Education Overview PPT - · Airway Clearance Event STABLE, Newborn Transport ......

Medi-Sota Education Overview Megan Gorres, RN, CARN, MS Medi-Sota Education Coordinator [email protected] Phone: 320-564-5015

Transcript of Education Overview PPT - · Airway Clearance Event STABLE, Newborn Transport ......

Medi-Sota Education

OverviewMegan Gorres, RN, CARN, MS

Medi-Sota Education Coordinator

[email protected]

Phone: 320-564-5015

How do I know what workshops are coming up?

Medi-Sota’s July 1,2016 – June 30, 2017 Workshop Schedule

� Virtual Dementia Tour Basic Fetal Monitoring

� NAMMS Virtual Conference ACLS, Provider & Recert.

� HCAHPS Webinar #1 (Caregiver) HCAHPS Webinar #3 (Hospital Envrio.)

� HCAHPS Webinar #2 (Medication) Charge Nurse Leadership

� Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO) New Pressure Ulcer Guidelines (Part 3)

� Failure to Communicate/The Perfect Storm Advanced Pediatric Life Support (PALS)

� Airway Clearance Event STABLE, Newborn Transport

� Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) HCAHPS Webinar #4 (Comm. with nurses)

� Basic Arrhythmia/EKG The Opioid Epidemic

� HCAHPS Webinar #5 (Staff Respon.) Polypharmacy (Webinar)

� HIPPA Compliance (Webinar) HCAHPS #6 (Discharge Info)

� ICD 10-CM/CC (Webinar) Hospital Readmissions (Webinar)

� HCAHPS #7 (Overall) Mental Health First Aid

� Radiation Safety/Fluoro. Training HCAHPS #8 (Pain Control)

� ServSafe I.V. Therapy

� HCAHPS #9 (Willingness to Recommend) Hospital Security/Use of Force

� Best Practices in Healthcare Construction Psychotropic Medications

� Quality Improvement 101 Anticoagulation Clinic

� HCAHPS #10 (Responsiveness to Staff) Creating a Pos. Workforce/Conflict Management

How do I register for a workshop?

Step 1Click on the workshop that you wish to view.

How do I register for a workshop?

Step 2

Click “Register” under the title of the workshop

How do I register for a workshop?(just a FYI)

Clicking EVENT OPTIONS will allow you to print the

information, Save it to your Outlook, and Invite Others.

How do I register for a workshop?(just a FYI)

The workshop brochureis available for viewing

at the bottom of the page.

How do I register for a workshop?

Step 3

Fill in the form with the information for the

registered person who wishes to attend the

workshop. It is important that if you are filling out

the form for someone else, please use the registrants

email so they receive confirmation information

as well as other details/handouts for the


How do I register for a workshop?

Step 4

• If more than 1 person is registering for the class, please

include that information in the Comments box.

• Identify the # of tickets (people registering for the workshop).

• Click Add ticket. This will show the amount owed (if any).

• You can click Send by Mail under Payment and then included payment

information in the box below.• Click SUBMIT.

Video Library-Professional Staff Videos

I don’t know my user name/password

� For questions on viewing Media Library videos or

requesting VHS videos from Medi-Sota.

� Please contact: Jennifer Gearman at jgearman@medi- or at 320-769-2269

Professional Staff Videos (continued)

All Staff/General Audience Videos

Customer Service/Motivational Videos

Lorman WebinarsDates




Description CEUs?


Nov. 7



Nov. 14


Checks: Top

10 Do's and


Find the most effective ways to perform a

background check and what legal restrictions may

apply. An ever increasing number of employers are

recognizing the benefits that can be derived from

conducting background checks on both current and

prospective employees. While background checks

can be an effective tool for weeding out

questionable employees, legal limitations on how

such checks can be performed (and how the

resulting data discovered can be used) must be

understood or otherwise an employer will find

itself defending against its own illegal actions.

Review the kinds of background checks that can be

conducted by employers, and likewise address the

various legal restrictions (primarily under federal

and state law) applicable to performing background

checks, and related limitations placed on how

acquired background information can be legally

used for the benefit of the employer.






Nov. 7



Nov. 14

Writing Job


Receive strategies on how to write an accurate job

description and how to avoid the various legal

pitfalls. If the employer does not have an adequate

written job description before the employee is

hired, it may face liability for disability

discrimination and failure to accommodate,

interference with FMLA rights, and increased

workers compensation costs. This topic will explain

how to identify essential functions and write

effective job descriptions that can be used to limit

the risk of liability.






Nov. 7



Nov. 14

Employment Law

Compliance: Disciplining

or Terminating a

Workers' Compensation


Learn to navigate the unique rules and

liabilities of disciplining or terminating

employees who are workers compensation

claimants. Address many of the difficult issues

that arise when considering whether to

discipline or terminate an employee who is

also a workers compensation claimant. Learn

the core concepts underpinning workers

compensation statutes and the primary types

of antiretaliation provisions found in workers

compensation statutes.



HRCI: 1.5


Nov. 7



Nov. 14

Health Information


Understand the Health Information Exchange

and recent amendments and legislation that

impact the HIE. The material also explains the

specific requirements of such consent forms,

including those that have gone into effect as a

result of amendments to 42 CFR Part 2.

