Edubest English Programme PR 2B Module

@ Pusat Tuisyen Didikan Genius Edubest English Programme PR 2B Module 7 Name : ___________________________

Transcript of Edubest English Programme PR 2B Module

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Pusat Tuisyen Didikan Genius

Edubest English Programme


Module 7

Name : ___________________________

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Computer Quiz

Week Date Vocabulary


Phrasal Verb










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VOCABULARY No. Vocabularies & Meanings

1 acclimatise - adapt

2 article - item; thing

3 canal

- a passage used for carrying water

4 Chinese fan palm

5 disease

- illness

6 draw admirers - attract people

7 estate - land

8 erosion

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(The picture shows soil eroded by water.)

- a process where soil is removed by wind, water, etc.

9 financial crisis - problem relating to money

10 frequent contact - regular visit

11 give up - surrender

12 hollow stem

13 import

- buy (from another country)

14 Insane - crazy

15 integral - important

16 irrigate - supply water to

17 Japanese persimmon

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18 modest and humble

- simple and not proud

19 native - born in a country or region

20 obsessed - kept thinking

21 oddity - a person or a thing that is strange

22 prompt - to make somebody to do something

23 property - a thing or things that are owned by someone (e.g. land, house,car,etc.)

24 sections between the nodes

25 shoot

- new plant growth

26 silkworm

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- a caterpillar that produces silk thread

27 slender - thin

28 symbolise - represent; show; mean

29 recreate - made

30 vineyard

- a land where grapes are grown

Vocabulary exercise: Complete Vocabulary Crossword exercise in computer laboratory with the bold

words listed above.

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COMPREHENSION Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Eugene Mazel created a bamboo park in Southeast France that draws admirers from all around the world, including Asia. What prompted him to

recreate this dream of Asia in Southeast France?

Through his frequent contact with the East, he took an interest in Asian

plant life. This interest led him to import oddities such as the Japanese persimmon, the Chinese palm and several orchid species that were previously

unheard of in the West. But, the one that captured Mazel's attention was


Except for the widely travelled, bamboo was then practically unknown in

Europe. To Mazel, the slender green stems seemed to contain all the wisdom

of the East. He later came to learn that bamboo symbolised the perfection of

the spirit for Buddhists and Taoists. The sections between the nodes

represent virtue separating the mistakes in life, while the hollow stems call for

people to be modest and humble.

Mazel became obsessed with the idea of acclimatising bamboo in his

native region. He bought an estate and spent thousands of dollars digging a

mile-long canal to irrigate the precious bamboo plants that he had shipped over. Many people thought Mazel had gone insane but he knew that bamboo

was integral to the lives of billions of men and women from birth to death. Its

tender shoots provided food for Asians. Its roots held down the soil and

prevented erosion and bamboo stems could be made into decorative and

useful articles.

However, Mazel went into financial crisis when disease destroyed his

silkworm farm and vineyards. He had to give up his property to a bank and

that was the end of his dream until many years later.

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Exercise 1 Spot the mistakes and write the correct ones in the brackets.

1. Eugene Mazel created a bamboo park in Northeast France that draws

admirers. ( )

2. Through his frequent contact with the West, he took an interest in Asian plant

live. ( ) ( )

3. The one that captured Mazel's attention was orchid. ( )

4. She later came to learn that bamboo symbolised the perfect of the spirit for

Buddhists and Taoists. ( ) ( )

5. Mazel became obsessed with the idea of acclimatizing bamboo in his native country. ( )

6. He bought a vineyard and spent thousands of dollars digging a mile-long

canal. ( )

7. Many people thought Mazel had gone normal. ( )

8. Bamboo roots could be made into decorative and useful articles.

( )

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Exercise 2 All answers must be in complete sentences.

1. What did Mazel create that draws admirers from all around the world?



2. Define 'acclimatising'.



3. What does 'his native region' refer to?



4. Why did people think that Mazel had gone insane?



5. Give the three usefulness of bamboo.



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THEMATIC VOCABULARY Outdoor Activities 1. Abseil (verb) to climb down a steep rock face, such

as a cliff, using a rope.

