Eczema Combined

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  • 8/6/2019 Eczema Combined


    *** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and shouldbe considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. *** an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

    TESTIMONIALSThese are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claimof medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should alwaysconsult your physician before beginning any treatment program. These letters have beenretyped from the originals to facilitate copying.

    For additional testimonials and to purchase products,

    check out our blog at

  • 8/6/2019 Eczema Combined


    *** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and shouldbe considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. *** an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

    Eczema customer-Prandy

    I am an aesthetician in the D.C. metro area and you actually have helped me with a distributor in California. I want to give

    you some things to talk to your customer about, since I see this condition regularly in preparing for facial treatments.

    Check your customer's diet. Many times there is a food allergy associated with this condition. A few of the top ones are

    dairy products, gluten,(table)sugar, soy, eggs, and nuts. They will have to omit which ever one it is totally from the diet,(no

    cheating), and become an excellent label reader due to the fact that the government allows certain hidden foods. Since

    allergies elevate the histamine levels and can cause inflammation, OPC-3 is excellent. Also, make sure they are getting the

    basic multi-vitamin and extra vit. C. The nutri-clean would be a good place to start if they are willing to change their diet.

    Just remind them of the "healing crisis" that might happen due to the detoxing. Aloe Vera juice for the enzymes in it

    should help as well. These are just a few ideas when dealing with this condition that I find help me, however, everyone is

    different. Hope this helps and is not too much info.

    Thanks for all you do.

    Judy P


    My daughter, Jenifer F, has had eczema all her life. Born with this malady, we found out after many years being told it is a

    food allergy that it is actually a skin disorder that is aggravated by certain things one touches or touches your skin. In her

    case, she was allergic to many food acids, fats, and even sugars. She became allergic to perfumes which are added to

    everything from laundry detergent, soaps, Kleenex, bathroom tissue, shampoos, makeup, on and on and on. Let alone, the

    actual perfume from a bottle. She had to spray that on her clothes, never on skin. Needless to say, doctors, doctors,

    doctors, and ointments, lotions, pills...............

    In August, as a favor to me she came to Greensboro, NC, to the National knowing nothing about our great company except

    that her wacky mom was involved. The minute she stepped off the plane I started her with our OPC3, Skintelligence, Vita

    Shield, OPC3 Triple Serum, and Royal Spa Products. She was with me for one week and by the time she went home, her

    eczema was not only gone, the long time bumps on the skin from repeated outbreaks were smoothing out. Within a

    month, she was smooth as a baby's skin and a new Market America Unfranchise Owner. I am proud to say she is moving a

    lot of product due to her personal testimonials. She lives in Seattle

    With the help of these wonderful products we were able to accomplish for her what no doctor has ever been able to do.

    Best wishes to any and all!

    Dona S, Unfranchise Owner


    I had it my entire life....(now age 40something)....until OPC3, Aloe, and Isochrome. The OPC3 took away 85%, added the

    Aloe and Isochrome...and it's gone for good. I had it all over my arms, legs, and sometimes face if using makeup. So, it's

    been great not to have to hide my hands, arms, etc...What a difference.Cindy H

    Enumclaw, Wa.


    One of my UFO's has a daughter who has had patches of eczema break out and itch. She tried the Aloe Gel but it only gave

    temporary relief. Then she started putting the Ultimate Aloe juice on it and also giving her a little to drink morning and

    night. It has cleared up all her patches and needless to say we have a very happy 6 year old now.

    Theresa T

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    *** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and shouldbe considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. *** an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

    Sugartown, LA


    Hi Everyone.

    I was wondering if anyone had any testimonials on Dyshydrotic Eczema. Its where the moisture stops absorbing in you

    hands. My hands get little blisters then they peel. Then it starts all over again. I went to the Doctors today he says that this

    is what I have on my hands. I have had it for 10 months.

    Since joining MA 2 months ago,I have been taking OPC3 and my hands have cleared some. It flares up from time to time.

    Some weeks better then others. I ordered ClearShield and Aloe Gel to start using. When I use lotion on my hands it makes

    it worse. Any help would be wonderful. Also Maybe Dr. Wilmer can tell me how I can stop this from happening.

    Lynne D



    I too had this problem ...mine started when I washing my children clothes out with harsh detergents (not MA's ) it went on

    for 6 months...I went to 3 doctor's I got steriod shots, which I then had to go off of OPC-3 no results then they put me oncoal tar treatments some results but still more layers and still blister's ..I used aloe gel and Clearshield som comfort but

    still blisters came up....when we were in Ocean City at Regional my sponsor gave me a bottle of our MA product Royal Spa

    Smooth as Silk

    Hydrating lotion...he said try this and see if it makes a difference I applied it every 10 minute's or so in 2 days my hands

    had healed to the point of no blisters...the old layers of damaged skin peeled off and the new fresh skin was normal !!! I

    called my Doctor and told her that my hands were healed and a $20 bottle of our Market America Lotion had healed them

    up...not sure if it will work for you but worth passing on ...I know how painful this is...It amazes me everyday how a new

    find of our products can be helpful ...I think the fact that our lotion fights free radicals helped my hands...good luck ...

