Educate Empower Thrive Part Starting a FREEDOM...

Starting a FREEDOM LIFESTYLE from scratch Super Simple Success guide Part 3 Life By Own Design Educate ● Empower ● Thrive

Transcript of Educate Empower Thrive Part Starting a FREEDOM...

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Startinga FREEDOM LIFESTYLE from scratchSuper Simple Success guide


Life By Own DesignEducate ● Empower ● Thrive

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Personal Growth Module

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“Walk your path in the world driven with the purpose of helping others and you will find fulfillment . Share yourself in a genuine and positive way, reflecting the love of which you are made. Receive with gratitude all the wonderful and amazing gifts that your brothers and sisters share with you. Break down the walls which inhibit you from being free and then teach the best of what you have learned to the children of the world whether they are eight, eighteen or eighty.” ~ Sebastian Cannon

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Repeating to yourself easy affirmations such as “This new

feeling of confidence is bringing happiness to me.” Or “I am

feeling strong and powerful in myself as this feeling of

confidence is growing within me.” Or “I am worthy” and “I

am enough”. Can work miracles.

You see, believing that we are something that we have spent a

lifetime ‘agreeing’ to ourselves that we are not, is a pretty

difficult thing to wrap around our minds.

But consistently suggesting and gently re-programming our

thoughts and ‘agreements’ with positive affirmations is proven

to be life changing. Give it a try. It can benefit you in any area

of your life. You can do it!

Choosing to be a ‘No Matter What’ personHow a simple change of mindset can transform your world.

Becoming a ‘No Matter What’ person is just like any other aspect of

character, big or small. It comes down to a choice, a decision that we can

make in any moment of our life. To truly believe: “It doesn’t matter what

life throws at me...I will rise above it...I shall not let obstacles define my life.”

The main reason why most of us don’t live to our true potential is usually

down to agreements we have made with ourselves throughout our life.

Agreements that we are afraid, unworthy, not good enough and therefore

dis-empowered to overcome our own obstacles.

So what can we do to change that pattern? How can we overcome our

own obstacles when our obstacles or mental blocks are the very thing that

is stopping us from creating lasting change?

How can we break the pattern?

Well...simply affirming to yourself that you are moving towards a ‘desired

way of being’ consistently, for just a few minutes, a few times each day can

start to alter your world completely.

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There is a common thread that binds all the pieces of the puzzle

together. The vehicle of success that will drive your entrepreneurial

and life journey forward with an unstoppable force.

It is YOU. Living your BEST life, walking your path as your BEST

YOU. Embracing the Leader Within You.

Through choosing to embody and develop the qualities of a Leader on

a daily basis, you will literally transform your mind and yourself, to

supercharge your life forward and manifest success.

By choosing to live with integrity to your values. By being impeccable

with your word. By developing your character, you will be pursuing a

path where you can overcome all previous doubts, break free from

your limiting beliefs and rise up above your fears.

By embracing the leader that already resides within you. You will

bring success into your life and have the ability to give life

changing value to the world.

You will be able to offer your family and friends a better life simply by

choosing to live your best life.

10th Highest Mountain on the Planet

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“Today I will begin the processof changing where I am

- Mentally, Physically, spiritually,emotionally and financially

- By changing the way I think.”- Andy Andrews

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Here is one huge tip that has helped us immensely in creating and

providing Value to others.

It is the principle of LEARN – DO – TEACH.

Everyone is somewhere on the path of knowledge and understanding.

If you can show someone something useful and valuable to their needs and do it in a positive way. Then you have offered Value.

You don't have to be an expert in everything or anything. You simply need to provide a helping hand to those just behind you on a particular path of knowledge.

Learn and then practice what you have learned by applying the knowledge. Then offer that knowledge out to the world and teach others what you now know.

As you progress on your journey, practice consistently the art of sharing what you have learned with your own style and perspective.

Learn ~ Do ~ Teach

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10 Amazing Tips For Success

Here is an awesome list of some

practical steps you can take towards

successful living. We are super happy to

share these with you, they have helped us

in our life.

