edge.rit.eduedge.rit.edu/content/P15280/public/MSD II/Documentation... · Web viewThere are two...

HOT WHEELZ GUI INSTRUCTION MANUAL Contents: Page 1 GUI Screen Shot Page 2 Description of Manual Mode Page 3 Description of Automated Mode Page 4 Description of Start, Stop, Reset Buttons, and Test Progress Text Box Page 4 Before Opening GUI Page 5 Emergency Stop – Non Responsive GUI When Test in Progress Page 6 Manual Mode Operation Page 7 Automated Mode Operation Page 8 Closing Procedure Page 9 Appendix A: Viewing Collected Data Page 10 Appendix B: Verifying COM Port GUI Instruction Manual Revision 2

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Page 1: edge.rit.eduedge.rit.edu/content/P15280/public/MSD II/Documentation... · Web viewThere are two modes – Manual Mode and Automated Mode. In Manual Mode the user is able to vary the



Page 1 GUI Screen Shot

Page 2 Description of Manual Mode

Page 3 Description of Automated Mode

Page 4 Description of Start, Stop, Reset Buttons, and Test Progress Text Box

Page 4 Before Opening GUI

Page 5 Emergency Stop – Non Responsive GUI When Test in Progress

Page 6 Manual Mode Operation

Page 7 Automated Mode Operation

Page 8 Closing Procedure

Page 9 Appendix A: Viewing Collected Data

Page 10 Appendix B: Verifying COM Port

GUI Instruction Manual Revision 2

Page 2: edge.rit.eduedge.rit.edu/content/P15280/public/MSD II/Documentation... · Web viewThere are two modes – Manual Mode and Automated Mode. In Manual Mode the user is able to vary the

Figure 1: Screen Capture of Graphical User Interface

Description of GUI Functionality

There are two modes – Manual Mode and Automated Mode. In Manual Mode the user is able to vary the throttle position, linear acceleration rate (LAC), and RPM of the dyno in real time. In Automated mode the user is able to apply a simulation profile with predetermined test parameters and execute them with the click of a button.

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Page 3: edge.rit.eduedge.rit.edu/content/P15280/public/MSD II/Documentation... · Web viewThere are two modes – Manual Mode and Automated Mode. In Manual Mode the user is able to vary the

Manual Mode Description

Throttle Position Slider

This slider is able to vary the voltage applied to the controller, which results in the Hot Wheelz motor spinning. When manual mode is started, the default value outputted is 0.5 V, because this is the minimum required by the controller to get the Hot Wheelz motor to spin. The first three ticks of the slider are the dead zone – these correspond to an output of 0.5 V. Each additional tick after the third adds 0.25 V to the throttle voltage. The maximum voltage output is limited to 5 V.

RPM Text Box and Buttons

The RPM text box allows the user to set the angular velocity at which the dyno motor will spin. The dyno control system operates by speed control and when the RPM is set, it should be seen when applied no matter what the Hot Wheelz motor throttle position is set to. The RPM value is input as an integer. The minimum value is 100 and the max is 999.

The apply button takes the value inputted into the text field and sends the set point to the dyno controller. The user can repeatedly send new set points by entering a value and clicking apply.


The LAC is the linear acceleration rate of the dyno. For example, if the angular velocity is set to 100rpm and the LAC is set to 39 and a new set point of 178 rpm is applied, it will take two seconds to make the transition because the units of the LAC are RPM/sec. The minimum value is 39 and the maximum is 539. The default value is set to 39 (first tick). Each additional tick adds 50 to the LAC. The LAC will only be applied after the user lets go of the mouse.

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Page 4: edge.rit.eduedge.rit.edu/content/P15280/public/MSD II/Documentation... · Web viewThere are two modes – Manual Mode and Automated Mode. In Manual Mode the user is able to vary the

Automated Mode Description

When Automated Mode is selected, the Simulation Profile text box will be enabled. The format of the simulation profile is best described through an example profile. The profile must be at least one lines for it to function correctly. The example profile can be seen below.

100 500 100 005050 200 039 010025 150 100 007025 200 100 005

- The Throttle Position, RPM, Linear Acceleration Rate, and Duration are inputted in order.- The format is XXX_XXX_XXX_XXX. The values are separated by a single space.- The first XXX represents the Throttle Position, expressed as a percentage (010-100).- The second XXX represents the dyno RMP (100-999).- The third XXX represents the Linear Acceleration Rate (LAC) (039-539).- The fourth XXX represents the duration the above parameters are applied for (005-999).- Ensure that at least one line is filled and there are no empty lines at the bottom.- Each integer value must take up 3 spaces, for example, 5 must be written as 005.

