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ASPIRE. ENGAGE. EXCEL. edTPA Lessons Learned Chris’ne Murray, Jie Zhang, Don Halquist, Diane Maurer The College at Brockport, State University of New York

Transcript of edTPA lessons Bport - isnetworked.org lesso… · edTPA lessons Bport.pptx Author: Amy Created...

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edTPA  Lessons  Learned    

Chris'ne  Murray,  Jie  Zhang,    Don  Halquist,  Diane  Maurer  

 The  College  at  Brockport,  State  University  of  New  York  


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Spring  2013  Pilot    •  11  Childhood  Inclusive  Program  student  teachers  •  Iden'fied  by  their  pre-­‐assignment  to  College  Supervisors  

•  No  prior  knowledge  of  edTPA  (College  Supervisors,  Student  Teachers,  School  Based  Teacher  Educators)  

•  Mul'ple  efforts  during  Summer  2013  to  prepare  for  full  edTPA  pilot  fall  2013  (65  childhood  inclusive  &  adolescence  inclusive  student  teachers)    

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Spring  2013  Pilot  Results  •  4  of  11  successfully  uploaded  edTPA  files  to  Pearson  for  evalua>on  

 •  Problems  along  the  way  –  Time  to  complete  (Task  4)  – Academic  language  applica'on  – Wri'ng  fully  developed  commentaries  –  Technology  issues    

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Student  Teacher  Reac'ons  •  Beginning  student  teaching,  January  2013  

–  “I  saw  the  edTPA  packet  and  I  wanted  to  cry.”    

•  Ending  student  teaching,  Spring  2013  –  “I  really  think  the  addi'onal  and  more  in  depth  requirements  of  edTPA  should  

be  implemented  because  I  went  further  in  the  assessment  and  evalua'on  process.”  

 •  Fall  2013  

–  “I  told  Commissioner  King  that  edTPA  is  challenging,  but  Brockport  has  prepared  teacher  candidates  to  understand  and  carry  out  edTPA  tasks  successfully.”  

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Preparing  Student  Teachers  

•  Spring  2013  –  edTPA  handbook,  overwhelming  and  confusing  –  Need  to  organize  edTPA  by  individual  tasks,  and  how  tasks  relate  to  each  other  

 •  Fall  2013  

–  edTPA  completed  in  first  placement  (either  special  educa'on  or  content  area)  –  edTPA  Professional  Development  for  all  student  teachers  (2.5  days  prior  to  student  teaching)  –  edTPA  checklists  and  task  deadlines  –  edTPA  lesson  plan  templates  –  Handbooks  &  templates  uploaded  to  Tk20  

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Academic  Language  •  Spring  2013  

–  New,  on-­‐the-­‐job  learning  for  student  teachers  –  Challenge  of  integra'ng  academic  language  usage  into  lesson  plans  

and  commentaries    •  Fall  2013  

–  Academic  language  orienta'on  prior  to  student  teaching  –  edTPA  webpage  resources  on  academic  language  –  Brockport  academic  language  usage  included  in  literacy  courses  and  

methods  courses  

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Commentaries  •  Spring  2013  

–  Commentaries  were  not  fully  developed  –  More  aaen'on  needed  to  commentary  prompts  –  Alignment  with  task  rubrics  –  Connec'ons  to  research/theory  

•  Fall  2013  –  Research  &theory/prac'ce  interac've  guide  –  College  supervisors’  forma've  support  –  Peer  review  in  student  teaching  seminars  –  Wri'ng  week  between  student  teaching  placements  –  Strengthened  connec'ons  in  methods  courses  

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Technology  Issues  

•  Spring  2013  -­‐  The  wheels  fell  off  the  bus.  –  Student  teachers  used  own  equipment  –  IT  could  not  support  mul'ple  recording  devices.  –  Problems  with  recording,  file  transfer,  edi'ng,  compression,  uploading  to  Tk20  

–  File  size  issues  with  Tk20  –  Problems  uploading  to  Pearson  from  Tk20  –  Only  4  of  11  student  teachers  able  to  upload  to  Pearson  

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Technology  Issues  •  Fall  2013  

–  College  purchase  of  Canon  camera  kits  for  all  student  teachers’  use  (camera,  tripod,  wireless  mike,  bag)  

–  Student  teachers  purchase  of  SD  cards,  32GB  recommended  –  Expanded  file  space  on  Tk20  –  Extensive  IT  support  for  student  teachers  

•  Online  video  tutorials  •  Pre-­‐student  teaching  equipment  overview  and  check-­‐out  •  Walk-­‐in  hours  for  technology  assistance  •  IT  Help  Desk    

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Engaging  Faculty  •  Mul>ple  efforts  to  engage  faculty  

–  edTPA  orienta'on  for  faculty  &  Unit  Advisory  Board  (Nov.  2012)  –  Faculty  retreat  on  new  cer'fica'on  exams  (Jan.  2013)  –  Curriculum  alignment  mee'ngs  (Spring  2013)  –  Full-­‐day  training  for  full-­‐'me  faculty  on  edTPA  tasks  (May  2013)  –  Faculty  edTPA  projects  on  lesson  plan  templates,  research/prac'ce  interac've  guide,  academic  language  resources,  common  student  teaching  seminar  syllabus  (Summer  2013)  


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Engaging  Faculty  

•  Fall  2013  –  Student  teacher  supervision  load  reduced  to  4-­‐5  students  per  supervisor  

–  College  supervisors  organized  for  team  teaching  weekly  student  teaching  seminars  

–  Faculty,  par'cularly  new  college  supervisors,  par'cipated  in  student  teachers’  edTPA  professional  development  prior  to  student  teaching  (August  2013)  


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Engaging  P-­‐12  Partners  •  Spring  2013    

–  School  based  teacher  educators  (SBTEs)  had  no  prior  knowledge  of  edTPA  –  No  push  back  –  Alignment  with  APPR  –  Rochester  Area  Colleges  leaer  to  school  districts  regarding  edTPA    

•  Fall  2013  –  edTPA  introductory  leaer  to  SBTEs  (August  2013)  –  Early  communica'on  from  college  supervisors    –  Standardized  family/student  permission  leaer  

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Using  edTPA  for  Accredita'on  and  Program  Improvement  

•  Work  yet  to  do  – Next  reaccredita'on  visit,  Spring  2016  – CAEP  pilot  visit  – Unit  assessment  system  alignment  with  new    cer'fica'on  exams?  

– SPA  assessments  and  new  cer'fica'on  exams?