ideas:

• Share all the projects at a student-led expo or assembly.• Upload the game or narrative to your school’s computer

network.• Share your game or narrative at a parent evening or other school



Think about how to work as a team. Figure out how to:

share ideas make decisions

assign roles and tasks get finished on time.