Ecotourism Green Seal PBL Component

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Transcript of Ecotourism Green Seal PBL Component

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Mr. EstrellaGreen Seal & PBL

Green Seal is a non-profit organization whose mission is to use science-based programs to empower consumers, purchasers, and companies to create a more sustainable world. Green Seal aims to reduce, to the extent technologically and economically feasible, the environmental, health, and social impacts throughout the life-cycle of products, services, and companies. The standards may be used for conformity assessment, purchaser specifications, and public education.The Green Seal

Green Seal offers certification of products, services, and companies in conformance with its standards. The Green Seal

5 Key Areas of the Standard Environmental Requirements

The Green Seal

2.2 Energy efficiency, Conservation and ManagementEtc2.3 Management of Fresh Water ResourcesEtcThe Green Seal

2.4 Hazardous SubstancesEtc2.5 PurchasingEtcThe Green Seal

Green Seal Certified - What Is It?

Three Levels of AchievementBronze: entry level recognizes those with a strong foundation of sustainable practicesSilver level for those that have substantially reduced their environmental impact and practice at the leadership level of sustainable practicesGold level to recognize those who are moving the bar of leadership and practicing the top levels of sustainability. The Green Seal

BRONZE Level2.1 Waste Minimization, Reuse & RecyclingEstablish a recycling program for both guests and staff to recycle all materials accepted locallySet printer/copier default to double-sidedThe Green Seal

BRONZE LevelWaste MinimizationAvoid single-use products and purchase in bulk, especially concentrated cleaning productsWhere applicable: donate leftover food,minimize disposable foodservice itemsThe Green Seal

BRONZE Level2.2 Energy Efficiency, Conservation & ManagementWhen equipment is replaced, upgrade to energy efficient models for the following:The Green SealGreen Seal - How A Building Is Cleaned

Green Seal - Hotels Going Green

Ecotourism PBL ComponentPART-1A: Google Search for the Green Seal requirements (PDF) file.Download it and save it in your Google Docs Folder.

Ecotourism PBL ComponentPART-1B: Each group will turn in one typed paper that shows what you believe are the two most important items required from each category (2.1 to 2.5). So a total of 10. One page for the group. Type full names and periods of each group member on it.Due on

PART-2: Students will visit a non-green seal certificated lodging establishment. Students will make observations inside the establishment and note areas the establishment could improve on. You may ask the manager of the place for the answers if you are not allowed to see an area. Identify 3 items that can be improved from each of the following hotel areas (Lobby, Restaurant, Bathroom & Guest Room). Groups will make recommendations and explain the benefits of adopting eco-friendly practices to the establishment for each item.Type a paper total of 12 items. Student Names & Eco Period.Ex.Lobby1. Saw .Recommendation2. Saw Recommendation3.

PART-2: Ex.Restaurant1. Saw .Recommendation2. Saw Recommendation3. Bathroom123Guest Room123Due on

When Visiting the HotelDo not bring too many people. 2-3 people are okay.Do not be loud.Do not laugh out loud.Dont mess around.Dress appropriately!

PART-3: Each group will include three power point slides for the PBL presentation with first slide listing the 12 items you recommended improvements to the lodging establishment. You will give details as to what they have now, such as brand names and models if applicable, and what they could replace with.

Slide -1List of 12 items you identified as needing improvements. Include the Green Seal category number that best fits.Slide-2Location: ____One item identified that could be improved.

Recommendation with the Green Seal category number.Slide-2Location: ____One item identified that could be improved.

Recommendation with the Green Seal category number

Ex. 2.1.1 Reuse plastic bottles by cutting in half for cup use by guests.Ex. 2.1.1 Combine untouched food leftovers later in the day with new cooked meals to reduce waste.Ex. 2.3.1 Showers heads have a device that turns off water after 5 minutes of use.Ex. Replace their coffee maker with an energy star efficient Sanyo 34AP Coffee Maker to save on energy costs.EtcEcotourismGreen Seal 12 Recommendations for (name of your hotel)Slide-1

2.1.1 ReuseObservation: We saw a lot of plastic bottles being thrown away.Recommendation: Cut plastic bottles in half and use as cups in restaurant.

EcotourismGreen Seal Recommendations for (name of your hotel)Slide-2

2.1.1 ReuseObservation: We saw a lot of food being thrown away after guests finished eating.

Recommendation: Keep the good food and mix with new food.EcotourismGreen Seal Recommendations for (name of your hotel)Slide-3

What is Green Seal?What is a non-profit organization?What is Green Seals mission statement?What does Green Seal give a company?List three areas that Green Seal will look at?List three ways businesses can reduce waste.What are the three certifications that Green Seal gives? Describe each one. (3 points)

The Green Seal Review


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THE ENDThanks to:President Obama for letting us borrow Air Force 1Ronald Reagan for letting us borrow his library.Selma Hayek for just being herself.