    Alana L and John S Harrisburg area but in Team Psycho (Joel L group)out of York Springs

    P.S. I now use all our cleaners and I am sure this helps also...Don't like gloves




    My son gets this on his buttocks at times. We use Aloe gel to help it heal and if we know he is in contact with irritants (for

    example, he wears a "pull-up" to bed at night, I use clearshield first. OPC is a great additive of course. I think the topical

    application of the prior two products have helped him get under control.

    Good luck



    My Dad had eczema on his knees and elbows. He used ClearShield day and night and he said that the Aloe Gel, applied

    topically, relieved the dryness.

    SandiUFO Charlotte, NC


    The best product we have for eczema is the Aloe. It can be very helpful foe eczema at 1 -2 oz per day. I also combine over

    the counter Flax seed oil or evening primrose oil for the essential free fatty acids linoleic and lino lenic acids. These are

    used by the body for tissue ( hair, nails, skin, and hormone regulation). combined with zinc in mineral blast and Vit C. it a ll

    helps with tissue. The free fatty acid problems can be seen with not only eczema but also in persons with thin, splitting,

    cracking fingernails and thickened skin on the heels that gets fissured and cracked. Also finger tips that crack and split the

    skin during the winter. I certainly am confused regarding this water thing. Since 70% of our body's make up is of H2O,

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    *** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and shouldbe considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. *** an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

    water, the actual molecule is very inert and non reactive. Mucous membranes tend to swell every bit as much as the skin

    to allergins and perhaps even more so it is confusing in this girls case. It is impossible to know "every-thing" about this

    case just over the internet.

    Obviously there are many chemicals in our water and I would hope she had tried distilled , pure water not bottled water

    which has lots of impurities in it. Chlorine in the water will cause chemical reactions as well as some persons will break out

    with exposure to either cold or hot water due to some specific antibodies that are heat (or cold) based. I would certainly

    suggest a trial of OPC and aloe for anti allergy and immunity boost with good skin care nutrients vit C , zinc, vit E. and

    making sure good nutrition all together and challenge with pure distilled water after about 4 weeks. I am assuming she is

    seeing her doctor about this. good luck and let me know how it unfolds.

    Roger Spahr MD



    From my files

    Note: It's my understanding that children under 2 yrs. of age should not have strawberries. Maybe add the Cranberry-

    Apple (or Original, for very young) to juice or water instead.

    Subject: Re: Fw: Eczema Testimony?

    Hey Big Al,

    My daughter Nia was born with eczema on her chest. I was prescribed cetaphil skin cleanser. I did not want to use this on

    my 6 week old baby. I immediately started washing her chest with the Market America Aloe Juice twice a day. I would

    also put the MA Aloe Gel on her chest right after. Her skin smoothed out beautifully. When she was about 4 months she

    had a flare up. I continued the same routine with the Aloe Juice and Aloe Gel. I added giving her Strawberry Kiwi Aloe

    juice orally. I would only give her 1/2 a tsp once a day. My daughter is know 4 years old and Eczema free. Thanks Market

    America for the wonderful products that I can give my baby girl.

    LaWaun D

    My son had eczema head to foot when he was a baby. This was before I was in MA and tried many different things.

    Nothing helped. The doctor kept putting him on stronger and stronger creams, which I would have to use all over his

    body. The doctor told me there was nothing more they could do. He'd have to live with it.

    When he was 2 (the same time we started our business), we started him on OPC-3 and Might-A-Mins and saw a

    tremendous improvement. But, he still had problems with his ankles, inside of the elbow, his wrists and behind his knees.

    He'd continue to scratch his feet during the night, as he always did, until they bled.

    When Complete Greens came out, we tried that. Within days, all his eczema was gone. He loves Strawberry/Kiwi Aloe, so

    I mix the Aloe with one scoop of the Greens and 1 cap of Digestive Enzymes at his evening meal. If we do this every day,

    the eczema does not come back. If we don't give him this for a week - like on vacation - he starts getting red in the

    problems areas (elbows, ankles, wrists, knees).

    It's been amazing for him! He is now 6 years old and 50 lbs. I would double the Greens for an adult - and even try twice a

    day. Hope this helps.