By becoming aware of these aspects and

taking action to align with them, they will

help you in assigning your precious time to

activities that will bring you greater

success in all areas of your life.

1. Live An Extraordinary Life‘Draw a line in the sand and make a decision. I’m going to live in a beautiful state and I’m going to see beauty in all that life

throws at me.’ These inspiring words came from a great man, Anthony Robbins.

I believe that an extraordinary life always begins with how You choose to steer your mind through your life. By making that

decision to live your best life, to walk through life as your best self and to help and support others as you thrive.

This is what creates your Extraordinary Life. Live It, Breathe It, Love It!

2. Create A MissionThis has got to come from the heart and it’s ultimately got to be for the benefit of others. Living your mission in all areas of life

will help you in living a fulfilled life and that is much more powerful than living a happy life for yourself.

When we are driven by a mission or purpose in life, it’s like our life is saturated with vitality. Our mission doesn’t have to be world

transforming but by creating a strong intention within ourselves that What We Do has a positive impact on other people, we are

creating the foundations for a very successful life for ourselves.

3. Race With Your PassionIntegrating What You Do with What You Love is a classic recipe for success. You will be empowered to create and build

something with excitement and genuine enthusiasm. You will emit a natural authority in your field because you love what you learn

and share and to others that is highly appealing.

4. Give Something BackProviding Value is the cornerstone of any successful business in today’s world. If you’re not invested in consistently trying to

give more back than you take then you’re barking up the wrong tree for success longevity.

By assigning time to create and share things that have a positive impact on others, we are ultimately creating positive relationships,

gaining authority and revealing ourselves as service providers, all of which are beneficial to a successful business and life.

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5. Don’t Wait For Tomorrow!Procrastination, Fear, Worry. These are not the traits of a successful entrepreneur. They are however common

traits of human beings. Most of us go about our daily lives hopping about from one of these aspects to


The real truth is that we Can design our life, we Can steer our thought patterns, we Can bend our reality

and we Can choose to take a deep breath, jump on board the positive train and Go For It.

Success in life and in business is not an impossible, unattainable path. It is in fact quite the opposite. But

it does require our effort and action. So stand up, Know that you Can make your life amazing and get to work.

6. Bring Teachers Into Your WorldWhat I mean by ‘teachers’ are people who assist, guide and educate you to empower yourself. People who

inspire you and mentors who help you attain the knowledge and skills to continuously improve yourself

and your life.

You will find that nearly all successful people attribute their success and much of the knowledge they share

from people who have shown them the way through their own success.

Take the time to seek out and learn from other successful people. Absorb books, videos and blog posts

and if you can find systems and mentors that you can learn directly from, all the better.

7. Communities ThriveIf you have a support group in the business you are building or in the life you are living, then success is a great

deal easier to manifest. Community support is so valuable in generating momentum and picking you up

when you’re lagging, feeling overwhelmed or are having a specific issue that is stopping you from progressing.

Find systems and groups within your field and your interests so that you can communicate with like

minded people on a similar path. You will find that people are genuinely helpful and supportive and you can

create connections, move each other forward and share vulnerabilities.

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8. Master The Art Of PersuasionThe term Selling often has negative feelings associated with it. If you think about it, we try to sell to or

persuade others across most aspects of our lives. By understanding the principles of what attracts people and

how to communicate with others to guide them on a path that benefits you both in a positive way is a handy

skill to have.

There are real tips and practices that we can educate ourselves with to improve our abilities in the Art

Of Persuasion. For consistent success it is advisable to master at least some of them.

9. Access The Wider WorldTake a look at the world’s successful people. Do you think that they run around fulfilling all the multitude of

tasks that make up their successful lives each day?

Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day and the answer to being more productive to attain success is

called delegation or outsourcing.

In today’s world you don’t need huge funds or resources to outsource individual elements of a successful

business. In fact pretty much all aspects can be easily outsourced, leaving you the time and energy to focus

on the things that you love and help you to thrive.

