Editing process

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Transcript of Editing process

  1. 1. Front cover editing
  2. 2. Contents editing
  3. 3. Double page spread editing For the editing of my double page spread I took a picture of the model I had used throughout my magazine and changed the contrast etc and deleted the white lines on the image to make sure the image was at its best quality. I then pasted some of the text I had used from the front cover and also the contents page to ensure that the double page spread had the exact same text font and also a few of the same logos throughout etc such as using my Echo title throughout the magazine which ensured that the flow of the magazine didnt change and that I used the exact same logo throughout which also made it slightly easier for me. I also was able to use the exact same background colour from the contents and front cover page which made it a lot easier for me to use. I didnt use much editing process for the double page spread as a lot of this page had content from the other 2 pages. I only used an editing process for the main image from using fireworks etc which made my job very easy for this page as I only had to copy and paste a lot of things into the document.
  4. 4. Analysis of Editing I used different websites such as dafont to actually create the fonts of the titles and the text throughout the magazine which ensured that the text looked more professional. I also used softwares such as fireworks and publisher to edit the images of all the text and the images of my model throughout the magazine. I changed the contrasting, brightness and colours etc throughout the magazine on most of my images to ensure that they looked more proffessional.