    Sue G

    Market America Unfranchise Owner

    (Update/newer testimonial, Jan 07)

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    *** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and shouldbe considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. *** an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

    My son had eczema head-to-toe, even on his scalp. OPC-3 helped a lot, but when our powdered Greens product came

    out, that did the trick. If we go on vacation and get off our routine, the eczema comes back on the insides of his arms, by

    his elbows. A couple days on Greens gets him back to normal.

    He was so bad, he used to scratch his ankles all night until they bled. Now, his skin actually feels like skin. He is now 6

    years old. We started him on OPC-3 when he was 2 (when we started our business) and added Greens the moment it was


    We mix 1 cap of the Greens with about 3 oz of Strawberry/Kiwi Aloe and 1 cap of Digestive Enzymes (or sometimes B-12).

    It tastes really good he drinks it with a straw and has no problems.

    OPC-3 will help with help with her allergies to animals - I started our son on 1/2 a cap and built him up to 1 cap.

    Hope this helps!

    Sue G


    Eczema in Kids-Lori

    I have a child that has HAD severe eczema. We had gone to John Hopkins for many months and the only thing they couldgive her was steroids in forms of lotion and liquid medicine. (Needless to say, giving steroids to a child that is already high

    strung doesn't work) ....So I started with OPC, for the first 3 months then added might-a-mins, I lathered her with aloe

    gel and TRIED to get her to drink the aloe but, she fought me every time and still does!! I also added clear shield so

    nothing would get on her skin (example: clothing dye, residue from laundry detergent, chlorine, etc...........)

    We have been doing this for 2 1/2 years and I am proud to say she has no signs of it on her skin except when the seasons

    change or it's extremely dry out. This was a child that scratched till she bleed. She developed it when she was 2 and she is

    7 now. Thank God for our products. She is so thankful that she tells other children and parents about it also.

    Lori E

    Waynesboro, PA


    Eczema-Flu-Colds-Kids-Aloe Juice-Marcy

    Dec 6, 2008

    One of my distributor uses Ultimate Aloe for her daughter's ezcema aged 4 after bath. She uses it just like lotion.

    After she towels her dry, she dubs the Ultimate Aloe and she said that it helped the ezcema dried up. She's really happy

    with the Aloe Juice.

    My own experience with Ultimate Aloe:

    During the flu season, my kids (4 of them) would always get colds, sneezing and worse, flu. This season, our family

    managed not to use any tylenol, advil or flu and colds medication. I started making my kids take Ultimate Aloe when my

    son came home from school feeling sick - having signs of initial flu. Instead of giving him the usual medication, I asked him

    to take 2 caps of Aloe Juice. He did and took a nap. When he woke up he was feeling better. I asked him to take another

    capful. He was able to go to school the next day. After a month, my daughter had exactly the same experience. TookAloe Juice, rested and woke up feeling better.

    Also, there was an instance that my other son had upset stomach. He went to the washroom 2x in an hour. Made him

    take Aloe Juice, and he felt good after a while.

    I always have Pepto Bismol in my fridge. I haven't used it for months since my kids have started taking a capful of Aloe

    Juice everyday. The Pepto Bismol bottle is now somewhere in the garbage disposal.

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    *** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and shouldbe considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. *** an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

    My kids call me "Mom Aloe" because whenever they don't feel well, I tell them "Take Aloe". Well, can they blame me?

    Ultimate Aloe really works. Great for kids. Great for their immune system. And great for me because I dont

    have to "worry" about my kids getting sick all the time.




    My son had 2 patches on his head from the time he was a month old until 4 months old. It was on either side of this

    forehead and look as if we were about to sprout devils horns. Time Perscription Face Firming Misturizer woudl make it go

    away in 1 to 2 applications, but it would come back in about a week. I found out it was diet related; he was sensitive to

    cow milk which he was getting just though my own breast milk. When I cut out dairy it went away completely.

    Because it is often diet related, Digestive Enz and Aloe might really help it to not come back.

    Laura H


    OPC-3 Migraines-Hemmoroids-Energy-Eczema-Bernabe

    July 28, 2008I am a new Distributor and a user and believer of our products. I have felt a lot of changes in my health since I have been

    using OPC3 and ORAC for 3 months now. First, my migraine attacks are lesser and if I get them, the attacks are mild. I

    used to have migraine attacks almost every week and if I get them, I can't function. The last time I had the attack was in

    May and it was a mild attack. My hemmoroid problem is gone. I feel more energetic than usual. It's like feeling a lot


    So, knowing that our MA products do work, I gave a close friend a bottle of OPC3 for her to try. That was 3 weeks ago. She

    suffers from exzema for 13 years. It's on her hand and it has spread to her wrist and to half of her forearm. She felt really

    hopeless because no medication really helped her. She is a dentist so her exzema is even aggravated with the use of latex


    She and our circle of friends were at our house for BBQ yesterday. I asked how was the OPC3 working for her. She

    showed me her forearm. The eczema dried up and her hands also showed signs of drying up. Our circle of friends who

    knew her problem were witness to it. So when I talked about the benefits of OPC3, two of them even commented that

    they did notice a "glow" in me. They were so amazed that they all ordered MA products and 2 of them will be joining the


    It's really awesome that we have a business that could help a lot of people!