2. Amusement park (noun) an area of land where there are many

rides that you can go on.

3. Golf (noun) a game in which you hit a small ball

with a long stick into a small hole in the


4. Hiking (noun) walking long distances in the

countryside for fun.

5. Horse riding (noun) going along on the back of a horse.

6. Mountain biking (noun) riding a mountain bike over rough


7. Mountaineer (noun) a person who goes mountaineering.

8. Picnic (noun) a cold meal that you eat outside in a

nice place away from your home.

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9. Ride 1 verb (rides, riding, rode, ridden) to go

along on a bicycle or a horse.

2 noun a large machine at an

amusement park on which you move

along, around, up and down, etc.

10. Sail 1 noun a flat piece of fabric on a boat

that drives it along in the wind.

2 verb to go along on water in a boat

with a sail.

11. Skate 1 noun a shoe with a long thin piece of

metal on the bottom for moving across

ice, or with wheels on the bottom for

moving along the ground.

2 verb to move along on skates.

12. Ski (noun) a long narrow thing attached to a

special boot that you wear to slide

down a snow-covered slope.

13. Surfing (noun) moving along on the top of a wave on a

flat piece of plastic.

14. Volleyball (noun) a game for two teams who hit a large

ball across a net with their hands.

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15. Water skiing (noun) being pulled by a boat along the

surface of the water with long narrow

things on your feet.

Exercise 1 Choose the correct answer for each blank and write its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in

the brackets provided.

1. John could not go __________ because the engine of his father's boat would

not start.

(1) swimming (2) water skiing

(3) surfing (4) sailing ( )

2. __________ to school or work is a good way of keeping fit.

(1) Cycling (2) Mountain biking

(3) Riding (4) Driving ( )

3. We carried food and drink in our backpacks and had a __________ in the

middle of the forest.

(1) meal (2) rest

(3) picnic (4) walk ( )

4. Joe could never be a __________. He is afraid of heights.

(1) horse rider (2) surfer

(3) mountain biker (4) mountaineer ( )

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5. There are always long queues for the most popular __________ at the

amusement park.

(1) games (2) sports

(3) drives (4) rides ( )

6. My parents sometimes play __________together at the weekend.

(1) golf (2) cricket

(3) football (4) rugby ( )

7. Sally likes to go __________ along the path by the canal.

(1) mountain biking (2) walking

(3) hiking (4) climbing ( )

8. If it is warm, we can go __________ in the lake.

(1) swimming (2) sailing

(3) canoeing (4) water skiing ( )

9. Tom is having __________ lessons, because he wants to be a jockey when

he grows up.

(1) cycling (2) swimming

(3) horse riding (4) dancing ( )

10. There is a net on the beach for people who want to play __________.

(1) golf (2) volleyball

(3) cricket (4) basketball ( )

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Exercise 2 For each of the following nouns, choose the verb that goes with it and write its

number in the brackets provided.

1. mountain

(1) water ski (2) skate

(3) cycle (4) ski ( )

2. horse

(1) walk (2) drive

(3) ride (4) climb ( )

3. river

(1) surf (2) sail

(3) ski (4) skate ( )

4. cliff

(1) hike (2) walk

(3) abseil (4) ski ( )

5. ice

(1) skate (2) swim

(3) sail (4) ride ( )

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GRAMMAR Adverbs Adverbs are words that are used to give a better description of the action carried

out by verbs. A phrase or group of words that gives a better description of the

verbs is called adverbials.

Adverbs and Adverbials of Manner Adverbs and adverbials of manner describe the way in which the action is

carried out.

The boys played roughly. (Adverb)

The boys played in a rough manner. (Adverbial)

The children did their work quietly.

The children did their work in silence.

The boy ran fast.

The boy ran as fast as he could.

The man scolded the boy angrily.