Once the start button is clicked, the GUI will check the inputted values and if they are within range the Automated Mode will begin, else a message box will be displayed indicating an error. There can be no empty lines for the profile to pass inspection. The user must confirm that the text cursor is located to the right of the last duration value before starting or an error will be displayed.

When the test begins, the Hot Wheelz and dyno motors will be brought up to speed before applying the first simulation profile. As the duration of each profile expires the GUI will apply the next profile in line and will continue to do so until the last one has expired. The dyno control system operates by speed control and when the RPM is set, it should be seen when applied no matter what the Hot Wheelz motor throttle position is set to. After the execution of the last profile, the Hot Wheelz motor and dyno will come to a stop, a test complete message will be shown, and the serial communication between the dyno controller and GUI will be closed.

Start Button

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Page 5: edge.rit.eduedge.rit.edu/content/P15280/public/MSD II/Documentation... · Web viewThere are two modes – Manual Mode and Automated Mode. In Manual Mode the user is able to vary the

When clicking this button it is expected that the equipment is set up and the user is ready to begin the test. Clicking the start button will make the GUI connect to the dyno through RS232 communication. If the interlock status bar is red, clicking start will force a message box to be displayed indicating that the interlock needs to be reset. The test will be able to begin given that the interlock status bar is green.

Stop Button

By clicking the stop button the user forces the dyno and Hot Wheelz motors to stop spinning, i.e. the “dyno off” command is sent to the dyno controller as well as a voltage of 0 V is set for the throttle. Additionally, the serial port between the GUI and dyno controller is closed.

Reset Button

This button must be pressed whenever the user wants to begin a test and the interlock status bar is red. The interlock status bar becomes red when one of the E-Stops is activated. Activating any of the E-Stops will cause both the dyno and Hot Wheelz motors to come to a complete stop. Once the E-Stops are reset the user will be able to hit the Reset Button to clear the fault and begin the test.

Test Progress Text Box

This text box will display any relevant information the user might want to be aware of. Such as whether or not the serial connection was able to be made.

Before Opening GUI

1. Confirm that all other systems are ready.

2. Verify that the USB-to-Serial connecter is plugged into the correct USB port (see Appendix B) and that the computer and dyno controller are connected.

3. Confirm that the DAQ is turned on and plugged into the computer.

4. Confirm that the Hot Wheelz motor spins in the clock wise direction (when looking at the dyno from the entrance).

6. Confirm that the folder titled HotWheelz_GUI is located on the desktop.

7. Do not start GUI if the above requirements are not met.

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Page 6: edge.rit.eduedge.rit.edu/content/P15280/public/MSD II/Documentation... · Web viewThere are two modes – Manual Mode and Automated Mode. In Manual Mode the user is able to vary the

Emergency Stop

Non Responsive GUI When Test in Progress

The user is able to activate the E-Stop switches at any point while the GUI is open. Activating causes a test in progress to come to a stop and the Hot Wheelz motor and dyno motor are brought to a complete stop.

There may arise a situation where the computer freezes and the GUI is not responsive. In the event this occurs the E-Stop switch is connected to the Hot Wheelz system directly as well as through software. Activating the E-Stop in the case of application freeze will still stop the Hot Wheelz motor; however the dyno motor will remain active. To bring the dyno motor to a stop the user must interact with the manual controls of the dyno controller. Refer to the steps below to manually stop the dyno motor.

Step 1: Hit the MASTER Button

Step 2: Hit the DYNE OFF button

GUI Instruction Manual Revision 2 5

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Manual Mode Operation

Open GUI, be patient, it may take some time to open up.

Step 1: Select the Manual radio button located at the top left of GUI.

Step 2: Ensure that the Interlock Status bar is green.

If red – Ensure all E-Stops are in the up position and that the NI-DAQ is on and hit the reset button

Step 3: Hit the start button

- GUI will attempt to connect to dyno controller.- 0.5 V will be applied to the throttle, i.e. the minimum amount required for the Hot

Wheelz motor to begin spinning.- Dyno motor will limit the RPM to 150 by default- MATLAB window will begin to display sensor data.

