EDU_01 - Development of an Advanced Robotics-Kit for Education and Entertainment of Non-Experts

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  • 8/11/2019 EDU_01 - Development of an Advanced Robotics-Kit for Education and Entertainment of Non-Experts


    Development of an Advanced Robotics-Kit for

    Education and Entertainment of Non-Experts

    Andreas Birk

    , Wolfgang Gunther

    , and Holger Kenn

    Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Belgium

    [email protected], [email protected]

    Hochschule Anhalt, FB Elektrotechnik, Germany

    [email protected]

    Abstract. Sustained technology education for non-experts, e.g., school-kids and

    adults without an engineering background, is a vital task for modern societies.

    This paper describes a novel approach to a robot construction kit, which is de-

    veloped for this purpose. The system is much more advanced than existing solu-

    tions, especially the Lego Mindstorms

    . Unlike existing commercial solutions,

    it did not come out of mechanical constructions kits with a little bit of electron-

    ics added. Instead, it is developed out of an advanced, hardware-oriented sys-

    tem for university education and robotics research, the so-called CubeSystem, to

    which additional functionality is added to make it handleable by non-experts. One

    crucial additional component is a graphical programming environment based on


    , which is suitable for young kids as long-term experiences with previ-

    ous versions have shown. Fischertechnik

    components are used as mechanical

    building blocks within the construction kit.

    1 Background

    In recent time, a strong interest in robotics for kids [DH00] and robotics edutainment

    in general [ADB

    00] has emerged for several reasons. First of all, the topic has been

    identified as a key to sustained technology education, a cradle of future welfare for every

    modern society. The Japanese government for example started the RoboFesta initiative,

    where school-kids can get in playful contact with robots. RoboFesta is an annual seriesof events, each lasting about 10 days in major cities. It will be held for the first time from

    July until December 2001, layed out for a total of 800.000 participants. A second reason

    for the popularity of robotics edutainment is its market potential, which can e.g. be seen

    by the sales success of the Lego Mindstorms


    2 The Limitations of Existing Approaches

    There are at least two commercial approaches to robot construction kits, the Lego


    [MST] and the Fischertechnik Mobile Computing

    kit [FT]. Both

    systems grew out of passive mechanical construction kits. The computation power and

    the sensor/motor-interfaces that were added to them are accordingly very minimal. Both

    systems allow for example only the most basic control of a motor, namely an open

  • 8/11/2019 EDU_01 - Development of an Advanced Robotics-Kit for Education and Entertainment of Non-Experts


    loop activation of turning full power right or left with the motor speed depending on

    the battery level of the toy. Our system in contrast is targeted at serious edutainment

    projects and games, like RoboFesta mentioned above and the RoboCup Jr. initiative.

    RoboCup Jr. [KSA00] is a special initiative within the Worldchampionship of Robot

    Soccer or short RoboCup [KAK


    97]. RoboCup Jr. is layed out for non-experts,

    especially school-kids. An approach to the task of playing a simple one on one ball-

    game showed for example the limitations of the Lego Mindstorms system [LP00]. In

    addition to other dedicated solutions in this approach based on Lego Mindstorms, a

    special ball has to be hand-tailored which actively emits IR. This active beacon is per-

    ceived by (ab)using the Mindstorms IR-transceivers normally dedicated to communica-

    tion with the host-PC.

    3 A Novel Approach

    The AI-lab at the Flemish Free University of Brussels (VUB) has some tradition in

    developing robotics related hardware since the mid-80s. The most recent approach is

    the so-calledRoboCube, which is a central part of theCubeSystem. The RoboCube, as a

    central part of the CubeSystem, features a 32-bit CPU, 2 MByte of memory in the basic

    version, and various I/O interfaces including RF-communication. Its technical details

    are described in [BKW00,BKW98].

    The CubeSystem features a special operating system, the CubeOS [Ken00], which

    ranges from a micro-kernel over drivers to special high-level languages like the process

    description language PDL [Ste92]. The CubeSystem is used in basic and applied re-

    search, industrial projects and academic education [BWBK99,BWB


    Therefore, a wide range of sensor- and motor-components exists.

