Edited Presentation

Starbucks to Dumb Starbucks: Don’t use our trademark http://money.cnn.com/2014/02/10/news/companies/dumb-starbucks/index.html?iid=HP_LN Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein Selected Business Article



Transcript of Edited Presentation

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Starbucks to Dumb Starbucks: Don’t use our trademark


Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

Selected Business Article

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Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Research Article

• Dumb Starbucks- parody/art piece.

• Used similar name, menu, sizes.

• Added “Dumb” before all names.

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Research Article

• Starbucks could not contact creator.

• Emphasized “no affiliation”.

• Weighing options, may sue.

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Ethnographic Research Options

• Students at cafés on campus.

• People at local Starbucks.

• People at other local coffee shops.

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Ethnographic Research

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

Students were observed alone and in

groups at Café on the Quad and the

Library Café at Hofstra University while

purchasing coffee.

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Student at Café on the Quad

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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• Students at café are mainly alone.

• Everyone is either on a cell phone, laptop, or doing work.

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

Ethnographic Research Observations

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Students in line at Café on the Quad to buy coffee

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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• No one makes an effort to talk with other people around them.

• Only voice is boy on an iPad to Skype.

• Music overwhelmingly loud compared to silence of customers.

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

Ethnographic Research Observations

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• Cold gust of wind from doors, most people leave jackets on.

• Customers seem uncomfortable, like they want to leave.

• Most looking out window, avoiding eye contact with others.

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

Ethnographic Research Observations

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Student looks out window and wants to leave.

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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• One girl at window continuously looked out the window uncomfortably, has book open in front of her but isn’t really reading.

• Girl at table across from me checking phone nervously. She has multiple bags and seems to be waiting for something/someone.

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

Ethnographic Research Observations

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• Most people who come in are alone and leave after buying a drink.

• Two people coming in together, a boy and a girl. The girl is talkative and seems out of place among the rest of the customers.

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

Ethnographic Research Observations

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• Two new girls sit across from me. Whisper to each other as though the people who are not talking will be listening to them.

• Both of these girls stay in their coats. They are talking but staring at their phones, not making eye contact.

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

Ethnographic Research Observations

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Students in the Library Café

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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• Library café is much more quiet.

• More people studying.

• Most listening to headphones.

• Those buying coffee leave quickly.

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

Ethnographic Research Observations

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Student sits alone and listens to music in Library Café.

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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• One girl has papers spread unorganized across a table and is drinking iced coffee.

• Boy on iPad has headphones in and his lunch of a burrito bowl taking up much of his table.

• Not many people buying coffee.

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

Ethnographic Research Observations

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Student does work, listens to music, and drinks coffee

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

• A boy and girl are talking to each other and seem out of place with the others.

• Girl consider skipping class because she is tired, but orders a coffee instead.

• As soon as the boy leaves, the girl puts on her headphones.

Ethnographic Research Observations

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Ethnographic Research Findings

• Students uncomfortable being alone.

• Those who were alone made themselves look busy with work, headphones, phones, etc.

• Most seemed easily distracted or impatient, waiting for something to happen so they could leave or speak with someone else.

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Additional Research

“Patrons would visit their favorite coffeehouses several times a day to… talk to other coffee drinkers, both friends and strangers. Some coffeehouses specialized in discussion of particular topics, like science, politics, literature or shipping. As customers moved from one to the other, information circulated with them.”http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/23/opinion/sunday/social-networking-in-the-1600s.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Additional Research

“Reduced interaction with fellow citizens probably only reinforces a person’s own beliefs.”http://www.economist.com/blogs/democracyinamerica/2012/09/socialising-america

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Additional Research

“If you’re a social person, it means you like to spend time with other people. But this definition conflicts with today's concept of social networking, in which we interact primarily with screens rather than with people.”http://mashable.com/2011/12/22/real-world-social-networking/

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Proposal for an Innovative Business

A space for young professionals to connect and share creative ideas with others in their area who they would not otherwise have the opportunity to meet.

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Proposal for an Innovative Business

Provides a topic of conversation as well as a meeting location for individuals to utilize the networking tool.

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Proposal for an Innovative Business

A young creative with an idea for a startup finds a professional partner to enhance their business plans.

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Existing Taglines

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Existing Taglines

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Existing Taglines

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Image Research

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Image Research

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Image Research

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Image Research

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Image Research

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Image Research

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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New Tagline

Innovation at Work

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Manipulated Background Image for Tagline

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Final Tagline Study

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Workings and Output

• Creative individuals• Use service to connect with others• Provided topic• Provided location• Innovative ideas created• New network contacts

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Diagram Sketches

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Diagram Sketches

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Diagram Sketches

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein

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Final Diagram

Amanda Bentley Professor Klinkowstein