10. Become UnstoppableBeing Resilient, choosing to be a No Matter What person, understanding that obstacles are simply

opportunities to learn and that there is no such thing as failure, just personal growth. These are all mind

states. They are essentially our decision to perceive our world and circumstances in a particular way.

Bad stuff happens to everyone, it’s inevitable and nobody has a free pass. It’s called life. So making the

choice to power forward with your mission, your Why, what you give to the world, your life and your

business, instead of being overcome by the challenges and the physical and mental road blocks. This is what

is inspiring to you AND to others. This is what creates success.

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“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion

to reach for the stars to change the world.”- Harriet Tubman

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KNOW YOUR WHY. Knowing your WHY will be your epic quest and when you find

it, it will be one of your most important guides in all that you do.

You might know it already. Or you may have no idea right now, or where you can begin looking and that’s ok.

Your Why is unique to you and if you learn to understand its' power, your Why will inspire all the decisions and actions you take as you build your business, walk your life path and follow your journey.

Your Why should ultimately be about 'doing for others'. But in what form it manifests for you specifically is down to you.

If you are serious about building a sustainable and abundant future online with the many benefits that it holds, then figuring out the Why behind You and your brand is going to make THE long term difference.


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Giving Value to the World“Your success is directly proportionate to the Value that you give to

the world.”

Offering Value does several key things:

● It enables you to give back. Giving back to people and the universe is an act of service and it is from a character of service that you will inevitably attract the right kind of attention.

● It establishes you as an authority, which benefits you in creating credibility in your field or as a brand.

● It helps you to reach out, connect and communicate with prospects and people.

● It gives you a platform to express yourself and sculpt your mission, your Why.

Value is anything that you create or share which is intended for the positive benefit of others. It can be a social media post, an article or blog post, a video that you have made or enjoyed or even just a picture of a smile.

It can be anything positive at all but you will gain more credibility in your chosen field if it is related to that particular field. You will gain more authority with the more Value you offer.

Be inventive, expressive and always Authentic.

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Authenticity is going to free you and it is incredibly magnetic.

Starting on a new path and putting yourself ‘out-there’ can be a bit daunting at first. You want to show people your best side. You might not want to appear amateurish, insecure or ignorant.

However the truth is that your vulnerability is your power. Being true to yourself and expressing your fears, faults and the journey of growth that you are on ‘is’ the interesting and relatable aspect about your story.

Think about all the stories of the underdogs who overcame adversity. The people who lost everything or came from rock bottom and made it happen. Those are the stories of endearment and inspiration.

Being on a transformational journey is necessary for success. You need to want to make a success of yourself and your life and take the action needed to learn and implement the change you want to create. It won't just happen because you wish it. You have to put the work in.

Stay authentic and allow yourself the time it takes to find your feet and even your authenticity in these new environments you find yourself in.

The Power Of Authenticity

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Believe In Yourself

Five Top Tips Of Things Leaders Do Daily

1. Strategic Vision Practice: Every highly successful

leader has one thing in common. They know exactly

what outcome they seek. They can see, smell and taste

it as if it already exists. See the vision of what you

wish to manifest and experience it as if it already

exists in your world.

Make it positive and make it clear down to the tiny

details and work on this practice DAILY until you have

manifested it into your existence.

2. Progress Activities: Here you can see the results

taking shape. Take specific steps daily to progress

with your mission. If that is in business, then this can

mean putting your head down with income producing

activities. If your purpose is to generate awareness,

then your action might be making those phone calls or

placing those ads to move your mission forward. Be

organized and be determined and never give up.

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3. Invest In Yourself: If you’re not growing, then

you’re limiting yourself to helping others. Take pride

in investing in yourself as an individual and a

professional, daily. This may include increasing your

self-awareness, enhancing your skills, reading or

listening to books and podcasts or watching

educational videos.

Practice and implement the useful things from what

you have learned so that your body and mind absorb

that information which then gives you the power to

share it.

4. Masterminding: One of the most powerful and

effective ways to increase your motivation,

productivity and results long term is to surround

yourself with other leaders and mastermind with a

powerful circle of influence. Birds of the same feather

flock together…who’s your flock?