The man scolded the boy in a loud and harsh tone.

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Adverbs and Adverbials of Time Adverbs and adverbials of time are words or phrases that describe the time in

which the actions are carried out.

The kittens are sleeping now. (Adverb)

The kittens are sleeping at the moment. (Adverbial)

Come to the office now.

Come to the office as soon as possible.

They are going to the cinema tonight. They are going to the cinema later in the evening.

Please come back soon.

Please come back in a week’s time.

I haven’t seen it yet. She hasn't been to her village in a long time.

Adverbs and Adverbial of Place Adverbs and adverbials of place are words or phrases that describe the place at

which the action is carried out. The children are staying here. (Adverb)

The children are staying in the dormitory. (Adverbial)

The boy lives near me.

The boy lives in the opposite block to mine.

The cat sleeps there.

The cat sleeps on the tree.

Kelly is meeting her friends here.

I Kelly is meeting her friends at the shopping centre.

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Adverbs and Adverbials of Reason Adverbs and adverbials of reason are words or phrases that show motive or

explanation for an action.

Tom stayed home since he was ill. (Adverb)

Tom stayed home because he was ill. (Adverbial)

Mary was late since she missed the bus.

Mary was late because she had missed the bus.

John can play first as he is the oldest.

John can play first because he is the oldest.

Adverbs and Adverbials of Frequency Adverbs and adverbials of frequency are words or phrases that tell us how often

the action is being carried out.

We come here often. (Adverb)

We come here every two weeks. (Adverbial)

They have been to the zoo twice.

They have been to the zoo a few times.

Farah seldom reads books.

Evelyn goes to the library during the weekends.

We brush our teeth daily.

He washes the car once a week.

Jill always cries at movies.

He pays his workers at the end of each day.

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Adverbs and Adverbials of Duration Adverbs and adverbials of duration are words and phrases that tell us how long

the action that is being carried out of takes.

The teacher spoke to the team briefly. (Adverb)

The teacher spoke to the team for a while. (Adverbial)

The medicine is to be taken hourly.

You have to walk the dog for fifteen minutes.

He is staying here temporarily.

The kitten will be at the vet for the next few days.

Please let me stay overnight at Tom's place.

The Lims will be staying with us for a week.

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Exercise 1 Spot and correct the errors in the following sentences.

1. My brother took out his new model car careful.


2. He looked at the cockroach close before it scurried away.


3. The baby was tucked into bed comfortable.


4. We will start the party as soon.


5. Wally was at the house the night last.


6. Although we always see each other, we remember each other's names.


7. He threw the ball under the gate.


8. Henry will be in Australia during the holidays with a month.


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Exercise 2 Underline the adverbs in the following sentences. Put a tick in the correct

column to show what kind of adverb it is. The first one is done for you.

Manner Time Place

1. We went to the concert yesterday.

2. The prince and princess lived happily

ever after.

3. Dad will be back soon.

4. All the bedrooms are upstairs.

5. He sat comfortably on the sofa.

6. All of the contestants answered the

questions correctly.

7. Dad always drives carefully.

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8. Many people like to go overseas for


9. Bring the chair here.

10. Some plants flower yearly.

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Exercise 3 Choose suitable adverbials from the box to complete the sentences.

near the beach in front of the hotel

down the stream from overseas

for a week at high speed

at any moment once a year

1. We have a family reunion dinner ___________________________________

2. The raft is floating _______________________________________________

3. The bullet train travels ___________________________________________

4. The tourists are posing for pictures _________________________________

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5. My brother has just returned _______________________________________

6. He will stay with us ______________________________________________

7. The hotel is situated _____________________________________________

8. The game is going to start ________________________________________

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Exercise 4 Match a suitable adverb of manner from the box to each of the following

sentences. The first one is done for you.

a. clearly d. cautiously g. foolishly

b. accurately e. sleepily h. speedily

c. enthusiastically f. cheaply

1. He bought it at the sale.

2. The careful boy crossed the road this way.

3. How did he move when he was in a hurry?

4. He hit the target so he aimed in this manner.

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5. The silly boy acted this way.