    However, for the use in edutainment, the existing CubeSystem platform is tailored

    in order to fit the prior robotics knowledge and the budget requirements of educational

    and private users. Moreover, a color C-MOS camera is chosen as main sensor, which

    can conveniently detect colored patches, e.g., a ball and suitably marked other robots

    or goals. Using the existing RoboCube as a starting point, the new hardware includes

    the MC 68332 CPU with 1 Mb SRAM and ROM, a I2C bus with A/D and binary I/O

    and four onboard motor controllers. Additionally, the new hardware includes an digitalinterface for a CMOS vision device.

    To overcome the limited knowledge of the entry-level user without hindering ad-

    vanced users, we chose for a visual programming environment for program develop-

    ment. The visual programming environment is derived from the iCON-L system that is

    used in large-scale industry and automation systems. iCON-L consists of a graphical

    module-based object-oriented IDE for reactive and state-based control applications, a

    virtual control CPU running on the multiple target platforms and an abstract communi-

    cation interface for program download and debugging.

    In the CubeSystem framework, CubeOS provides the low-level control and com-

    munication functions for the virtual control processor. The suitability of graphical pro-

    gramming for robotics edutainment has already been demonstratedwith LLWin, a deriva-

    tion of the iCON-L system which is successfully used since several years in the Fis-

    chertechnik Computing kits.

  • 8/11/2019 EDU_01 - Development of an Advanced Robotics-Kit for Education and Entertainment of Non-Experts




    00] Minoru Asada, Raffaello DAndrea, Andreas Birk, Hiroaki Kitano, and Manuela

    Veloso. Robotics in edutainment. InProceedings of the International Conference on

    Robotics and Automation, ICRA2000, 2000.

    [BB98] Andreas Birk and Tony Belpaeme. A multi-agent-system based on heterogeneous

    robots. InCollective Robotics Workshop 98. Springer LNAI, 1998.

    [Bir98] Andreas Birk. Robot learning and self-sufficiency: What the energy-level can tellus about a robots performance. In Proceedings of the Sixth European Workshop on

    Learning Robots, LNAI 1545. Springer, 1998.

    [BKW98] Andreas Birk, Holger Kenn, and Thomas Walle. Robocube: an universal special-

    purpose hardware for the robocup small robots league. In 4th International Sympo-

    sium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems. Springer, 1998.

    [BKW00] Andreas Birk, Holger Kenn, and Thomas Walle. On-board control in the robocup

    small robots league. Advanced Robotics Journal, 2000.


    98] Andreas Birk, Thomas Walle, Tony Belpaeme, Johan Parent, Tom De Vlaminck,

    and Holger Kenn. The small league robocup team of the vub ai-lab. InProc. of The

    Second International Workshop on RoboCup. Springer, 1998.

    [BWBK99] Andreas Birk, Thomas Walle, Tony Belpaeme, and Holger Kenn. The vub ai-lab

    robocup99 small league team. In Proc. of the Third RoboCup. Springer, 1999.

    [DH00] A. Durin and J. Hendler, editors.Robots For Kids. Morgan Kauffmann, 2000.

    [FT] The fischertechnik website.[KAK

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    [Ken00] Holger Kenn. Cubeos, the manual. Technical Report MEMO 00-04, Vrije Univer-

    siteit Brussel, AI-Laboratory, 2000.

    [KSA00] Hiroaki Kitano, Shoji Suzuki, and Junichi Akita. Robocup jr.: Robocup for edutain-

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    97] Hiroaki Kitano, Milind Tambe, Peter Stone, Manuela Veloso, Silvia Coradeschi, Ei-

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    [LP00] H. Lund and L. Pagliarini. Robocup jr. with lego mindstorms. In Proceedings of the

    International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA2000, 2000.

    [MST] The lego mindstorms.[Ste92] Luc Steels. The pdl reference manual. Technical Report MEMO 92-05, Vrije Uni-

    versiteit Brussel, AI-Laboratory, 1992.