Failing to have compliant and effective

policies, procedures and documentation (i.e.,

consent forms) continues to be a shortcoming

of many entities connecting to networked HIE

initiatives. Noncompliance has resulted in

many recent HIPAA enforcement actions

taken by the OCR which have led to millions

of dollars collected in HIPAA settlement





Nov. 7




Nov. 14



Make Sure

You Are In


Learn how self auditing your FMLA program

can lead to improved compliance. The FMLA

continues to pose challenges in the

workplace. Whether it’s the employee on

intermittent leave due to an unpredictable or

subjective chronic condition or the employee

who has been off work for four months and

keeps saying he will be returning soon,

human resources professionals, in house

counsel, supervisors, and business leaders

must constantly balance business needs and

the requirements of the FMLA. will walk

through, step by step, how businesses and

organizations can audit their FMLA practices

and procedures in order to ensure

compliance. A working knowledge of the

FMLA is recommended.



5 Lorman webinars per month5-10 Lorman webinars in winter months

How to I register for a Lorman webinar?

Step 1: Go to:

After going to you will see this screen.

In the upper right hand corner of the screen you

will see “My Account.” Click on “My Account.”

Step 2: You will then be brought

to the screen below reading

“Account Login.”

Please click “Join Now”

under the

“Create a Free Account”

Step 3: From there you

will be brought to the page

that reads

“Create a Free Account”

Please fill in ALL

“Personal Information”


Step 4: After you

have filled in all

of the personal


boxes please click

the red “Create a

Free Account”

option on the

bottom left of

the screen.

This will be your personal home page. Any webinars you request to watch will be shown here. Simply click the webinar title (under the big blue play button). Your webinar will then begin. You will receive your CEU certificate at the end of the webinar.

These are Lorman's

Pay to View Webinars -

Medi-Sota Webinars

are in the Blue and

under My Training

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register to view the webinar?

On the first Tuesday of every month I will send out an email listing the available webinars for that

month. This will include the webinar title, webinar overview, and CEU information. Each month we will

receive 5 new webinars to view.

When is the registration deadline?

To clarify- the FIRST TUESDAY of each month you will receive the list of that month’s 5 available

webinars (including webinar description and CEU information). You must email me stating what webinar

you would like to view NO LATER THAN THE SECOND TUESADAY of that month. After the second

Tuesday of the month I will no longer be able to add people to view that months webinar(s).

How do I get the webinar connection information for the webinar(s) I want to view?

If you would like to view a webinar you must simply send me (Megan Gorres) an email requesting the

webinar you would like to view. I will then contact Lorman. From there Lorman will upload the webinar

of your choice to your personal Lorman home page. This will be completed within 24 hours of your

initial request. All of your past webinars will show up on your home page and will remain there for

viewing for 12 months.

Questions (continued)

Can I watch the webinar(s) more than once?

Yes, once you view the webinar you will have unlimited access to the webinar for 12 months.

Can I give my employees my Lorman login information so they do not have to create their own


No. Each person must create their own Lorman account.

Can we use these webinars for staff training or in-services?

Absolutely! Remember once you request the webinar you will have unlimited access to this webinar to

12 months.

HCAHPS-Leadership Series� All leadership webinars are scheduled on the third Tuesday of the month.

� If you are unable to view the webinar on its initial air date/time, the webinar

will remain open for viewing 2 weeks following the initial air date.

� “High Performing Overall Hospitals”� (112 minutes in length)

� MISSION: A strategic blueprint to engage all staff in creating a compassionate experience

for the patient and family throughout their hospital stay.

You will learn how to:

-Discover the key evidence-based drivers that directly influence a patient’s overall judgment

and perception.

-Utilize an Overall HCAHPS Scorecard to pinpoint specific improvements needed for every


-Clarify and link your “brand promise” to your deliverables.

-Stop over-promising and under-delivering

-Crystallize the role of the CEO and senior leadership needed to achieve breakthrough results.

-Implement the 12 core leadership competencies that drive frontline engagement and


HCAPHS-Leadership Series

How Do I Register?

� If you are interested in viewing the webinar please send me an

email indicating that. Please let me know if you plan on viewing the

webinar at least one business day in advance.

� HCAHPS will send you the connection information approximately

2-3 business days prior to the webinar date.

2017-2018 HCHAPS Leadership Series

WebinarsTopics covered include but are not limited to:

� Creating leadership inspiration

� Engagement & Accountability

� Restful, Healing Environments

� Communication about Medications

� Communication with Doctors

� Communication with Nurses

� Discharge Information

� Pain Control

� Responsiveness to Staff

� Care Transitions Done Right

� The Power of Word-of-Mouth Marketing

HCAHPS-Caregiver Series� All webinars are scheduled on the third Friday of the month at 11:00am.

� If you are unable to view the webinar on its initial air date/time, the webinar will remain open for viewing 2 weeks following the initial air date.

#3 Hospital Environment (51 mins)

� -Quiet Questions and Why They Matter

� -Managing Noise Expectations

� -Quiet – Healing Time

� -Quiet Sentence Starters

� -License to Silence

� -Quiet Tools, and the Never-ending Job Jar

� -Cleanliness Questions and Why They Matter

� -Freedom to Clean

� -Cleanliness Sentence Starters

� -Hospital Infections & Commonly Occurring micro-organisms

HCAPHS-Caregiver Series

How Do I Register?

� If you are interested in viewing the webinar please send me an

email indicating that. Please let me know if you plan on viewing the

webinar at least one business day in advance.

� HCAHPS will send you the connection information approximately

2-3 business days prior to the webinar date.

2017-2018 HCAHPS Caregiver Series


Topics covered include but at not limited to:

� Managing Expectations

� Medical Education Questions & Why they Matter

� Medication Education Tools

� Nurse Communication Tools

� Managing Up

� Discharge Questions & Coaching

� Empathizing with Difficult Behavior

� Non-Verbal Communication

� Ethics of Pain Management

� Recommended Survey Questions

� Hourly Rounding

� Personalized Care Plans

Questions? Requests? Ideas?


Megan Gorres, RN, MS, Education Coordinator

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 320-564-5015