    Marcy B

    Mississauga, Ontari

    I have eczema since three with flare-up so bad that my school didn't let me go to class (back in the 60's). Steroid cream

    had been my blessing all these years until I learnt that it robbed my sight, height, threw my thyroid out of balance. And

    now, I am in my forties, the usual muscle, shoulder aches for the fifty something people, I am suffering from it. Other

    steroid users told me, my heart will have problem too (like my governor Arnold).

    Then a friend told my sister about OPC3 because of her excruciating pelvic pain from her car accident ten years ago (she

    missed her grave by 0.5 centimeter). OPC3, Glucosatrin bring her life back to normal (except when the weather changes,

    then she would feel some ache). I, in desperation of finding a steroid alternative, start using OPC3. It didn't help much.

    Chinese herbal help temporarily. By now, I have done a lot of study and realized that my system is loaded with toxin (at

    least from the steroid). I need to be diligent and consistent to detox and rebuild my system. Eat healthy and replenish my

    body with vitamins that steroid inhibited my body from getting. For others, OPC3, Aloe Juice and Aloe Gel work. With

    me, they don't seem to work that well. They couldn't stop the itch as

  • 8/6/2019 Eczema Combined


    *** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and shouldbe considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. *** an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

    quickly as the steroid. I often ended up resolving back to cortisone. But I continue my antioxidant/vitamin regimen. In a

    long run, my system will be cleaned up. I believe it will take quite some times because I started the steroid use at age


    Then, the Timeless Prescription comes. It is a God's sent miracle!

    Thank to Dr. Goldman and Dr. Klatz. When trying to cut down my dependence on cortisone during flare-up, I would often

    try the use of moisturizing

    cream to calm it down at the first onset. That day when I was putting on the Timeless Prescription basic daily trio on my

    face, I dabbed some on the back of my right knee (experimenting it!). By the end of the day, the itch calmed down.

    Believe me, I can tell if something works on that about to start flare-up!!!

    I continued for a week, not only the flare was gone but new baby-smooth skin replacing the old, thin, damaged skin. By

    week #2, the skin becomes thicker and no color difference (rather than thin, purple-reddish skin from the constant scratch

    & heal process).

    Out of curiosity, I on purposely started a flare-up by eating mango, shrimp and milk. I repeated the same procedure. Yes,

    it works on me.

    Try these: From the Timeless Prescription lines - First, Anti-Aging Essential: MDI Firming Activator; Second, FaceFirming Moisturizer with MDI Complex; Third, Ceramide II with Phosphatidylcholine and MDI Complex (a must!)

    Assuming you clean the area first.

    Good Luck! Ellen N


    It all starts with digestion! Have him start taking Aloe two caps a day, after a few days start on some digestive enzymes as

    directed, then B-12. You can also make up a poultice out of the digestive enzymes and place it directly on the effected

    areas. I would also use the skintellegence PH normalizer. Oh yea Fish Oils are crucial.

    Julie B


    My son had/has eczema every winter (9m, 21m, 33m). He is going to be 4 next month. No signs this month. I took care

    of the problem with Aloe gel and clear shield. I applied aloe gel first - let it dry then applied clear shield. It went away. I

    usually started it up when I get the first signs. His daycare had made me go to the dr. every year to verify it.

    Tammy L


    I am a distributor with MARKET AMERICA, I just recently found out that my 8 year old son has eczema on his buttocks and

    upper part on his back thighs. I took his to see his pediatrician to confirm my beliefs of this being eczema, which she did.

    She immediately wanted to prescribe him a steroidal cream and I expressed to her that I wanted to try a natural remedy

    using OUR aloe orally and topically. But she still wrote a prescription for the steroidal cream and I immediately ripped itup. I ordered my son a bottle of the Aloe and honestly, just 3 days after starting the aloe orally his eczema was almost

    totally healed. Right now it has been a little over two weeks of him just drinking 1 capful every day and the eczema is

    completely healed with no sign of it ever being there. We also just used some regular lotion on the area after he took his

    showers. I am just thankful we were able to take care of this as soon as possible before it had gotten too severe.