5. Teach & Inspire: Learn, Do, Teach. Learn,

Do, Teach, Learn, Do, Teach: You don’t have to

invent anything new to become an asset to the

world or your community around you. Great

wisdom, knowledge and guidance is bountiful and

never more accessible than in today’s world.

Learn positive knowledge which you can share and

that helps others to be self-empowered, helps

others to take positive action and protects our

planet from our own misguided destruction.

Expect leadership from yourself and begin to

lead! Even in the simple terms of holding yourself

up to your core values, which should be positive

aspirations of what your higher self can be.

Believe in Yourself!

The first four things above have to do with learning

and doing – this final principle represents

teaching – giving back to others, serving, providing

value – the true act of leadership.



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“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

- Mark Twain

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Each and every one of us has the power to transform our lives, to live

a better and more valuable life than the life we lived yesterday. To give more

to the world, to the ones we love and to ourselves. We all hold that power

within us.

But if we want to create our life with positive outcomes. Abundance,

self-empowerment, happiness, health, vitality.Then we have to start by

changing ourselves. Only a change of mindset will transform your life.

And we change our mindset through education and taking action.

The beautiful thing is that there are mentors, leaders and communities that

are available to awaken you to the right kind of education and

knowledge. To help you in guidance of a practical, motivational and

inspirational sense so that you tune in to the power that you already have

within you and teach you the new skills that can help you to create

abundance and fulfillment.

Having mentors or people in your life who guide and support you on a daily basis will be one of the most important factors for your real success.

Mentors & Community

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Having motivational leaders who you can learn from and be

inspired by on a daily basis as well as a community of supportive and like-minded individuals is invaluable and you should seek to find mentors and communities that fit you well. Who are genuine and Value driven and who also offer the education and resources that suit your Why and your personal aspirations.

But with the right ‘family’ of support around you, achieving real success in all aspects of your life is a very realistic dream.

Yes you will have to learn new skills. Yes sometimes is can be frustrating. Yes there is a learning curve. And No, there is no clock or calendar that can tell you how long your success will take to achieve.

But keep the right mindset. Keep learning and taking action. Keep being consistent and understand that there are no failures, just opportunities to learn.

As long as you make the clear choice, an unshakable resolve that YOU WILL overcome all obstacles, one-by-one to master success in your life, then you inevitably will.

Take command of your life, so that you can provide fulfillment and

happiness to yourself, your family and the ones you love in this one

chance of life you have. The choice is yours to make in each and every


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Enjoy The Ride!Think BIG. Dream BIG. Believe BIG. And the results will be BIG!

You are the Only One who really understands how important it is For You to do what it takes and create the amazing life you and your loved ones deserve.

We trust that this book and the resources provided here offer you an inspiring, informative and motivational introduction to building a successful lifestyle and that it gives you some clear guidance of which direction to head towards next.

You are more than capable of making it happen, of being the leader, entrepreneur and empowered individual you are, that will take action and move your life forward. Embrace feeling fulfilled, thrive on being passionate and successful each and every day in all that you do.

It begins with YOU. It ends with YOU. Your life and your circumstances are your responsibility. So go out and CREATE an awesome life starting now!

Just remember to thoroughly Enjoy The Ride, whatever happens.

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Copyright & Disclaimer - The Legal Stuff

This book was written for educational purposes. The contents is intended to provide information and guidance. We do not claim that the contents guarantees your success, financial or otherwise. That is and always will be entirely down to you.

We make no guarantees that you will make money by following the guidance in this book. Individuals results will vary.

Every precaution has been made to ensure that the information in this book is correct and complete, and no liability is assumed for any errors or omissions, real or perceived. The authors reserve the right to update or edit this book at any time.

All rights reserved. The contents of this entire book are covered by copyright laws. The owners of the copyrights are Sebastian Cannon and Beata Tworek.

This book does not include resale or redistribution rights. You may not sell any part of this book.

Please remember that this book was written for educational purposes but should not replace common sense in decisions made in your business and in your life.

...And Always Remember That You Are AMAZING!