6. How should you speak to an audience?

7. He was very excited so he acted this way.

8. Because he has a late night he spoke this way.

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Exercise 5 Choose the correct adverb or adverbial and write its number in the brackets.

1. Only two more days till my birthday. It's the __________.

(1) day before tomorrow

(2) day after tomorrow

(3) two days

(4) day from tomorrow ( )

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2. Where's Alice? She's __________ talking to those girls.

(1) there over (2) over here

(3) over there (4) here over ( )

3. I'm sorry to say this, but you play the violin __________.

(1) terrible (2) terror

(3) terrify (4) terribly ( )

4. I arranged to meet him __________.

(1) out the hotel (2) outside the hotel

(3) the hotel (4) side the hotel ( )

5. Jane wasn't at school __________.

(1) yesterday morning (2) in yesterday morning

(3) morning yesterday (4) last morning ( )

6. I know those people. I'm sure they live __________.

(1) in the nearby village (2) at the nearby village

(3) up the village (4) over the village ( )

7. They had a quick meal __________.

(1) before the film (2) before film

(3) above the film (4) at the film ( )

8. The doctor will see every child __________.

(1) individual (2) individuals

(3) individually (4) individualize ( )

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9. Goodbye, everyone! See you __________.

(1) the morning

(2) in the morning

(3) the next morning

(4) in tomorrow morning ( )

10. The clowns were hilarious. The audience laughed __________.

(1) hysterical (2) hysteria

(3) hysterically (4) hysterics ( )

11. Cathy went to Japan __________.

(1) before the year last

(2) the year before last

(3) before the last year

(4) the last year before ( )

12. __________ I found my wallet at home.

(1) Fortune (2) Fortunate

(3) Fortunately (4) Unfortunate ( )

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LISTENING AND SPEAKING A. Picture Discussion (10 marks)

Initial Prompt: What do you think is happening in the picture?

Additional Prompts: 1. What are the clowns doing?

2. How do you think the children are feeling?

3. What are the children holding in their hands?

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B. Situational (10 marks) Watch the video carefully and answer the questions below in full sentences.

1. What are the circus performers? What living object does the cycling?



2. What colour is the light when it turns on? What colour are those oval objects?



3. How many degrees does the scorpion turn? Was it steady?



4. What is the main purpose of the circus?



5. Based on your answer for No.4, do you think it is a good idea? Why?



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WRITING: Narrative Composition Exercise Write a composition of 5 paragraphs based on the pictures and mind map below.

Give a proper ending to the story.

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Mind Map

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Enrichment In order to strengthen your writing skill, you may attempt this composition below.

Hand it in to you teacher and redeem 10 points. (Plagiarism is prohibited but you

are allowed to refer to any source for extra information and the given mind map.)

Narrative Composition: Write 5 paragraphs on the given title in essay paper.

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LANGUAGE ARTS Similes & Metaphors 1. EAT LIKE A BIRD To eat like a bird means to eat very little.


* The girl ate like a bird because she wanted to lose weight; instead, she fell ill.

* To eat like a bird is not healthy.

2. LIVE LIKE A PIG To live like a pig means to live very untidily.


* The boy lives like a pig, so his mother decided not to clean his room for him

any more.

* The man is too busy to clean up, so he lives like a pig.

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3. SWIM LIKE A FISH To swim like a fish means to swim very well.


* After learning to swim under an instructor, he could swim like a fish.

* I am not worried about going out to sea because I swim like a fish.


To be like a wolf in sheep’s clothing means to be cunning and dangerous

while pretending to be harmless.


* Stay away from that boy. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

* He seems to be charming on the surface, but we do not really know him; he

may well be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. So be careful.

Accumulated list:

• the early bird catches the worm

• can’t see the forest for the trees

• answer nature’s call

• add fuel to the flames

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