EDGAR ALLAN POE A brief biography Master of Horror and… Father of the Detective Story -Edgar Poe...

EDGAR ALLAN POE A brief biography

Transcript of EDGAR ALLAN POE A brief biography Master of Horror and… Father of the Detective Story -Edgar Poe...

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Slide 2 EDGAR ALLAN POE A brief biography Slide 3 Slide 4 Master of Horror and Father of the Detective Story -Edgar Poe was born in Boston on January 19 th, 1809. -His parents, both actors, had many problems of their own. -His father, an alcoholic, abandoned the family when Edgar was still a toddler, leaving his mom, who was dying of tuberculosis, pregnant with a third child. Slide 5 The Early Years TB (tuberculosis) is a disease that attacks the lungs. It is contagious and can be fatal. When Edgar was 3, his beloved mother died of TB. Mr. and Mrs. Allan of Richmond, Virginia, friends of the Poes, adopted Edgar. While Mrs. Allan had always longed for a child, Mr. Allan saw Edgar as a nuisance or a bother. Poe entered college at the University of Virginia. Since Mr. Allan did not provide Poe with enough money, Poe began to gamble for more. He quickly fell into debt and was sent home. http://www.poemuseum.org/poes_life/poe_in_richmond.html Slide 6 Poes Military Career When Poe returned home, Mrs. Allan gave him money she had saved, and he used it to get to Boston, which was the place for those who dreamed of becoming writers. Poes money ran out and he was forced to enlist in the army for income. Military officers recommended that Poe be transferred to West Point, an elite military academy. Once at West Point, he went into debt, could not pay back the money he owed, broke rules, and was dismissed from the academy. Slide 7 Poes Family and Marriage While in the army, Poes adopted mom died. Mr. Allan did notify him, but not in time to attend the funeral. After leaving West Point, Edgar moved in with his Aunt, Maria Clemm, his natural fathers sister. His older brother lived there too, but soon died of TB. Poe was working for the editor of a magazine and things were looking up. His Aunt Maria even gave permission to Edgar to marry her daughter, his cousin, Virginia. She was just 13 at the time. Poe was 26. http://knowingpoe.thinkport.org/person/amity.asp http://knowingpoe.thinkport.org/person/amity.asp http://www.eapoe.org/balt/poehse.htmhttp://www.eapoe.org/balt/poehse.htm Slide 8 Edgars Life WOE is POE! Edgars drinking problem caused him to lose his job, forcing Edgar and Virginia to wander around, going from city to city. He lost every job he had because of his drinking and gambling habits. Poes worst turn came when his beloved Virginia suffered a long, painful death. The same dreaded disease (TB) that killed his mother and brother also took the life of his wife. Slide 9 Life after Virginias Death Virginias death nearly killed Poe. He and Virginia had been very happy together and were very much in love. Friends noticed a huge change in Poe after Virginias death: deep depression, thoughts of suicide, his drinking worsened, and many suspected drug abuse. It was during this time, however, that much of his best work was written! http://knowingpoe.thinkport.org/person/amity.asp http://www.bronxhistoricalsociety.org/about/poecottage.html Slide 10 Poes Fame It is interesting to mention that Poe was not given much attention or respect as a writer at all until after his death. During his lifetime, writing did not make Poe a rich man. In fact, he lived most of his life as a very poor man struggling to make ends meet. Slide 11 Poes DEATH Poe was found unconscious on the steps of an abandoned hotel in the middle of the slums of Boston on October 3. 1849. Apparently he had drank and drugged himself into a deadly stupor. He never regained consciousness. He died at the age of 40 on October 7, 1849. http://www.poemuseum.org/poes_life/death_myths.html Slide 12 Some of Poes Works The Fall of the House of Usher The Tell Tale Heart The Black Cat Annabel Lee The Raven The Bells The Pit and The Pendulum http://www.poemuseum.org/selected_works/red_death.html Slide 13 http://www.poemuseum.org/poes_life/timeline.html See a timeline of Poes life 1809-1849