Step 4: Vary the Throttle or dyno angular velocity

The load can be adjusted in two ways:

1. Keep the dyno angular velocity constant and vary the throttle position2. Keep the throttle position constant and vary the dyno angular velocity

Step 5: When complete hit the Stop button

- Dyno and Hot Wheelz motor will come to a stop - GUI will close serial connection with dyno controller

Step 6: View and Delete the MATLAB CSV file (see Appendix A)

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Page 8: edge.rit.eduedge.rit.edu/content/P15280/public/MSD II/Documentation... · Web viewThere are two modes – Manual Mode and Automated Mode. In Manual Mode the user is able to vary the

Automated Mode Operation

Step 1: Select the Automated radio button located at the top left of GUI.

- The simulation profile text field will be enabled

Step 2: Input a simulation profile

- The Throttle Position, RPM , Linear Acceleration Rate, and Duration are inputted - Input each value by a space. ex. XXX XXX XXX XXX - The first XXX represents the Throttle Position, expressed as a percentage (000-100)- The second XXX represents the dyno RMP (100-999)- The third XXX represents the Linear Acceleration Rate (LAC) (039-500)- The fourth XXX represents the duration the above parameters are applied for - Each value is separated by a space - Ensure that at least 5 lines are filled in and there are no empty lines at the bottom

Step 3: Ensure that the Interlock Status bar is green.

If red – Ensure all E-Stops are in the up position and that the NI-DAQ is on and hit the reset button

Step 4: Hit the Start Button

- The simulation profile will be inspected to ensure the values inputted are within range and in the correct format

- GUI will attempt to connect to dyno controller- 0.5 V will be applied to the throttle, i.e. the minimum amount required for the Hot Wheelz

motor to begin spinning- MATLAB window will begin to display sensor data- The profile will be applied and stepped through - Once the last profile has completed the test will stop and the Hot Wheelz motor and dyno

will come to a stop.

Step 5: View and Delete the MATLAB CSV file (see Appendix A)

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Closing Procedure

The current setup of the GUI does not close completely as the user hits the X in the upper right. Although the MATLAB and GUI windows disappear additional steps need to be performed to ensure proper shutdown.

Step 1: Click the X at the top right of the GUI, The GUI and MATLAB window should close

Step 2: Start the task manager by pressing the ctr + alt + delete buttons at the same time

Step 3: Once the task manager is displayed select the processes tab

Step 4: Find MATLAB.exe under the Image Name column, select it and hit the End Process button

Step 5: A window will appear, hit the End Process button

Step 6: Find Hot Wheelz Test Bench.exe under the Image Name column, select it and hit the End Process Button

Step 7: A window will appear, hit the End Process button

Step 8: Close the Task Manager. Procedure complete.

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Appendix A: Viewing Collected Data

*Note: In order for the GUI to operate properly, the folder titled HotWheelz_GUI must be located on the desktop and must contain the sub directory titled Matlab_Files, which contains the necessary MATLAB scrips required for data collection and graphing.

Every time the user hits the start button and data is collected, a file titled shape_metrics.csv will be created within the Matlab_Files directory.

After a test is completed, this file will need to be deleted (or relocated) in order to prevent another test to append more data to it.

To view the data:

Step 1: Navigate to the desktop

Step 2: Open the folder titled HotWheelz_GUI

Step 3: Open the folder titled Matlab_Files

Step 4: Open the file titled shape_metrics.csv using excel (depending on the amount of data points acquired it may need to be opened in MATLAB)

The format is as follows

Column 1: Time

Column 2: Unscaled DC Current

Column 3: Unscaled AC Voltage

Column 4: Unscaled AC Current

Column 5: E-Stop Voltage

Column 6: Unscaled DC Voltage

Column 7: Thermocouple 0 (in Fahrenheit)

Column 8: Thermocouple 1 (in Fahrenheit)

Column 9: Torque (in ft-lbs)

Column 10: Angular Velocity (in RPM)

To delete file: Right click on file and select delete. It will automatically be regenerated the next time a test is performed.

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Appendix B: Verifying COM Port

In order for the GUI to properly connect to the dyno controller, the USB-to-Serial adapter must be plugged into the USB port which corresponds to COM 4. To verify, follow the procedure below.

Step 1: Click the Windows Start button in the lower left part of the window

Step 2: Type Device Manager in the search bar

Step 3: Select Device Manager shown in the results

Step 4: Expand the Ports (COM & LPT) tab, you should see “Prolific USB-to Serial Comm Port (COM4)” present

If “Prolific USB-to Serial Comm Port” is present but the COM number isn’t 4, remove the USB to serial adapter from the USB port and plug it into a different one. Repeat steps 1-4 to check whether or not the correct the adapter is plugged into the correct USB port. Repeat process until “Prolific USB-to Serial Comm Port (COM4)” is present.

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